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Created March 12, 2012 07:16
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Save andreyvit/2020422 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FPDI extension to preserve external hyperlinks
// FPDI extension that preserves hyperlinks when copying PDF pages.
// (c) 2012, Andrey Tarantsov <>, provided under the MIT license.
// Published at:
// Note: the free version of FPDI requires unprotected PDFs conforming to spec version 1.4.
// I use qpdf ( to preprocess PDFs before running through this
// code, invoking it like this:
// qpdf --decrypt --stream-data=uncompress --force-version=1.4 src.pdf temp.pdf
// then, after processing temp.pdf into out.pdf with FPDI, I run the following to re-establish
// protection:
// qpdf --encrypt "" "" 40 --extract=n -- out.pdf final.pdf
class FPDI_with_annots extends FPDI {
// default maxdepth prevents an infinite recursion on malformed PDFs (not theoretical, actually found in the wild)
function resolve(&$parser, $smt, $maxdepth=10) {
if ($maxdepth == 0)
return $smt;
if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
$result = $parser->pdf_resolve_object($parser->c, $smt);
return $this->resolve($parser, $result, $maxdepth-1);
} else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJECT) {
return $this->resolve($parser, $smt[1], $maxdepth-1);
} else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY) {
$result = array();
foreach ($smt[1] as $item) {
$result[] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
$smt[1] = $result;
return $smt;
} else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
$result = array();
foreach ($smt[1] as $key => $item) {
$result[$key] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
$smt[1] = $result;
return $smt;
} else {
return $smt;
function findPageNoForRef(&$parser, $pageRef) {
$ref_obj = $pageRef[1]; $ref_gen = $pageRef[2];
foreach ($parser->pages as $index => $page) {
$page_obj = $page['obj']; $page_gen = $page['gen'];
if ($page_obj == $ref_obj && $page_gen == $ref_gen) {
return $index + 1;
return -1;
function importPage($pageno, $boxName = '/CropBox') {
$tplidx = parent::importPage($pageno, $boxName);
$tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
$parser =& $tpl['parser'];
// look for hyperlink annotations and store them in the template
if (isset($parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'])) {
$annots = $parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'];
$annots = $this->resolve($parser, $annots);
$links = array();
foreach ($annots[1] as $annot) if ($annot[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
// all links look like: << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [...] ... >>
if ($annot[1]['/Type'][1] == '/Annot' && $annot[1]['/Subtype'][1] == '/Link') {
$rect = $annot[1]['/Rect'];
if ($rect[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($rect[1]) == 4) {
$x = $rect[1][0][1]; $y = $rect[1][1][1];
$x2 = $rect[1][2][1]; $y2 = $rect[1][3][1];
$w = $x2 - $x; $h = $y2 - $y;
$h = -$h;
if (isset($annot[1]['/A'])) {
$A = $annot[1]['/A'];
if ($A[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY && isset($A[1]['/S'])) {
$S = $A[1]['/S'];
// << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /URI /URI ... >> >>
if ($S[1] == '/URI' && isset($A[1]['/URI'])) {
$URI = $A[1]['/URI'];
if (is_string($URI[1])) {
$uri = str_replace("\\000", '', trim($URI[1]));
if (!empty($uri)) {
$links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $uri);
// << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /GoTo /D [%d 0 R /Fit] >> >>
} else if ($S[1] == '/GoTo' && isset($A[1]['/D'])) {
$D = $A[1]['/D'];
if ($D[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($D[1]) > 0 && $D[1][0][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
$target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $D[1][0]);
if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
$links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);
} else if (isset($annot[1]['/Dest'])) {
$Dest = $annot[1]['/Dest'];
// << /Type /Annot ... /Dest [42 0 R ...] >>
if ($Dest[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && $Dest[0][1][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
$target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $Dest[0][1][0]);
if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
$links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);
$tpl['links'] = $links;
// echo "Links on page $pageno:\n";
// print_r($links);
return $tplidx;
function useTemplate($tplidx, $_x = null, $_y = null, $_w = 0, $_h = 0, $adjustPageSize = false) {
$result = parent::useTemplate($tplidx, $_x, $_y, $_w, $_h, $adjustPageSize);
// apply links from the template
$tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
if (isset($tpl['links'])) {
foreach ($tpl['links'] as $link) {
// $link[4] is either a string (external URL) or an integer (page number)
if (is_int($link[4])) {
$l = $this->AddLink();
$this->SetLink($l, 0, $link[4]);
$link[4] = $l;
$this->PageLinks[$this->page][] = $link;
return $result;
// uses FPDI to append another PDF file, watermarking each page with a message
class FPDI_AppendWithWatermark extends FPDI_with_annots {
function AppendPDFWithWatermarkMessage($file, $message) {
$pagecount = $this->setSourceFile($file);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagecount; $i++) {
$tplidx = $this->ImportPage($i);
$s = $this->getTemplatesize($tplidx);
$this->AddPage('P', array($s['w'], $s['h']));
// watermark (a message printed vertically along the left margin)
$this->SetXY(6, -28);
$this->SetTextColor(102, 102, 102);
$this->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
$this->Cell(0, 5, utf8_decode($message),'',1,'L');
$this->Rotate(0); // outputs Q to balance "q" added by the previous call to Rotate
// combines FPDI_AppendWithWatermark and qpdf to watermark existing PDF files
function personalize_pdf($source_file, $output_file, $temp_file, $message, $debug_mode = FALSE) {
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8"); // otherwise escapeshellarg() strips non-ASCII characters
// see the comments in FPDI_with_annots as to why we have to run this
$cmd = sprintf('qpdf --decrypt --stream-data=uncompress --force-version=1.4 %s %s', escapeshellarg($source_file), escapeshellarg($temp_file));
$output = shell_exec($cmd);
if (!file_exists($temp_file) || filesize($temp_file) == 0) {
if ($debug_mode) die("Error occurred while running:\n$cmd\n\nOutput:\n$output");
return FALSE;
$pdf = new FPDI_AppendWithWatermark();
// make debugging easier by leaving the output file uncompressed
if ($debug_mode) $pdf->SetCompression(FALSE);
$pdf->AppendPDFWithWatermarkMessage($temp_file, $message);
$pdf->Output($temp_file, 'F');
if ($debug_mode) {
// make debugging easier by omitting the final processing step
copy($temp_file, $output_file);
} else {
$cmd = sprintf('qpdf --encrypt "" "" 40 --extract=n -- %s %s', escapeshellarg($temp_file), escapeshellarg($output_file));
$output = shell_exec($cmd);
if (!file_exists($output_file) || filesize($output_file) == 0) {
if ($debug_mode) die("Error occurred while running:\n$cmd\n\nOutput:\n$output");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Copy link

