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Last active December 29, 2023 07:49
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Save andrewroberts/21bc8b1b3fc7d3b40e6b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Google Apps Script that merges the values from a Google Spreadsheet into a Google Doc template (does a mail merge) to create a GDoc or PDF. More details can be found at Go to if you would like me to set it up for you.
// Create a PDF by merging values from a Google spreadsheet into a Google Doc
// ==========================================================================
// Demo GSheet & script -
// Demo GDoc template - 1QnWfeGrZ-86zY_Z7gPwbLoEx-m9YreFb7fc9XPWkwDw
// Config
// ======
// GDoc Template
// -------------
// Replace this with ID of your template document: ""
// var GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID = ''
var GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID = '1QnWfeGrZ-86zY_Z7gPwbLoEx-m9YreFb7fc9XPWkwDw' // Demo template
// PDF File or GDoc
// ----------------
// If set to false the merged file is left as a GDoc
// true or false
var PDF_FILE_CREATE = true
// New Merged File Name
// --------------------
// You can specify a name for the new PDF file here, or leave empty to use the default name
// of the form "Merge - [YYYYMMdd_hhmmss].pdf", e.g. "Merge - 20200431_112132.pdf".
// Alternatively one of the columns can be used to name the new file
// This has priority over NEW_FILE_NAME, set to '' to ignore
// Set to '' to ignore, '.pdf' will be added on
var NEW_FILE_NAME = ''
var NEW_FILE_NAME_DEFAULT = 'Merge' // + timestamp
// Email
// -----
// Specify the column header to use for email and whether or not to send emails
// true or false
var EMAIL_SEND = false // true or false
var EMAIL_FIELD_NAME = 'Email'
var EMAIL_SUBJECT = 'The email subject ---- UPDATE ME -----'
var EMAIL_BODY = 'The email body ------ UPDATE ME ---------'
// PDF Folder
// ----------
// Specify the ID of the folder that the PDF will be put into
var NEW_FOLDER_ID = ''
// Code
// ====
function onOpen() {
.createMenu('Mail Merge')
.addItem('Merge data from active row to create new file', 'mailMerge')
* Take the fields from the active row in the active sheet
* and, using a Google Doc template, create a PDF doc with these
* fields replacing the keys in the template. The keys are identified
* by being wrapped in curly brackets, e.g. {{Name}}.
* @return {Object} the completed PDF file
function mailMerge() {
var copyFile = null
var activeRowIndex = null
var activeRowValues = null
var headerRow = null
var copyBody = null
var copyDoc = null
var newFile = null
var recipient = null
var newFileName = null
var newFileFolder = null
var ui = getUi()
if (!gotGDocTemplate()) {return}
if (isHeaderRow()) {return}
// Private Functions
// -----------------
function getUi() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi()
return {
UI: ui,
TITLE: 'Create PDF',
BUTTONS: ui.ButtonSet.OK
function getSheetData() {
copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById(GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID).makeCopy()
var copyId = copyFile.getId()
copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyId)
copyBody = copyDoc.getActiveSection()
var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
var numberOfColumns = activeSheet.getLastColumn()
activeRowIndex = activeSheet.getActiveRange().getRowIndex()
var activeRowRange = activeSheet.getRange(activeRowIndex, 1, 1, numberOfColumns)
activeRowValues = activeRowRange.getDisplayValues()
headerRow = activeSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, numberOfColumns).getValues()
function gotGDocTemplate() {
if (GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID !== '') {return true}
ui.UI.alert(ui.TITLE, 'GDOC_TEMPLATE_ID needs to be defined in', ui.BUTTONS)
return false
function isHeaderRow() {
if (activeRowIndex <= 1) {
ui.UI.alert(ui.TITLE, 'Select a row below the header row.', ui.BUTTONS)
return true
} else {
return false
function replacePlaceholders() {
for (var columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < headerRow[0].length; columnIndex++) {
var nextHeader = headerRow[0][columnIndex]
// Replace any non-alphanumeric values in the header and make it case-insenstive
var nextPlaceholder = '(?i){{' + nextHeader.replace(/[^a-z0-9\s]/gi, ".") + '}}'
var nextValue = activeRowValues[0][columnIndex]
if (EMAIL_SEND && nextHeader.toLowerCase() === EMAIL_FIELD_NAME.toLowerCase()) {
recipient = nextValue
nextHeader.toLowerCase() === HEADER_TO_USE_FOR_FILE_NAME.toLowerCase()) {
newFileName = nextValue
copyBody.replaceText(nextPlaceholder, nextValue)
function locateNewFile() {
var copyFileParentFolder = copyFile.getParents().next() // Assume just one parent
if (NEW_FOLDER_ID !== '') {
newFileFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(NEW_FOLDER_ID)
} else {
newFileFolder = copyFileParentFolder
var blob = copyFile.getAs('application/pdf')
newFile = newFileFolder.createFile(blob)
} else {
newFile = copyFile
if (NEW_FOLDER_ID !== '') {
// make an orphan
// then add to new folder, so never in two places
} else {
// The file is already in the right place
} // mailMerge.locateNewFile()
function setFileName() {
if (newFileName === null) {
throw new Error('Could not find header "' + HEADER_TO_USE_FOR_FILE_NAME + '" for file name')
} else {
if (NEW_FILE_NAME !== '') {
newFileName = NEW_FILE_NAME
} else {
var timeZone = Session.getScriptTimeZone()
newFileName = NEW_FILE_NAME_DEFAULT + ' - ' + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), timeZone, 'YYYYMMdd_hhmmss')
newFileName = newFileName + (PDF_FILE_CREATE ? '.pdf' : '')
function sendEmail() {
if (recipient === null) {return}
{attachments: [newFile]})
ui.UI.alert(ui.TITLE, 'New file emailed to ' + recipient + '.', ui.BUTTONS)
function displayFinalDialog() {
var message = 'the same folder as this GSheet'
if (NEW_FOLDER_ID !== '') {
message = '"' + newFileFolder.getName() + '" folder'
var userInterface = HtmlService
'<a href="' + newFile.getUrl() + '" target="_blank">' +
'New file "' + newFileName + '" created in ' + message + '.</a>')
ui.UI.showModalDialog(userInterface, ui.TITLE)
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I am not getting where to click and how to generate pdf can someone please show the step in image.

