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Last active August 21, 2023 17:51
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---------------- V5 ------------------------------
---Updated on 7/19/19
----Tutorial Videos------------------------------------------------
-----How to use:
-----Youtube Channel:
-- Shared with you by KripT
---Created by some Chinese dude
--Recoil Table Updated
--Added PP-Bizon
--Randomization System Update
--Optimization of Code
--Fix of AutoMode
---- KEY BIND ----
--Info: The name of the gun_key = arg (which is the button name)
--Ex: ump9_key = 1(left click)
local ump9_key = 4
local akm_key = 7
local m16a4_key = 8
local m416_key = 5
local scarl_key = nil
local uzi_key = nil
local qbz_key = 11
local mp5k_key = nil
local beryl_key = 10
local g36c_key = 11
local ppbizon_key = nil
---This is the button used to turn off the script (default:6) - G502
local set_off_key = 6
---- KEYBOARD ----
--This should only be used by users with a Logitech Keyboard
local ump9_gkey = nil ---1 is for G1
local akm_gkey = nil
local m16a4_gkey = nil
local m416_gkey = nil
local scarl_gkey = nil
local uzi_gkey = nil
local mp5k_gkey = nil
local qbz_gkey = nil
local g36c_gkey = nil
local beryl_gkey = nil
local ppbizon_gkey = nil
---Button used to turn off the script(keyboard)
local set_off_gkey = nil
---- control_key ----
local control_key = "lctrl"
---- Allowed Keys are: "lalt", "ralt", "alt" "lshift", "rshift", "shift" "lctrl", "rctrl", "ctrl"
local ignore_key = "lalt" --- ignore key
------Full_Mode = When gun is full of attachments, activates a weaker recoil mode when compared to Basic
-----Mode_Switch_Key = When gun has 6x or 4x, activates 4x(quadruple) mode which quadruples values
----Lighton_Key = When the Script is on, the light for "scrolllock" on your keyboard will be on.
---- Only allowed keys for this area: "numlock", "capslock", "scrolllock" - Don't mistype it.
local full_mode_key = "numlock"
local mode_switch_key = "capslock"
local lighton_key = "scrolllock"
-----------------------End of Functionalities-----------------------------
local vertical_sensitivity = 1 --- default is 1
local target_sensitivity = 50 --- default is 50.0
local scope_sensitivity = 50 --- default is 50.0
local scope4x_sensitivity = 50 --- default is 50.0
----------------------End of Settings--------------------------------------
-------------------Functionalities settings ------------------------------
---Full_Mode = True, allows for change from basic to full_mode(full attached gun)
local full_mode = true
-------------------End of Functionalities Settings------------------------
--If Obfs_mode = true then, values from recoil table are randomized to reduce chance of detection
--Interval_Ratio, by how much are the numbers randomized
--Random_Seed, some random shit in calculation that makes no freaking sense(ignore)
---These are the recommended settings, changing anything here drastically impacts Recoil Table!
local obfs_mode = true
local interval_ratio = 0.5
local random_seed = 1
----------------------End of Safety--------------------------------------
-- Auto_Mode = True, DO NOT CHANGE THIS TO FALSE as it will create bugs
local auto_mode = true -- dont change
---------------- Recoil Table ------------------------------
---------------- You can fix the value here ------------------------------
--- Recoil Times
----basictimes = 1,
--- If All_Recoil_Times greater than 1 , then increased force of pulldown
--- If less than 1, decreased force of pulldown
local all_recoil_times = 1
----------------------------- Don't play here UNLESS you know what you are DOING!!---------------------------------
-----Follow my TUTORIAL VIDEOS at the top, to understand how everything here works!
