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Towns in Great Britain
Released license:MIT
Towns: Location of urbans areas > 10k population in Great Britain
Digital boundaries and reference map data:
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.
Source: National Records Scotland data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.

Towns in Great Britain

The Office for National Statistics and the Nation Record of Scotland provide population and shapefile data for the 2011 census. Where a 'Town' is an urban area with 10,000 or more inhabitants.

Creating the datafiles and associate geojson format report

Once the dependencies to create the report are met run the script:

$ ./prepublish

This will download and create ESRI Shape files in the shp directory for all Towns as well as all locations in Great Britian, as well as a Leaflet JavaScript visualisation using the Town data in a GeoJSON format.


These are environment and project dependencies.

python dependencies

For ease of use manage package python packages dependencies with a local virtual environment venv:

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If missing install the python virtualenv package

$ sudo apt install virtualenv

Data License

Digital boundaries and reference map data:

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Source: National Records Scotland data (c) Crown copyright and database right 2020.

Contains OS data (c) Crown copyright and database right 2020.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Towns: Location in GB</title>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="No-Cache">
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="docs/images/favicon.ico"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""
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<script src=""
<script src=""></script>
<div id="map" style="width: 1340px; height: 780px"></div>
<div id='map'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var radius = 3;
var weight = 1;
var linewidth = 2;
var log2 = Math.log(2.0);
var minZoom = 3;
var maxZoom = 18;
var map ='map').setView([54.533, -2.53], 6);
L.tileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
maxZoom: maxZoom,
minZoom: minZoom,
attribution: 'Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, ' + '<a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>, ' + 'Imagery © <a href="">Mapbox</a>',
id: 'osm.standard'
d3.json("town_boundaries.geojson").then(function(d) {
function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
var this_feature =;
var popupContent;
if (this_feature.Town)
popupContent = this_feature.Town;
popupContent = this_feature.railway;
var lookup = {
"bua_code": "BUA code",
"bua_name": "BUA",
"citytownclassification": "Classification",
"latitude": "lat",
"longitude": "lon",
"region_name": "Region",
"la_name": "Local Authority",
"lsoa_code": "LSOA code",
"constituency_name": "Constituency",
"population": "population",
"outputarea_code": "OA code"
var k = Object.keys(this_feature).filter(i=>(i != "type" && i != "geometry" && i != "Town" && i != "is_in" && i != "z_order" && i != "railway" && i != "pgroup" && i != "urban"))
for (var i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
if (k[i] in this_feature) {
popupContent += '<br>' + lookup[k[i]] + ': ' + this_feature[k[i]];
L.geoJSON(d, {
style: function(feature) {
switch (feature.geometry.type) {
case 'Point':
return {
color: "red",
radius: radius,
weight: weight
return {
weight: weight
onEachFeature: onEachFeature,
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
return L.circleMarker(latlng, {
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.8
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 Will Deakin
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
for i in 'download' 'work' 'shp'
if [ ! -d ${i} ]; then
mkdir -p ${i}
if [ ! -s download/${FILENAME} ]; then
curl -L -o download/${FILENAME} ${URL}/${FILENAME}
if [ ! -s work/OutputArea2011_MHW.shp ]; then
(cd work; unzip ../download/${FILENAME})
if [ ! -s download/${FILENAME} ]; then
curl -L -o download/${FILENAME} ${URL}/${FILENAME}
if [ ! -s work/Output_Areas__December_2011__Boundaries_EW_BGC.shp ]; then
(cd work; unzip ../download/${FILENAME})
if [ ! -s ${FILENAME} ]; then
curl -L -o ${FILENAME} ${URL}/${FILENAME}
geopandas >= 0.9.0
xlrd >= 2.0.1
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from functools import partial
from fiona.transform import transform_geom
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gp
from shapely.ops import transform
# EPSG:4326 WG 84
# EPSG:32630
# EPSG:27700 OS GB36
URBANTYPES = {'Large Town',
'Large Town in Conurbation',
'Core City (outside London)',
'Village or small community in Conurbation',
'Other City',
'Small Town in Conurbation',
'Small Town',
'Medium Town',
'Medium Town in Conurbation',
'Core City (London)',
'Village or Small Community in Conurbation'}
def _set_precision(precision=6):
def _precision(x, y, z=None):
return tuple([round(i, precision) for i in [x, y, z] if i])
return partial(transform, _precision)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
print('Load Output Area Data')
TOWNDATA = pd.read_csv('oa-classification-csv.csv')
TOWNDATA['name'] = TOWNDATA['bua_name']
IDX1 = TOWNDATA['bua_name'] == 'None'
TOWNDATA.loc[IDX1, 'name'] = TOWNDATA.loc[IDX1, 'la_name']
for k in [' BUA in Conurbation', ' BUASD', ' BUA']:
TOWNDATA['name'] = TOWNDATA['name'].str.replace(k, '')
TOWNS = TOWNDATA.groupby(['bua_code', 'name', 'region_name']).filter(lambda v: v['population'].sum() > 1)
TOWNS['Town'] = TOWNDATA['name']
IDX2 = TOWNS['citytownclassification'].isin(URBANTYPES)
TOWNS['urban'] = 'N'
TOWNS.loc[IDX2, 'urban'] = 'Y'
print('Loaded Output Area Data')
print('Load Scotland')
SCDATA = gp.read_file('work/OutputArea2011_MHW.shp')
print('Aggregate Scotland')
SC = SCDATA[['DataZone', 'geometry']].dissolve(by='DataZone', aggfunc='sum')
SDX1 = TOWNS['lsoa_code'].str[:1] == 'S'
G1 = TOWNS.loc[SDX1, ['lsoa_code']].join(SC['geometry'], on='lsoa_code')
SC = None
print('Loaded Scotland')
print('Load England and Wales')
EW = gp.read_file('work/Output_Areas__December_2011__Boundaries_EW_BGC.shp')
EW = EW.to_crs(CRS)
EW = EW.set_index('OA11CD')
G2 = TOWNS.loc[~SDX1, ['outputarea_code']].join(EW['geometry'], on='outputarea_code')
EW = None
print('Loaded England and Wales')
print('Create GeoDataFrame')
GEOMETRY = pd.concat([G2['geometry'], G1['geometry']])
G1 = None
G2 = None
GF1 = gp.GeoDataFrame(TOWNS, geometry=GEOMETRY, crs=CRS)
_precision = _set_precision(1)
GF1['geometry'] = GF1['geometry'].apply(_precision)
print('Write GeoDataFrame')
GF1.to_file('all_boundaries.geojson', crs=CRS, driver='GeoJSON')
GF1.to_file('shp/all_boundaries.shp', crs=CRS)
print('Aggregate by region, town, Built Up Area (BUA) and Middle Super-Output-Area')
KEYS = ['region_name', 'Town', 'bua_code', 'msoa_code']
GF2 = GF1[KEYS + ['geometry', 'population']].dissolve(by=KEYS, aggfunc=sum)
#GF2 = GF2.to_crs('EPSG:4326')
print('Aggregated data')
FULLKEYS = KEYS + ['outputarea_code', 'lsoa_code', 'la_name', 'bua_name', 'constituency_name', 'citytownclassification', 'urban']
DF1 = TOWNS[FULLKEYS].drop_duplicates(subset=KEYS).set_index(KEYS)
_precision = _set_precision(5)
POINTS = gp.GeoDataFrame(geometry=GF2.centroid, crs=CRS).to_crs('EPSG:4326')
POINTS['geometry'] = POINTS['geometry'].apply(_precision)
POINTS['data'] = POINTS['geometry'].apply(lambda v: [v.x, v.y])
POINTS['longitude'], POINTS['latitude'] = zip(*POINTS.pop('data'))
DF2 = POINTS[['longitude', 'latitude']]
BOUNDARIES = GF2.join(DF1).join(DF2).reset_index().fillna('-')
for k in ['bua_code', 'bua_name', 'citytownclassification']:
BOUNDARIES[k] = BOUNDARIES[k].str.replace('None', '-')
#from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#fig = plt.figure()
#ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
print('Segment boundaries')
INTERVAL = {'rural': 0, '5k': 5E3, '10k': 10E3, '50k': 50E3, '100k': 100E3, 'MC1': 1E9}
BINS = pd.IntervalIndex.from_breaks(list(INTERVAL.values()), closed='left')
KEYS = ['region_name', 'Town', 'bua_code']
POPULATION = BOUNDARIES[KEYS + ['population']].groupby(KEYS).sum()
CUT = pd.cut(POPULATION['population'].to_numpy(), BINS)
CUT = CUT.rename_categories({i: j for i, j in zip(CUT.categories, INTERVAL.keys())})
POPULATION['pgroup'] = CUT.tolist()
BOUNDARIES = BOUNDARIES.set_index(KEYS).join(POPULATION['pgroup']).reset_index()
IDX3 = BOUNDARIES['urban'] == 'N'
BOUNDARIES.loc[IDX3, 'pgroup'] = 'rural'
print('Write full boundaries')
_precision = _set_precision(5)
BOUNDARIES['geometry'] = BOUNDARIES['geometry'].apply(_precision)
BOUNDARIES.to_file('shp/full_boundaries.shp', crs='epsg:4326')
BOUNDARIES.to_file('full_boundaries.geojson', crs='epsg:4326', driver='GeoJSON')
print('Write segmented boundaries')
for k, g in BOUNDARIES.groupby('pgroup'):
stub = 'town_boundaries_{}'.format(k)
g.to_file('shp/{}.shp'.format(stub), crs='epsg:4326')
g.to_file('{}.geojson'.format(stub), driver='GeoJSON', crs='epsg:4326')
BOUNDARIES = BOUNDARIES.to_crs('epsg:27700')
for k, g in BOUNDARIES.groupby('pgroup'):
stub = 'town_boundaries_gb_{}'.format(k)
g.to_file('shp/{}.shp'.format(stub), crs='epsg:27700')
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Alfreton", "bua_code": "E35001356", "msoa_code": "E02004029", "population": 6611, "outputarea_code": "E00098113", "lsoa_code": "E01019402", "la_name": "Amber Valley", "bua_name": "Alfreton BUASD", "constituency_name": "Amber Valley", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.38723, "latitude": 53.09822, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.38239, 53.09416 ], [ -1.38155, 53.09327 ], [ -1.3816, 53.0928 ], [ -1.38198, 53.09279 ], [ -1.38469, 53.09229 ], [ -1.38588, 53.0915 ], [ -1.38585, 53.0911 ], [ -1.38761, 53.09023 ], [ -1.38733, 53.09005 ], [ -1.38961, 53.08939 ], [ -1.39273, 53.08877 ], [ -1.39591, 53.08853 ], [ -1.39585, 53.08987 ], [ -1.39874, 53.08904 ], [ -1.40051, 53.08926 ], [ -1.4047, 53.0887 ], [ -1.40685, 53.08927 ], [ -1.40613, 53.09014 ], [ -1.40618, 53.09213 ], [ -1.40561, 53.09308 ], [ -1.40421, 53.09566 ], [ -1.40512, 53.09649 ], [ -1.40634, 53.09916 ], [ -1.40404, 53.10064 ], [ -1.40424, 53.10661 ], [ -1.40395, 53.10706 ], [ -1.4029, 53.10731 ], [ -1.40052, 53.10622 ], [ -1.39746, 53.10533 ], [ -1.39556, 53.10516 ], [ -1.39491, 53.10476 ], [ -1.39388, 53.1051 ], [ -1.39271, 53.10489 ], [ -1.3924, 53.10537 ], [ -1.39114, 53.10523 ], [ -1.39034, 53.10545 ], [ -1.39043, 53.1058 ], [ -1.38953, 53.10582 ], [ -1.38976, 53.10617 ], [ -1.38904, 53.10643 ], [ -1.38817, 53.10597 ], [ -1.38812, 53.10649 ], [ -1.38715, 53.10673 ], [ -1.38671, 53.10632 ], [ -1.38631, 53.10691 ], [ -1.38606, 53.10659 ], [ -1.38499, 53.10698 ], [ -1.38402, 53.10698 ], [ -1.38342, 53.10764 ], [ -1.38247, 53.10752 ], [ -1.3813, 53.1079 ], [ -1.38125, 53.10837 ], [ -1.38023, 53.10831 ], [ -1.37959, 53.1079 ], [ -1.37967, 53.10854 ], [ -1.37911, 53.10845 ], [ -1.37903, 53.10881 ], [ -1.37811, 53.10825 ], [ -1.37792, 53.10866 ], [ -1.37736, 53.10845 ], [ -1.37703, 53.10867 ], [ -1.37602, 53.10842 ], [ -1.37365, 53.10786 ], [ -1.3728, 53.10717 ], [ -1.3727, 53.10554 ], [ -1.37319, 53.10499 ], [ -1.37286, 53.10384 ], [ -1.37036, 53.10249 ], [ -1.36898, 53.10025 ], [ -1.36897, 53.09938 ], [ -1.36958, 53.09904 ], [ -1.36689, 53.0977 ], [ -1.36597, 53.09667 ], [ -1.36405, 53.09592 ], [ -1.364, 53.09453 ], [ -1.36501, 53.09326 ], [ -1.36332, 53.09252 ], [ -1.36323, 53.09247 ], [ -1.37338, 53.09087 ], [ -1.37774, 53.09077 ], [ -1.37759, 53.09127 ], [ -1.37715, 53.09155 ], [ -1.3775, 53.09352 ], [ -1.37743, 53.09455 ], [ -1.37824, 53.09545 ], [ -1.37804, 53.09557 ], [ -1.37855, 53.0958 ], [ -1.37763, 53.09831 ], [ -1.37767, 53.09856 ], [ -1.37883, 53.09847 ], [ -1.37975, 53.09904 ], [ -1.3785, 53.09987 ], [ -1.37871, 53.10049 ], [ -1.37985, 53.10008 ], [ -1.38083, 53.10024 ], [ -1.38174, 53.09994 ], [ -1.38247, 53.09966 ], [ -1.38247, 53.09922 ], [ -1.38328, 53.09916 ], [ -1.38319, 53.09873 ], [ -1.38213, 53.09873 ], [ -1.38258, 53.09832 ], [ -1.38304, 53.09849 ], [ -1.3842, 53.09756 ], [ -1.38311, 53.09755 ], [ -1.38276, 53.09815 ], [ -1.38209, 53.09788 ], [ -1.38211, 53.09728 ], [ -1.38101, 53.09718 ], [ -1.38043, 53.0967 ], [ -1.38064, 53.09643 ], [ -1.38069, 53.09625 ], [ -1.38059, 53.09572 ], [ -1.38239, 53.09416 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Alfreton", "bua_code": "E35001356", "msoa_code": "E02004031", "population": 6808, "outputarea_code": "E00098112", "lsoa_code": "E01019403", "la_name": "Amber Valley", "bua_name": "Alfreton BUASD", "constituency_name": "Amber Valley", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.36761, "latitude": 53.08062, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.36561, 53.06724 ], [ -1.36233, 53.06783 ], [ -1.36304, 53.06852 ], [ -1.36139, 53.06903 ], [ -1.36161, 53.06986 ], [ -1.36128, 53.07023 ], [ -1.36051, 53.07027 ], [ -1.36035, 53.07058 ], [ -1.36143, 53.07077 ], [ -1.36272, 53.07221 ], [ -1.361, 53.07359 ], [ -1.36788, 53.07349 ], [ -1.36799, 53.07388 ], [ -1.36734, 53.07401 ], [ -1.36674, 53.07484 ], [ -1.36875, 53.07443 ], [ -1.36869, 53.07537 ], [ -1.36824, 53.07586 ], [ -1.36672, 53.07581 ], [ -1.36754, 53.07654 ], [ -1.36731, 53.07681 ], [ -1.36679, 53.07661 ], [ -1.3664, 53.07681 ], [ -1.36684, 53.07708 ], [ -1.36637, 53.0777 ], [ -1.36599, 53.07807 ], [ -1.36632, 53.07861 ], [ -1.36689, 53.07834 ], [ -1.3674, 53.07877 ], [ -1.36841, 53.07876 ], [ -1.36908, 53.07918 ], [ -1.36974, 53.07906 ], [ -1.36854, 53.07834 ], [ -1.36882, 53.07817 ], [ -1.37063, 53.07861 ], [ -1.37216, 53.07825 ], [ -1.37239, 53.0779 ], [ -1.37352, 53.07791 ], [ -1.37362, 53.07815 ], [ -1.37314, 53.07949 ], [ -1.37472, 53.08088 ], [ -1.37462, 53.08123 ], [ -1.37538, 53.08127 ], [ -1.37636, 53.08228 ], [ -1.37688, 53.08204 ], [ -1.37773, 53.08169 ], [ -1.37865, 53.08194 ], [ -1.37992, 53.08178 ], [ -1.38005, 53.08212 ], [ -1.38194, 53.08199 ], [ -1.38356, 53.08248 ], [ -1.38465, 53.08222 ], [ -1.38555, 53.08625 ], [ -1.38631, 53.08686 ], [ -1.38754, 53.08711 ], [ -1.38961, 53.08939 ], [ -1.38733, 53.09005 ], [ -1.38761, 53.09023 ], [ -1.38585, 53.0911 ], [ -1.38588, 53.0915 ], [ -1.38469, 53.09229 ], [ -1.38198, 53.09279 ], [ -1.3816, 53.0928 ], [ -1.38155, 53.09327 ], [ -1.38239, 53.09416 ], [ -1.38059, 53.09572 ], [ -1.38069, 53.09625 ], [ -1.38064, 53.09643 ], [ -1.38043, 53.0967 ], [ -1.38101, 53.09718 ], [ -1.38211, 53.09728 ], [ -1.38209, 53.09788 ], [ -1.38276, 53.09815 ], [ -1.38311, 53.09755 ], [ -1.3842, 53.09756 ], [ -1.38304, 53.09849 ], [ -1.38258, 53.09832 ], [ -1.38213, 53.09873 ], [ -1.38319, 53.09873 ], [ -1.38328, 53.09916 ], [ -1.38247, 53.09922 ], [ -1.38247, 53.09966 ], [ -1.38174, 53.09994 ], [ -1.38083, 53.10024 ], [ -1.37985, 53.10008 ], [ -1.37871, 53.10049 ], [ -1.3785, 53.09987 ], [ -1.37975, 53.09904 ], [ -1.37883, 53.09847 ], [ -1.37767, 53.09856 ], [ -1.37763, 53.09831 ], [ -1.37855, 53.0958 ], [ -1.37804, 53.09557 ], [ -1.37824, 53.09545 ], [ -1.37743, 53.09455 ], [ -1.3775, 53.09352 ], [ -1.37715, 53.09155 ], [ -1.37759, 53.09127 ], [ -1.37774, 53.09077 ], [ -1.37338, 53.09087 ], [ -1.36323, 53.09247 ], [ -1.36225, 53.09181 ], [ -1.36142, 53.09186 ], [ -1.36074, 53.0904 ], [ -1.3599, 53.09016 ], [ -1.36297, 53.08825 ], [ -1.36574, 53.08872 ], [ -1.37044, 53.08854 ], [ -1.36972, 53.08529 ], [ -1.36874, 53.0845 ], [ -1.36679, 53.08419 ], [ -1.3657, 53.08543 ], [ -1.365, 53.08525 ], [ -1.36449, 53.08564 ], [ -1.36283, 53.08506 ], [ -1.36136, 53.08523 ], [ -1.36055, 53.08441 ], [ -1.36264, 53.08245 ], [ -1.36273, 53.0815 ], [ -1.36098, 53.08138 ], [ -1.36006, 53.08137 ], [ -1.36001, 53.08264 ], [ -1.35692, 53.08331 ], [ -1.35499, 53.08231 ], [ -1.35297, 53.08264 ], [ -1.3533, 53.08158 ], [ -1.35963, 53.08091 ], [ -1.35952, 53.0794 ], [ -1.35706, 53.07903 ], [ -1.35531, 53.07849 ], [ -1.35398, 53.07795 ], [ -1.34976, 53.0795 ], [ -1.35007, 53.0764 ], [ -1.35051, 53.0759 ], [ -1.35262, 53.07603 ], [ -1.35439, 53.07547 ], [ -1.35473, 53.07459 ], [ -1.35422, 53.0743 ], [ -1.35625, 53.07316 ], [ -1.35514, 53.07269 ], [ -1.35469, 53.07069 ], [ -1.35229, 53.06996 ], [ -1.3508, 53.06983 ], [ -1.34968, 53.06858 ], [ -1.34871, 53.06853 ], [ -1.34869, 53.06787 ], [ -1.34921, 53.06702 ], [ -1.35105, 53.06674 ], [ -1.35002, 53.0664 ], [ -1.35145, 53.06446 ], [ -1.35072, 53.06403 ], [ -1.35292, 53.06347 ], [ -1.35658, 53.06187 ], [ -1.35865, 53.06098 ], [ -1.35964, 53.06141 ], [ -1.36005, 53.06205 ], [ -1.36027, 53.0646 ], [ -1.3649, 53.06602 ], [ -1.36561, 53.06724 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Arnold", "bua_code": "E35000779", "msoa_code": "E02002874", "population": 1909, "outputarea_code": "E00070497", "lsoa_code": "E01013963", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Arnold BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham East", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.14741, "latitude": 52.99594, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.1498, 52.99413 ], [ -1.15233, 52.99385 ], [ -1.15349, 52.99614 ], [ -1.15356, 52.99626 ], [ -1.15238, 52.99664 ], [ -1.14907, 52.99767 ], [ -1.14855, 52.99742 ], [ -1.1482, 52.99724 ], [ -1.14725, 52.99775 ], [ -1.14609, 52.99838 ], [ -1.14493, 52.99785 ], [ -1.14206, 52.99683 ], [ -1.14143, 52.99662 ], [ -1.14067, 52.99571 ], [ -1.14181, 52.9955 ], [ -1.14187, 52.9948 ], [ -1.14338, 52.99476 ], [ -1.14534, 52.99467 ], [ -1.1498, 52.99413 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Arnold", "bua_code": "E35000779", "msoa_code": "E02005868", "population": 7102, "outputarea_code": "E00143395", "lsoa_code": "E01028143", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Arnold BUASD", "constituency_name": "Gedling", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.12503, "latitude": 53.01528, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.13287, 53.00604 ], [ -1.13458, 53.00549 ], [ -1.1355, 53.0057 ], [ -1.13578, 53.00539 ], [ -1.13708, 53.00533 ], [ -1.13763, 53.00568 ], [ -1.13733, 53.00631 ], [ -1.13563, 53.0084 ], [ -1.13556, 53.00923 ], [ -1.13499, 53.00912 ], [ -1.13467, 53.00952 ], [ -1.13492, 53.01009 ], [ -1.13549, 53.01025 ], [ -1.13515, 53.01067 ], [ -1.13761, 53.01095 ], [ -1.13785, 53.01128 ], [ -1.13739, 53.01141 ], [ -1.13669, 53.01297 ], [ -1.13623, 53.01314 ], [ -1.13501, 53.01342 ], [ -1.13447, 53.01386 ], [ -1.13229, 53.01364 ], [ -1.13069, 53.02097 ], [ -1.13087, 53.02171 ], [ -1.13179, 53.02256 ], [ -1.13038, 53.0281 ], [ -1.12981, 53.02795 ], [ -1.12999, 53.02657 ], [ -1.11846, 53.02265 ], [ -1.11491, 53.02143 ], [ -1.11685, 53.01885 ], [ -1.11391, 53.01794 ], [ -1.11566, 53.01512 ], [ -1.11341, 53.01453 ], [ -1.1152, 53.01178 ], [ -1.11433, 53.01152 ], [ -1.11472, 53.01094 ], [ -1.11553, 53.01096 ], [ -1.11598, 53.01051 ], [ -1.11647, 53.01022 ], [ -1.11808, 53.00959 ], [ -1.11833, 53.00957 ], [ -1.12002, 53.00787 ], [ -1.11921, 53.00743 ], [ -1.11941, 53.00716 ], [ -1.11944, 53.00663 ], [ -1.12099, 53.00653 ], [ -1.1211, 53.00689 ], [ -1.12266, 53.0066 ], [ -1.12402, 53.00691 ], [ -1.12439, 53.00655 ], [ -1.12454, 53.00685 ], [ -1.12528, 53.00618 ], [ -1.12683, 53.00593 ], [ -1.12688, 53.00622 ], [ -1.12732, 53.00642 ], [ -1.1272, 53.00782 ], [ -1.12836, 53.00871 ], [ -1.12959, 53.00964 ], [ -1.13113, 53.01075 ], [ -1.13142, 53.0105 ], [ -1.13268, 53.01054 ], [ -1.13301, 53.00967 ], [ -1.13193, 53.00902 ], [ -1.13238, 53.00849 ], [ -1.13132, 53.00729 ], [ -1.13163, 53.00705 ], [ -1.13049, 53.00683 ], [ -1.1304, 53.00736 ], [ -1.12911, 53.00726 ], [ -1.12936, 53.00591 ], [ -1.13007, 53.0056 ], [ -1.13012, 53.00589 ], [ -1.13102, 53.00615 ], [ -1.13204, 53.00599 ], [ -1.1324, 53.00621 ], [ -1.13282, 53.00606 ], [ -1.13287, 53.00604 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Arnold", "bua_code": "E35000779", "msoa_code": "E02005871", "population": 7168, "outputarea_code": "E00143577", "lsoa_code": "E01028182", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Arnold BUASD", "constituency_name": "Gedling", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.10785, "latitude": 53.00358, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.10243, 52.99844 ], [ -1.10276, 52.99787 ], [ -1.10278, 52.99783 ], [ -1.10286, 52.99764 ], [ -1.10361, 52.9956 ], [ -1.10424, 52.99448 ], [ -1.10644, 52.99315 ], [ -1.10896, 52.9919 ], [ -1.10932, 52.9921 ], [ -1.11027, 52.99274 ], [ -1.11321, 52.99457 ], [ -1.11361, 52.9948 ], [ -1.11481, 52.99549 ], [ -1.11779, 52.99699 ], [ -1.11893, 52.99799 ], [ -1.12062, 52.9991 ], [ -1.12096, 52.99931 ], [ -1.11817, 53.001 ], [ -1.11711, 53.00157 ], [ -1.11485, 53.00274 ], [ -1.11372, 53.00333 ], [ -1.11168, 53.00441 ], [ -1.11518, 53.00561 ], [ -1.11489, 53.00601 ], [ -1.11485, 53.00606 ], [ -1.11458, 53.00647 ], [ -1.11414, 53.00646 ], [ -1.11304, 53.00665 ], [ -1.11157, 53.00714 ], [ -1.11102, 53.00811 ], [ -1.11033, 53.0099 ], [ -1.1101, 53.01051 ], [ -1.11001, 53.01095 ], [ -1.10964, 53.01416 ], [ -1.10632, 53.01366 ], [ -1.1063, 53.01458 ], [ -1.10547, 53.01521 ], [ -1.10257, 53.01678 ], [ -1.09941, 53.01541 ], [ -1.09928, 53.01463 ], [ -1.10034, 53.01298 ], [ -1.10058, 53.01126 ], [ -1.09999, 53.00822 ], [ -1.10052, 53.00356 ], [ -1.10146, 53.00122 ], [ -1.10241, 52.99847 ], [ -1.10243, 52.99844 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Arnold", "bua_code": "E35000779", "msoa_code": "E02005873", "population": 10045, "outputarea_code": "E00143556", "lsoa_code": "E01028177", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Arnold BUASD", "constituency_name": "Gedling", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.12642, "latitude": 52.99153, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.11542, 52.98811 ], [ -1.11737, 52.98678 ], [ -1.12035, 52.98501 ], [ -1.1228, 52.98347 ], [ -1.12373, 52.98347 ], [ -1.12485, 52.98406 ], [ -1.1273, 52.98503 ], [ -1.1312, 52.98608 ], [ -1.13282, 52.98652 ], [ -1.13594, 52.98653 ], [ -1.1362, 52.98652 ], [ -1.1378, 52.98633 ], [ -1.13982, 52.98595 ], [ -1.14245, 52.98627 ], [ -1.14033, 52.98922 ], [ -1.14031, 52.98926 ], [ -1.14, 52.99189 ], [ -1.14004, 52.99259 ], [ -1.1392, 52.99347 ], [ -1.1387, 52.99422 ], [ -1.13825, 52.99484 ], [ -1.13778, 52.9963 ], [ -1.13606, 52.99696 ], [ -1.13455, 52.99801 ], [ -1.13442, 52.99813 ], [ -1.13394, 52.99861 ], [ -1.13384, 52.99873 ], [ -1.13339, 52.99864 ], [ -1.13331, 52.99682 ], [ -1.13066, 52.99798 ], [ -1.13063, 52.99816 ], [ -1.13018, 52.99835 ], [ -1.13142, 52.99918 ], [ -1.13002, 53.00005 ], [ -1.12906, 52.99975 ], [ -1.12902, 52.99882 ], [ -1.1258, 52.99746 ], [ -1.12455, 52.99797 ], [ -1.12453, 52.998 ], [ -1.12409, 52.99775 ], [ -1.1254, 52.99701 ], [ -1.12517, 52.99691 ], [ -1.12436, 52.99702 ], [ -1.12354, 52.9975 ], [ -1.12258, 52.99758 ], [ -1.12173, 52.99758 ], [ -1.12079, 52.99799 ], [ -1.12069, 52.99807 ], [ -1.12025, 52.99838 ], [ -1.121, 52.99883 ], [ -1.12062, 52.9991 ], [ -1.11893, 52.99799 ], [ -1.11779, 52.99699 ], [ -1.11481, 52.99549 ], [ -1.11361, 52.9948 ], [ -1.11321, 52.99457 ], [ -1.11027, 52.99274 ], [ -1.10932, 52.9921 ], [ -1.10896, 52.9919 ], [ -1.11385, 52.98913 ], [ -1.11542, 52.98811 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Arnold", "bua_code": "E35000779", "msoa_code": "E02006835", "population": 635, "outputarea_code": "E00143400", "lsoa_code": "E01032622", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Arnold BUASD", "constituency_name": "Gedling", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.1387, "latitude": 53.00829, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.13556, 53.00923 ], [ -1.13563, 53.0084 ], [ -1.13733, 53.00631 ], [ -1.13763, 53.00568 ], [ -1.13708, 53.00533 ], [ -1.13842, 53.00496 ], [ -1.13881, 53.00447 ], [ -1.14039, 53.00496 ], [ -1.14016, 53.00587 ], [ -1.14064, 53.00594 ], [ -1.14051, 53.0066 ], [ -1.14121, 53.00666 ], [ -1.14124, 53.00734 ], [ -1.1429, 53.00742 ], [ -1.14231, 53.00829 ], [ -1.14073, 53.01047 ], [ -1.13936, 53.01109 ], [ -1.13785, 53.01128 ], [ -1.13761, 53.01095 ], [ -1.13515, 53.01067 ], [ -1.13549, 53.01025 ], [ -1.13492, 53.01009 ], [ -1.13467, 53.00952 ], [ -1.13499, 53.00912 ], [ -1.13556, 53.00923 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Ashbourne", "bua_code": "E34003707", "msoa_code": "E02004075", "population": 1745, "outputarea_code": "E00099101", "lsoa_code": "E01019595", "la_name": "Derbyshire Dales", "bua_name": "Ashbourne BUA", "constituency_name": "Derbyshire Dales", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.73323, "latitude": 53.01935, "pgroup": "5k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.73805, 53.01554 ], [ -1.73989, 53.01481 ], [ -1.7429, 53.01289 ], [ -1.74295, 53.01343 ], [ -1.7458, 53.01187 ], [ -1.74633, 53.01213 ], [ -1.74873, 53.01219 ], [ -1.74894, 53.01347 ], [ -1.74794, 53.01406 ], [ -1.74842, 53.01438 ], [ -1.74706, 53.01499 ], [ -1.74755, 53.01531 ], [ -1.7466, 53.01589 ], [ -1.74113, 53.01744 ], [ -1.73843, 53.01875 ], [ -1.7375, 53.02033 ], [ -1.73647, 53.02141 ], [ -1.73676, 53.02176 ], [ -1.73677, 53.02245 ], [ -1.73765, 53.0227 ], [ -1.737, 53.02461 ], [ -1.73138, 53.02355 ], [ -1.72961, 53.0246 ], [ -1.728, 53.02423 ], [ -1.72681, 53.02565 ], [ -1.72563, 53.02614 ], [ -1.72497, 53.02597 ], [ -1.7249, 53.02541 ], [ -1.72336, 53.02531 ], [ -1.72546, 53.02447 ], [ -1.72362, 53.02388 ], [ -1.72357, 53.02358 ], [ -1.72253, 53.02392 ], [ -1.72178, 53.0234 ], [ -1.72074, 53.02357 ], [ -1.72014, 53.023 ], [ -1.71945, 53.01977 ], [ -1.71975, 53.01847 ], [ -1.72049, 53.0184 ], [ -1.72068, 53.01707 ], [ -1.72411, 53.01737 ], [ -1.72429, 53.0182 ], [ -1.72235, 53.01882 ], [ -1.72616, 53.02108 ], [ -1.7264, 53.0214 ], [ -1.72562, 53.02162 ], [ -1.72583, 53.02195 ], [ -1.72755, 53.02168 ], [ -1.72853, 53.02196 ], [ -1.72988, 53.02192 ], [ -1.73243, 53.02078 ], [ -1.73151, 53.02035 ], [ -1.73206, 53.01977 ], [ -1.73152, 53.01925 ], [ -1.73225, 53.01858 ], [ -1.73148, 53.01827 ], [ -1.73105, 53.01862 ], [ -1.73022, 53.01839 ], [ -1.73045, 53.01741 ], [ -1.73248, 53.01653 ], [ -1.73358, 53.01697 ], [ -1.73788, 53.01558 ], [ -1.73805, 53.01554 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Ashbourne", "bua_code": "E34003707", "msoa_code": "E02004076", "population": 6985, "outputarea_code": "E00099099", "lsoa_code": "E01019594", "la_name": "Derbyshire Dales", "bua_name": "Ashbourne BUA", "constituency_name": "Derbyshire Dales", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.72445, "latitude": 53.01065, "pgroup": "5k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.70897, 53.01125 ], [ -1.71013, 53.01077 ], [ -1.70946, 53.00875 ], [ -1.70673, 53.00559 ], [ -1.70692, 53.00522 ], [ -1.70573, 53.00458 ], [ -1.70772, 53.00072 ], [ -1.71268, 53.00333 ], [ -1.71324, 53.00297 ], [ -1.71465, 53.0028 ], [ -1.72334, 53.00285 ], [ -1.72626, 53.00257 ], [ -1.72706, 53.00352 ], [ -1.7303, 53.00355 ], [ -1.73328, 53.00525 ], [ -1.73765, 53.00682 ], [ -1.73971, 53.00826 ], [ -1.74237, 53.00924 ], [ -1.74276, 53.00902 ], [ -1.74305, 53.00923 ], [ -1.74443, 53.01041 ], [ -1.74506, 53.01044 ], [ -1.74613, 53.01103 ], [ -1.74736, 53.01056 ], [ -1.74948, 53.01083 ], [ -1.74873, 53.01219 ], [ -1.74633, 53.01213 ], [ -1.7458, 53.01187 ], [ -1.74295, 53.01343 ], [ -1.7429, 53.01289 ], [ -1.73989, 53.01481 ], [ -1.73805, 53.01554 ], [ -1.73788, 53.01558 ], [ -1.73358, 53.01697 ], [ -1.73248, 53.01653 ], [ -1.73045, 53.01741 ], [ -1.73022, 53.01839 ], [ -1.73105, 53.01862 ], [ -1.73148, 53.01827 ], [ -1.73225, 53.01858 ], [ -1.73152, 53.01925 ], [ -1.73206, 53.01977 ], [ -1.73151, 53.02035 ], [ -1.73243, 53.02078 ], [ -1.72988, 53.02192 ], [ -1.72853, 53.02196 ], [ -1.72755, 53.02168 ], [ -1.72583, 53.02195 ], [ -1.72562, 53.02162 ], [ -1.7264, 53.0214 ], [ -1.72616, 53.02108 ], [ -1.72235, 53.01882 ], [ -1.72429, 53.0182 ], [ -1.72411, 53.01737 ], [ -1.72068, 53.01707 ], [ -1.71734, 53.01631 ], [ -1.71628, 53.01691 ], [ -1.71447, 53.01614 ], [ -1.71441, 53.01573 ], [ -1.71387, 53.01555 ], [ -1.71352, 53.01626 ], [ -1.7123, 53.01673 ], [ -1.71108, 53.01525 ], [ -1.71032, 53.01542 ], [ -1.71029, 53.01494 ], [ -1.70782, 53.01386 ], [ -1.70728, 53.0137 ], [ -1.70813, 53.01157 ], [ -1.70897, 53.01125 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Ashby-de-la-Zouch", "bua_code": "E34003491", "msoa_code": "E02005399", "population": 7263, "outputarea_code": "E00131507", "lsoa_code": "E01025915", "la_name": "North West Leicestershire", "bua_name": "Ashby-de-la-Zouch BUA", "constituency_name": "North West Leicestershire", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.45973, "latitude": 52.7597, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.46243, 52.74514 ], [ -1.46204, 52.74451 ], [ -1.46358, 52.74437 ], [ -1.46417, 52.74357 ], [ -1.46378, 52.74293 ], [ -1.46485, 52.74083 ], [ -1.4637, 52.73945 ], [ -1.46383, 52.7391 ], [ -1.46489, 52.73884 ], [ -1.46499, 52.73912 ], [ -1.46583, 52.7391 ], [ -1.46573, 52.73982 ], [ -1.46648, 52.74003 ], [ -1.46577, 52.74064 ], [ -1.46562, 52.74178 ], [ -1.46638, 52.74163 ], [ -1.46734, 52.74199 ], [ -1.46763, 52.74133 ], [ -1.46632, 52.741 ], [ -1.4665, 52.74069 ], [ -1.46726, 52.74081 ], [ -1.46753, 52.74051 ], [ -1.46854, 52.74078 ], [ -1.46848, 52.74163 ], [ -1.46897, 52.74154 ], [ -1.46917, 52.74195 ], [ -1.46946, 52.74167 ], [ -1.47019, 52.74155 ], [ -1.47083, 52.74185 ], [ -1.47034, 52.74283 ], [ -1.47168, 52.74283 ], [ -1.47278, 52.741 ], [ -1.47408, 52.74131 ], [ -1.47357, 52.74198 ], [ -1.47273, 52.74192 ], [ -1.47255, 52.74281 ], [ -1.47424, 52.7428 ], [ -1.47445, 52.74495 ], [ -1.47344, 52.74581 ], [ -1.47347, 52.74663 ], [ -1.4731, 52.7467 ], [ -1.47385, 52.74806 ], [ -1.47468, 52.74814 ], [ -1.47711, 52.74785 ], [ -1.4788, 52.74797 ], [ -1.47952, 52.74814 ], [ -1.48309, 52.74985 ], [ -1.48572, 52.75153 ], [ -1.48724, 52.75292 ], [ -1.48888, 52.75533 ], [ -1.49399, 52.75904 ], [ -1.49291, 52.75966 ], [ -1.49247, 52.75942 ], [ -1.48825, 52.76251 ], [ -1.48779, 52.76234 ], [ -1.4859, 52.76304 ], [ -1.48569, 52.76278 ], [ -1.47993, 52.76386 ], [ -1.47847, 52.76368 ], [ -1.47714, 52.76597 ], [ -1.47334, 52.76549 ], [ -1.47255, 52.76655 ], [ -1.47183, 52.76625 ], [ -1.46876, 52.76679 ], [ -1.46834, 52.76739 ], [ -1.46645, 52.76797 ], [ -1.46355, 52.77105 ], [ -1.46216, 52.77138 ], [ -1.46042, 52.77467 ], [ -1.46041, 52.77623 ], [ -1.45588, 52.77709 ], [ -1.4571, 52.77741 ], [ -1.45876, 52.77684 ], [ -1.4595, 52.77708 ], [ -1.45709, 52.77909 ], [ -1.45937, 52.77981 ], [ -1.45986, 52.78016 ], [ -1.45952, 52.78034 ], [ -1.46121, 52.7814 ], [ -1.46105, 52.78174 ], [ -1.45829, 52.78281 ], [ -1.45884, 52.78367 ], [ -1.45765, 52.7844 ], [ -1.45799, 52.78471 ], [ -1.45884, 52.78444 ], [ -1.46088, 52.78603 ], [ -1.46151, 52.78585 ], [ -1.46279, 52.78671 ], [ -1.46233, 52.78714 ], [ -1.45754, 52.78859 ], [ -1.45487, 52.78899 ], [ -1.45548, 52.78725 ], [ -1.45459, 52.78667 ], [ -1.45498, 52.78598 ], [ -1.45457, 52.78469 ], [ -1.45154, 52.78263 ], [ -1.45036, 52.78064 ], [ -1.44681, 52.77907 ], [ -1.44521, 52.77948 ], [ -1.44066, 52.77984 ], [ -1.44244, 52.77656 ], [ -1.44132, 52.77381 ], [ -1.44141, 52.77267 ], [ -1.44295, 52.77254 ], [ -1.44356, 52.77169 ], [ -1.44243, 52.7708 ], [ -1.44106, 52.76743 ], [ -1.44038, 52.76458 ], [ -1.44071, 52.76242 ], [ -1.44001, 52.76219 ], [ -1.43639, 52.76093 ], [ -1.43808, 52.75823 ], [ -1.43665, 52.7581 ], [ -1.4361, 52.75765 ], [ -1.43508, 52.75745 ], [ -1.43434, 52.75612 ], [ -1.43503, 52.75501 ], [ -1.43733, 52.75421 ], [ -1.43712, 52.75396 ], [ -1.43983, 52.75169 ], [ -1.44098, 52.7497 ], [ -1.43926, 52.74918 ], [ -1.43955, 52.7472 ], [ -1.44162, 52.74562 ], [ -1.44387, 52.74544 ], [ -1.44442, 52.74142 ], [ -1.44975, 52.74269 ], [ -1.46022, 52.74289 ], [ -1.46086, 52.74344 ], [ -1.46014, 52.74373 ], [ -1.4614, 52.74386 ], [ -1.46173, 52.74523 ], [ -1.46243, 52.74514 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Ashby-de-la-Zouch", "bua_code": "E34003491", "msoa_code": "E02005402", "population": 6154, "outputarea_code": "E00131508", "lsoa_code": "E01025914", "la_name": "North West Leicestershire", "bua_name": "Ashby-de-la-Zouch BUA", "constituency_name": "North West Leicestershire", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.47837, "latitude": 52.74143, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.47424, 52.7428 ], [ -1.47255, 52.74281 ], [ -1.47273, 52.74192 ], [ -1.47357, 52.74198 ], [ -1.47408, 52.74131 ], [ -1.47278, 52.741 ], [ -1.47168, 52.74283 ], [ -1.47034, 52.74283 ], [ -1.47083, 52.74185 ], [ -1.47019, 52.74155 ], [ -1.46946, 52.74167 ], [ -1.46917, 52.74195 ], [ -1.46897, 52.74154 ], [ -1.46848, 52.74163 ], [ -1.46854, 52.74078 ], [ -1.46753, 52.74051 ], [ -1.46726, 52.74081 ], [ -1.4665, 52.74069 ], [ -1.46632, 52.741 ], [ -1.46763, 52.74133 ], [ -1.46734, 52.74199 ], [ -1.46638, 52.74163 ], [ -1.46562, 52.74178 ], [ -1.46577, 52.74064 ], [ -1.46648, 52.74003 ], [ -1.46573, 52.73982 ], [ -1.46583, 52.7391 ], [ -1.46499, 52.73912 ], [ -1.46489, 52.73884 ], [ -1.46383, 52.7391 ], [ -1.4637, 52.73945 ], [ -1.46485, 52.74083 ], [ -1.46378, 52.74293 ], [ -1.46417, 52.74357 ], [ -1.46358, 52.74437 ], [ -1.46204, 52.74451 ], [ -1.46243, 52.74514 ], [ -1.46173, 52.74523 ], [ -1.4614, 52.74386 ], [ -1.46014, 52.74373 ], [ -1.46086, 52.74344 ], [ -1.46022, 52.74289 ], [ -1.44975, 52.74269 ], [ -1.44442, 52.74142 ], [ -1.444, 52.74077 ], [ -1.44726, 52.73826 ], [ -1.44932, 52.73717 ], [ -1.45189, 52.73864 ], [ -1.45638, 52.73995 ], [ -1.45723, 52.73951 ], [ -1.4574, 52.73885 ], [ -1.45668, 52.73873 ], [ -1.45844, 52.73657 ], [ -1.45963, 52.73565 ], [ -1.46032, 52.73599 ], [ -1.46391, 52.73396 ], [ -1.46753, 52.73383 ], [ -1.47065, 52.73534 ], [ -1.47144, 52.73695 ], [ -1.47237, 52.73685 ], [ -1.47422, 52.73551 ], [ -1.47713, 52.73356 ], [ -1.47688, 52.73284 ], [ -1.48234, 52.73194 ], [ -1.48723, 52.72933 ], [ -1.48823, 52.72684 ], [ -1.49009, 52.7278 ], [ -1.4918, 52.72822 ], [ -1.49406, 52.73012 ], [ -1.49733, 52.73136 ], [ -1.4983, 52.73304 ], [ -1.49546, 52.73392 ], [ -1.49326, 52.7351 ], [ -1.48983, 52.73564 ], [ -1.48892, 52.73636 ], [ -1.48822, 52.73767 ], [ -1.48653, 52.73856 ], [ -1.4882, 52.73932 ], [ -1.48793, 52.74007 ], [ -1.48836, 52.74121 ], [ -1.48834, 52.74231 ], [ -1.48842, 52.74383 ], [ -1.4897, 52.74517 ], [ -1.49144, 52.74586 ], [ -1.49194, 52.74637 ], [ -1.49173, 52.74682 ], [ -1.49086, 52.74685 ], [ -1.48931, 52.74697 ], [ -1.4898, 52.74725 ], [ -1.48777, 52.74882 ], [ -1.49191, 52.75063 ], [ -1.49912, 52.75458 ], [ -1.503, 52.75579 ], [ -1.50206, 52.75653 ], [ -1.49974, 52.75748 ], [ -1.49886, 52.7572 ], [ -1.49576, 52.75989 ], [ -1.49399, 52.75904 ], [ -1.48888, 52.75533 ], [ -1.48724, 52.75292 ], [ -1.48572, 52.75153 ], [ -1.48309, 52.74985 ], [ -1.47952, 52.74814 ], [ -1.4788, 52.74797 ], [ -1.47711, 52.74785 ], [ -1.47468, 52.74814 ], [ -1.47385, 52.74806 ], [ -1.4731, 52.7467 ], [ -1.47347, 52.74663 ], [ -1.47344, 52.74581 ], [ -1.47445, 52.74495 ], [ -1.47424, 52.7428 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Beeston (Broxtowe)", "bua_code": "E35001323", "msoa_code": "E02005856", "population": 6943, "outputarea_code": "E00143117", "lsoa_code": "E01028090", "la_name": "Broxtowe", "bua_name": "Beeston (Broxtowe) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Broxtowe", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.24355, "latitude": 52.9351, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.23312, 52.93764 ], [ -1.23074, 52.93764 ], [ -1.22693, 52.93774 ], [ -1.22609, 52.93782 ], [ -1.2249, 52.93547 ], [ -1.22337, 52.93374 ], [ -1.22555, 52.93321 ], [ -1.22423, 52.93218 ], [ -1.22388, 52.93231 ], [ -1.22565, 52.93065 ], [ -1.22842, 52.92935 ], [ -1.23, 52.92966 ], [ -1.22957, 52.92891 ], [ -1.23111, 52.92788 ], [ -1.23068, 52.92754 ], [ -1.23468, 52.92671 ], [ -1.23576, 52.92656 ], [ -1.23726, 52.92867 ], [ -1.2412, 52.92692 ], [ -1.24204, 52.9277 ], [ -1.24411, 52.92666 ], [ -1.24213, 52.92551 ], [ -1.2435, 52.92503 ], [ -1.24528, 52.92499 ], [ -1.24765, 52.92475 ], [ -1.25022, 52.92447 ], [ -1.25857, 52.92452 ], [ -1.25827, 52.92683 ], [ -1.25701, 52.92822 ], [ -1.25762, 52.9285 ], [ -1.25722, 52.92891 ], [ -1.25727, 52.93082 ], [ -1.25731, 52.93212 ], [ -1.25787, 52.93372 ], [ -1.25847, 52.93481 ], [ -1.25857, 52.935 ], [ -1.25865, 52.93521 ], [ -1.25837, 52.93613 ], [ -1.25778, 52.93715 ], [ -1.2577, 52.93794 ], [ -1.25834, 52.93873 ], [ -1.26028, 52.93925 ], [ -1.25878, 52.94111 ], [ -1.25502, 52.94447 ], [ -1.25245, 52.94228 ], [ -1.24951, 52.94232 ], [ -1.24635, 52.94277 ], [ -1.24662, 52.94394 ], [ -1.24823, 52.94354 ], [ -1.2471, 52.94517 ], [ -1.24647, 52.94507 ], [ -1.24616, 52.94703 ], [ -1.24496, 52.94695 ], [ -1.24422, 52.94737 ], [ -1.24477, 52.94764 ], [ -1.24426, 52.94871 ], [ -1.24447, 52.94943 ], [ -1.24401, 52.94923 ], [ -1.24345, 52.94888 ], [ -1.24128, 52.9474 ], [ -1.23787, 52.94576 ], [ -1.23559, 52.94517 ], [ -1.23509, 52.94454 ], [ -1.23445, 52.9438 ], [ -1.23411, 52.94321 ], [ -1.23428, 52.94208 ], [ -1.23322, 52.94231 ], [ -1.23243, 