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Created December 17, 2011 22:48
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  • Save andrewxhill/1491677 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andrewxhill/1491677 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A temporary fix to to work with current PostGIS HEAD
#! /usr/bin/env python
# $Id: 7038 2011-04-15 17:56:46Z jorgearevalo $
# This is a simple utility used to dump GDAL dataset into HEX WKB stream.
# It's considered as a prototype of raster2pgsql tool planned to develop
# in future.
# For more details about raster2pgsql tool, see Specification page:
# The script requires Python bindings for GDAL.
# Available at
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mateusz Loskot <>
# Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Pierre Racine <>
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jorge Arevalo <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import osr
import osgeo.gdalconst as gdalc
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
import binascii
import glob
import math
import numpy
import os
import sys
# Endianness enumeration
NDR = 1 # Little-endian
XDR = 0 # Big-endian
# Default version of WKTRaster protocol.
# WARNING: Currently, this is the only valid value
# and option -w, --raster-version is ignored, if specified.
g_rt_version = 0
# Default format of binary output is little-endian (NDR)
# WARNING: Currently, big-endian (XDR) output is not supported
# and option -e, --endian is ignored, if specified.
g_rt_endian = NDR
# Default name of column, overriden with -f, --field option.
g_rt_column = 'rast'
g_rt_catalog = ''
g_rt_schema = 'public'
def is_nan(x):
if sys.hexversion < 0x02060000:
return str(float(x)).lower() == 'nan'
return math.isnan(x)
def parse_command_line():
"""Collects, parses and validates command line arguments."""
prs = OptionParser(version="%prog $Revision: 7038 $")
# Mandatory parameters
grp0 = OptionGroup(prs, "Source and destination",
"*** Mandatory parameters always required ***")
grp0.add_option("-r", "--raster", dest="raster", action="append", default=None,
help="append raster to list of input files, at least one raster "
"file required. You may use wildcards (?,*) for specifying multiple files.")
grp0.add_option("-t", "--table", dest="table", action="store", default=None,
help="raster destination in form of [<schema>.]<table> or base raster table for overview level>1, required")
# Optional parameters - raster manipulation
grp_r = OptionGroup(prs, "Raster processing",
"Optional parameters used to manipulate input raster dataset")
grp_r.add_option("-s", "--srid", dest="srid", action="store", type="int", default=-1,
help="assign output raster with specified SRID")
grp_r.add_option("-b", "--band", dest="band", action="store", type="int", default=None,
help="specify number of the band to be extracted from raster file")
grp_r.add_option("-k", "--block-size", dest="block_size", action="store", default=None,
help="cut raster(s) into tiles to be inserted one by table row."
"BLOCK_SIZE is expressed as WIDTHxHEIGHT. Incomplete tiles are completed with nodata values")
grp_r.add_option("-R", "--register", dest="register", action="store_true", default=False,
help="register the raster as a filesystem (out-db) raster")
grp_r.add_option("-l", "--overview-level", dest="overview_level", action="store", type="int", default=1,
help='create overview tables named as o_<LEVEL>_<RASTER_TABLE> and '
'populate with GDAL-provided overviews (regular blocking only)')
# Optional parameters - database/table manipulation
grp_t = OptionGroup(prs, 'Database processing',
'Optional parameters used to manipulate database objects')
grp_t.add_option('-c', '--create', dest='create_table', action='store_true', default=False,
help='create new table and populate it with raster(s), this is the default mode')
grp_t.add_option('-a', '--append', dest='append_table', action='store_true', default=False,
help='append raster(s) to an existing table')
grp_t.add_option("-d", "--drop", dest="drop_table", action="store_true", default=False,
help="drop table, create new one and populate it with raster(s)")
grp_t.add_option("-f", "--field", dest="column", action="store", default=g_rt_column,
help="specify name of destination raster column, default is 'rast'")
grp_t.add_option("-F", "--filename", dest="filename", action="store_true", default=False,
help="add a column with the name of the file")
grp_t.add_option("-I", "--index", dest="index", action="store_true", default=False,
help="create a GiST index on the raster column")
grp_t.add_option("-M", "--vacuum", dest="vacuum", action="store_true", default=False,
help="issue VACUUM command against all generated tables")
grp_t.add_option('-V', '--create-raster-overviews', dest='create_raster_overviews_table',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='create RASTER_OVERVIEWS table used to store overviews metadata')
# Other optional parameters
grp_u = OptionGroup(prs, "Miscellaneous", "Other optional parameters")
grp_u.add_option("-e", "--endian", dest="endian", action="store", type="int", default=g_rt_endian,
help="control endianness of generated binary output of raster; "
"specify 0 for XDR and 1 for NDR (default); "
"only NDR output is supported now")
grp_u.add_option("-w", "--raster-version", dest="version",
action="store", type="int", default=g_rt_version,
help="specify version of raster protocol, default is 0; "
"only value of zero is supported now")
grp_u.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", action="store", default=sys.stdout,
help="specify output file, otherwise send to stdout")
grp_u.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
help="verbose mode. Useful for debugging")
(opts, args) = prs.parse_args()
# Validate options
if opts.create_table and opts.drop_table and opts.append_table:
prs.error("options -c, -a and -d are mutually exclusive")
if opts.create_table and opts.drop_table:
prs.error("options -c and -d are mutually exclusive")
if opts.create_table and opts.append_table:
prs.error("options -c and -a are mutually exclusive")
if opts.append_table and opts.drop_table:
prs.error("options -a and -d are mutually exclusive")
if (not opts.create_table and not opts.drop_table and not opts.append_table) or opts.drop_table:
opts.create_table = True
if opts.raster is None:
prs.error("use option -r to specify at least one input raster. Wildcards (?,*) are accepted.")