local recoil_table = {}
recoil_table["akm"] = {
basic={32,29,29,30, 33.8,33,36,37, 39,39.5,43,44},
basictimes = 1,
full={32,29,29,30, 33.8,34,36,37, 39.6,39.7,44,44},
fulltimes = 1*.85,
quadruple={28,29,32,30, 26,24,24,25, 24,31,34,40},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={23,22,21,22, 21,23,25,26, 27,27,25,29},
fullof4xtimes = 4,
speed = 96,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["m416"] = {
basic={25,22,23,23 ,26, 27,28.7,28.5,27, 26,27,28,30},
basictimes = 1,
full={31,26,27,29 ,21,21,24,24,26, 21,27,28,32},
fulltimes = 1*.7,
quadruple={21,19,18,19 ,21,22,21,20,21, 20,19,20,28},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={18,14,12,10 ,15,13,15,12,15, 10,11,12,18},
fullof4xtimes = 4,
speed = 75,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["scarl"] = {
basic={32,29,29,26 ,29,28,30,31, 30,31,32,33},
basictimes = 1,
full={31,28,27,26 ,24,26,24,26, 30,31,32,33},
fulltimes = 1*.8,
quadruple={30,27,25,27 ,24,27,26,24, 27,26,25,33},
quadrupletimes = 4*.9,
fullof4x={32,29,29,26 ,29,28,30,31, 30,31,32,33},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.6,
speed = 100,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["ump9"] = {
basic={20,16,17,18, 22,23,21,24, 24,22,24,26},
basictimes = 1,
full={21,18,19,18, 19,20,19,20, 21,22,23,24},
fulltimes = 1*.8,
quadruple={20,16,17,18, 22,23,21,24, 24,22,24,26},
quadrupletimes = 4*0.8,
fullof4x={21,18,19,19, 22,23,21,24, 24,22,24,26},
fullof4xtimes = 4*0.5,
speed = 90,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["uzi"] = {
basic={16,10,11,12, 14,15,13,15, 14,15,16,21},
basictimes = 1,
full={18,16,15,16, 18,16,17,19, 14,15,16,21},
fulltimes = 1*.6,
quadruple={0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.6,
speed = 50,
maxbullets = 35,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["m16a4"] = {
basic={20,18,16,14, 12,14,12,10, 12,14,15,17,},
basictimes = 1*.7,
full={42,39,38,37, 36,39,38,37, 39,41,40,43},
fulltimes = 1*.8,
quadruple={42,39,38,37, 36,39,38,37, 39,41,40,43},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={42,39,38,37, 36,39,38,37, 39,41,40,43},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.8,
fulltimes = 1,
speed = 100,
maxbullets = 40,
clickspeed = 100,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["qbz"] = {
basic={31,22,24,26, 27,27,28,29, 30,28,26,31},
basictimes = 1.0,
full={32,26,28,29, 29,28,30,29, 29,29,27,31},
fulltimes = 1*.7,
quadruple={20,18,16,13, 25,26,20,22, 26,27,28,29},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={32,26,28,26, 27,27,28,29, 30,28,25,31},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.6,
speed = 100,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["beryl"] = {
basic={26,24,22,23, 26,33,31,34, 32,33,38,42},
basictimes = 1,
full={28,26,22,23, 26,28,29,26, 34,36.7,38.6,40.5},
fulltimes = 1*.73,
quadruple={26,24,22,23, 26,36,31,34, 37,36,38,43},
quadrupletimes = 4*.85,
fullof4x={26,24,22,25, 32,33,31,34, 32,36,39,43},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.6,
speed = 65,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["g36c"] = {
basic={26,24,22,23, 26,33,31,34, 32,33,38,42},
basictimes = 1,
full={26,24,22,23, 26,33,31,34, 32,33,38,42},
fulltimes = 1*.7,
quadruple={26,24,22,23, 28,36,31,34, 37,36,38,43},
quadrupletimes = 4*0.85,
fullof4x={26,24,22,21, 26,29,31,32, 31,33,36,41},
fullof4xtimes = 4*0.6,
speed = 100,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["mp5k"] = {
basic={31,29,28,29, 27,29,31,27, 26,27,28,32},
basictimes = 1,
full={31,29,28,29, 27,29,31,27, 22,23,24,31},
fulltimes = 1*.65,
quadruple={31,29,28,29, 29,32,31,34, 22,23,24,31},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={31,29,28,29, 27,29,31,27, 22,23,24,31},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.55,
speed = 90,
maxbullets = 35,
clickspeed = 100,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["ppbizon"] = {
basic={21,16,17,19, 21,20,21,20, 17,18,16,21},
basictimes = 1,
full={21,16,17,19, 21,20,21,20, 17,18,16,21},
fulltimes = 1*.75,
quadruple={21,16,17,19, 21,20,20,20, 17,18,16,21},
quadrupletimes = 4*.95,
fullof4x={21,16,17,19, 21,20,21,20, 17,18,16,21},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.6,
speed = 90,
maxbullets = 35,
clickspeed = 100,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