52.94205 ], [ -1.23235, 52.94169 ], [ -1.23384, 52.94154 ], [ -1.23339, 52.9394 ], [ -1.23318, 52.93879 ], [ -1.23312, 52.93764 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Beeston (Broxtowe)", "bua_code": "E35001323", "msoa_code": "E02005857", "population": 356, "outputarea_code": "E00143309", "lsoa_code": "E01028125", "la_name": "Broxtowe", "bua_name": "Beeston (Broxtowe) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Broxtowe", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.25854, "latitude": 52.94524, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.26028, 52.93925 ], [ -1.26173, 52.93981 ], [ -1.26126, 52.94005 ], [ -1.25999, 52.94108 ], [ -1.26167, 52.94181 ], [ -1.26128, 52.9421 ], [ -1.26156, 52.94263 ], [ -1.26385, 52.94346 ], [ -1.26438, 52.94409 ], [ -1.26652, 52.94416 ], [ -1.26814, 52.94464 ], [ -1.26674, 52.9451 ], [ -1.26484, 52.94636 ], [ -1.26214, 52.94604 ], [ -1.26069, 52.94615 ], [ -1.25879, 52.94691 ], [ -1.25564, 52.94901 ], [ -1.25394, 52.94943 ], [ -1.25333, 52.9502 ], [ -1.25244, 52.95056 ], [ -1.25083, 52.94856 ], [ -1.25284, 52.9473 ], [ -1.25361, 52.94582 ], [ -1.25502, 52.94447 ], [ -1.25878, 52.94111 ], [ -1.26028, 52.93925 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Beeston (Broxtowe)", "bua_code": "E35001323", "msoa_code": "E02005858", "population": 7330, "outputarea_code": "E00143060", "lsoa_code": "E01028079", "la_name": "Broxtowe", "bua_name": "Beeston (Broxtowe) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Broxtowe", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.22133, "latitude": 52.93419, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.22552, 52.92675 ], [ -1.22638, 52.92656 ], [ -1.22611, 52.92632 ], [ -1.22667, 52.92583 ], [ -1.2273, 52.92607 ], [ -1.22779, 52.9259 ], [ -1.22998, 52.92762 ], [ -1.23068, 52.92754 ], [ -1.23111, 52.92788 ], [ -1.22957, 52.92891 ], [ -1.23, 52.92966 ], [ -1.22842, 52.92935 ], [ -1.22565, 52.93065 ], [ -1.22388, 52.93231 ], [ -1.22423, 52.93218 ], [ -1.22555, 52.93321 ], [ -1.22337, 52.93374 ], [ -1.2249, 52.93547 ], [ -1.22609, 52.93782 ], [ -1.22693, 52.93774 ], [ -1.23074, 52.93764 ], [ -1.23312, 52.93764 ], [ -1.23318, 52.93879 ], [ -1.23339, 52.9394 ], [ -1.23384, 52.94154 ], [ -1.23235, 52.94169 ], [ -1.23243, 52.94205 ], [ -1.23126, 52.94224 ], [ -1.22979, 52.94173 ], [ -1.22679, 52.9412 ], [ -1.22595, 52.9407 ], [ -1.22608, 52.94007 ], [ -1.22706, 52.93954 ], [ -1.22638, 52.93897 ], [ -1.22357, 52.93922 ], [ -1.22369, 52.93949 ], [ -1.22302, 52.93962 ], [ -1.22344, 52.94047 ], [ -1.22222, 52.94062 ], [ -1.22197, 52.9411 ], [ -1.22, 52.94062 ], [ -1.21809, 52.94059 ], [ -1.21713, 52.93893 ], [ -1.21716, 52.93882 ], [ -1.21625, 52.93723 ], [ -1.21714, 52.93676 ], [ -1.21955, 52.93669 ], [ -1.22004, 52.93613 ], [ -1.21583, 52.93604 ], [ -1.21555, 52.93585 ], [ -1.21744, 52.93497 ], [ -1.21682, 52.93425 ], [ -1.21582, 52.93415 ], [ -1.21528, 52.93405 ], [ -1.21076, 52.93357 ], [ -1.2107, 52.93356 ], [ -1.20935, 52.93331 ], [ -1.20889, 52.934 ], [ -1.20605, 52.93277 ], [ -1.20511, 52.9334 ], [ -1.20782, 52.93129 ], [ -1.20953, 52.93016 ], [ -1.2125, 52.92865 ], [ -1.21263, 52.92859 ], [ -1.21293, 52.92877 ], [ -1.21341, 52.92872 ], [ -1.215, 52.92958 ], [ -1.21449, 52.93003 ], [ -1.21626, 52.93107 ], [ -1.21581, 52.93138 ], [ -1.21606, 52.93152 ], [ -1.21877, 52.92972 ], [ -1.22015, 52.93088 ], [ -1.22049, 52.93072 ], [ -1.22027, 52.93053 ], [ -1.22171, 52.92987 ], [ -1.2206, 52.92897 ], [ -1.2202, 52.92898 ], [ -1.22014, 52.9284 ], [ -1.22151, 52.92825 ], [ -1.22181, 52.92846 ], [ -1.22245, 52.92816 ], [ -1.22225, 52.92786 ], [ -1.22315, 52.92739 ], [ -1.22352, 52.92765 ], [ -1.22392, 52.92746 ], [ -1.22432, 52.92727 ], [ -1.22406, 52.92704 ], [ -1.22516, 52.92647 ], [ -1.22552, 52.92675 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Beeston (Broxtowe)", "bua_code": "E35001323", "msoa_code": "E02005860", "population": 8709, "outputarea_code": "E00143042", "lsoa_code": "E01028074", "la_name": "Broxtowe", "bua_name": "Beeston (Broxtowe) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Broxtowe", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.21277, "latitude": 52.92622, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.21602, 52.92027 ], [ -1.21776, 52.92009 ], [ -1.21955, 52.91986 ], [ -1.22074, 52.92087 ], [ -1.22131, 52.92152 ], [ -1.22181, 52.92188 ], [ -1.22384, 52.92083 ], [ -1.2242, 52.92107 ], [ -1.22495, 52.92196 ], [ -1.22691, 52.9228 ], [ -1.22913, 52.92277 ], [ -1.2303, 52.9235 ], [ -1.22974, 52.92387 ], [ -1.23028, 52.92432 ], [ -1.22754, 52.92572 ], [ -1.22779, 52.9259 ], [ -1.2273, 52.92607 ], [ -1.22667, 52.92583 ], [ -1.22611, 52.92632 ], [ -1.22638, 52.92656 ], [ -1.22552, 52.92675 ], [ -1.22516, 52.92647 ], [ -1.22406, 52.92704 ], [ -1.22432, 52.92727 ], [ -1.22392, 52.92746 ], [ -1.22352, 52.92765 ], [ -1.22315, 52.92739 ], [ -1.22225, 52.92786 ], [ -1.22245, 52.92816 ], [ -1.22181, 52.92846 ], [ -1.22151, 52.92825 ], [ -1.22014, 52.9284 ], [ -1.2202, 52.92898 ], [ -1.2206, 52.92897 ], [ -1.22171, 52.92987 ], [ -1.22027, 52.93053 ], [ -1.22049, 52.93072 ], [ -1.22015, 52.93088 ], [ -1.21877, 52.92972 ], [ -1.21606, 52.93152 ], [ -1.21581, 52.93138 ], [ -1.21626, 52.93107 ], [ -1.21449, 52.93003 ], [ -1.215, 52.92958 ], [ -1.21341, 52.92872 ], [ -1.21293, 52.92877 ], [ -1.21263, 52.92859 ], [ -1.2125, 52.92865 ], [ -1.20953, 52.93016 ], [ -1.20782, 52.93129 ], [ -1.20511, 52.9334 ], [ -1.20311, 52.93229 ], [ -1.20308, 52.93227 ], [ -1.20186, 52.93121 ], [ -1.20047, 52.93025 ], [ -1.199, 52.93123 ], [ -1.19663, 52.92965 ], [ -1.19735, 52.92907 ], [ -1.19577, 52.92786 ], [ -1.19973, 52.92547 ], [ -1.20247, 52.92382 ], [ -1.20322, 52.92337 ], [ -1.2039, 52.92371 ], [ -1.20649, 52.92508 ], [ -1.20671, 52.92496 ], [ -1.20683, 52.92487 ], [ -1.20693, 52.92482 ], [ -1.20992, 52.92279 ], [ -1.21004, 52.92268 ], [ -1.2104, 52.92244 ], [ -1.21157, 52.92164 ], [ -1.21166, 52.92156 ], [ -1.21375, 52.92067 ], [ -1.21602, 52.92027 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Beeston (Broxtowe)", "bua_code": "E35001323", "msoa_code": "E02005861", "population": 5664, "outputarea_code": "E00143080", "lsoa_code": "E01028082", "la_name": "Broxtowe", "bua_name": "Beeston (Broxtowe) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Broxtowe", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.19968, "latitude": 52.91833, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.19499, 52.91154 ], [ -1.19756, 52.90996 ], [ -1.19901, 52.90948 ], [ -1.20571, 52.91244 ], [ -1.2083, 52.91265 ], [ -1.21051, 52.91227 ], [ -1.21137, 52.91339 ], [ -1.21065, 52.91407 ], [ -1.21336, 52.91645 ], [ -1.21388, 52.91686 ], [ -1.21776, 52.92009 ], [ -1.21602, 52.92027 ], [ -1.21375, 52.92067 ], [ -1.21166, 52.92156 ], [ -1.21157, 52.92164 ], [ -1.2104, 52.92244 ], [ -1.21004, 52.92268 ], [ -1.20992, 52.92279 ], [ -1.20693, 52.92482 ], [ -1.20683, 52.92487 ], [ -1.20671, 52.92496 ], [ -1.20649, 52.92508 ], [ -1.2039, 52.92371 ], [ -1.20322, 52.92337 ], [ -1.20247, 52.92382 ], [ -1.19973, 52.92547 ], [ -1.19577, 52.92786 ], [ -1.19391, 52.92641 ], [ -1.19082, 52.92389 ], [ -1.18769, 52.92135 ], [ -1.1823, 52.91734 ], [ -1.18516, 52.91599 ], [ -1.19339, 52.91244 ], [ -1.19499, 52.91154 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Beeston (Broxtowe)", "bua_code": "E35001323", "msoa_code": "E02005862", "population": 7960, "outputarea_code": "E00143165", "lsoa_code": "E01028099", "la_name": "Broxtowe", "bua_name": "Beeston (Broxtowe) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Broxtowe", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.2476, "latitude": 52.91769, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.23674, 52.91049 ], [ -1.23579, 52.90906 ], [ -1.23594, 52.90856 ], [ -1.23696, 52.90607 ], [ -1.23859, 52.90927 ], [ -1.23959, 52.91126 ], [ -1.24014, 52.91222 ], [ -1.24045, 52.91285 ], [ -1.24588, 52.91165 ], [ -1.24646, 52.91158 ], [ -1.24835, 52.91133 ], [ -1.25093, 52.91094 ], [ -1.25137, 52.9106 ], [ -1.25291, 52.91032 ], [ -1.25628, 52.90949 ], [ -1.25873, 52.90885 ], [ -1.26008, 52.91263 ], [ -1.26022, 52.91303 ], [ -1.25814, 52.91326 ], [ -1.25849, 52.91462 ], [ -1.25808, 52.91542 ], [ -1.25921, 52.91577 ], [ -1.26018, 52.9177 ], [ -1.25829, 52.91788 ], [ -1.25873, 52.91979 ], [ -1.25845, 52.92039 ], [ -1.25846, 52.9206 ], [ -1.25857, 52.92452 ], [ -1.25022, 52.92447 ], [ -1.24765, 52.92475 ], [ -1.24528, 52.92499 ], [ -1.2435, 52.92503 ], [ -1.24213, 52.92551 ], [ -1.24411, 52.92666 ], [ -1.24204, 52.9277 ], [ -1.2412, 52.92692 ], [ -1.23893, 52.92573 ], [ -1.23799, 52.92511 ], [ -1.23753, 52.92336 ], [ -1.23719, 52.92264 ], [ -1.23673, 52.92148 ], [ -1.23668, 52.92117 ], [ -1.2366, 52.92061 ], [ -1.23631, 52.9191 ], [ -1.23625, 52.91875 ], [ -1.23613, 52.91805 ], [ -1.23611, 52.91791 ], [ -1.23612, 52.9162 ], [ -1.23544, 52.91603 ], [ -1.23509, 52.91583 ], [ -1.23478, 52.91482 ], [ -1.23774, 52.91353 ], [ -1.23774, 52.91329 ], [ -1.23674, 52.91049 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Beeston (Broxtowe)", "bua_code": "E35001323", "msoa_code": "E02005863", "population": 7719, "outputarea_code": "E00143027", "lsoa_code": "E01028069", "la_name": "Broxtowe", "bua_name": "Beeston (Broxtowe) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Broxtowe", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.22873, "latitude": 52.9087, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.23968, 52.89297 ], [ -1.23962, 52.89424 ], [ -1.24046, 52.89472 ], [ -1.24029, 52.89504 ], [ -1.24104, 52.89536 ], [ -1.24177, 52.89529 ], [ -1.24258, 52.89621 ], [ -1.24466, 52.89657 ], [ -1.24452, 52.8971 ], [ -1.24587, 52.8975 ], [ -1.24755, 52.89889 ], [ -1.24698, 52.89933 ], [ -1.24751, 52.89993 ], [ -1.24512, 52.90219 ], [ -1.24662, 52.9031 ], [ -1.2465, 52.90346 ], [ -1.24713, 52.90385 ], [ -1.24411, 52.90413 ], [ -1.24112, 52.90508 ], [ -1.23856, 52.90546 ], [ -1.23696, 52.90607 ], [ -1.23594, 52.90856 ], [ -1.23579, 52.90906 ], [ -1.23674, 52.91049 ], [ -1.23774, 52.91329 ], [ -1.23774, 52.91353 ], [ -1.23478, 52.91482 ], [ -1.23509, 52.91583 ], [ -1.23544, 52.91603 ], [ -1.23612, 52.9162 ], [ -1.23611, 52.91791 ], [ -1.23613, 52.91805 ], [ -1.23625, 52.91875 ], [ -1.23631, 52.9191 ], [ -1.2366, 52.92061 ], [ -1.23668, 52.92117 ], [ -1.23673, 52.92148 ], [ -1.23719, 52.92264 ], [ -1.23753, 52.92336 ], [ -1.23799, 52.92511 ], [ -1.23893, 52.92573 ], [ -1.2412, 52.92692 ], [ -1.23726, 52.92867 ], [ -1.23576, 52.92656 ], [ -1.23468, 52.92671 ], [ -1.23068, 52.92754 ], [ -1.22998, 52.92762 ], [ -1.22779, 52.9259 ], [ -1.22754, 52.92572 ], [ -1.23028, 52.92432 ], [ -1.22974, 52.92387 ], [ -1.2303, 52.9235 ], [ -1.22913, 52.92277 ], [ -1.22691, 52.9228 ], [ -1.22495, 52.92196 ], [ -1.2242, 52.92107 ], [ -1.22384, 52.92083 ], [ -1.22181, 52.92188 ], [ -1.22131, 52.92152 ], [ -1.22074, 52.92087 ], [ -1.21955, 52.91986 ], [ -1.21776, 52.92009 ], [ -1.21388, 52.91686 ], [ -1.21336, 52.91645 ], [ -1.21065, 52.91407 ], [ -1.21137, 52.91339 ], [ -1.21051, 52.91227 ], [ -1.21304, 52.91071 ], [ -1.21355, 52.90884 ], [ -1.21383, 52.90564 ], [ -1.21442, 52.90462 ], [ -1.21392, 52.90441 ], [ -1.21603, 52.90335 ], [ -1.22, 52.90252 ], [ -1.22081, 52.90053 ], [ -1.22037, 52.89937 ], [ -1.21922, 52.89691 ], [ -1.22049, 52.89556 ], [ -1.22255, 52.89531 ], [ -1.22775, 52.89556 ], [ -1.23025, 52.89471 ], [ -1.23082, 52.89405 ], [ -1.23346, 52.89292 ], [ -1.23574, 52.89235 ], [ -1.23971, 52.89229 ], [ -1.23968, 52.89297 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Beeston (Broxtowe)", "bua_code": "E35001323", "msoa_code": "E02005864", "population": 8403, "outputarea_code": "E00143359", "lsoa_code": "E01028139", "la_name": "Broxtowe", "bua_name": "Beeston (Broxtowe) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Broxtowe", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.26302, "latitude": 52.9115, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.23959, 52.91126 ], [ -1.23859, 52.90927 ], [ -1.23696, 52.90607 ], [ -1.23856, 52.90546 ], [ -1.24112, 52.90508 ], [ -1.24411, 52.90413 ], [ -1.24713, 52.90385 ], [ -1.2465, 52.90346 ], [ -1.24662, 52.9031 ], [ -1.2491, 52.90293 ], [ -1.25082, 52.90262 ], [ -1.25133, 52.90204 ], [ -1.25342, 52.90242 ], [ -1.25402, 52.90194 ], [ -1.2567, 52.90185 ], [ -1.25964, 52.90349 ], [ -1.26233, 52.90419 ], [ -1.26317, 52.90445 ], [ -1.26551, 52.9051 ], [ -1.26586, 52.90516 ], [ -1.26883, 52.90523 ], [ -1.26949, 52.90516 ], [ -1.26981, 52.90514 ], [ -1.27309, 52.90516 ], [ -1.27498, 52.90546 ], [ -1.28048, 52.90895 ], [ -1.28179, 52.91028 ], [ -1.28205, 52.91116 ], [ -1.28221, 52.91161 ], [ -1.28266, 52.91292 ], [ -1.28354, 52.9168 ], [ -1.28352, 52.91863 ], [ -1.28282, 52.91929 ], [ -1.27922, 52.91948 ], [ -1.27887, 52.91896 ], [ -1.27831, 52.91909 ], [ -1.27859, 52.91953 ], [ -1.27657, 52.91962 ], [ -1.271, 52.91995 ], [ -1.26523, 52.92029 ], [ -1.26488, 52.92052 ], [ -1.26272, 52.92237 ], [ -1.26045, 52.9249 ], [ -1.25762, 52.9285 ], [ -1.25701, 52.92822 ], [ -1.25827, 52.92683 ], [ -1.25857, 52.92452 ], [ -1.25846, 52.9206 ], [ -1.25845, 52.92039 ], [ -1.25873, 52.91979 ], [ -1.25829, 52.91788 ], [ -1.26018, 52.9177 ], [ -1.25921, 52.91577 ], [ -1.25808, 52.91542 ], [ -1.25849, 52.91462 ], [ -1.25814, 52.91326 ], [ -1.26022, 52.91303 ], [ -1.26008, 52.91263 ], [ -1.25873, 52.90885 ], [ -1.25628, 52.90949 ], [ -1.25291, 52.91032 ], [ -1.25137, 52.9106 ], [ -1.25093, 52.91094 ], [ -1.24835, 52.91133 ], [ -1.24646, 52.91158 ], [ -1.24588, 52.91165 ], [ -1.24045, 52.91285 ], [ -1.24014, 52.91222 ], [ -1.23959, 52.91126 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Belper", "bua_code": "E34004193", "msoa_code": "E02004035", "population": 1165, "outputarea_code": "E00098196", "lsoa_code": "E01019414", "la_name": "Amber Valley", "bua_name": "Belper BUA", "constituency_name": "Mid Derbyshire", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.49416, "latitude": 53.03225, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.48869, 53.03268 ], [ -1.48764, 53.03265 ], [ -1.48773, 53.03201 ], [ -1.48685, 53.03175 ], [ -1.48767, 53.03153 ], [ -1.48741, 53.03118 ], [ -1.48793, 53.03094 ], [ -1.48801, 53.03038 ], [ -1.48897, 53.03016 ], [ -1.48835, 53.02855 ], [ -1.48976, 53.02707 ], [ -1.49206, 53.02705 ], [ -1.49408, 53.02764 ], [ -1.49492, 53.02766 ], [ -1.49546, 53.02946 ], [ -1.4965, 53.02948 ], [ -1.49806, 53.02904 ], [ -1.50008, 53.02718 ], [ -1.50061, 53.02828 ], [ -1.49938, 53.02994 ], [ -1.49845, 53.03043 ], [ -1.49813, 53.0312 ], [ -1.49963, 53.03392 ], [ -1.49798, 53.03565 ], [ -1.49904, 53.03841 ], [ -1.49774, 53.03927 ], [ -1.49549, 53.03759 ], [ -1.49489, 53.03765 ], [ -1.49344, 53.0368 ], [ -1.49289, 53.03694 ], [ -1.49219, 53.03619 ], [ -1.49253, 53.03587 ], [ -1.49214, 53.03566 ], [ -1.49261, 53.03533 ], [ -1.49245, 53.03496 ], [ -1.49011, 53.03406 ], [ -1.49067, 53.0333 ], [ -1.48999, 53.03294 ], [ -1.48926, 53.03339 ], [ -1.48869, 53.03268 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Belper", "bua_code": "E34004193", "msoa_code": "E02004037", "population": 8063, "outputarea_code": "E00098148", "lsoa_code": "E01019409", "la_name": "Amber Valley", "bua_name": "Belper BUA", "constituency_name": "Mid Derbyshire", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.46381, "latitude": 53.03366, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.46581, 53.02194 ], [ -1.46584, 53.02217 ], [ -1.46765, 53.02201 ], [ -1.46704, 53.02265 ], [ -1.4687, 53.02307 ], [ -1.47088, 53.02331 ], [ -1.47244, 53.02338 ], [ -1.47157, 53.02404 ], [ -1.47248, 53.02405 ], [ -1.47227, 53.02482 ], [ -1.47297, 53.02446 ], [ -1.47349, 53.02474 ], [ -1.47358, 53.02556 ], [ -1.4738, 53.02591 ], [ -1.4727, 53.02632 ], [ -1.47281, 53.02754 ], [ -1.47535, 53.02809 ], [ -1.47599, 53.0278 ], [ -1.47613, 53.02744 ], [ -1.47654, 53.02753 ], [ -1.47703, 53.02841 ], [ -1.47738, 53.02847 ], [ -1.47672, 53.02888 ], [ -1.4772, 53.02973 ], [ -1.4778, 53.03016 ], [ -1.47844, 53.03011 ], [ -1.479, 53.03072 ], [ -1.48047, 53.03098 ], [ -1.48203, 53.03143 ], [ -1.48288, 53.03098 ], [ -1.48199, 53.03203 ], [ -1.4801, 53.03331 ], [ -1.47856, 53.03337 ], [ -1.47929, 53.03625 ], [ -1.47722, 53.03583 ], [ -1.47691, 53.03637 ], [ -1.47497, 53.036 ], [ -1.47427, 53.03488 ], [ -1.47351, 53.03637 ], [ -1.47344, 53.0365 ], [ -1.47301, 53.03752 ], [ -1.47333, 53.04014 ], [ -1.47433, 53.04295 ], [ -1.47394, 53.04462 ], [ -1.46608, 53.04288 ], [ -1.4558, 53.04064 ], [ -1.45433, 53.04038 ], [ -1.45351, 53.04054 ], [ -1.45268, 53.03995 ], [ -1.45093, 53.03922 ], [ -1.44985, 53.03799 ], [ -1.45038, 53.03644 ], [ -1.4468, 53.03721 ], [ -1.44303, 53.03658 ], [ -1.44498, 53.03431 ], [ -1.44597, 53.03117 ], [ -1.44705, 53.02956 ], [ -1.44751, 53.02738 ], [ -1.44812, 53.02738 ], [ -1.44788, 53.02829 ], [ -1.44882, 53.02841 ], [ -1.44873, 53.02901 ], [ -1.45178, 53.02965 ], [ -1.45155, 53.02996 ], [ -1.45194, 53.03014 ], [ -1.45171, 53.03038 ], [ -1.4513, 53.03023 ], [ -1.45095, 53.03065 ], [ -1.45137, 53.03077 ], [ -1.45077, 53.03094 ], [ -1.45082, 53.03151 ], [ -1.44805, 53.0321 ], [ -1.45075, 53.03354 ], [ -1.45234, 53.03247 ], [ -1.45272, 53.0315 ], [ -1.45172, 53.03122 ], [ -1.45278, 53.02993 ], [ -1.45461, 53.03039 ], [ -1.45507, 53.03081 ], [ -1.45596, 53.03036 ], [ -1.45751, 53.0294 ], [ -1.45878, 53.02957 ], [ -1.45846, 53.03004 ], [ -1.45909, 53.03064 ], [ -1.45992, 53.03067 ], [ -1.46035, 53.03036 ], [ -1.46041, 53.03106 ], [ -1.46101, 53.03095 ], [ -1.46164, 53.03152 ], [ -1.46243, 53.03118 ], [ -1.46285, 53.03147 ], [ -1.46437, 53.03202 ], [ -1.46477, 53.03171 ], [ -1.46219, 53.03053 ], [ -1.46127, 53.03042 ], [ -1.46086, 53.0277 ], [ -1.46008, 53.02676 ], [ -1.46058, 53.02662 ], [ -1.46083, 53.02619 ], [ -1.46001, 53.02386 ], [ -1.46285, 53.02426 ], [ -1.4639, 53.02184 ], [ -1.46581, 53.02194 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Belper", "bua_code": "E34004193", "msoa_code": "E02004039", "population": 6813, "outputarea_code": "E00098166", "lsoa_code": "E01019411", "la_name": "Amber Valley", "bua_name": "Belper BUA", "constituency_name": "Mid Derbyshire", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.45888, "latitude": 53.00697, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.4513, 53.00666 ], [ -1.45075, 53.00595 ], [ -1.44869, 53.00516 ], [ -1.44639, 53.00476 ], [ -1.44517, 53.0049 ], [ -1.44505, 53.0037 ], [ -1.444, 53.00352 ], [ -1.44389, 53.0019 ], [ -1.44404, 53.00129 ], [ -1.44848, 52.99714 ], [ -1.45084, 52.99553 ], [ -1.45155, 52.99543 ], [ -1.45223, 52.99375 ], [ -1.45188, 52.99308 ], [ -1.45034, 52.99006 ], [ -1.4481, 52.9878 ], [ -1.44923, 52.98651 ], [ -1.44982, 52.98341 ], [ -1.45121, 52.98213 ], [ -1.45374, 52.98098 ], [ -1.45594, 52.9826 ], [ -1.45628, 52.98231 ], [ -1.45786, 52.98245 ], [ -1.4602, 52.98388 ], [ -1.46342, 52.98289 ], [ -1.46409, 52.98571 ], [ -1.46392, 52.98676 ], [ -1.46349, 52.98686 ], [ -1.46447, 52.98987 ], [ -1.46401, 52.99191 ], [ -1.46668, 52.9917 ], [ -1.46708, 52.99398 ], [ -1.47067, 52.99349 ], [ -1.47145, 52.99581 ], [ -1.47129, 52.99658 ], [ -1.47011, 52.99673 ], [ -1.47023, 52.99722 ], [ -1.46791, 52.99744 ], [ -1.46512, 52.99847 ], [ -1.465, 52.99921 ], [ -1.46876, 52.99872 ], [ -1.46926, 52.99928 ], [ -1.47039, 52.99925 ], [ -1.47056, 52.99973 ], [ -1.46962, 52.99987 ], [ -1.46956, 53.00097 ], [ -1.47017, 53.00175 ], [ -1.47091, 53.00166 ], [ -1.47142, 53.00226 ], [ -1.47092, 53.00478 ], [ -1.47314, 53.00483 ], [ -1.47523, 53.00593 ], [ -1.47257, 53.00673 ], [ -1.47217, 53.00795 ], [ -1.4758, 53.00878 ], [ -1.47755, 53.00839 ], [ -1.47992, 53.00982 ], [ -1.47907, 53.00967 ], [ -1.47662, 53.01026 ], [ -1.47682, 53.01255 ], [ -1.47523, 53.01309 ], [ -1.47415, 53.01306 ], [ -1.47318, 53.014 ], [ -1.47269, 53.01563 ], [ -1.47174, 53.01587 ], [ -1.47054, 53.01567 ], [ -1.47036, 53.01685 ], [ -1.46979, 53.01797 ], [ -1.47036, 53.01819 ], [ -1.47122, 53.01729 ], [ -1.47272, 53.01783 ], [ -1.47223, 53.01962 ], [ -1.4708, 53.0204 ], [ -1.47158, 53.02114 ], [ -1.46952, 53.02205 ], [ -1.4687, 53.02307 ], [ -1.46704, 53.02265 ], [ -1.46765, 53.02201 ], [ -1.46584, 53.02217 ], [ -1.46581, 53.02194 ], [ -1.4639, 53.02184 ], [ -1.46285, 53.02426 ], [ -1.46001, 53.02386 ], [ -1.46083, 53.02619 ], [ -1.46058, 53.02662 ], [ -1.46008, 53.02676 ], [ -1.46086, 53.0277 ], [ -1.46127, 53.03042 ], [ -1.46219, 53.03053 ], [ -1.46477, 53.03171 ], [ -1.46437, 53.03202 ], [ -1.46285, 53.03147 ], [ -1.46243, 53.03118 ], [ -1.46164, 53.03152 ], [ -1.46101, 53.03095 ], [ -1.46041, 53.03106 ], [ -1.46035, 53.03036 ], [ -1.45992, 53.03067 ], [ -1.45909, 53.03064 ], [ -1.45846, 53.03004 ], [ -1.45878, 53.02957 ], [ -1.45751, 53.0294 ], [ -1.45596, 53.03036 ], [ -1.45507, 53.03081 ], [ -1.45461, 53.03039 ], [ -1.45278, 53.02993 ], [ -1.45172, 53.03122 ], [ -1.45272, 53.0315 ], [ -1.45234, 53.03247 ], [ -1.45075, 53.03354 ], [ -1.44805, 53.0321 ], [ -1.45082, 53.03151 ], [ -1.45077, 53.03094 ], [ -1.45137, 53.03077 ], [ -1.45095, 53.03065 ], [ -1.4513, 53.03023 ], [ -1.45171, 53.03038 ], [ -1.45194, 53.03014 ], [ -1.45155, 53.02996 ], [ -1.45178, 53.02965 ], [ -1.44873, 53.02901 ], [ -1.44882, 53.02841 ], [ -1.44788, 53.02829 ], [ -1.44812, 53.02738 ], [ -1.44751, 53.02738 ], [ -1.44671, 53.027 ], [ -1.44573, 53.02755 ], [ -1.44252, 53.0283 ], [ -1.44293, 53.02414 ], [ -1.44204, 53.02083 ], [ -1.44194, 53.0176 ], [ -1.44431, 53.0178 ], [ -1.44467, 53.01737 ], [ -1.44512, 53.01739 ], [ -1.44703, 53.0183 ], [ -1.44739, 53.01705 ], [ -1.44843, 53.01759 ], [ -1.44901, 53.01785 ], [ -1.44929, 53.01798 ], [ -1.45057, 53.01824 ], [ -1.45043, 53.019 ], [ -1.45203, 53.01996 ], [ -1.45321, 53.02142 ], [ -1.45368, 53.02126 ], [ -1.45355, 53.02102 ], [ -1.45553, 53.02047 ], [ -1.45715, 53.01867 ], [ -1.4587, 53.01792 ], [ -1.45877, 53.01786 ], [ -1.46121, 53.01571 ], [ -1.46148, 53.01327 ], [ -1.46148, 53.01302 ], [ -1.45985, 53.01258 ], [ -1.46026, 53.01147 ], [ -1.45989, 53.01138 ], [ -1.4604, 53.01075 ], [ -1.45905, 53.00978 ], [ -1.45657, 53.00946 ], [ -1.45325, 53.00815 ], [ -1.4513, 53.00666 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Burton Latimer", "bua_code": "E35000603", "msoa_code": "E02005649", "population": 9123, "outputarea_code": "E00137806", "lsoa_code": "E01027092", "la_name": "Kettering", "bua_name": "Burton Latimer BUASD", "constituency_name": "Kettering", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -0.66776, "latitude": 52.36361, "pgroup": "5k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -0.68782, 52.35324 ], [ -0.68887, 52.35393 ], [ -0.69109, 52.35393 ], [ -0.69062, 52.35454 ], [ -0.69107, 52.35579 ], [ -0.69042, 52.35617 ], [ -0.691, 52.35636 ], [ -0.69239, 52.3561 ], [ -0.69117, 52.35693 ], [ -0.69186, 52.35782 ], [ -0.69232, 52.3576 ], [ -0.69298, 52.35812 ], [ -0.69295, 52.35875 ], [ -0.69366, 52.35906 ], [ -0.69454, 52.35883 ], [ -0.69566, 52.35949 ], [ -0.69638, 52.36103 ], [ -0.69675, 52.36162 ], [ -0.69584, 52.36255 ], [ -0.69613, 52.36371 ], [ -0.6965, 52.36397 ], [ -0.69893, 52.36261 ], [ -0.70006, 52.36423 ], [ -0.69849, 52.36458 ], [ -0.69989, 52.36688 ], [ -0.70259, 52.36686 ], [ -0.70452, 52.3679 ], [ -0.70426, 52.36966 ], [ -0.70282, 52.37052 ], [ -0.70215, 52.37048 ], [ -0.70323, 52.37124 ], [ -0.70259, 52.37303 ], [ -0.69965, 52.37338 ], [ -0.69613, 52.37378 ], [ -0.69497, 52.37217 ], [ -0.69553, 52.37191 ], [ -0.69455, 52.37061 ], [ -0.69456, 52.3712 ], [ -0.69376, 52.3715 ], [ -0.69402, 52.37392 ], [ -0.69053, 52.37418 ], [ -0.68654, 52.37483 ], [ -0.6852, 52.37516 ], [ -0.68299, 52.37571 ], [ -0.6806, 52.37628 ], [ -0.67991, 52.3784 ], [ -0.66861, 52.37824 ], [ -0.66719, 52.37855 ], [ -0.66528, 52.37971 ], [ -0.66309, 52.37978 ], [ -0.65828, 52.38022 ], [ -0.65796, 52.37935 ], [ -0.65502, 52.3796 ], [ -0.65559, 52.37856 ], [ -0.65744, 52.37839 ], [ -0.65714, 52.37752 ], [ -0.65562, 52.37777 ], [ -0.65546, 52.37731 ], [ -0.65476, 52.37735 ], [ -0.65452, 52.37595 ], [ -0.65503, 52.37597 ], [ -0.65511, 52.37553 ], [ -0.65602, 52.37558 ], [ -0.6567, 52.37443 ], [ -0.65742, 52.37409 ], [ -0.65819, 52.37386 ], [ -0.66042, 52.37416 ], [ -0.66055, 52.3733 ], [ -0.65924, 52.37312 ], [ -0.65981, 52.37198 ], [ -0.65819, 52.37153 ], [ -0.65758, 52.37217 ], [ -0.65638, 52.37167 ], [ -0.65617, 52.37189 ], [ -0.65384, 52.37127 ], [ -0.65258, 52.37124 ], [ -0.64907, 52.37255 ], [ -0.648, 52.37164 ], [ -0.64784, 52.37088 ], [ -0.64562, 52.36891 ], [ -0.64267, 52.36921 ], [ -0.64097, 52.36903 ], [ -0.63898, 52.36942 ], [ -0.63295, 52.36805 ], [ -0.63224, 52.36767 ], [ -0.63115, 52.36767 ], [ -0.63065, 52.36617 ], [ -0.62881, 52.36448 ], [ -0.62845, 52.36418 ], [ -0.62798, 52.36377 ], [ -0.62977, 52.36334 ], [ -0.63236, 52.36157 ], [ -0.6342, 52.36045 ], [ -0.63635, 52.35796 ], [ -0.64118, 52.3556 ], [ -0.64537, 52.35387 ], [ -0.64563, 52.35401 ], [ -0.64751, 52.35284 ], [ -0.64832, 52.35281 ], [ -0.6487, 52.35177 ], [ -0.65044, 52.35098 ], [ -0.65036, 52.35044 ], [ -0.65326, 52.34962 ], [ -0.6535, 52.34823 ], [ -0.65504, 52.34802 ], [ -0.65778, 52.34789 ], [ -0.65907, 52.34922 ], [ -0.65978, 52.34937 ], [ -0.66063, 52.34902 ], [ -0.6611, 52.35009 ], [ -0.6633, 52.34988 ], [ -0.66332, 52.34917 ], [ -0.66442, 52.34889 ], [ -0.66456, 52.34922 ], [ -0.66745, 52.34902 ], [ -0.66803, 52.34961 ], [ -0.6748, 52.34899 ], [ -0.67489, 52.34848 ], [ -0.67713, 52.3486 ], [ -0.67776, 52.35048 ], [ -0.68033, 52.35015 ], [ -0.68059, 52.35042 ], [ -0.68235, 52.35002 ], [ -0.68274, 52.34958 ], [ -0.68347, 52.3498 ], [ -0.68436, 52.34963 ], [ -0.68643, 52.35052 ], [ -0.68593, 52.35134 ], [ -0.68642, 52.35199 ], [ -0.68612, 52.35259 ], [ -0.68782, 52.35324 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Burton upon Trent", "bua_code": "E35001216", "msoa_code": "E02004122", "population": 348, "outputarea_code": "E00100531", "lsoa_code": "E01019867", "la_name": "South Derbyshire", "bua_name": "Burton upon Trent BUASD", "constituency_name": "South Derbyshire", "citytownclassification": "Large Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.58958, "latitude": 52.79481, "pgroup": "rural" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.61181, 52.78525 ], [ -1.61351, 52.78603 ], [ -1.61239, 52.78752 ], [ -1.61435, 52.78827 ], [ -1.61172, 52.78986 ], [ -1.60942, 52.79021 ], [ -1.60844, 52.79033 ], [ -1.60375, 52.79141 ], [ -1.60147, 52.79284 ], [ -1.60172, 52.79321 ], [ -1.60085, 52.79419 ], [ -1.60354, 52.79546 ], [ -1.60116, 52.79662 ], [ -1.59775, 52.79832 ], [ -1.59679, 52.79804 ], [ -1.5957, 52.79711 ], [ -1.59358, 52.79798 ], [ -1.59351, 52.79693 ], [ -1.59286, 52.79739 ], [ -1.5927, 52.79828 ], [ -1.58895, 52.79982 ], [ -1.58906, 52.80042 ], [ -1.59003, 52.80078 ], [ -1.58929, 52.80139 ], [ -1.58973, 52.80171 ], [ -1.58931, 52.80211 ], [ -1.5885, 52.80171 ], [ -1.58798, 52.80214 ], [ -1.58834, 52.80238 ], [ -1.5909, 52.80252 ], [ -1.58994, 52.80616 ], [ -1.58639, 52.80622 ], [ -1.58421, 52.80484 ], [ -1.58426, 52.80233 ], [ -1.58296, 52.80221 ], [ -1.5788, 52.80086 ], [ -1.58046, 52.79977 ], [ -1.57629, 52.79782 ], [ -1.57467, 52.79743 ], [ -1.57547, 52.79626 ], [ -1.57307, 52.7958 ], [ -1.57109, 52.79622 ], [ -1.5693, 52.79254 ], [ -1.56926, 52.7921 ], [ -1.56991, 52.79134 ], [ -1.57488, 52.79115 ], [ -1.57619, 52.7913 ], [ -1.58428, 52.79108 ], [ -1.58605, 52.79039 ], [ -1.59089, 52.79151 ], [ -1.59148, 52.79054 ], [ -1.5926, 52.7906 ], [ -1.59353, 52.7894 ], [ -1.598, 52.78979 ], [ -1.59932, 52.79013 ], [ -1.60082, 52.7911 ], [ -1.60469, 52.78902 ], [ -1.60554, 52.78822 ], [ -1.60513, 52.78744 ], [ -1.6063, 52.78608 ], [ -1.60734, 52.78618 ], [ -1.60856, 52.78514 ], [ -1.60888, 52.78487 ], [ -1.60941, 52.78445 ], [ -1.61181, 52.78525 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Burton upon Trent", "bua_code": "E35001216", "msoa_code": "E02004125", "population": 581, "outputarea_code": "E00100514", "lsoa_code": "E01019862", "la_name": "South Derbyshire", "bua_name": "Burton upon Trent BUASD", "constituency_name": "South Derbyshire", "citytownclassification": "Large Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.60307, "latitude": 52.77479, "pgroup": "rural" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.60647, 52.7837 ], [ -1.60559, 52.78355 ], [ -1.60597, 52.78175 ], [ -1.60222, 52.78155 ], [ -1.59889, 52.78085 ], [ -1.59538, 52.77937 ], [ -1.59547, 52.77874 ], [ -1.59428, 52.7773 ], [ -1.59291, 52.77526 ], [ -1.59055, 52.77587 ], [ -1.58694, 52.77598 ], [ -1.58683, 52.77268 ], [ -1.58514, 52.77143 ], [ -1.58378, 52.77167 ], [ -1.58347, 52.76959 ], [ -1.5906, 52.76738 ], [ -1.59197, 52.767 ], [ -1.59274, 52.76824 ], [ -1.59533, 52.77045 ], [ -1.59758, 52.76923 ], [ -1.60077, 52.76857 ], [ -1.6027, 52.7692 ], [ -1.60481, 52.76923 ], [ -1.60611, 52.77015 ], [ -1.6076, 52.76981 ], [ -1.60872, 52.76981 ], [ -1.60877, 52.76983 ], [ -1.61366, 52.77047 ], [ -1.61845, 52.77067 ], [ -1.61958, 52.77339 ], [ -1.62166, 52.77479 ], [ -1.61776, 52.7763 ], [ -1.61692, 52.77698 ], [ -1.61528, 52.78014 ], [ -1.61246, 52.78122 ], [ -1.61172, 52.78163 ], [ -1.61113, 52.7814 ], [ -1.6103, 52.78226 ], [ -1.61127, 52.78278 ], [ -1.61087, 52.78314 ], [ -1.60943, 52.78443 ], [ -1.60871, 52.78428 ], [ -1.60846, 52.78421 ], [ -1.60647, 52.7837 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Buxton (High Peak)", "bua_code": "E34004138", "msoa_code": "E02004102", "population": 8652, "outputarea_code": "E00099722", "lsoa_code": "E01019710", "la_name": "High Peak", "bua_name": "Buxton (High Peak) BUA", "constituency_name": "High Peak", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.91652, "latitude": 53.27093, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.91203, 53.25423 ], [ -1.91136, 53.25404 ], [ -1.91101, 53.25454 ], [ -1.91021, 53.25272 ], [ -1.91054, 53.25272 ], [ -1.91343, 53.25264 ], [ -1.91473, 53.25334 ], [ -1.91713, 53.25322 ], [ -1.91741, 53.25323 ], [ -1.91947, 53.25323 ], [ -1.92, 53.25328 ], [ -1.92465, 53.25387 ], [ -1.92642, 53.2541 ], [ -1.92769, 53.25447 ], [ -1.92798, 53.25535 ], [ -1.92746, 53.25549 ], [ -1.92793, 53.25639 ], [ -1.92882, 53.25608 ], [ -1.92941, 53.25732 ], [ -1.93064, 53.25718 ], [ -1.93146, 53.25747 ], [ -1.93361, 53.25721 ], [ -1.93451, 53.25679 ], [ -1.93525, 53.25643 ], [ -1.93809, 53.25688 ], [ -1.93865, 53.25769 ], [ -1.93963, 53.25822 ], [ -1.93841, 53.25974 ], [ -1.93928, 53.26143 ], [ -1.94111, 53.26238 ], [ -1.94308, 53.26294 ], [ -1.94364, 53.26377 ], [ -1.94562, 53.26501 ], [ -1.94581, 53.26571 ], [ -1.94695, 53.26565 ], [ -1.94667, 53.26704 ], [ -1.94825, 53.26853 ], [ -1.94926, 53.27027 ], [ -1.9509, 53.27128 ], [ -1.95067, 53.27254 ], [ -1.95204, 53.27352 ], [ -1.95058, 53.27321 ], [ -1.95017, 53.27337 ], [ -1.94968, 53.27508 ], [ -1.94854, 53.2761 ], [ -1.94705, 53.27635 ], [ -1.94372, 53.2757 ], [ -1.94326, 53.27592 ], [ -1.94283, 53.27718 ], [ -1.94183, 53.27771 ], [ -1.9402, 53.27797 ], [ -1.93776, 53.27782 ], [ -1.93641, 53.27811 ], [ -1.93488, 53.28021 ], [ -1.932, 53.28219 ], [ -1.92829, 53.28397 ], [ -1.92173, 53.28578 ], [ -1.91494, 53.28591 ], [ -1.91187, 53.28471 ], [ -1.91093, 53.28463 ], [ -1.90798, 53.28911 ], [ -1.89205, 53.2886 ], [ -1.89529, 53.28184 ], [ -1.89812, 53.27819 ], [ -1.89158, 53.27619 ], [ -1.88935, 53.27446 ], [ -1.88844, 53.27375 ], [ -1.88464, 53.27066 ], [ -1.88085, 53.27268 ], [ -1.88059, 53.27109 ], [ -1.88164, 53.26985 ], [ -1.88183, 53.26896 ], [ -1.88058, 53.26696 ], [ -1.88091, 53.26679 ], [ -1.88419, 53.2657 ], [ -1.88944, 53.26502 ], [ -1.89137, 53.26431 ], [ -1.89094, 53.2639 ], [ -1.89583, 53.26248 ], [ -1.89678, 53.26239 ], [ -1.89829, 53.26217 ], [ -1.89926, 53.26196 ], [ -1.90091, 53.26159 ], [ -1.9011, 53.26118 ], [ -1.90141, 53.26114 ], [ -1.90465, 53.26081 ], [ -1.90454, 53.26055 ], [ -1.90503, 53.26045 ], [ -1.90476, 53.25997 ], [ -1.90463, 53.25937 ], [ -1.90368, 53.2579 ], [ -1.90351, 53.25706 ], [ -1.90532, 53.25666 ], [ -1.90591, 53.25714 ], [ -1.90671, 53.25712 ], [ -1.90763, 53.25703 ], [ -1.90752, 53.25724 ], [ -1.90902, 53.25755 ], [ -1.90934, 53.25839 ], [ -1.90854, 53.25865 ], [ -1.90914, 53.25893 ], [ -1.90973, 53.25884 ], [ -1.90962, 53.25865 ], [ -1.91012, 53.25877 ], [ -1.91002, 53.25818 ], [ -1.91071, 53.25795 ], [ -1.91, 53.25775 ], [ -1.90973, 53.25712 ], [ -1.91079, 53.25672 ], [ -1.91143, 53.25633 ], [ -1.91116, 53.25582 ], [ -1.91168, 53.25603 ], [ -1.91167, 53.25559 ], [ -1.91308, 53.25541 ], [ -1.91324, 53.25518 ], [ -1.91203, 53.25423 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Buxton (High Peak)", "bua_code": "E34004138", "msoa_code": "E02004103", "population": 7151, "outputarea_code": "E00099751", "lsoa_code": "E01019716", "la_name": "High Peak", "bua_name": "Buxton (High Peak) BUA", "constituency_name": "High Peak", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.89199, "latitude": 53.25584, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.89523, 53.25187 ], [ -1.89449, 53.25138 ], [ -1.89538, 53.2508 ], [ -1.89348, 53.24784 ], [ -1.89238, 53.24775 ], [ -1.89781, 53.24549 ], [ -1.89931, 53.24849 ], [ -1.90155, 53.24953 ], [ -1.90683, 53.24802 ], [ -1.90686, 53.2478 ], [ -1.90505, 53.24762 ], [ -1.90472, 53.24738 ], [ -1.90505, 53.2467 ], [ -1.90429, 53.24623 ], [ -1.90461, 53.24566 ], [ -1.9051, 53.24571 ], [ -1.90515, 53.24611 ], [ -1.90579, 53.246 ], [ -1.90591, 53.24542 ], [ -1.90626, 53.24561 ], [ -1.90685, 53.24542 ], [ -1.90811, 53.2471 ], [ -1.90841, 53.24773 ], [ -1.91017, 53.24879 ], [ -1.91219, 53.25193 ], [ -1.91343, 53.25264 ], [ -1.91054, 53.25272 ], [ -1.91021, 53.25272 ], [ -1.91101, 53.25454 ], [ -1.91136, 53.25404 ], [ -1.91203, 53.25423 ], [ -1.91324, 53.25518 ], [ -1.91308, 53.25541 ], [ -1.91167, 53.25559 ], [ -1.91168, 53.25603 ], [ -1.91116, 53.25582 ], [ -1.91143, 53.25633 ], [ -1.91079, 53.25672 ], [ -1.90973, 53.25712 ], [ -1.91, 53.25775 ], [ -1.91071, 53.25795 ], [ -1.91002, 53.25818 ], [ -1.91012, 53.25877 ], [ -1.90962, 53.25865 ], [ -1.90973, 53.25884 ], [ -1.90914, 53.25893 ], [ -1.90854, 53.25865 ], [ -1.90934, 53.25839 ], [ -1.90902, 53.25755 ], [ -1.90752, 53.25724 ], [ -1.90763, 53.25703 ], [ -1.90671, 53.25712 ], [ -1.90591, 53.25714 ], [ -1.90532, 53.25666 ], [ -1.90351, 53.25706 ], [ -1.90368, 53.2579 ], [ -1.90463, 53.25937 ], [ -1.90476, 53.25997 ], [ -1.90503, 53.26045 ], [ -1.90454, 53.26055 ], [ -1.90465, 53.26081 ], [ -1.90141, 53.26114 ], [ -1.9011, 53.26118 ], [ -1.90091, 53.26159 ], [ -1.89926, 53.26196 ], [ -1.89829, 53.26217 ], [ -1.89678, 53.26239 ], [ -1.89583, 53.26248 ], [ -1.89094, 53.2639 ], [ -1.89137, 53.26431 ], [ -1.88944, 53.26502 ], [ -1.88419, 53.2657 ], [ -1.88091, 53.26679 ], [ -1.87581, 53.25857 ], [ -1.87573, 53.25774 ], [ -1.87462, 53.25708 ], [ -1.87246, 53.2545 ], [ -1.8747, 53.25129 ], [ -1.87489, 53.24967 ], [ -1.88075, 53.24935 ], [ -1.88438, 53.2499 ], [ -1.88629, 53.2507 ], [ -1.88879, 53.25137 ], [ -1.89137, 53.25152 ], [ -1.89512, 53.25219 ], [ -1.89812, 53.25274 ], [ -1.89523, 53.25187 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Buxton (High Peak)", "bua_code": "E34004138", "msoa_code": "E02004104", "population": 6789, "outputarea_code": "E00099743", "lsoa_code": "E01019714", "la_name": "High Peak", "bua_name": "Buxton (High Peak) BUA", "constituency_name": "High Peak", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.9253, "latitude": 53.24305, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.89326, 53.23341 ], [ -1.89267, 53.23166 ], [ -1.88844, 53.2286 ], [ -1.88699, 53.22709 ], [ -1.88955, 53.22817 ], [ -1.89732, 53.22977 ], [ -1.898, 53.23019 ], [ -1.90154, 53.22961 ], [ -1.90366, 53.22724 ], [ -1.90562, 53.22617 ], [ -1.91034, 53.22709 ], [ -1.91124, 53.22728 ], [ -1.91021, 53.23043 ], [ -1.91728, 53.23217 ], [ -1.91997, 53.23134 ], [ -1.92275, 53.22875 ], [ -1.92566, 53.22807 ], [ -1.92906, 53.22883 ], [ -1.93074, 53.22743 ], [ -1.93382, 53.22679 ], [ -1.9351, 53.22545 ], [ -1.93563, 53.22534 ], [ -1.93671, 53.22523 ], [ -1.93804, 53.22628 ], [ -1.94116, 53.22728 ], [ -1.94316, 53.22831 ], [ -1.94423, 53.22852 ], [ -1.9466, 53.22828 ], [ -1.94455, 53.23007 ], [ -1.94355, 53.23192 ], [ -1.94337, 53.23412 ], [ -1.94436, 53.23593 ], [ -1.94447, 53.23764 ], [ -1.94416, 53.24064 ], [ -1.94314, 53.24157 ], [ -1.94389, 53.24301 ], [ -1.94285, 53.2432 ], [ -1.94309, 53.24455 ], [ -1.94445, 53.24542 ], [ -1.9447, 53.24574 ], [ -1.94728, 53.24644 ], [ -1.9483, 53.24645 ], [ -1.94907, 53.24699 ], [ -1.94905, 53.24816 ], [ -1.95134, 53.24709 ], [ -1.95355, 53.25072 ], [ -1.95772, 53.25064 ], [ -1.95807, 53.25248 ], [ -1.95888, 53.25375 ], [ -1.95676, 53.2569 ], [ -1.95639, 53.26107 ], [ -1.95553, 53.26156 ], [ -1.9542, 53.26104 ], [ -1.95304, 53.26112 ], [ -1.95155, 53.26197 ], [ -1.95022, 53.26349 ], [ -1.94789, 53.2642 ], [ -1.94695, 53.26565 ], [ -1.94581, 53.26571 ], [ -1.94562, 53.26501 ], [ -1.94364, 53.26377 ], [ -1.94308, 53.26294 ], [ -1.94111, 53.26238 ], [ -1.93928, 53.26143 ], [ -1.93841, 53.25974 ], [ -1.93963, 53.25822 ], [ -1.93865, 53.25769 ], [ -1.93809, 53.25688 ], [ -1.93525, 53.25643 ], [ -1.93451, 