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If i want to protect this pdf file by any password. What can i use for that?

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Tamarissa commented Dec 8, 2019

This is great... works awesome and will save me so much time making contracts now. Thank you so much for creating and sharing this script! I just have to remember to click on row 2 to start...

I have 2 questions that would make it even better for me though:

  1. How can this be set up to create the PDF with the File Name of the template (like it currently does) and a company name from the spreadsheet ('ClientName' is the column header)? And would this also prevent it from having a 'Copy of' at the front like it currently does?
    ie - File Name - Company
  2. How can you change where the file is saved? I'd like it to save to somewhere other than the main My Drive folder.
    ie - My Drive / Business / Administration / Client Files

I tried to figure it on my own, but all I did was break the whole thing...

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andrewroberts commented Dec 9, 2019

Hi Tamarissa,

Setting the file name

Where the headers are being processed, in the loop between 59 and 63:

if (headerRow[0][columnIndex] === 'ClientName') { var clientName = activeRow[0][columnIndex] }

And anywhere after activeSheet is defined:

var sheetName = activeSheet.getParent().getName()

Then to set the name replace 71 to 74 with

newFile.setName(sheetName + ' - ' + clientName)

Setting location

// Assuming there is only one folder called "Client Files" that you have access to
DriveApp.getFoldersByName("Client Files").next().addFile(newFile)

If you share your script with me ( I can check it over for you.

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activeRow = activeSheet.getRange(activeRowIndex, 1, 1, numberOfColumns).getDisplayValues()

This fixed that issue for me

Fantastic tip!

Wish I'd remembered it earlier - I've just spent ages creating a formatString() function!

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Thanks, @AlbertTCB, so much for your effort & for sharing the script. It's a great script and works like a charm. I've just one more question.
How can I have an option to select multiple rows simultaneously to create a PDF for them instead of choosing just one row?

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Thank you so much @andrewroberts for this. It works great at my end - just a few hiccups.

My Google sheets generates PDF successfully, then i shared the Google sheets as an Editor with someone with a Google account and they granted Sheets & scripts all account access.

When they click on "create PDF" they get the following error:
Exception: No item with the given ID could be found. Possibly because you have not edited this item or you do not have permission to access it

How do people that have editor access to the sheets be able to create PDF ?

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andrewroberts commented Apr 25, 2022 via email

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viknedus commented May 2, 2022

@andrewroberts it worked! I gave them editor access to the template doc and pdf folders. God bless you🙌🏾

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