---Template, copy this below to create a new gun---- |Advanced|
recoil_table["none"] = {
basictimes = 1,
fulltimes = 1,
quadrupletimes = 1,
fullof4xtimes = 1,
speed = 30,
maxbullets = 40,
clickspeed = 100,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
---------------- Function ------------------------------
---Basic calculation----
function convert_sens(unconvertedSens)
return 0.002 * math.pow(10, unconvertedSens / 50)
function calc_sens_scale(sensitivity)
return convert_sens(sensitivity)/convert_sens(50)
local target_scale = calc_sens_scale(target_sensitivity)
local scope_scale = calc_sens_scale(scope_sensitivity)
local scope4x_scale = calc_sens_scale(scope4x_sensitivity)
---The key switching and changes in mode----
function recoil_mode()
if not IsKeyLockOn(mode_switch_key) then
if IsKeyLockOn(full_mode_key) and full_mode then
return "full";
return "basic";
if IsKeyLockOn(mode_switch_key) then
if IsKeyLockOn(full_mode_key) and full_mode then
return "fullof4x"
return "quadruple"
function single_value(value)
return math.floor(( value / 10 ))
function recoil_value(_weapon,_duration)
local _mode = recoil_mode()
local step = (math.floor(_duration/recoil_table[_weapon]["speed"])) + 1
if step > #recoil_table[_weapon][_mode] then
step = #recoil_table[_weapon][_mode]
---Defining and allocating all locals needed
local weapon_recoil = recoil_table[_weapon][_mode][step]
local weapon_speed = recoil_table[_weapon]["speed"]
local weapon_clickspeed = recoil_table[_weapon]["clickspeed"]
local weapon_maxbullets = recoil_table[_weapon]["maxbullets"]
local weapon_basictimes = recoil_table[_weapon]["basictimes"]
local weapon_fulltimes = recoil_table[_weapon]["fulltimes"]
local weapon_quadrupletimes = recoil_table[_weapon]["quadrupletimes"]
local weapon_fullof4xtimes = recoil_table[_weapon]["fullof4xtimes"]
local weapon_intervals = weapon_speed
local weapon_clicktime = weapon_clickspeed
local weapon_bullets = weapon_maxbullets
---OBFS Mode, This is the code for the Randomization System.
if obfs_mode then
local coefficient = interval_ratio * ( 1 + random_seed * math.random())
weapon_intervals = math.floor(coefficient * weapon_speed)
-- OutputLogMessage("weapon_intervals = %s\n", weapon_intervals)
recoil_recovery = weapon_recoil
recoil_times = all_recoil_times / vertical_sensitivity
if recoil_mode() == "basic" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery * recoil_times * weapon_basictimes
if recoil_mode() == "full" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery * recoil_times * weapon_fulltimes
if recoil_mode() == "quadruple" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery * recoil_times * weapon_quadrupletimes
if recoil_mode() == "fullof4x" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery * recoil_times * weapon_fullof4xtimes
-- issues/3
if IsMouseButtonPressed(2) then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery / target_scale
elseif recoil_mode() == "basic" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery / scope_scale
elseif recoil_mode() == "full" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery / scope_scale
elseif recoil_mode() == "quadruple" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery / scope4x_scale
elseif recoil_mode() == "fullof4x" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery / scope4x_scale
return weapon_intervals,recoil_recovery,weapon_clicktime,weapon_bullets
---------------- OnEvent ------------------------------
function OnEvent(event, arg)
OutputLogMessage(" %s, = %d\n", event, arg)
if (event == "PROFILE_ACTIVATED") then
OutputLogMessage("Script = ON ->")
Fire = false
current_weapon = "none"
shoot_duration = 0.0
if IsKeyLockOn(lighton_key) then
elseif IsKeyLockOn(full_mode_key) then
elseif IsKeyLockOn(mode_switch_key) then
elseif event == "PROFILE_DEACTIVATED" then
if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == set_off_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == set_off_gkey) then
current_weapon = "none"
OutputLogMessage("Script = OFF ->")
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == akm_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == akm_gkey) then
current_weapon = "akm"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == beryl_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == beryl_gkey) then