@sadeep Nope, I'm not using tcpdf, sorry.

Copy link

Note: published a new version that handles internal hyperlinks (like a table of contents) in addition to external ones. Also added an extended usage example that implements personalization of PDFs, watermarking each page with a specified message.

Copy link

alesl commented Oct 9, 2012

Actually it is quite simple fix to make it work with tcpdf:


// FPDI extension that preserves hyperlinks when copying PDF pages.
// (c) 2012, Andrey Tarantsov <>, provided under the MIT license.
// Published at:
// Note: the free version of FPDI requires unprotected PDFs conforming to spec version 1.4.
// I use qpdf ( to preprocess PDFs before running through this
// code, invoking it like this:
//     qpdf --decrypt --stream-data=uncompress --force-version=1.4 src.pdf temp.pdf
// then, after processing temp.pdf into out.pdf with FPDI, I run the following to re-establish
// protection:
//     qpdf --encrypt "" "" 40 --extract=n -- out.pdf final.pdf
class FPDI_with_annots extends FPDI {

    // default maxdepth prevents an infinite recursion on malformed PDFs (not theoretical, actually found in the wild)
    function resolve(&$parser, $smt, $maxdepth=10) {
        if ($maxdepth == 0)
            return $smt;

        if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
            $result = $parser->pdf_resolve_object($parser->c, $smt);
            return $this->resolve($parser, $result, $maxdepth-1);

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJECT) {
            return $this->resolve($parser, $smt[1], $maxdepth-1);

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($smt[1] as $item) {
                $result[] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
            $smt[1] = $result;
            return $smt;

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($smt[1] as $key => $item) {
                $result[$key] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
            $smt[1] = $result;
            return $smt;

