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Created May 22, 2020 16:48
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import socket
import sys
import struct
# construct the DNS query
def dnsquery(domain):
d = ""
for a in domain.split('.'):
d = d + struct.pack("!b" + str(len(a)) + "s", len(a), a)
l1 = "\x41\x41"
l2 = "\x01\x00"
l3 = "\x00\x01"
l4 = "\x00\x00"
l5 = "\x00\x00"
l6 = "\x00\x00"
header = l1 +l2 + l3 + l4 + l5 + l6
q = d + "\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01"
m = header + q
#print "DNS query: ", m.encode("hex")
return m
# send the DNS query to the DNS server using UDP
def Conn (ser, q):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.sendto(q, ser)
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
except Exception, e:
print "No response from server", ser,e
print "------------------------------------------------------"
print ""
# get the messages from the server
severmessage = data.split(',', 0)
#print "server message: ", severmessage
reply = str(severmessage[0].encode("hex"))
#print "Sever reply: ", reply
# get the RCODE field from the sever message
rcode = reply[:8]
rcode = rcode[7:]
r = int(rcode)
# check the RCODE with error detection
if (r == 0): # no error, get the ip address
# check the ANCOUNT to fine the number of answers
ancount = reply[:16]
ancount = ancount[12:]
count = int(ancount)
print "Number of Answers: ", count
print ""
# get the answer from the server reply
answer = reply[2*len(q):]
name = domainName
for i in range(0, count):
print "Answer ", i+1, ": "
# get the owner name from the answer
n = answer[:4]
#print "NAME: ", name
answer = answer[4:]
# get the TYPE from the answer
t = answer[:4]
if (t == "0001"):
print "TYPE: A"
elif (t == "0005"):
print "TYPE: CNAME"
print "TYPE: ", t
answer = answer[4:]
# get the CLASS from the answer
c = answer[:4]
if (c == "0001"):
print "CLASS: IN"
print "CLASS: ", c
answer = answer[4:]
# get the TTL from the answer
ttl = answer[:8]
print "TTL: ", int(ttl, 16), "seconds"
answer = answer[8:]
# get the RDLENGTH from the answer
l = answer[:4]
print "RDLENGTH: ", int(l, 16)
answer = answer[4:]
# get the RDATA from the answer
rdata = answer[:int(l, 16)*2]
answer = answer[int(l, 16)*2:]
if (t == "0001"): # get the IP from the RDATA if the TYPE is A
a = int(rdata, 16)
ip4 = a & 0xff
a = a >> 8
ip3 = a & 0xff
a = a >> 8
ip2 = a & 0xff
a = a >> 8
ip1 = a & 0xff
print "IP: " + str(ip1) + "." + str(ip2) + "." + str(ip3) + "." + str(ip4)
print ""
else: # get the CNAME from the RDATA if the TYPE is CNAME
cname = ""
rdata = rdata[2:]
# print the CNAME
for i in range(int(l, 16)-3):
#print "RDATA: ", rdata
n = rdata[:2]
n = int(n, 16)
rdata = rdata[2:]
if n <= 32:
cname = cname + "."
cname = cname + chr(n)
print "CNAME: ", cname
print ""
#name = cname
elif (r == 1):
# error
print "*** Format error: the name server was unable to interpret the query."
elif (r == 2):
# error
print "*** Server failure: the name server was unable to process this query due to a problem with the name server."
elif (r == 3):
# error
print "*** None exist domains: server can not find answer."
elif (r == 4):
# error
print "*** Not Implemented: the name server does not support the requested kind of query."
elif (r == 5):
# error
print "*** Server Refused."
# error
print "*** Other errors"
print "------------------------------------------------------"
print ""
if __name__ == '__main__':
serverIP = sys.argv[1]
domainName = sys.argv[2]
server = (serverIP, 53)
print ""
print "-------------------------------------------------"
print "DNS server IP: \t", server
print "Domain Name: \t", domainName
print ""
query = dnsquery(domainName)
Conn(server, query)
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