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Created October 26, 2013 18:22
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# A Cucumber environment file that sets up a test target API to use Faraday
# for full HTTP communication
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'rspec'
require 'faraday'
require 'json_spec/cucumber'
# A wrapper around HTTP communication and setup of our JSON API for
# the purposes of test requests.
class TargetAPI
# setup an HTTP connection object that can be used across tests
def conn
@c ||= base_url, :ssl => {:verify => false} do |f|
f.request :basic_auth, '', 'api-auth-token-for-tests'
f.adapter :net_http
def base_url
@base_url ||= "https://#{domain}/"
# Configures receiver to be a target API endpoint appropriate for the suite
# of API specification tests.
# Returns :ready if setup succeeded.
def setup
# Set up fixtures or any backend stuff needed for your target JSON API
def domain
# json_spec support
def last_json
Feature: Give us a JSON API
Scenario: Basic JSON API compliance
Given a REST API accessible account
When the client requests GET /accounts/336
Then the response status should be 200
And the JSON at "accounts" should be an array
And the JSON at "accounts" should have 1 entry
Scenario: Account attributes
Given a REST API accessible account
When the client requests GET /accounts/336
Then the JSON should have the following:
| accounts/0/id | "336" |
| accounts/0/name | "Example account" |
| accounts/0/type | "accounts" |
| accounts/0/description | null |
And the JSON at "accounts/0/createdTime" should not be null
Scenario: Account email attributes
Given a REST API accessible account
When the client requests GET /accounts/336
Then the JSON at "accounts/0/emails" should be an array
And the JSON at "accounts/0/emails/0" should be:
"isPrimary": true,
"name": "email",
"value": ""
Scenario: tags relationship
Given a REST API accessible account
When the client requests GET /accounts/336
Then the JSON at "accounts/0/links/tags" should be [ "19", "24" ]
And the resource link at "links/accounts.tags/href" should have the path /tags/{accounts.tags}
And the JSON at "links/accounts.tags/type" should be "tags"
Scenario: Changing the name of an account
Given a REST API accessible account
When the client requests PATCH /accounts/336 with the body:
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/accounts/0/name", "value": "Some other name" }
Then the response status should be 204 No Content
When the client requests GET /accounts/336
Then the JSON at "accounts/0/name" should be "Some other name"
source ""
# tests
gem "rspec", "~> 2.13.0"
gem "cucumber", "~> 1.3.2"
# HTTP requests
gem "faraday", "~> 0.8.7"
# easier JSON testing
gem "json_spec", "~> 1.1.1"
gem "json"
# Example Cucumber HTTP step definitions
Given(/^a REST API/) do
@rest_api =
expect(@rest_api.setup).to eq(:ready)
When(/^the client requests GET \/(.*)$/) do |path|
@last_response = @rest_api.conn.get path
When(/^the client requests DELETE \/(.*)$/) do |path|
@last_response = @rest_api.conn.delete path
When /^the client requests PATCH \/(.*) with the body:$/ do |path, body|
@last_response = @rest_api.conn.patch do |req|
req.url path
req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json'
req.body = body
Then(/^the response status should be (\d+)(?:.*)$/) do |status_code|
expect(@last_response.status).to eq(status_code.to_i)
# Handy for asserting that a JSON API link is included in some response JSON
Then(/the resource link at "(.*)" should have the path \/?(.*)$/) do |path, relative_url|
expect(@last_response.body).to be_json_eql("\"#{@rest_api.base_url}#{relative_url}\"").at_path(path)
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This is an approach that works well for us, too.

We've rolled more or less this Faraday setup into our gem. Mind you, API testing with Faraday is barely necessary to simplify. Most of the code there makes watir usage a little less painful.

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