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Andrew P andrewp-as-is

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andrewp-as-is /
Last active October 12, 2021 19:45
Docker stop all containers #docker
sudo docker ps -q | xargs -r sudo docker stop
mmillar-bolis /
Created November 23, 2020 07:46
A Quick Little Script to Force Disable Certain LaunchDaemons in macOS
# I have managed to map out some undesirable daemons and agents. Most of these
# can be disabled without too much consequence.
## Daemons
# - Anonymized application analytics daemon
# - Feedback Assistant Helper Daemon
# - Apple Wide Area Connectivity Service Daemon
# - Apple TimeMachine service
andrewp-as-is / Docker base
Last active October 11, 2021 08:45
Docker base image
sudo docker login --username username
# Dockerfile required
sudo docker build -t username/python:3.8-alpine-psycopg2 .
sudo docker push username/python:3.8-alpine-psycopg2
spacelatte / gists.graphql
Last active August 28, 2023 11:48
github api v4 gists query graphql
query gistquery($name: String = "pvtmert", $count: Int = 100, $field: GistOrderField = UPDATED_AT, $sort: OrderDirection = DESC, $privacy: GistPrivacy = ALL) {
user(login: $name) {
gists(first: $count, orderBy: {field: $field, direction: $sort}, privacy: $privacy) {
nodes {
owner {
andrewp-as-is /
Last active October 14, 2021 10:56
macOS Wi-Fi #macos
/usr/sbin/networksetup -getairportpower en1 # On/Off
/usr/sbin/networksetup -getairportpower en1 | grep -iq "On"
# /usr/sbin/networksetup -setairportpower en0 on
# /usr/sbin/networksetup -setairportpower en0 off
export PATH="/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources":$PATH
airport -s
jamesluberda /
Created June 20, 2018 01:07
Simple User Gists Query Using GitHub GraphQL API (v4 API)

I couldn't find any examples of gists queries using GraphQL--most GraphQL examples seem to focus on traditional repositories--so here is one. As a preface, I cannot recommend strongly enough, at least when getting started, developing queries using the GitHub GraphQL Explorer. I initially started by issuing queries via curl, constructing them using the docs available on the site and a downloaded copy of the schema. Unfortunately, I ended up with errors that I couldn't quite parse. I knew, for example, from the schema, the possible field values for ordering gists. However, whenever I tried to use one of those values, the API returned that it was invalid, like so:

{"data":null,"errors":[{"message":"Argument 'orderBy' on Field 'gists' has an invalid value. Expected type 'GistOrder'.","locations":[{"line":1,"column":48}]}]}"

When I finally turned to the Explorer, I discovered that not only was the value I was using correct (field: CREATED_AT), thanks to its auto

__type(name:"Repository") {
fields {
type {
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popravich / PostgreSQL_index_naming.rst
Last active March 25, 2024 12:42
PostgreSQL index naming convention to remember

The standard names for indexes in PostgreSQL are:


where the suffix is one of the following:

  • pkey for a Primary Key constraint;
  • key for a Unique constraint;
  • excl for an Exclusion constraint;
  • idx for any other kind of index;