        } else {
            return $smt;

    function findPageNoForRef(&$parser, $pageRef) {
        $ref_obj = $pageRef[1]; $ref_gen = $pageRef[2];

        foreach ($parser->pages as $index => $page) {
          $page_obj = $page['obj']; $page_gen = $page['gen'];
          if ($page_obj == $ref_obj && $page_gen == $ref_gen) {
              return $index + 1;

        return -1;

    function importPage($pageno, $boxName = '/CropBox') {
        $tplidx = parent::importPage($pageno, $boxName);

        $tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
        $parser =& $tpl['parser'];

        // look for hyperlink annotations and store them in the template
        if (isset($parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'])) {
            $annots = $parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'];
            $annots = $this->resolve($parser, $annots);

            $links = array();
            foreach ($annots[1] as $annot) if ($annot[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
                // all links look like:  << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [...] ... >>
                if ($annot[1]['/Type'][1] == '/Annot' && $annot[1]['/Subtype'][1] == '/Link') {
                    $rect = $annot[1]['/Rect'];
                    if ($rect[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($rect[1]) == 4) {
                        $x = $rect[1][0][1]; $y = $rect[1][1][1];
                        $x2 = $rect[1][2][1]; $y2 = $rect[1][3][1];
                        $w = $x2 - $x; $h = $y2 - $y;
                        $h = -$h;

                    if (isset($annot[1]['/A'])) {
                        $A = $annot[1]['/A'];

                        if ($A[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY && isset($A[1]['/S'])) {
                            $S = $A[1]['/S'];

                            //  << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /URI /URI ... >> >>
                            if ($S[1] == '/URI' && isset($A[1]['/URI'])) {
                                $URI = $A[1]['/URI'];

                                if (is_string($URI[1])) {
                                    $uri = str_replace("\\000", '', trim($URI[1]));
                                    if (!empty($uri)) {
                                        $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $uri);

                            //  << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /GoTo /D [%d 0 R /Fit] >> >>
                            } else if ($S[1] == '/GoTo' && isset($A[1]['/D'])) {
                                $D = $A[1]['/D'];
                                if ($D[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($D[1]) > 0 && $D[1][0][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
                                    $target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $D[1][0]);
                                    if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
                                        $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);

                    } else if (isset($annot[1]['/Dest'])) {
                        $Dest = $annot[1]['/Dest'];

                        //  << /Type /Annot ... /Dest [42 0 R ...] >>
                        if ($Dest[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && $Dest[0][1][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
                            $target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $Dest[0][1][0]);
                            if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
                                $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);
        // echo "Links on page $pageno:\n";
        // print_r($links);
        $tpl['links'] = $links;

        return $tplidx;

    function useTemplate($tplidx, $_x = null, $_y = null, $_w = 0, $_h = 0, $adjustPageSize = false) {
        $result = parent::useTemplate($tplidx, $_x, $_y, $_w, $_h, $adjustPageSize);

        // apply links from the template
        $tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
        if (isset($tpl['links'])) {
            foreach ($tpl['links'] as $link) {
                // $link[4] is either a string (external URL) or an integer (page number)
                if (is_int($link[4])) {
                    $l = $this->AddLink();
                    $this->SetLink($l, 0, $link[4]);
                    $link[4] = $l;


        return $result;


Copy link

alesl commented Oct 9, 2012

Actually its quite simple fix to make it work w/ tcpdf:


// FPDI extension that preserves hyperlinks when copying PDF pages.
// (c) 2012, Andrey Tarantsov <>, provided under the MIT license.
// Published at:
// Note: the free version of FPDI requires unprotected PDFs conforming to spec version 1.4.
// I use qpdf ( to preprocess PDFs before running through this
// code, invoking it like this:
//     qpdf --decrypt --stream-data=uncompress --force-version=1.4 src.pdf temp.pdf
// then, after processing temp.pdf into out.pdf with FPDI, I run the following to re-establish
// protection:
//     qpdf --encrypt "" "" 40 --extract=n -- out.pdf final.pdf
class FPDI_with_annots extends FPDI {

