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Created August 29, 2011 20:01
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Notificador de cambio de cotización | Brou | Gales
import os
import sys
import time
import urllib
import pynotify
import cPickle
import signal
from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
COTIZHOME = "%s/.notifycotiz" % os.getenv('HOME')
COTIZDB = "cotizaciones.pickle"
def get_cotizacion_moneda(html, main_xpath, compra_xpath, venta_xpath):
hsel = HtmlXPathSelector(text=html)
cotiz =
return {
'compra': float([0].replace(',', '.')),
'venta': float([0].replace(',', '.'))
def _cotizacion_dolar_brou(html):
return get_cotizacion_moneda(html, "//td[@id='column-2']//div[@id='exchangeRatesLarge']/table/tr[2]",
"td[@class='buy']/text()", "td[@class='sale']/text()")
def _cotizacion_dolar_gales(html):
return get_cotizacion_moneda(html, "//table[@class='monedas']/tr[1]",
"td[2]/text()", "td[3]/text()")
('brou', '', _cotizacion_dolar_brou),
('gales', '', _cotizacion_dolar_gales),
def notify(title, msg):
"""Simple wrapper around pynotify OSD"""
n = pynotify.Notification(title, msg)
if not
print "Fail to show notification"
del n
del n
def main():
if not pynotify.init("Basics"):
print "Can't initialize PyNotify"
if not os.path.exists(COTIZHOME):
dbpath = os.path.join(COTIZHOME, COTIZDB)
cotizs = {}
if os.path.exists(dbpath):
cotizs = cPickle.load(open(dbpath))
except EOFError, UnpicklingError:
def _format_cotiz(cotizs):
if not cotizs:
return ""
last = "\n".join("[%s] %.2f - %.2f" % (src, v['compra'], v['venta']) for src, v in cotizs.items())
return "Dolar\n%s" % last
def _handler(signum, frame):
print "Exiting applicatin gracefully..."
print "Saving data ..."
with open(dbpath, 'w') as db:
cPickle.dump(cotizs, db)
print "Saved!"
print "Bye!"
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _handler)
while True:
notify("Obteniendo cotizaciones ...", _format_cotiz(cotizs))
for src, url, fun in SOURCES:
html = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
print >>sys.stderr, "Get data from [%s] : [%s]" % (src, url)
dolar = fun(html)
except Exception, e:
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: getting data from [%s], exc: %s" % (src, e.msg)
if src not in cotizs:
cotizs[src] = dolar
oldcotiz = cotizs[src]
if oldcotiz['compra'] != dolar['compra'] or oldcotiz['venta'] != dolar['venta']:
ncotiz = "Vieja: %.2f - %.2f\nNueva: %.2f - %.2f" % (oldcotiz['compra'], oldcotiz['venta'],
dolar['compra'], dolar['venta'])
notify("[%s] Cotizacion cambio" % src.upper(), ncotiz)
cotizs[src] = dolar
with open(dbpath, 'w') as db:
cPickle.dump(cotizs, db)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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