if opts.block_size is not None and len(opts.raster) != 1:
prs.error("regular blocking supports single-raster input only")
if opts.block_size is not None:
if len(opts.block_size.split('x')) != 2 and len(opts.block_size.split('X')) != 2:
prs.error("invalid format of block size, expected WIDTHxHEIGHT")
if opts.overview_level > 1 and opts.block_size is None:
prs.error("regular blocking mode required to enable overviews support (level > 1)")
if opts.create_raster_overviews_table and opts.overview_level <= 1:
prs.error('create table for RASTER_OVERVIEWS available only if overviews import requested')
# XXX: Now, if --band=Nth, then only Nth band of all specified rasters is dumped/imported
# This behavior can be changed to support only single-raster input if --band option used.
#if is not None and len(opts.raster) > 1:
# prs.error("option -b requires single input raster only, specify -r option only once")
if opts.table is None:
prs.error("use option -t to specify raster destination table")
if len(opts.table.split('.')) > 2:
prs.error("invalid format of table name specified with option -t, expected [<schema>.]table")
if opts.output is None:
prs.error("failed to initialise output file, try to use option -o explicitly")
if opts.version is not None:
if opts.version != g_rt_version:
prs.error("invalid version of WKT Raster protocol specified, only version 0 is supported")
prs.error("use option -w to specify version of WKT Raster protocol")
if opts.endian is not None:
if opts.endian != NDR and opts.endian != XDR:
prs.error("invalid endianness value, valid ones are 0 for NDR or 1 for XDR")
prs.error("use option -e to specify endianness of binary output")
return (opts, args)
def logit(msg):
"""If verbose mode requested, sends extra progress information to stderr"""
if VERBOSE is True:
def gdt2pt(gdt):
"""Translate GDAL data type to WKT Raster pixel type."""
pixtypes = {
gdalc.GDT_Byte : { 'name': 'PT_8BUI', 'id': 4 },
gdalc.GDT_Int16 : { 'name': 'PT_16BSI', 'id': 5 },
gdalc.GDT_UInt16 : { 'name': 'PT_16BUI', 'id': 6 },
gdalc.GDT_Int32 : { 'name': 'PT_32BSI', 'id': 7 },
gdalc.GDT_UInt32 : { 'name': 'PT_32BUI', 'id': 8 },
gdalc.GDT_Float32 : { 'name': 'PT_32BF', 'id': 10 },
gdalc.GDT_Float64 : { 'name': 'PT_64BF', 'id': 11 }
# XXX: Uncomment these logs to debug types translation
#logit('MSG: Input GDAL pixel type: %s (%d)\n' % (gdal.GetDataTypeName(gdt), gdt))
#logit('MSG: Output WKTRaster pixel type: %(name)s (%(id)d)\n' % (pixtypes.get(gdt, 13)))
return pixtypes.get(gdt, 13)
def pt2numpy(pt):
"""Translate GDAL data type to NumPy data type"""
ptnumpy = {
gdalc.GDT_Byte : numpy.uint8,
gdalc.GDT_Int16 : numpy.int16,
gdalc.GDT_UInt16 : numpy.uint16,
gdalc.GDT_Int32 : numpy.int32,
gdalc.GDT_UInt32 : numpy.uint32,
gdalc.GDT_Float32: numpy.float32,
gdalc.GDT_Float64: numpy.float64
return ptnumpy.get(pt, numpy.uint8)
def pt2fmt(pt):
"""Returns binary data type specifier for given pixel type."""