    // default maxdepth prevents an infinite recursion on malformed PDFs (not theoretical, actually found in the wild)
    function resolve(&$parser, $smt, $maxdepth=10) {
        if ($maxdepth == 0)
            return $smt;

        if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
            $result = $parser->pdf_resolve_object($parser->c, $smt);
            return $this->resolve($parser, $result, $maxdepth-1);

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJECT) {
            return $this->resolve($parser, $smt[1], $maxdepth-1);

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($smt[1] as $item) {
                $result[] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
            $smt[1] = $result;
            return $smt;

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($smt[1] as $key => $item) {
                $result[$key] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
            $smt[1] = $result;
            return $smt;

        } else {
            return $smt;

    function findPageNoForRef(&$parser, $pageRef) {
        $ref_obj = $pageRef[1]; $ref_gen = $pageRef[2];

        foreach ($parser->pages as $index => $page) {
          $page_obj = $page['obj']; $page_gen = $page['gen'];
          if ($page_obj == $ref_obj && $page_gen == $ref_gen) {
              return $index + 1;

        return -1;

    function importPage($pageno, $boxName = '/CropBox') {
        $tplidx = parent::importPage($pageno, $boxName);

        $tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
        $parser =& $tpl['parser'];

        // look for hyperlink annotations and store them in the template
        if (isset($parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'])) {
            $annots = $parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'];
            $annots = $this->resolve($parser, $annots);

            $links = array();
            foreach ($annots[1] as $annot) if ($annot[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
                // all links look like:  << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [...] ... >>
                if ($annot[1]['/Type'][1] == '/Annot' && $annot[1]['/Subtype'][1] == '/Link') {
                    $rect = $annot[1]['/Rect'];
                    if ($rect[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($rect[1]) == 4) {
                        $x = $rect[1][0][1]; $y = $rect[1][1][1];
                        $x2 = $rect[1][2][1]; $y2 = $rect[1][3][1];
                        $w = $x2 - $x; $h = $y2 - $y;
                        $h = -$h;

                    if (isset($annot[1]['/A'])) {
                        $A = $annot[1]['/A'];

                        if ($A[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY && isset($A[1]['/S'])) {
                            $S = $A[1]['/S'];

                            //  << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /URI /URI ... >> >>
                            if ($S[1] == '/URI' && isset($A[1]['/URI'])) {
                                $URI = $A[1]['/URI'];

                                if (is_string($URI[1])) {
                                    $uri = str_replace("\\000", '', trim($URI[1]));
                                    if (!empty($uri)) {
                                        $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $uri);

                            //  << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /GoTo /D [%d 0 R /Fit] >> >>
                            } else if ($S[1] == '/GoTo' && isset($A[1]['/D'])) {
                                $D = $A[1]['/D'];
                                if ($D[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($D[1]) > 0 && $D[1][0][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
                                    $target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $D[1][0]);
                                    if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
                                        $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);

                    } else if (isset($annot[1]['/Dest'])) {
                        $Dest = $annot[1]['/Dest'];

                        //  << /Type /Annot ... /Dest [42 0 R ...] >>
                        if ($Dest[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && $Dest[0][1][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
                            $target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $Dest[0][1][0]);
                            if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
                                $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);
        // echo "Links on page $pageno:\n";
        // print_r($links);
        $tpl['links'] = $links;

        return $tplidx;

    function useTemplate($tplidx, $_x = null, $_y = null, $_w = 0, $_h = 0, $adjustPageSize = false) {
        $result = parent::useTemplate($tplidx, $_x, $_y, $_w, $_h, $adjustPageSize);

        // apply links from the template
        $tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
        if (isset($tpl['links'])) {
            foreach ($tpl['links'] as $link) {
                // $link[4] is either a string (external URL) or an integer (page number)
                if (is_int($link[4])) {
                    $l = $this->AddLink();
                    $this->SetLink($l, 0, $link[4]);
                    $link[4] = $l;


        return $result;



Copy link

alesl commented Oct 9, 2012

Actually its quite simple fix to make it work w/ tcpdf:


// FPDI extension that preserves hyperlinks when copying PDF pages.
// (c) 2012, Andrey Tarantsov <>, provided under the MIT license.
// Published at:
// Note: the free version of FPDI requires unprotected PDFs conforming to spec version 1.4.
// I use qpdf ( to preprocess PDFs before running through this
// code, invoking it like this:
//     qpdf --decrypt --stream-data=uncompress --force-version=1.4 src.pdf temp.pdf
// then, after processing temp.pdf into out.pdf with FPDI, I run the following to re-establish
// protection:
//     qpdf --encrypt "" "" 40 --extract=n -- out.pdf final.pdf
class FPDI_with_annots extends FPDI {

    // default maxdepth prevents an infinite recursion on malformed PDFs (not theoretical, actually found in the wild)
    function resolve(&$parser, $smt, $maxdepth=10) {
        if ($maxdepth == 0)
            return $smt;

        if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
            $result = $parser->pdf_resolve_object($parser->c, $smt);
            return $this->resolve($parser, $result, $maxdepth-1);

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJECT) {
            return $this->resolve($parser, $smt[1], $maxdepth-1);

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($smt[1] as $item) {
                $result[] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
            $smt[1] = $result;
            return $smt;

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($smt[1] as $key => $item) {
                $result[$key] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
            $smt[1] = $result;
            return $smt;

        } else {
            return $smt;

    function findPageNoForRef(&$parser, $pageRef) {
        $ref_obj = $pageRef[1]; $ref_gen = $pageRef[2];

        foreach ($parser->pages as $index => $page) {
          $page_obj = $page['obj']; $page_gen = $page['gen'];
          if ($page_obj == $ref_obj && $page_gen == $ref_gen) {
              return $index + 1;

        return -1;

    function importPage($pageno, $boxName = '/CropBox') {
        $tplidx = parent::importPage($pageno, $boxName);

        $tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
        $parser =& $tpl['parser'];

        // look for hyperlink annotations and store them in the template
        if (isset($parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'])) {
            $annots = $parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'];
            $annots = $this->resolve($parser, $annots);

            $links = array();
            foreach ($annots[1] as $annot) if ($annot[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
                // all links look like:  << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [...] ... >>
                if ($annot[1]['/Type'][1] == '/Annot' && $annot[1]['/Subtype'][1] == '/Link') {
                    $rect = $annot[1]['/Rect'];
                    if ($rect[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($rect[1]) == 4) {
                        $x = $rect[1][0][1]; $y = $rect[1][1][1];
                        $x2 = $rect[1][2][1]; $y2 = $rect[1][3][1];
                        $w = $x2 - $x; $h = $y2 - $y;
                        $h = -$h;

                    if (isset($annot[1]['/A'])) {
                        $A = $annot[1]['/A'];

                        if ($A[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY && isset($A[1]['/S'])) {
                            $S = $A[1]['/S'];

                            //  << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /URI /URI ... >> >>
                            if ($S[1] == '/URI' && isset($A[1]['/URI'])) {
                                $URI = $A[1]['/URI'];

                                if (is_string($URI[1])) {
                                    $uri = str_replace("\\000", '', trim($URI[1]));
                                    if (!empty($uri)) {
                                        $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $uri);

                            //  << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /GoTo /D [%d 0 R /Fit] >> >>
                            } else if ($S[1] == '/GoTo' && isset($A[1]['/D'])) {
                                $D = $A[1]['/D'];
                                if ($D[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($D[1]) > 0 && $D[1][0][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
                                    $target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $D[1][0]);
                                    if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
                                        $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);

                    } else if (isset($annot[1]['/Dest'])) {
                        $Dest = $annot[1]['/Dest'];

                        //  << /Type /Annot ... /Dest [42 0 R ...] >>
                        if ($Dest[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && $Dest[0][1][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
                            $target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $Dest[0][1][0]);
                            if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
                                $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);
        // echo "Links on page $pageno:\n";
        // print_r($links);
        $tpl['links'] = $links;

        return $tplidx;

    function useTemplate($tplidx, $_x = null, $_y = null, $_w = 0, $_h = 0, $adjustPageSize = false) {
        $result = parent::useTemplate($tplidx, $_x, $_y, $_w, $_h, $adjustPageSize);

        // apply links from the template
        $tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
        if (isset($tpl['links'])) {
            foreach ($tpl['links'] as $link) {
                // $link[4] is either a string (external URL) or an integer (page number)
                if (is_int($link[4])) {
                    $l = $this->AddLink();
                    $this->SetLink($l, 0, $link[4]);
                    $link[4] = $l;


        return $result;



