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Andrew Kinstler andrewckinstler

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andrewckinstler /
Created February 11, 2020 17:50
React w/ Jest, Router, Redux

Creating a React App

  1. In the terminal run: npx create-react-app NAME-OF-APP
  2. Cd into the new directory: cd NAME-OF-APP
  3. Run: npm install.
  4. You can run npm start to see if the app was set up correctly.

Setup Redux

  1. npm i redux react-redux redux-devtools-extension -S
Template for DTR Memo
Group Member Names: Carla and Andrew
Goals and Expectations for the Project:
Carla: Create something functional that we are proud of.
Andrew: Keep strengthening my technical understanding of React Router.
Team strengths & collaboration styles:
C: Consistent communication, try to keep everyone on the same page

Pairin tells me that I'm an 'intuitive-conceptual' thinker, that I'm a 'maverick' with an 'I get you' attitude that 'loves wisdom and knowledge'. I think it can be bizarre letting a website tell me who I am, but I can see how it helps to have a diving board, so I'll bite.

Currently that means that I'm flexing my 'lover of wisdom and knowledge' muscle. In 10, shockingly short, weeks I have done things, technically, that I had no idea were even concepts. Socially, I'm a lot less awkward and afraid of not knowing something.

Writing a third act at this point in time would be an excercise in futility. I have no idea what I'm even looking for right now, I'm not going to attempt to gaze into a crystal ball.

I came to Turing because I felt that I had ticked most of the boxes that I needed to in my previous career, and I wanted to invest my time into something else that I have been passionate about for awhile. It wasn't a hard leap for me. I love change and the thought of never having to go back to where I was be

andrewckinstler / img
Created October 4, 2019 05:00
img gist

Template for DTR Memo

Group Member Names: Jesse Maxim, Andrew Kinstler

What feedback did you get on Dog Party today? What was your biggest takeaway?

J: N/A A: Organizing code.

andrewckinstler /
Last active July 31, 2019 22:08 — forked from damwhit/
Mod 0 Technical Assessment Checklist


Part I: Creating Directories and Files; Initializing Git and Pushing to GitHub

  • I named my directories correctly.
  • I named my files correctly.
  • I structured my files and directories correctly.
  • I made only one initial commit.
  • I pushed my initial commit to GitHub.

Gear Up


Empathy is one of the backbones to my moral structure. Everyone comes from a different place and that needs to be acknowleged. Empathy has given me the mindset to respect not only others, but also myself, which I think is something that isn't talked about enough. It's foresight to see what someone else might be going through, this is advantageous on many fronts, including working on a team or talking to strangers on the street. It helps in development because something that is often not thought about outside of this industry is accessibility. There are a TON of deaf or blind internet users and they should have access to the internet also. One of the biggest moments where empathy in a team setting has helped me was when I was working very closely with a pregnant woman. There were intense mood swings and freak outs, but I was always able to approach all of it with a level head because I knew that there was pain going on that I could never understand. It changes you, and subsequen

Career Development


My greatest strength, in my eyes, is my adaptability. I have always been the kind of person to actively seek to change situations that aren't working, or get out of those situations however I need to. I find that I work best in environments that have opportunities to be individual but also collaborative. I love working with people, but sometimes I really need the headroom to accomplish tasks on my own. I guess I like to talk through thoughts and concepts and implement those conversations in my own ways. I sometimes think that this should make me look like a very open, easy-going person, but I think that that is not always the case, and that I may be viewed at times as bored or smug. I hope to keep refining my organization skills and forward thinking because these are skills that are going to apply to my everyday life and will make my work-flow much more managable and consistent. ![pairin img](

Class: Cell phone
Battery_percentage (float)
Case (boolean)
Brand (String)
Size (string)
Storage_capacity (integer)
1 Starting a campfire
1.1 Prepare area
1.1.1 Clear debris Figure out where you want to clear Go to car Get broom Go back to area Sweep debris away
1.1.2 Set ring Decide what size stones you need