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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Determine CRAN package clusters (communities)
## Determine CRAN package clusters (communities)
# Download matrix of available packages at specific date ------------------
MRAN <- ""
pdb <- MRAN %>%
contrib.url(type = "source") %>%
available.packages(type="source", filters = NULL)
# Use miniCRAN to build a graph of package dependencies -------------------
g <- pdb[, "Package"] %>%
makeDepGraph(availPkgs = pdb, suggests=FALSE, enhances=TRUE, includeBasePkgs = FALSE)
# Use the page.rank algorithm in igraph -----------------------------------
pr <- g %>%
page.rank(directed = FALSE) %>%
use_series("vector") %>%
sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%
as.matrix %>%
# Extract top 80% of packages ---------------------------------------------
cutoff <- quantile(pr[, "page.rank"], probs = 0.2)
popular <- pr[pr[, "page.rank"] >= cutoff, ]
toKeep <- names(popular)
vids <- V(g)[toKeep]
gs <- induced.subgraph(g, vids = toKeep)
# Determine communities using walktrap algorithm --------------------------
cl <-, steps = 3)
# Define ob
topClusters <- table(cl$membership) %>%
sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%
plot(topClusters, main="Cluster size", ylab="Number of members", type="b", lwd=2)
# Analyse clusters --------------------------------------------------------
# Helper function to extract names of a specific cluster
cluster <- function(i, clusters, pagerank, n=10){
group <- clusters$names[clusters$membership == i]
pagerank[group, ] %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>% head(n)
# Display members of cluster "3"
# cluster(3, cl, pr)
# Display members of top 10 clusters
z <- lapply(names(topClusters)[1:10], cluster, clusters=cl, pagerank=pr, n=20)
# Export to excel
write.table(file="clipboard",, names)), sep="\t", row.names= FALSE)
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