current_weapon = "beryl"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == m16a4_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == m16a4_gkey) then
current_weapon = "m16a4"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == m416_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == m416_gkey) then
current_weapon = "m416"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == ump9_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == ump9_gkey) then
current_weapon = "ump9"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == qbz_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == qbz_gkey) then
current_weapon = "qbz"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == uzi_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == uzi_gkey) then
current_weapon = "uzi"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == scarl_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == scarl_gkey) then
current_weapon = "scarl"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == g36c_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == g36c_gkey) then
current_weapon = "g36c"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == mp5k_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == mp5k_gkey) then
current_weapon = "mp5k"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == ppbizon_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == ppbizon_gkey) then
current_weapon = "ppbizon"
-----Template below, just an example |Advanced|
----elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == mp5_key)
----or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == mp5_gkey) then
--------- current_weapon = "mp5"
elseif (event == "M_RELEASED" and arg == 3 and Fire) then
local intervals,recovery,clicktime,bullets = recoil_value(current_weapon,shoot_duration)
if shoot_duration % (single_value(intervals) / 2) == 0 then
MoveMouseRelative(0, recovery / 10)
shoot_duration = (single_value(intervals)*.5)
--- if auto_reloading then
---- if shoot_duration > (single_value(intervals) * bullets) + 100 then
----- ReleaseMouseButton(1)
--- PressAndReleaseKey("r")
--- Sleep(200)
--- Fire = false
--- end
--- end
if not Fire then
elseif Fire then
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 1) then
-- button 1 : Shoot
if ((current_weapon == "none") or IsModifierPressed(ignore_key)) then
until not IsMouseButtonPressed(1)
elseif(current_weapon == "m16a4") then
Fire = true
if auto_mode then
local intervals,recovery,clicktime,bullets = recoil_value(current_weapon,shoot_duration)
MoveMouseRelative(0, recovery /10 )
shoot_duration = shoot_duration + (intervals/10)
until not IsMouseButtonPressed(1)
Fire = true
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and arg == 1) then
Fire = false
shoot_duration = 0.0
--- while (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 1 and IsModifierPressed(control_key) and IsModifierPressed(ignore_key) and fastloot) do
--- PressMouseButton(1)
---for i = 0, 14 do
--- MoveMouseRelative(move, 0)
--- Sleep(2)
--- end
--- ReleaseMouseButton(1)
--- for i = 0, 14 do
--- MoveMouseRelative(-move, 0)
--- Sleep(2)
-- end
--- Sleep(10)
--- end
if (current_weapon == "none") then
if IsKeyLockOn(lighton_key) then
if not IsKeyLockOn(lighton_key) then
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<macro color="4294922240" guid="{D511B4CB-2A3C-4BC7-9346-F9910599458D}" hidden="false" name="Next Weapon" original="true">
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<macro color="4294922240" guid="{B4287C4D-E13B-4BE9-ABD2-FFA4EF26388B}" hidden="false" name="Toggle Firing Mode" original="true">
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<assignment contextid="G14" shiftstate="1" backup="false" macroguid="{D511B4CB-2A3C-4BC7-9346-F9910599458D}" original="true"/>
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<assignment contextid="G15" shiftstate="1" backup="false" macroguid="{D391403A-2347-47FC-AFE2-08F7647B71E4}" original="true"/>
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<pointer devicemodel="Logitech.Gaming.Mouse.G502RGB">
<mode shiftstate="1">
<reportrate rate="1000"/>
<powermode value="2"/>
<dpitable shiftindex="0" defaultindex="2" syncxy="1">
<dpi enabled="1" x="400" y="400"/>
<dpi enabled="1" x="800" y="800"/>
<dpi enabled="1" x="1600" y="1600"/>