fmttypes = {
4: 'B', # PT_8BUI
5: 'h', # PT_16BSI
6: 'H', # PT_16BUI
7: 'i', # PT_32BSI
8: 'I', # PT_32BUI
10: 'f', # PT_32BF
11: 'd' # PT_64BF
return fmttypes.get(pt, 'x')
def fmt2printfmt(fmt):
"""Returns printf-like formatter for given binary data type sepecifier."""
fmttypes = {
'B': '%d', # PT_8BUI
'h': '%d', # PT_16BSI
'H': '%d', # PT_16BUI
'i': '%d', # PT_32BSI
'I': '%d', # PT_32BUI
'f': '%.15f', # PT_32BF
'd': '%.15f', # PT_64BF
's': '%s'
return fmttypes.get(fmt, 'f')
def parse_block_size(options):
assert options is not None
assert options.block_size is not None
wh = options.block_size.split('x')
if len(wh) != 2:
wh = options.block_size.split('X')
assert len(wh) == 2, "invalid format of specified block size"
return ( int(wh[0]), int(wh[1]) )
def quote_sql_value(value):
assert value is not None, "None value given"
if len(value) > 0 and value[0] != "'" and value[:-1] != "'":
sql = "'" + str(value) + "'"
sql = value
return sql
def quote_sql_name(name):
assert name is not None, "None name given"
if name[0] != "\"" and name[:-1] != "\"":
sql = "\"" + str(name) + "\""
sql = name
return sql
def make_sql_value_array(values):
sql = "ARRAY["
for v in values:
if type(v) == str:
sql += quote_sql_value(v) + ","
sql += str(v) + ','
sql = sql[:-1] # Trim comma
sql += "]"
return sql
def make_sql_schema_table_names(schema_table):
st = schema_table.split('.')
if len(st) == 1:
# TODO: Should we warn user that public is used implicitly?
st.insert(0, "public")
assert len(st) == 2, "Invalid format of table name, expected [<schema>.]table"
return (st[0], st[1])
def make_sql_full_table_name(schema_table):
st = make_sql_schema_table_names(schema_table)
table = "\"%s\".\"%s\"" % (st[0], st[1])
return table
def make_sql_table_name(schema_table):
st = schema_table.split('.')
assert len(st) == 1 or len(st) == 2, "Invalid format of table name, expected [<schema>.]table"
if len(st) == 2:
return st[1]
return st[0]
def make_sql_drop_table(table):
% make_sql_full_table_name(table)
logit("SQL: %s" % sql)
return sql
def make_sql_drop_raster_table(table):
st = make_sql_schema_table_names(table)
if len(st[0]) == 0:
target = "'', '%s'" % st[1]
target = "'%s', '%s'" % (st[0], st[1])
sql = "SELECT DropRasterTable(%s);\n" % target
logit("SQL: %s" % sql)
return sql
def make_sql_create_table(options, table = None, is_overview = False):
if table is None:
table = options.table
if options.filename:
sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (rid serial PRIMARY KEY, \"filename\" text);\n" \
% (make_sql_full_table_name(table))
if options.overview_level > 1 and is_overview:
sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (rid serial PRIMARY KEY, %s RASTER);\n" \
% (make_sql_full_table_name(table), quote_sql_name(options.column))
sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (rid serial PRIMARY KEY, rast raster);\n" \
% (make_sql_full_table_name(table))
logit("SQL: %s" % sql)
return sql
def make_sql_create_gist(table, column):
gist_table = make_sql_table_name(table)
target_table = make_sql_full_table_name(table)
logit("MSG: Create GiST spatial index on %s\n" % gist_table)
sql = "CREATE INDEX \"%s_%s_gist_idx\" ON %s USING GIST (st_convexhull(%s));\n" % \
(gist_table, column, target_table, column)
logit("SQL: %s" % sql)
return sql;
def make_sql_addrastercolumn(options, pixeltypes, nodata, pixelsize, blocksize, extent):
assert len(pixeltypes) > 0, "No pixel types given"
ts = make_sql_schema_table_names(options.table)
pt = make_sql_value_array(pixeltypes)
nd = 'null'
if nodata is not None and len(nodata) > 0:
nd = make_sql_value_array(nodata)
odb = 'false'
if options.register:
odb = 'true'
rb = 'false'
extgeom = 'null'
bs = ( 'null', 'null' )
# Check if regular blocking mode requested
if options.block_size is not None:
assert pixelsize is not None, "Pixel size is none, but regular blocking requested"
assert blocksize is not None, "Block size is none, but regular blocking requested"
assert extent is not None, "Extent is none, but regular blocking requested"