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alesl commented Oct 9, 2012

Actually its quite simple fix to make it work w/ tcpdf:


// FPDI extension that preserves hyperlinks when copying PDF pages.
// (c) 2012, Andrey Tarantsov <>, provided under the MIT license.
// Published at:
// Note: the free version of FPDI requires unprotected PDFs conforming to spec version 1.4.
// I use qpdf ( to preprocess PDFs before running through this
// code, invoking it like this:
//     qpdf --decrypt --stream-data=uncompress --force-version=1.4 src.pdf temp.pdf
// then, after processing temp.pdf into out.pdf with FPDI, I run the following to re-establish
// protection:
//     qpdf --encrypt "" "" 40 --extract=n -- out.pdf final.pdf
class FPDI_with_annots extends FPDI {

    // default maxdepth prevents an infinite recursion on malformed PDFs (not theoretical, actually found in the wild)
    function resolve(&$parser, $smt, $maxdepth=10) {
        if ($maxdepth == 0)
            return $smt;

        if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
            $result = $parser->pdf_resolve_object($parser->c, $smt);
            return $this->resolve($parser, $result, $maxdepth-1);

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJECT) {
            return $this->resolve($parser, $smt[1], $maxdepth-1);

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($smt[1] as $item) {
                $result[] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
            $smt[1] = $result;
            return $smt;

        } else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($smt[1] as $key => $item) {
                $result[$key] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
            $smt[1] = $result;
            return $smt;

        } else {
            return $smt;

    function findPageNoForRef(&$parser, $pageRef) {
        $ref_obj = $pageRef[1]; $ref_gen = $pageRef[2];

        foreach ($parser->pages as $index => $page) {
          $page_obj = $page['obj']; $page_gen = $page['gen'];
          if ($page_obj == $ref_obj && $page_gen == $ref_gen) {
              return $index + 1;

        return -1;

    function importPage($pageno, $boxName = '/CropBox') {
        $tplidx = parent::importPage($pageno, $boxName);

        $tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
        $parser =& $tpl['parser'];

        // look for hyperlink annotations and store them in the template
        if (isset($parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'])) {
            $annots = $parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'];
            $annots = $this->resolve($parser, $annots);

            $links = array();
            foreach ($annots[1] as $annot) if ($annot[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
                // all links look like:  << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [...] ... >>
                if ($annot[1]['/Type'][1] == '/Annot' && $annot[1]['/Subtype'][1] == '/Link') {
                    $rect = $annot[1]['/Rect'];
                    if ($rect[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($rect[1]) == 4) {
                        $x = $rect[1][0][1]; $y = $rect[1][1][1];
                        $x2 = $rect[1][2][1]; $y2 = $rect[1][3][1];
                        $w = $x2 - $x; $h = $y2 - $y;
                        $h = -$h;

                    if (isset($annot[1]['/A'])) {
                        $A = $annot[1]['/A'];

                        if ($A[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY && isset($A[1]['/S'])) {
                            $S = $A[1]['/S'];

                            //  << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /URI /URI ... >> >>
                            if ($S[1] == '/URI' && isset($A[1]['/URI'])) {
                                $URI = $A[1]['/URI'];

                                if (is_string($URI[1])) {
                                    $uri = str_replace("\\000", '', trim($URI[1]));
                                    if (!empty($uri)) {
                                        $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $uri);

                            //  << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /GoTo /D [%d 0 R /Fit] >> >>
                            } else if ($S[1] == '/GoTo' && isset($A[1]['/D'])) {
                                $D = $A[1]['/D'];
                                if ($D[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($D[1]) > 0 && $D[1][0][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
                                    $target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $D[1][0]);
                                    if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
                                        $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);

                    } else if (isset($annot[1]['/Dest'])) {
                        $Dest = $annot[1]['/Dest'];

                        //  << /Type /Annot ... /Dest [42 0 R ...] >>
                        if ($Dest[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && $Dest[0][1][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
                            $target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $Dest[0][1][0]);
                            if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
                                $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);
        // echo "Links on page $pageno:\n";
        // print_r($links);
        $tpl['links'] = $links;

        return $tplidx;

    function useTemplate($tplidx, $_x = null, $_y = null, $_w = 0, $_h = 0, $adjustPageSize = false) {
        $result = parent::useTemplate($tplidx, $_x, $_y, $_w, $_h, $adjustPageSize);