<dpi enabled="1" x="2400" y="2400"/>
<movement speed="-1" acceleration="0"/>
<backlight devicemodel="Logitech.Gaming.LeftHandedController.G13">
<mode color="#ffffff" shiftstate="1"/>
<mode color="#ffffff" shiftstate="2"/>
<mode color="#ffffff" shiftstate="3"/>
<backlight devicemodel="Logitech.Gaming.Mouse.G502RGB">
<mode color="#000000" shiftstate="1"/>
<mode color="#000000" shiftstate="2"/>
<mode color="#000000" shiftstate="3"/>
<backlight devicemodel="Logitech.Gaming.Keyboard.C33C">
<backlight devicemodel="Logitech.Gaming.Keyboard.G410">
<backlight devicemodel="Logitech.Gaming.Keyboard.G810">
<backlight devicemodel="Logitech.Gaming.Keyboard.G910">
<backlight devicemodel="Logitech.Gaming.Keyboard.Pro.C339">
---------------- V5 ------------------------------
---Updated on 7/19/19
----Tutorial Videos------------------------------------------------
-----How to use:
-----Youtube Channel:
-- Shared with you by KripT
---Created by some Chinese dude
--Recoil Table Updated
--Added PP-Bizon
--Randomization System Update
--Optimization of Code
--Fix of AutoMode
---- KEY BIND ----
--Info: The name of the gun_key = arg (which is the button name)
--Ex: ump9_key = 1(left click)
local ump9_key = 4
local akm_key = 7
local m16a4_key = 8
local m416_key = 5
local scarl_key = nil
local uzi_key = nil
local qbz_key = 11
local mp5k_key = nil
local beryl_key = 10
local g36c_key = 11
local ppbizon_key = nil
---This is the button used to turn off the script (default:6) - G502
local set_off_key = 6
---- KEYBOARD ----
--This should only be used by users with a Logitech Keyboard
local ump9_gkey = nil ---1 is for G1
local akm_gkey = nil
local m16a4_gkey = nil
local m416_gkey = nil
local scarl_gkey = nil
local uzi_gkey = nil
local mp5k_gkey = nil
local qbz_gkey = nil
local g36c_gkey = nil
local beryl_gkey = nil
local ppbizon_gkey = nil
---Button used to turn off the script(keyboard)
local set_off_gkey = nil
---- control_key ----
local control_key = "lctrl"
---- Allowed Keys are: "lalt", "ralt", "alt" "lshift", "rshift", "shift" "lctrl", "rctrl", "ctrl"
local ignore_key = "lalt" --- ignore key
------Full_Mode = When gun is full of attachments, activates a weaker recoil mode when compared to Basic
-----Mode_Switch_Key = When gun has 6x or 4x, activates 4x(quadruple) mode which quadruples values
----Lighton_Key = When the Script is on, the light for "scrolllock" on your keyboard will be on.
---- Only allowed keys for this area: "numlock", "capslock", "scrolllock" - Don't mistype it.
local full_mode_key = "numlock"
local mode_switch_key = "capslock"
local lighton_key = "scrolllock"
-----------------------End of Functionalities-----------------------------
local vertical_sensitivity = 1 --- default is 1
local target_sensitivity = 50 --- default is 50.0
local scope_sensitivity = 50 --- default is 50.0
local scope4x_sensitivity = 50 --- default is 50.0
----------------------End of Settings--------------------------------------
-------------------Functionalities settings ------------------------------
---Full_Mode = True, allows for change from basic to full_mode(full attached gun)
local full_mode = true
-------------------End of Functionalities Settings------------------------
--If Obfs_mode = true then, values from recoil table are randomized to reduce chance of detection
--Interval_Ratio, by how much are the numbers randomized
--Random_Seed, some random shit in calculation that makes no freaking sense(ignore)
---These are the recommended settings, changing anything here drastically impacts Recoil Table!
local obfs_mode = true
local interval_ratio = 0.5
local random_seed = 1
----------------------End of Safety--------------------------------------
-- Auto_Mode = True, DO NOT CHANGE THIS TO FALSE as it will create bugs
local auto_mode = true -- dont change
---------------- Recoil Table ------------------------------
---------------- You can fix the value here ------------------------------
--- Recoil Times
----basictimes = 1,
--- If All_Recoil_Times greater than 1 , then increased force of pulldown
--- If less than 1, decreased force of pulldown
local all_recoil_times = 1
----------------------------- Don't play here UNLESS you know what you are DOING!!---------------------------------
-----Follow my TUTORIAL VIDEOS at the top, to understand how everything here works!