assert len(pixelsize) == 2, "Invalid pixel size, two values expected"
assert len(blocksize) == 2, "Invalid block size, two values expected"
assert len(extent) == 4, "Invalid extent, four coordinates expected"
assert len(extent[0]) == len(extent[3]) == 2, "Invalid extent, pair of X and Y pair expected"
rb = 'true'
bs = ( blocksize[0], blocksize[1] )
extgeom = "ST_Envelope(ST_SetSRID('POLYGON((%.15f %.15f,%.15f %.15f,%.15f %.15f,%.15f %.15f,%.15f %.15f))'::geometry, %d))" % \
(extent[0][0], extent[0][1], extent[1][0], extent[1][1],
extent[2][0], extent[2][1], extent[3][0], extent[3][1],
extent[0][0], extent[0][1], options.srid)
sql = "SELECT AddRasterColumn('%s','%s','%s',%d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %.15f, %.15f, %s, %s, %s);\n" % \
(ts[0], ts[1], options.column, options.srid, pt, odb, rb, nd,
pixelsize[0], pixelsize[1], bs[0], bs[1], extgeom)
logit("SQL: %s" % sql)
return sql
def make_sql_insert_raster(table, rast, hexwkb, insert_filename, file):
if insert_filename:
assert file is not None, "Missing filename, but insert_filename requested"
sql = "INSERT INTO %s ( filename, %s ) VALUES ( (\'%s\')::text, (\'%s\')::raster );\n" \
% (make_sql_full_table_name(table), rast, file, hexwkb)
sql = "INSERT INTO %s ( %s ) VALUES ( (\'%s\')::raster );\n" \
% (make_sql_full_table_name(table), rast, hexwkb)
# NOTE: Usually, no need for such detailed verbosity
#logit("SQL: %s" % sql)
return sql
def make_sql_create_raster_overviews(options):
schema = make_sql_schema_table_names(options.table)[0]
table = make_sql_full_table_name(schema + '.raster_overviews')
sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' + table + ' ( ' \
'o_table_catalog character varying(256) NOT NULL, ' \
'o_table_schema character varying(256) NOT NULL, ' \
'o_table_name character varying(256) NOT NULL, ' \
'o_column character varying(256) NOT NULL, ' \
'r_table_catalog character varying(256) NOT NULL, ' \
'r_table_schema character varying(256) NOT NULL, ' \
'r_table_name character varying(256) NOT NULL, ' \
'r_column character varying(256) NOT NULL, ' \
'out_db boolean NOT NULL, ' \
'overview_factor integer NOT NULL, ' \
'CONSTRAINT raster_overviews_pk ' \
'PRIMARY KEY (o_table_catalog, o_table_schema, o_table_name, o_column, overview_factor));\n'
return sql
def make_sql_register_overview(options, ov_table, ov_factor):
assert len(ov_table) > 0
assert ov_factor > 0
catalog = quote_sql_value('')
schema = make_sql_schema_table_names(options.table)[0]
r_table = make_sql_table_name(options.table)
sql = "INSERT INTO public.raster_overviews( " \
"o_table_catalog, o_table_schema, o_table_name, o_column, " \
"r_table_catalog, r_table_schema, r_table_name, r_column, out_db, overview_factor) " \
"VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', FALSE, %d);\n" % \
(catalog, schema, ov_table, options.column, catalog, schema, r_table, options.column, ov_factor)
return sql
def make_sql_vacuum(table):
sql = 'VACUUM ANALYZE ' + make_sql_full_table_name(table) + ';\n'
return sql
def calculate_overviews(ds, band_from = None, band_to = None):
assert ds is not None
if band_from is None:
band_from = 0
if band_to is None:
band_to = ds.RasterCount
assert band_to <= ds.RasterCount,'Failed checking band_to=%d <= RasterCount=%d' % (band_to,ds.RasterCount)
assert band_from <= band_to
nov = 0
for i in range(band_from, band_to + 1):
n = ds.GetRasterBand(i).GetOverviewCount()
if 0 == nov:
nov = n
assert n == nov, 'Number of raster overviews is not the same for all bands'
return nov
def calculate_overview_factor(ds, overview):
assert ds is not None
# Assume all bands have same layout of overviews
band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
assert band is not None
assert overview < band.GetOverviewCount()
ov_band = band.GetOverview(overview)
assert ov_band is not None
ovf = int(0.5 + ds.RasterXSize / float(ov_band.XSize))
logit('MSG: Overview factor = %d\n' % ovf)
return ovf
def collect_pixel_types(ds, band_from, band_to):
"""Collect pixel types of bands in requested range.