        // apply links from the template
        $tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
        if (isset($tpl['links'])) {
            foreach ($tpl['links'] as $link) {
                // $link[4] is either a string (external URL) or an integer (page number)
                if (is_int($link[4])) {
                    $l = $this->AddLink();
                    $this->SetLink($l, 0, $link[4]);
                    $link[4] = $l;


        return $result;



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Brammm commented Oct 24, 2012

Works perfectly for me, thanks!

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sadeep commented Jan 11, 2013

Hi Andrey can you help me. I tried your code for a sample pdf file which is having hyperlinks.
But its not working. can you plz tell me why its not working.
Im attaching what i did to this

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sadeep commented Jan 11, 2013

The sample pdf that i used is have both internal and external links.
I was trying to get the external link..

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hadl commented Apr 2, 2013

Thank you!

alesl's example for tcpdf (version: 5.9.203) works, if you calculate the link positions in this way:

    ($this->hPt - $link[1])/$this->k,

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simison commented Mar 9, 2016

Note that this extension seems to require older version of FPDI (1.4.4) from 2013 and FPDF_TPL (1.2.3).

You can download them here:

If you're missing fpdi_bridge.php, I used version 1.6.1 from newer FPDI (1.8) and it worked fine.

See this StackOverflow answer by @Setasign:

I'm using PHP PDFMerger with this fix.

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u01jmg3 commented Jul 12, 2016

@andreyvit, @alesl: can this extension be updated to work with the latest FPDI (1.6.1) rather than requiring an older version in order to work (FPDI 1.4.4)?

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I am sorry for my ignorance, but how to use this php classes?

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krzyc commented Mar 30, 2018

Quick fix for FPDI 1.6.1 (based on TCPDF code). Needs testing.


// FPDI extension that preserves hyperlinks when copying PDF pages.
// probably fixed for FPDI 1.6.1 with TCPDF
// (c) 2012, Andrey Tarantsov <>, provided under the MIT license.
// Published at:
// Note: the free version of FPDI requires unprotected PDFs conforming to spec version 1.4.
// I use qpdf ( to preprocess PDFs before running through this
// code, invoking it like this:
//     qpdf --decrypt --stream-data=uncompress --force-version=1.4 src.pdf temp.pdf
// then, after processing temp.pdf into out.pdf with FPDI, I run the following to re-establish
// protection:
//     qpdf --encrypt "" "" 40 --extract=n -- out.pdf final.pdf


class fpdi_pdf_parser_with_annots extends fpdi_pdf_parser {
    public function getPages() {
        return $this->_pages;

class FPDI_with_annots extends FPDI {

    protected function _getPdfParser($filename)
        return new fpdi_pdf_parser_with_annots($filename);

    // default maxdepth prevents an infinite recursion on malformed PDFs (not theoretical, actually found in the wild)
    function resolve(&$parser, $smt, $maxdepth=10) {
        if ($maxdepth == 0)
            return $smt;

        if ($smt[0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_OBJREF) {
            $result = $parser->resolveObject($smt);
            return $this->resolve($parser, $result, $maxdepth-1);

        } else if ($smt[0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_OBJECT) {
            return $this->resolve($parser, $smt[1], $maxdepth-1);

        } else if ($smt[0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_ARRAY) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($smt[1] as $item) {
                $result[] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
            $smt[1] = $result;
            return $smt;

        } else if ($smt[0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($smt[1] as $key => $item) {
                $result[$key] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
            $smt[1] = $result;
            return $smt;

        } else {
            return $smt;

    function findPageNoForRef(&$parser, $pageRef) {
        $ref_obj = $pageRef[1]; $ref_gen = $pageRef[2];

        foreach ($parser->pages as $index => $page) {
          $page_obj = $page['obj']; $page_gen = $page['gen'];
          if ($page_obj == $ref_obj && $page_gen == $ref_gen) {
              return $index + 1;

        return -1;

    function importPage($pageno, $boxName = '/CropBox', $groupXObject = true) {
        $tplidx = parent::importPage($pageno, $boxName, $groupXObject);