local recoil_table = {}
recoil_table["akm"] = {
basic={32,29,29,30, 33.8,33,36,37, 39,39.5,43,44},
basictimes = 1,
full={32,29,29,30, 33.8,34,36,37, 39.6,39.7,44,44},
fulltimes = 1*.85,
quadruple={28,29,32,30, 26,24,24,25, 24,31,34,40},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={23,22,21,22, 21,23,25,26, 27,27,25,29},
fullof4xtimes = 4,
speed = 96,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["m416"] = {
basic={25,22,23,23 ,26, 27,28.7,28.5,27, 26,27,28,30},
basictimes = 1,
full={31,26,27,29 ,21,21,24,24,26, 21,27,28,32},
fulltimes = 1*.7,
quadruple={21,19,18,19 ,21,22,21,20,21, 20,19,20,28},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={18,14,12,10 ,15,13,15,12,15, 10,11,12,18},
fullof4xtimes = 4,
speed = 75,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["scarl"] = {
basic={32,29,29,26 ,29,28,30,31, 30,31,32,33},
basictimes = 1,
full={31,28,27,26 ,24,26,24,26, 30,31,32,33},
fulltimes = 1*.8,
quadruple={30,27,25,27 ,24,27,26,24, 27,26,25,33},
quadrupletimes = 4*.9,
fullof4x={32,29,29,26 ,29,28,30,31, 30,31,32,33},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.6,
speed = 100,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["ump9"] = {
basic={20,16,17,18, 22,23,21,24, 24,22,24,26},
basictimes = 1,
full={21,18,19,18, 19,20,19,20, 21,22,23,24},
fulltimes = 1*.8,
quadruple={20,16,17,18, 22,23,21,24, 24,22,24,26},
quadrupletimes = 4*0.8,
fullof4x={21,18,19,19, 22,23,21,24, 24,22,24,26},
fullof4xtimes = 4*0.5,
speed = 90,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["uzi"] = {
basic={16,10,11,12, 14,15,13,15, 14,15,16,21},
basictimes = 1,
full={18,16,15,16, 18,16,17,19, 14,15,16,21},
fulltimes = 1*.6,
quadruple={0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.6,
speed = 50,
maxbullets = 35,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["m16a4"] = {
basic={20,18,16,14, 12,14,12,10, 12,14,15,17,},
basictimes = 1*.7,
full={42,39,38,37, 36,39,38,37, 39,41,40,43},
fulltimes = 1*.8,
quadruple={42,39,38,37, 36,39,38,37, 39,41,40,43},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={42,39,38,37, 36,39,38,37, 39,41,40,43},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.8,
fulltimes = 1,
speed = 100,
maxbullets = 40,
clickspeed = 100,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["qbz"] = {
basic={31,22,24,26, 27,27,28,29, 30,28,26,31},
basictimes = 1.0,
full={32,26,28,29, 29,28,30,29, 29,29,27,31},
fulltimes = 1*.7,
quadruple={20,18,16,13, 25,26,20,22, 26,27,28,29},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={32,26,28,26, 27,27,28,29, 30,28,25,31},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.6,
speed = 100,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["beryl"] = {
basic={26,24,22,23, 26,33,31,34, 32,33,38,42},
basictimes = 1,
full={28,26,22,23, 26,28,29,26, 34,36.7,38.6,40.5},
fulltimes = 1*.73,
quadruple={26,24,22,23, 26,36,31,34, 37,36,38,43},
quadrupletimes = 4*.85,
fullof4x={26,24,22,25, 32,33,31,34, 32,36,39,43},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.6,
speed = 65,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["g36c"] = {
basic={26,24,22,23, 26,33,31,34, 32,33,38,42},