53.25679 ], [ -1.93361, 53.25721 ], [ -1.93146, 53.25747 ], [ -1.93064, 53.25718 ], [ -1.92941, 53.25732 ], [ -1.92882, 53.25608 ], [ -1.92793, 53.25639 ], [ -1.92746, 53.25549 ], [ -1.92798, 53.25535 ], [ -1.92769, 53.25447 ], [ -1.92642, 53.2541 ], [ -1.92465, 53.25387 ], [ -1.92, 53.25328 ], [ -1.91947, 53.25323 ], [ -1.91741, 53.25323 ], [ -1.91713, 53.25322 ], [ -1.91473, 53.25334 ], [ -1.91343, 53.25264 ], [ -1.91219, 53.25193 ], [ -1.91017, 53.24879 ], [ -1.90841, 53.24773 ], [ -1.90811, 53.2471 ], [ -1.90685, 53.24542 ], [ -1.90626, 53.24561 ], [ -1.90591, 53.24542 ], [ -1.90579, 53.246 ], [ -1.90515, 53.24611 ], [ -1.9051, 53.24571 ], [ -1.90461, 53.24566 ], [ -1.90429, 53.24623 ], [ -1.90505, 53.2467 ], [ -1.90472, 53.24738 ], [ -1.90505, 53.24762 ], [ -1.90686, 53.2478 ], [ -1.90683, 53.24802 ], [ -1.90155, 53.24953 ], [ -1.89931, 53.24849 ], [ -1.89781, 53.24549 ], [ -1.89238, 53.24775 ], [ -1.89079, 53.24718 ], [ -1.89132, 53.24651 ], [ -1.89258, 53.24604 ], [ -1.89252, 53.244 ], [ -1.89466, 53.24272 ], [ -1.89278, 53.24045 ], [ -1.89233, 53.23846 ], [ -1.89236, 53.23735 ], [ -1.89248, 53.23644 ], [ -1.89366, 53.23516 ], [ -1.8931, 53.23459 ], [ -1.89326, 53.23341 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Carlton (Gedling)", "bua_code": "E35000652", "msoa_code": "E02002883", "population": 196, "outputarea_code": "E00070345", "lsoa_code": "E01013939", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Carlton (Gedling) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham East", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.11952, "latitude": 52.96648, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.11986, 52.96556 ], [ -1.12124, 52.96581 ], [ -1.12144, 52.96625 ], [ -1.12079, 52.96777 ], [ -1.11996, 52.96839 ], [ -1.12011, 52.96782 ], [ -1.11879, 52.96709 ], [ -1.11757, 52.96622 ], [ -1.11707, 52.96592 ], [ -1.11677, 52.96571 ], [ -1.11723, 52.96548 ], [ -1.11986, 52.96556 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Carlton (Gedling)", "bua_code": "E35000652", "msoa_code": "E02002891", "population": 290, "outputarea_code": "E00070196", "lsoa_code": "E01013915", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Carlton (Gedling) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham East", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.09524, "latitude": 52.95242, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.10179, 52.95266 ], [ -1.09858, 52.95417 ], [ -1.0961, 52.9549 ], [ -1.09577, 52.9544 ], [ -1.09652, 52.95395 ], [ -1.09647, 52.95338 ], [ -1.09918, 52.95219 ], [ -1.09636, 52.95312 ], [ -1.09537, 52.95357 ], [ -1.09555, 52.95392 ], [ -1.09428, 52.95427 ], [ -1.09489, 52.95506 ], [ -1.09216, 52.95484 ], [ -1.09204, 52.95454 ], [ -1.09285, 52.95441 ], [ -1.09187, 52.95316 ], [ -1.08916, 52.95226 ], [ -1.08813, 52.9516 ], [ -1.09195, 52.95072 ], [ -1.0936, 52.94981 ], [ -1.0954, 52.95186 ], [ -1.0974, 52.95013 ], [ -1.09924, 52.9509 ], [ -1.10179, 52.95266 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Carlton (Gedling)", "bua_code": "E35000652", "msoa_code": "E02005874", "population": 8733, "outputarea_code": "E00143651", "lsoa_code": "E01028193", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Carlton (Gedling) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Gedling", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.11087, "latitude": 52.98272, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.11539, 52.9754 ], [ -1.11546, 52.97532 ], [ -1.11553, 52.97524 ], [ -1.11641, 52.97448 ], [ -1.1168, 52.97413 ], [ -1.11889, 52.97494 ], [ -1.11913, 52.97471 ], [ -1.1195, 52.97484 ], [ -1.11928, 52.97438 ], [ -1.12046, 52.97377 ], [ -1.1205, 52.97457 ], [ -1.12125, 52.97488 ], [ -1.12132, 52.97491 ], [ -1.12277, 52.97669 ], [ -1.12283, 52.97676 ], [ -1.12354, 52.97768 ], [ -1.12426, 52.97861 ], [ -1.12432, 52.97869 ], [ -1.12487, 52.97938 ], [ -1.12584, 52.98061 ], [ -1.12546, 52.98119 ], [ -1.12527, 52.98148 ], [ -1.12567, 52.98161 ], [ -1.12344, 52.98304 ], [ -1.1228, 52.98347 ], [ -1.12035, 52.98501 ], [ -1.11737, 52.98678 ], [ -1.11542, 52.98811 ], [ -1.11385, 52.98913 ], [ -1.10896, 52.9919 ], [ -1.10298, 52.98936 ], [ -1.09773, 52.98704 ], [ -1.09804, 52.98677 ], [ -1.09674, 52.98603 ], [ -1.09671, 52.98544 ], [ -1.09613, 52.98509 ], [ -1.09667, 52.98469 ], [ -1.09738, 52.9852 ], [ -1.09809, 52.98489 ], [ -1.09899, 52.98512 ], [ -1.09922, 52.98467 ], [ -1.09813, 52.98351 ], [ -1.09707, 52.98411 ], [ -1.09711, 52.98307 ], [ -1.09644, 52.98265 ], [ -1.09676, 52.98227 ], [ -1.09517, 52.98233 ], [ -1.0956, 52.98184 ], [ -1.0971, 52.98183 ], [ -1.09726, 52.98157 ], [ -1.09679, 52.9815 ], [ -1.097, 52.98094 ], [ -1.09777, 52.98083 ], [ -1.0955, 52.9803 ], [ -1.09698, 52.97923 ], [ -1.099, 52.97948 ], [ -1.09903, 52.98009 ], [ -1.09948, 52.98024 ], [ -1.09918, 52.98052 ], [ -1.09964, 52.98052 ], [ -1.10054, 52.97956 ], [ -1.10229, 52.97998 ], [ -1.10224, 52.97975 ], [ -1.10289, 52.97967 ], [ -1.103, 52.97976 ], [ -1.10384, 52.97927 ], [ -1.10651, 52.97741 ], [ -1.10746, 52.97693 ], [ -1.10785, 52.9767 ], [ -1.109, 52.97593 ], [ -1.11239, 52.97692 ], [ -1.11345, 52.97723 ], [ -1.11539, 52.9754 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Carlton (Gedling)", "bua_code": "E35000652", "msoa_code": "E02005875", "population": 7425, "outputarea_code": "E00143523", "lsoa_code": "E01028172", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Carlton (Gedling) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Gedling", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.0876, "latitude": 52.98503, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.09036, 52.97202 ], [ -1.09376, 52.97439 ], [ -1.09411, 52.97452 ], [ -1.09455, 52.97473 ], [ -1.09595, 52.9731 ], [ -1.09643, 52.97254 ], [ -1.09732, 52.97277 ], [ -1.09757, 52.97257 ], [ -1.09947, 52.97375 ], [ -1.09989, 52.97382 ], [ -1.10195, 52.97217 ], [ -1.10429, 52.97301 ], [ -1.1064, 52.97429 ], [ -1.10765, 52.97341 ], [ -1.10985, 52.97404 ], [ -1.1093, 52.97497 ], [ -1.109, 52.97593 ], [ -1.10785, 52.9767 ], [ -1.10746, 52.97693 ], [ -1.10651, 52.97741 ], [ -1.10384, 52.97927 ], [ -1.103, 52.97976 ], [ -1.10289, 52.97967 ], [ -1.10224, 52.97975 ], [ -1.10229, 52.97998 ], [ -1.10054, 52.97956 ], [ -1.09964, 52.98052 ], [ -1.09918, 52.98052 ], [ -1.09948, 52.98024 ], [ -1.09903, 52.98009 ], [ -1.099, 52.97948 ], [ -1.09698, 52.97923 ], [ -1.0955, 52.9803 ], [ -1.09777, 52.98083 ], [ -1.097, 52.98094 ], [ -1.09679, 52.9815 ], [ -1.09726, 52.98157 ], [ -1.0971, 52.98183 ], [ -1.0956, 52.98184 ], [ -1.09517, 52.98233 ], [ -1.09676, 52.98227 ], [ -1.09644, 52.98265 ], [ -1.09711, 52.98307 ], [ -1.09707, 52.98411 ], [ -1.09813, 52.98351 ], [ -1.09922, 52.98467 ], [ -1.09899, 52.98512 ], [ -1.09809, 52.98489 ], [ -1.09738, 52.9852 ], [ -1.09667, 52.98469 ], [ -1.09613, 52.98509 ], [ -1.09671, 52.98544 ], [ -1.09674, 52.98603 ], [ -1.09804, 52.98677 ], [ -1.09773, 52.98704 ], [ -1.10298, 52.98936 ], [ -1.10896, 52.9919 ], [ -1.10644, 52.99315 ], [ -1.10552, 52.99272 ], [ -1.10473, 52.99314 ], [ -1.10315, 52.9928 ], [ -1.10103, 52.99286 ], [ -1.09751, 52.99436 ], [ -1.09679, 52.99474 ], [ -1.09677, 52.99533 ], [ -1.0926, 52.99426 ], [ -1.09178, 52.99518 ], [ -1.09026, 52.99505 ], [ -1.07929, 52.99372 ], [ -1.07731, 52.99386 ], [ -1.07255, 52.99333 ], [ -1.0718, 52.99338 ], [ -1.06993, 52.98887 ], [ -1.06836, 52.98799 ], [ -1.06739, 52.98603 ], [ -1.06524, 52.98549 ], [ -1.0632, 52.98444 ], [ -1.06302, 52.98421 ], [ -1.06375, 52.98381 ], [ -1.0665, 52.98223 ], [ -1.06777, 52.98166 ], [ -1.06811, 52.98178 ], [ -1.06852, 52.98033 ], [ -1.0694, 52.98056 ], [ -1.07305, 52.98133 ], [ -1.07412, 52.98022 ], [ -1.07655, 52.9811 ], [ -1.07767, 52.98008 ], [ -1.07847, 52.98033 ], [ -1.07859, 52.98069 ], [ -1.07756, 52.98148 ], [ -1.07864, 52.98198 ], [ -1.07962, 52.98125 ], [ -1.08004, 52.9815 ], [ -1.08001, 52.98105 ], [ -1.07851, 52.97993 ], [ -1.07881, 52.9797 ], [ -1.07941, 52.98028 ], [ -1.08145, 52.97935 ], [ -1.08231, 52.9784 ], [ -1.08153, 52.97796 ], [ -1.0818, 52.97756 ], [ -1.08613, 52.98025 ], [ -1.08636, 52.98039 ], [ -1.08809, 52.98152 ], [ -1.08878, 52.98199 ], [ -1.0897, 52.98084 ], [ -1.08997, 52.98045 ], [ -1.09222, 52.98084 ], [ -1.09206, 52.98041 ], [ -1.08922, 52.97986 ], [ -1.08975, 52.97902 ], [ -1.09011, 52.97891 ], [ -1.09071, 52.97947 ], [ -1.09153, 52.97851 ], [ -1.0906, 52.97821 ], [ -1.08994, 52.97845 ], [ -1.09012, 52.97804 ], [ -1.08909, 52.97763 ], [ -1.08656, 52.97699 ], [ -1.08697, 52.97669 ], [ -1.0866, 52.97637 ], [ -1.08581, 52.97673 ], [ -1.08558, 52.97635 ], [ -1.08612, 52.97561 ], [ -1.08644, 52.97589 ], [ -1.08771, 52.97583 ], [ -1.08881, 52.97632 ], [ -1.08994, 52.97571 ], [ -1.08953, 52.97511 ], [ -1.08987, 52.97477 ], [ -1.0885, 52.97421 ], [ -1.08894, 52.97389 ], [ -1.08839, 52.97365 ], [ -1.09036, 52.97202 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Carlton (Gedling)", "bua_code": "E35000652", "msoa_code": "E02005876", "population": 8960, "outputarea_code": "E00143522", "lsoa_code": "E01028171", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Carlton (Gedling) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Gedling", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.07483, "latitude": 52.97508, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.07876, 52.96544 ], [ -1.07918, 52.96647 ], [ -1.08078, 52.96691 ], [ -1.0809, 52.96754 ], [ -1.08151, 52.96863 ], [ -1.08192, 52.96861 ], [ -1.08275, 52.96888 ], [ -1.08282, 52.96943 ], [ -1.08296, 52.97 ], [ -1.08571, 52.97047 ], [ -1.08674, 52.97064 ], [ -1.08756, 52.97081 ], [ -1.08908, 52.9711 ], [ -1.08978, 52.9716 ], [ -1.09036, 52.97202 ], [ -1.08839, 52.97365 ], [ -1.08894, 52.97389 ], [ -1.0885, 52.97421 ], [ -1.08987, 52.97477 ], [ -1.08953, 52.97511 ], [ -1.08994, 52.97571 ], [ -1.08881, 52.97632 ], [ -1.08771, 52.97583 ], [ -1.08644, 52.97589 ], [ -1.08612, 52.97561 ], [ -1.08558, 52.97635 ], [ -1.08581, 52.97673 ], [ -1.0866, 52.97637 ], [ -1.08697, 52.97669 ], [ -1.08656, 52.97699 ], [ -1.08909, 52.97763 ], [ -1.09012, 52.97804 ], [ -1.08994, 52.97845 ], [ -1.0906, 52.97821 ], [ -1.09153, 52.97851 ], [ -1.09071, 52.97947 ], [ -1.09011, 52.97891 ], [ -1.08975, 52.97902 ], [ -1.08922, 52.97986 ], [ -1.09206, 52.98041 ], [ -1.09222, 52.98084 ], [ -1.08997, 52.98045 ], [ -1.0897, 52.98084 ], [ -1.08878, 52.98199 ], [ -1.08809, 52.98152 ], [ -1.08636, 52.98039 ], [ -1.08613, 52.98025 ], [ -1.0818, 52.97756 ], [ -1.08153, 52.97796 ], [ -1.08231, 52.9784 ], [ -1.08145, 52.97935 ], [ -1.07941, 52.98028 ], [ -1.07881, 52.9797 ], [ -1.07851, 52.97993 ], [ -1.08001, 52.98105 ], [ -1.08004, 52.9815 ], [ -1.07962, 52.98125 ], [ -1.07864, 52.98198 ], [ -1.07756, 52.98148 ], [ -1.07859, 52.98069 ], [ -1.07847, 52.98033 ], [ -1.07767, 52.98008 ], [ -1.07655, 52.9811 ], [ -1.07412, 52.98022 ], [ -1.07305, 52.98133 ], [ -1.0694, 52.98056 ], [ -1.06852, 52.98033 ], [ -1.06811, 52.98178 ], [ -1.06777, 52.98166 ], [ -1.0665, 52.98223 ], [ -1.06375, 52.98381 ], [ -1.06355, 52.98291 ], [ -1.06176, 52.98169 ], [ -1.06091, 52.9805 ], [ -1.06113, 52.97925 ], [ -1.06269, 52.97848 ], [ -1.06066, 52.97707 ], [ -1.05923, 52.97777 ], [ -1.05662, 52.97676 ], [ -1.0582, 52.97517 ], [ -1.06293, 52.97291 ], [ -1.06557, 52.97164 ], [ -1.06942, 52.96981 ], [ -1.07218, 52.9685 ], [ -1.07556, 52.96681 ], [ -1.07631, 52.96641 ], [ -1.07751, 52.96578 ], [ -1.0786, 52.96517 ], [ -1.07876, 52.96544 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Carlton (Gedling)", "bua_code": "E35000652", "msoa_code": "E02005877", "population": 7123, "outputarea_code": "E00143479", "lsoa_code": "E01028160", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Carlton (Gedling) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Gedling", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.10888, "latitude": 52.97087, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.11544, 52.96498 ], [ -1.11677, 52.96571 ], [ -1.11707, 52.96592 ], [ -1.11757, 52.96622 ], [ -1.11879, 52.96709 ], [ -1.12011, 52.96782 ], [ -1.11996, 52.96839 ], [ -1.1198, 52.97004 ], [ -1.11993, 52.97129 ], [ -1.11999, 52.97177 ], [ -1.12001, 52.97186 ], [ -1.12046, 52.97377 ], [ -1.11928, 52.97438 ], [ -1.1195, 52.97484 ], [ -1.11913, 52.97471 ], [ -1.11889, 52.97494 ], [ -1.1168, 52.97413 ], [ -1.11641, 52.97448 ], [ -1.11553, 52.97524 ], [ -1.11546, 52.97532 ], [ -1.11539, 52.9754 ], [ -1.11345, 52.97723 ], [ -1.11239, 52.97692 ], [ -1.109, 52.97593 ], [ -1.1093, 52.97497 ], [ -1.10985, 52.97404 ], [ -1.10765, 52.97341 ], [ -1.1064, 52.97429 ], [ -1.10429, 52.97301 ], [ -1.10195, 52.97217 ], [ -1.09989, 52.97382 ], [ -1.09947, 52.97375 ], [ -1.09757, 52.97257 ], [ -1.09732, 52.97277 ], [ -1.09643, 52.97254 ], [ -1.09595, 52.9731 ], [ -1.09455, 52.97473 ], [ -1.09411, 52.97452 ], [ -1.09376, 52.97439 ], [ -1.09036, 52.97202 ], [ -1.08978, 52.9716 ], [ -1.0906, 52.97088 ], [ -1.09403, 52.9708 ], [ -1.09489, 52.97013 ], [ -1.09543, 52.97027 ], [ -1.09545, 52.97091 ], [ -1.09776, 52.96919 ], [ -1.09836, 52.96942 ], [ -1.10208, 52.97022 ], [ -1.10202, 52.96977 ], [ -1.10295, 52.96874 ], [ -1.10355, 52.96855 ], [ -1.10377, 52.96836 ], [ -1.10457, 52.9677 ], [ -1.1064, 52.96733 ], [ -1.10619, 52.96678 ], [ -1.10479, 52.96669 ], [ -1.10472, 52.96638 ], [ -1.1067, 52.96621 ], [ -1.10869, 52.96603 ], [ -1.11131, 52.96578 ], [ -1.11384, 52.96554 ], [ -1.11525, 52.96489 ], [ -1.11544, 52.96498 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Carlton (Gedling)", "bua_code": "E35000652", "msoa_code": "E02005878", "population": 9897, "outputarea_code": "E00143454", "lsoa_code": "E01028156", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Carlton (Gedling) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Gedling", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.09351, "latitude": 52.96485, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.09983, 52.95858 ], [ -1.1015, 52.95898 ], [ -1.10163, 52.95975 ], [ -1.10171, 52.96024 ], [ -1.10177, 52.96066 ], [ -1.1019, 52.96142 ], [ -1.10208, 52.96249 ], [ -1.10386, 52.96213 ], [ -1.1039, 52.96303 ], [ -1.10155, 52.96335 ], [ -1.10178, 52.96375 ], [ -1.1013, 52.96377 ], [ -1.1013, 52.96404 ], [ -1.10175, 52.96403 ], [ -1.10191, 52.96471 ], [ -1.10333, 52.96463 ], [ -1.10306, 52.96519 ], [ -1.10356, 52.96577 ], [ -1.10479, 52.96611 ], [ -1.10518, 52.96595 ], [ -1.10477, 52.96494 ], [ -1.10578, 52.9648 ], [ -1.10592, 52.96408 ], [ -1.10689, 52.9641 ], [ -1.10739, 52.96411 ], [ -1.10852, 52.96409 ], [ -1.11021, 52.96429 ], [ -1.1122, 52.96528 ], [ -1.11481, 52.96465 ], [ -1.11525, 52.96489 ], [ -1.11384, 52.96554 ], [ -1.11131, 52.96578 ], [ -1.10869, 52.96603 ], [ -1.1067, 52.96621 ], [ -1.10472, 52.96638 ], [ -1.10479, 52.96669 ], [ -1.10619, 52.96678 ], [ -1.1064, 52.96733 ], [ -1.10457, 52.9677 ], [ -1.10377, 52.96836 ], [ -1.10355, 52.96855 ], [ -1.10295, 52.96874 ], [ -1.10202, 52.96977 ], [ -1.10208, 52.97022 ], [ -1.09836, 52.96942 ], [ -1.09776, 52.96919 ], [ -1.09545, 52.97091 ], [ -1.09543, 52.97027 ], [ -1.09489, 52.97013 ], [ -1.09403, 52.9708 ], [ -1.0906, 52.97088 ], [ -1.08978, 52.9716 ], [ -1.08908, 52.9711 ], [ -1.08756, 52.97081 ], [ -1.08674, 52.97064 ], [ -1.08571, 52.97047 ], [ -1.08296, 52.97 ], [ -1.08282, 52.96943 ], [ -1.08275, 52.96888 ], [ -1.08192, 52.96861 ], [ -1.08151, 52.96863 ], [ -1.0809, 52.96754 ], [ -1.08078, 52.96691 ], [ -1.07918, 52.96647 ], [ -1.07876, 52.96544 ], [ -1.0786, 52.96517 ], [ -1.08055, 52.96412 ], [ -1.08322, 52.96269 ], [ -1.08377, 52.96238 ], [ -1.08734, 52.96047 ], [ -1.08742, 52.96043 ], [ -1.09016, 52.95896 ], [ -1.0913, 52.95834 ], [ -1.09353, 52.95714 ], [ -1.09458, 52.95672 ], [ -1.09596, 52.95758 ], [ -1.09694, 52.95804 ], [ -1.09983, 52.95858 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Carlton (Gedling)", "bua_code": "E35000652", "msoa_code": "E02005879", "population": 7599, "outputarea_code": "E00143600", "lsoa_code": "E01028185", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Carlton (Gedling) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Gedling", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.07426, "latitude": 52.95898, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.08175, 52.94963 ], [ -1.08406, 52.94829 ], [ -1.08515, 52.94821 ], [ -1.08612, 52.94857 ], [ -1.08813, 52.9516 ], [ -1.08916, 52.95226 ], [ -1.09187, 52.95316 ], [ -1.09285, 52.95441 ], [ -1.09204, 52.95454 ], [ -1.09216, 52.95484 ], [ -1.09489, 52.95506 ], [ -1.09688, 52.95552 ], [ -1.09458, 52.95672 ], [ -1.09353, 52.95714 ], [ -1.0913, 52.95834 ], [ -1.09016, 52.95896 ], [ -1.08742, 52.96043 ], [ -1.08734, 52.96047 ], [ -1.08377, 52.96238 ], [ -1.08322, 52.96269 ], [ -1.08055, 52.96412 ], [ -1.0786, 52.96517 ], [ -1.07751, 52.96578 ], [ -1.07631, 52.96641 ], [ -1.07556, 52.96681 ], [ -1.07218, 52.9685 ], [ -1.06942, 52.96981 ], [ -1.06557, 52.97164 ], [ -1.06084, 52.97007 ], [ -1.06259, 52.96813 ], [ -1.0634, 52.96557 ], [ -1.06456, 52.96313 ], [ -1.05765, 52.95978 ], [ -1.06027, 52.95877 ], [ -1.06122, 52.95768 ], [ -1.05912, 52.95627 ], [ -1.05809, 52.95511 ], [ -1.05855, 52.9545 ], [ -1.05848, 52.9535 ], [ -1.05637, 52.95182 ], [ -1.05668, 52.95072 ], [ -1.06235, 52.95032 ], [ -1.06371, 52.95059 ], [ -1.06462, 52.95113 ], [ -1.06567, 52.95276 ], [ -1.06765, 52.95448 ], [ -1.07181, 52.95581 ], [ -1.07441, 52.95576 ], [ -1.07826, 52.95306 ], [ -1.08014, 52.95095 ], [ -1.08175, 52.94963 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Clay Cross", "bua_code": "E35001303", "msoa_code": "E02004117", "population": 292, "outputarea_code": "E00100274", "lsoa_code": "E01019814", "la_name": "North East Derbyshire", "bua_name": "Clay Cross BUASD", "constituency_name": "Bolsover", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.42443, "latitude": 53.14941, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.40313, 53.14374 ], [ -1.40763, 53.1441 ], [ -1.41543, 53.14627 ], [ -1.41588, 53.14788 ], [ -1.41671, 53.14816 ], [ -1.42136, 53.14723 ], [ -1.42078, 53.14613 ], [ -1.42084, 53.1453 ], [ -1.42128, 53.14515 ], [ -1.42051, 53.14472 ], [ -1.42036, 53.14417 ], [ -1.42125, 53.14341 ], [ -1.42103, 53.14221 ], [ -1.42146, 53.14214 ], [ -1.42182, 53.14124 ], [ -1.42401, 53.1415 ], [ -1.4311, 53.13957 ], [ -1.43094, 53.14182 ], [ -1.43163, 53.14257 ], [ -1.43246, 53.14503 ], [ -1.43201, 53.14759 ], [ -1.43547, 53.14706 ], [ -1.43638, 53.14745 ], [ -1.43831, 53.14928 ], [ -1.43961, 53.14864 ], [ -1.44614, 53.15013 ], [ -1.44607, 53.1505 ], [ -1.44735, 53.15101 ], [ -1.45151, 53.15468 ], [ -1.44295, 53.15552 ], [ -1.44092, 53.1565 ], [ -1.4375, 53.15457 ], [ -1.43711, 53.15542 ], [ -1.43455, 53.15557 ], [ -1.43351, 53.15521 ], [ -1.43083, 53.15558 ], [ -1.42899, 53.15543 ], [ -1.42848, 53.15421 ], [ -1.42408, 53.15109 ], [ -1.42226, 53.15094 ], [ -1.42203, 53.15232 ], [ -1.41856, 53.15243 ], [ -1.41876, 53.15306 ], [ -1.41697, 53.15329 ], [ -1.41579, 53.15343 ], [ -1.4161, 53.15535 ], [ -1.41406, 53.15582 ], [ -1.41369, 53.15479 ], [ -1.4104, 53.15528 ], [ -1.40937, 53.15405 ], [ -1.41, 53.1539 ], [ -1.40908, 53.15256 ], [ -1.40963, 53.15241 ], [ -1.40908, 53.15172 ], [ -1.40643, 53.15212 ], [ -1.40603, 53.15213 ], [ -1.40605, 53.15179 ], [ -1.40363, 53.15202 ], [ -1.40121, 53.15225 ], [ -1.40138, 53.15125 ], [ -1.40193, 53.14701 ], [ -1.40165, 53.14567 ], [ -1.40123, 53.14492 ], [ -1.40313, 53.14374 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Clifton (City of Nottingham)", "bua_code": "E35000158", "msoa_code": "E02002903", "population": 6238, "outputarea_code": "E00070149", "lsoa_code": "E01013908", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Clifton (City of Nottingham) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham South", "citytownclassification": "Small Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.19854, "latitude": 52.90441, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.18771, 52.89375 ], [ -1.19205, 52.89506 ], [ -1.19168, 52.89574 ], [ -1.19121, 52.89663 ], [ -1.19396, 52.89751 ], [ -1.19438, 52.89764 ], [ -1.19546, 52.89786 ], [ -1.19588, 52.89725 ], [ -1.19923, 52.89791 ], [ -1.20281, 52.89916 ], [ -1.20431, 52.90013 ], [ -1.20499, 52.9001 ], [ -1.2113, 52.90261 ], [ -1.21323, 52.90074 ], [ -1.21657, 52.90017 ], [ -1.2175, 52.90065 ], [ -1.21415, 52.90331 ], [ -1.21392, 52.90441 ], [ -1.21442, 52.90462 ], [ -1.21383, 52.90564 ], [ -1.21355, 52.90884 ], [ -1.21304, 52.91071 ], [ -1.21051, 52.91227 ], [ -1.2083, 52.91265 ], [ -1.20571, 52.91244 ], [ -1.19901, 52.90948 ], [ -1.19756, 52.90996 ], [ -1.19499, 52.91154 ], [ -1.19339, 52.91244 ], [ -1.18802, 52.90956 ], [ -1.18828, 52.90932 ], [ -1.18842, 52.90864 ], [ -1.18754, 52.90833 ], [ -1.18451, 52.90735 ], [ -1.18423, 52.90526 ], [ -1.18356, 52.90492 ], [ -1.18391, 52.90441 ], [ -1.18275, 52.90356 ], [ -1.18389, 52.90261 ], [ -1.18441, 52.90236 ], [ -1.18498, 52.90176 ], [ -1.18483, 52.90133 ], [ -1.18551, 52.90008 ], [ -1.18646, 52.89998 ], [ -1.18828, 52.89835 ], [ -1.18769, 52.89781 ], [ -1.18576, 52.89772 ], [ -1.18611, 52.89685 ], [ -1.18847, 52.89705 ], [ -1.1887, 52.89707 ], [ -1.1888, 52.89592 ], [ -1.18836, 52.89573 ], [ -1.18825, 52.89661 ], [ -1.18623, 52.89647 ], [ -1.18616, 52.89474 ], [ -1.18567, 52.89466 ], [ -1.18541, 52.89502 ], [ -1.18353, 52.89523 ], [ -1.18339, 52.89448 ], [ -1.18567, 52.89372 ], [ -1.18575, 52.89328 ], [ -1.18771, 52.89375 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Clifton (City of Nottingham)", "bua_code": "E35000158", "msoa_code": "E02002904", "population": 6155, "outputarea_code": "E00070146", "lsoa_code": "E01013911", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Clifton (City of Nottingham) BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham South", "citytownclassification": "Small Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.17747, "latitude": 52.89705, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.16883, 52.89772 ], [ -1.17023, 52.89679 ], [ -1.17006, 52.89589 ], [ -1.17111, 52.89552 ], [ -1.17087, 52.89503 ], [ -1.17128, 52.89445 ], [ -1.17194, 52.89338 ], [ -1.17384, 52.89215 ], [ -1.17356, 52.89173 ], [ -1.17493, 52.88966 ], [ -1.17607, 52.88955 ], [ -1.17681, 52.88903 ], [ -1.17881, 52.88989 ], [ -1.1782, 52.89131 ], [ -1.18247, 52.89252 ], [ -1.18575, 52.89328 ], [ -1.18567, 52.89372 ], [ -1.18339, 52.89448 ], [ -1.18353, 52.89523 ], [ -1.18541, 52.89502 ], [ -1.18567, 52.89466 ], [ -1.18616, 52.89474 ], [ -1.18623, 52.89647 ], [ -1.18825, 52.89661 ], [ -1.18836, 52.89573 ], [ -1.1888, 52.89592 ], [ -1.1887, 52.89707 ], [ -1.18847, 52.89705 ], [ -1.18611, 52.89685 ], [ -1.18576, 52.89772 ], [ -1.18769, 52.89781 ], [ -1.18828, 52.89835 ], [ -1.18646, 52.89998 ], [ -1.18551, 52.90008 ], [ -1.18483, 52.90133 ], [ -1.18498, 52.90176 ], [ -1.18441, 52.90236 ], [ -1.18389, 52.90261 ], [ -1.18305, 52.90279 ], [ -1.18261, 52.9027 ], [ -1.18391, 52.90159 ], [ -1.18384, 52.9006 ], [ -1.18343, 52.90043 ], [ -1.18275, 52.90059 ], [ -1.18251, 52.90101 ], [ -1.18303, 52.90153 ], [ -1.18193, 52.90215 ], [ -1.18019, 52.90161 ], [ -1.18027, 52.9008 ], [ -1.17973, 52.90076 ], [ -1.179, 52.90172 ], [ -1.17844, 52.90169 ], [ -1.1797, 52.90002 ], [ -1.17889, 52.90019 ], [ -1.17803, 52.90145 ], [ -1.17759, 52.90141 ], [ -1.17706, 52.90191 ], [ -1.17508, 52.9015 ], [ -1.17553, 52.90197 ], [ -1.17508, 52.90287 ], [ -1.17434, 52.90309 ], [ -1.17453, 52.90372 ], [ -1.17434, 52.90367 ], [ -1.17338, 52.90337 ], [ -1.16909, 52.90188 ], [ -1.16926, 52.90161 ], [ -1.16881, 52.90131 ], [ -1.16787, 52.90146 ], [ -1.16897, 52.9 ], [ -1.16869, 52.89987 ], [ -1.16627, 52.89894 ], [ -1.16704, 52.89814 ], [ -1.16883, 52.89772 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Clowne", "bua_code": "E34003098", "msoa_code": "E02004045", "population": 5991, "outputarea_code": "E00098571", "lsoa_code": "E01019491", "la_name": "Bolsover", "bua_name": "Clowne BUA", "constituency_name": "Bolsover", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.2717, "latitude": 53.27306, "pgroup": "5k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.25709, 53.26495 ], [ -1.25813, 53.26236 ], [ -1.26003, 53.25955 ], [ -1.26362, 53.25776 ], [ -1.26476, 53.25662 ], [ -1.2702, 53.25699 ], [ -1.27523, 53.25799 ], [ -1.27476, 53.25915 ], [ -1.27897, 53.26133 ], [ -1.27978, 53.26237 ], [ -1.27954, 53.26312 ], [ -1.28198, 53.26421 ], [ -1.28285, 53.26591 ], [ -1.28445, 53.26677 ], [ -1.28773, 53.26627 ], [ -1.28925, 53.26619 ], [ -1.29034, 53.26541 ], [ -1.29212, 53.26503 ], [ -1.29353, 53.26486 ], [ -1.29389, 53.2652 ], [ -1.29697, 53.26467 ], [ -1.29851, 53.26476 ], [ -1.30131, 53.2639 ], [ -1.30209, 53.26535 ], [ -1.30218, 53.26662 ], [ -1.30162, 53.26698 ], [ -1.30348, 53.26949 ], [ -1.30471, 53.26998 ], [ -1.30539, 53.27158 ], [ -1.30598, 53.27262 ], [ -1.30593, 53.27363 ], [ -1.30726, 53.27546 ], [ -1.30257, 53.27694 ], [ -1.29925, 53.27679 ], [ -1.29424, 53.27604 ], [ -1.29441, 53.27438 ], [ -1.29203, 53.27219 ], [ -1.29197, 53.27028 ], [ -1.29176, 53.27122 ], [ -1.29017, 53.27333 ], [ -1.2892, 53.27649 ], [ -1.28724, 53.27608 ], [ -1.28454, 53.27793 ], [ -1.28183, 53.27847 ], [ -1.27758, 53.27834 ], [ -1.27693, 53.27892 ], [ -1.27698, 53.27951 ], [ -1.2777, 53.28057 ], [ -1.27768, 53.28217 ], [ -1.2757, 53.28276 ], [ -1.27428, 53.28348 ], [ -1.27384, 53.28325 ], [ -1.27235, 53.28452 ], [ -1.27069, 53.28479 ], [ -1.27132, 53.28426 ], [ -1.26945, 53.28344 ], [ -1.26894, 53.284 ], [ -1.26634, 53.28318 ], [ -1.26612, 53.28383 ], [ -1.26404, 53.28532 ], [ -1.26328, 53.28534 ], [ -1.2634, 53.28704 ], [ -1.26101, 53.28721 ], [ -1.2575, 53.28778 ], [ -1.25894, 53.29263 ], [ -1.25815, 53.29262 ], [ -1.25561, 53.29263 ], [ -1.25511, 53.2911 ], [ -1.25217, 53.29222 ], [ -1.25019, 53.28796 ], [ -1.24943, 53.28816 ], [ -1.24896, 53.2873 ], [ -1.24726, 53.28783 ], [ -1.24557, 53.28614 ], [ -1.24603, 53.28512 ], [ -1.24543, 53.28328 ], [ -1.245, 53.28305 ], [ -1.24396, 53.28358 ], [ -1.24173, 53.28382 ], [ -1.24244, 53.28215 ], [ -1.24218, 53.28151 ], [ -1.245, 53.281 ], [ -1.24855, 53.28133 ], [ -1.25006, 53.28151 ], [ -1.25311, 53.28108 ], [ -1.25563, 53.27971 ], [ -1.25529, 53.2795 ], [ -1.25662, 53.27869 ], [ -1.25585, 53.27851 ], [ -1.25594, 53.27816 ], [ -1.25851, 53.27848 ], [ -1.25644, 53.27755 ], [ -1.25616, 53.27695 ], [ -1.25341, 53.2773 ], [ -1.25402, 53.27687 ], [ -1.25294, 53.27653 ], [ -1.25281, 53.27608 ], [ -1.25361, 53.27578 ], [ -1.25276, 53.27587 ], [ -1.25254, 53.27517 ], [ -1.25195, 53.27531 ], [ -1.24973, 53.27536 ], [ -1.2491, 53.27526 ], [ -1.24912, 53.27486 ], [ -1.24879, 53.27528 ], [ -1.24635, 53.27534 ], [ -1.24785, 53.2742 ], [ -1.24999, 53.27351 ], [ -1.25035, 53.27301 ], [ -1.2499, 53.27289 ], [ -1.25099, 53.27143 ], [ -1.25165, 53.27093 ], [ -1.25338, 53.26913 ], [ -1.25709, 53.26495 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Coalville", "bua_code": "E35000934", "msoa_code": "E02005403", "population": 6898, "outputarea_code": "E00131763", "lsoa_code": "E01025968", "la_name": "North West Leicestershire", "bua_name": "Coalville BUASD", "constituency_name": "North West Leicestershire", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.34982, "latitude": 52.73744, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.34212, 52.72877 ], [ -1.34355, 52.72837 ], [ -1.34488, 52.72809 ], [ -1.34597, 52.7274 ], [ -1.34799, 52.72592 ], [ -1.34967, 52.7254 ], [ -1.35453, 52.72587 ], [ -1.35708, 52.72499 ], [ -1.358, 52.72567 ], [ -1.36168, 52.72822 ], [ -1.36264, 52.72888 ], [ -1.36459, 52.73016 ], [ -1.36663, 52.73092 ], [ -1.37346, 52.73253 ], [ -1.373, 52.73427 ], [ -1.37142, 52.73658 ], [ -1.37221, 52.73678 ], [ -1.3716, 52.73761 ], [ -1.36814, 52.73681 ], [ -1.36794, 52.73704 ], [ -1.36763, 52.73751 ], [ -1.37046, 52.73823 ], [ -1.37086, 52.7386 ], [ -1.36948, 52.73916 ], [ -1.36933, 52.73952 ], [ -1.36841, 52.73945 ], [ -1.36704, 52.74093 ], [ -1.36584, 52.74228 ], [ -1.36553, 52.7425 ], [ -1.36381, 52.74317 ], [ -1.36286, 52.74364 ], [ -1.36323, 52.7439 ], [ -1.36272, 52.74424 ], [ -1.36305, 52.74436 ], [ -1.36195, 52.74472 ], [ -1.36105, 52.74502 ], [ -1.35974, 52.74634 ], [ -1.35762, 52.74639 ], [ -1.35718, 52.74702 ], [ -1.35568, 52.7465 ], [ -1.35224, 52.74652 ], [ -1.35219, 52.74692 ], [ -1.34517, 52.74697 ], [ -1.34132, 52.75038 ], [ -1.33612, 52.75089 ], [ -1.33489, 52.75073 ], [ -1.33474, 52.75101 ], [ -1.33418, 52.75086 ], [ -1.33433, 52.75055 ], [ -1.33026, 52.75037 ], [ -1.33092, 52.74907 ], [ -1.33164, 52.74896 ], [ -1.33213, 52.74809 ], [ -1.33314, 52.74746 ], [ -1.33396, 52.74741 ], [ -1.33499, 52.74444 ], [ -1.33548, 52.74463 ], [ -1.3357, 52.7428 ], [ -1.3365, 52.74146 ], [ -1.33536, 52.7409 ], [ -1.33229, 52.73918 ], [ -1.3318, 52.73782 ], [ -1.33069, 52.73713 ], [ -1.3316, 52.73656 ], [ -1.32679, 52.73332 ], [ -1.32611, 52.73369 ], [ -1.32551, 52.73319 ], [ -1.32917, 52.7315 ], [ -1.33257, 52.73028 ], [ -1.33747, 52.73274 ], [ -1.33902, 52.73097 ], [ -1.34204, 52.73188 ], [ -1.34164, 52.7313 ], [ -1.34035, 52.72969 ], [ -1.34212, 52.72877 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Coalville", "bua_code": "E35000934", "msoa_code": "E02005405", "population": 6681, "outputarea_code": "E00131597", "lsoa_code": "E01025935", "la_name": "North West Leicestershire", "bua_name": "Coalville BUASD", "constituency_name": "North West Leicestershire", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.33025, "latitude": 52.72487, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.33236, 52.71829 ], [ -1.33363, 52.71765 ], [ -1.33376, 52.71688 ], [ -1.33625, 52.71718 ], [ -1.33706, 52.71688 ], [ -1.33921, 52.71611 ], [ -1.33972, 52.71617 ], [ -1.34097, 52.71744 ], [ -1.34142, 52.71811 ], [ -1.34166, 52.71846 ], [ -1.34222, 52.71932 ], [ -1.34169, 52.71945 ], [ -1.34246, 52.71973 ], [ -1.34329, 52.72059 ], [ -1.34439, 52.72275 ], [ -1.34544, 52.72302 ], [ -1.34721, 52.72331 ], [ -1.35017, 52.7226 ], [ -1.35522, 52.72202 ], [ -1.35586, 52.72363 ], [ -1.35708, 52.72499 ], [ -1.35453, 52.72587 ], [ -1.34967, 52.7254 ], [ -1.34799, 52.72592 ], [ -1.34597, 52.7274 ], [ -1.34488, 52.72809 ], [ -1.34355, 52.72837 ], [ -1.34212, 52.72877 ], [ -1.34035, 52.72969 ], [ -1.34164, 52.7313 ], [ -1.34204, 52.73188 ], [ -1.33902, 52.73097 ], [ -1.33747, 52.73274 ], [ -1.33257, 52.73028 ], [ -1.32917, 52.7315 ], [ -1.32551, 52.73319 ], [ -1.32486, 52.73212 ], [ -1.32308, 52.73174 ], [ -1.32155, 52.73089 ], [ -1.32017, 52.73096 ], [ -1.31523, 52.72779 ], [ -1.3141, 52.72766 ], [ -1.31324, 52.72853 ], [ -1.31051, 52.72714 ], [ -1.31071, 52.72627 ], [ -1.30957, 52.72529 ], [ -1.31148, 52.7246 ], [ -1.3054, 52.72137 ], [ -1.30003, 52.71918 ], [ -1.30044, 52.71858 ], [ -1.30661, 52.71991 ], [ -1.30925, 52.71994 ], [ -1.31298, 52.72132 ], [ -1.31634, 52.72162 ], [ -1.3164, 52.72162 ], [ -1.32304, 52.72223 ], [ -1.32625, 52.72131 ], [ -1.32832, 52.72046 ], [ -1.33236, 52.71829 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002799", "population": 6068, "outputarea_code": "E00068315", "lsoa_code": "E01013532", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.45506, "latitude": 52.94092, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.44773, 52.93719 ], [ -1.44755, 52.93673 ], [ -1.44832, 52.93655 ], [ -1.44807, 52.93611 ], [ -1.44907, 52.93559 ], [ -1.44868, 52.93564 ], [ -1.44848, 52.93529 ], [ -1.44935, 52.93521 ], [ -1.44962, 52.93488 ], [ -1.45023, 52.93494 ], [ -1.45036, 52.93527 ], [ -1.45136, 52.9354 ], [ -1.45059, 52.93583 ], [ -1.45071, 52.93618 ], [ -1.45133, 52.93632 ], [ -1.45382, 52.93496 ], [ -1.45425, 52.93537 ], [ -1.45507, 52.93513 ], [ -1.45511, 52.93505 ], [ -1.4552, 52.93719 ], [ -1.45586, 52.93744 ], [ -1.45646, 52.93716 ], [ -1.45601, 52.93639 ], [ -1.45668, 52.93641 ], [ -1.45723, 52.93601 ], [ -1.45691, 52.93588 ], [ -1.45757, 52.93571 ], [ -1.45788, 52.93614 ], [ -1.45847, 52.93593 ], [ -1.45903, 52.93625 ], [ -1.45984, 52.93624 ], [ -1.46301, 52.93573 ], [ -1.46394, 52.93596 ], [ -1.46562, 52.93188 ], [ -1.46877, 52.93187 ], [ -1.46802, 52.9372 ], [ -1.46574, 52.94181 ], [ -1.46359, 52.94607 ], [ -1.46257, 52.94984 ], [ -1.45935, 52.94943 ], [ -1.45976, 52.94879 ], [ -1.45861, 52.94848 ], [ -1.45779, 52.94825 ], [ -1.45689, 52.94875 ], [ -1.45299, 52.94836 ], [ -1.45275, 52.94746 ], [ -1.45264, 52.94623 ], [ -1.45359, 52.94529 ], [ -1.45152, 52.94495 ], [ -1.45124, 52.94493 ], [ -1.44877, 52.94492 ], [ -1.44872, 52.94465 ], [ -1.44581, 52.94452 ], [ -1.44597, 52.94373 ], [ -1.44613, 52.94294 ], [ -1.445, 52.94205 ], [ -1.444, 52.94217 ], [ -1.44394, 52.94224 ], [ -1.44247, 52.94246 ], [ -1.44276, 52.94265 ], [ -1.44212, 52.9427 ], [ -1.44233, 52.94284 ], [ -1.44169, 52.94314 ], [ -1.4406, 52.94274 ], [ -1.43981, 52.94322 ], [ -1.43881, 52.94336 ], [ -1.43682, 52.94217 ], [ -1.43707, 52.94184 ], [ -1.43813, 52.94128 ], [ -1.43903, 52.94127 ], [ -1.43896, 52.94087 ], [ -1.43946, 52.94064 ], [ -1.43895, 52.93999 ], [ -1.4375, 52.94066 ], [ -1.43718, 52.94027 ], [ -1.43626, 52.94022 ], [ -1.43619, 52.93873 ], [ -1.43732, 52.9386 ], [ -1.4376, 52.93814 ], [ -1.4383, 52.93859 ], [ -1.43876, 52.93857 ], [ -1.44133, 52.9384 ], [ -1.44521, 52.93818 ], [ -1.4452, 52.93857 ], [ -1.44584, 52.93812 ], [ -1.44511, 52.93744 ], [ -1.44503, 52.93543 ], [ -1.44418, 52.93507 ], [ -1.44485, 52.9348 ], [ -1.44575, 52.93621 ], [ -1.44773, 52.93719 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002800", "population": 7217, "outputarea_code": "E00068272", "lsoa_code": "E01013526", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.48052, "latitude": 52.94142, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.487, 52.92901 ], [ -1.48795, 52.9296 ], [ -1.48781, 52.92977 ], [ -1.48839, 52.93015 ], [ -1.48737, 52.93073 ], [ -1.48713, 52.93099 ], [ -1.48907, 52.93163 ], [ -1.48972, 52.93183 ], [ -1.49207, 52.92936 ], [ -1.49242, 52.92903 ], [ -1.4939, 52.92762 ], [ -1.49396, 52.92766 ], [ -1.49788, 52.92993 ], [ -1.49788, 52.93047 ], [ -1.49904, 52.93175 ], [ -1.49869, 52.93254 ], [ -1.49805, 52.93436 ], [ -1.49386, 52.9386 ], [ -1.4936, 52.93893 ], [ -1.49224, 52.94025 ], [ -1.4894, 52.94205 ], [ -1.48883, 52.94241 ], [ -1.48722, 52.94369 ], [ -1.48555, 52.94571 ], [ -1.48522, 52.94631 ], [ -1.48401, 52.94829 ], [ -1.48088, 52.95004 ], [ -1.47755, 52.95114 ], [ -1.47499, 52.95242 ], [ -1.47024, 52.95492 ], [ -1.46759, 52.95569 ], [ -1.46717, 52.95494 ], [ -1.46608, 52.95433 ], [ -1.46619, 52.95367 ], [ -1.46735, 52.95303 ], [ -1.46855, 52.95066 ], [ -1.46257, 52.94984 ], [ -1.46359, 52.94607 ], [ -1.46574, 52.94181 ], [ -1.46652, 52.942 ], [ -1.46703, 52.94128 ], [ -1.46945, 52.94198 ], [ -1.46996, 52.94019 ], [ -1.47293, 52.9403 ], [ -1.47581, 52.93822 ], [ -1.47641, 52.93874 ], [ -1.47829, 52.93936 ], [ -1.47914, 52.94 ], [ -1.4811, 52.93853 ], [ -1.4807, 52.93585 ], [ -1.48011, 52.93504 ], [ -1.47948, 52.9339 ], [ -1.47988, 52.9336 ], [ -1.47986, 52.9304 ], [ -1.48174, 52.93033 ], [ -1.48179, 52.93063 ], [ -1.48297, 52.93007 ], [ -1.48299, 52.92962 ], [ -1.48348, 52.92942 ], [ -1.48329, 52.92975 ], [ -1.48376, 52.92985 ], [ -1.48401, 52.92951 ], [ -1.48582, 52.92985 ], [ -1.48602, 52.93036 ], [ -1.48708, 52.92965 ], [ -1.4864, 52.92929 ], [ -1.48656, 52.92898 ], [ -1.487, 52.92901 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002801", "population": 7633, "outputarea_code": "E00068193", "lsoa_code": "E01013505", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.43341, "latitude": 52.9341, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.43171, 52.92647 ], [ -1.43411, 52.92805 ], [ -1.43532, 52.92806 ], [ -1.43622, 52.9275 ], [ -1.43792, 52.92808 ], [ -1.43788, 52.92903 ], [ -1.43835, 52.92951 ], [ -1.4388, 52.92965 ], [ -1.4395, 52.92921 ], [ -1.4394, 52.92869 ], [ -1.43996, 52.92831 ], [ -1.44105, 52.92911 ], [ -1.44171, 52.92891 ], [ -1.44155, 52.92929 ], [ -1.44206, 52.9295 ], [ -1.44052, 52.93127 ], [ -1.43982, 52.93213 ], [ -1.43974, 52.93223 ], [ -1.4403, 52.93239 ], [ -1.44015, 52.93286 ], [ -1.44076, 52.93289 ], [ -1.44113, 52.93342 ], [ -1.4424, 52.93366 ], [ -1.44338, 52.93438 ], [ -1.4448, 52.93451 ], [ -1.44485, 52.9348 ], [ -1.44418, 52.93507 ], [ -1.44503, 52.93543 ], [ -1.44511, 52.93744 ], [ -1.44584, 52.93812 ], [ -1.4452, 52.93857 ], [ -1.44521, 52.93818 ], [ -1.44133, 52.9384 ], [ -1.43876, 52.93857 ], [ -1.4383, 52.93859 ], [ -1.4376, 52.93814 ], [ -1.43732, 52.9386 ], [ -1.43619, 52.93873 ], [ -1.43626, 52.94022 ], [ -1.43718, 52.94027 ], [ -1.4375, 52.94066 ], [ -1.43895, 52.93999 ], [ -1.43946, 52.94064 ], [ -1.43896, 52.94087 ], [ -1.43903, 52.94127 ], [ -1.43813, 52.94128 ], [ -1.43707, 52.94184 ], [ -1.43682, 52.94217 ], [ -1.43603, 52.9417 ], [ -1.43568, 52.94194 ], [ -1.43501, 52.94179 ], [ -1.43456, 52.94159 ], [ -1.4349, 52.94132 ], [ -1.43345, 52.94208 ], [ -1.43344, 52.94179 ], [ -1.43247, 52.94184 ], [ -1.43162, 52.94096 ], [ -1.43107, 52.94087 ], [ -1.4319, 52.94033 ], [ -1.43074, 52.93957 ], [ -1.43038, 52.93976 ], [ -1.42975, 52.93939 ], [ -1.43003, 52.93919 ], [ -1.42901, 52.93883 ], [ -1.42877, 52.93915 ], [ -1.42844, 52.93886 ], [ -1.42746, 52.93895 ], [ -1.42656, 52.93863 ], [ -1.42667, 52.93807 ], [ -1.42776, 52.93756 ], [ -1.42633, 52.93745 ], [ -1.42611, 52.93719 ], [ -1.42739, 52.93677 ], [ -1.42572, 52.93606 ], [ -1.42568, 52.93577 ], [ -1.42396, 52.93565 ], [ -1.42357, 52.93569 ], [ -1.4199, 52.93178 ], [ -1.42053, 52.93156 ], [ -1.42226, 52.93173 ], [ -1.42669, 52.9315 ], [ -1.42589, 52.93086 ], [ -1.42514, 52.93078 ], [ -1.42554, 52.92891 ], [ -1.42643, 52.92867 ], [ -1.42701, 52.92884 ], [ -1.42724, 52.9284 ], [ -1.42805, 52.92766 ], [ -1.42979, 52.9274 ], [ -1.43171, 52.92647 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002803", "population": 8002, "outputarea_code": "E00068277", "lsoa_code": "E01013525", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.47929, "latitude": 52.93139, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.46846, 52.92921 ], [ -1.46685, 52.92471 ], [ -1.46895, 52.92469 ], [ -1.47102, 52.92556 ], [ -1.47641, 52.927 ], [ -1.47825, 52.92707 ], [ -1.48069, 52.92642 ], [ -1.48075, 52.9264 ], [ -1.48242, 52.92601 ], [ -1.48318, 52.92588 ], [ -1.48396, 52.92461 ], [ -1.48445, 52.9237 ], [ -1.48526, 52.92392 ], [ -1.48599, 52.92414 ], [ -1.48805, 52.92472 ], [ -1.48872, 52.92486 ], [ -1.49105, 52.92531 ], [ -1.4944, 52.92613 ], [ -1.49591, 52.92656 ], [ -1.49643, 52.9267 ], [ -1.49676, 52.9268 ], [ -1.49974, 52.92767 ], [ -1.50406, 52.92909 ], [ -1.50048, 52.93056 ], [ -1.49869, 52.93254 ], [ -1.49904, 52.93175 ], [ -1.49788, 52.93047 ], [ -1.49788, 52.92993 ], [ -1.49396, 52.92766 ], [ -1.4939, 52.92762 ], [ -1.49242, 52.92903 ], [ -1.49207, 52.92936 ], [ -1.48972, 52.93183 ], [ -1.48907, 52.93163 ], [ -1.48713, 52.93099 ], [ -1.48737, 52.93073 ], [ -1.48839, 52.93015 ], [ -1.48781, 52.92977 ], [ -1.48795, 52.9296 ], [ -1.487, 52.92901 ], [ -1.48656, 52.92898 ], [ -1.4864, 52.92929 ], [ -1.48708, 52.92965 ], [ -1.48602, 52.93036 ], [ -1.48582, 52.92985 ], [ -1.48401, 52.92951 ], [ -1.48376, 52.92985 ], [ -1.48329, 52.92975 ], [ -1.48348, 52.92942 ], [ -1.48299, 52.92962 ], [ -1.48297, 52.93007 ], [ -1.48179, 52.93063 ], [ -1.48174, 52.93033 ], [ -1.47986, 52.9304 ], [ -1.47988, 52.9336 ], [ -1.47948, 52.9339 ], [ -1.48011, 52.93504 ], [ -1.4807, 52.93585 ], [ -1.4811, 52.93853 ], [ -1.47914, 52.94 ], [ -1.47829, 52.93936 ], [ -1.47641, 52.93874 ], [ -1.47581, 52.93822 ], [ -1.47293, 52.9403 ], [ -1.46996, 52.94019 ], [ -1.46945, 52.94198 ], [ -1.46703, 52.94128 ], [ -1.46652, 52.942 ], [ -1.46574, 52.94181 ], [ -1.46802, 52.9372 ], [ -1.46877, 52.93187 ], [ -1.46846, 52.92921 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002806", "population": 6560, "outputarea_code": "E00068401", "lsoa_code": "E01013551", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.49983, "latitude": 52.92441, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.4918, 52.92217 ], [ -1.49421, 52.92198 ], [ -1.49494, 52.92202 ], [ -1.49754, 52.92212 ], [ -1.49911, 52.92223 ], [ -1.4993, 52.92176 ], [ -1.50343, 52.92159 ], [ -1.50687, 52.92177 ], [ -1.50836, 52.92177 ], [ -1.50975, 52.92384 ], [ -1.5109, 52.92318 ], [ -1.51107, 52.92378 ], [ -1.51206, 52.92396 ], [ -1.51129, 52.92483 ], [ -1.50988, 52.92584 ], [ -1.50969, 52.92515 ], [ -1.50923, 52.92498 ], [ -1.5095, 52.92437 ], [ -1.50822, 52.92446 ], [ -1.50828, 52.92572 ], [ -1.50906, 52.92618 ], [ -1.5086, 52.92636 ], [ -1.50414, 52.92668 ], [ -1.50402, 52.92711 ], [ -1.50163, 52.92748 ], [ -1.50138, 52.92779 ], [ -1.50317, 52.92776 ], [ -1.50521, 52.92837 ], [ -1.50449, 52.92917 ], [ -1.50406, 52.92909 ], [ -1.49974, 52.92767 ], [ -1.49676, 52.9268 ], [ -1.49643, 52.9267 ], [ -1.49591, 52.92656 ], [ -1.4944, 52.92613 ], [ -1.49105, 52.92531 ], [ -1.48872, 52.92486 ], [ -1.48805, 52.92472 ], [ -1.48599, 52.92414 ], [ -1.48836, 52.92281 ], [ -1.48933, 52.92243 ], [ -1.48973, 52.92263 ], [ -1.49023, 52.92224 ], [ -1.4918, 52.92217 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002807", "population": 8958, "outputarea_code": "E00068188", "lsoa_code": "E01013507", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.43166, "latitude": 52.92181, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.42286, 52.9162 ], [ -1.42325, 52.91441 ], [ -1.42799, 52.91423 ], [ -1.43239, 52.91356 ], [ -1.44071, 52.91105 ], [ -1.44062, 52.91317 ], [ -1.44253, 52.91531 ], [ -1.44307, 52.91762 ], [ -1.44727, 52.91809 ], [ -1.44699, 52.91848 ], [ -1.44802, 52.91883 ], [ -1.44739, 52.91966 ], [ -1.44747, 52.9207 ], [ -1.44594, 52.92211 ], [ -1.44542, 52.92226 ], [ -1.44406, 52.92189 ], [ -1.44334, 52.9217 ], [ -1.44323, 52.92188 ], [ -1.44104, 52.92431 ], [ -1.4415, 52.92449 ], [ -1.44085, 52.92508 ], [ -1.44216, 52.92559 ], [ -1.44555, 52.92687 ], [ -1.44531, 52.92701 ], [ -1.44496, 52.9272 ], [ -1.44206, 52.9295 ], [ -1.44155, 52.92929 ], [ -1.44171, 52.92891 ], [ -1.44105, 52.92911 ], [ -1.43996, 52.92831 ], [ -1.4394, 52.92869 ], [ -1.4395, 52.92921 ], [ -1.4388, 52.92965 ], [ -1.43835, 52.92951 ], [ -1.43788, 52.92903 ], [ -1.43792, 52.92808 ], [ -1.43622, 52.9275 ], [ -1.43532, 52.92806 ], [ -1.43411, 52.92805 ], [ -1.43171, 52.92647 ], [ -1.42979, 52.9274 ], [ -1.42805, 52.92766 ], [ -1.42724, 52.9284 ], [ -1.42701, 52.92884 ], [ -1.42643, 52.92867 ], [ -1.42554, 52.92891 ], [ -1.42514, 52.93078 ], [ -1.42589, 52.93086 ], [ -1.42669, 52.9315 ], [ -1.42226, 52.93173 ], [ -1.42053, 52.93156 ], [ -1.4199, 52.93178 ], [ -1.41925, 52.93143 ], [ -1.41746, 52.93172 ], [ -1.41616, 52.93135 ], [ -1.41727, 52.92961 ], [ -1.41747, 52.92853 ], [ -1.41782, 52.92489 ], [ -1.41849, 52.92306 ], [ -1.42122, 52.9201 ], [ -1.42251, 52.91877 ], [ -1.42286, 52.9162 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002808", "population": 12156, "outputarea_code": "E00067918", "lsoa_code": "E01013460", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.48606, "latitude": 52.91945, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.4834, 52.91569 ], [ -1.48341, 52.91566 ], [ -1.48346, 52.91504 ], [ -1.48351, 52.91429 ], [ -1.48355, 52.91371 ], [ -1.48424, 52.91335 ], [ -1.48697, 52.91254 ], [ -1.48893, 52.91148 ], [ -1.48904, 52.91141 ], [ -1.49378, 52.91045 ], [ -1.49378, 52.91105 ], [ -1.49284, 52.91126 ], [ -1.49383, 52.91194 ], [ -1.49577, 52.91178 ], [ -1.49602, 52.91132 ], [ -1.49667, 52.91155 ], [ -1.49629, 52.91234 ], [ -1.49672, 52.91278 ], [ -1.4953, 52.91259 ], [ -1.49449, 52.91317 ], [ -1.49689, 52.91406 ], [ -1.49758, 52.91386 ], [ -1.49857, 52.91385 ], [ -1.49978, 52.91452 ], [ -1.50173, 52.91488 ], [ -1.50221, 52.91581 ], [ -1.50108, 52.91714 ], [ -1.50128, 52.9175 ], [ -1.50093, 52.91763 ], [ -1.50115, 52.91797 ], [ -1.50153, 52.91861 ], [ -1.50101, 52.91848 ], [ -1.50016, 52.91879 ], [ -1.50174, 52.91949 ], [ -1.5026, 52.91979 ], [ -1.5036, 52.92096 ], [ -1.50343, 52.92159 ], [ -1.4993, 52.92176 ], [ -1.49911, 52.92223 ], [ -1.49754, 52.92212 ], [ -1.49494, 52.92202 ], [ -1.49421, 52.92198 ], [ -1.4918, 52.92217 ], [ -1.49023, 52.92224 ], [ -1.48973, 52.92263 ], [ -1.48933, 52.92243 ], [ -1.48836, 52.92281 ], [ -1.48599, 52.92414 ], [ -1.48526, 52.92392 ], [ -1.48445, 52.9237 ], [ -1.48396, 52.92461 ], [ -1.48318, 52.92588 ], [ -1.48242, 52.92601 ], [ -1.48075, 52.9264 ], [ -1.48069, 52.92642 ], [ -1.47825, 52.92707 ], [ -1.47641, 52.927 ], [ -1.47102, 52.92556 ], [ -1.46895, 52.92469 ], [ -1.46685, 52.92471 ], [ -1.46489, 52.92179 ], [ -1.46606, 52.92156 ], [ -1.46745, 52.92269 ], [ -1.4697, 52.92369 ], [ -1.47112, 52.92199 ], [ -1.46978, 52.92207 ], [ -1.4696, 52.92128 ], [ -1.47092, 52.92072 ], [ -1.4707, 52.91999 ], [ -1.47191, 52.9194 ], [ -1.47276, 52.91821 ], [ -1.47436, 52.919 ], [ -1.47497, 52.91896 ], [ -1.47563, 52.91986 ], [ -1.47817, 52.9177 ], [ -1.4791, 52.91719 ], [ -1.47947, 52.91744 ], [ -1.48059, 52.91744 ], [ -1.48149, 52.91686 ], [ -1.48207, 52.91701 ], [ -1.4819, 52.91642 ], [ -1.48276, 52.91623 ], [ -1.48279, 52.91759 ], [ -1.482, 52.91774 ], [ -1.48193, 52.91897 ], [ -1.48189, 52.91931 ], [ -1.48314, 52.91931 ], [ -1.4834, 52.91569 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002809", "population": 6956, "outputarea_code": "E00068619", "lsoa_code": "E01013593", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Mid Derbyshire", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.40955, "latitude": 52.91101, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.38781, 52.91156 ], [ -1.38891, 52.9097 ], [ -1.39177, 52.90741 ], [ -1.39176, 52.90671 ], [ -1.39064, 52.90625 ], [ -1.3913, 52.90505 ], [ -1.39111, 52.90425 ], [ -1.38826, 52.90147 ], [ -1.39364, 52.90185 ], [ -1.39914, 52.90148 ], [ -1.40033, 52.90139 ], [ -1.40277, 52.90046 ], [ -1.40627, 52.90021 ], [ -1.41117, 52.90017 ], [ -1.41176, 52.90099 ], [ -1.41147, 52.90247 ], [ -1.41268, 52.90317 ], [ -1.41432, 52.90332 ], [ -1.41866, 52.90295 ], [ -1.42167, 52.90356 ], [ -1.424, 52.90318 ], [ -1.42582, 52.90411 ], [ -1.43044, 52.90467 ], [ -1.43464, 52.90538 ], [ -1.43519, 52.90724 ], [ -1.43677, 52.90853 ], [ -1.43904, 52.90966 ], [ -1.44071, 52.91105 ], [ -1.43239, 52.91356 ], [ -1.42799, 52.91423 ], [ -1.42325, 52.91441 ], [ -1.42286, 52.9162 ], [ -1.42251, 52.91877 ], [ -1.42122, 52.9201 ], [ -1.41849, 52.92306 ], [ -1.41765, 52.9228 ], [ -1.41788, 52.9216 ], [ -1.4167, 52.9209 ], [ -1.41513, 52.92062 ], [ -1.41196, 52.92082 ], [ -1.41129, 52.92008 ], [ -1.41156, 52.91959 ], [ -1.41051, 52.9194 ], [ -1.4102, 52.9189 ], [ -1.40846, 52.91883 ], [ -1.40845, 52.9182 ], [ -1.4094, 52.9172 ], [ -1.40875, 52.9172 ], [ -1.40644, 52.91733 ], [ -1.40597, 52.91782 ], [ -1.40476, 52.91816 ], [ -1.40504, 52.91878 ], [ -1.40424, 52.9199 ], [ -1.40319, 52.92049 ], [ -1.40221, 52.92046 ], [ -1.40148, 52.92114 ], [ -1.40008, 52.92061 ], [ -1.39961, 52.91968 ], [ -1.39875, 52.91944 ], [ -1.39821, 52.92019 ], [ -1.39872, 52.92013 ], [ -1.39822, 52.9211 ], [ -1.39573, 52.92092 ], [ -1.39418, 52.92023 ], [ -1.39271, 52.92184 ], [ -1.39288, 52.92223 ], [ -1.39403, 52.9227 ], [ -1.39418, 52.92333 ], [ -1.39307, 52.9237 ], [ -1.39367, 52.9243 ], [ -1.39338, 52.92456 ], [ -1.39225, 52.92413 ], [ -1.39183, 52.92463 ], [ -1.39102, 52.92473 ], [ -1.39091, 52.92536 ], [ -1.38996, 52.92558 ], [ -1.39023, 52.92481 ], [ -1.38974, 52.92451 ], [ -1.38959, 52.92399 ], [ -1.39198, 52.92374 ], [ -1.39203, 52.92326 ], [ -1.39254, 52.92335 ], [ -1.39272, 52.92298 ], [ -1.39077, 52.92314 ], [ -1.38901, 52.92264 ], [ -1.38961, 52.92274 ], [ -1.38966, 52.92214 ], [ -1.3897, 52.92195 ], [ -1.38908, 52.91935 ], [ -1.3882, 52.91779 ], [ -1.38816, 52.91697 ], [ -1.38771, 52.91477 ], [ -1.38788, 52.91281 ], [ -1.38791, 52.9126 ], [ -1.38781, 52.91156 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002810", "population": 8639, "outputarea_code": "E00068448", "lsoa_code": "E01013559", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.53841, "latitude": 52.91634, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.52557, 52.91189 ], [ -1.52597, 52.9115 ], [ -1.5274, 52.91011 ], [ -1.52857, 52.90897 ], [ -1.52905, 52.9092 ], [ -1.53148, 52.90849 ], [ -1.53213, 52.90869 ], [ -1.53418, 52.90827 ], [ -1.53455, 52.90878 ], [ -1.53543, 52.90853 ], [ -1.53513, 52.90928 ], [ -1.53545, 52.9095 ], [ -1.53448, 52.9099 ], [ -1.5345, 52.91043 ], [ -1.53532, 52.91062 ], [ -1.53492, 52.91172 ], [ -1.5353, 52.91175 ], [ -1.53506, 52.91201 ], [ -1.53548, 52.91237 ], [ -1.53489, 52.9125 ], [ -1.53504, 52.91312 ], [ -1.53406, 52.91305 ], [ -1.53352, 52.91338 ], [ -1.53378, 52.91394 ], [ -1.53503, 52.9144 ], [ -1.53533, 52.91418 ], [ -1.53708, 52.9143 ], [ -1.53757, 52.91394 ], [ -1.53732, 52.9136 ], [ -1.53768, 52.91325 ], [ -1.53846, 52.91319 ], [ -1.53895, 52.91273 ], [ -1.53865, 52.91205 ], [ -1.53898, 52.91115 ], [ -1.53911, 52.91112 ], [ -1.54082, 52.91095 ], [ -1.54089, 52.9103 ], [ -1.54163, 52.90975 ], [ -1.5429, 52.90978 ], [ -1.54349, 52.90922 ], [ -1.54496, 52.90918 ], [ -1.54567, 52.90879 ], [ -1.54612, 52.90865 ], [ -1.54685, 52.9094 ], [ -1.54867, 52.90946 ], [ -1.54899, 52.90974 ], [ -1.54948, 52.90999 ], [ -1.55133, 52.90989 ], [ -1.55179, 52.91067 ], [ -1.55227, 52.91057 ], [ -1.55254, 52.91087 ], [ -1.5537, 52.91062 ], [ -1.55335, 52.90993 ], [ -1.5539, 52.90995 ], [ -1.55321, 52.90961 ], [ -1.55338, 52.90912 ], [ -1.55282, 52.9091 ], [ -1.55336, 52.90906 ], [ -1.55341, 52.90801 ], [ -1.55426, 52.90902 ], [ -1.55404, 52.90921 ], [ -1.556, 52.91247 ], [ -1.55573, 52.91269 ], [ -1.55644, 52.91353 ], [ -1.55567, 52.91381 ], [ -1.55685, 52.91468 ], [ -1.55451, 52.91562 ], [ -1.55108, 52.91705 ], [ -1.5517, 52.91846 ], [ -1.55145, 52.919 ], [ -1.55188, 52.92054 ], [ -1.55288, 52.92258 ], [ -1.54961, 52.92282 ], [ -1.54407, 52.92421 ], [ -1.54168, 52.92434 ], [ -1.53971, 52.92443 ], [ -1.53304, 52.92103 ], [ -1.53193, 52.92117 ], [ -1.52948, 52.92092 ], [ -1.52652, 52.92056 ], [ -1.52303, 52.92041 ], [ -1.51874, 52.9207 ], [ -1.51777, 52.92103 ], [ -1.51659, 52.92098 ], [ -1.51437, 52.92121 ], [ -1.51476, 52.92079 ], [ -1.51677, 52.92011 ], [ -1.52173, 52.91549 ], [ -1.52253, 52.91475 ], [ -1.52557, 52.91189 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002811", "population": 10798, "outputarea_code": "E00068055", "lsoa_code": "E01013480", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.48187, "latitude": 52.91158, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.48665, 52.90565 ], [ -1.48663, 52.90458 ], [ -1.48707, 52.90455 ], [ -1.48881, 52.90456 ], [ -1.4889, 52.90553 ], [ -1.4889, 52.90558 ], [ -1.48891, 52.90582 ], [ -1.48896, 52.90709 ], [ -1.48997, 52.90702 ], [ -1.49066, 52.90915 ], [ -1.49081, 52.90959 ], [ -1.48904, 52.91141 ], [ -1.48893, 52.91148 ], [ -1.48697, 52.91254 ], [ -1.48424, 52.91335 ], [ -1.48355, 52.91371 ], [ -1.48351, 52.91429 ], [ -1.48346, 52.91504 ], [ -1.48341, 52.91566 ], [ -1.4834, 52.91569 ], [ -1.48314, 52.91931 ], [ -1.48189, 52.91931 ], [ -1.48193, 52.91897 ], [ -1.482, 52.91774 ], [ -1.48279, 52.91759 ], [ -1.48276, 52.91623 ], [ -1.4819, 52.91642 ], [ -1.48207, 52.91701 ], [ -1.48149, 52.91686 ], [ -1.48059, 52.91744 ], [ -1.47947, 52.91744 ], [ -1.4791, 52.91719 ], [ -1.47817, 52.9177 ], [ -1.47563, 52.91986 ], [ -1.47497, 52.91896 ], [ -1.47436, 52.919 ], [ -1.47276, 52.91821 ], [ -1.47193, 52.91775 ], [ -1.47221, 52.91725 ], [ -1.47352, 52.91672 ], [ -1.47265, 52.91531 ], [ -1.47307, 52.91517 ], [ -1.47687, 52.91403 ], [ -1.47668, 52.913 ], [ -1.47566, 52.91314 ], [ -1.47595, 52.91382 ], [ -1.47498, 52.9141 ], [ -1.47463, 52.91315 ], [ -1.47514, 52.91316 ], [ -1.47483, 52.91257 ], [ -1.47537, 52.91224 ], [ -1.47605, 52.91256 ], [ -1.47678, 52.9122 ], [ -1.4786, 52.91244 ], [ -1.47908, 52.91173 ], [ -1.47928, 52.91198 ], [ -1.48025, 52.91195 ], [ -1.48082, 52.91182 ], [ -1.48058, 52.91133 ], [ -1.47959, 52.91142 ], [ -1.48019, 52.91114 ], [ -1.47973, 52.91069 ], [ -1.4796, 52.90885 ], [ -1.479, 52.909 ], [ -1.47888, 52.90872 ], [ -1.47861, 52.90801 ], [ -1.47774, 52.90644 ], [ -1.47804, 52.90606 ], [ -1.48035, 52.90555 ], [ -1.48009, 52.90504 ], [ -1.48099, 52.9048 ], [ -1.48103, 52.90479 ], [ -1.48321, 52.90435 ], [ -1.48351, 52.9046 ], [ -1.48321, 52.90504 ], [ -1.48347, 52.90529 ], [ -1.48306, 52.90547 ], [ -1.48318, 52.90581 ], [ -1.48533, 52.90575 ], [ -1.48665, 52.90565 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002812", "population": 7296, "outputarea_code": "E00067924", "lsoa_code": "E01013458", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.50645, "latitude": 52.91209, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.51054, 52.90161 ], [ -1.51073, 52.90351 ], [ -1.50989, 52.90365 ], [ -1.50951, 52.90342 ], [ -1.508, 52.90289 ], [ -1.50645, 52.90426 ], [ -1.50727, 52.90504 ], [ -1.50686, 52.90513 ], [ -1.50674, 52.90567 ], [ -1.50718, 52.90565 ], [ -1.5095, 52.90579 ], [ -1.51055, 52.90572 ], [ -1.51038, 52.90698 ], [ -1.51102, 52.90682 ], [ -1.51134, 52.90748 ], [ -1.51199, 52.90718 ], [ -1.51157, 52.90785 ], [ -1.51423, 52.91046 ], [ -1.51408, 52.91079 ], [ -1.51444, 52.9107 ], [ -1.51415, 52.91092 ], [ -1.51469, 52.91183 ], [ -1.51356, 52.91197 ], [ -1.51374, 52.91226 ], [ -1.51463, 52.91214 ], [ -1.51457, 52.91239 ], [ -1.51593, 52.91247 ], [ -1.51647, 52.91277 ], [ -1.51629, 52.91312 ], [ -1.51763, 52.91277 ], [ -1.51895, 52.91295 ], [ -1.52124, 52.91441 ], [ -1.52253, 52.91475 ], [ -1.52173, 52.91549 ], [ -1.51677, 52.92011 ], [ -1.51476, 52.92079 ], [ -1.51437, 52.92121 ], [ -1.51265, 52.92139 ], [ -1.50836, 52.92177 ], [ -1.50687, 52.92177 ], [ -1.50343, 52.92159 ], [ -1.5036, 52.92096 ], [ -1.5026, 52.91979 ], [ -1.50174, 52.91949 ], [ -1.50016, 52.91879 ], [ -1.50101, 52.91848 ], [ -1.50153, 52.91861 ], [ -1.50115, 52.91797 ], [ -1.50093, 52.91763 ], [ -1.50128, 52.9175 ], [ -1.50108, 52.91714 ], [ -1.50221, 52.91581 ], [ -1.50173, 52.91488 ], [ -1.49978, 52.91452 ], [ -1.49857, 52.91385 ], [ -1.49758, 52.91386 ], [ -1.49689, 52.91406 ], [ -1.49449, 52.91317 ], [ -1.4953, 52.91259 ], [ -1.49672, 52.91278 ], [ -1.49629, 52.91234 ], [ -1.49667, 52.91155 ], [ -1.49602, 52.91132 ], [ -1.49577, 52.91178 ], [ -1.49383, 52.91194 ], [ -1.49284, 52.91126 ], [ -1.49378, 52.91105 ], [ -1.49378, 52.91045 ], [ -1.48904, 52.91141 ], [ -1.49081, 52.90959 ], [ -1.49066, 52.90915 ], [ -1.49138, 52.90924 ], [ -1.49218, 52.9088 ], [ -1.49268, 52.90893 ], [ -1.49372, 52.90839 ], [ -1.49445, 52.90838 ], [ -1.49448, 52.90766 ], [ -1.49473, 52.90751 ], [ -1.49468, 52.90723 ], [ -1.49649, 52.90674 ], [ -1.49585, 52.9063 ], [ -1.49651, 52.90582 ], [ -1.4942, 52.90473 ], [ -1.49464, 52.90377 ], [ -1.49502, 52.90386 ], [ -1.49534, 52.90341 ], [ -1.49831, 52.90501 ], [ -1.49857, 52.90478 ], [ -1.50219, 52.90256 ], [ -1.50238, 52.9025 ], [ -1.50456, 52.90176 ], [ -1.50571, 52.9012 ], [ -1.50665, 52.90079 ], [ -1.50684, 52.90018 ], [ -1.50765, 52.89959 ], [ -1.50812, 52.89962 ], [ -1.50849, 52.89909 ], [ -1.50912, 52.89913 ], [ -1.50916, 52.90014 ], [ -1.50999, 52.90135 ], [ -1.50968, 52.9015 ], [ -1.51007, 52.90152 ], [ -1.50982, 52.90175 ], [ -1.51054, 52.90161 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002813", "population": 11112, "outputarea_code": "E00068058", "lsoa_code": "E01013481", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.46996, "latitude": 52.91115, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.46673, 52.90276 ], [ -1.46932, 52.89998 ], [ -1.47041, 52.89922 ], [ -1.47088, 52.90018 ], [ -1.47204, 52.90235 ], [ -1.47519, 52.90154 ], [ -1.47639, 52.90413 ], [ -1.47649, 52.90435 ], [ -1.47651, 52.90439 ], [ -1.47697, 52.90559 ], [ -1.47774, 52.90644 ], [ -1.47861, 52.90801 ], [ -1.47888, 52.90872 ], [ -1.479, 52.909 ], [ -1.4796, 52.90885 ], [ -1.47973, 52.91069 ], [ -1.48019, 52.91114 ], [ -1.47959, 52.91142 ], [ -1.48058, 52.91133 ], [ -1.48082, 52.91182 ], [ -1.48025, 52.91195 ], [ -1.47928, 52.91198 ], [ -1.47908, 52.91173 ], [ -1.4786, 52.91244 ], [ -1.47678, 52.9122 ], [ -1.47605, 52.91256 ], [ -1.47537, 52.91224 ], [ -1.47483, 52.91257 ], [ -1.47514, 52.91316 ], [ -1.47463, 52.91315 ], [ -1.47498, 52.9141 ], [ -1.47595, 52.91382 ], [ -1.47566, 52.91314 ], [ -1.47668, 52.913 ], [ -1.47687, 52.91403 ], [ -1.47307, 52.91517 ], [ -1.47265, 52.91531 ], [ -1.47352, 52.91672 ], [ -1.47221, 52.91725 ], [ -1.47193, 52.91775 ], [ -1.47276, 52.91821 ], [ -1.47191, 52.9194 ], [ -1.4707, 52.91999 ], [ -1.47092, 52.92072 ], [ -1.4696, 52.92128 ], [ -1.46978, 52.92207 ], [ -1.47112, 52.92199 ], [ -1.4697, 52.92369 ], [ -1.46745, 52.92269 ], [ -1.46606, 52.92156 ], [ -1.46489, 52.92179 ], [ -1.46374, 52.91953 ], [ -1.46357, 52.91917 ], [ -1.46237, 52.9168 ], [ -1.46241, 52.91203 ], [ -1.46386, 52.90729 ], [ -1.46673, 52.90276 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002814", "population": 7210, "outputarea_code": "E00068364", "lsoa_code": "E01013540", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.54033, "latitude": 52.90363, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.53436, 52.90316 ], [ -1.53396, 52.90301 ], [ -1.5345, 52.90132 ], [ -1.5336, 52.90116 ], [ -1.53296, 52.89992 ], [ -1.52968, 52.89828 ], [ -1.52974, 52.8982 ], [ -1.52912, 52.89798 ], [ -1.52763, 52.89753 ], [ -1.52817, 52.89698 ], [ -1.5264, 52.89623 ], [ -1.52673, 52.89601 ], [ -1.52727, 52.89595 ], [ -1.52704, 52.89558 ], [ -1.52753, 52.89523 ], [ -1.52651, 52.89421 ], [ -1.52743, 52.89359 ], [ -1.5282, 52.8939 ], [ -1.52806, 52.8931 ], [ -1.52849, 52.8928 ], [ -1.5301, 52.89365 ], [ -1.5308, 52.89345 ], [ -1.53157, 52.8941 ], [ -1.53258, 52.89392 ], [ -1.53302, 52.89418 ], [ -1.53521, 52.8949 ], [ -1.53541, 52.89462 ], [ -1.5359, 52.89466 ], [ -1.53558, 52.89507 ], [ -1.53928, 52.89603 ], [ -1.53904, 52.89642 ], [ -1.53866, 52.89635 ], [ -1.53953, 52.89659 ], [ -1.54179, 52.89805 ], [ -1.54229, 52.89679 ], [ -1.54302, 52.8963 ], [ -1.54243, 52.89677 ], [ -1.54422, 52.89878 ], [ -1.54498, 52.90033 ], [ -1.54748, 52.89961 ], [ -1.54848, 52.90072 ], [ -1.54862, 52.90087 ], [ -1.54866, 52.90092 ], [ -1.54999, 52.90222 ], [ -1.55036, 52.9021 ], [ -1.55115, 52.90184 ], [ -1.55167, 52.90239 ], [ -1.55426, 52.90502 ], [ -1.55516, 52.90622 ], [ -1.55389, 52.90626 ], [ -1.55465, 52.90855 ], [ -1.55426, 52.90902 ], [ -1.55341, 52.90801 ], [ -1.55336, 52.90906 ], [ -1.55282, 52.9091 ], [ -1.55338, 52.90912 ], [ -1.55321, 52.90961 ], [ -1.5539, 52.90995 ], [ -1.55335, 52.90993 ], [ -1.5537, 52.91062 ], [ -1.55254, 52.91087 ], [ -1.55227, 52.91057 ], [ -1.55179, 52.91067 ], [ -1.55133, 52.90989 ], [ -1.54948, 52.90999 ], [ -1.54899, 52.90974 ], [ -1.54867, 52.90946 ], [ -1.54685, 52.9094 ], [ -1.54612, 52.90865 ], [ -1.54567, 52.90879 ], [ -1.54496, 52.90918 ], [ -1.54349, 52.90922 ], [ -1.5429, 52.90978 ], [ -1.54163, 52.90975 ], [ -1.54089, 52.9103 ], [ -1.54082, 52.91095 ], [ -1.53911, 52.91112 ], [ -1.53898, 52.91115 ], [ -1.53865, 52.91205 ], [ -1.53895, 52.91273 ], [ -1.53846, 52.91319 ], [ -1.53768, 52.91325 ], [ -1.53732, 52.9136 ], [ -1.53757, 52.91394 ], [ -1.53708, 52.9143 ], [ -1.53533, 52.91418 ], [ -1.53503, 52.9144 ], [ -1.53378, 52.91394 ], [ -1.53352, 52.91338 ], [ -1.53406, 52.91305 ], [ -1.53504, 52.91312 ], [ -1.53489, 52.9125 ], [ -1.53548, 52.91237 ], [ -1.53506, 52.91201 ], [ -1.5353, 52.91175 ], [ -1.53492, 52.91172 ], [ -1.53532, 52.91062 ], [ -1.5345, 52.91043 ], [ -1.53448, 52.9099 ], [ -1.53545, 52.9095 ], [ -1.53513, 52.90928 ], [ -1.53543, 52.90853 ], [ -1.53455, 52.90878 ], [ -1.53418, 52.90827 ], [ -1.53213, 52.90869 ], [ -1.53148, 52.90849 ], [ -1.52905, 52.9092 ], [ -1.52857, 52.90897 ], [ -1.53118, 52.90635 ], [ -1.53418, 52.90332 ], [ -1.53436, 52.90316 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002815", "population": 8301, "outputarea_code": "E00067925", "lsoa_code": "E01013459", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.48377, "latitude": 52.90312, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.47088, 52.90018 ], [ -1.47041, 52.89922 ], [ -1.46932, 52.89998 ], [ -1.47, 52.89939 ], [ -1.47324, 52.89693 ], [ -1.47454, 52.8974 ], [ -1.47503, 52.89733 ], [ -1.47514, 52.89691 ], [ -1.47653, 52.8975 ], [ -1.47615, 52.89814 ], [ -1.47549, 52.89824 ], [ -1.47617, 52.89834 ], [ -1.47616, 52.89884 ], [ -1.47441, 52.89887 ], [ -1.47448, 52.89914 ], [ -1.47882, 52.89905 ], [ -1.47874, 52.8993 ], [ -1.47986, 52.90069 ], [ -1.4808, 52.90028 ], [ -1.48146, 52.90056 ], [ -1.48222, 52.90018 ], [ -1.48177, 52.90092 ], [ -1.47863, 52.90091 ], [ -1.47821, 52.90205 ], [ -1.47863, 52.90241 ], [ -1.47846, 52.90281 ], [ -1.47896, 52.90327 ], [ -1.48056, 52.90282 ], [ -1.48254, 52.90285 ], [ -1.48302, 52.90243 ], [ -1.48418, 52.90221 ], [ -1.48566, 52.90228 ], [ -1.48799, 52.90183 ], [ -1.48875, 52.90112 ], [ -1.4898, 52.90077 ], [ -1.49069, 52.89942 ], [ -1.49108, 52.89948 ], [ -1.49099, 52.90039 ], [ -1.49092, 52.90176 ], [ -1.49292, 52.90234 ], [ -1.49534, 52.90341 ], [ -1.49502, 52.90386 ], [ -1.49464, 52.90377 ], [ -1.4942, 52.90473 ], [ -1.49651, 52.90582 ], [ -1.49585, 52.9063 ], [ -1.49649, 52.90674 ], [ -1.49468, 52.90723 ], [ -1.49473, 52.90751 ], [ -1.49448, 52.90766 ], [ -1.49445, 52.90838 ], [ -1.49372, 52.90839 ], [ -1.49268, 52.90893 ], [ -1.49218, 52.9088 ], [ -1.49138, 52.90924 ], [ -1.49066, 52.90915 ], [ -1.48997, 52.90702 ], [ -1.48896, 52.90709 ], [ -1.48891, 52.90582 ], [ -1.4889, 52.90558 ], [ -1.4889, 52.90553 ], [ -1.48881, 52.90456 ], [ -1.48707, 52.90455 ], [ -1.48663, 52.90458 ], [ -1.48665, 52.90565 ], [ -1.48533, 52.90575 ], [ -1.48318, 52.90581 ], [ -1.48306, 52.90547 ], [ -1.48347, 52.90529 ], [ -1.48321, 52.90504 ], [ -1.48351, 52.9046 ], [ -1.48321, 52.90435 ], [ -1.48103, 52.90479 ], [ -1.48099, 52.9048 ], [ -1.48009, 52.90504 ], [ -1.48035, 52.90555 ], [ -1.47804, 52.90606 ], [ -1.47774, 52.90644 ], [ -1.47697, 52.90559 ], [ -1.47651, 52.90439 ], [ -1.47649, 52.90435 ], [ -1.47639, 52.90413 ], [ -1.47519, 52.90154 ], [ -1.47204, 52.90235 ], [ -1.47088, 52.90018 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002816", "population": 9653, "outputarea_code": "E00068361", "lsoa_code": "E01013545", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby North", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.52434, "latitude": 52.90037, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.51678, 52.89079 ], [ -1.51813, 52.88937 ], [ -1.51946, 52.8889 ], [ -1.52137, 52.88811 ], [ -1.5232, 52.88734 ], [ -1.52494, 52.89067 ], [ -1.52517, 52.8907 ], [ -1.52727, 52.89083 ], [ -1.52846, 52.89038 ], [ -1.53083, 52.88917 ], [ -1.53066, 52.88898 ], [ -1.53395, 52.88804 ], [ -1.53435, 52.88844 ], [ -1.53589, 52.88812 ], [ -1.53626, 52.88838 ], [ -1.53691, 52.88821 ], [ -1.53712, 52.88844 ], [ -1.53867, 52.88855 ], [ -1.5399, 52.88901 ], [ -1.53966, 52.88926 ], [ -1.54037, 52.88956 ], [ -1.54169, 52.88954 ], [ -1.54167, 52.89213 ], [ -1.54206, 52.89236 ], [ -1.54158, 52.89269 ], [ -1.53964, 52.89394 ], [ -1.54175, 52.89442 ], [ -1.54302, 52.8963 ], [ -1.54229, 52.89679 ], [ -1.54179, 52.89805 ], [ -1.53953, 52.89659 ], [ -1.53866, 52.89635 ], [ -1.53904, 52.89642 ], [ -1.53928, 52.89603 ], [ -1.53558, 52.89507 ], [ -1.5359, 52.89466 ], [ -1.53541, 52.89462 ], [ -1.53521, 52.8949 ], [ -1.53302, 52.89418 ], [ -1.53258, 52.89392 ], [ -1.53157, 52.8941 ], [ -1.5308, 52.89345 ], [ -1.5301, 52.89365 ], [ -1.52849, 52.8928 ], [ -1.52806, 52.8931 ], [ -1.5282, 52.8939 ], [ -1.52743, 52.89359 ], [ -1.52651, 52.89421 ], [ -1.52753, 52.89523 ], [ -1.52704, 52.89558 ], [ -1.52727, 52.89595 ], [ -1.52673, 52.89601 ], [ -1.5264, 52.89623 ], [ -1.52817, 52.89698 ], [ -1.52763, 52.89753 ], [ -1.52912, 52.89798 ], [ -1.52974, 52.8982 ], [ -1.52968, 52.89828 ], [ -1.53296, 52.89992 ], [ -1.5336, 52.90116 ], [ -1.5345, 52.90132 ], [ -1.53396, 52.90301 ], [ -1.53436, 52.90316 ], [ -1.53418, 52.90332 ], [ -1.53118, 52.90635 ], [ -1.52857, 52.90897 ], [ -1.5274, 52.91011 ], [ -1.52597, 52.9115 ], [ -1.52557, 52.91189 ], [ -1.52253, 52.91475 ], [ -1.52124, 52.91441 ], [ -1.51895, 52.91295 ], [ -1.51763, 52.91277 ], [ -1.51629, 52.91312 ], [ -1.51647, 52.91277 ], [ -1.51593, 52.91247 ], [ -1.51457, 52.91239 ], [ -1.51463, 52.91214 ], [ -1.51374, 52.91226 ], [ -1.51356, 52.91197 ], [ -1.51469, 52.91183 ], [ -1.51415, 52.91092 ], [ -1.51444, 52.9107 ], [ -1.51408, 52.91079 ], [ -1.51423, 52.91046 ], [ -1.51157, 52.90785 ], [ -1.51199, 52.90718 ], [ -1.51134, 52.90748 ], [ -1.51102, 52.90682 ], [ -1.51038, 52.90698 ], [ -1.51055, 52.90572 ], [ -1.5095, 52.90579 ], [ -1.50718, 52.90565 ], [ -1.50674, 52.90567 ], [ -1.50686, 52.90513 ], [ -1.50727, 52.90504 ], [ -1.50645, 52.90426 ], [ -1.508, 52.90289 ], [ -1.50951, 52.90342 ], [ -1.50989, 52.90365 ], [ -1.51073, 52.90351 ], [ -1.51054, 52.90161 ], [ -1.51157, 52.90136 ], [ -1.51328, 52.90207 ], [ -1.51382, 52.90178 ], [ -1.51345, 52.90111 ], [ -1.51535, 52.90091 ], [ -1.51766, 52.89976 ], [ -1.5185, 52.89831 ], [ -1.51923, 52.89753 ], [ -1.51795, 52.89703 ], [ -1.51926, 52.89463 ], [ -1.51904, 52.89455 ], [ -1.51708, 52.89401 ], [ -1.51717, 52.89355 ], [ -1.51439, 52.89305 ], [ -1.51544, 52.89211 ], [ -1.51568, 52.89189 ], [ -1.51678, 52.89079 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002817", "population": 6343, "outputarea_code": "E00068105", "lsoa_code": "E01013489", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.50439, "latitude": 52.89776, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.49649, 52.89253 ], [ -1.49635, 52.89155 ], [ -1.49731, 52.89163 ], [ -1.49813, 52.89103 ], [ -1.49754, 52.89082 ], [ -1.49764, 52.89048 ], [ -1.49846, 52.89007 ], [ -1.499, 52.8908 ], [ -1.49874, 52.89122 ], [ -1.49909, 52.89143 ], [ -1.49844, 52.89209 ], [ -1.4995, 52.89262 ], [ -1.49977, 52.89331 ], [ -1.50131, 52.89534 ], [ -1.50346, 52.89491 ], [ -1.5043, 52.89479 ], [ -1.50593, 52.89385 ], [ -1.5071, 52.89373 ], [ -1.50816, 52.89419 ], [ -1.50859, 52.89516 ], [ -1.50936, 52.89544 ], [ -1.51054, 52.89524 ], [ -1.51007, 52.89413 ], [ -1.51102, 52.89334 ], [ -1.51057, 52.893 ], [ -1.51101, 52.89278 ], [ -1.511, 52.89104 ], [ -1.51126, 52.89063 ], [ -1.5137, 52.89126 ], [ -1.51544, 52.89211 ], [ -1.51439, 52.89305 ], [ -1.51717, 52.89355 ], [ -1.51708, 52.89401 ], [ -1.51904, 52.89455 ], [ -1.51926, 52.89463 ], [ -1.51795, 52.89703 ], [ -1.51923, 52.89753 ], [ -1.5185, 52.89831 ], [ -1.51766, 52.89976 ], [ -1.51535, 52.90091 ], [ -1.51345, 52.90111 ], [ -1.51382, 52.90178 ], [ -1.51328, 52.90207 ], [ -1.51157, 52.90136 ], [ -1.51054, 52.90161 ], [ -1.50982, 52.90175 ], [ -1.51007, 52.90152 ], [ -1.50968, 52.9015 ], [ -1.50999, 52.90135 ], [ -1.50916, 52.90014 ], [ -1.50912, 52.89913 ], [ -1.50849, 52.89909 ], [ -1.50812, 52.89962 ], [ -1.50765, 52.89959 ], [ -1.50684, 52.90018 ], [ -1.50665, 52.90079 ], [ -1.50571, 52.9012 ], [ -1.50456, 52.90176 ], [ -1.50238, 52.9025 ], [ -1.50219, 52.90256 ], [ -1.49857, 52.90478 ], [ -1.49831, 52.90501 ], [ -1.49534, 52.90341 ], [ -1.49292, 52.90234 ], [ -1.49092, 52.90176 ], [ -1.49099, 52.90039 ], [ -1.49108, 52.89948 ], [ -1.49069, 52.89942 ], [ -1.49145, 52.8985 ], [ -1.49213, 52.89757 ], [ -1.49292, 52.89638 ], [ -1.49533, 52.89335 ], [ -1.49554, 52.89284 ], [ -1.49649, 52.89253 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002818", "population": 8517, "outputarea_code": "E00068488", "lsoa_code": "E01013570", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.48524, "latitude": 52.89607, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.48613, 52.88989 ], [ -1.48895, 52.88842 ], [ -1.48974, 52.88907 ], [ -1.49058, 52.88912 ], [ -1.49217, 52.89073 ], [ -1.49533, 52.89335 ], [ -1.49292, 52.89638 ], [ -1.49213, 52.89757 ], [ -1.49145, 52.8985 ], [ -1.49069, 52.89942 ], [ -1.4898, 52.90077 ], [ -1.48875, 52.90112 ], [ -1.48799, 52.90183 ], [ -1.48566, 52.90228 ], [ -1.48418, 52.90221 ], [ -1.48302, 52.90243 ], [ -1.48254, 52.90285 ], [ -1.48056, 52.90282 ], [ -1.47896, 52.90327 ], [ -1.47846, 52.90281 ], [ -1.47863, 52.90241 ], [ -1.47821, 52.90205 ], [ -1.47863, 52.90091 ], [ -1.48177, 52.90092 ], [ -1.48222, 52.90018 ], [ -1.48146, 52.90056 ], [ -1.4808, 52.90028 ], [ -1.47986, 52.90069 ], [ -1.47874, 52.8993 ], [ -1.47882, 52.89905 ], [ -1.47448, 52.89914 ], [ -1.47441, 52.89887 ], [ -1.47616, 52.89884 ], [ -1.47617, 52.89834 ], [ -1.47549, 52.89824 ], [ -1.47615, 52.89814 ], [ -1.47653, 52.8975 ], [ -1.47514, 52.89691 ], [ -1.47503, 52.89733 ], [ -1.47454, 52.8974 ], [ -1.47324, 52.89693 ], [ -1.47512, 52.89576 ], [ -1.47978, 52.89323 ], [ -1.4843, 52.89085 ], [ -1.48613, 52.88989 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002819", "population": 7873, "outputarea_code": "E00068007", "lsoa_code": "E01013474", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.43677, "latitude": 52.90405, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.40941, 52.88908 ], [ -1.40986, 52.88829 ], [ -1.40973, 52.88644 ], [ -1.41413, 52.88816 ], [ -1.41444, 52.88829 ], [ -1.41478, 52.88843 ], [ -1.41701, 52.88938 ], [ -1.42084, 52.89077 ], [ -1.42336, 52.89224 ], [ -1.42358, 52.89233 ], [ -1.42421, 52.89261 ], [ -1.42606, 52.89434 ], [ -1.42694, 52.89523 ], [ -1.42659, 52.89578 ], [ -1.42603, 52.8964 ], [ -1.42483, 52.89663 ], [ -1.42437, 52.89609 ], [ -1.42322, 52.89606 ], [ -1.42309, 52.89632 ], [ -1.42397, 52.89665 ], [ -1.42441, 52.89707 ], [ -1.42369, 52.89843 ], [ -1.42416, 52.89863 ], [ -1.42404, 52.89886 ], [ -1.42312, 52.89867 ], [ -1.42296, 52.8989 ], [ -1.424, 52.89914 ], [ -1.42439, 52.89962 ], [ -1.42625, 52.89981 ], [ -1.42688, 52.90121 ], [ -1.42909, 52.90272 ], [ -1.43102, 52.90217 ], [ -1.43231, 52.9022 ], [ -1.43293, 52.90143 ], [ -1.43389, 52.90144 ], [ -1.43421, 52.901 ], [ -1.43534, 52.90175 ], [ -1.43471, 52.90206 ], [ -1.43463, 52.90269 ], [ -1.43415, 52.90256 ], [ -1.43374, 52.90313 ], [ -1.4346, 52.90335 ], [ -1.43536, 52.90298 ], [ -1.43744, 52.90327 ], [ -1.43833, 52.90197 ], [ -1.43863, 52.90216 ], [ -1.43931, 52.90249 ], [ -1.439, 52.90299 ], [ -1.44067, 52.90354 ], [ -1.44106, 52.90339 ], [ -1.44214, 52.90387 ], [ -1.44262, 52.90341 ], [ -1.44239, 52.90304 ], [ -1.4432, 52.90292 ], [ -1.44226, 52.90248 ], [ -1.44278, 52.90208 ], [ -1.44427, 52.90175 ], [ -1.44414, 52.90141 ], [ -1.44456, 52.90125 ], [ -1.44365, 52.90105 ], [ -1.44484, 52.90089 ], [ -1.44554, 52.9004 ], [ -1.44445, 52.90026 ], [ -1.44415, 52.89964 ], [ -1.44463, 52.89916 ], [ -1.44427, 52.89749 ], [ -1.44485, 52.8972 ], [ -1.44623, 52.89732 ], [ -1.44667, 52.89739 ], [ -1.44701, 52.89909 ], [ -1.44934, 52.89924 ], [ -1.4493, 52.89996 ], [ -1.45233, 52.90009 ], [ -1.45226, 52.90072 ], [ -1.45872, 52.9018 ], [ -1.45973, 52.90165 ], [ -1.46095, 52.90307 ], [ -1.46118, 52.90343 ], [ -1.46386, 52.90729 ], [ -1.46241, 52.91203 ], [ -1.46237, 52.9168 ], [ -1.46357, 52.91917 ], [ -1.46374, 52.91953 ], [ -1.4636, 52.9195 ], [ -1.45957, 52.91861 ], [ -1.457, 52.91852 ], [ -1.45246, 52.91748 ], [ -1.44727, 52.91809 ], [ -1.44307, 52.91762 ], [ -1.44253, 52.91531 ], [ -1.44062, 52.91317 ], [ -1.44071, 52.91105 ], [ -1.43904, 52.90966 ], [ -1.43677, 52.90853 ], [ -1.43519, 52.90724 ], [ -1.43464, 52.90538 ], [ -1.43044, 52.90467 ], [ -1.42582, 52.90411 ], [ -1.424, 52.90318 ], [ -1.42167, 52.90356 ], [ -1.41866, 52.90295 ], [ -1.41432, 52.90332 ], [ -1.41268, 52.90317 ], [ -1.41147, 52.90247 ], [ -1.41176, 52.90099 ], [ -1.41117, 52.90017 ], [ -1.40627, 52.90021 ], [ -1.40277, 52.90046 ], [ -1.40349, 52.89694 ], [ -1.40295, 52.89623 ], [ -1.40311, 52.89561 ], [ -1.40583, 52.89547 ], [ -1.40592, 52.89453 ], [ -1.4065, 52.89461 ], [ -1.40679, 52.89368 ], [ -1.4067, 52.89321 ], [ -1.4079, 52.8915 ], [ -1.40761, 52.89104 ], [ -1.40759, 52.88969 ], [ -1.40911, 52.88936 ], [ -1.40941, 52.88908 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002820", "population": 9907, "outputarea_code": "E00068012", "lsoa_code": "E01013477", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.43594, "latitude": 52.89568, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.4397, 52.88926 ], [ -1.43944, 52.88818 ], [ -1.43999, 52.8878 ], [ -1.44135, 52.88761 ], [ -1.44189, 52.88696 ], [ -1.4429, 52.88662 ], [ -1.44467, 52.88712 ], [ -1.44498, 52.88766 ], [ -1.44581, 52.88747 ], [ -1.44553, 52.88931 ], [ -1.44556, 52.89009 ], [ -1.4458, 52.89205 ], [ -1.44412, 52.8922 ], [ -1.44445, 52.89397 ], [ -1.44372, 52.89448 ], [ -1.44469, 52.8951 ], [ -1.44414, 52.89552 ], [ -1.44179, 52.89477 ], [ -1.44081, 52.89433 ], [ -1.4406, 52.89383 ], [ -1.43921, 52.89455 ], [ -1.4387, 52.89522 ], [ -1.43902, 52.89581 ], [ -1.43851, 52.89597 ], [ -1.43847, 52.8964 ], [ -1.43885, 52.8967 ], [ -1.43851, 52.89712 ], [ -1.43769, 52.89706 ], [ -1.43827, 52.89746 ], [ -1.43997, 52.89718 ], [ -1.4427, 52.8977 ], [ -1.44427, 52.89749 ], [ -1.44463, 52.89916 ], [ -1.44415, 52.89964 ], [ -1.44445, 52.90026 ], [ -1.44554, 52.9004 ], [ -1.44484, 52.90089 ], [ -1.44365, 52.90105 ], [ -1.44456, 52.90125 ], [ -1.44414, 52.90141 ], [ -1.44427, 52.90175 ], [ -1.44278, 52.90208 ], [ -1.44226, 52.90248 ], [ -1.4432, 52.90292 ], [ -1.44239, 52.90304 ], [ -1.44262, 52.90341 ], [ -1.44214, 52.90387 ], [ -1.44106, 52.90339 ], [ -1.44067, 52.90354 ], [ -1.439, 52.90299 ], [ -1.43931, 52.90249 ], [ -1.43863, 52.90216 ], [ -1.43833, 52.90197 ], [ -1.43744, 52.90327 ], [ -1.43536, 52.90298 ], [ -1.4346, 52.90335 ], [ -1.43374, 52.90313 ], [ -1.43415, 52.90256 ], [ -1.43463, 52.90269 ], [ -1.43471, 52.90206 ], [ -1.43534, 52.90175 ], [ -1.43421, 52.901 ], [ -1.43389, 52.90144 ], [ -1.43293, 52.90143 ], [ -1.43231, 52.9022 ], [ -1.43102, 52.90217 ], [ -1.42909, 52.90272 ], [ -1.42688, 52.90121 ], [ -1.42625, 52.89981 ], [ -1.42439, 52.89962 ], [ -1.424, 52.89914 ], [ -1.42296, 52.8989 ], [ -1.42312, 52.89867 ], [ -1.42404, 52.89886 ], [ -1.42416, 52.89863 ], [ -1.42369, 52.89843 ], [ -1.42441, 52.89707 ], [ -1.42397, 52.89665 ], [ -1.42309, 52.89632 ], [ -1.42322, 52.89606 ], [ -1.42437, 52.89609 ], [ -1.42483, 52.89663 ], [ -1.42603, 52.8964 ], [ -1.42659, 52.89578 ], [ -1.42694, 52.89523 ], [ -1.42748, 52.89564 ], [ -1.42791, 52.89556 ], [ -1.42766, 52.89412 ], [ -1.42885, 52.89379 ], [ -1.42904, 52.89321 ], [ -1.42977, 52.89315 ], [ -1.42956, 52.89241 ], [ -1.43039, 52.89169 ], [ -1.43083, 52.89204 ], [ -1.43307, 52.89029 ], [ -1.43276, 52.89008 ], [ -1.43151, 52.89017 ], [ -1.43142, 52.89069 ], [ -1.43006, 52.89023 ], [ -1.43016, 52.88947 ], [ -1.43168, 52.88913 ], [ -1.43263, 52.88832 ], [ -1.43338, 52.88881 ], [ -1.43391, 52.88876 ], [ -1.43337, 52.88757 ], [ -1.43421, 52.88756 ], [ -1.4354, 52.88861 ], [ -1.43629, 52.88883 ], [ -1.4365, 52.8887 ], [ -1.43674, 52.88835 ], [ -1.43816, 52.88866 ], [ -1.43894, 52.88927 ], [ -1.4397, 52.88926 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Derby", "bua_code": "E35001358", "msoa_code": "E02002822", "population": 6772, "outputarea_code": "E00068101", "lsoa_code": "E01013494", "la_name": "Derby", "bua_name": "Derby BUASD", "constituency_name": "Derby South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.50466, "latitude": 52.8888, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.49032, 52.8877 ], [ -1.49232, 52.88665 ], [ -1.49523, 52.88513 ], [ -1.49552, 52.88498 ], [ -1.49644, 52.8845 ], [ -1.4974, 52.884 ], [ -1.49809, 52.88364 ], [ -1.49866, 52.88334 ], [ -1.50196, 52.88161 ], [ -1.50165, 52.88264 ], [ -1.50278, 52.88256 ], [ -1.50309, 52.88456 ], [ -1.50311, 52.88485 ], [ -1.50485, 52.88488 ], [ -1.50726, 52.88488 ], [ -1.51461, 52.88471 ], [ -1.51583, 52.88646 ], [ -1.5232, 52.88734 ], [ -1.52137, 52.88811 ], [ -1.51946, 52.8889 ], [ -1.51813, 52.88937 ], [ -1.51678, 52.89079 ], [ -1.51568, 52.89189 ], [ -1.51544, 52.89211 ], [ -1.5137, 52.89126 ], [ -1.51126, 52.89063 ], [ -1.511, 52.89104 ], [ -1.51101, 52.89278 ], [ -1.51057, 52.893 ], [ -1.51102, 52.89334 ], [ -1.51007, 52.89413 ], [ -1.51054, 52.89524 ], [ -1.50936, 52.89544 ], [ -1.50859, 52.89516 ], [ -1.50816, 52.89419 ], [ -1.5071, 52.89373 ], [ -1.50593, 52.89385 ], [ -1.5043, 52.89479 ], [ -1.50346, 52.89491 ], [ -1.50131, 52.89534 ], [ -1.49977, 52.89331 ], [ -1.4995, 52.89262 ], [ -1.49844, 52.89209 ], [ -1.49909, 52.89143 ], [ -1.49874, 52.89122 ], [ -1.499, 52.8908 ], [ -1.49846, 52.89007 ], [ -1.49764, 52.89048 ], [ -1.49754, 52.89082 ], [ -1.49813, 52.89103 ], [ -1.49731, 52.89163 ], [ -1.49635, 52.89155 ], [ -1.49649, 52.89253 ], [ -1.49554, 52.89284 ], [ -1.49533, 52.89335 ], [ -1.49217, 52.89073 ], [ -1.49058, 52.88912 ], [ -1.48974, 52.88907 ], [ -1.48895, 52.88842 ], [ -1.48906, 52.88836 ], [ -1.49032, 52.8877 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Heanor", "bua_code": "E35001202", "msoa_code": "E02004040", "population": 9225, "outputarea_code": "E00098276", "lsoa_code": "E01019433", "la_name": "Amber Valley", "bua_name": "Heanor BUASD", "constituency_name": "Amber Valley", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.36429, "latitude": 53.01712, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.4025, 52.99303 ], [ -1.39853, 52.9938 ], [ -1.39837, 52.9959 ], [ -1.39664, 52.99534 ], [ -1.39613, 52.99568 ], [ -1.39428, 52.99595 ], [ -1.39505, 52.9956 ], [ -1.395, 52.9949 ], [ -1.39428, 52.99515 ], [ -1.39034, 52.99532 ], [ -1.39087, 52.9971 ], [ -1.38994, 52.9976 ], [ -1.39119, 52.99743 ], [ -1.39186, 52.99817 ], [ -1.39137, 52.99832 ], [ -1.3915, 52.99856 ], [ -1.38852, 52.99896 ], [ -1.39036, 52.99929 ], [ -1.39113, 53.00013 ], [ -1.39245, 52.99999 ], [ -1.39233, 52.9995 ], [ -1.39278, 52.99961 ], [ -1.3932, 52.9993 ], [ -1.3936, 52.99827 ], [ -1.39402, 52.99796 ], [ -1.39444, 52.99806 ], [ -1.39448, 52.99774 ], [ -1.39516, 52.99782 ], [ -1.39542, 52.99871 ], [ -1.39762, 52.99919 ], [ -1.39787, 52.99974 ], [ -1.39899, 53.00035 ], [ -1.39589, 53.00176 ], [ -1.39542, 53.00303 ], [ -1.39383, 53.00317 ], [ -1.39373, 53.00418 ], [ -1.39181, 53.00415 ], [ -1.38973, 53.00478 ], [ -1.38815, 53.00707 ], [ -1.38744, 53.00735 ], [ -1.38768, 53.00802 ], [ -1.38834, 53.01012 ], [ -1.38847, 53.012 ], [ -1.38782, 53.01401 ], [ -1.38813, 53.01409 ], [ -1.38773, 53.01451 ], [ -1.3851, 53.01507 ], [ -1.38555, 53.01607 ], [ -1.38309, 53.01666 ], [ -1.38237, 53.0172 ], [ -1.38077, 53.01714 ], [ -1.37987, 53.01629 ], [ -1.37909, 53.01702 ], [ -1.37766, 53.01786 ], [ -1.37608, 53.01873 ], [ -1.37536, 53.0189 ], [ -1.37431, 53.01986 ], [ -1.37088, 53.02237 ], [ -1.36846, 53.02312 ], [ -1.36888, 53.02345 ], [ -1.36735, 53.02273 ], [ -1.3636, 53.02337 ], [ -1.36305, 53.02411 ], [ -1.36268, 53.02493 ], [ -1.36177, 53.02524 ], [ -1.36201, 53.02638 ], [ -1.36131, 53.03055 ], [ -1.35967, 53.03191 ], [ -1.35888, 53.03376 ], [ -1.35791, 53.03585 ], [ -1.35784, 53.03599 ], [ -1.35691, 53.03774 ], [ -1.35222, 53.04171 ], [ -1.35577, 53.04368 ], [ -1.35747, 53.0478 ], [ -1.35128, 53.04869 ], [ -1.34875, 53.04906 ], [ -1.34792, 53.04822 ], [ -1.34315, 53.04964 ], [ -1.3372, 53.04947 ], [ -1.33763, 53.05051 ], [ -1.33574, 53.05071 ], [ -1.33444, 53.05024 ], [ -1.33324, 53.04817 ], [ -1.33463, 53.0473 ], [ -1.33374, 53.04571 ], [ -1.33398, 53.0447 ], [ -1.33296, 53.04459 ], [ -1.33302, 53.04404 ], [ -1.33358, 53.04414 ], [ -1.33357, 53.04367 ], [ -1.33304, 53.0434 ], [ -1.33382, 53.04294 ], [ -1.33261, 53.04256 ], [ -1.3324, 53.0422 ], [ -1.3336, 53.0422 ], [ -1.3336, 53.04173 ], [ -1.33495, 53.0417 ], [ -1.33495, 53.04146 ], [ -1.33473, 53.04122 ], [ -1.33428, 53.04132 ], [ -1.33462, 53.04063 ], [ -1.33319, 53.03969 ], [ -1.33258, 53.0383 ], [ -1.33257, 53.03724 ], [ -1.3331, 53.03698 ], [ -1.33264, 53.03639 ], [ -1.3331, 53.03584 ], [ -1.33314, 53.03577 ], [ -1.3328, 53.03516 ], [ -1.33311, 53.03391 ], [ -1.33227, 53.03403 ], [ -1.33184, 53.03322 ], [ -1.33212, 53.03295 ], [ -1.33163, 53.03279 ], [ -1.33194, 53.03249 ], [ -1.33127, 53.03183 ], [ -1.33181, 53.03092 ], [ -1.33116, 53.03093 ], [ -1.331, 53.03044 ], [ -1.32932, 53.03081 ], [ -1.32861, 53.03008 ], [ -1.32802, 53.02924 ], [ -1.32779, 53.02842 ], [ -1.32588, 53.02738 ], [ -1.32463, 53.02611 ], [ -1.3237, 53.02415 ], [ -1.32509, 53.02517 ], [ -1.3287, 53.02355 ], [ -1.33145, 53.02457 ], [ -1.33302, 53.02483 ], [ -1.33186, 53.02115 ], [ -1.3329, 53.02116 ], [ -1.33312, 53.01997 ], [ -1.33348, 53.02001 ], [ -1.3379, 53.0205 ], [ -1.33775, 53.02192 ], [ -1.33691, 53.0247 ], [ -1.33762, 53.02475 ], [ -1.33754, 53.02504 ], [ -1.33751, 53.02539 ], [ -1.33999, 53.02556 ], [ -1.34053, 53.02551 ], [ -1.34045, 53.02526 ], [ -1.34121, 53.02532 ], [ -1.34192, 53.02591 ], [ -1.34251, 53.02597 ], [ -1.34574, 53.0254 ], [ -1.34648, 53.02553 ], [ -1.34691, 53.02359 ], [ -1.34736, 53.02225 ], [ -1.34832, 53.02225 ], [ -1.35071, 53.02258 ], [ -1.35278, 53.02211 ], [ -1.352, 53.01985 ], [ -1.35148, 53.0189 ], [ -1.35061, 53.01931 ], [ -1.35021, 53.01819 ], [ -1.35026, 53.01785 ], [ -1.35184, 53.01769 ], [ -1.35204, 53.01767 ], [ -1.35255, 53.01762 ], [ -1.35249, 53.0174 ], [ -1.35247, 53.01733 ], [ -1.35303, 53.01725 ], [ -1.35266, 53.01598 ], [ -1.35409, 53.01603 ], [ -1.35478, 53.01472 ], [ -1.3549, 53.01446 ], [ -1.356, 53.01482 ], [ -1.35679, 53.01493 ], [ -1.35735, 53.01473 ], [ -1.35809, 53.01519 ], [ -1.35906, 53.01578 ], [ -1.35851, 53.01603 ], [ -1.35986, 53.01666 ], [ -1.36023, 53.01654 ], [ -1.36045, 53.01637 ], [ -1.3603, 53.01581 ], [ -1.35924, 53.01549 ], [ -1.35887, 53.01479 ], [ -1.36084, 53.01447 ], [ -1.36098, 53.01387 ], [ -1.36062, 53.01379 ], [ -1.36078, 53.01358 ], [ -1.36123, 53.01377 ], [ -1.36233, 53.01313 ], [ -1.36188, 53.01248 ], [ -1.36244, 53.01163 ], [ -1.36124, 53.01049 ], [ -1.36161, 53.01038 ], [ -1.36147, 53.00995 ], [ -1.36229, 53.00975 ], [ -1.36168, 53.00951 ], [ -1.36271, 53.00915 ], [ -1.36337, 53.00819 ], [ -1.36186, 53.0062 ], [ -1.36263, 53.00581 ], [ -1.36496, 53.00545 ], [ -1.36816, 53.0057 ], [ -1.37351, 53.00285 ], [ -1.37498, 53.00144 ], [ -1.37499, 52.99993 ], [ -1.37441, 52.9941 ], [ -1.37383, 52.99402 ], [ -1.37305, 52.99103 ], [ -1.37439, 52.99108 ], [ -1.3747, 52.99137 ], [ -1.37638, 52.99102 ], [ -1.37764, 52.99112 ], [ -1.3809, 52.98908 ], [ -1.38104, 52.98848 ], [ -1.3797, 52.98815 ], [ -1.37954, 52.9859 ], [ -1.37983, 52.98505 ], [ -1.38199, 52.98391 ], [ -1.38354, 52.98424 ], [ -1.38795, 52.98435 ], [ -1.39761, 52.98224 ], [ -1.39748, 52.9812 ], [ -1.40143, 52.98214 ], [ -1.3993, 52.98318 ], [ -1.40228, 52.98659 ], [ -1.40113, 52.98785 ], [ -1.40042, 52.99032 ], [ -1.40165, 52.99253 ], [ -1.4025, 52.99303 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Heanor", "bua_code": "E35001202", "msoa_code": "E02004041", "population": 7112, "outputarea_code": "E00098292", "lsoa_code": "E01019434", "la_name": "Amber Valley", "bua_name": "Heanor BUASD", "constituency_name": "Amber Valley", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.34275, "latitude": 53.01275, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.35475, 53.00776 ], [ -1.35524, 53.00824 ], [ -1.35445, 53.00816 ], [ -1.35322, 53.00829 ], [ -1.35485, 53.00907 ], [ -1.35461, 53.00947 ], [ -1.35552, 53.00938 ], [ -1.35533, 53.00972 ], [ -1.35615, 53.01047 ], [ -1.35613, 53.01155 ], [ -1.35722, 53.01148 ], [ -1.35656, 53.01218 ], [ -1.3565, 53.01266 ], [ -1.35717, 53.01311 ], [ -1.35643, 53.01354 ], [ -1.35724, 53.01417 ], [ -1.35667, 53.01451 ], [ -1.35679, 53.01493 ], [ -1.356, 53.01482 ], [ -1.3549, 53.01446 ], [ -1.35478, 53.01472 ], [ -1.35409, 53.01603 ], [ -1.35266, 53.01598 ], [ -1.35303, 53.01725 ], [ -1.35247, 53.01733 ], [ -1.35249, 53.0174 ], [ -1.35255, 53.01762 ], [ -1.35204, 53.01767 ], [ -1.35184, 53.01769 ], [ -1.35026, 53.01785 ], [ -1.35021, 53.01819 ], [ -1.35061, 53.01931 ], [ -1.35148, 53.0189 ], [ -1.352, 53.01985 ], [ -1.35278, 53.02211 ], [ -1.35071, 53.02258 ], [ -1.34832, 53.02225 ], [ -1.34242, 53.01867 ], [ -1.34029, 53.01856 ], [ -1.33945, 53.01821 ], [ -1.33751, 53.01756 ], [ -1.33668, 53.01686 ], [ -1.33569, 53.01582 ], [ -1.33418, 53.01572 ], [ -1.33358, 53.01538 ], [ -1.33029, 53.01447 ], [ -1.32937, 53.01308 ], [ -1.32602, 53.00896 ], [ -1.32255, 53.00637 ], [ -1.32458, 53.00556 ], [ -1.32661, 53.00502 ], [ -1.3285, 53.00727 ], [ -1.33104, 53.00903 ], [ -1.3319, 53.00877 ], [ -1.33387, 53.00801 ], [ -1.33556, 53.00857 ], [ -1.33675, 53.00851 ], [ -1.33745, 53.00816 ], [ -1.33924, 53.00747 ], [ -1.34075, 53.00662 ], [ -1.34289, 53.00629 ], [ -1.34433, 53.00723 ], [ -1.34524, 53.00726 ], [ -1.34537, 53.00713 ], [ -1.34592, 53.00724 ], [ -1.34595, 53.00686 ], [ -1.34694, 53.00689 ], [ -1.35034, 53.00613 ], [ -1.35101, 53.0056 ], [ -1.35135, 53.00613 ], [ -1.35143, 53.00768 ], [ -1.35251, 53.0073 ], [ -1.35475, 53.00776 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Heanor", "bua_code": "E35001202", "msoa_code": "E02004043", "population": 489, "outputarea_code": "E00098449", "lsoa_code": "E01019465", "la_name": "Amber Valley", "bua_name": "Heanor BUASD", "constituency_name": "Amber Valley", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.39401, "latitude": 52.99725, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.39119, 52.99743 ], [ -1.38994, 52.9976 ], [ -1.39087, 52.9971 ], [ -1.39034, 52.99532 ], [ -1.39428, 52.99515 ], [ -1.395, 52.9949 ], [ -1.39505, 52.9956 ], [ -1.39428, 52.99595 ], [ -1.39613, 52.99568 ], [ -1.39664, 52.99534 ], [ -1.39837, 52.9959 ], [ -1.39762, 52.99919 ], [ -1.39542, 52.99871 ], [ -1.39516, 52.99782 ], [ -1.39448, 52.99774 ], [ -1.39444, 52.99806 ], [ -1.39402, 52.99796 ], [ -1.3936, 52.99827 ], [ -1.3932, 52.9993 ], [ -1.39278, 52.99961 ], [ -1.39233, 52.9995 ], [ -1.39245, 52.99999 ], [ -1.39113, 53.00013 ], [ -1.39036, 52.99929 ], [ -1.38852, 52.99896 ], [ -1.3915, 52.99856 ], [ -1.39137, 52.99832 ], [ -1.39186, 52.99817 ], [ -1.39119, 52.99743 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Heanor", "bua_code": "E35001202", "msoa_code": "E02006827", "population": 7564, "outputarea_code": "E00098304", "lsoa_code": "E01019437", "la_name": "Amber Valley", "bua_name": "Heanor BUASD", "constituency_name": "Amber Valley", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.34199, "latitude": 53.00138, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.33041, 52.9809 ], [ -1.33013, 52.9821 ], [ -1.33117, 52.98393 ], [ -1.33504, 52.98534 ], [ -1.3383, 52.98434 ], [ -1.34673, 52.98333 ], [ -1.34957, 52.98478 ], [ -1.35086, 52.98592 ], [ -1.35437, 52.98688 ], [ -1.35597, 52.98827 ], [ -1.35843, 52.98944 ], [ -1.36334, 52.99008 ], [ -1.36455, 52.98971 ], [ -1.36502, 52.98992 ], [ -1.36629, 52.98973 ], [ -1.36874, 52.99043 ], [ -1.37305, 52.99103 ], [ -1.37383, 52.99402 ], [ -1.37441, 52.9941 ], [ -1.37499, 52.99993 ], [ -1.37498, 53.00144 ], [ -1.37351, 53.00285 ], [ -1.36816, 53.0057 ], [ -1.36496, 53.00545 ], [ -1.36263, 53.00581 ], [ -1.36186, 53.0062 ], [ -1.36337, 53.00819 ], [ -1.36271, 53.00915 ], [ -1.36168, 53.00951 ], [ -1.36229, 53.00975 ], [ -1.36147, 53.00995 ], [ -1.36161, 53.01038 ], [ -1.36124, 53.01049 ], [ -1.36244, 53.01163 ], [ -1.36188, 53.01248 ], [ -1.36233, 53.01313 ], [ -1.36123, 53.01377 ], [ -1.36078, 53.01358 ], [ -1.36062, 53.01379 ], [ -1.36098, 53.01387 ], [ -1.36084, 53.01447 ], [ -1.35887, 53.01479 ], [ -1.35924, 53.01549 ], [ -1.3603, 53.01581 ], [ -1.36045, 53.01637 ], [ -1.36023, 53.01654 ], [ -1.35986, 53.01666 ], [ -1.35851, 53.01603 ], [ -1.35906, 53.01578 ], [ -1.35809, 53.01519 ], [ -1.35735, 53.01473 ], [ -1.35679, 53.01493 ], [ -1.35667, 53.01451 ], [ -1.35724, 53.01417 ], [ -1.35643, 53.01354 ], [ -1.35717, 53.01311 ], [ -1.3565, 53.01266 ], [ -1.35656, 53.01218 ], [ -1.35722, 53.01148 ], [ -1.35613, 53.01155 ], [ -1.35615, 53.01047 ], [ -1.35533, 53.00972 ], [ -1.35552, 53.00938 ], [ -1.35461, 53.00947 ], [ -1.35485, 53.00907 ], [ -1.35322, 53.00829 ], [ -1.35445, 53.00816 ], [ -1.35524, 53.00824 ], [ -1.35475, 53.00776 ], [ -1.35251, 53.0073 ], [ -1.35143, 53.00768 ], [ -1.35135, 53.00613 ], [ -1.35101, 53.0056 ], [ -1.35034, 53.00613 ], [ -1.34694, 53.00689 ], [ -1.34595, 53.00686 ], [ -1.34592, 53.00724 ], [ -1.34537, 53.00713 ], [ -1.34524, 53.00726 ], [ -1.34433, 53.00723 ], [ -1.34289, 53.00629 ], [ -1.34075, 53.00662 ], [ -1.33924, 53.00747 ], [ -1.33745, 53.00816 ], [ -1.33675, 53.00851 ], [ -1.33556, 53.00857 ], [ -1.33387, 53.00801 ], [ -1.3319, 53.00877 ], [ -1.33104, 53.00903 ], [ -1.3285, 53.00727 ], [ -1.32661, 53.00502 ], [ -1.32458, 53.00556 ], [ -1.32255, 53.00637 ], [ -1.32602, 53.00896 ], [ -1.32937, 53.01308 ], [ -1.33029, 53.01447 ], [ -1.33358, 53.01538 ], [ -1.33418, 53.01572 ], [ -1.33569, 53.01582 ], [ -1.33668, 53.01686 ], [ -1.33751, 53.01756 ], [ -1.33945, 53.01821 ], [ -1.34029, 53.01856 ], [ -1.34242, 53.01867 ], [ -1.34832, 53.02225 ], [ -1.34736, 53.02225 ], [ -1.34691, 53.02359 ], [ -1.34648, 53.02553 ], [ -1.34574, 53.0254 ], [ -1.34251, 53.02597 ], [ -1.34192, 53.02591 ], [ -1.34121, 53.02532 ], [ -1.34045, 53.02526 ], [ -1.34053, 53.02551 ], [ -1.33999, 53.02556 ], [ -1.33751, 53.02539 ], [ -1.33754, 53.02504 ], [ -1.33762, 53.02475 ], [ -1.33691, 53.0247 ], [ -1.33775, 53.02192 ], [ -1.3379, 53.0205 ], [ -1.33348, 53.02001 ], [ -1.33312, 53.01997 ], [ -1.3329, 53.02116 ], [ -1.33186, 53.02115 ], [ -1.33302, 53.02483 ], [ -1.33145, 53.02457 ], [ -1.3287, 53.02355 ], [ -1.32509, 53.02517 ], [ -1.3237, 53.02415 ], [ -1.32334, 53.02303 ], [ -1.3227, 53.0216 ], [ -1.31995, 53.01764 ], [ -1.31956, 53.01721 ], [ -1.31926, 53.01688 ], [ -1.3188, 53.01604 ], [ -1.32018, 53.01552 ], [ -1.31873, 53.01418 ], [ -1.3183, 53.01358 ], [ -1.31964, 53.01154 ], [ -1.31919, 53.01022 ], [ -1.31554, 53.00848 ], [ -1.31456, 53.00722 ], [ -1.31349, 53.00662 ], [ -1.31337, 53.00524 ], [ -1.31336, 53.00457 ], [ -1.31232, 53.0046 ], [ -1.31002, 53.0034 ], [ -1.30929, 53.00384 ], [ -1.30868, 53.00353 ], [ -1.30799, 53.00387 ], [ -1.30744, 53.00365 ], [ -1.30983, 53.00204 ], [ -1.31396, 53.00132 ], [ -1.31674, 52.99936 ], [ -1.3174, 52.99848 ], [ -1.3179, 52.99705 ], [ -1.31872, 52.99649 ], [ -1.32133, 52.99473 ], [ -1.32242, 52.99445 ], [ -1.32236, 52.99396 ], [ -1.32419, 52.99371 ], [ -1.3231, 52.99274 ], [ -1.32237, 52.99068 ], [ -1.32205, 52.98934 ], [ -1.32311, 52.98983 ], [ -1.32464, 52.98953 ], [ -1.32391, 52.98831 ], [ -1.3262, 52.98862 ], [ -1.32666, 52.98809 ], [ -1.32723, 52.98806 ], [ -1.32708, 52.98771 ], [ -1.32804, 52.98736 ], [ -1.33152, 52.98707 ], [ -1.33034, 52.98623 ], [ -1.32814, 52.98335 ], [ -1.32815, 52.98163 ], [ -1.33041, 52.9809 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Higham Ferrers", "bua_code": "E35000422", "msoa_code": "E02005635", "population": 8614, "outputarea_code": "E00137508", "lsoa_code": "E01027034", "la_name": "East Northamptonshire", "bua_name": "Higham Ferrers BUASD", "constituency_name": "Wellingborough", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -0.57997, "latitude": 52.30804, "pgroup": "5k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -0.57604, 52.29771 ], [ -0.58575, 52.30108 ], [ -0.59065, 52.30178 ], [ -0.59453, 52.302 ], [ -0.59573, 52.30208 ], [ -0.5961, 52.30238 ], [ -0.59837, 52.30222 ], [ -0.60165, 52.30202 ], [ -0.60196, 52.30212 ], [ -0.60383, 52.30418 ], [ -0.60978, 52.30602 ], [ -0.61046, 52.30634 ], [ -0.61029, 52.30689 ], [ -0.60938, 52.30788 ], [ -0.60773, 52.30861 ], [ -0.60851, 52.30996 ], [ -0.6068, 52.31002 ], [ -0.60589, 52.31007 ], [ -0.60406, 52.31015 ], [ -0.60387, 52.31381 ], [ -0.60317, 52.31572 ], [ -0.60486, 52.31553 ], [ -0.60546, 52.31619 ], [ -0.60611, 52.31633 ], [ -0.60646, 52.31611 ], [ -0.60684, 52.31705 ], [ -0.60898, 52.31798 ], [ -0.60489, 52.32085 ], [ -0.60246, 52.3225 ], [ -0.59722, 52.32525 ], [ -0.5961, 52.32578 ], [ -0.59431, 52.3257 ], [ -0.59332, 52.32646 ], [ -0.5925, 52.32644 ], [ -0.59271, 52.32543 ], [ -0.59367, 52.32452 ], [ -0.58706, 52.32192 ], [ -0.5816, 52.32023 ], [ -0.57182, 52.31872 ], [ -0.56473, 52.31796 ], [ -0.56346, 52.318 ], [ -0.55993, 52.31906 ], [ -0.55834, 52.31754 ], [ -0.56256, 52.31584 ], [ -0.56133, 52.31437 ], [ -0.56413, 52.3124 ], [ -0.55947, 52.3102 ], [ -0.56198, 52.30653 ], [ -0.56172, 52.30573 ], [ -0.56044, 52.30537 ], [ -0.55842, 52.30327 ], [ -0.56039, 52.30253 ], [ -0.56027, 52.30224 ], [ -0.5589, 52.30032 ], [ -0.55604, 52.29753 ], [ -0.55094, 52.2959 ], [ -0.55133, 52.29516 ], [ -0.54756, 52.29412 ], [ -0.55016, 52.29123 ], [ -0.5508, 52.29128 ], [ -0.55372, 52.28864 ], [ -0.55875, 52.2857 ], [ -0.56062, 52.28825 ], [ -0.56282, 52.29036 ], [ -0.56429, 52.29153 ], [ -0.56818, 52.29328 ], [ -0.57099, 52.29575 ], [ -0.5746, 52.29738 ], [ -0.57604, 52.29771 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Hilton (South Derbyshire)", "bua_code": "E34000839", "msoa_code": "E02004119", "population": 8210, "outputarea_code": "E00100434", "lsoa_code": "E01019848", "la_name": "South Derbyshire", "bua_name": "Hilton (South Derbyshire) BUA", "constituency_name": "South Derbyshire", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.6354, "latitude": 52.87263, "pgroup": "5k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.61618, 52.8651 ], [ -1.61821, 52.86224 ], [ -1.62058, 52.86187 ], [ -1.62466, 52.86342 ], [ -1.62496, 52.8631 ], [ -1.62774, 52.86101 ], [ -1.62846, 52.86136 ], [ -1.63156, 52.85984 ], [ -1.63027, 52.85903 ], [ -1.62866, 52.85887 ], [ -1.62878, 52.85835 ], [ -1.62761, 52.8583 ], [ -1.62693, 52.8568 ], [ -1.62909, 52.85718 ], [ -1.62981, 52.85586 ], [ -1.63107, 52.8558 ], [ -1.63179, 52.85463 ], [ -1.63292, 52.85458 ], [ -1.63607, 52.85444 ], [ -1.63515, 52.85298 ], [ -1.63604, 52.85307 ], [ -1.63827, 52.85402 ], [ -1.64031, 52.8556 ], [ -1.64191, 52.85575 ], [ -1.64263, 52.85633 ], [ -1.64415, 52.85614 ], [ -1.64596, 52.85582 ], [ -1.65253, 52.85681 ], [ -1.65588, 52.85705 ], [ -1.65868, 52.85679 ], [ -1.66278, 52.8582 ], [ -1.66496, 52.85846 ], [ -1.66517, 52.85892 ], [ -1.66453, 52.85997 ], [ -1.66351, 52.86055 ], [ -1.66342, 52.86152 ], [ -1.66247, 52.86202 ], [ -1.66212, 52.86622 ], [ -1.66181, 52.86615 ], [ -1.66157, 52.86744 ], [ -1.66161, 52.86869 ], [ -1.6622, 52.86901 ], [ -1.66124, 52.87589 ], [ -1.65942, 52.87551 ], [ -1.65765, 52.87551 ], [ -1.65731, 52.87945 ], [ -1.65199, 52.8788 ], [ -1.65131, 52.8801 ], [ -1.65201, 52.88074 ], [ -1.65172, 52.88109 ], [ -1.65002, 52.88181 ], [ -1.65028, 52.88118 ], [ -1.64903, 52.88101 ], [ -1.64863, 52.88199 ], [ -1.64572, 52.88265 ], [ -1.64549, 52.88327 ], [ -1.64835, 52.88554 ], [ -1.64874, 52.88662 ], [ -1.64619, 52.88957 ], [ -1.64175, 52.89111 ], [ -1.63836, 52.89147 ], [ -1.63528, 52.89237 ], [ -1.63266, 52.89242 ], [ -1.63107, 52.89286 ], [ -1.62986, 52.89138 ], [ -1.62838, 52.89036 ], [ -1.62715, 52.89005 ], [ -1.62226, 52.88754 ], [ -1.62097, 52.88722 ], [ -1.62021, 52.8865 ], [ -1.61679, 52.88642 ], [ -1.61211, 52.88568 ], [ -1.61049, 52.88456 ], [ -1.60859, 52.88397 ], [ -1.60832, 52.8822 ], [ -1.60785, 52.88127 ], [ -1.60873, 52.88076 ], [ -1.60887, 52.87904 ], [ -1.608, 52.87847 ], [ -1.60853, 52.87803 ], [ -1.60784, 52.87812 ], [ -1.60738, 52.8778 ], [ -1.6076, 52.87666 ], [ -1.60736, 52.87594 ], [ -1.60781, 52.87522 ], [ -1.60788, 52.87522 ], [ -1.60833, 52.87491 ], [ -1.60838, 52.87402 ], [ -1.60759, 52.87406 ], [ -1.60817, 52.8737 ], [ -1.60781, 52.87346 ], [ -1.60868, 52.87347 ], [ -1.60929, 52.87314 ], [ -1.60906, 52.87257 ], [ -1.60941, 52.87229 ], [ -1.60909, 52.87207 ], [ -1.60881, 52.8723 ], [ -1.60856, 52.87196 ], [ -1.6088, 52.87148 ], [ -1.60949, 52.87132 ], [ -1.60899, 52.87107 ], [ -1.60918, 52.8701 ], [ -1.60838, 52.86879 ], [ -1.60798, 52.86798 ], [ -1.60767, 52.86735 ], [ -1.60812, 52.86632 ], [ -1.6105, 52.86563 ], [ -1.61124, 52.86503 ], [ -1.61081, 52.86459 ], [ -1.61534, 52.86152 ], [ -1.61656, 52.86192 ], [ -1.61535, 52.86382 ], [ -1.61618, 52.8651 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Hinckley", "bua_code": "E34004181", "msoa_code": "E02005384", "population": 2184, "outputarea_code": "E00131244", "lsoa_code": "E01025864", "la_name": "Hinckley and Bosworth", "bua_name": "Hinckley BUA", "constituency_name": "Bosworth", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.39349, "latitude": 52.55726, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.3891, 52.55123 ], [ -1.3892, 52.55084 ], [ -1.38966, 52.55122 ], [ -1.39109, 52.55054 ], [ -1.39194, 52.55137 ], [ -1.39256, 52.5511 ], [ -1.39286, 52.55152 ], [ -1.39429, 52.5512 ], [ -1.3944, 52.55138 ], [ -1.3947, 52.55048 ], [ -1.39658, 52.55097 ], [ -1.39839, 52.54916 ], [ -1.40578, 52.55058 ], [ -1.41185, 52.55077 ], [ -1.41021, 52.55353 ], [ -1.41356, 52.5544 ], [ -1.4163, 52.55592 ], [ -1.41531, 52.55646 ], [ -1.41608, 52.55776 ], [ -1.41127, 52.55855 ], [ -1.40728, 52.55816 ], [ -1.40723, 52.55929 ], [ -1.40714, 52.55932 ], [ -1.40326, 52.56065 ], [ -1.39978, 52.56309 ], [ -1.39862, 52.56393 ], [ -1.39891, 52.56552 ], [ -1.39748, 52.56622 ], [ -1.39657, 52.56632 ], [ -1.39659, 52.56674 ], [ -1.39565, 52.56688 ], [ -1.3953, 52.56729 ], [ -1.39309, 52.56566 ], [ -1.39211, 52.56438 ], [ -1.38843, 52.56523 ], [ -1.38773, 52.56477 ], [ -1.38551, 52.56597 ], [ -1.38239, 52.56719 ], [ -1.38108, 52.56512 ], [ -1.38143, 52.56471 ], [ -1.38113, 52.56381 ], [ -1.37827, 52.56185 ], [ -1.37725, 52.56156 ], [ -1.37662, 52.56046 ], [ -1.37537, 52.55967 ], [ -1.37536, 52.55891 ], [ -1.37444, 52.55751 ], [ -1.38065, 52.55537 ], [ -1.37981, 52.55432 ], [ -1.37833, 52.55437 ], [ -1.3764, 52.55282 ], [ -1.3775, 52.55244 ], [ -1.37703, 52.5515 ], [ -1.37685, 52.55121 ], [ -1.37743, 52.55091 ], [ -1.37844, 52.55115 ], [ -1.37891, 52.55074 ], [ -1.37997, 52.55063 ], [ -1.38068, 52.55098 ], [ -1.38211, 52.55069 ], [ -1.38229, 52.54957 ], [ -1.38328, 52.54929 ], [ -1.38465, 52.5499 ], [ -1.38692, 52.55088 ], [ -1.3891, 52.55123 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Hinckley", "bua_code": "E34004181", "msoa_code": "E02005387", "population": 9816, "outputarea_code": "E00131187", "lsoa_code": "E01025855", "la_name": "Hinckley and Bosworth", "bua_name": "Hinckley BUA", "constituency_name": "Bosworth", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.40067, "latitude": 52.54122, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.39691, 52.53566 ], [ -1.39181, 52.53555 ], [ -1.39214, 52.53491 ], [ -1.39414, 52.53528 ], [ -1.39504, 52.53487 ], [ -1.39472, 52.53454 ], [ -1.39495, 52.5333 ], [ -1.3944, 52.53223 ], [ -1.39169, 52.52975 ], [ -1.39155, 52.52913 ], [ -1.39224, 52.52845 ], [ -1.39447, 52.52753 ], [ -1.39489, 52.52696 ], [ -1.41388, 52.53388 ], [ -1.41521, 52.53439 ], [ -1.41583, 52.53419 ], [ -1.41606, 52.53448 ], [ -1.41735, 52.53445 ], [ -1.41738, 52.53609 ], [ -1.41834, 52.5365 ], [ -1.41896, 52.53777 ], [ -1.41879, 52.53863 ], [ -1.41662, 52.54019 ], [ -1.41576, 52.54413 ], [ -1.41294, 52.54799 ], [ -1.41185, 52.55077 ], [ -1.40578, 52.55058 ], [ -1.39839, 52.54916 ], [ -1.39658, 52.55097 ], [ -1.3947, 52.55048 ], [ -1.3944, 52.55138 ], [ -1.39429, 52.5512 ], [ -1.39286, 52.55152 ], [ -1.39256, 52.5511 ], [ -1.39194, 52.55137 ], [ -1.39109, 52.55054 ], [ -1.38966, 52.55122 ], [ -1.3892, 52.55084 ], [ -1.3891, 52.55123 ], [ -1.38692, 52.55088 ], [ -1.38465, 52.5499 ], [ -1.38328, 52.54929 ], [ -1.38229, 52.54957 ], [ -1.38154, 52.54912 ], [ -1.38179, 52.54858 ], [ -1.38086, 52.54827 ], [ -1.37778, 52.54902 ], [ -1.3773, 52.54865 ], [ -1.37604, 52.54684 ], [ -1.37637, 52.54632 ], [ -1.37693, 52.54629 ], [ -1.37875, 52.54741 ], [ -1.37829, 52.54655 ], [ -1.37858, 52.5463 ], [ -1.38073, 52.54733 ], [ -1.38305, 52.54584 ], [ -1.38313, 52.5458 ], [ -1.38322, 52.54478 ], [ -1.38413, 52.5437 ], [ -1.38504, 52.54278 ], [ -1.38464, 52.54248 ], [ -1.38553, 52.54231 ], [ -1.38689, 52.54145 ], [ -1.38822, 52.54081 ], [ -1.38653, 52.53976 ], [ -1.38899, 52.53883 ], [ -1.38984, 52.53879 ], [ -1.39008, 52.53913 ], [ -1.39136, 52.53924 ], [ -1.39122, 52.53984 ], [ -1.39239, 52.53987 ], [ -1.39356, 52.53993 ], [ -1.39375, 52.53958 ], [ -1.39459, 52.53949 ], [ -1.3941, 52.53888 ], [ -1.39535, 52.53845 ], [ -1.39382, 52.53682 ], [ -1.39403, 52.5366 ], [ -1.39339, 52.53657 ], [ -1.39363, 52.53609 ], [ -1.39686, 52.53614 ], [ -1.39691, 52.53566 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Holbeach", "bua_code": "E34002085", "msoa_code": "E02005474", "population": 771, "outputarea_code": "E00133274", "lsoa_code": "E01026245", "la_name": "South Holland", "bua_name": "Holbeach BUA", "constituency_name": "South Holland and The Deepings", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": 0.02123, "latitude": 52.80009, "pgroup": "5k" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 0.01068, 52.7993 ], [ 0.014, 52.79955 ], [ 0.0154, 52.79966 ], [ 0.01716, 52.79894 ], [ 0.01904, 52.79816 ], [ 0.01927, 52.79734 ], [ 0.01744, 52.79271 ], [ 0.0153, 52.79164 ], [ 0.01445, 52.79299 ], [ 0.01108, 52.79642 ], [ 0.00392, 52.79524 ], [ 0.00282, 52.79408 ], [ 0.00065, 52.79286 ], [ 0.00006, 52.79354 ], [ -0.00234, 52.79372 ], [ -0.00135, 52.79734 ], [ -0.0025, 52.79841 ], [ 0.0067, 52.79906 ], [ 0.01068, 52.7993 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.03737, 52.80262 ], [ 0.03939, 52.80165 ], [ 0.0367, 52.80084 ], [ 0.03523, 52.79977 ], [ 0.03449, 52.79983 ], [ 0.02775, 52.79994 ], [ 0.02911, 52.80135 ], [ 0.026, 52.80168 ], [ 0.02564, 52.80283 ], [ 0.02606, 52.80361 ], [ 0.02726, 52.80354 ], [ 0.02692, 52.80421 ], [ 0.02826, 52.80496 ], [ 0.03005, 52.80572 ], [ 0.03397, 52.8067 ], [ 0.03528, 52.80771 ], [ 0.03957, 52.80606 ], [ 0.04011, 52.8062 ], [ 0.0404, 52.80708 ], [ 0.04166, 52.80758 ], [ 0.04313, 52.80922 ], [ 0.04328, 52.80948 ], [ 0.04464, 52.80947 ], [ 0.04569, 52.80789 ], [ 0.04459, 52.80645 ], [ 0.04101, 52.80436 ], [ 0.03721, 52.80487 ], [ 0.03737, 52.80262 ] ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Hucknall", "bua_code": "E35000605", "msoa_code": "E02005865", "population": 230, "outputarea_code": "E00143626", "lsoa_code": "E01028189", "la_name": "Gedling", "bua_name": "Hucknall BUASD", "constituency_name": "Sherwood", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.20368, "latitude": 53.05658, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.18981, 53.05881 ], [ -1.18946, 53.05772 ], [ -1.18876, 53.05745 ], [ -1.18908, 53.05654 ], [ -1.18668, 53.053 ], [ -1.18576, 53.05219 ], [ -1.18511, 53.05217 ], [ -1.18459, 53.0522 ], [ -1.1844, 53.05182 ], [ -1.18355, 53.04865 ], [ -1.18539, 53.04832 ], [ -1.18583, 53.04868 ], [ -1.18942, 53.04737 ], [ -1.18999, 53.0479 ], [ -1.1896, 53.04806 ], [ -1.18995, 53.04865 ], [ -1.19172, 53.04779 ], [ -1.1931, 53.04818 ], [ -1.19641, 53.04902 ], [ -1.1971, 53.04864 ], [ -1.1999, 53.05161 ], [ -1.20202, 53.05084 ], [ -1.20213, 53.05109 ], [ -1.20235, 53.05181 ], [ -1.20421, 53.05055 ], [ -1.20607, 53.05051 ], [ -1.20678, 53.05139 ], [ -1.20833, 53.05083 ], [ -1.20868, 53.05109 ], [ -1.21386, 53.04959 ], [ -1.21742, 53.04903 ], [ -1.22812, 53.05457 ], [ -1.22886, 53.05803 ], [ -1.22832, 53.0578 ], [ -1.22334, 53.05772 ], [ -1.2222, 53.05779 ], [ -1.22221, 53.05819 ], [ -1.22111, 53.05835 ], [ -1.22006, 53.05809 ], [ -1.21769, 53.05812 ], [ -1.21699, 53.05829 ], [ -1.21521, 53.05968 ], [ -1.21503, 53.05982 ], [ -1.21373, 53.06015 ], [ -1.20832, 53.06231 ], [ -1.2079, 53.06279 ], [ -1.20823, 53.06401 ], [ -1.20481, 53.06602 ], [ -1.19817, 53.0661 ], [ -1.18961, 53.06813 ], [ -1.18903, 53.0673 ], [ -1.18952, 53.06704 ], [ -1.18952, 53.06502 ], [ -1.19042, 53.0639 ], [ -1.18996, 53.06356 ], [ -1.19127, 53.06226 ], [ -1.19185, 53.06064 ], [ -1.19124, 53.05963 ], [ -1.18981, 53.05881 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Ilkeston", "bua_code": "E35001224", "msoa_code": "E02004080", "population": 9694, "outputarea_code": "E00099452", "lsoa_code": "E01019657", "la_name": "Erewash", "bua_name": "Ilkeston BUASD", "constituency_name": "Erewash", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.30433, "latitude": 52.97311, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.29768, 52.96203 ], [ -1.29602, 52.96144 ], [ -1.29443, 52.96077 ], [ -1.29466, 52.96053 ], [ -1.29522, 52.96061 ], [ -1.29485, 52.96033 ], [ -1.2959, 52.9594 ], [ -1.29824, 52.95978 ], [ -1.29965, 52.96107 ], [ -1.30173, 52.96051 ], [ -1.3018, 52.96056 ], [ -1.302, 52.96086 ], [ -1.30646, 52.96031 ], [ -1.30706, 52.9603 ], [ -1.30779, 52.96296 ], [ -1.30783, 52.96318 ], [ -1.30713, 52.96568 ], [ -1.30735, 52.96641 ], [ -1.30807, 52.9676 ], [ -1.30814, 52.96767 ], [ -1.30917, 52.96738 ], [ -1.31009, 52.96778 ], [ -1.31035, 52.96895 ], [ -1.31042, 52.96933 ], [ -1.31111, 52.96959 ], [ -1.3106, 52.96996 ], [ -1.31085, 52.97045 ], [ -1.30992, 52.97059 ], [ -1.31033, 52.97105 ], [ -1.31135, 52.97116 ], [ -1.31117, 52.97131 ], [ -1.31192, 52.97198 ], [ -1.31191, 52.97252 ], [ -1.31265, 52.97236 ], [ -1.31286, 52.97255 ], [ -1.31287, 52.97317 ], [ -1.31364, 52.97325 ], [ -1.31403, 52.97291 ], [ -1.31452, 52.97311 ], [ -1.31504, 52.9728 ], [ -1.31476, 52.97251 ], [ -1.3151, 52.97229 ], [ -1.31469, 52.97221 ], [ -1.31522, 52.97145 ], [ -1.31504, 52.97086 ], [ -1.3162, 52.9707 ], [ -1.31652, 52.97168 ], [ -1.31838, 52.9734 ], [ -1.31957, 52.97371 ], [ -1.32547, 52.97115 ], [ -1.32614, 52.97237 ], [ -1.32499, 52.97348 ], [ -1.32535, 52.97477 ], [ -1.32494, 52.97524 ], [ -1.3217, 52.97647 ], [ -1.32097, 52.9757 ], [ -1.32018, 52.97559 ], [ -1.31819, 52.97676 ], [ -1.31533, 52.9759 ], [ -1.31204, 52.97867 ], [ -1.31296, 52.97893 ], [ -1.313, 52.97936 ], [ -1.31156, 52.98033 ], [ -1.30979, 52.9781 ], [ -1.30833, 52.97978 ], [ -1.30747, 52.98047 ], [ -1.30543, 52.98221 ], [ -1.30233, 52.98305 ], [ -1.30118, 52.98403 ], [ -1.29872, 52.98576 ], [ -1.29465, 52.98577 ], [ -1.29536, 52.98543 ], [ -1.29565, 52.98567 ], [ -1.29618, 52.98495 ], [ -1.29675, 52.98516 ], [ -1.29747, 52.98467 ], [ -1.29555, 52.98098 ], [ -1.29068, 52.97068 ], [ -1.29211, 52.97043 ], [ -1.29065, 52.96917 ], [ -1.29379, 52.9686 ], [ -1.29409, 52.9691 ], [ -1.2946, 52.97004 ], [ -1.29654, 52.97013 ], [ -1.29909, 52.96803 ], [ -1.29918, 52.9674 ], [ -1.29786, 52.96758 ], [ -1.29759, 52.96702 ], [ -1.29848, 52.9668 ], [ -1.29827, 52.96643 ], [ -1.29899, 52.96631 ], [ -1.29871, 52.96562 ], [ -1.29967, 52.96566 ], [ -1.30006, 52.96531 ], [ -1.29898, 52.96503 ], [ -1.30011, 52.96474 ], [ -1.3005, 52.96418 ], [ -1.30001, 52.96361 ], [ -1.29936, 52.96276 ], [ -1.29768, 52.96203 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Ilkeston", "bua_code": "E35001224", "msoa_code": "E02004082", "population": 1358, "outputarea_code": "E00099532", "lsoa_code": "E01019673", "la_name": "Erewash", "bua_name": "Ilkeston BUASD", "constituency_name": "Erewash", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.31832, "latitude": 52.96723, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.32198, 52.96302 ], [ -1.3237, 52.96331 ], [ -1.32531, 52.96306 ], [ -1.32656, 52.96348 ], [ -1.32675, 52.9637 ], [ -1.32766, 52.96523 ], [ -1.32656, 52.96665 ], [ -1.32539, 52.96826 ], [ -1.32547, 52.97115 ], [ -1.31957, 52.97371 ], [ -1.31838, 52.9734 ], [ -1.31652, 52.97168 ], [ -1.3162, 52.9707 ], [ -1.31504, 52.97086 ], [ -1.31522, 52.97145 ], [ -1.31469, 52.97221 ], [ -1.3151, 52.97229 ], [ -1.31476, 52.97251 ], [ -1.31504, 52.9728 ], [ -1.31452, 52.97311 ], [ -1.31403, 52.97291 ], [ -1.31364, 52.97325 ], [ -1.31287, 52.97317 ], [ -1.31286, 52.97255 ], [ -1.31265, 52.97236 ], [ -1.31191, 52.97252 ], [ -1.31192, 52.97198 ], [ -1.31117, 52.97131 ], [ -1.31135, 52.97116 ], [ -1.31033, 52.97105 ], [ -1.30992, 52.97059 ], [ -1.31085, 52.97045 ], [ -1.3106, 52.96996 ], [ -1.31111, 52.96959 ], [ -1.31042, 52.96933 ], [ -1.31035, 52.96895 ], [ -1.31009, 52.96778 ], [ -1.30917, 52.96738 ], [ -1.31085, 52.96724 ], [ -1.31275, 52.96763 ], [ -1.31409, 52.96755 ], [ -1.31428, 52.9662 ], [ -1.31229, 52.96644 ], [ -1.31013, 52.96515 ], [ -1.31061, 52.96511 ], [ -1.31119, 52.96419 ], [ -1.31179, 52.96426 ], [ -1.31211, 52.96383 ], [ -1.31294, 52.96357 ], [ -1.31135, 52.96157 ], [ -1.31239, 52.96143 ], [ -1.31251, 52.96077 ], [ -1.31403, 52.9596 ], [ -1.31418, 52.95958 ], [ -1.31451, 52.9602 ], [ -1.31706, 52.96215 ], [ -1.32198, 52.96302 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Ilkeston", "bua_code": "E35001224", "msoa_code": "E02004083", "population": 7971, "outputarea_code": "E00099451", "lsoa_code": "E01019659", "la_name": "Erewash", "bua_name": "Ilkeston BUASD", "constituency_name": "Erewash", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.29813, "latitude": 52.95743, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.29172, 52.95545 ], [ -1.29185, 52.955 ], [ -1.29083, 52.95421 ], [ -1.29011, 52.95456 ], [ -1.289, 52.95402 ], [ -1.28822, 52.95452 ], [ -1.28764, 52.95449 ], [ -1.28643, 52.95386 ], [ -1.28575, 52.95285 ], [ -1.28415, 52.95253 ], [ -1.28384, 52.9522 ], [ -1.28241, 52.95123 ], [ -1.2824, 52.9502 ], [ -1.28156, 52.94934 ], [ -1.28103, 52.94916 ], [ -1.28173, 52.94867 ], [ -1.28213, 52.94764 ], [ -1.28126, 52.94721 ], [ -1.2813, 52.94663 ], [ -1.28277, 52.94556 ], [ -1.28395, 52.9461 ], [ -1.28477, 52.94744 ], [ -1.28607, 52.94738 ], [ -1.28672, 52.94792 ], [ -1.28761, 52.94799 ], [ -1.29025, 52.94745 ], [ -1.29146, 52.94797 ], [ -1.29246, 52.94721 ], [ -1.29311, 52.94744 ], [ -1.29473, 52.94706 ], [ -1.29506, 52.94737 ], [ -1.29553, 52.94726 ], [ -1.2965, 52.94827 ], [ -1.29842, 52.94829 ], [ -1.29916, 52.95008 ], [ -1.3024, 52.95056 ], [ -1.3053, 52.95162 ], [ -1.30514, 52.95195 ], [ -1.3071, 52.95215 ], [ -1.30726, 52.95242 ], [ -1.30765, 52.95233 ], [ -1.30774, 52.95275 ], [ -1.30859, 52.95258 ], [ -1.30901, 52.95203 ], [ -1.31067, 52.95227 ], [ -1.31181, 52.95143 ], [ -1.31299, 52.95275 ], [ -1.31293, 52.95589 ], [ -1.31276, 52.95679 ], [ -1.31333, 52.95821 ], [ -1.31381, 52.95911 ], [ -1.31418, 52.95958 ], [ -1.31403, 52.9596 ], [ -1.31251, 52.96077 ], [ -1.31239, 52.96143 ], [ -1.31135, 52.96157 ], [ -1.31294, 52.96357 ], [ -1.31211, 52.96383 ], [ -1.31179, 52.96426 ], [ -1.31119, 52.96419 ], [ -1.31061, 52.96511 ], [ -1.31013, 52.96515 ], [ -1.31229, 52.96644 ], [ -1.31428, 52.9662 ], [ -1.31409, 52.96755 ], [ -1.31275, 52.96763 ], [ -1.31085, 52.96724 ], [ -1.30917, 52.96738 ], [ -1.30814, 52.96767 ], [ -1.30807, 52.9676 ], [ -1.30735, 52.96641 ], [ -1.30713, 52.96568 ], [ -1.30783, 52.96318 ], [ -1.30779, 52.96296 ], [ -1.30706, 52.9603 ], [ -1.30646, 52.96031 ], [ -1.302, 52.96086 ], [ -1.3018, 52.96056 ], [ -1.30173, 52.96051 ], [ -1.29965, 52.96107 ], [ -1.29824, 52.95978 ], [ -1.2959, 52.9594 ], [ -1.29485, 52.96033 ], [ -1.29522, 52.96061 ], [ -1.29466, 52.96053 ], [ -1.29443, 52.96077 ], [ -1.29602, 52.96144 ], [ -1.29768, 52.96203 ], [ -1.29936, 52.96276 ], [ -1.30001, 52.96361 ], [ -1.3005, 52.96418 ], [ -1.30011, 52.96474 ], [ -1.29898, 52.96503 ], [ -1.30006, 52.96531 ], [ -1.29967, 52.96566 ], [ -1.29871, 52.96562 ], [ -1.29899, 52.96631 ], [ -1.29827, 52.96643 ], [ -1.29848, 52.9668 ], [ -1.29759, 52.96702 ], [ -1.29786, 52.96758 ], [ -1.29918, 52.9674 ], [ -1.29909, 52.96803 ], [ -1.29654, 52.97013 ], [ -1.2946, 52.97004 ], [ -1.29409, 52.9691 ], [ -1.29379, 52.9686 ], [ -1.29065, 52.96917 ], [ -1.29211, 52.97043 ], [ -1.29068, 52.97068 ], [ -1.28962, 52.96973 ], [ -1.28881, 52.96988 ], [ -1.28866, 52.96933 ], [ -1.28838, 52.96976 ], [ -1.28785, 52.96981 ], [ -1.2884, 52.96904 ], [ -1.28762, 52.96883 ], [ -1.28771, 52.9677 ], [ -1.28825, 52.96759 ], [ -1.28942, 52.96632 ], [ -1.28853, 52.96592 ], [ -1.28927, 52.96526 ], [ -1.28867, 52.96495 ], [ -1.28916, 52.96448 ], [ -1.28861, 52.96107 ], [ -1.28946, 52.96082 ], [ -1.29051, 52.95982 ], [ -1.29169, 52.95616 ], [ -1.29251, 52.95564 ], [ -1.29172, 52.95545 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Kirkby-in-Ashfield", "bua_code": "E35000267", "msoa_code": "E02005826", "population": 6187, "outputarea_code": "E00142408", "lsoa_code": "E01027952", "la_name": "Ashfield", "bua_name": "Kirkby-in-Ashfield BUASD", "constituency_name": "Ashfield", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.25241, "latitude": 53.10329, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.24406, 53.09873 ], [ -1.24705, 53.09927 ], [ -1.24749, 53.09934 ], [ -1.25124, 53.09986 ], [ -1.25362, 53.09958 ], [ -1.25374, 53.09963 ], [ -1.25577, 53.09988 ], [ -1.26089, 53.10057 ], [ -1.26128, 53.10063 ], [ -1.2642, 53.10089 ], [ -1.26428, 53.10114 ], [ -1.26501, 53.10115 ], [ -1.26519, 53.10281 ], [ -1.26696, 53.1028 ], [ -1.26697, 53.10361 ], [ -1.26428, 53.10351 ], [ -1.26362, 53.10386 ], [ -1.26307, 53.10488 ], [ -1.26613, 53.10501 ], [ -1.26603, 53.10536 ], [ -1.26748, 53.10537 ], [ -1.26748, 53.10668 ], [ -1.26621, 53.10658 ], [ -1.26564, 53.10683 ], [ -1.26649, 53.10728 ], [ -1.26647, 53.10764 ], [ -1.26487, 53.10753 ], [ -1.26471, 53.10813 ], [ -1.26448, 53.10864 ], [ -1.26317, 53.10861 ], [ -1.26328, 53.10916 ], [ -1.2625, 53.10887 ], [ -1.2625, 53.10831 ], [ -1.26158, 53.1081 ], [ -1.26172, 53.10764 ], [ -1.26109, 53.10758 ], [ -1.25936, 53.10727 ], [ -1.25818, 53.10814 ], [ -1.25683, 53.10755 ], [ -1.25587, 53.10726 ], [ -1.25518, 53.10659 ], [ -1.25196, 53.10658 ], [ -1.25109, 53.10649 ], [ -1.2494, 53.10646 ], [ -1.24703, 53.10642 ], [ -1.24707, 53.10598 ], [ -1.24637, 53.10594 ], [ -1.24601, 53.10544 ], [ -1.24418, 53.10531 ], [ -1.24331, 53.10451 ], [ -1.24369, 53.10397 ], [ -1.24537, 53.10314 ], [ -1.24491, 53.10231 ], [ -1.24198, 53.10213 ], [ -1.24142, 53.10411 ], [ -1.24076, 53.10407 ], [ -1.24057, 53.10508 ], [ -1.24118, 53.10522 ], [ -1.24096, 53.10595 ], [ -1.23912, 53.1054 ], [ -1.23774, 53.10574 ], [ -1.23765, 53.10609 ], [ -1.23729, 53.10671 ], [ -1.23676, 53.10669 ], [ -1.23693, 53.1063 ], [ -1.23628, 53.10628 ], [ -1.23615, 53.10602 ], [ -1.23709, 53.10461 ], [ -1.23627, 53.10414 ], [ -1.23568, 53.10445 ], [ -1.23607, 53.10361 ], [ -1.23572, 53.10311 ], [ -1.24002, 53.10384 ], [ -1.24009, 53.10352 ], [ -1.23865, 53.10316 ], [ -1.23869, 53.10255 ], [ -1.23796, 53.10225 ], [ -1.2396, 53.09845 ], [ -1.24024, 53.09842 ], [ -1.24027, 53.0981 ], [ -1.24147, 53.09832 ], [ -1.24361, 53.09866 ], [ -1.24406, 53.09873 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Kirkby-in-Ashfield", "bua_code": "E35000267", "msoa_code": "E02005828", "population": 6283, "outputarea_code": "E00142629", "lsoa_code": "E01027997", "la_name": "Ashfield", "bua_name": "Kirkby-in-Ashfield BUASD", "constituency_name": "Ashfield", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.25693, "latitude": 53.06717, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.2434, 53.07871 ], [ -1.24303, 53.07819 ], [ -1.24261, 53.07859 ], [ -1.24282, 53.07721 ], [ -1.24215, 53.07708 ], [ -1.24187, 53.07833 ], [ -1.24057, 53.0785 ], [ -1.23928, 53.07761 ], [ -1.23882, 53.07682 ], [ -1.23842, 53.07613 ], [ -1.23563, 53.07552 ], [ -1.23273, 53.07576 ], [ -1.23121, 53.07529 ], [ -1.22971, 53.07063 ], [ -1.22892, 53.06948 ], [ -1.2293, 53.06875 ], [ -1.22972, 53.0681 ], [ -1.2299, 53.06593 ], [ -1.2301, 53.065 ], [ -1.23129, 53.06207 ], [ -1.22886, 53.05803 ], [ -1.22812, 53.05457 ], [ -1.22818, 53.05254 ], [ -1.22925, 53.05155 ], [ -1.22958, 53.0517 ], [ -1.23226, 53.0503 ], [ -1.23879, 53.04947 ], [ -1.24172, 53.04777 ], [ -1.24317, 53.04735 ], [ -1.24499, 53.04563 ], [ -1.24671, 53.04465 ], [ -1.2557, 53.04188 ], [ -1.25769, 53.04096 ], [ -1.25824, 53.04043 ], [ -1.2629, 53.03926 ], [ -1.2638, 53.03843 ], [ -1.2664, 53.03842 ], [ -1.26709, 53.0389 ], [ -1.26859, 53.03904 ], [ -1.2693, 53.03942 ], [ -1.27033, 53.04051 ], [ -1.27072, 53.04189 ], [ -1.27283, 53.04209 ], [ -1.27572, 53.04328 ], [ -1.27869, 53.04405 ], [ -1.27771, 53.0445 ], [ -1.27676, 53.04553 ], [ -1.27746, 53.04624 ], [ -1.2756, 53.04754 ], [ -1.27553, 53.04879 ], [ -1.27334, 53.05136 ], [ -1.27208, 53.05367 ], [ -1.27212, 53.05469 ], [ -1.27058, 53.05538 ], [ -1.27057, 53.05593 ], [ -1.26829, 53.05905 ], [ -1.26921, 53.05975 ], [ -1.26865, 53.06098 ], [ -1.26972, 53.06277 ], [ -1.2683, 53.06313 ], [ -1.27023, 53.06514 ], [ -1.2719, 53.06543 ], [ -1.27581, 53.06861 ], [ -1.28638, 53.07484 ], [ -1.28709, 53.07489 ], [ -1.28668, 53.07491 ], [ -1.29511, 53.08065 ], [ -1.29114, 53.08316 ], [ -1.28719, 53.08446 ], [ -1.28609, 53.08543 ], [ -1.27927, 53.08606 ], [ -1.27639, 53.08793 ], [ -1.26629, 53.0899 ], [ -1.26469, 53.09131 ], [ -1.26429, 53.09123 ], [ -1.26375, 53.09175 ], [ -1.26192, 53.09225 ], [ -1.26041, 53.09261 ], [ -1.25652, 53.09159 ], [ -1.25382, 53.08914 ], [ -1.25271, 53.08903 ], [ -1.25219, 53.08924 ], [ -1.25189, 53.08946 ], [ -1.24704, 53.08901 ], [ -1.24675, 53.08852 ], [ -1.24661, 53.08818 ], [ -1.24367, 53.08693 ], [ -1.24232, 53.08698 ], [ -1.24223, 53.08528 ], [ -1.24107, 53.08476 ], [ -1.24054, 53.08562 ], [ -1.24008, 53.08624 ], [ -1.23542, 53.08466 ], [ -1.2327, 53.083 ], [ -1.23068, 53.08105 ], [ -1.23463, 53.08086 ], [ -1.23872, 53.07979 ], [ -1.2434, 53.07871 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002828", "population": 7931, "outputarea_code": "E00069300", "lsoa_code": "E01013735", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester East", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.09667, "latitude": 52.66511, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.11495, 52.67279 ], [ -1.11434, 52.67263 ], [ -1.11013, 52.67146 ], [ -1.10915, 52.6728 ], [ -1.10549, 52.67154 ], [ -1.10523, 52.67186 ], [ -1.10481, 52.67175 ], [ -1.10425, 52.67161 ], [ -1.10408, 52.67157 ], [ -1.0998, 52.67053 ], [ -1.09783, 52.67008 ], [ -1.0972, 52.66997 ], [ -1.0952, 52.66957 ], [ -1.09082, 52.66859 ], [ -1.08933, 52.67025 ], [ -1.08931, 52.67028 ], [ -1.08869, 52.66975 ], [ -1.0881, 52.66991 ], [ -1.08579, 52.66926 ], [ -1.07508, 52.66963 ], [ -1.07493, 52.66799 ], [ -1.06976, 52.66715 ], [ -1.06935, 52.66736 ], [ -1.06875, 52.66691 ], [ -1.06753, 52.66676 ], [ -1.06759, 52.66636 ], [ -1.06445, 52.66473 ], [ -1.06533, 52.66343 ], [ -1.07049, 52.66511 ], [ -1.07329, 52.66507 ], [ -1.07458, 52.66376 ], [ -1.0759, 52.66306 ], [ -1.07644, 52.66201 ], [ -1.07653, 52.66074 ], [ -1.07569, 52.6605 ], [ -1.0762, 52.65971 ], [ -1.07697, 52.65934 ], [ -1.07808, 52.66023 ], [ -1.07948, 52.65768 ], [ -1.07995, 52.65752 ], [ -1.08186, 52.65685 ], [ -1.08303, 52.65644 ], [ -1.08691, 52.65594 ], [ -1.08779, 52.65542 ], [ -1.09219, 52.65588 ], [ -1.09265, 52.65561 ], [ -1.09473, 52.65665 ], [ -1.09491, 52.65625 ], [ -1.09703, 52.65538 ], [ -1.09645, 52.65636 ], [ -1.09745, 52.65671 ], [ -1.09824, 52.6565 ], [ -1.09792, 52.656 ], [ -1.09837, 52.65591 ], [ -1.09877, 52.65629 ], [ -1.09777, 52.65783 ], [ -1.09741, 52.65751 ], [ -1.09662, 52.65812 ], [ -1.09464, 52.65864 ], [ -1.09482, 52.65924 ], [ -1.0974, 52.65841 ], [ -1.09643, 52.65991 ], [ -1.09399, 52.66367 ], [ -1.09803, 52.66481 ], [ -1.0984, 52.66491 ], [ -1.09786, 52.66577 ], [ -1.09626, 52.66541 ], [ -1.09679, 52.66595 ], [ -1.09805, 52.66652 ], [ -1.09775, 52.66705 ], [ -1.09809, 52.66712 ], [ -1.09958, 52.66718 ], [ -1.09987, 52.66669 ], [ -1.09953, 52.66624 ], [ -1.10014, 52.66541 ], [ -1.10072, 52.66557 ], [ -1.10134, 52.66575 ], [ -1.10236, 52.66605 ], [ -1.10272, 52.66616 ], [ -1.10232, 52.66595 ], [ -1.10278, 52.66548 ], [ -1.10424, 52.66499 ], [ -1.10466, 52.6651 ], [ -1.10452, 52.66537 ], [ -1.10625, 52.66587 ], [ -1.10755, 52.6662 ], [ -1.10815, 52.66603 ], [ -1.1083, 52.66573 ], [ -1.10586, 52.66486 ], [ -1.10612, 52.66451 ], [ -1.10979, 52.66512 ], [ -1.10984, 52.66531 ], [ -1.11048, 52.66491 ], [ -1.11077, 52.66488 ], [ -1.11223, 52.66476 ], [ -1.11109, 52.66547 ], [ -1.11365, 52.66571 ], [ -1.11527, 52.66635 ], [ -1.116, 52.66628 ], [ -1.11618, 52.66717 ], [ -1.11802, 52.66669 ], [ -1.1174, 52.66573 ], [ -1.11853, 52.66457 ], [ -1.11716, 52.66366 ], [ -1.11859, 52.66329 ], [ -1.11927, 52.66259 ], [ -1.12085, 52.66085 ], [ -1.12157, 52.66082 ], [ -1.12336, 52.66165 ], [ -1.12455, 52.66078 ], [ -1.12682, 52.66295 ], [ -1.12909, 52.66539 ], [ -1.12819, 52.66516 ], [ -1.1266, 52.66701 ], [ -1.12514, 52.66793 ], [ -1.12161, 52.6695 ], [ -1.12092, 52.67019 ], [ -1.12091, 52.671 ], [ -1.12099, 52.67181 ], [ -1.11972, 52.67178 ], [ -1.11887, 52.67316 ], [ -1.11495, 52.67279 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002829", "population": 11300, "outputarea_code": "E00068657", "lsoa_code": "E01013604", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester West", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.13902, "latitude": 52.66487, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.13833, 52.65302 ], [ -1.13895, 52.65313 ], [ -1.1379, 52.65489 ], [ -1.14061, 52.65556 ], [ -1.14009, 52.65638 ], [ -1.13977, 52.65676 ], [ -1.14035, 52.65721 ], [ -1.13946, 52.65748 ], [ -1.14022, 52.65783 ], [ -1.14128, 52.6583 ], [ -1.14237, 52.65803 ], [ -1.14297, 52.65841 ], [ -1.14411, 52.65844 ], [ -1.14452, 52.65862 ], [ -1.14443, 52.65904 ], [ -1.14554, 52.65933 ], [ -1.14767, 52.66064 ], [ -1.14858, 52.66168 ], [ -1.14889, 52.66207 ], [ -1.15084, 52.66454 ], [ -1.15119, 52.66527 ], [ -1.15146, 52.66599 ], [ -1.15247, 52.66782 ], [ -1.15313, 52.66908 ], [ -1.15332, 52.6697 ], [ -1.15317, 52.67099 ], [ -1.14981, 52.67495 ], [ -1.14945, 52.67495 ], [ -1.14577, 52.67507 ], [ -1.14484, 52.67516 ], [ -1.13771, 52.67537 ], [ -1.13543, 52.67536 ], [ -1.13527, 52.67335 ], [ -1.1331, 52.67311 ], [ -1.13302, 52.66973 ], [ -1.12986, 52.66953 ], [ -1.12989, 52.66922 ], [ -1.12936, 52.66915 ], [ -1.12941, 52.66702 ], [ -1.1292, 52.66539 ], [ -1.12909, 52.66539 ], [ -1.12682, 52.66295 ], [ -1.12819, 52.66147 ], [ -1.12824, 52.66056 ], [ -1.12715, 52.65973 ], [ -1.12545, 52.65726 ], [ -1.12538, 52.65715 ], [ -1.12512, 52.65672 ], [ -1.12546, 52.65555 ], [ -1.12687, 52.65484 ], [ -1.12985, 52.65288 ], [ -1.13, 52.65188 ], [ -1.13482, 52.65325 ], [ -1.13465, 52.65507 ], [ -1.13624, 52.65567 ], [ -1.1361, 52.65592 ], [ -1.13833, 52.65302 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002830", "population": 10145, "outputarea_code": "E00068739", "lsoa_code": "E01013623", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester West", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.16799, "latitude": 52.66004, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -1.15991, 52.65273 ], [ -1.15749, 52.65112 ], [ -1.15667, 52.65042 ], [ -1.15731, 52.6501 ], [ -1.16043, 52.64856 ], [ -1.16039, 52.64785 ], [ -1.16046, 52.64787 ], [ -1.1653, 52.64936 ], [ -1.16867, 52.65027 ], [ -1.17686, 52.65227 ], [ -1.18292, 52.65302 ], [ -1.18451, 52.65334 ], [ -1.18421, 52.65651 ], [ -1.18417, 52.65681 ], [ -1.18412, 52.65716 ], [ -1.18436, 52.6591 ], [ -1.18521, 52.66064 ], [ -1.17889, 52.66317 ], [ -1.17665, 52.6643 ], [ -1.17748, 52.66527 ], [ -1.17697, 52.66565 ], [ -1.17771, 52.66801 ], [ -1.17886, 52.6691 ], [ -1.18022, 52.66936 ], [ -1.17796, 52.67148 ], [ -1.17895, 52.67316 ], [ -1.17789, 52.67409 ], [ -1.17798, 52.67539 ], [ -1.17846, 52.67538 ], [ -1.17841, 52.67559 ], [ -1.17909, 52.6764 ], [ -1.17793, 52.67723 ], [ -1.17805, 52.678 ], [ -1.17768, 52.67821 ], [ -1.17681, 52.67849 ], [ -1.1749, 52.67833 ], [ -1.17438, 52.67855 ], [ -1.17037, 52.67623 ], [ -1.16989, 52.67536 ], [ -1.17112, 52.67478 ], [ -1.16995, 52.67452 ], [ -1.17081, 52.67405 ], [ -1.172, 52.67481 ], [ -1.17374, 52.67508 ], [ -1.17287, 52.67415 ], [ -1.17185, 52.67385 ], [ -1.1727, 52.67305 ], [ -1.17205, 52.67231 ], [ -1.17126, 52.67182 ], [ -1.17381, 52.67142 ], [ -1.17332, 52.67076 ], [ -1.17392, 52.66998 ], [ -1.1742, 52.66996 ], [ -1.17395, 52.66908 ], [ -1.17271, 52.66845 ], [ -1.17246, 52.66787 ], [ -1.17089, 52.66785 ], [ -1.17068, 52.66887 ], [ -1.17047, 52.66969 ], [ -1.16968, 52.66934 ], [ -1.16838, 52.66755 ], [ -1.16853, 52.66752 ], [ -1.16856, 52.6665 ], [ -1.16407, 52.66646 ], [ -1.16369, 52.66536 ], [ -1.16448, 52.66485 ], [ -1.16345, 52.66387 ], [ -1.1664, 52.66283 ], [ -1.1671, 52.66299 ], [ -1.167, 52.66253 ], [ -1.1681, 52.66194 ], [ -1.16748, 52.66147 ], [ -1.16549, 52.6617 ], [ -1.16426, 52.66115 ], [ -1.16208, 52.66203 ], [ -1.16042, 52.66233 ], [ -1.15919, 52.66227 ], [ -1.15773, 52.66209 ], [ -1.15767, 52.6623 ], [ -1.1577, 52.6628 ], [ -1.15656, 52.66257 ], [ -1.15602, 52.6628 ], [ -1.15495, 52.66383 ], [ -1.15441, 52.66407 ], [ -1.15443, 52.66486 ], [ -1.15361, 52.66474 ], [ -1.15334, 52.66417 ], [ -1.15129, 52.66423 ], [ -1.15157, 52.6649 ], [ -1.15119, 52.66527 ], [ -1.15084, 52.66454 ], [ -1.14889, 52.66207 ], [ -1.14858, 52.66168 ], [ -1.14767, 52.66064 ], [ -1.14554, 52.65933 ], [ -1.14557, 52.65927 ], [ -1.14617, 52.65834 ], [ -1.14664, 52.65764 ], [ -1.14698, 52.65786 ], [ -1.1477, 52.65764 ], [ -1.14818, 52.65741 ], [ -1.15001, 52.65797 ], [ -1.15332, 52.65713 ], [ -1.15387, 52.65683 ], [ -1.15209, 52.65592 ], [ -1.14952, 52.65519 ], [ -1.15081, 52.65382 ], [ -1.15198, 52.6525 ], [ -1.15691, 52.65293 ], [ -1.15574, 52.65401 ], [ -1.15742, 52.65476 ], [ -1.1586, 52.65399 ], [ -1.15991, 52.65273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -1.15443, 52.66486 ], [ -1.1545, 52.66487 ], [ -1.15444, 52.66511 ], [ -1.15443, 52.66486 ] ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002833", "population": 8500, "outputarea_code": "E00068784", "lsoa_code": "E01013630", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester East", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.11072, "latitude": 52.65453, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.1054, 52.64878 ], [ -1.10722, 52.64952 ], [ -1.1076, 52.64967 ], [ -1.11061, 52.65059 ], [ -1.11124, 52.65077 ], [ -1.11413, 52.65161 ], [ -1.11594, 52.65213 ], [ -1.11648, 52.65228 ], [ -1.11677, 52.65236 ], [ -1.11935, 52.65309 ], [ -1.11805, 52.6537 ], [ -1.11883, 52.65393 ], [ -1.11869, 52.65418 ], [ -1.11915, 52.65432 ], [ -1.11874, 52.65482 ], [ -1.11824, 52.65543 ], [ -1.11809, 52.65561 ], [ -1.11776, 52.65602 ], [ -1.11699, 52.65629 ], [ -1.11694, 52.65686 ], [ -1.11607, 52.65695 ], [ -1.11605, 52.65734 ], [ -1.1165, 52.65748 ], [ -1.11838, 52.6583 ], [ -1.11784, 52.65931 ], [ -1.11687, 52.65902 ], [ -1.11655, 52.6594 ], [ -1.11526, 52.65899 ], [ -1.11395, 52.66054 ], [ -1.11153, 52.65991 ], [ -1.10965, 52.65942 ], [ -1.10865, 52.65919 ], [ -1.10988, 52.65864 ], [ -1.10757, 52.65738 ], [ -1.10583, 52.65638 ], [ -1.10705, 52.65496 ], [ -1.10606, 52.65476 ], [ -1.10387, 52.65404 ], [ -1.10294, 52.65441 ], [ -1.10081, 52.65365 ], [ -1.10117, 52.65321 ], [ -1.10275, 52.6514 ], [ -1.1054, 52.64878 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002846", "population": 7298, "outputarea_code": "E00069263", "lsoa_code": "E01013729", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester West", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.17886, "latitude": 52.63476, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.19676, 52.63335 ], [ -1.19603, 52.63326 ], [ -1.19161, 52.63322 ], [ -1.18985, 52.63333 ], [ -1.19006, 52.63357 ], [ -1.19056, 52.63499 ], [ -1.1914, 52.63575 ], [ -1.19141, 52.63579 ], [ -1.19139, 52.63583 ], [ -1.19137, 52.63626 ], [ -1.19146, 52.63621 ], [ -1.19265, 52.63659 ], [ -1.192, 52.6372 ], [ -1.19144, 52.63682 ], [ -1.19137, 52.63677 ], [ -1.18988, 52.63834 ], [ -1.18875, 52.63808 ], [ -1.18785, 52.63838 ], [ -1.18734, 52.63809 ], [ -1.18372, 52.64211 ], [ -1.18351, 52.64235 ], [ -1.18317, 52.64221 ], [ -1.17567, 52.63908 ], [ -1.17474, 52.63991 ], [ -1.17306, 52.63907 ], [ -1.17093, 52.64092 ], [ -1.17026, 52.64072 ], [ -1.17064, 52.64039 ], [ -1.16992, 52.6406 ], [ -1.16911, 52.64035 ], [ -1.16551, 52.63967 ], [ -1.16468, 52.6395 ], [ -1.16438, 52.63894 ], [ -1.16148, 52.63751 ], [ -1.16067, 52.63757 ], [ -1.16083, 52.63962 ], [ -1.15551, 52.63867 ], [ -1.15388, 52.63851 ], [ -1.15258, 52.63842 ], [ -1.15257, 52.63801 ], [ -1.15239, 52.63663 ], [ -1.15397, 52.63572 ], [ -1.15669, 52.63618 ], [ -1.15682, 52.63589 ], [ -1.15691, 52.63568 ], [ -1.1574, 52.63608 ], [ -1.1586, 52.63558 ], [ -1.1585, 52.63555 ], [ -1.15732, 52.63538 ], [ -1.15871, 52.63332 ], [ -1.15966, 52.63333 ], [ -1.1599, 52.63305 ], [ -1.16007, 52.63305 ], [ -1.16023, 52.63305 ], [ -1.15888, 52.63289 ], [ -1.15975, 52.63179 ], [ -1.1612, 52.63222 ], [ -1.16097, 52.63062 ], [ -1.16111, 52.6299 ], [ -1.16044, 52.62903 ], [ -1.15902, 52.62887 ], [ -1.15896, 52.6285 ], [ -1.15968, 52.62741 ], [ -1.16031, 52.62736 ], [ -1.16056, 52.62693 ], [ -1.16402, 52.62873 ], [ -1.16465, 52.62906 ], [ -1.16514, 52.62931 ], [ -1.1675, 52.63047 ], [ -1.16997, 52.63145 ], [ -1.17148, 52.63192 ], [ -1.17249, 52.63215 ], [ -1.17589, 52.63262 ], [ -1.18067, 52.63263 ], [ -1.18165, 52.63254 ], [ -1.18257, 52.63242 ], [ -1.18882, 52.63125 ], [ -1.19088, 52.63084 ], [ -1.19156, 52.63072 ], [ -1.19446, 52.63014 ], [ -1.20021, 52.62917 ], [ -1.20547, 52.62887 ], [ -1.2084, 52.63041 ], [ -1.2085, 52.63489 ], [ -1.20664, 52.63529 ], [ -1.2047, 52.63515 ], [ -1.20302, 52.63465 ], [ -1.19676, 52.63335 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002847", "population": 10289, "outputarea_code": "E00068954", "lsoa_code": "E01013663", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester East", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.09715, "latitude": 52.63121, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.10496, 52.62454 ], [ -1.10474, 52.6233 ], [ -1.1062, 52.62286 ], [ -1.10851, 52.62359 ], [ -1.10831, 52.6238 ], [ -1.1062, 52.62335 ], [ -1.1067, 52.62367 ], [ -1.1058, 52.62476 ], [ -1.10702, 52.62481 ], [ -1.10706, 52.62513 ], [ -1.10629, 52.62634 ], [ -1.10705, 52.62656 ], [ -1.10617, 52.62661 ], [ -1.10533, 52.62798 ], [ -1.10452, 52.62793 ], [ -1.10432, 52.62821 ], [ -1.10476, 52.62834 ], [ -1.10473, 52.62881 ], [ -1.10588, 52.62908 ], [ -1.10504, 52.63039 ], [ -1.10536, 52.63102 ], [ -1.10482, 52.63135 ], [ -1.10561, 52.6316 ], [ -1.10555, 52.63211 ], [ -1.10485, 52.63287 ], [ -1.10415, 52.63363 ], [ -1.1033, 52.6337 ], [ -1.10328, 52.63274 ], [ -1.10248, 52.63343 ], [ -1.10191, 52.63359 ], [ -1.10134, 52.63405 ], [ -1.10067, 52.63369 ], [ -1.09999, 52.63379 ], [ -1.10337, 52.63516 ], [ -1.10358, 52.63566 ], [ -1.10308, 52.63589 ], [ -1.10398, 52.63626 ], [ -1.1038, 52.63725 ], [ -1.10292, 52.63651 ], [ -1.10201, 52.63735 ], [ -1.10129, 52.63706 ], [ -1.10037, 52.63792 ], [ -1.0999, 52.63772 ], [ -1.099, 52.63854 ], [ -1.09676, 52.63831 ], [ -1.09652, 52.63811 ], [ -1.09733, 52.63731 ], [ -1.09641, 52.63688 ], [ -1.09442, 52.63743 ], [ -1.09486, 52.6367 ], [ -1.09212, 52.63746 ], [ -1.09088, 52.63779 ], [ -1.09117, 52.63734 ], [ -1.09081, 52.63669 ], [ -1.09054, 52.63643 ], [ -1.09, 52.63651 ], [ -1.08859, 52.6352 ], [ -1.08897, 52.63512 ], [ -1.08875, 52.63444 ], [ -1.08861, 52.63315 ], [ -1.08853, 52.63262 ], [ -1.0893, 52.63246 ], [ -1.08844, 52.63124 ], [ -1.0883, 52.63022 ], [ -1.08828, 52.63007 ], [ -1.08805, 52.62793 ], [ -1.08825, 52.62636 ], [ -1.09102, 52.62641 ], [ -1.09153, 52.62638 ], [ -1.09563, 52.62626 ], [ -1.10074, 52.62738 ], [ -1.10078, 52.62732 ], [ -1.10214, 52.62437 ], [ -1.10242, 52.62413 ], [ -1.10496, 52.62454 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002848", "population": 11303, "outputarea_code": "E00069345", "lsoa_code": "E01013753", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.11197, "latitude": 52.62943, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.10705, 52.62656 ], [ -1.10785, 52.62561 ], [ -1.10877, 52.62591 ], [ -1.10789, 52.62678 ], [ -1.10838, 52.62672 ], [ -1.10928, 52.62581 ], [ -1.10979, 52.62614 ], [ -1.11044, 52.6261 ], [ -1.11089, 52.6263 ], [ -1.11026, 52.62689 ], [ -1.11108, 52.62716 ], [ -1.11058, 52.62731 ], [ -1.1109, 52.62737 ], [ -1.11061, 52.62768 ], [ -1.11058, 52.6279 ], [ -1.11153, 52.6277 ], [ -1.11328, 52.62785 ], [ -1.11359, 52.6281 ], [ -1.11422, 52.62791 ], [ -1.11378, 52.62754 ], [ -1.1143, 52.62723 ], [ -1.11372, 52.62718 ], [ -1.11464, 52.62667 ], [ -1.11493, 52.62671 ], [ -1.11521, 52.62682 ], [ -1.11493, 52.62804 ], [ -1.11594, 52.62827 ], [ -1.11644, 52.62805 ], [ -1.11658, 52.62722 ], [ -1.11584, 52.62721 ], [ -1.11558, 52.62691 ], [ -1.11789, 52.62722 ], [ -1.11848, 52.62697 ], [ -1.11896, 52.62682 ], [ -1.11977, 52.62729 ], [ -1.12163, 52.62851 ], [ -1.12002, 52.62947 ], [ -1.11988, 52.62956 ], [ -1.11837, 52.63046 ], [ -1.11785, 52.63026 ], [ -1.11708, 52.62996 ], [ -1.11593, 52.63084 ], [ -1.11434, 52.63106 ], [ -1.11426, 52.63118 ], [ -1.11566, 52.63196 ], [ -1.11403, 52.63362 ], [ -1.11375, 52.63367 ], [ -1.1135, 52.63323 ], [ -1.11099, 52.6329 ], [ -1.11149, 52.63241 ], [ -1.11121, 52.63225 ], [ -1.11079, 52.63212 ], [ -1.10877, 52.63169 ], [ -1.10862, 52.63191 ], [ -1.1063, 52.6318 ], [ -1.10595, 52.63225 ], [ -1.10555, 52.63211 ], [ -1.10561, 52.6316 ], [ -1.10482, 52.63135 ], [ -1.10536, 52.63102 ], [ -1.10504, 52.63039 ], [ -1.10588, 52.62908 ], [ -1.10473, 52.62881 ], [ -1.10476, 52.62834 ], [ -1.10432, 52.62821 ], [ -1.10452, 52.62793 ], [ -1.10533, 52.62798 ], [ -1.10617, 52.62661 ], [ -1.10705, 52.62656 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002849", "population": 14205, "outputarea_code": "E00069481", "lsoa_code": "E01013779", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester West", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.15161, "latitude": 52.62987, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.15236, 52.625 ], [ -1.15185, 52.62484 ], [ -1.15264, 52.62472 ], [ -1.15292, 52.62441 ], [ -1.15245, 52.62421 ], [ -1.15314, 52.62417 ], [ -1.15382, 52.62348 ], [ -1.15576, 52.62448 ], [ -1.1561, 52.62465 ], [ -1.16056, 52.62693 ], [ -1.16031, 52.62736 ], [ -1.15968, 52.62741 ], [ -1.15896, 52.6285 ], [ -1.15902, 52.62887 ], [ -1.16044, 52.62903 ], [ -1.16111, 52.6299 ], [ -1.16097, 52.63062 ], [ -1.1612, 52.63222 ], [ -1.15975, 52.63179 ], [ -1.15888, 52.63289 ], [ -1.16023, 52.63305 ], [ -1.16007, 52.63305 ], [ -1.1599, 52.63305 ], [ -1.15966, 52.63333 ], [ -1.15871, 52.63332 ], [ -1.15732, 52.63538 ], [ -1.1585, 52.63555 ], [ -1.1586, 52.63558 ], [ -1.1574, 52.63608 ], [ -1.15691, 52.63568 ], [ -1.15682, 52.63589 ], [ -1.15669, 52.63618 ], [ -1.15397, 52.63572 ], [ -1.15239, 52.63663 ], [ -1.15238, 52.63584 ], [ -1.15237, 52.63458 ], [ -1.15241, 52.63403 ], [ -1.15178, 52.63406 ], [ -1.15108, 52.6341 ], [ -1.1502, 52.63415 ], [ -1.14504, 52.63381 ], [ -1.14233, 52.63372 ], [ -1.14205, 52.63234 ], [ -1.14224, 52.63109 ], [ -1.14257, 52.62874 ], [ -1.14272, 52.62775 ], [ -1.14304, 52.62563 ], [ -1.14379, 52.62585 ], [ -1.14511, 52.62572 ], [ -1.14609, 52.62576 ], [ -1.14738, 52.62581 ], [ -1.14698, 52.62576 ], [ -1.14748, 52.62468 ], [ -1.14844, 52.6249 ], [ -1.14883, 52.62429 ], [ -1.15021, 52.62437 ], [ -1.15022, 52.62465 ], [ -1.15207, 52.62531 ], [ -1.15236, 52.625 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002852", "population": 7094, "outputarea_code": "E00068816", "lsoa_code": "E01013638", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester West", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.18223, "latitude": 52.62501, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -1.18239, 52.61978 ], [ -1.1827, 52.61999 ], [ -1.1846, 52.62071 ], [ -1.186, 52.62175 ], [ -1.18702, 52.62158 ], [ -1.18802, 52.62257 ], [ -1.18846, 52.62284 ], [ -1.18875, 52.62296 ], [ -1.18909, 52.6231 ], [ -1.19156, 52.62405 ], [ -1.19168, 52.6241 ], [ -1.19413, 52.62501 ], [ -1.19615, 52.6257 ], [ -1.19848, 52.62633 ], [ -1.20014, 52.62668 ], [ -1.20041, 52.62723 ], [ -1.20124, 52.62733 ], [ -1.2054, 52.62882 ], [ -1.20547, 52.62887 ], [ -1.20021, 52.62917 ], [ -1.19446, 52.63014 ], [ -1.19156, 52.63072 ], [ -1.19088, 52.63084 ], [ -1.18882, 52.63125 ], [ -1.18257, 52.63242 ], [ -1.18165, 52.63254 ], [ -1.18067, 52.63263 ], [ -1.18047, 52.63207 ], [ -1.18035, 52.63143 ], [ -1.17995, 52.63142 ], [ -1.17952, 52.6315 ], [ -1.17886, 52.63076 ], [ -1.17924, 52.6308 ], [ -1.17958, 52.63005 ], [ -1.17927, 52.629 ], [ -1.17799, 52.62813 ], [ -1.17615, 52.62772 ], [ -1.17445, 52.6268 ], [ -1.17392, 52.62598 ], [ -1.17304, 52.62595 ], [ -1.17104, 52.62522 ], [ -1.17066, 52.62503 ], [ -1.16922, 52.62379 ], [ -1.16707, 52.62265 ], [ -1.1662, 52.62266 ], [ -1.16618, 52.62223 ], [ -1.16299, 52.62111 ], [ -1.16383, 52.62098 ], [ -1.16373, 52.62056 ], [ -1.1645, 52.62047 ], [ -1.16588, 52.6209 ], [ -1.16653, 52.62063 ], [ -1.16606, 52.62011 ], [ -1.16514, 52.62022 ], [ -1.16471, 52.6198 ], [ -1.16394, 52.61976 ], [ -1.16389, 52.61929 ], [ -1.16464, 52.6188 ], [ -1.16439, 52.61857 ], [ -1.16545, 52.61822 ], [ -1.16705, 52.61854 ], [ -1.16768, 52.61902 ], [ -1.16733, 52.62034 ], [ -1.16864, 52.62058 ], [ -1.16756, 52.61838 ], [ -1.16815, 52.61814 ], [ -1.16969, 52.61824 ], [ -1.16994, 52.61891 ], [ -1.17084, 52.61886 ], [ -1.1711, 52.61814 ], [ -1.17189, 52.61771 ], [ -1.1745, 52.61822 ], [ -1.17479, 52.61796 ], [ -1.17612, 52.61806 ], [ -1.1774, 52.61809 ], [ -1.18239, 52.61978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -1.16533, 52.6204 ], [ -1.16502, 52.62024 ], [ -1.16514, 52.62022 ], [ -1.16533, 52.6204 ] ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002853", "population": 13171, "outputarea_code": "E00069404", "lsoa_code": "E01013763", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.10152, "latitude": 52.62267, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.09663, 52.61638 ], [ -1.09789, 52.61634 ], [ -1.09815, 52.61662 ], [ -1.09928, 52.61698 ], [ -1.10056, 52.61772 ], [ -1.10363, 52.61991 ], [ -1.1043, 52.62074 ], [ -1.10826, 52.62031 ], [ -1.10926, 52.62014 ], [ -1.11118, 52.61967 ], [ -1.1116, 52.62022 ], [ -1.11309, 52.62212 ], [ -1.11463, 52.62353 ], [ -1.11812, 52.62629 ], [ -1.11865, 52.62659 ], [ -1.11896, 52.62682 ], [ -1.11848, 52.62697 ], [ -1.11789, 52.62722 ], [ -1.11558, 52.62691 ], [ -1.11584, 52.62721 ], [ -1.11658, 52.62722 ], [ -1.11644, 52.62805 ], [ -1.11594, 52.62827 ], [ -1.11493, 52.62804 ], [ -1.11521, 52.62682 ], [ -1.11493, 52.62671 ], [ -1.11464, 52.62667 ], [ -1.11372, 52.62718 ], [ -1.1143, 52.62723 ], [ -1.11378, 52.62754 ], [ -1.11422, 52.62791 ], [ -1.11359, 52.6281 ], [ -1.11328, 52.62785 ], [ -1.11153, 52.6277 ], [ -1.11058, 52.6279 ], [ -1.11061, 52.62768 ], [ -1.1109, 52.62737 ], [ -1.11058, 52.62731 ], [ -1.11108, 52.62716 ], [ -1.11026, 52.62689 ], [ -1.11089, 52.6263 ], [ -1.11044, 52.6261 ], [ -1.10979, 52.62614 ], [ -1.10928, 52.62581 ], [ -1.10838, 52.62672 ], [ -1.10789, 52.62678 ], [ -1.10877, 52.62591 ], [ -1.10785, 52.62561 ], [ -1.10705, 52.62656 ], [ -1.10629, 52.62634 ], [ -1.10706, 52.62513 ], [ -1.10702, 52.62481 ], [ -1.1058, 52.62476 ], [ -1.1067, 52.62367 ], [ -1.1062, 52.62335 ], [ -1.10831, 52.6238 ], [ -1.10851, 52.62359 ], [ -1.1062, 52.62286 ], [ -1.10474, 52.6233 ], [ -1.10496, 52.62454 ], [ -1.10242, 52.62413 ], [ -1.10214, 52.62437 ], [ -1.10078, 52.62732 ], [ -1.10074, 52.62738 ], [ -1.09563, 52.62626 ], [ -1.09153, 52.62638 ], [ -1.09102, 52.62641 ], [ -1.08825, 52.62636 ], [ -1.09027, 52.62174 ], [ -1.09034, 52.62163 ], [ -1.09069, 52.62102 ], [ -1.09263, 52.61739 ], [ -1.09323, 52.61617 ], [ -1.09663, 52.61638 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002854", "population": 8465, "outputarea_code": "E00068814", "lsoa_code": "E01013639", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester West", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.16722, "latitude": 52.62422, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.16312, 52.6156 ], [ -1.16291, 52.6155 ], [ -1.16584, 52.61324 ], [ -1.16668, 52.61329 ], [ -1.16809, 52.61435 ], [ -1.17264, 52.61615 ], [ -1.17271, 52.61621 ], [ -1.17416, 52.61774 ], [ -1.17479, 52.61796 ], [ -1.1745, 52.61822 ], [ -1.17189, 52.61771 ], [ -1.1711, 52.61814 ], [ -1.17084, 52.61886 ], [ -1.16994, 52.61891 ], [ -1.16969, 52.61824 ], [ -1.16815, 52.61814 ], [ -1.16756, 52.61838 ], [ -1.16864, 52.62058 ], [ -1.16733, 52.62034 ], [ -1.16768, 52.61902 ], [ -1.16705, 52.61854 ], [ -1.16545, 52.61822 ], [ -1.16439, 52.61857 ], [ -1.16464, 52.6188 ], [ -1.16389, 52.61929 ], [ -1.16394, 52.61976 ], [ -1.16471, 52.6198 ], [ -1.16514, 52.62022 ], [ -1.16606, 52.62011 ], [ -1.16653, 52.62063 ], [ -1.16588, 52.6209 ], [ -1.1645, 52.62047 ], [ -1.16373, 52.62056 ], [ -1.16383, 52.62098 ], [ -1.16299, 52.62111 ], [ -1.16618, 52.62223 ], [ -1.1662, 52.62266 ], [ -1.16707, 52.62265 ], [ -1.16922, 52.62379 ], [ -1.17066, 52.62503 ], [ -1.17104, 52.62522 ], [ -1.17304, 52.62595 ], [ -1.17392, 52.62598 ], [ -1.17445, 52.6268 ], [ -1.17615, 52.62772 ], [ -1.17799, 52.62813 ], [ -1.17927, 52.629 ], [ -1.17958, 52.63005 ], [ -1.17924, 52.6308 ], [ -1.17886, 52.63076 ], [ -1.17952, 52.6315 ], [ -1.17995, 52.63142 ], [ -1.18035, 52.63143 ], [ -1.18047, 52.63207 ], [ -1.18067, 52.63263 ], [ -1.17589, 52.63262 ], [ -1.17249, 52.63215 ], [ -1.17148, 52.63192 ], [ -1.16997, 52.63145 ], [ -1.1675, 52.63047 ], [ -1.16514, 52.62931 ], [ -1.16465, 52.62906 ], [ -1.16402, 52.62873 ], [ -1.16056, 52.62693 ], [ -1.1561, 52.62465 ], [ -1.15576, 52.62448 ], [ -1.15382, 52.62348 ], [ -1.15557, 52.62213 ], [ -1.15573, 52.622 ], [ -1.15745, 52.62056 ], [ -1.15765, 52.62115 ], [ -1.15943, 52.62191 ], [ -1.16144, 52.62031 ], [ -1.16147, 52.6182 ], [ -1.16033, 52.61854 ], [ -1.16025, 52.61807 ], [ -1.16121, 52.61697 ], [ -1.16262, 52.61576 ], [ -1.16258, 52.61608 ], [ -1.16312, 52.6156 ] ], [ [ -1.16514, 52.62022 ], [ -1.16502, 52.62024 ], [ -1.16533, 52.6204 ], [ -1.16514, 52.62022 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002855", "population": 7717, "outputarea_code": "E00068813", "lsoa_code": "E01013636", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester West", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.15489, "latitude": 52.61725, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.15068, 52.61391 ], [ -1.15279, 52.61233 ], [ -1.15397, 52.61086 ], [ -1.15524, 52.61045 ], [ -1.15926, 52.6097 ], [ -1.16109, 52.60874 ], [ -1.16266, 52.60778 ], [ -1.16405, 52.60945 ], [ -1.16425, 52.60966 ], [ -1.16589, 52.6117 ], [ -1.16584, 52.61269 ], [ -1.16584, 52.61324 ], [ -1.16291, 52.6155 ], [ -1.16312, 52.6156 ], [ -1.16258, 52.61608 ], [ -1.16262, 52.61576 ], [ -1.16121, 52.61697 ], [ -1.16025, 52.61807 ], [ -1.16033, 52.61854 ], [ -1.16147, 52.6182 ], [ -1.16144, 52.62031 ], [ -1.15943, 52.62191 ], [ -1.15765, 52.62115 ], [ -1.15745, 52.62056 ], [ -1.15573, 52.622 ], [ -1.15557, 52.62213 ], [ -1.15382, 52.62348 ], [ -1.15314, 52.62417 ], [ -1.15245, 52.62421 ], [ -1.15292, 52.62441 ], [ -1.15264, 52.62472 ], [ -1.15185, 52.62484 ], [ -1.15236, 52.625 ], [ -1.15207, 52.62531 ], [ -1.15022, 52.62465 ], [ -1.15021, 52.62437 ], [ -1.14883, 52.62429 ], [ -1.14844, 52.6249 ], [ -1.14748, 52.62468 ], [ -1.14698, 52.62576 ], [ -1.14738, 52.62581 ], [ -1.14609, 52.62576 ], [ -1.14511, 52.62572 ], [ -1.14379, 52.62585 ], [ -1.14304, 52.62563 ], [ -1.1434, 52.62357 ], [ -1.14354, 52.62271 ], [ -1.14493, 52.6205 ], [ -1.14651, 52.61987 ], [ -1.14746, 52.61778 ], [ -1.14891, 52.61675 ], [ -1.14952, 52.61677 ], [ -1.14932, 52.61585 ], [ -1.15056, 52.61569 ], [ -1.15108, 52.61526 ], [ -1.15062, 52.61479 ], [ -1.15068, 52.61391 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002856", "population": 11942, "outputarea_code": "E00068873", "lsoa_code": "E01013642", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.11877, "latitude": 52.61824, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.12265, 52.60975 ], [ -1.12276, 52.61005 ], [ -1.12332, 52.61121 ], [ -1.12371, 52.61197 ], [ -1.12385, 52.61225 ], [ -1.12407, 52.6127 ], [ -1.12419, 52.61297 ], [ -1.12468, 52.61399 ], [ -1.12473, 52.6141 ], [ -1.12597, 52.61626 ], [ -1.12671, 52.6174 ], [ -1.12808, 52.61746 ], [ -1.13098, 52.61863 ], [ -1.13356, 52.61871 ], [ -1.13357, 52.61907 ], [ -1.13391, 52.61942 ], [ -1.13716, 52.61982 ], [ -1.13518, 52.62244 ], [ -1.13495, 52.62295 ], [ -1.13397, 52.62464 ], [ -1.13628, 52.62467 ], [ -1.13487, 52.62561 ], [ -1.13358, 52.62519 ], [ -1.13276, 52.62634 ], [ -1.13305, 52.62705 ], [ -1.13237, 52.62694 ], [ -1.13086, 52.62766 ], [ -1.13055, 52.62755 ], [ -1.13129, 52.62669 ], [ -1.12919, 52.62605 ], [ -1.12828, 52.62567 ], [ -1.12859, 52.62498 ], [ -1.12665, 52.62431 ], [ -1.12577, 52.62404 ], [ -1.12521, 52.62465 ], [ -1.12404, 52.62427 ], [ -1.12267, 52.62594 ], [ -1.12187, 52.62566 ], [ -1.12052, 52.62519 ], [ -1.11865, 52.62659 ], [ -1.11812, 52.62629 ], [ -1.11463, 52.62353 ], [ -1.11309, 52.62212 ], [ -1.1116, 52.62022 ], [ -1.11118, 52.61967 ], [ -1.10926, 52.62014 ], [ -1.10826, 52.62031 ], [ -1.1043, 52.62074 ], [ -1.10363, 52.61991 ], [ -1.10056, 52.61772 ], [ -1.09928, 52.61698 ], [ -1.09963, 52.61617 ], [ -1.10077, 52.61655 ], [ -1.1015, 52.6162 ], [ -1.10156, 52.61572 ], [ -1.10117, 52.61536 ], [ -1.10188, 52.61484 ], [ -1.10214, 52.61518 ], [ -1.10234, 52.61476 ], [ -1.10208, 52.61465 ], [ -1.10255, 52.61414 ], [ -1.10362, 52.61502 ], [ -1.10457, 52.61473 ], [ -1.10449, 52.61423 ], [ -1.10459, 52.61316 ], [ -1.108, 52.61249 ], [ -1.10861, 52.6132 ], [ -1.10925, 52.61278 ], [ -1.10856, 52.61266 ], [ -1.10846, 52.61237 ], [ -1.11053, 52.61195 ], [ -1.11268, 52.61125 ], [ -1.1127, 52.61119 ], [ -1.11331, 52.61116 ], [ -1.1136, 52.61073 ], [ -1.1158, 52.61055 ], [ -1.11629, 52.61001 ], [ -1.11572, 52.60916 ], [ -1.11618, 52.60821 ], [ -1.11712, 52.60844 ], [ -1.11726, 52.60884 ], [ -1.11673, 52.60915 ], [ -1.11717, 52.60952 ], [ -1.11846, 52.60962 ], [ -1.11847, 52.61039 ], [ -1.119, 52.61096 ], [ -1.11943, 52.61097 ], [ -1.11937, 52.60878 ], [ -1.12089, 52.60885 ], [ -1.12094, 52.60814 ], [ -1.12164, 52.60799 ], [ -1.12265, 52.60975 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002857", "population": 6507, "outputarea_code": "E00068701", "lsoa_code": "E01013614", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.14041, "latitude": 52.61256, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.13854, 52.60465 ], [ -1.13914, 52.60347 ], [ -1.13916, 52.60343 ], [ -1.13984, 52.60229 ], [ -1.14137, 52.60053 ], [ -1.14145, 52.60014 ], [ -1.14263, 52.60038 ], [ -1.14485, 52.60167 ], [ -1.14431, 52.60193 ], [ -1.14541, 52.60228 ], [ -1.14646, 52.60268 ], [ -1.14603, 52.60301 ], [ -1.1466, 52.60399 ], [ -1.14718, 52.60375 ], [ -1.14801, 52.60408 ], [ -1.14661, 52.60521 ], [ -1.14729, 52.60565 ], [ -1.14584, 52.60639 ], [ -1.14582, 52.60642 ], [ -1.14495, 52.60621 ], [ -1.14467, 52.60644 ], [ -1.14443, 52.60695 ], [ -1.14478, 52.60703 ], [ -1.14359, 52.60859 ], [ -1.14413, 52.60944 ], [ -1.14433, 52.60923 ], [ -1.1448, 52.61001 ], [ -1.14351, 52.61053 ], [ -1.14336, 52.61063 ], [ -1.1425, 52.61127 ], [ -1.14376, 52.61225 ], [ -1.14443, 52.61222 ], [ -1.14463, 52.6135 ], [ -1.14552, 52.61384 ], [ -1.14581, 52.61439 ], [ -1.14756, 52.615 ], [ -1.14891, 52.61675 ], [ -1.14746, 52.61778 ], [ -1.14651, 52.61987 ], [ -1.14493, 52.6205 ], [ -1.14354, 52.62271 ], [ -1.1434, 52.62357 ], [ -1.14296, 52.62356 ], [ -1.14236, 52.62198 ], [ -1.14001, 52.62071 ], [ -1.13716, 52.61982 ], [ -1.13391, 52.61942 ], [ -1.13357, 52.61907 ], [ -1.13356, 52.61871 ], [ -1.13354, 52.61823 ], [ -1.13271, 52.6181 ], [ -1.13256, 52.61525 ], [ -1.13058, 52.6146 ], [ -1.13072, 52.61185 ], [ -1.13134, 52.61289 ], [ -1.13201, 52.61287 ], [ -1.13189, 52.61262 ], [ -1.13173, 52.61241 ], [ -1.13161, 52.61164 ], [ -1.1365, 52.61154 ], [ -1.13699, 52.61132 ], [ -1.13634, 52.61104 ], [ -1.13684, 52.61068 ], [ -1.13694, 52.61034 ], [ -1.13656, 52.61025 ], [ -1.13614, 52.61024 ], [ -1.13646, 52.60979 ], [ -1.13732, 52.60769 ], [ -1.13831, 52.60508 ], [ -1.13854, 52.60465 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002858", "population": 7389, "outputarea_code": "E00069163", "lsoa_code": "E01013712", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.10639, "latitude": 52.60641, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.09836, 52.60429 ], [ -1.09842, 52.60416 ], [ -1.09882, 52.60326 ], [ -1.09994, 52.60349 ], [ -1.1002, 52.60245 ], [ -1.10163, 52.60224 ], [ -1.10192, 52.59931 ], [ -1.1039, 52.59799 ], [ -1.10479, 52.59639 ], [ -1.10365, 52.59591 ], [ -1.10679, 52.59563 ], [ -1.10691, 52.59562 ], [ -1.10826, 52.59612 ], [ -1.10824, 52.60063 ], [ -1.11283, 52.59999 ], [ -1.1132, 52.60057 ], [ -1.114, 52.60038 ], [ -1.11425, 52.60005 ], [ -1.11326, 52.59872 ], [ -1.11448, 52.59902 ], [ -1.11523, 52.60027 ], [ -1.11533, 52.60037 ], [ -1.1155, 52.60029 ], [ -1.11658, 52.60052 ], [ -1.11774, 52.60004 ], [ -1.11764, 52.60066 ], [ -1.11861, 52.60079 ], [ -1.1187, 52.60133 ], [ -1.11815, 52.60182 ], [ -1.11882, 52.60246 ], [ -1.11882, 52.60298 ], [ -1.11925, 52.60348 ], [ -1.11896, 52.60369 ], [ -1.11854, 52.60401 ], [ -1.11901, 52.60414 ], [ -1.1187, 52.60493 ], [ -1.11766, 52.60514 ], [ -1.11858, 52.60703 ], [ -1.11801, 52.60691 ], [ -1.11761, 52.60715 ], [ -1.11628, 52.60677 ], [ -1.11541, 52.60572 ], [ -1.11595, 52.6075 ], [ -1.11451, 52.60839 ], [ -1.11572, 52.60916 ], [ -1.11629, 52.61001 ], [ -1.1158, 52.61055 ], [ -1.1136, 52.61073 ], [ -1.11331, 52.61116 ], [ -1.1127, 52.61119 ], [ -1.11268, 52.61125 ], [ -1.11053, 52.61195 ], [ -1.10846, 52.61237 ], [ -1.10856, 52.61266 ], [ -1.10925, 52.61278 ], [ -1.10861, 52.6132 ], [ -1.108, 52.61249 ], [ -1.10459, 52.61316 ], [ -1.10449, 52.61423 ], [ -1.10457, 52.61473 ], [ -1.10362, 52.61502 ], [ -1.10255, 52.61414 ], [ -1.10208, 52.61465 ], [ -1.10234, 52.61476 ], [ -1.10214, 52.61518 ], [ -1.10188, 52.61484 ], [ -1.10117, 52.61536 ], [ -1.10156, 52.61572 ], [ -1.1015, 52.6162 ], [ -1.10077, 52.61655 ], [ -1.09963, 52.61617 ], [ -1.09928, 52.61698 ], [ -1.09815, 52.61662 ], [ -1.09789, 52.61634 ], [ -1.09663, 52.61638 ], [ -1.0974, 52.61321 ], [ -1.09756, 52.61287 ], [ -1.0981, 52.61169 ], [ -1.09838, 52.61111 ], [ -1.09727, 52.61085 ], [ -1.09487, 52.61023 ], [ -1.09346, 52.61025 ], [ -1.09359, 52.60972 ], [ -1.0937, 52.60869 ], [ -1.09537, 52.60739 ], [ -1.09606, 52.60681 ], [ -1.09697, 52.60627 ], [ -1.09821, 52.60458 ], [ -1.09822, 52.60455 ], [ -1.09836, 52.60429 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002860", "population": 8085, "outputarea_code": "E00068703", "lsoa_code": "E01013609", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.15647, "latitude": 52.60231, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.16616, 52.59267 ], [ -1.16662, 52.59271 ], [ -1.16842, 52.59283 ], [ -1.16918, 52.59159 ], [ -1.16944, 52.59162 ], [ -1.17213, 52.59183 ], [ -1.17246, 52.59285 ], [ -1.17416, 52.59285 ], [ -1.17404, 52.59371 ], [ -1.17145, 52.59343 ], [ -1.1704, 52.59391 ], [ -1.17086, 52.59484 ], [ -1.1701, 52.59599 ], [ -1.17037, 52.59656 ], [ -1.17155, 52.59666 ], [ -1.17264, 52.59731 ], [ -1.17161, 52.59867 ], [ -1.17009, 52.59835 ], [ -1.16887, 52.59977 ], [ -1.16798, 52.60143 ], [ -1.1661, 52.60219 ], [ -1.16537, 52.60304 ], [ -1.17105, 52.60582 ], [ -1.16782, 52.60796 ], [ -1.16405, 52.60945 ], [ -1.16266, 52.60778 ], [ -1.16109, 52.60874 ], [ -1.15926, 52.6097 ], [ -1.15524, 52.61045 ], [ -1.15397, 52.61086 ], [ -1.15279, 52.61233 ], [ -1.15068, 52.61391 ], [ -1.15062, 52.61479 ], [ -1.15108, 52.61526 ], [ -1.15056, 52.61569 ], [ -1.14932, 52.61585 ], [ -1.14952, 52.61677 ], [ -1.14891, 52.61675 ], [ -1.14756, 52.615 ], [ -1.14581, 52.61439 ], [ -1.14552, 52.61384 ], [ -1.14463, 52.6135 ], [ -1.14443, 52.61222 ], [ -1.14376, 52.61225 ], [ -1.1425, 52.61127 ], [ -1.14336, 52.61063 ], [ -1.14351, 52.61053 ], [ -1.1448, 52.61001 ], [ -1.14433, 52.60923 ], [ -1.14413, 52.60944 ], [ -1.14359, 52.60859 ], [ -1.14478, 52.60703 ], [ -1.14443, 52.60695 ], [ -1.14467, 52.60644 ], [ -1.14495, 52.60621 ], [ -1.14582, 52.60642 ], [ -1.14584, 52.60639 ], [ -1.14729, 52.60565 ], [ -1.14661, 52.60521 ], [ -1.14801, 52.60408 ], [ -1.14718, 52.60375 ], [ -1.1466, 52.60399 ], [ -1.14603, 52.60301 ], [ -1.14646, 52.60268 ], [ -1.14541, 52.60228 ], [ -1.14431, 52.60193 ], [ -1.14485, 52.60167 ], [ -1.14263, 52.60038 ], [ -1.14145, 52.60014 ], [ -1.14161, 52.59714 ], [ -1.14156, 52.59688 ], [ -1.14558, 52.59583 ], [ -1.14773, 52.59541 ], [ -1.14982, 52.59538 ], [ -1.15322, 52.59542 ], [ -1.15433, 52.5955 ], [ -1.15714, 52.59579 ], [ -1.15736, 52.59257 ], [ -1.15836, 52.59158 ], [ -1.15926, 52.59154 ], [ -1.15934, 52.59123 ], [ -1.15966, 52.59172 ], [ -1.16059, 52.59178 ], [ -1.1609, 52.5918 ], [ -1.16084, 52.59236 ], [ -1.16272, 52.59242 ], [ -1.16616, 52.59267 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002861", "population": 7727, "outputarea_code": "E00069017", "lsoa_code": "E01013678", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.13532, "latitude": 52.59633, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.1361, 52.58942 ], [ -1.13707, 52.58938 ], [ -1.14127, 52.59 ], [ -1.14086, 52.58769 ], [ -1.14161, 52.58784 ], [ -1.14362, 52.58803 ], [ -1.14599, 52.58813 ], [ -1.14672, 52.58815 ], [ -1.14595, 52.58931 ], [ -1.14573, 52.59005 ], [ -1.14561, 52.5905 ], [ -1.14455, 52.59077 ], [ -1.14441, 52.59107 ], [ -1.14373, 52.591 ], [ -1.14388, 52.59042 ], [ -1.14284, 52.59059 ], [ -1.14264, 52.59122 ], [ -1.14138, 52.59196 ], [ -1.14132, 52.5937 ], [ -1.14101, 52.59408 ], [ -1.14175, 52.59434 ], [ -1.14239, 52.59395 ], [ -1.14273, 52.59456 ], [ -1.14456, 52.59456 ], [ -1.1447, 52.59489 ], [ -1.14529, 52.59511 ], [ -1.14488, 52.59559 ], [ -1.14558, 52.59583 ], [ -1.14156, 52.59688 ], [ -1.14161, 52.59714 ], [ -1.14145, 52.60014 ], [ -1.14137, 52.60053 ], [ -1.13984, 52.60229 ], [ -1.13916, 52.60343 ], [ -1.13914, 52.60347 ], [ -1.13854, 52.60465 ], [ -1.13831, 52.60508 ], [ -1.13732, 52.60769 ], [ -1.13641, 52.60712 ], [ -1.13537, 52.60744 ], [ -1.137, 52.60432 ], [ -1.1355, 52.60471 ], [ -1.13588, 52.60399 ], [ -1.13181, 52.60319 ], [ -1.1314, 52.60277 ], [ -1.12888, 52.60384 ], [ -1.12767, 52.60031 ], [ -1.12727, 52.59911 ], [ -1.12702, 52.59821 ], [ -1.12691, 52.59779 ], [ -1.12672, 52.59707 ], [ -1.12662, 52.59663 ], [ -1.12658, 52.59634 ], [ -1.12648, 52.59568 ], [ -1.1268, 52.59564 ], [ -1.12647, 52.59332 ], [ -1.12644, 52.59292 ], [ -1.12646, 52.59289 ], [ -1.12667, 52.59108 ], [ -1.12777, 52.59137 ], [ -1.12806, 52.59099 ], [ -1.12967, 52.59153 ], [ -1.13096, 52.58999 ], [ -1.1361, 52.58942 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02002862", "population": 8234, "outputarea_code": "E00069016", "lsoa_code": "E01013673", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester South", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.1516, "latitude": 52.58884, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.15526, 52.58104 ], [ -1.15933, 52.58167 ], [ -1.1589, 52.58266 ], [ -1.15972, 52.58298 ], [ -1.16063, 52.58236 ], [ -1.16101, 52.58325 ], [ -1.16066, 52.58432 ], [ -1.15823, 52.58418 ], [ -1.15802, 52.58568 ], [ -1.15728, 52.58584 ], [ -1.15587, 52.58604 ], [ -1.15561, 52.58715 ], [ -1.15662, 52.58719 ], [ -1.15673, 52.5872 ], [ -1.15715, 52.58863 ], [ -1.15887, 52.58905 ], [ -1.15835, 52.58963 ], [ -1.15799, 52.59067 ], [ -1.15903, 52.5908 ], [ -1.1589, 52.59111 ], [ -1.15934, 52.59123 ], [ -1.15926, 52.59154 ], [ -1.15836, 52.59158 ], [ -1.15736, 52.59257 ], [ -1.15714, 52.59579 ], [ -1.15433, 52.5955 ], [ -1.15322, 52.59542 ], [ -1.14982, 52.59538 ], [ -1.14773, 52.59541 ], [ -1.14558, 52.59583 ], [ -1.14488, 52.59559 ], [ -1.14529, 52.59511 ], [ -1.1447, 52.59489 ], [ -1.14456, 52.59456 ], [ -1.14273, 52.59456 ], [ -1.14239, 52.59395 ], [ -1.14175, 52.59434 ], [ -1.14101, 52.59408 ], [ -1.14132, 52.5937 ], [ -1.14138, 52.59196 ], [ -1.14264, 52.59122 ], [ -1.14284, 52.59059 ], [ -1.14388, 52.59042 ], [ -1.14373, 52.591 ], [ -1.14441, 52.59107 ], [ -1.14455, 52.59077 ], [ -1.14561, 52.5905 ], [ -1.14573, 52.59005 ], [ -1.14595, 52.58931 ], [ -1.14672, 52.58815 ], [ -1.14599, 52.58813 ], [ -1.14625, 52.58668 ], [ -1.14744, 52.58476 ], [ -1.14821, 52.58355 ], [ -1.14872, 52.58281 ], [ -1.14889, 52.58256 ], [ -1.1495, 52.58102 ], [ -1.14998, 52.58098 ], [ -1.15273, 52.5807 ], [ -1.15526, 52.58104 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02005334", "population": 5718, "outputarea_code": "E00130072", "lsoa_code": "E01025635", "la_name": "Blaby", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Charnwood", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.21224, "latitude": 52.62239, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.22838, 52.61587 ], [ -1.22843, 52.61696 ], [ -1.22713, 52.61699 ], [ -1.22717, 52.6165 ], [ -1.22676, 52.61642 ], [ -1.22648, 52.61672 ], [ -1.22724, 52.61741 ], [ -1.22662, 52.61751 ], [ -1.22669, 52.61783 ], [ -1.22732, 52.61783 ], [ -1.22731, 52.61823 ], [ -1.22798, 52.61824 ], [ -1.22821, 52.61852 ], [ -1.22771, 52.61894 ], [ -1.22767, 52.61862 ], [ -1.22677, 52.61842 ], [ -1.22649, 52.61888 ], [ -1.22713, 52.61899 ], [ -1.22683, 52.61958 ], [ -1.22562, 52.6198 ], [ -1.22432, 52.61949 ], [ -1.22417, 52.62 ], [ -1.22311, 52.61998 ], [ -1.22295, 52.62024 ], [ -1.22184, 52.61982 ], [ -1.22144, 52.62003 ], [ -1.22138, 52.61977 ], [ -1.2205, 52.61997 ], [ -1.21966, 52.61946 ], [ -1.2185, 52.61918 ], [ -1.21879, 52.61953 ], [ -1.21987, 52.62026 ], [ -1.21975, 52.6207 ], [ -1.22095, 52.62128 ], [ -1.21966, 52.62211 ], [ -1.22207, 52.6229 ], [ -1.21999, 52.6237 ], [ -1.21989, 52.62453 ], [ -1.21851, 52.62507 ], [ -1.21899, 52.62527 ], [ -1.21888, 52.62556 ], [ -1.21865, 52.62594 ], [ -1.21965, 52.62676 ], [ -1.21449, 52.62779 ], [ -1.21211, 52.62821 ], [ -1.20953, 52.62857 ], [ -1.20612, 52.62878 ], [ -1.2054, 52.62882 ], [ -1.20124, 52.62733 ], [ -1.20127, 52.62696 ], [ -1.2007, 52.62596 ], [ -1.20149, 52.62408 ], [ -1.20184, 52.62301 ], [ -1.20216, 52.62211 ], [ -1.20282, 52.62007 ], [ -1.20319, 52.61881 ], [ -1.20362, 52.6173 ], [ -1.20424, 52.61709 ], [ -1.20499, 52.61707 ], [ -1.20551, 52.61762 ], [ -1.20969, 52.61822 ], [ -1.21081, 52.61798 ], [ -1.21439, 52.61728 ], [ -1.21744, 52.61716 ], [ -1.21946, 52.61826 ], [ -1.22062, 52.61825 ], [ -1.22192, 52.61766 ], [ -1.22274, 52.61651 ], [ -1.22505, 52.6156 ], [ -1.22776, 52.61624 ], [ -1.22838, 52.61587 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02005337", "population": 9845, "outputarea_code": "E00130092", "lsoa_code": "E01025636", "la_name": "Blaby", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "South Leicestershire", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.17805, "latitude": 52.6087, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.16782, 52.60796 ], [ -1.17105, 52.60582 ], [ -1.16537, 52.60304 ], [ -1.1661, 52.60219 ], [ -1.16798, 52.60143 ], [ -1.16973, 52.60095 ], [ -1.17763, 52.60181 ], [ -1.17815, 52.60134 ], [ -1.17866, 52.60143 ], [ -1.17966, 52.60076 ], [ -1.18055, 52.60061 ], [ -1.18029, 52.60008 ], [ -1.18163, 52.59906 ], [ -1.18265, 52.59971 ], [ -1.18661, 52.60022 ], [ -1.1868, 52.60025 ], [ -1.18804, 52.60506 ], [ -1.18831, 52.6057 ], [ -1.18896, 52.60728 ], [ -1.1895, 52.61076 ], [ -1.18972, 52.61375 ], [ -1.18915, 52.61552 ], [ -1.18434, 52.61553 ], [ -1.18417, 52.6158 ], [ -1.18357, 52.61559 ], [ -1.18319, 52.61557 ], [ -1.18292, 52.61632 ], [ -1.18213, 52.61636 ], [ -1.18015, 52.61708 ], [ -1.17941, 52.61639 ], [ -1.17648, 52.61688 ], [ -1.17599, 52.61689 ], [ -1.17605, 52.61759 ], [ -1.17612, 52.61806 ], [ -1.17479, 52.61796 ], [ -1.17416, 52.61774 ], [ -1.17271, 52.61621 ], [ -1.17264, 52.61615 ], [ -1.16809, 52.61435 ], [ -1.16668, 52.61329 ], [ -1.16584, 52.61324 ], [ -1.16584, 52.61269 ], [ -1.16589, 52.6117 ], [ -1.16425, 52.60966 ], [ -1.16405, 52.60945 ], [ -1.16782, 52.60796 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Leicester", "bua_code": "E35001399", "msoa_code": "E02006815", "population": 9628, "outputarea_code": "E00069124", "lsoa_code": "E01013698", "la_name": "Leicester", "bua_name": "Leicester BUASD", "constituency_name": "Leicester East", "citytownclassification": "Other City", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.05534, "latitude": 52.64335, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.05618, 52.63219 ], [ -1.06147, 52.63227 ], [ -1.06291, 52.63292 ], [ -1.06497, 52.63436 ], [ -1.06449, 52.63483 ], [ -1.06496, 52.63536 ], [ -1.0638, 52.63562 ], [ -1.06339, 52.63602 ], [ -1.06158, 52.63539 ], [ -1.06141, 52.63562 ], [ -1.06545, 52.63663 ], [ -1.06509, 52.63726 ], [ -1.06405, 52.63713 ], [ -1.06371, 52.63659 ], [ -1.06287, 52.63683 ], [ -1.06313, 52.63743 ], [ -1.06245, 52.6376 ], [ -1.06209, 52.63719 ], [ -1.06177, 52.63782 ], [ -1.06271, 52.63891 ], [ -1.06173, 52.63962 ], [ -1.06135, 52.63947 ], [ -1.0615, 52.63997 ], [ -1.06238, 52.64035 ], [ -1.06271, 52.6401 ], [ -1.06414, 52.64077 ], [ -1.06374, 52.64093 ], [ -1.06388, 52.64144 ], [ -1.06319, 52.64144 ], [ -1.06309, 52.64171 ], [ -1.06233, 52.64157 ], [ -1.06201, 52.64188 ], [ -1.06255, 52.64202 ], [ -1.06259, 52.64268 ], [ -1.06353, 52.64263 ], [ -1.06468, 52.64303 ], [ -1.06462, 52.64337 ], [ -1.06216, 52.6432 ], [ -1.05953, 52.64322 ], [ -1.05934, 52.64416 ], [ -1.05928, 52.64646 ], [ -1.05988, 52.64628 ], [ -1.0604, 52.64674 ], [ -1.06031, 52.64763 ], [ -1.06043, 52.64888 ], [ -1.0616, 52.64858 ], [ -1.06186, 52.64876 ], [ -1.06118, 52.64921 ], [ -1.06065, 52.64959 ], [ -1.05878, 52.64914 ], [ -1.05874, 52.64945 ], [ -1.05742, 52.64943 ], [ -1.05595, 52.65013 ], [ -1.05551, 52.65001 ], [ -1.05573, 52.6507 ], [ -1.05696, 52.64999 ], [ -1.0571, 52.65058 ], [ -1.05779, 52.65038 ], [ -1.05914, 52.65108 ], [ -1.05943, 52.6513 ], [ -1.0591, 52.65155 ], [ -1.05993, 52.65174 ], [ -1.06035, 52.65354 ], [ -1.05908, 52.65612 ], [ -1.05894, 52.65645 ], [ -1.04861, 52.655 ], [ -1.04873, 52.65407 ], [ -1.04818, 52.65178 ], [ -1.04802, 52.64819 ], [ -1.05102, 52.6481 ], [ -1.05108, 52.6478 ], [ -1.05166, 52.64465 ], [ -1.05162, 52.64408 ], [ -1.05097, 52.64393 ], [ -1.05125, 52.64323 ], [ -1.04919, 52.6434 ], [ -1.04947, 52.64266 ], [ -1.04743, 52.6424 ], [ -1.04754, 52.6405 ], [ -1.04765, 52.63817 ], [ -1.04616, 52.6381 ], [ -1.04621, 52.63791 ], [ -1.04623, 52.63784 ], [ -1.04623, 52.63781 ], [ -1.04807, 52.63733 ], [ -1.04814, 52.63536 ], [ -1.04678, 52.63524 ], [ -1.04696, 52.63462 ], [ -1.04867, 52.63461 ], [ -1.05293, 52.63453 ], [ -1.05313, 52.63327 ], [ -1.056, 52.63257 ], [ -1.05618, 52.63219 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Long Eaton", "bua_code": "E35000992", "msoa_code": "E02004089", "population": 7110, "outputarea_code": "E00099402", "lsoa_code": "E01019647", "la_name": "Erewash", "bua_name": "Long Eaton BUASD", "constituency_name": "Erewash", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.27121, "latitude": 52.89808, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.27193, 52.88619 ], [ -1.2726, 52.88727 ], [ -1.27316, 52.88683 ], [ -1.27425, 52.88733 ], [ -1.27449, 52.88781 ], [ -1.27305, 52.88835 ], [ -1.27259, 52.88834 ], [ -1.27245, 52.88798 ], [ -1.27179, 52.88897 ], [ -1.27022, 52.88969 ], [ -1.26875, 52.88928 ], [ -1.26971, 52.89013 ], [ -1.26796, 52.89041 ], [ -1.26833, 52.89125 ], [ -1.26875, 52.89118 ], [ -1.26898, 52.89177 ], [ -1.26979, 52.89164 ], [ -1.27017, 52.8921 ], [ -1.27104, 52.89196 ], [ -1.27143, 52.89146 ], [ -1.27234, 52.89222 ], [ -1.27314, 52.89343 ], [ -1.2728, 52.89355 ], [ -1.27391, 52.89338 ], [ -1.27518, 52.89412 ], [ -1.27612, 52.89309 ], [ -1.27639, 52.89322 ], [ -1.27586, 52.89523 ], [ -1.27569, 52.89618 ], [ -1.27887, 52.89636 ], [ -1.28092, 52.89602 ], [ -1.2821, 52.89637 ], [ -1.28325, 52.89733 ], [ -1.28134, 52.89775 ], [ -1.28113, 52.89878 ], [ -1.28172, 52.89921 ], [ -1.28106, 52.89946 ], [ -1.28105, 52.90003 ], [ -1.28295, 52.90179 ], [ -1.28157, 52.90183 ], [ -1.28109, 52.90276 ], [ -1.28042, 52.90261 ], [ -1.28034, 52.9018 ], [ -1.27988, 52.90156 ], [ -1.27992, 52.9029 ], [ -1.27951, 52.90291 ], [ -1.27936, 52.90132 ], [ -1.2778, 52.90091 ], [ -1.27734, 52.90079 ], [ -1.2773, 52.90112 ], [ -1.27715, 52.90311 ], [ -1.27768, 52.90314 ], [ -1.2785, 52.90468 ], [ -1.27803, 52.90479 ], [ -1.27932, 52.90587 ], [ -1.2807, 52.90706 ], [ -1.2798, 52.90724 ], [ -1.2814, 52.90874 ], [ -1.28048, 52.90895 ], [ -1.27498, 52.90546 ], [ -1.27309, 52.90516 ], [ -1.26981, 52.90514 ], [ -1.26949, 52.90516 ], [ -1.26883, 52.90523 ], [ -1.26586, 52.90516 ], [ -1.26551, 52.9051 ], [ -1.26317, 52.90445 ], [ -1.26233, 52.90419 ], [ -1.26171, 52.90345 ], [ -1.26095, 52.9027 ], [ -1.26172, 52.90216 ], [ -1.26405, 52.90252 ], [ -1.26416, 52.90102 ], [ -1.26469, 52.9006 ], [ -1.26602, 52.90032 ], [ -1.2658, 52.90003 ], [ -1.26457, 52.89857 ], [ -1.26506, 52.89842 ], [ -1.26487, 52.89813 ], [ -1.26383, 52.89715 ], [ -1.26278, 52.89793 ], [ -1.26244, 52.89752 ], [ -1.26274, 52.89717 ], [ -1.26141, 52.89584 ], [ -1.26021, 52.89587 ], [ -1.26102, 52.89561 ], [ -1.2603, 52.89473 ], [ -1.26028, 52.89387 ], [ -1.26128, 52.89385 ], [ -1.26207, 52.89453 ], [ -1.26293, 52.89443 ], [ -1.26226, 52.89361 ], [ -1.26289, 52.89342 ], [ -1.26294, 52.89381 ], [ -1.26373, 52.89371 ], [ -1.26599, 52.89524 ], [ -1.26632, 52.89502 ], [ -1.26522, 52.89353 ], [ -1.26525, 52.89329 ], [ -1.26492, 52.89329 ], [ -1.26464, 52.89039 ], [ -1.26551, 52.88945 ], [ -1.26589, 52.88771 ], [ -1.26863, 52.88691 ], [ -1.27159, 52.88625 ], [ -1.27193, 52.88619 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Long Eaton", "bua_code": "E35000992", "msoa_code": "E02004091", "population": 9411, "outputarea_code": "E00099544", "lsoa_code": "E01019678", "la_name": "Erewash", "bua_name": "Long Eaton BUASD", "constituency_name": "Erewash", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.26289, "latitude": 52.88641, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.27159, 52.88625 ], [ -1.26863, 52.88691 ], [ -1.26589, 52.88771 ], [ -1.26551, 52.88945 ], [ -1.26464, 52.89039 ], [ -1.26492, 52.89329 ], [ -1.26525, 52.89329 ], [ -1.26522, 52.89353 ], [ -1.26632, 52.89502 ], [ -1.26599, 52.89524 ], [ -1.26373, 52.89371 ], [ -1.26294, 52.89381 ], [ -1.26289, 52.89342 ], [ -1.26226, 52.89361 ], [ -1.26293, 52.89443 ], [ -1.26207, 52.89453 ], [ -1.26128, 52.89385 ], [ -1.26028, 52.89387 ], [ -1.2603, 52.89473 ], [ -1.26102, 52.89561 ], [ -1.26021, 52.89587 ], [ -1.26141, 52.89584 ], [ -1.26274, 52.89717 ], [ -1.26244, 52.89752 ], [ -1.26278, 52.89793 ], [ -1.26383, 52.89715 ], [ -1.26487, 52.89813 ], [ -1.26506, 52.89842 ], [ -1.26457, 52.89857 ], [ -1.2658, 52.90003 ], [ -1.26602, 52.90032 ], [ -1.26469, 52.9006 ], [ -1.26416, 52.90102 ], [ -1.26405, 52.90252 ], [ -1.26172, 52.90216 ], [ -1.26095, 52.9027 ], [ -1.26171, 52.90345 ], [ -1.26233, 52.90419 ], [ -1.25964, 52.90349 ], [ -1.2567, 52.90185 ], [ -1.25402, 52.90194 ], [ -1.25342, 52.90242 ], [ -1.25133, 52.90204 ], [ -1.25082, 52.90262 ], [ -1.2491, 52.90293 ], [ -1.24662, 52.9031 ], [ -1.24512, 52.90219 ], [ -1.24751, 52.89993 ], [ -1.24698, 52.89933 ], [ -1.24755, 52.89889 ], [ -1.24587, 52.8975 ], [ -1.24452, 52.8971 ], [ -1.24466, 52.89657 ], [ -1.24258, 52.89621 ], [ -1.24177, 52.89529 ], [ -1.24104, 52.89536 ], [ -1.24029, 52.89504 ], [ -1.24046, 52.89472 ], [ -1.23962, 52.89424 ], [ -1.23968, 52.89297 ], [ -1.23971, 52.89229 ], [ -1.24125, 52.89211 ], [ -1.24128, 52.89244 ], [ -1.24242, 52.89208 ], [ -1.24523, 52.89078 ], [ -1.24611, 52.88998 ], [ -1.24638, 52.88877 ], [ -1.24508, 52.8869 ], [ -1.24069, 52.88493 ], [ -1.23899, 52.88352 ], [ -1.23845, 52.88181 ], [ -1.23996, 52.88021 ], [ -1.24006, 52.88011 ], [ -1.24262, 52.87914 ], [ -1.24483, 52.87876 ], [ -1.25025, 52.87954 ], [ -1.25361, 52.87929 ], [ -1.25583, 52.87813 ], [ -1.25991, 52.87507 ], [ -1.2661, 52.87331 ], [ -1.26789, 52.87337 ], [ -1.27017, 52.87447 ], [ -1.27066, 52.87473 ], [ -1.27465, 52.87553 ], [ -1.27934, 52.87553 ], [ -1.28084, 52.87519 ], [ -1.286, 52.87263 ], [ -1.28836, 52.8724 ], [ -1.2906, 52.87276 ], [ -1.28697, 52.87784 ], [ -1.28599, 52.87965 ], [ -1.28694, 52.87963 ], [ -1.28714, 52.87994 ], [ -1.28807, 52.87977 ], [ -1.28903, 52.88106 ], [ -1.29021, 52.88169 ], [ -1.29026, 52.8821 ], [ -1.28991, 52.88201 ], [ -1.28926, 52.88244 ], [ -1.28984, 52.8826 ], [ -1.29007, 52.88314 ], [ -1.28948, 52.88311 ], [ -1.28912, 52.88355 ], [ -1.28852, 52.88348 ], [ -1.28852, 52.8839 ], [ -1.28987, 52.88458 ], [ -1.28988, 52.88509 ], [ -1.28798, 52.88499 ], [ -1.28638, 52.88495 ], [ -1.28432, 52.88631 ], [ -1.28301, 52.88734 ], [ -1.28242, 52.8878 ], [ -1.28102, 52.88877 ], [ -1.28046, 52.88911 ], [ -1.28045, 52.88952 ], [ -1.2796, 52.89011 ], [ -1.27918, 52.89051 ], [ -1.27698, 52.89258 ], [ -1.27639, 52.89322 ], [ -1.27612, 52.89309 ], [ -1.27518, 52.89412 ], [ -1.27391, 52.89338 ], [ -1.2728, 52.89355 ], [ -1.27314, 52.89343 ], [ -1.27234, 52.89222 ], [ -1.27143, 52.89146 ], [ -1.27104, 52.89196 ], [ -1.27017, 52.8921 ], [ -1.26979, 52.89164 ], [ -1.26898, 52.89177 ], [ -1.26875, 52.89118 ], [ -1.26833, 52.89125 ], [ -1.26796, 52.89041 ], [ -1.26971, 52.89013 ], [ -1.26875, 52.88928 ], [ -1.27022, 52.88969 ], [ -1.27179, 52.88897 ], [ -1.27245, 52.88798 ], [ -1.27259, 52.88834 ], [ -1.27305, 52.88835 ], [ -1.27449, 52.88781 ], [ -1.27425, 52.88733 ], [ -1.27316, 52.88683 ], [ -1.2726, 52.88727 ], [ -1.27193, 52.88619 ], [ -1.27159, 52.88625 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Long Eaton", "bua_code": "E35000992", "msoa_code": "E02004092", "population": 9858, "outputarea_code": "E00099654", "lsoa_code": "E01019697", "la_name": "Erewash", "bua_name": "Long Eaton BUASD", "constituency_name": "Erewash", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town in Conurbation", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.29468, "latitude": 52.88422, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.28984, 52.8826 ], [ -1.28926, 52.88244 ], [ -1.28991, 52.88201 ], [ -1.29026, 52.8821 ], [ -1.29021, 52.88169 ], [ -1.28903, 52.88106 ], [ -1.28807, 52.87977 ], [ -1.28714, 52.87994 ], [ -1.28694, 52.87963 ], [ -1.28599, 52.87965 ], [ -1.28697, 52.87784 ], [ -1.2906, 52.87276 ], [ -1.29646, 52.87491 ], [ -1.29901, 52.87539 ], [ -1.3012, 52.87542 ], [ -1.30246, 52.87559 ], [ -1.30438, 52.87663 ], [ -1.30625, 52.87706 ], [ -1.30746, 52.87567 ], [ -1.30769, 52.87423 ], [ -1.30903, 52.87346 ], [ -1.30915, 52.87341 ], [ -1.30933, 52.87335 ], [ -1.31041, 52.87564 ], [ -1.31094, 52.87787 ], [ -1.3106, 52.88083 ], [ -1.31095, 52.88089 ], [ -1.31005, 52.88318 ], [ -1.3091, 52.88505 ], [ -1.30594, 52.8885 ], [ -1.301, 52.88695 ], [ -1.30013, 52.88672 ], [ -1.29949, 52.88656 ], [ -1.29925, 52.88705 ], [ -1.29836, 52.88731 ], [ -1.29857, 52.88853 ], [ -1.29984, 52.88894 ], [ -1.29816, 52.88931 ], [ -1.2977, 52.88907 ], [ -1.29697, 52.88954 ], [ -1.29709, 52.89016 ], [ -1.2964, 52.89024 ], [ -1.29615, 52.89 ], [ -1.2957, 52.89057 ], [ -1.29618, 52.891 ], [ -1.2974, 52.89094 ], [ -1.297, 52.89134 ], [ -1.29754, 52.8916 ], [ -1.29716, 52.89202 ], [ -1.2957, 52.89146 ], [ -1.29513, 52.8913 ], [ -1.2939, 52.89094 ], [ -1.29351, 52.89047 ], [ -1.29225, 52.89054 ], [ -1.29164, 52.8902 ], [ -1.29046, 52.89011 ], [ -1.2906, 52.88984 ], [ -1.28987, 52.88966 ], [ -1.28979, 52.88935 ], [ -1.28919, 52.88941 ], [ -1.28954, 52.88905 ], [ -1.28936, 52.88877 ], [ -1.28752, 52.88922 ], [ -1.28726, 52.88928 ], [ -1.2881, 52.89037 ], [ -1.28773, 52.89059 ], [ -1.28943, 52.89039 ], [ -1.28955, 52.89096 ], [ -1.29032, 52.89275 ], [ -1.28893, 52.89306 ], [ -1.28799, 52.89367 ], [ -1.28447, 52.89746 ], [ -1.28325, 52.89733 ], [ -1.2821, 52.89637 ], [ -1.28092, 52.89602 ], [ -1.27887, 52.89636 ], [ -1.27569, 52.89618 ], [ -1.27586, 52.89523 ], [ -1.27639, 52.89322 ], [ -1.27698, 52.89258 ], [ -1.27918, 52.89051 ], [ -1.2796, 52.89011 ], [ -1.28045, 52.88952 ], [ -1.28046, 52.88911 ], [ -1.28102, 52.88877 ], [ -1.28242, 52.8878 ], [ -1.28301, 52.88734 ], [ -1.28432, 52.88631 ], [ -1.28638, 52.88495 ], [ -1.28798, 52.88499 ], [ -1.28988, 52.88509 ], [ -1.28987, 52.88458 ], [ -1.28852, 52.8839 ], [ -1.28852, 52.88348 ], [ -1.28912, 52.88355 ], [ -1.28948, 52.88311 ], [ -1.29007, 52.88314 ], [ -1.28984, 52.8826 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Loughborough", "bua_code": "E34000597", "msoa_code": "E02005346", "population": 12384, "outputarea_code": "E00130399", "lsoa_code": "E01025701", "la_name": "Charnwood", "bua_name": "Loughborough BUA", "constituency_name": "Loughborough", "citytownclassification": "Large Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.20087, "latitude": 52.7796, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.19465, 52.76603 ], [ -1.19366, 52.76523 ], [ -1.19416, 52.76498 ], [ -1.19513, 52.76471 ], [ -1.19581, 52.76551 ], [ -1.19621, 52.76534 ], [ -1.19761, 52.76474 ], [ -1.19789, 52.76462 ], [ -1.1982, 52.76496 ], [ -1.20098, 52.76801 ], [ -1.20333, 52.77003 ], [ -1.20413, 52.77067 ], [ -1.20478, 52.7712 ], [ -1.20572, 52.77192 ], [ -1.20759, 52.77242 ], [ -1.21051, 52.77402 ], [ -1.21109, 52.77425 ], [ -1.2141, 52.7759 ], [ -1.21611, 52.77668 ], [ -1.21649, 52.77682 ], [ -1.22079, 52.77982 ], [ -1.22086, 52.77987 ], [ -1.22283, 52.78101 ], [ -1.22509, 52.78154 ], [ -1.22725, 52.78205 ], [ -1.22736, 52.78241 ], [ -1.23005, 52.78358 ], [ -1.23395, 52.78455 ], [ -1.23365, 52.78513 ], [ -1.23008, 52.79013 ], [ -1.22798, 52.79127 ], [ -1.22816, 52.79255 ], [ -1.22841, 52.79311 ], [ -1.22651, 52.79249 ], [ -1.22576, 52.79164 ], [ -1.22486, 52.79227 ], [ -1.22337, 52.7921 ], [ -1.22278, 52.79215 ], [ -1.22207, 52.79177 ], [ -1.22094, 52.79201 ], [ -1.21823, 52.79326 ], [ -1.2184, 52.79374 ], [ -1.21755, 52.79378 ], [ -1.21713, 52.79341 ], [ -1.21674, 52.7936 ], [ -1.21526, 52.79488 ], [ -1.21167, 52.79496 ], [ -1.20692, 52.79424 ], [ -1.20681, 52.79372 ], [ -1.20628, 52.79354 ], [ -1.20029, 52.79379 ], [ -1.19851, 52.79309 ], [ -1.19866, 52.79213 ], [ -1.1991, 52.79192 ], [ -1.19973, 52.79211 ], [ -1.20005, 52.79186 ], [ -1.19955, 52.79087 ], [ -1.19911, 52.79061 ], [ -1.19833, 52.7907 ], [ -1.19741, 52.79078 ], [ -1.19778, 52.79032 ], [ -1.19869, 52.79039 ], [ -1.19798, 52.78946 ], [ -1.19614, 52.79017 ], [ -1.19462, 52.78938 ], [ -1.19403, 52.78852 ], [ -1.19126, 52.78642 ], [ -1.18808, 52.78522 ], [ -1.18784, 52.78384 ], [ -1.18552, 52.78197 ], [ -1.18476, 52.7821 ], [ -1.18506, 52.78311 ], [ -1.18407, 52.78304 ], [ -1.18266, 52.78229 ], [ -1.18075, 52.78186 ], [ -1.17995, 52.78028 ], [ -1.17994, 52.77997 ], [ -1.18074, 52.77985 ], [ -1.182, 52.77774 ], [ -1.18051, 52.77601 ], [ -1.17945, 52.77558 ], [ -1.17754, 52.77647 ], [ -1.17672, 52.77646 ], [ -1.1759, 52.77472 ], [ -1.17519, 52.77215 ], [ -1.17423, 52.77073 ], [ -1.17121, 52.77012 ], [ -1.16933, 52.76851 ], [ -1.16831, 52.76696 ], [ -1.17852, 52.76362 ], [ -1.18316, 52.76356 ], [ -1.18781, 52.76482 ], [ -1.19046, 52.766 ], [ -1.19121, 52.76666 ], [ -1.19208, 52.76669 ], [ -1.19324, 52.76666 ], [ -1.19465, 52.76603 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Loughborough", "bua_code": "E34000597", "msoa_code": "E02005351", "population": 11973, "outputarea_code": "E00130350", "lsoa_code": "E01025690", "la_name": "Charnwood", "bua_name": "Loughborough BUA", "constituency_name": "Loughborough", "citytownclassification": "Large Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.23406, "latitude": 52.7652, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.23605, 52.75498 ], [ -1.23666, 52.75529 ], [ -1.236, 52.75553 ], [ -1.23586, 52.75606 ], [ -1.23707, 52.75597 ], [ -1.23687, 52.75622 ], [ -1.23779, 52.75642 ], [ -1.23748, 52.75801 ], [ -1.23874, 52.75775 ], [ -1.23883, 52.75812 ], [ -1.23928, 52.75814 ], [ -1.24005, 52.75788 ], [ -1.24406, 52.75953 ], [ -1.24284, 52.75926 ], [ -1.24167, 52.75911 ], [ -1.24295, 52.76016 ], [ -1.24338, 52.761 ], [ -1.24441, 52.76096 ], [ -1.24449, 52.76259 ], [ -1.24532, 52.76259 ], [ -1.25433, 52.76182 ], [ -1.25412, 52.76217 ], [ -1.25174, 52.76356 ], [ -1.24972, 52.76417 ], [ -1.24806, 52.7647 ], [ -1.24728, 52.76502 ], [ -1.24555, 52.76513 ], [ -1.24453, 52.76559 ], [ -1.24416, 52.76577 ], [ -1.24181, 52.7667 ], [ -1.24039, 52.76797 ], [ -1.23965, 52.76813 ], [ -1.23929, 52.76902 ], [ -1.2391, 52.77124 ], [ -1.23857, 52.77234 ], [ -1.23813, 52.77302 ], [ -1.23759, 52.7737 ], [ -1.23749, 52.77376 ], [ -1.23569, 52.77476 ], [ -1.23452, 52.77526 ], [ -1.23293, 52.77332 ], [ -1.23249, 52.773 ], [ -1.23332, 52.77235 ], [ -1.23232, 52.77209 ], [ -1.23079, 52.77313 ], [ -1.22853, 52.77397 ], [ -1.22766, 52.77304 ], [ -1.22569, 52.77085 ], [ -1.22567, 52.77079 ], [ -1.22439, 52.76924 ], [ -1.22253, 52.76779 ], [ -1.22208, 52.76742 ], [ -1.21814, 52.76429 ], [ -1.22299, 52.76274 ], [ -1.226, 52.76158 ], [ -1.22992, 52.75971 ], [ -1.23187, 52.75841 ], [ -1.23233, 52.75807 ], [ -1.2326, 52.75782 ], [ -1.23394, 52.75668 ], [ -1.23605, 52.75498 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Lutterworth", "bua_code": "E34000786", "msoa_code": "E02005372", "population": 598, "outputarea_code": "E00130995", "lsoa_code": "E01025816", "la_name": "Harborough", "bua_name": "Lutterworth BUA", "constituency_name": "South Leicestershire", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.23526, "latitude": 52.46913, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.28437, 52.4765 ], [ -1.28318, 52.47695 ], [ -1.27968, 52.47643 ], [ -1.27962, 52.47618 ], [ -1.27723, 52.47626 ], [ -1.2769, 52.47625 ], [ -1.27613, 52.47629 ], [ -1.27597, 52.4763 ], [ -1.27451, 52.47646 ], [ -1.26251, 52.47406 ], [ -1.25893, 52.47324 ], [ -1.25415, 52.47152 ], [ -1.2511, 52.46965 ], [ -1.24785, 52.46948 ], [ -1.24761, 52.46905 ], [ -1.24093, 52.46824 ], [ -1.23983, 52.46917 ], [ -1.23613, 52.47683 ], [ -1.23002, 52.4796 ], [ -1.22415, 52.48169 ], [ -1.22254, 52.48147 ], [ -1.22117, 52.48302 ], [ -1.2199, 52.48239 ], [ -1.21809, 52.48385 ], [ -1.2176, 52.48352 ], [ -1.21514, 52.48525 ], [ -1.21338, 52.48604 ], [ -1.20318, 52.4865 ], [ -1.20255, 52.48778 ], [ -1.20009, 52.48917 ], [ -1.19822, 52.48946 ], [ -1.19821, 52.48979 ], [ -1.19678, 52.48959 ], [ -1.19656, 52.49025 ], [ -1.19392, 52.4898 ], [ -1.19305, 52.48958 ], [ -1.19325, 52.48575 ], [ -1.19403, 52.48548 ], [ -1.19486, 52.48428 ], [ -1.19836, 52.48294 ], [ -1.19982, 52.48192 ], [ -1.2, 52.48246 ], [ -1.20389, 52.47994 ], [ -1.20537, 52.47848 ], [ -1.20437, 52.47652 ], [ -1.20312, 52.47523 ], [ -1.20456, 52.47278 ], [ -1.2051, 52.46956 ], [ -1.20619, 52.46768 ], [ -1.20696, 52.46671 ], [ -1.20768, 52.46554 ], [ -1.21059, 52.46353 ], [ -1.21136, 52.46365 ], [ -1.21276, 52.46326 ], [ -1.21317, 52.46342 ], [ -1.21566, 52.46279 ], [ -1.2159, 52.46244 ], [ -1.21818, 52.46221 ], [ -1.21866, 52.46174 ], [ -1.22038, 52.46153 ], [ -1.22182, 52.46086 ], [ -1.2221, 52.46051 ], [ -1.22163, 52.46034 ], [ -1.22239, 52.45964 ], [ -1.22227, 52.45934 ], [ -1.22201, 52.45926 ], [ -1.22233, 52.45892 ], [ -1.2229, 52.45903 ], [ -1.2231, 52.45838 ], [ -1.22355, 52.45849 ], [ -1.22383, 52.4579 ], [ -1.2244, 52.45808 ], [ -1.22452, 52.45756 ], [ -1.22651, 52.45606 ], [ -1.23246, 52.45524 ], [ -1.23992, 52.45359 ], [ -1.24633, 52.45331 ], [ -1.25301, 52.45375 ], [ -1.25508, 52.45443 ], [ -1.2555, 52.4541 ], [ -1.25783, 52.45389 ], [ -1.27598, 52.46946 ], [ -1.27644, 52.46984 ], [ -1.28437, 52.4765 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Mansfield", "bua_code": "E35001334", "msoa_code": "E02005891", "population": 4907, "outputarea_code": "E00143956", "lsoa_code": "E01028256", "la_name": "Mansfield", "bua_name": "Mansfield BUASD", "constituency_name": "Mansfield", "citytownclassification": "Large Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.14275, "latitude": 53.13683, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.16284, 53.12365 ], [ -1.16332, 53.12429 ], [ -1.16502, 53.12343 ], [ -1.16565, 53.12343 ], [ -1.16533, 53.12305 ], [ -1.16809, 53.12282 ], [ -1.16569, 53.12449 ], [ -1.16369, 53.12504 ], [ -1.16252, 53.12623 ], [ -1.1625, 53.12626 ], [ -1.1635, 53.12661 ], [ -1.16373, 53.12676 ], [ -1.16173, 53.1289 ], [ -1.16204, 53.1291 ], [ -1.16187, 53.12937 ], [ -1.16098, 53.13082 ], [ -1.15946, 53.13099 ], [ -1.15917, 53.13144 ], [ -1.15567, 53.13001 ], [ -1.15385, 53.13176 ], [ -1.1547, 53.1326 ], [ -1.1552, 53.1325 ], [ -1.15691, 53.13348 ], [ -1.15595, 53.13386 ], [ -1.15602, 53.13477 ], [ -1.15516, 53.1349 ], [ -1.15473, 53.13293 ], [ -1.15247, 53.13303 ], [ -1.15175, 53.13327 ], [ -1.15212, 53.13351 ], [ -1.151, 53.13382 ], [ -1.15031, 53.13363 ], [ -1.1501, 53.13339 ], [ -1.15096, 53.13329 ], [ -1.15089, 53.13286 ], [ -1.15132, 53.13268 ], [ -1.14995, 53.13293 ], [ -1.14864, 53.1328 ], [ -1.14807, 53.13425 ], [ -1.14819, 53.13718 ], [ -1.14839, 53.13855 ], [ -1.14913, 53.13849 ], [ -1.15375, 53.13813 ], [ -1.15451, 53.13761 ], [ -1.15496, 53.13579 ], [ -1.15621, 53.13628 ], [ -1.15557, 53.13666 ], [ -1.15633, 53.13706 ], [ -1.15712, 53.13704 ], [ -1.15723, 53.13752 ], [ -1.15792, 53.1421 ], [ -1.15818, 53.14315 ], [ -1.15869, 53.145 ], [ -1.15679, 53.14478 ], [ -1.1565, 53.1443 ], [ -1.1554, 53.14454 ], [ -1.15611, 53.14528 ], [ -1.15558, 53.14527 ], [ -1.1555, 53.14562 ], [ -1.15627, 53.1458 ], [ -1.15585, 53.14727 ], [ -1.15424, 53.14727 ], [ -1.15434, 53.14568 ], [ -1.15304, 53.14549 ], [ -1.1527, 53.1461 ], [ -1.15003, 53.14712 ], [ -1.15037, 53.14882 ], [ -1.14912, 53.14899 ], [ -1.14243, 53.14976 ], [ -1.13671, 53.15084 ], [ -1.13239, 53.15113 ], [ -1.11897, 53.15445 ], [ -1.11678, 53.15367 ], [ -1.11386, 53.1536 ], [ -1.11106, 53.15343 ], [ -1.11109, 53.15324 ], [ -1.11195, 53.15237 ], [ -1.11415, 53.15162 ], [ -1.11805, 53.14936 ], [ -1.12102, 53.14853 ], [ -1.12269, 53.14773 ], [ -1.12724, 53.1451 ], [ -1.1288, 53.14334 ], [ -1.1298, 53.14236 ], [ -1.13017, 53.14131 ], [ -1.12997, 53.14027 ], [ -1.12874, 53.13894 ], [ -1.12989, 53.13781 ], [ -1.13023, 53.13601 ], [ -1.12723, 53.13482 ], [ -1.12844, 53.13295 ], [ -1.13862, 53.12858 ], [ -1.13875, 53.12825 ], [ -1.14222, 53.12867 ], [ -1.14405, 53.13001 ], [ -1.14625, 53.12651 ], [ -1.13877, 53.12469 ], [ -1.13901, 53.12417 ], [ -1.13838, 53.12272 ], [ -1.13677, 53.12255 ], [ -1.13521, 53.12181 ], [ -1.13551, 53.11874 ], [ -1.1363, 53.11856 ], [ -1.1369, 53.11948 ], [ -1.14059, 53.11995 ], [ -1.14272, 53.12111 ], [ -1.14486, 53.1218 ], [ -1.14712, 53.12195 ], [ -1.15035, 53.12139 ], [ -1.15271, 53.12051 ], [ -1.15853, 53.11979 ], [ -1.16095, 53.1191 ], [ -1.16116, 53.11946 ], [ -1.16539, 53.11798 ], [ -1.1676, 53.11597 ], [ -1.16879, 53.11805 ], [ -1.16519, 53.12033 ], [ -1.16232, 53.1211 ], [ -1.16068, 53.12115 ], [ -1.16085, 53.12287 ], [ -1.16229, 53.12319 ], [ -1.16418, 53.12303 ], [ -1.16378, 53.12371 ], [ -1.16284, 53.12365 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Mansfield", "bua_code": "E35001334", "msoa_code": "E02005894", "population": 4767, "outputarea_code": "E00144256", "lsoa_code": "E01028314", "la_name": "Newark and Sherwood", "bua_name": "Mansfield BUASD", "constituency_name": "Sherwood", "citytownclassification": "Large Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.12497, "latitude": 53.17064, "pgroup": "50k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.11386, 53.1536 ], [ -1.11678, 53.15367 ], [ -1.11897, 53.15445 ], [ -1.12202, 53.15597 ], [ -1.12596, 53.15737 ], [ -1.12802, 53.15905 ], [ -1.12875, 53.15967 ], [ -1.12958, 53.16061 ], [ -1.13163, 53.16295 ], [ -1.13247, 53.16288 ], [ -1.13559, 53.16436 ], [ -1.13616, 53.16462 ], [ -1.14626, 53.16929 ], [ -1.15155, 53.17206 ], [ -1.152, 53.17275 ], [ -1.15298, 53.17532 ], [ -1.14605, 53.18167 ], [ -1.14541, 53.18218 ], [ -1.14192, 53.18501 ], [ -1.13971, 53.18734 ], [ -1.13612, 53.18868 ], [ -1.12966, 53.1894 ], [ -1.12774, 53.18969 ], [ -1.12779, 53.18989 ], [ -1.12392, 53.19049 ], [ -1.11957, 53.19065 ], [ -1.1205, 53.18977 ], [ -1.12265, 53.189 ], [ -1.12331, 53.1883 ], [ -1.12264, 53.18323 ], [ -1.12368, 53.18182 ], [ -1.12164, 53.17935 ], [ -1.1225, 53.17874 ], [ -1.12242, 53.17822 ], [ -1.12038, 53.17492 ], [ -1.12067, 53.17411 ], [ -1.1159, 53.1758 ], [ -1.11456, 53.17781 ], [ -1.11379, 53.17834 ], [ -1.10833, 53.17743 ], [ -1.1132, 53.17325 ], [ -1.1089, 53.17228 ], [ -1.10757, 53.17064 ], [ -1.107, 53.17008 ], [ -1.10513, 53.16874 ], [ -1.10042, 53.16783 ], [ -1.1024, 53.1648 ], [ -1.10237, 53.16449 ], [ -1.09999, 53.1632 ], [ -1.10053, 53.16257 ], [ -1.0964, 53.1614 ], [ -1.0975, 53.16038 ], [ -1.10047, 53.15883 ], [ -1.09762, 53.15455 ], [ -1.11106, 53.15343 ], [ -1.11386, 53.1536 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Mansfield Woodhouse", "bua_code": "E35000388", "msoa_code": "E02005884", "population": 4542, "outputarea_code": "E00143936", "lsoa_code": "E01028250", "la_name": "Mansfield", "bua_name": "Mansfield Woodhouse BUASD", "constituency_name": "Mansfield", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.18565, "latitude": 53.16125, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.18228, 53.15794 ], [ -1.18217, 53.15682 ], [ -1.18162, 53.1567 ], [ -1.18032, 53.1554 ], [ -1.18015, 53.15431 ], [ -1.17946, 53.15413 ], [ -1.17938, 53.1527 ], [ -1.17941, 53.15175 ], [ -1.17856, 53.15157 ], [ -1.17894, 53.15087 ], [ -1.18042, 53.15133 ], [ -1.18104, 53.15079 ], [ -1.18297, 53.15154 ], [ -1.18273, 53.15235 ], [ -1.18535, 53.15278 ], [ -1.18497, 53.1538 ], [ -1.18567, 53.15484 ], [ -1.18641, 53.15462 ], [ -1.18702, 53.15513 ], [ -1.18629, 53.15551 ], [ -1.18729, 53.15672 ], [ -1.18977, 53.15605 ], [ -1.19208, 53.15656 ], [ -1.19314, 53.15596 ], [ -1.1942, 53.15866 ], [ -1.19336, 53.15966 ], [ -1.19327, 53.15968 ], [ -1.19265, 53.16118 ], [ -1.19256, 53.16164 ], [ -1.19193, 53.16185 ], [ -1.19201, 53.16295 ], [ -1.19246, 53.16327 ], [ -1.19291, 53.16314 ], [ -1.19317, 53.16361 ], [ -1.19338, 53.16404 ], [ -1.19452, 53.16426 ], [ -1.19428, 53.1649 ], [ -1.19454, 53.16571 ], [ -1.19364, 53.16605 ], [ -1.19084, 53.16727 ], [ -1.19022, 53.16828 ], [ -1.1902, 53.16945 ], [ -1.18986, 53.16956 ], [ -1.18914, 53.16881 ], [ -1.18739, 53.16913 ], [ -1.18626, 53.16877 ], [ -1.18728, 53.16764 ], [ -1.18698, 53.16727 ], [ -1.18622, 53.16664 ], [ -1.18547, 53.16687 ], [ -1.18531, 53.16703 ], [ -1.18616, 53.16754 ], [ -1.18583, 53.16795 ], [ -1.18389, 53.16692 ], [ -1.18351, 53.16723 ], [ -1.18203, 53.16715 ], [ -1.18187, 53.16772 ], [ -1.18299, 53.16785 ], [ -1.18222, 53.16951 ], [ -1.18111, 53.16911 ], [ -1.1806, 53.16969 ], [ -1.17952, 53.16973 ], [ -1.1804, 53.16869 ], [ -1.18052, 53.16855 ], [ -1.17934, 53.16797 ], [ -1.17921, 53.16727 ], [ -1.17865, 53.16709 ], [ -1.17711, 53.16545 ], [ -1.1779, 53.16519 ], [ -1.17738, 53.16466 ], [ -1.17795, 53.16449 ], [ -1.17847, 53.16498 ], [ -1.18053, 53.16381 ], [ -1.17904, 53.16387 ], [ -1.17942, 53.16299 ], [ -1.18054, 53.16294 ], [ -1.18004, 53.16235 ], [ -1.17727, 53.16139 ], [ -1.1774, 53.1609 ], [ -1.17915, 53.15986 ], [ -1.18021, 53.15873 ], [ -1.18219, 53.15807 ], [ -1.18228, 53.15794 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Market Deeping", "bua_code": "E34000508", "msoa_code": "E02005489", "population": 7232, "outputarea_code": "E00133598", "lsoa_code": "E01026306", "la_name": "South Kesteven", "bua_name": "Market Deeping BUA", "constituency_name": "South Holland and The Deepings", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -0.26558, "latitude": 52.67481, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -0.25462, 52.65406 ], [ -0.2569, 52.65298 ], [ -0.2575, 52.65222 ], [ -0.25866, 52.65165 ], [ -0.25893, 52.65193 ], [ -0.26024, 52.65144 ], [ -0.26124, 52.65148 ], [ -0.26358, 52.65251 ], [ -0.26379, 52.6539 ], [ -0.2662, 52.6547 ], [ -0.26748, 52.65585 ], [ -0.26896, 52.65635 ], [ -0.27, 52.65729 ], [ -0.26974, 52.65759 ], [ -0.27026, 52.65938 ], [ -0.27098, 52.65964 ], [ -0.27298, 52.65946 ], [ -0.27396, 52.65998 ], [ -0.27602, 52.66187 ], [ -0.27621, 52.66265 ], [ -0.27796, 52.66351 ], [ -0.27904, 52.6649 ], [ -0.27881, 52.66583 ], [ -0.28023, 52.66633 ], [ -0.28151, 52.66685 ], [ -0.28685, 52.66803 ], [ -0.2891, 52.67021 ], [ -0.29149, 52.67041 ], [ -0.29425, 52.66931 ], [ -0.29815, 52.67075 ], [ -0.30677, 52.67269 ], [ -0.30997, 52.67348 ], [ -0.30864, 52.67451 ], [ -0.30804, 52.6751 ], [ -0.3084, 52.67598 ], [ -0.30815, 52.67926 ], [ -0.30781, 52.68145 ], [ -0.30912, 52.68117 ], [ -0.31329, 52.68572 ], [ -0.31062, 52.68707 ], [ -0.3071, 52.68776 ], [ -0.30185, 52.68776 ], [ -0.29225, 52.688 ], [ -0.27045, 52.69132 ], [ -0.26875, 52.69556 ], [ -0.2586, 52.68961 ], [ -0.24876, 52.69304 ], [ -0.24809, 52.69326 ], [ -0.22321, 52.66676 ], [ -0.21991, 52.66773 ], [ -0.21561, 52.66788 ], [ -0.21426, 52.66823 ], [ -0.2125, 52.66668 ], [ -0.21817, 52.66706 ], [ -0.2245, 52.66546 ], [ -0.23007, 52.66365 ], [ -0.23835, 52.66021 ], [ -0.23885, 52.66052 ], [ -0.25462, 52.65406 ] ] ] } },