        $tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
        $parser =& $this->parsers[$this->currentFilename];

        $pages = $this->parsers[$this->currentFilename]->getPages();

        // look for hyperlink annotations and store them in the template
        if (isset($pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'])) {
            $annots = $pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'];
            $annots = $this->resolve($parser, $annots);

            $links = array();
            foreach ($annots[1] as $annot) if ($annot[0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
                // all links look like:  << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [...] ... >>
                if ($annot[1]['/Type'][1] == '/Annot' && $annot[1]['/Subtype'][1] == '/Link') {
                    $rect = $annot[1]['/Rect'];
                    if ($rect[0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_ARRAY && count($rect[1]) == 4) {
                        $x = $rect[1][0][1]; $y = $rect[1][1][1];
                        $x2 = $rect[1][2][1]; $y2 = $rect[1][3][1];
                        $w = $x2 - $x; $h = $y2 - $y;
                        $h = -$h;

                    if (isset($annot[1]['/A'])) {
                        $A = $annot[1]['/A'];

                        if ($A[0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_DICTIONARY && isset($A[1]['/S'])) {
                            $S = $A[1]['/S'];

                            //  << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /URI /URI ... >> >>
                            if ($S[1] == '/URI' && isset($A[1]['/URI'])) {
                                $URI = $A[1]['/URI'];

                                if (is_string($URI[1])) {
                                    $uri = str_replace("\\000", '', trim($URI[1]));
                                    if (!empty($uri)) {
                                        $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $uri);

                            //  << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /GoTo /D [%d 0 R /Fit] >> >>
                            } else if ($S[1] == '/GoTo' && isset($A[1]['/D'])) {
                                $D = $A[1]['/D'];
                                if ($D[0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_ARRAY && count($D[1]) > 0 && $D[1][0][0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_OBJREF) {
                                    $target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $D[1][0]);
                                    if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
                                        $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);

                    } else if (isset($annot[1]['/Dest'])) {
                        $Dest = $annot[1]['/Dest'];

                        //  << /Type /Annot ... /Dest [42 0 R ...] >>
                        if ($Dest[0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_ARRAY && $Dest[0][1][0] == pdf_parser::TYPE_OBJREF) {
                            $target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $Dest[0][1][0]);
                            if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
                                $links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);

        // echo "Links on page $pageno:\n";
        // print_r($links);
        $tpl['links'] = $links;

        return $tplidx;

    function useTemplate($tplidx, $_x = null, $_y = null, $_w = 0, $_h = 0, $adjustPageSize = false) {
        $result = parent::useTemplate($tplidx, $_x, $_y, $_w, $_h, $adjustPageSize);

        // apply links from the template
        $tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
        if (isset($tpl['links'])) {
            foreach ($tpl['links'] as $link) {
                // $link[4] is either a string (external URL) or an integer (page number)
                if (is_int($link[4])) {
                    $l = $this->AddLink();
                    $this->SetLink($l, 0, $link[4]);
                    $link[4] = $l;


        return $result;


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whatthefork commented Nov 15, 2018

Just a note for anyone that might be puzzled why this code works for some document links and not others: The code by @andreyvit works for page annotations that involve external links (these are URL links), and it works for some internal links ONLY IF those internal links are annotated in the document with an array of numeric coordinates, it DOES NOT work if the internal links are annotated in the document by name (name is a string, for example "appendix-a"), there's no code in the class file that cross references a name to a page number. Also note that the code will not preserve any bookmark "links" because those are stored in the document differently than links that are stored as "Annots".

I mention this because I spent several hours trying to figure out why sometimes links carried through and other times they didn't. After digging into document structure and experimenting I realized what was happening. And I don't know enough about PDF parsing to modify the code to work for named links or bookmarks.

Thank you publishing the snippets @andreyvit !

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For Fpdi 2+ I created this

Curently working only with External links. Needs testing, but works for me.

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@jakubnavratil Your URL seems to have changed since you posted this. Looks like this is the correct URL for people looking for a modern solution:

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igorsgm commented Apr 13, 2021

If you guys are looking for a newer solution using FPDI 2.3 and TCPDF 6.4+, take a look at this answer:

Supporting both internal and external annotation links (hyperlinks)

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