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Andrew Wiik andrewwiik

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andrewwiik / Packix Feature List - Week 9 -
Created February 29, 2020 16:11
Packix Feature List for the 9th Week of 2020

Multi-tenant Refunds

Developer(s) have requested to be able to assign other users to have the ability to handle their refunds and this would satisfy that request.

Improved Split Payout System

This would allow splits beyond the currently supported 50/50 split. We still will require developer's to contact Packix to enable a split on a package.

Bug Fixes in Developer Dashboard

Users have reported their being bugs with adding a change list to a package, the page currently becomes unresponsive.

Fix refund escalations

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andrewwiik / Packix Charity Month - First
Last active July 1, 2019 05:48
This is a description of the charities included in the first Packix charity vote.

The vote can be found here


BeatNB Focuses on fighting Neuroblastoma Cancer which is the most common cancer in infants. Its founder Kyle used to run the ModMyi Repository. website

HRC (The Human Rights Campaign)

As the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Americans, the Human Rights Campaign represents a force of more than 3 million members and supporters nationwide — all committed to making HRC's vision a reality. website

Packix Plus Plan

With Packix V2 sales we now collect sales tax for all countries and states Hashbang is registered to collect sales tax in, this includes the EU, U.S, and the AU. If you are not registered to collect sales tax in all the above countries your packages must be sold using the plus plan as it is illegal to collect sales tax without being registered and also illegal to not collect sales tax.

The plus plan charges you 25% of your sales or 8% after our payment processors fees if the processor's fees are greater than 25%. You will be paid out twice a month with each payment consisting of all sales that have no paid to you 20 days prior to the payout date.

If you are legally registered to collect sales tax in all those countries/states and give us proof you will be allowed to sell on the standard plan which is 10% after processor fees.

Until further notice all packages will sold on the plus plan.

andrewwiik / example.js
Created April 24, 2019 14:31
Add Tracking Info to a PayPal Transaction
Possible Carrier Codes:
andrewwiik /
Last active September 28, 2018 10:08
Packix accouncement

Packix Announcement

Starting in 2 weeks (14 days) all Packix Sellers will be required to pay 10% of their future sales so we can maintain the service and ensure each seller is paying their fair share for it. The 10% will be applied after PayPal fees. Packix server bills alone are not cheap and while Packix is worked on we cannot develop our own tweaks to sell to cover the bills. We have spent a lot of time recently working on improving Packix and have dumped well over 200+ hours in the past month into the project. The 10% of your sales will be invoiced to you in the Packix Dashboard on the 2nd and 16th of each month. You will then have 7 days to pay the invoice via a PayPal payment button. If the payment is not made within 7 days of being invoiced your future sales will be frozen until your past invoices are paid. You may at any point request an invoice if you would like to pay your invoices quicker on your own schedule.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding,

The Packix Team

andrewwiik /
Last active March 14, 2022 10:41
Packix DRM API

Packix DRM API

Packix now has a DRM API that tweak developers can hit from their servers to verify purchases for DRM reasons. You will need to send the package identifier ( thing), device UDID, device Model (like iPhone7,2) and a developer access key you have generated in the Packix Developer Portal under "Developer->Keys". You should always use your server as an inbetween with the packix DRM API as to not reveal your developer access key that you generated.

The endpoint is:

POST Get Information on whether the UDID and Device Model own the package


andrewwiik /
Created July 18, 2018 10:42
Packix 2 -3 week plan
  • Remove download count from public pages
  • Cache package depiction pages more aggresively
  • Maybe cache .debs in memcached?
  • Look into weird .deb serving issues (cydia crashes and them being placed in the rootFS on download)
  • Decide whether .deb will continue to be stored in GridFS or whether I should move to another solution
  • Let developers hide a specific package version
  • Let developers transfer purchases,gifts, and coupon codes from on package to another
  • Fix package depiction link button in admin dashboard
  • Look into stripe integration for developers
  • If I have time build a totally online process for developer sign up to remove Twitter DM signup
andrewwiik /
Last active December 25, 2021 12:23
Packix Developer Setup

Packix Free Developer Setup

If you plan on submitting paid tweaks please follow the paid guide down above

STEP 1 - Become Packix Developer

The Packix Maintainers will need your Packix Account ID, this can be found on your Packix account page under your name. You need to DM your account ID to @iospackixrepo. Once they let you know that they have added you as a developer you can continue to the next step.

STEP 6 - Finish Becoming Packix Developer

After we add you as a developer you will need to follow the banner on the top of Packix Developer Panel and fill out your Developer Information, this is what your customers will see. This is the link to the Developer Info to fill our your Developer Info: