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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save andrewxhill/8853590 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andrewxhill/8853590 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Madison workshop documents

Simple style

  line-color: #41006D;
  line-width: 2;
  line-opacity: 0.7;
  line-comp-op: screen;

Variable styling

  line-color: #41006D;
  line-width: 2;
  line-opacity: 0.7;
  line-comp-op: screen;
  [notlive = 1]{
	  line-width: 1;
      line-dasharray: 6, 2;
      line-comp-op: dst-atop;

Composite operations

  line-color: #41006D;
  line-width: 2;
  line-opacity: 0.7;
  line-comp-op: screen;
  [notlive = 1]{
	  line-width: 1;
      line-dasharray: 6, 2;
      line-comp-op: dst-atop;

More variable based styling

#cables [ capacity_g <= 80000] {
   line-width: 5;
#cables [ capacity_g <= 8000] {
   line-width: 3;
#cables [ capacity_g <= 800] {
   line-width: 1;

Zoom based styling

#cables [ capacity_g <= 80000] {
   line-width: 5;
   [zoom > 4] {line-width: 8;}
#cables [ capacity_g <= 8000] {
   line-width: 3;
   [zoom > 4] {line-width: 6;}
#cables [ capacity_g <= 800] {
   line-width: 1;
   [zoom > 4] {line-width: 4;}

Putting it all together

  line-color: #41006D;
  line-width: 2;
  line-opacity: 0.7;
  line-comp-op: screen;
#cables [ capacity_g <= 80000] {
   line-width: 5;
   [zoom > 4] {line-width: 8;}
#cables [ capacity_g <= 8000] {
   line-width: 3;
   [zoom > 4] {line-width: 6;}
#cables [ capacity_g <= 800] {
   line-width: 1;
   [zoom > 4] {line-width: 4;}
  [notlive = 1]{
	  line-width: 1;
      line-dasharray: 6, 2;
      line-comp-op: dst-atop;
      line-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);


cartodb.createVis('map', '')

note: createVis versus createLayer

Change it to your own Viz.json URL

Working with the native map

  map = vis.getNativeMap();

Note: in our examples so far, we are using Leaflet as the native map

Working with layers

var sublayer = layers[1].getSubLayer(0);

note: in createVis, layers[0] is the basemap

Adding an infobox

// Get the sublayer
var sublayer = layers[1].getSubLayer(0);

// Add interactivity

// Define which data columns are returned during interactivity
sublayer.setInteractivity('cartodb_id, url1, url2, distance_k');

// Define our infowindow 
var infobox = new cdb.geo.ui.InfoBox({
width: 300,
layer: layers[1].getSubLayer(0),
template: '<p class="cdb-infobox">Distance km: {{distance_k}}</p>'

// Add it to the HTML

Updating SQL on the fly

// Get the sublayer
var sublayer = layers[1].getSubLayer(0);

// Set a new style with a CartoCSS string
sublayer.setSQL("SELECT * FROM cables WHERE distance_k > 18000");

Updating CartoCSS on the fly

// Get the sublayer
var sublayer = layers[1].getSubLayer(0);

// Set a new style with a CartoCSS string
sublayer.setCartoCSS("#cables { line-color: lightgreen; } ");

Create a button to filter and change styles on the fly

Add a button to the html
    <div id="layer_selector" class="cartodb-infobox">
        <li id="change">Change to Choropleth</li>
Protip - store the CartoCSS as a <script>
<script type="cartocss/html" id="cartocss_area_template">
/** choropleth visualization */

  polygon-opacity: 0;
  line-color: #FF6600;
  line-width: 1;
  line-opacity: 0.8;
#cables [ capacity_g <= 80000] {
   line-color: #B10026;
#cables [ capacity_g <= 8400] {
   line-color: #E31A1C;
#cables [ capacity_g <= 2880] {
   line-color: #FC4E2A;
#cables [ capacity_g <= 1000] {
   line-color: #FD8D3C;
#cables [ capacity_g <= 320] {
   line-color: #FEB24C;
#cables [ capacity_g <= 40] {
   line-color: #FED976;
#cables [ capacity_g <= 2.5] {
   line-color: #FFFFB2;
Add a function to change the color on click
// Get our sublayer
var sublayer = layers[1].getSubLayer(0);

// Use jQuery to listen to for the click event on our button
$('#layer_selector #change').click(function(){
	// set our new style based on the style we stored in the template above
	// filter out the inactive cables
	sublayer.setSQL('SELECT * FROM cables WHERE notlive = 0')
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Easy example | CartoDB.js</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />
html, body, #map {
height: 100%;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
#layer_selector {
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
right: 20px;
padding: 0;
#layer_selector ul {
padding: 0; margin: 0;
list-style-type: none;
#layer_selector li {
border-bottom: 1px solid #999;
padding: 15px 30px;
font-family: "Helvetica", Arial;
font-size: 13px;
color: #444;
cursor: auto;
#layer_selector li:hover {
background-color: #F0F0F0;
cursor: pointer;
#layer_selector li.selected {
background-color: #EEE;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<div id="map"></div>
<!-- include cartodb.js library -->
<script src=""></script>
function main() {
cartodb.createVis('map', '')
.done(function(vis, layers) {
// change your map here!
.error(function(err) {
window.onload = main;

Basic filter

SELECT * FROM cables WHERE distance_k > 15000

What about

SELECT * FROM cables WHERE distance_k > 25000

Multiple filters

SELECT * FROM cables WHERE notlive = 1 AND distance_k > 5000

Spatial filters

SELECT * FROM cables WHERE ST_Distance(the_geom, CDB_LatLng(40.67, -73.94)) < 10

Spatial filters

SELECT * FROM cables WHERE ST_Distance(the_geom::geography, CDB_LatLng(40.67, -73.94)::geography) < 100000

Also see some fun SQL statements here

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