basictimes = 1,
full={26,24,22,23, 26,33,31,34, 32,33,38,42},
fulltimes = 1*.7,
quadruple={26,24,22,23, 28,36,31,34, 37,36,38,43},
quadrupletimes = 4*0.85,
fullof4x={26,24,22,21, 26,29,31,32, 31,33,36,41},
fullof4xtimes = 4*0.6,
speed = 100,
maxbullets = 40,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["mp5k"] = {
basic={31,29,28,29, 27,29,31,27, 26,27,28,32},
basictimes = 1,
full={31,29,28,29, 27,29,31,27, 22,23,24,31},
fulltimes = 1*.65,
quadruple={31,29,28,29, 29,32,31,34, 22,23,24,31},
quadrupletimes = 4,
fullof4x={31,29,28,29, 27,29,31,27, 22,23,24,31},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.55,
speed = 90,
maxbullets = 35,
clickspeed = 100,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
recoil_table["ppbizon"] = {
basic={21,16,17,19, 21,20,21,20, 17,18,16,21},
basictimes = 1,
full={21,16,17,19, 21,20,21,20, 17,18,16,21},
fulltimes = 1*.75,
quadruple={21,16,17,19, 21,20,20,20, 17,18,16,21},
quadrupletimes = 4*.95,
fullof4x={21,16,17,19, 21,20,21,20, 17,18,16,21},
fullof4xtimes = 4*.6,
speed = 90,
maxbullets = 35,
clickspeed = 100,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
---Template, copy this below to create a new gun---- |Advanced|
recoil_table["none"] = {
basictimes = 1,
fulltimes = 1,
quadrupletimes = 1,
fullof4xtimes = 1,
speed = 30,
maxbullets = 40,
clickspeed = 100,
holdbreathtimes = 1.25,
fullholdbreathtimes = 1.25,
---------------- Function ------------------------------
---Basic calculation----
function convert_sens(unconvertedSens)
return 0.002 * math.pow(10, unconvertedSens / 50)
function calc_sens_scale(sensitivity)
return convert_sens(sensitivity)/convert_sens(50)
local target_scale = calc_sens_scale(target_sensitivity)
local scope_scale = calc_sens_scale(scope_sensitivity)
local scope4x_scale = calc_sens_scale(scope4x_sensitivity)
---The key switching and changes in mode----
function recoil_mode()
if not IsKeyLockOn(mode_switch_key) then
if IsKeyLockOn(full_mode_key) and full_mode then
return "full";
return "basic";
if IsKeyLockOn(mode_switch_key) then
if IsKeyLockOn(full_mode_key) and full_mode then
return "fullof4x"
return "quadruple"
function single_value(value)
return math.floor(( value / 10 ))
function recoil_value(_weapon,_duration)
local _mode = recoil_mode()
local step = (math.floor(_duration/recoil_table[_weapon]["speed"])) + 1
if step > #recoil_table[_weapon][_mode] then
step = #recoil_table[_weapon][_mode]
---Defining and allocating all locals needed
local weapon_recoil = recoil_table[_weapon][_mode][step]
local weapon_speed = recoil_table[_weapon]["speed"]
local weapon_clickspeed = recoil_table[_weapon]["clickspeed"]
local weapon_maxbullets = recoil_table[_weapon]["maxbullets"]
local weapon_basictimes = recoil_table[_weapon]["basictimes"]
local weapon_fulltimes = recoil_table[_weapon]["fulltimes"]
local weapon_quadrupletimes = recoil_table[_weapon]["quadrupletimes"]
local weapon_fullof4xtimes = recoil_table[_weapon]["fullof4xtimes"]
local weapon_intervals = weapon_speed
local weapon_clicktime = weapon_clickspeed
local weapon_bullets = weapon_maxbullets
---OBFS Mode, This is the code for the Randomization System.