Use names of pixel types in format as returned
by rt_core function rt_pixtype_name()"""
pt =[]
for i in range(band_from, band_to):
band = ds.GetRasterBand(i)
pixel_type = gdt2pt(band.DataType)['name'][3:]
return pt
def collect_nodata_values(ds, band_from, band_to):
"""Collect nodata values of bands in requested range"""
nd = []
for i in range(band_from, band_to):
band = ds.GetRasterBand(i)
nodata = band.GetNoDataValue()
if nodata is not None and not is_nan(nodata):
return nd
def calculate_block_size(ds, band_from, band_to):
"""Size of natural block reported by GDAL for bands of given dataset"""
block_dims = None
for i in range(band_from, band_to):
band = ds.GetRasterBand(i)
assert band is not None, "Cannot access raster band %d" % i
dims = band.GetBlockSize()
# Assume bands with common block size
if i == band_from:
block_dims = dims
# Validate dimensions of bands block
if block_dims != dims:
logit("MSG: Block sizes don't match: %s != %s\n" % (str(block_dims), str(dims)))
assert block_dims is not None, "Failed to calculate block size"
return (int(block_dims[0]), int(block_dims[1]))
def calculate_grid_size(raster_size, block_size):
"""Dimensions of grid made up with blocks of requested size"""
# Exact number of grid dimensions
nx = float(raster_size[0]) / float(block_size[0])
ny = float(raster_size[1]) / float(block_size[1])
return ( int(math.ceil(nx)), int(math.ceil(ny)))
def calculate_block_pad_size(band, xoff, yoff, block_size):
"""Calculates number of columns [0] and rows [1] of padding"""
assert band is not None
xpad = 0
ypad= 0
block_bound = ( xoff + block_size[0], yoff + block_size[1] )
if block_bound[0] > band.XSize:
xpad = block_bound[0] - band.XSize
if block_bound[1] > band.YSize:
ypad = block_bound[1] - band.YSize
return (xpad, ypad)
def get_gdal_geotransform(ds):
assert ds is not None
gt = list(ds.GetGeoTransform())
return tuple(gt)
def calculate_geoxy(gt, xy):
"""Calculate georeferenced coordinate from given x and y"""
assert gt is not None
assert xy is not None
assert len(xy) == 2
xgeo = gt[0] + gt[1] * xy[0] + gt[2] * xy[1];
ygeo = gt[3] + gt[4] * xy[0] + gt[5] * xy[1];
return (xgeo, ygeo)
def calculate_geoxy_level(gt, xy, level):
# Update pixel resolution according to overview level
newgt = ( gt[0], gt[1] * float(level), gt[2], gt[3], gt[4], gt[5] * float(level) )
return calculate_geoxy(newgt, xy)
def calculate_bounding_box(ds, gt):
"""Calculate georeferenced coordinates of spatial extent of raster dataset"""
assert ds is not None
# UL, LL, UR, LR
dim = ( (0,0),(0,ds.RasterYSize),(ds.RasterXSize,0),(ds.RasterXSize,ds.RasterYSize) )
ext = (calculate_geoxy(gt, dim[0]), calculate_geoxy(gt, dim[1]),
calculate_geoxy(gt, dim[2]), calculate_geoxy(gt, dim[3]))
return ext
def check_hex(hex, bytes_size = None):
assert hex is not None, "Error: Missing hex string"
size = len(hex)
assert size > 0, "Error: hex string is empty"
assert size % 2 == 0, "Error: invalid size of hex string"
if bytes_size is not None:
n = int(size / 2)
assert n == bytes_size, "Error: invalid number of bytes %d, expected %d" % (n, bytes_size)
def dump_block_numpy(pixels):
assert pixels.ndim == 2
print 'BEGIN BLOCK SCANLINES (numpy): (%d, %d)' %(len(pixels[0]), len(pixels))
i = 0
for row in range (0, len(pixels)):
s = binascii.hexlify(pixels[row])
print '%d (%d)\t%s' % (i, (len(s) / 2), s)
i = i + 1
def fetch_band_nodata(band, default = 0):
assert band is not None
nodata = default
if band.GetNoDataValue() is not None:
nodata = band.GetNoDataValue()
logit("WARNING: No nodata flagged in raster_columns metadata. "
"In serialized raster, nodata bytes will have value of 0.\n")
return nodata
def wkblify(fmt, data):
"""Writes raw binary data into HEX-encoded string using binascii module."""
import struct
# Binary to HEX
fmt_little = '<' +fmt
hexstr = binascii.hexlify(struct.pack(fmt_little, data)).upper()
# String'ify raw value for log
valfmt = '\'' + fmt2printfmt(fmt[len(fmt) - 1]) + '\''
val = valfmt % data
logit('HEX (\'fmt=%s\', bytes=%d, val=%s):\t\t%s\n' \
% (fmt, len(hexstr) / 2, str(val), hexstr))
return hexstr
def wkblify_raster_header(options, ds, level, ulp, xsize = None, ysize = None):
"""Writes WKT Raster header based on given GDAL into HEX-encoded WKB."""
assert ds is not None, "Error: Missing GDAL dataset"
assert level >= 1
assert len(ulp) == 2 is not None, "Error: invalid upper-left corner"
if xsize is None or ysize is None:
assert xsize is None and ysize is None
xsize = ds.RasterXSize
ysize = ds.RasterYSize
# Collect GeoReference information
gt = get_gdal_geotransform(ds)
ul = calculate_geoxy(gt, (ulp[0], ulp[1]))
rt_ip = ( ul[0], ul[1] )
rt_skew = ( gt[2], gt[4] )
rt_scale = ( gt[1] * level, gt[5] * level )
# TODO: Any way to lookup for SRID based on SRS in WKT?
#srs = osr.SpatialReference()
# Burn input raster as WKTRaster WKB format
hexwkb = ''
### Endiannes
hexwkb += wkblify('B', options.endian)
### Version
hexwkb += wkblify('H', options.version)
### Number of bands
if is not None and > 0:
hexwkb += wkblify('H', 1)
hexwkb += wkblify('H', ds.RasterCount)
check_hex(hexwkb, 5)
### Georeference
hexwkb += wkblify('d', rt_scale[0])
hexwkb += wkblify('d', rt_scale[1])
hexwkb += wkblify('d', rt_ip[0])
hexwkb += wkblify('d', rt_ip[1])
hexwkb += wkblify('d', rt_skew[0])
hexwkb += wkblify('d', rt_skew[1])
hexwkb += wkblify('i', options.srid)
check_hex(hexwkb, 57)
### Number of columns and rows
hexwkb += wkblify('H', xsize)
hexwkb += wkblify('H', ysize)
check_hex(hexwkb, 61)
logit("MSG: Georeference: px = %s -> ul = %s \tresolution = %s \trotation = %s\n" \
% (str(ulp), str(rt_ip), str(rt_scale), str(rt_skew)))
return hexwkb
def wkblify_band_header(options, band):
"""Writes band header into HEX-encoded WKB"""
assert band is not None, "Error: Missing GDAL raster band"
hexwkb = ""
first4bits = 0
# If the register option is enabled, set the first bit to 1
if options.register:
first4bits = 128
nodata = band.GetNoDataValue()
# If there is no nodata value, set it to 0. Otherwise set the HasNodata bit to 1
if nodata is not None:
first4bits += 64
nodata = 0
# Encode pixel type
pixtype = gdt2pt(band.DataType)['id']
hexwkb += wkblify('B', pixtype + first4bits)
# Encode nodata value (or Zero, if nodata unavailable)
hexwkb += wkblify(pt2fmt(pixtype), nodata)
return hexwkb
def wkblify_band(options, band, level, xoff, yoff, read_block_size, block_size, infile, bandidx):
"""Writes band of given GDAL dataset into HEX-encoded WKB for WKT Raster output."""
