Setup a local Apache + PHP + MySQL + DnsMasq + PHPSwitcher environment using Homebrew on Mac OSX High Sierra that supports multiple versions of PHP and a self signed SSL certificate.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew update
Unload original OSX apache
sudo apachectl stop
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist 2>/dev/null
brew install httpd24 --with-privileged-ports --with-http2
Load new Apache version at startup (2.4.34) in this case.
sudo cp -v /usr/local/Cellar/httpd/2.4.34/homebrew.mxcl.httpd.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
sudo chown -v root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.httpd.plist
sudo chmod -v 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.httpd.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.httpd.plist
Make sure all http instances have been stopped before going on.
sudo apachectl -k stop
ps -aef | grep httpd
sudo apachectl -k start
Check for errors.
tail -f /usr/local/var/log/httpd/error_log
Modify httpd.conf and test Apache.
sudo nano /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
Edit File.
DocumentRoot /Users/YourLocalUser/Sites/active-projects
AllowOverride All
Edit User
User YourLocalUser
Group staff
Save File. Then mkdir ~/Sites/active-projects
Create an index page in new webroot.
echo "<h1>Active Projects Web Root</h1>" > ~/Sites/active-projects/index.html
brew install php@5.6
brew install php@7.0
brew install php@7.1
brew install php@7.2
You may have the need to tweak configuration settings of PHP to your needs.The php.ini files for each version of PHP are located in the following directories:
Switch to php5.6 to test
brew unlink php@7.2 && brew link --force --overwrite php@5.6
Quick php version test.
php -v
Edit /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
<If Module dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
<FilesMatch \.php$>
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
We can only have one module processing PHP at a time, so for now, add all versions then comment out all but the php56 entry:
LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/opt/php@5.6/lib/httpd/modules/
#LoadModule php7_module /usr/local/opt/php@7.0/lib/httpd/modules/
#LoadModule php7_module /usr/local/opt/php@7.1/lib/httpd/modules/
#LoadModule php7_module /usr/local/opt/php@7.2/lib/httpd/modules/
Create an index.php page in new webroot.
echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" > ~/Sites/active-projects/index.php
Test it.
sudo apachectl -k restart
Open browser http://localhost/
curl -L > /usr/local/bin/sphp
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sphp
It's IMPORTANT at this stage to fully stop the Apache sever, and start it again. Do not just restart it!
sudo apachectl -k stop
sudo apachectl start
Homebrew should have added its preferred /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin to your path as part of its installation process. Quickly test this by typing:
echo $PATH
After you have completed these steps, you should be able to switch your PHP version by using the command sphp followed by a two digit value for the PHP version:
sphp 5.6
sphp 7.0
sphp 7.1
sphp 7.2
You will need to switch to each of your installed PHP versions and run update again to get updates for each PHP version and ensure you are running the version of PHP you intend.
brew update
brew ugrade
Information on php version.
brew info php@7.2
Apache already comes preconfigured to support this behavior but it is not enabled.
First you will need to uncomment the following lines in your httpd.conf file:
sudo nano /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
LoadModule vhost_alias_module libexec/
Include /usr/local/etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
and add the following entries to httpd-vhosts.conf:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/Users/YourLocalUser/Sites/active-projects"
ServerName localhost
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/Users/YourLocalUser/Sites/active-projects/myproject.test"
ServerName myproject.test
Make the directory
mkdir ~/Sites/active-projects/myproject.test
brew install dnsmasq
echo 'address=/.test/' > /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
sudo brew services start dnsmasq
sudo mkdir -v /etc/resolver
sudo bash -c 'echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolver/test'
Test it!
ping fakedomain.test
Switch to PHP 5.6 mode, then run the following brew commands to install autoconf:
sphp 5.6
brew install autoconf
Then you can install APCu via PECL.Using it requires a little more manual work than before when these packages were available via a single one-line brew install command.
pecl channel-update
pecl install apcu-4.0.11
Remove the extension="" entry that PECL adds to the top of your php.ini. Edit this file and remove the top line:
sudo nano /usr/local/etc/php/5.6/php.ini
Add a new file with an entry to the recently built library:
sudo nano /usr/local/etc/php/5.6/conf.d/ext-apcu.ini
In this file paste the following:
Restart Apache with sudo apachectl -k restart
For PHP 7.0 and above use the 5.x release of APCu. Switch to PHP 7.0 and install the APCu library:
sphp 7.0
pecl uninstall -r apcu
pecl install apcu
Restart Apache with sudo apachectl -k restart
For PHP 7.1, repeat steps but use 7.1 instead of 7.0:
sphp 7.1
pecl uninstall -r apcu
pecl install apcu
and for PHP 7.2:
sphp 7.2
pecl uninstall -r apcu
pecl install apcu
cd /usr/local/etc/httpd
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -out server.crt
Modifications to your httpd.conf:
sudo nano /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
In this file you should uncomment both the socache_shmcb_module
, ssl_module
, and also the include for the httpd-ssl.conf
by removing the # on those lines:
LoadModule socache_shmcb_module lib/httpd/modules/
LoadModule ssl_module lib/httpd/modules/
Next change the 8443 port to a standard 443. Open the SSL config file:
sudo nano /usr/local/etc/httpd/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
Listen 8443
replace with:
Listen 443
then find:
<VirtualHost _default_:8443>
# General setup for the virtual host
DocumentRoot "/usr/local/var/www"
and replace the 8443 references with 443 and change the paths:
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
# General setup for the virtual host
DocumentRoot "/Users/YourLocalUser/Sites/active-projects"
ServerName localhost:443
After saving this file, open up your /usr/local/etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
to add SSL based virtual hosts.
sudo nano /usr/local/etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Create a VirtualHost entry for each SSL virtual host.
<VirtualHost *:443>
DocumentRoot "/Users/YourLocalUser/Sites/active-projects"
ServerName localhost
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile "/usr/local/etc/httpd/server.crt"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "/usr/local/etc/httpd/server.key"
Test it.
sudo apachectl configtest
sudo apachectl -k restart
brew install mysql
Start the MySql server:
brew services start mysql
Configure your MySql installation with a root password:
Test that MySql is installed and configured:
mysql -u root -p
Exit mysql
Tweak my.cnf as needed.