if obfs_mode then
local coefficient = interval_ratio * ( 1 + random_seed * math.random())
weapon_intervals = math.floor(coefficient * weapon_speed)
-- OutputLogMessage("weapon_intervals = %s\n", weapon_intervals)
recoil_recovery = weapon_recoil
recoil_times = all_recoil_times / vertical_sensitivity
if recoil_mode() == "basic" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery * recoil_times * weapon_basictimes
if recoil_mode() == "full" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery * recoil_times * weapon_fulltimes
if recoil_mode() == "quadruple" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery * recoil_times * weapon_quadrupletimes
if recoil_mode() == "fullof4x" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery * recoil_times * weapon_fullof4xtimes
-- issues/3
if IsMouseButtonPressed(2) then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery / target_scale
elseif recoil_mode() == "basic" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery / scope_scale
elseif recoil_mode() == "full" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery / scope_scale
elseif recoil_mode() == "quadruple" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery / scope4x_scale
elseif recoil_mode() == "fullof4x" then
recoil_recovery = recoil_recovery / scope4x_scale
return weapon_intervals,recoil_recovery,weapon_clicktime,weapon_bullets
---------------- OnEvent ------------------------------
function OnEvent(event, arg)
OutputLogMessage(" %s, = %d\n", event, arg)
if (event == "PROFILE_ACTIVATED") then
OutputLogMessage("Script = ON ->")
Fire = false
current_weapon = "none"
shoot_duration = 0.0
if IsKeyLockOn(lighton_key) then
elseif IsKeyLockOn(full_mode_key) then
elseif IsKeyLockOn(mode_switch_key) then
elseif event == "PROFILE_DEACTIVATED" then
if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == set_off_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == set_off_gkey) then
current_weapon = "none"
OutputLogMessage("Script = OFF ->")
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == akm_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == akm_gkey) then
current_weapon = "akm"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == beryl_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == beryl_gkey) then
current_weapon = "beryl"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == m16a4_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == m16a4_gkey) then
current_weapon = "m16a4"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == m416_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == m416_gkey) then
current_weapon = "m416"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == ump9_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == ump9_gkey) then
current_weapon = "ump9"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == qbz_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == qbz_gkey) then
current_weapon = "qbz"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == uzi_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == uzi_gkey) then
current_weapon = "uzi"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == scarl_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == scarl_gkey) then
current_weapon = "scarl"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == g36c_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == g36c_gkey) then
current_weapon = "g36c"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == mp5k_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == mp5k_gkey) then
current_weapon = "mp5k"
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == ppbizon_key)
or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == ppbizon_gkey) then
current_weapon = "ppbizon"
-----Template below, just an example |Advanced|
----elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == mp5_key)
----or (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == mp5_gkey) then
--------- current_weapon = "mp5"
elseif (event == "M_RELEASED" and arg == 3 and Fire) then
local intervals,recovery,clicktime,bullets = recoil_value(current_weapon,shoot_duration)
if shoot_duration % (single_value(intervals) / 2) == 0 then
MoveMouseRelative(0, recovery / 10)
shoot_duration = (single_value(intervals)*.5)
--- if auto_reloading then
---- if shoot_duration > (single_value(intervals) * bullets) + 100 then
----- ReleaseMouseButton(1)
--- PressAndReleaseKey("r")
--- Sleep(200)
--- Fire = false
--- end
--- end
if not Fire then
elseif Fire then
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 1) then
-- button 1 : Shoot
if ((current_weapon == "none") or IsModifierPressed(ignore_key)) then
until not IsMouseButtonPressed(1)
elseif(current_weapon == "m16a4") then
Fire = true
if auto_mode then
local intervals,recovery,clicktime,bullets = recoil_value(current_weapon,shoot_duration)
MoveMouseRelative(0, recovery /10 )
shoot_duration = shoot_duration + (intervals/10)
until not IsMouseButtonPressed(1)
Fire = true
elseif (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and arg == 1) then
Fire = false
shoot_duration = 0.0
--- while (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 1 and IsModifierPressed(control_key) and IsModifierPressed(ignore_key) and fastloot) do
--- PressMouseButton(1)
---for i = 0, 14 do
--- MoveMouseRelative(move, 0)
--- Sleep(2)
--- end
--- ReleaseMouseButton(1)
--- for i = 0, 14 do
--- MoveMouseRelative(-move, 0)
--- Sleep(2)
-- end
--- Sleep(10)
--- end
if (current_weapon == "none") then
if IsKeyLockOn(lighton_key) then
if not IsKeyLockOn(lighton_key) then
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Doe-Jon commented Jul 13, 2021

I know this post is old. Do you mind explaining what the "control key" [lctrl] does? I have used a similar script for a couple of years now and have never seen a use for this function. Was wandering if I was missing something. Also, Do you know of a fix for the new G HUB update that negates the math function? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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