assert band is not None, "Error: Missing GDAL raster band"
hexwkb = ''
if options.register:
# Off-db raster
# TODO: Do we want to handle options.overview_level? --mloskot
# TODO: Where bandidx and ds come from? --mloskot
# ANSWER: Provided by caller method --jorgearevalo
hexwkb += wkblify('B', bandidx - 1)
filepath = os.path.abspath(infile.replace('\\', '\\\\'))
logit('MSG: Out-db raster path=%s\n' % filepath)
hexwkb += wkblify(str(len(filepath)) + 's', filepath)
hexwkb += wkblify('B', 0)
# In-db raster
# Right most column and bottom most row of blocks have
# portions that extend beyond the raster
read_padding_size = calculate_block_pad_size(band, xoff, yoff, read_block_size)
valid_read_block_size = ( read_block_size[0] - read_padding_size[0],
read_block_size[1] - read_padding_size[1] )
if read_padding_size[0] > 0 or read_padding_size[1] > 0:
target_block_size = (valid_read_block_size[0] / level, valid_read_block_size[1] / level)
target_padding_size = (read_padding_size[0] / level, read_padding_size[1] / level)
target_block_size = block_size
target_padding_size = ( 0, 0 )
logit('MSG: Normalize read_block=%s for level=%d to valid_read_block=%s with padding=%s\n' % \
(read_block_size, level, valid_read_block_size, read_padding_size))
logit('MSG: Normalize target_block=%s for level=%d to valid_target_block=%s with padding=%s\n' % \
(block_size, level, target_block_size, target_padding_size))
logit('MSG: ReadAsArray( %d, %d, %s, %s)\n' % \
(xoff, yoff, str(valid_read_block_size), str(target_block_size)))
assert valid_read_block_size[0] > 0 and valid_read_block_size[1] > 0
assert target_block_size[0] > 0 and target_block_size[1] > 0
pixels = band.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, valid_read_block_size[0], valid_read_block_size[1],
target_block_size[0], target_block_size[1])
# XXX: Use for debugging only
out_pixels = numpy.zeros((block_size[1], block_size[0]), pt2numpy(band.DataType))
logit('MSG: Read valid source:\t%d x %d\n' % (len(pixels[0]), len(pixels)))
logit('MSG: Write into block:\t%d x %d\n' % (len(out_pixels[0]), len(out_pixels)))
if target_padding_size[0] > 0 or target_padding_size[1] > 0:
ysize_read_pixels = len(pixels)
nodata_value = fetch_band_nodata(band)
# Apply columns padding
pad_cols = numpy.array([nodata_value] * target_padding_size[0])
for row in range (0, ysize_read_pixels):
out_line = numpy.append(pixels[row], pad_cols)
out_pixels[row] = out_line
# Fill rows padding with nodata value
for row in range(ysize_read_pixels, ysize_read_pixels + target_padding_size[1]):
out_pixels = pixels
# XXX: Use for debugging only
hexwkb = binascii.hexlify(out_pixels)
return hexwkb
def wkblify_raster_level(options, ds, level, band_range, infile, i):
assert ds is not None
assert level >= 1
assert len(band_range) == 2
band_from = band_range[0]
band_to = band_range[1]
# Collect raster and block dimensions
raster_size = ( ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize )
if options.block_size is not None:
block_size = parse_block_size(options)
read_block_size = ( block_size[0] * level, block_size[1] * level)
grid_size = calculate_grid_size(raster_size, read_block_size)
block_size = raster_size # Whole raster as a single block
read_block_size = block_size
grid_size = (1, 1)
logit("MSG: Processing raster=%s using read_block_size=%s block_size=%s of grid=%s in level=%d\n" % \
(str(raster_size), str(read_block_size), str(block_size), str(grid_size), level))
# Register base raster in RASTER_COLUMNS - SELECT AddRasterColumn();
if level == 1:
if i == 0 and options.create_table:
gt = get_gdal_geotransform(ds)
pixel_size = ( gt[1], gt[5] )
pixel_types = collect_pixel_types(ds, band_from, band_to)
nodata_values = collect_nodata_values(ds, band_from, band_to)
extent = calculate_bounding_box(ds, gt)
#sql = make_sql_addrastercolumn(options, pixel_types, nodata_values,
# pixel_size, block_size, extent)
gen_table = options.table
# Create overview table and register in RASTER_OVERVIEWS
# CREATE TABLE o_<LEVEL>_<NAME> ( rid serial, options.column RASTER )
schema_table_names = make_sql_schema_table_names(options.table)
level_table_name = 'o_' + str(level) + '_' + schema_table_names[1]
level_table = schema_table_names[0] + '.' + level_table_name
if i == 0:
sql = make_sql_create_table(options, level_table, True)
sql = make_sql_register_overview(options, level_table_name, level)
gen_table = level_table
# Write (original) raster to hex binary output
tile_count = 0
hexwkb = ''
for ycell in range(0, grid_size[1]):
for xcell in range(0, grid_size[0]):
xoff = xcell * read_block_size[0]
yoff = ycell * read_block_size[1]
logit("MSG: --------- CELL #%04d\tindex = %d x %d\tdim = (%d x %d)\t(%d x %d) \t---------\n" % \
(tile_count, xcell, ycell, xoff, yoff, xoff + read_block_size[0], yoff + read_block_size[1]))
if options.block_size is not None:
hexwkb = '' # Reset buffer as single INSERT per tile is generated
hexwkb += wkblify_raster_header(options, ds, level, (xoff, yoff),
block_size[0], block_size[1])
hexwkb += wkblify_raster_header(options, ds, level, (xoff, yoff))
for b in range(band_from, band_to):
band = ds.GetRasterBand(b)
assert band is not None, "Missing GDAL raster band %d" % b
logit("MSG: Band %d\n" % b)
hexwkb += wkblify_band_header(options, band)
hexwkb += wkblify_band(options, band, level, xoff, yoff, read_block_size, block_size, infile, b)
check_hex(hexwkb) # TODO: Remove to not to decrease performance
sql = make_sql_insert_raster(gen_table, options.column, hexwkb, options.filename, infile)
tile_count = tile_count + 1
return (gen_table, tile_count)
def wkblify_raster(options, infile, i, previous_gt = None):
"""Writes given raster dataset using GDAL features into HEX-encoded of
WKB for WKT Raster output."""
assert infile is not None, "Input file is none, expected file name"
assert options.version == g_rt_version, "Error: invalid WKT Raster protocol version"
assert options.endian == NDR, "Error: invalid endianness, use little-endian (NDR) only"
assert options.srid >= -1, "Error: do you really want to specify SRID = %d" % options.srid
# Open source raster file
ds = gdal.Open(infile, gdalc.GA_ReadOnly);
if ds is None:
sys.exit('Error: Cannot open input file: ' + str(infile))
# By default, translate all raster bands
# Calculate range for single-band request
if is not None and > 0:
band_range = (, + 1 )
band_range = ( 1, ds.RasterCount + 1 )
# Compare this px size with previous one
current_gt = get_gdal_geotransform(ds)
if previous_gt is not None:
if previous_gt[1] != current_gt[1] or previous_gt[5] != current_gt[5]:
sys.exit('Error: Cannot load raster with different pixel size in the same raster table')
# Generate requested overview level (base raster if level = 1)
summary = wkblify_raster_level(options, ds, options.overview_level, band_range, infile, i)
SUMMARY.append( summary )
# Cleanup
ds = None
return current_gt
def main():
(opts, args) = parse_command_line()
global VERBOSE
VERBOSE = opts.verbose
global SUMMARY
saved_out = sys.stdout
if type(opts.output) is str:
filename = opts.output
opts.output = open(filename, "w")
# If overviews requested, CREATE TABLE raster_overviews
if opts.create_raster_overviews_table:
sql = make_sql_create_raster_overviews(opts)
# Base raster schema
if opts.overview_level == 1:
if opts.drop_table:
sql = make_sql_drop_raster_table(opts.table)
if opts.create_table and opts.overview_level == 1:
sql = make_sql_create_table(opts)
i = 0
# Burn all specified input raster files into single WKTRaster table
gt = None
for infile in opts.raster:
filelist = glob.glob(infile)
assert len(filelist) > 0, "No input raster files found for '" + str(infile) + "'"
for filename in filelist:
logit("MSG: Dataset #%d: %s\n" % (i + 1, filename))
# Write raster data to WKB and send it to opts.output
gt = wkblify_raster(opts, filename.replace( '\\', '/') , i, gt)
i += 1
if opts.index and SUMMARY is not None:
sql = make_sql_create_gist(SUMMARY[0][0], opts.column)
if opts.vacuum and SUMMARY is not None:
sql = make_sql_vacuum(SUMMARY[0][0])
# Cleanup
if opts.output != sys.stdout:
sys.stdout = saved_out
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print " Summary of GDAL to PostGIS Raster processing:"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
if i == 1:
m = '%d (%s)' % (i, infile)
m = '%d' % i
print "Number of processed raster files: " + m
print "List of generated tables (number of tiles):"
i = 0
for s in SUMMARY:
i += 1
print "%d\t%s (%d)" % (i, s[0], s[1])
if __name__ == "__main__":
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