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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save andrie/ceefce30c1b06dba2b32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Estimate value of pi using simulation
mcPi <- function(n=1e6) 4 * sum( runif(n)^2 + runif(n)^2 < 1) / n
# Set up cluster
cl <- makeCluster(4)
# Run simulation
est <- foreach(icount(128), .combine=c) %dopar% mcPi()
# Plot results
plot(density(est), main=expression(paste("Simulated value of ", pi)))
abline(v=mean(est), col="red", lwd="3")
abline(v=pi, col="black", lwd="3")
text(pi, 0, label=expression(pi), pos=2, cex=2)
text(mean(est), 50, label="Simulated value", pos=if(mean(est) < pi) 3 else 1,
cex=1, col="red", srt=90, adj=c(20, 20))
# Stop cluster
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