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-0.92938, 52.46649 ], [ -0.9296, 52.46578 ], [ -0.93602, 52.46692 ], [ -0.93585, 52.46724 ], [ -0.94219, 52.46777 ], [ -0.94243, 52.46932 ], [ -0.94265, 52.47086 ], [ -0.94421, 52.47065 ], [ -0.94386, 52.47276 ], [ -0.94441, 52.47285 ], [ -0.94508, 52.4725 ], [ -0.94552, 52.47281 ], [ -0.94533, 52.47315 ], [ -0.94645, 52.47321 ], [ -0.94663, 52.47392 ], [ -0.9461, 52.4743 ], [ -0.94653, 52.47464 ], [ -0.94646, 52.47532 ], [ -0.94709, 52.4757 ], [ -0.94535, 52.47667 ], [ -0.94397, 52.4768 ], [ -0.94385, 52.47853 ], [ -0.9438, 52.47911 ], [ -0.9432, 52.4793 ], [ -0.93778, 52.47905 ], [ -0.93767, 52.47948 ], [ -0.93861, 52.48003 ], [ -0.93919, 52.48155 ], [ -0.94029, 52.48275 ], [ -0.93996, 52.48379 ], [ -0.93892, 52.48604 ], [ -0.93726, 52.48721 ], [ -0.93678, 52.48887 ], [ -0.93762, 52.4899 ], [ -0.93775, 52.49128 ], [ -0.93734, 52.49196 ], [ -0.93616, 52.49246 ], [ -0.93555, 52.4927 ], [ -0.93546, 52.4933 ], [ -0.9378, 52.49841 ], [ -0.93809, 52.4998 ], [ -0.93903, 52.49991 ], [ -0.94005, 52.50439 ], [ -0.94101, 52.50801 ], [ -0.94106, 52.50848 ], [ -0.9397, 52.50855 ], [ -0.9397, 52.50998 ], [ -0.94035, 52.50996 ], [ -0.94028, 52.51018 ], [ -0.93962, 52.51455 ], [ -0.93421, 52.51445 ], [ -0.93271, 52.51406 ], [ -0.92899, 52.5145 ], [ -0.92848, 52.5158 ], [ -0.92762, 52.51651 ], [ -0.92712, 52.51624 ], [ -0.92668, 52.51652 ], [ -0.92599, 52.51634 ], [ -0.92584, 52.5158 ], [ -0.92515, 52.5157 ], [ -0.92581, 52.51531 ], [ -0.92523, 52.51464 ], [ -0.92468, 52.51462 ], [ -0.92472, 52.51427 ], [ -0.92378, 52.51439 ], [ -0.92302, 52.51366 ], [ -0.9211, 52.51433 ], [ -0.92068, 52.51402 ], [ -0.91918, 52.5143 ], [ -0.91849, 52.51353 ], [ -0.91881, 52.51297 ], [ -0.91812, 52.51242 ], [ -0.91742, 52.51291 ], [ -0.91668, 52.51233 ], [ -0.91574, 52.51257 ], [ -0.91559, 52.51207 ], [ -0.91422, 52.51197 ], [ -0.91348, 52.51161 ], [ -0.91359, 52.51064 ], [ -0.91259, 52.51128 ], [ -0.91235, 52.51089 ], [ -0.91162, 52.51094 ], [ -0.9113, 52.51045 ], [ -0.91042, 52.51018 ], [ -0.90948, 52.51059 ], [ -0.90913, 52.51115 ], [ -0.90829, 52.51121 ], [ -0.90836, 52.51177 ], [ -0.90727, 52.5117 ], [ -0.90605, 52.51228 ], [ -0.90547, 52.51195 ], [ -0.90578, 52.51147 ], [ -0.90478, 52.51117 ], [ -0.90153, 52.51173 ], [ -0.90111, 52.51068 ], [ -0.90144, 52.51039 ], [ -0.90078, 52.51021 ], [ -0.90074, 52.50983 ], [ -0.89869, 52.50943 ], [ -0.89702, 52.50949 ], [ -0.89669, 52.50877 ], [ -0.89711, 52.50856 ], [ -0.89598, 52.50804 ], [ -0.8948, 52.50869 ], [ -0.89412, 52.50855 ], [ -0.89381, 52.50907 ], [ -0.89268, 52.50886 ], [ -0.89229, 52.5092 ], [ -0.89229, 52.50861 ], [ -0.89148, 52.50878 ], [ -0.89096, 52.50836 ], [ -0.88935, 52.50844 ], [ -0.8877, 52.51086 ], [ -0.88641, 52.51157 ], [ -0.88627, 52.51272 ], [ -0.88577, 52.51277 ], [ -0.88341, 52.51381 ], [ -0.88267, 52.51361 ], [ -0.88271, 52.51312 ], [ -0.88183, 52.51303 ], [ -0.88244, 52.51258 ], [ -0.88193, 52.51199 ], [ -0.88115, 52.51232 ], [ -0.8808, 52.5118 ], [ -0.88004, 52.51176 ], [ -0.88058, 52.51128 ], [ -0.88, 52.51019 ], [ -0.88102, 52.50926 ], [ -0.88043, 52.50873 ], [ -0.88143, 52.5077 ], [ -0.88052, 52.50702 ], [ -0.88092, 52.50618 ], [ -0.87979, 52.50612 ], [ -0.88026, 52.50549 ], [ -0.87983, 52.50492 ], [ -0.88009, 52.50445 ], [ -0.88116, 52.50444 ], [ -0.88171, 52.5038 ], [ -0.88273, 52.5034 ], [ -0.88229, 52.502 ], [ -0.88118, 52.50212 ], [ -0.88162, 52.50165 ], [ -0.88046, 52.50122 ], [ -0.88139, 52.50118 ], [ -0.88182, 52.50034 ], [ -0.88097, 52.50046 ], [ -0.87932, 52.49982 ], [ -0.87914, 52.49815 ], [ -0.87904, 52.49786 ], [ -0.87976, 52.49791 ], [ -0.88065, 52.49713 ], [ -0.88179, 52.49688 ], [ -0.88231, 52.49468 ], [ -0.88213, 52.49317 ], [ -0.88372, 52.49226 ], [ -0.88895, 52.49181 ], [ -0.89115, 52.4919 ], [ -0.89204, 52.49221 ], [ -0.89481, 52.4923 ], [ -0.8956, 52.49204 ], [ -0.89671, 52.49064 ], [ -0.89592, 52.49046 ], [ -0.89471, 52.48864 ], [ -0.89521, 52.4881 ], [ -0.89616, 52.48801 ], [ -0.89648, 52.4873 ], [ -0.89711, 52.48768 ], [ -0.89788, 52.48741 ], [ -0.90005, 52.48544 ], [ -0.9002, 52.48482 ], [ -0.9015, 52.48483 ], [ -0.90187, 52.48432 ], [ -0.90772, 52.48591 ], [ -0.90797, 52.4847 ], [ -0.90823, 52.48301 ], [ -0.90876, 52.48271 ], [ -0.91001, 52.48276 ], [ -0.91062, 52.48312 ], [ -0.91063, 52.48453 ], [ -0.91116, 52.48463 ], [ -0.91247, 52.48423 ], [ -0.91304, 52.48496 ], [ -0.91397, 52.48514 ], [ -0.91425, 52.48489 ], [ -0.9149, 52.48477 ], [ -0.91562, 52.48547 ], [ -0.91609, 52.48559 ], [ -0.91677, 52.48511 ], [ -0.91698, 52.48531 ], [ -0.91595, 52.48619 ], [ -0.91628, 52.48672 ], [ -0.91536, 52.48672 ], [ -0.9159, 52.48709 ], [ -0.91428, 52.48986 ], [ -0.9177, 52.48814 ], [ -0.91757, 52.48734 ], [ -0.9171, 52.48722 ], [ -0.91752, 52.48617 ], [ -0.91803, 52.48617 ], [ -0.91821, 52.48582 ], [ -0.91926, 52.48603 ], [ -0.91964, 52.4858 ], [ -0.92043, 52.48621 ], [ -0.92072, 52.48568 ], [ -0.91984, 52.48546 ], [ -0.91997, 52.48526 ], [ -0.92208, 52.48518 ], [ -0.92255, 52.48467 ], [ -0.9227, 52.48435 ], [ -0.92426, 52.48439 ], [ -0.92433, 52.48419 ], [ -0.92455, 52.48463 ], [ -0.92608, 52.48485 ], [ -0.92591, 52.48502 ], [ -0.92698, 52.48442 ], [ -0.92754, 52.48448 ], [ -0.92715, 52.48476 ], [ -0.92759, 52.4851 ], [ -0.92823, 52.48492 ], [ -0.92791, 52.48406 ], [ -0.9284, 52.4839 ], [ -0.9251, 52.48167 ], [ -0.92536, 52.48092 ], [ -0.92478, 52.4803 ], [ -0.92549, 52.4801 ], [ -0.92472, 52.47873 ], [ -0.92584, 52.47898 ], [ -0.92644, 52.47996 ], [ -0.92844, 52.48109 ], [ -0.92922, 52.48082 ], [ -0.93004, 52.47957 ], [ -0.92967, 52.47913 ], [ -0.9307, 52.47862 ], [ -0.93083, 52.4782 ], [ -0.9315, 52.47879 ], [ -0.93126, 52.47912 ], [ -0.93181, 52.47906 ], [ -0.93186, 52.47957 ], [ -0.9327, 52.48026 ], [ -0.93305, 52.48014 ], [ -0.93199, 52.47921 ], [ -0.93236, 52.47905 ], [ -0.93076, 52.47725 ], [ -0.9294, 52.47697 ], [ -0.92907, 52.47667 ], [ -0.92979, 52.47651 ], [ -0.92989, 52.47611 ], [ -0.93045, 52.4762 ], [ -0.93123, 52.47557 ], [ -0.93024, 52.47566 ], [ -0.93044, 52.47427 ], [ -0.9297, 52.47355 ], [ 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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Matlock", "bua_code": "E34004225", "msoa_code": "E02004072", "population": 7735, "outputarea_code": "E00099184", "lsoa_code": "E01019609", "la_name": "Derbyshire Dales", "bua_name": "Matlock BUA", "constituency_name": "Derbyshire Dales", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.55332, "latitude": 53.15537, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.54641, 53.14053 ], [ -1.54529, 53.14116 ], [ -1.54634, 53.1419 ], [ -1.54616, 53.14226 ], [ -1.54816, 53.143 ], [ -1.54864, 53.14276 ], [ -1.54908, 53.1429 ], [ -1.54867, 53.14347 ], [ -1.54792, 53.14328 ], [ -1.54759, 53.14349 ], [ -1.54769, 53.14379 ], [ -1.55015, 53.14378 ], [ -1.55098, 53.14393 ], [ -1.55143, 53.14348 ], [ -1.5532, 53.14325 ], [ -1.55385, 53.14242 ], [ -1.5545, 53.14234 ], [ -1.55416, 53.14144 ], [ -1.55291, 53.14077 ], [ -1.55348, 53.14034 ], [ -1.55437, 53.14044 ], [ -1.55568, 53.13952 ], [ -1.55533, 53.13931 ], [ -1.55545, 53.13923 ], [ -1.55704, 53.13842 ], [ -1.55661, 53.1377 ], [ -1.55725, 53.13716 ], [ -1.55786, 53.13729 ], [ -1.55796, 53.13665 ], [ -1.55903, 53.13603 ], [ -1.56062, 53.1367 ], [ -1.5608, 53.13748 ], [ -1.56145, 53.13789 ], [ -1.56219, 53.13694 ], [ -1.56393, 53.13677 ], [ -1.56493, 53.13709 ], [ -1.56391, 53.13878 ], [ -1.56932, 53.1389 ], [ -1.57219, 53.13958 ], [ -1.57149, 53.14255 ], [ -1.57369, 53.14313 ], [ -1.57288, 53.14413 ], [ -1.57313, 53.14451 ], [ -1.57532, 53.14506 ], [ -1.58043, 53.14425 ], [ -1.58108, 53.1458 ], [ -1.58301, 53.14629 ], [ -1.5831, 53.147 ], [ -1.58238, 53.14771 ], [ -1.57894, 53.14786 ], [ -1.57914, 53.14925 ], [ -1.57965, 53.1502 ], [ -1.58201, 53.14981 ], [ -1.58292, 53.15019 ], [ -1.58491, 53.15408 ], [ -1.58576, 53.15493 ], [ -1.58903, 53.15555 ], [ -1.58916, 53.15518 ], [ -1.58803, 53.1543 ], [ -1.58966, 53.15342 ], [ -1.59096, 53.1552 ], [ -1.59258, 53.15649 ], [ -1.59787, 53.15753 ], [ -1.59589, 53.15879 ], [ -1.59496, 53.15933 ], [ -1.59168, 53.15878 ], [ -1.58911, 53.16043 ], [ -1.58892, 53.16117 ], [ -1.58812, 53.16151 ], [ -1.58733, 53.16147 ], [ -1.58766, 53.1611 ], [ -1.5865, 53.15932 ], [ -1.58471, 53.16045 ], [ -1.58319, 53.16036 ], [ -1.58172, 53.16108 ], [ -1.57977, 53.16293 ], [ -1.57589, 53.16311 ], [ -1.57661, 53.16386 ], [ -1.57647, 53.16448 ], [ -1.57547, 53.165 ], [ -1.57236, 53.16477 ], [ -1.56783, 53.16595 ], [ -1.56712, 53.16912 ], [ -1.56579, 53.16939 ], [ -1.56019, 53.1693 ], [ -1.55553, 53.17116 ], [ -1.55345, 53.17151 ], [ -1.55489, 53.17477 ], [ -1.55468, 53.1751 ], [ -1.55589, 53.17621 ], [ -1.55288, 53.17817 ], [ -1.54921, 53.17585 ], [ -1.54734, 53.17549 ], [ -1.54251, 53.17529 ], [ -1.53963, 53.1714 ], [ -1.51735, 53.15647 ], [ -1.51729, 53.15642 ], [ -1.51589, 53.15433 ], [ -1.51567, 53.15402 ], [ -1.52001, 53.15286 ], [ -1.52209, 53.15294 ], [ -1.52337, 53.15214 ], [ -1.52716, 53.14839 ], [ -1.52571, 53.14641 ], [ -1.52699, 53.14604 ], [ -1.52678, 53.14546 ], [ -1.52832, 53.14493 ], [ -1.52781, 53.1443 ], [ -1.52837, 53.14406 ], [ -1.52894, 53.14224 ], [ -1.52938, 53.14227 ], [ -1.52963, 53.14166 ], [ -1.53304, 53.14182 ], [ -1.53405, 53.14071 ], [ -1.534, 53.14018 ], [ -1.53442, 53.14018 ], [ -1.53563, 53.13899 ], [ -1.53711, 53.13909 ], [ -1.53796, 53.13908 ], [ -1.53864, 53.13991 ], [ -1.5403, 53.13969 ], [ -1.53965, 53.1401 ], [ -1.54001, 53.14052 ], [ -1.53971, 53.14075 ], [ -1.54147, 53.14146 ], [ -1.54042, 53.14022 ], [ -1.54184, 53.13976 ], [ -1.54314, 53.13974 ], [ -1.54348, 53.13997 ], [ -1.54436, 53.13926 ], [ -1.54517, 53.13939 ], [ -1.54641, 53.13825 ], [ -1.54761, 53.13809 ], [ -1.54718, 53.13769 ], [ -1.54682, 53.13777 ], [ -1.54687, 53.13751 ], [ -1.54701, 53.13746 ], [ -1.54752, 53.13745 ], [ -1.54755, 53.13703 ], [ -1.5494, 53.13733 ], [ -1.55225, 53.13665 ], [ -1.55315, 53.13808 ], [ -1.54861, 53.13895 ], [ -1.5479, 53.13913 ], [ -1.54641, 53.14053 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Matlock", "bua_code": "E34004225", "msoa_code": "E02004073", "population": 4505, "outputarea_code": "E00099280", "lsoa_code": "E01019623", "la_name": "Derbyshire Dales", "bua_name": "Matlock BUA", "constituency_name": "Derbyshire Dales", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.54715, "latitude": 53.12817, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.55475, 53.1188 ], [ -1.55623, 53.1214 ], [ -1.55683, 53.12317 ], [ -1.55634, 53.12337 ], [ -1.55621, 53.12401 ], [ -1.55788, 53.12387 ], [ -1.55972, 53.12563 ], [ -1.55942, 53.12673 ], [ -1.55923, 53.12762 ], [ -1.55907, 53.12864 ], [ -1.56001, 53.13063 ], [ -1.55715, 53.13164 ], [ -1.55681, 53.1333 ], [ -1.55722, 53.13293 ], [ -1.55894, 53.13282 ], [ -1.56114, 53.13161 ], [ -1.56223, 53.12986 ], [ -1.56311, 53.12948 ], [ -1.56405, 53.12835 ], [ -1.56412, 53.12748 ], [ -1.56493, 53.12693 ], [ -1.56534, 53.12598 ], [ -1.5652, 53.12534 ], [ -1.56617, 53.12467 ], [ -1.56867, 53.12438 ], [ -1.56977, 53.12392 ], [ -1.57028, 53.12424 ], [ -1.57234, 53.12424 ], [ -1.5718, 53.12456 ], [ -1.57293, 53.12568 ], [ -1.57293, 53.12658 ], [ -1.57564, 53.12776 ], [ -1.57812, 53.12958 ], [ -1.57762, 53.1299 ], [ -1.57929, 53.13126 ], [ -1.58037, 53.13141 ], [ -1.58155, 53.13116 ], [ -1.5834, 53.13185 ], [ -1.5833, 53.13453 ], [ -1.58161, 53.13469 ], [ -1.58121, 53.13446 ], [ -1.57929, 53.13498 ], [ -1.57912, 53.13622 ], [ -1.57985, 53.13684 ], [ -1.58032, 53.13805 ], [ -1.57219, 53.13958 ], [ -1.56932, 53.1389 ], [ -1.56391, 53.13878 ], [ -1.56493, 53.13709 ], [ -1.56393, 53.13677 ], [ -1.56219, 53.13694 ], [ -1.56145, 53.13789 ], [ -1.5608, 53.13748 ], [ -1.56062, 53.1367 ], [ -1.55903, 53.13603 ], [ -1.55796, 53.13665 ], [ -1.55786, 53.13729 ], [ -1.55725, 53.13716 ], [ -1.55661, 53.1377 ], [ -1.55704, 53.13842 ], [ -1.55545, 53.13923 ], [ -1.55533, 53.13931 ], [ -1.55568, 53.13952 ], [ -1.55437, 53.14044 ], [ -1.55348, 53.14034 ], [ -1.55291, 53.14077 ], [ -1.55416, 53.14144 ], [ -1.5545, 53.14234 ], [ -1.55385, 53.14242 ], [ -1.5532, 53.14325 ], [ -1.55143, 53.14348 ], [ -1.55098, 53.14393 ], [ -1.55015, 53.14378 ], [ -1.54769, 53.14379 ], [ -1.54759, 53.14349 ], [ -1.54792, 53.14328 ], [ -1.54867, 53.14347 ], [ -1.54908, 53.1429 ], [ -1.54864, 53.14276 ], [ -1.54816, 53.143 ], [ -1.54616, 53.14226 ], [ -1.54634, 53.1419 ], [ -1.54529, 53.14116 ], [ -1.54641, 53.14053 ], [ -1.5479, 53.13913 ], [ -1.54861, 53.13895 ], [ -1.55315, 53.13808 ], [ -1.55225, 53.13665 ], [ -1.5494, 53.13733 ], [ -1.54755, 53.13703 ], [ -1.54752, 53.13745 ], [ -1.54701, 53.13746 ], [ -1.54687, 53.13751 ], [ -1.54682, 53.13777 ], [ -1.54718, 53.13769 ], [ -1.54761, 53.13809 ], [ -1.54641, 53.13825 ], [ -1.54517, 53.13939 ], [ -1.54436, 53.13926 ], [ -1.54348, 53.13997 ], [ -1.54314, 53.13974 ], [ -1.54184, 53.13976 ], [ -1.54042, 53.14022 ], [ -1.54147, 53.14146 ], [ -1.53971, 53.14075 ], [ -1.54001, 53.14052 ], [ -1.53965, 53.1401 ], [ -1.5403, 53.13969 ], [ -1.53864, 53.13991 ], [ -1.53796, 53.13908 ], [ -1.53711, 53.13909 ], [ -1.53563, 53.13899 ], [ -1.53442, 53.14018 ], [ -1.534, 53.14018 ], [ -1.53347, 53.13804 ], [ -1.53497, 53.1366 ], [ -1.53449, 53.13482 ], [ -1.53458, 53.13457 ], [ -1.5353, 53.13458 ], [ -1.53452, 53.13213 ], [ -1.53492, 53.13198 ], [ -1.53419, 53.13134 ], [ -1.53307, 53.13202 ], [ -1.53219, 53.13162 ], [ -1.5307, 53.13223 ], [ -1.52779, 53.13232 ], [ -1.52636, 53.13106 ], [ -1.52594, 53.13 ], [ -1.52281, 53.12985 ], [ -1.52305, 53.12906 ], [ -1.52119, 53.12891 ], [ -1.5214, 53.12803 ], [ -1.51949, 53.12807 ], [ -1.51601, 53.12738 ], [ -1.51437, 53.12656 ], [ -1.51583, 53.12536 ], [ -1.51725, 53.12492 ], [ -1.51755, 53.12493 ], [ -1.52019, 53.12403 ], [ -1.52201, 53.12098 ], [ -1.52351, 53.12043 ], [ -1.52289, 53.11974 ], [ -1.52328, 53.1188 ], [ -1.52273, 53.11783 ], [ -1.5208, 53.11633 ], [ -1.5206, 53.11449 ], [ -1.52136, 53.11467 ], [ -1.52394, 53.11409 ], [ -1.52644, 53.11416 ], [ -1.52611, 53.11302 ], [ -1.53101, 53.11321 ], [ -1.53354, 53.11246 ], [ -1.53403, 53.11351 ], [ -1.53629, 53.11342 ], [ -1.53721, 53.11472 ], [ -1.53938, 53.11471 ], [ -1.54423, 53.11681 ], [ -1.54597, 53.11719 ], [ -1.54611, 53.11641 ], [ -1.54743, 53.11725 ], [ -1.55009, 53.11729 ], [ -1.55016, 53.11832 ], [ -1.55142, 53.11784 ], [ -1.55475, 53.1188 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Melton Mowbray", "bua_code": "E34004343", "msoa_code": "E02005392", "population": 9006, "outputarea_code": "E00131432", "lsoa_code": "E01025901", "la_name": "Melton", "bua_name": "Melton Mowbray BUA", "constituency_name": "Rutland and Melton", "citytownclassification": "Medium Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -0.88335, "latitude": 52.77965, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -0.87654, 52.76464 ], [ -0.87836, 52.76482 ], [ -0.87903, 52.76531 ], [ -0.87946, 52.76563 ], [ -0.88252, 52.76658 ], [ -0.88314, 52.76671 ], [ -0.88599, 52.76686 ], [ -0.88808, 52.76688 ], [ -0.88784, 52.77013 ], [ -0.88743, 52.77202 ], [ -0.88688, 52.77371 ], [ -0.88654, 52.77446 ], [ -0.88821, 52.77512 ], [ -0.88738, 52.77556 ], [ -0.88812, 52.77639 ], [ -0.88696, 52.77686 ], [ -0.88704, 52.77776 ], [ -0.8874, 52.77795 ], [ -0.88894, 52.77753 ], [ -0.8891, 52.7772 ], [ -0.89041, 52.77729 ], [ -0.89045, 52.77852 ], [ -0.89039, 52.77883 ], [ -0.89224, 52.7789 ], [ -0.89272, 52.77809 ], [ -0.89312, 52.77796 ], [ -0.89364, 52.7783 ], [ -0.89353, 52.77724 ], [ -0.89434, 52.77691 ], [ -0.89436, 52.77657 ], [ -0.89383, 52.7766 ], [ -0.89335, 52.77602 ], [ -0.89362, 52.77571 ], [ -0.89535, 52.77566 ], [ -0.89578, 52.7761 ], [ -0.89491, 52.77478 ], [ -0.8954, 52.77473 ], [ -0.89521, 52.77431 ], [ -0.89868, 52.77418 ], [ -0.89845, 52.77369 ], [ -0.89973, 52.77365 ], [ -0.89971, 52.77317 ], [ -0.89976, 52.77318 ], [ -0.90427, 52.77426 ], [ -0.91342, 52.77627 ], [ -0.91468, 52.77705 ], [ -0.91568, 52.77718 ], [ -0.91512, 52.77762 ], [ -0.91459, 52.78006 ], [ -0.91418, 52.78129 ], [ -0.91221, 52.78272 ], [ -0.91154, 52.78623 ], [ -0.91063, 52.78701 ], [ -0.90869, 52.78854 ], [ -0.90617, 52.79339 ], [ -0.90489, 52.79319 ], [ -0.90309, 52.79362 ], [ -0.90124, 52.79283 ], [ -0.8984, 52.79314 ], [ -0.89589, 52.79269 ], [ -0.89028, 52.79341 ], [ -0.88937, 52.79338 ], [ -0.88788, 52.79314 ], [ -0.88309, 52.79072 ], [ -0.88154, 52.79034 ], [ -0.87599, 52.78785 ], [ -0.87448, 52.78753 ], [ -0.87307, 52.78736 ], [ -0.87282, 52.78762 ], [ -0.87377, 52.78869 ], [ -0.87262, 52.78882 ], [ -0.87223, 52.78932 ], [ -0.87296, 52.78956 ], [ -0.87165, 52.79027 ], [ -0.87211, 52.79066 ], [ -0.87161, 52.7908 ], [ -0.87195, 52.79105 ], [ -0.87165, 52.79201 ], [ -0.87074, 52.79197 ], [ -0.86963, 52.7929 ], [ -0.86735, 52.79358 ], [ -0.86455, 52.7943 ], [ -0.86275, 52.7943 ], [ -0.86257, 52.78877 ], [ -0.86398, 52.78405 ], [ -0.86416, 52.78259 ], [ -0.86292, 52.78213 ], [ -0.86331, 52.77865 ], [ -0.86376, 52.77754 ], [ -0.86591, 52.77514 ], [ -0.86659, 52.77377 ], [ -0.86697, 52.77369 ], [ -0.86604, 52.77241 ], [ -0.85797, 52.77008 ], [ -0.85746, 52.77018 ], [ -0.85725, 52.77065 ], [ -0.85661, 52.77065 ], [ -0.85426, 52.77044 ], [ -0.85441, 52.76999 ], [ -0.84797, 52.76949 ], [ -0.84846, 52.76587 ], [ -0.85158, 52.76557 ], [ -0.85776, 52.76576 ], [ -0.86797, 52.76394 ], [ -0.87252, 52.76424 ], [ -0.87654, 52.76464 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Mountsorrel", "bua_code": "E35001229", "msoa_code": "E02005360", "population": 670, "outputarea_code": "E00130579", "lsoa_code": "E01025738", "la_name": "Charnwood", "bua_name": "Mountsorrel BUASD", "constituency_name": "Charnwood", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.15854, "latitude": 52.71419, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.14773, 52.71352 ], [ -1.14786, 52.71296 ], [ -1.14648, 52.71037 ], [ -1.14593, 52.70755 ], [ -1.14533, 52.70701 ], [ -1.14992, 52.70587 ], [ -1.1496, 52.70299 ], [ -1.15389, 52.70105 ], [ -1.15516, 52.69978 ], [ -1.15944, 52.70289 ], [ -1.16181, 52.70335 ], [ -1.16039, 52.70468 ], [ -1.16013, 52.70566 ], [ -1.16118, 52.70709 ], [ -1.16417, 52.71128 ], [ -1.16649, 52.71477 ], [ -1.16774, 52.71561 ], [ -1.1677, 52.71642 ], [ -1.16874, 52.71797 ], [ -1.17109, 52.71992 ], [ -1.17115, 52.72056 ], [ -1.17263, 52.72106 ], [ -1.17259, 52.72309 ], [ -1.17337, 52.72335 ], [ -1.17439, 52.72336 ], [ -1.17404, 52.7239 ], [ -1.16757, 52.72468 ], [ -1.16447, 52.72618 ], [ -1.16429, 52.72724 ], [ -1.16272, 52.72681 ], [ -1.1627, 52.72644 ], [ -1.15973, 52.72621 ], [ -1.15812, 52.72573 ], [ -1.15611, 52.72229 ], [ -1.15494, 52.71956 ], [ -1.15426, 52.71839 ], [ -1.15239, 52.71543 ], [ -1.15131, 52.71559 ], [ -1.14794, 52.7168 ], [ -1.14773, 52.71352 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Narborough\/Enderby", "bua_code": "E35000487", "msoa_code": "E02005338", "population": 6644, "outputarea_code": "E00130042", "lsoa_code": "E01025627", "la_name": "Blaby", "bua_name": "Narborough\/Enderby BUASD", "constituency_name": "South Leicestershire", "citytownclassification": "Small Town", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.20858, "latitude": 52.59915, "pgroup": "10k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.19159, 52.5783 ], [ -1.19522, 52.57903 ], [ -1.19598, 52.57913 ], [ -1.19688, 52.57803 ], [ -1.20218, 52.5805 ], [ -1.20407, 52.58205 ], [ -1.20608, 52.58253 ], [ -1.20818, 52.58363 ], [ -1.20908, 52.58481 ], [ -1.21196, 52.58363 ], [ -1.21238, 52.58401 ], [ -1.21397, 52.58099 ], [ -1.21463, 52.5815 ], [ -1.21474, 52.58192 ], [ -1.21622, 52.58276 ], [ -1.21741, 52.58342 ], [ -1.21816, 52.58426 ], [ -1.21967, 52.58538 ], [ -1.22019, 52.58572 ], [ -1.21982, 52.58744 ], [ -1.21779, 52.59086 ], [ -1.21933, 52.59127 ], [ -1.22212, 52.59292 ], [ -1.22168, 52.59312 ], [ -1.22339, 52.59629 ], [ -1.2276, 52.59595 ], [ -1.23011, 52.59545 ], [ -1.23382, 52.59492 ], [ -1.23598, 52.59303 ], [ -1.23545, 52.59442 ], [ -1.23687, 52.59576 ], [ -1.23778, 52.59818 ], [ -1.2388, 52.5991 ], [ -1.23899, 52.60026 ], [ -1.24445, 52.60688 ], [ -1.24433, 52.60769 ], [ -1.24602, 52.60864 ], [ -1.24351, 52.61095 ], [ -1.24346, 52.61191 ], [ -1.24397, 52.61254 ], [ -1.24244, 52.6138 ], [ -1.2319, 52.61461 ], [ -1.22838, 52.61587 ], [ -1.22776, 52.61624 ], [ -1.22505, 52.6156 ], [ -1.22274, 52.61651 ], [ -1.22192, 52.61766 ], [ -1.22062, 52.61825 ], [ -1.21946, 52.61826 ], [ -1.21744, 52.61716 ], [ -1.21439, 52.61728 ], [ -1.21081, 52.61798 ], [ -1.20969, 52.61822 ], [ -1.20551, 52.61762 ], [ -1.20499, 52.61707 ], [ -1.20424, 52.61709 ], [ -1.20157, 52.61343 ], [ -1.19802, 52.60844 ], [ -1.19608, 52.60447 ], [ -1.19502, 52.60049 ], [ -1.1868, 52.60025 ], [ -1.18661, 52.60022 ], [ -1.18265, 52.59971 ], [ -1.18163, 52.59906 ], [ -1.18029, 52.60008 ], [ -1.18055, 52.60061 ], [ -1.17966, 52.60076 ], [ -1.17866, 52.60143 ], [ -1.17815, 52.60134 ], [ -1.17763, 52.60181 ], [ -1.16973, 52.60095 ], [ -1.16798, 52.60143 ], [ -1.16887, 52.59977 ], [ -1.17009, 52.59835 ], [ -1.17161, 52.59867 ], [ -1.17264, 52.59731 ], [ -1.17155, 52.59666 ], [ -1.17037, 52.59656 ], [ -1.1701, 52.59599 ], [ -1.17086, 52.59484 ], [ -1.1704, 52.59391 ], [ -1.17145, 52.59343 ], [ -1.17404, 52.59371 ], [ -1.17416, 52.59285 ], [ -1.17246, 52.59285 ], [ -1.17213, 52.59183 ], [ -1.17209, 52.59076 ], [ -1.17271, 52.59058 ], [ -1.17292, 52.58994 ], [ -1.17423, 52.58965 ], [ -1.17413, 52.58897 ], [ -1.17499, 52.58872 ], [ -1.17543, 52.58799 ], [ -1.17631, 52.58807 ], [ -1.17678, 52.58869 ], [ -1.1778, 52.58833 ], [ -1.18091, 52.58836 ], [ -1.18128, 52.58714 ], [ -1.18258, 52.58715 ], [ -1.18294, 52.58665 ], [ -1.18381, 52.5867 ], [ -1.18468, 52.58628 ], [ -1.18418, 52.58539 ], [ -1.18515, 52.58431 ], [ -1.18476, 52.58422 ], [ -1.18481, 52.58361 ], [ -1.18533, 52.58347 ], [ -1.18528, 52.58296 ], [ -1.18715, 52.58183 ], [ -1.18873, 52.58141 ], [ -1.18966, 52.58065 ], [ -1.19159, 52.5783 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Nottingham", "bua_code": "E35001316", "msoa_code": "E02002873", "population": 9595, "outputarea_code": "E00069858", "lsoa_code": "E01013854", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Nottingham BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham North", "citytownclassification": "Core City (outside London)", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.16367, "latitude": 52.99637, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.15768, 52.99236 ], [ -1.15802, 52.99229 ], [ -1.16243, 52.99131 ], [ -1.16508, 52.99084 ], [ -1.16536, 52.98973 ], [ -1.16579, 52.98981 ], [ -1.16901, 52.99056 ], [ -1.16998, 52.99105 ], [ -1.17036, 52.99121 ], [ -1.17053, 52.99128 ], [ -1.17382, 52.99262 ], [ -1.17425, 52.99282 ], [ -1.17731, 52.99434 ], [ -1.17884, 52.99599 ], [ -1.17914, 52.99732 ], [ -1.17496, 52.99793 ], [ -1.17335, 52.99828 ], [ -1.17295, 52.99837 ], [ -1.16936, 52.99913 ], [ -1.1664, 52.9989 ], [ -1.16611, 52.9997 ], [ -1.16686, 53.0024 ], [ -1.16507, 53.00271 ], [ -1.16499, 53.00241 ], [ -1.16426, 53.00232 ], [ -1.16485, 53.00183 ], [ -1.16429, 53.00189 ], [ -1.1635, 53.00117 ], [ -1.16273, 53.00109 ], [ -1.16143, 53.00203 ], [ -1.16115, 53.00224 ], [ -1.16085, 53.00193 ], [ -1.16115, 53.00169 ], [ -1.16059, 53.00135 ], [ -1.16064, 53.00082 ], [ -1.15979, 53.00076 ], [ -1.15971, 53.0008 ], [ -1.15892, 53.00079 ], [ -1.15855, 53.00035 ], [ -1.15894, 53.00005 ], [ -1.15734, 52.99935 ], [ -1.15718, 52.99889 ], [ -1.15599, 52.99981 ], [ -1.15592, 53.00028 ], [ -1.15685, 53.00105 ], [ -1.157, 53.00239 ], [ -1.15552, 53.00274 ], [ -1.15411, 53.00246 ], [ -1.15257, 53.00331 ], [ -1.15299, 53.00257 ], [ -1.15117, 53.00254 ], [ -1.14992, 53.00188 ], [ -1.14988, 53.00108 ], [ -1.15094, 53.00006 ], [ -1.1508, 52.99958 ], [ -1.14981, 53.00009 ], [ -1.14992, 52.99926 ], [ -1.15344, 52.99744 ], [ -1.15366, 52.99718 ], [ -1.15238, 52.99664 ], [ -1.15356, 52.99626 ], [ -1.15349, 52.99614 ], [ -1.15233, 52.99385 ], [ -1.15768, 52.99236 ] ], [ [ -1.1508, 52.99958 ], [ -1.15193, 52.99959 ], [ -1.15316, 52.99828 ], [ -1.15522, 52.99813 ], [ -1.15479, 52.99751 ], [ -1.15314, 52.99823 ], [ -1.1508, 52.99958 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Nottingham", "bua_code": "E35001316", "msoa_code": "E02002874", "population": 6298, "outputarea_code": "E00070469", "lsoa_code": "E01013965", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Nottingham BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham East", "citytownclassification": "Core City (outside London)", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.15071, "latitude": 52.98886, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.15302, 52.98303 ], [ -1.15275, 52.98204 ], [ -1.15779, 52.98189 ], [ -1.15821, 52.98333 ], [ -1.1583, 52.98362 ], [ -1.15834, 52.98375 ], [ -1.15936, 52.98626 ], [ -1.15945, 52.98694 ], [ -1.16011, 52.98815 ], [ -1.16536, 52.98973 ], [ -1.16508, 52.99084 ], [ -1.16243, 52.99131 ], [ -1.15802, 52.99229 ], [ -1.15768, 52.99236 ], [ -1.15233, 52.99385 ], [ -1.1498, 52.99413 ], [ -1.14534, 52.99467 ], [ -1.14338, 52.99476 ], [ -1.14187, 52.9948 ], [ -1.14181, 52.9955 ], [ -1.14067, 52.99571 ], [ -1.14049, 52.9948 ], [ -1.13825, 52.99484 ], [ -1.1387, 52.99422 ], [ -1.1392, 52.99347 ], [ -1.14004, 52.99259 ], [ -1.14, 52.99189 ], [ -1.14031, 52.98926 ], [ -1.14033, 52.98922 ], [ -1.14245, 52.98627 ], [ -1.14262, 52.98606 ], [ -1.14414, 52.98416 ], [ -1.14427, 52.984 ], [ -1.14464, 52.98408 ], [ -1.14543, 52.98421 ], [ -1.14568, 52.98398 ], [ -1.146, 52.98288 ], [ -1.14727, 52.98337 ], [ -1.14769, 52.98327 ], [ -1.1478, 52.98359 ], [ -1.14886, 52.9831 ], [ -1.15239, 52.98275 ], [ -1.15297, 52.98304 ], [ -1.15302, 52.98303 ] ] ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Nottingham", "bua_code": "E35001316", "msoa_code": "E02002878", "population": 9565, "outputarea_code": "E00069695", "lsoa_code": "E01013826", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Nottingham BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham North", "citytownclassification": "Core City (outside London)", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.21313, "latitude": 52.98088, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.21312, 52.97549 ], [ -1.2127, 52.97516 ], [ -1.21578, 52.97383 ], [ -1.21592, 52.97385 ], [ -1.21809, 52.97383 ], [ -1.2193, 52.97378 ], [ -1.21948, 52.97377 ], [ -1.22066, 52.97373 ], [ -1.22053, 52.97506 ], [ -1.22128, 52.97534 ], [ -1.22297, 52.97446 ], [ -1.22333, 52.97465 ], [ -1.22364, 52.97448 ], [ -1.22357, 52.97497 ], [ -1.22279, 52.97535 ], [ -1.22396, 52.9763 ], [ -1.22487, 52.97699 ], [ -1.22566, 52.97662 ], [ -1.22653, 52.97664 ], [ -1.2269, 52.97717 ], [ -1.22719, 52.9777 ], [ -1.22637, 52.97803 ], [ -1.22517, 52.97848 ], [ -1.22589, 52.98032 ], [ -1.22609, 52.98117 ], [ -1.22508, 52.98211 ], [ -1.22457, 52.98225 ], [ -1.2237, 52.98168 ], [ -1.22321, 52.982 ], [ -1.22201, 52.98332 ], [ -1.22405, 52.98414 ], [ -1.22259, 52.98593 ], [ -1.2175, 52.98383 ], [ -1.21521, 52.98314 ], [ -1.21398, 52.98364 ], [ -1.21316, 52.98474 ], [ -1.21098, 52.98594 ], [ -1.20706, 52.98694 ], [ -1.20547, 52.98713 ], [ -1.2053, 52.98739 ], [ -1.20361, 52.98702 ], [ -1.20202, 52.98605 ], [ -1.20196, 52.98601 ], [ -1.20007, 52.9849 ], [ -1.19768, 52.9842 ], [ -1.19667, 52.98381 ], [ -1.19548, 52.98226 ], [ -1.19561, 52.98161 ], [ -1.19625, 52.98119 ], [ -1.19673, 52.98138 ], [ -1.19732, 52.98186 ], [ -1.19764, 52.98147 ], [ -1.19826, 52.98171 ], [ -1.19984, 52.98101 ], [ -1.20108, 52.98095 ], [ -1.20149, 52.98058 ], [ -1.20324, 52.98035 ], [ -1.20313, 52.98096 ], [ -1.20682, 52.98044 ], [ -1.20699, 52.9802 ], [ -1.20713, 52.98007 ], [ -1.20859, 52.97867 ], [ -1.20888, 52.9784 ], [ -1.21055, 52.97826 ], [ -1.21172, 52.97737 ], [ -1.21173, 52.97699 ], [ -1.21122, 52.97648 ], [ -1.21312, 52.97549 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Nottingham", "bua_code": "E35001316", "msoa_code": "E02002879", "population": 9664, "outputarea_code": "E00069797", "lsoa_code": "E01013838", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Nottingham BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham East", "citytownclassification": "Core City (outside London)", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.16532, "latitude": 52.9792, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.15631, 52.97645 ], [ -1.15599, 52.97542 ], [ -1.15595, 52.97532 ], [ -1.15696, 52.97507 ], [ -1.15977, 52.97437 ], [ -1.16142, 52.97396 ], [ -1.16068, 52.9733 ], [ -1.16, 52.9735 ], [ -1.15983, 52.97317 ], [ -1.16033, 52.97298 ], [ -1.16131, 52.97255 ], [ -1.16166, 52.97283 ], [ -1.16275, 52.97331 ], [ -1.16531, 52.97317 ], [ -1.16419, 52.97236 ], [ -1.1644, 52.97206 ], [ -1.16552, 52.97216 ], [ -1.16558, 52.97189 ], [ -1.16709, 52.97168 ], [ -1.16754, 52.97228 ], [ -1.16807, 52.97298 ], [ -1.16904, 52.97274 ], [ -1.16964, 52.97365 ], [ -1.17075, 52.97381 ], [ -1.17119, 52.97437 ], [ -1.17406, 52.97383 ], [ -1.17393, 52.97446 ], [ -1.1734, 52.97688 ], [ -1.17351, 52.97713 ], [ -1.1753, 52.97966 ], [ -1.17364, 52.98089 ], [ -1.17318, 52.98163 ], [ -1.17309, 52.98305 ], [ -1.1718, 52.98416 ], [ -1.17148, 52.98428 ], [ -1.17034, 52.98453 ], [ -1.16833, 52.98484 ], [ -1.16462, 52.98579 ], [ -1.16364, 52.98604 ], [ -1.16311, 52.98618 ], [ -1.16204, 52.98644 ], [ -1.15945, 52.98694 ], [ -1.15936, 52.98626 ], [ -1.15834, 52.98375 ], [ -1.1583, 52.98362 ], [ -1.15821, 52.98333 ], [ -1.15779, 52.98189 ], [ -1.15726, 52.98001 ], [ -1.15715, 52.97953 ], [ -1.15708, 52.97933 ], [ -1.15631, 52.97645 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Nottingham", "bua_code": "E35001316", "msoa_code": "E02002880", "population": 9099, "outputarea_code": "E00069693", "lsoa_code": "E01013821", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Nottingham BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham North", "citytownclassification": "Core City (outside London)", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.20173, "latitude": 52.97637, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.19828, 52.97103 ], [ -1.2002, 52.97176 ], [ -1.20305, 52.97204 ], [ -1.20443, 52.97216 ], [ -1.20829, 52.97287 ], [ -1.20906, 52.97306 ], [ -1.21152, 52.97324 ], [ -1.21578, 52.97383 ], [ -1.2127, 52.97516 ], [ -1.21312, 52.97549 ], [ -1.21122, 52.97648 ], [ -1.21173, 52.97699 ], [ -1.21172, 52.97737 ], [ -1.21055, 52.97826 ], [ -1.20888, 52.9784 ], [ -1.20859, 52.97867 ], [ -1.20713, 52.98007 ], [ -1.20699, 52.9802 ], [ -1.20682, 52.98044 ], [ -1.20313, 52.98096 ], [ -1.20324, 52.98035 ], [ -1.20149, 52.98058 ], [ -1.20108, 52.98095 ], [ -1.19984, 52.98101 ], [ -1.19826, 52.98171 ], [ -1.19764, 52.98147 ], [ -1.19732, 52.98186 ], [ -1.19673, 52.98138 ], [ -1.19625, 52.98119 ], [ -1.19561, 52.98161 ], [ -1.19548, 52.98226 ], [ -1.19526, 52.98197 ], [ -1.19491, 52.98128 ], [ -1.19419, 52.98046 ], [ -1.1914, 52.97794 ], [ -1.19131, 52.97788 ], [ -1.19118, 52.97777 ], [ -1.19057, 52.9774 ], [ -1.19079, 52.97674 ], [ -1.19113, 52.97676 ], [ -1.19401, 52.97407 ], [ -1.19404, 52.97404 ], [ -1.19706, 52.97102 ], [ -1.19787, 52.97138 ], [ -1.19828, 52.97103 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Nottingham", "bua_code": "E35001316", "msoa_code": "E02002881", "population": 6486, "outputarea_code": "E00069907", "lsoa_code": "E01013866", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Nottingham BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham North", "citytownclassification": "Core City (outside London)", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.23026, "latitude": 52.97541, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.21081, 52.96893 ], [ -1.21451, 52.96793 ], [ -1.21607, 52.96704 ], [ -1.21712, 52.96703 ], [ -1.22101, 52.96657 ], [ -1.22175, 52.96731 ], [ -1.22042, 52.96739 ], [ -1.22039, 52.96922 ], [ -1.22137, 52.97013 ], [ -1.22371, 52.9693 ], [ -1.22347, 52.96905 ], [ -1.22506, 52.96817 ], [ -1.22647, 52.96823 ], [ -1.2266, 52.96778 ], [ -1.22737, 52.96789 ], [ -1.22726, 52.9683 ], [ -1.22896, 52.97001 ], [ -1.22941, 52.9699 ], [ -1.22968, 52.97019 ], [ -1.22988, 52.9698 ], [ -1.23094, 52.96952 ], [ -1.23164, 52.9697 ], [ -1.23331, 52.96923 ], [ -1.23454, 52.97095 ], [ -1.23508, 52.97148 ], [ -1.23678, 52.9715 ], [ -1.23698, 52.97178 ], [ -1.23982, 52.9765 ], [ -1.23985, 52.9776 ], [ -1.24086, 52.97804 ], [ -1.24261, 52.97783 ], [ -1.24364, 52.97868 ], [ -1.24489, 52.98119 ], [ -1.24651, 52.98311 ], [ -1.24684, 52.98454 ], [ -1.24546, 52.98522 ], [ -1.24213, 52.98359 ], [ -1.23938, 52.98265 ], [ -1.23506, 52.98255 ], [ -1.2336, 52.98219 ], [ -1.23101, 52.982 ], [ -1.22844, 52.98145 ], [ -1.22609, 52.98117 ], [ -1.22589, 52.98032 ], [ -1.22517, 52.97848 ], [ -1.22637, 52.97803 ], [ -1.22719, 52.9777 ], [ -1.2269, 52.97717 ], [ -1.22653, 52.97664 ], [ -1.22566, 52.97662 ], [ -1.22487, 52.97699 ], [ -1.22396, 52.9763 ], [ -1.22279, 52.97535 ], [ -1.22357, 52.97497 ], [ -1.22364, 52.97448 ], [ -1.22333, 52.97465 ], [ -1.22297, 52.97446 ], [ -1.22128, 52.97534 ], [ -1.22053, 52.97506 ], [ -1.22066, 52.97373 ], [ -1.21948, 52.97377 ], [ -1.2193, 52.97378 ], [ -1.21809, 52.97383 ], [ -1.21592, 52.97385 ], [ -1.21695, 52.97325 ], [ -1.21723, 52.9725 ], [ -1.21683, 52.97168 ], [ -1.2158, 52.97103 ], [ -1.21418, 52.97028 ], [ -1.21081, 52.96893 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Nottingham", "bua_code": "E35001316", "msoa_code": "E02002882", "population": 8278, "outputarea_code": "E00070306", "lsoa_code": "E01013937", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Nottingham BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham East", "citytownclassification": "Core City (outside London)", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.14397, "latitude": 52.97183, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.14393, 52.96631 ], [ -1.14398, 52.96617 ], [ -1.14468, 52.96474 ], [ -1.14471, 52.96468 ], [ -1.147, 52.96455 ], [ -1.14717, 52.96457 ], [ -1.1484, 52.96479 ], [ -1.14901, 52.96498 ], [ -1.15139, 52.9632 ], [ -1.15248, 52.96451 ], [ -1.15266, 52.9648 ], [ -1.15276, 52.96496 ], [ -1.15368, 52.96775 ], [ -1.15415, 52.9681 ], [ -1.15388, 52.9686 ], [ -1.15377, 52.96923 ], [ -1.15376, 52.96944 ], [ -1.15345, 52.97088 ], [ -1.15472, 52.97305 ], [ -1.15581, 52.97497 ], [ -1.15595, 52.97532 ], [ -1.15599, 52.97542 ], [ -1.15631, 52.97645 ], [ -1.15708, 52.97933 ], [ -1.15527, 52.9789 ], [ -1.1543, 52.97971 ], [ -1.15416, 52.9792 ], [ -1.15352, 52.97879 ], [ -1.15107, 52.9787 ], [ -1.15122, 52.97847 ], [ -1.15331, 52.97845 ], [ -1.15287, 52.97776 ], [ -1.15331, 52.97709 ], [ -1.1539, 52.97703 ], [ -1.15375, 52.97662 ], [ -1.15286, 52.97606 ], [ -1.15215, 52.97599 ], [ -1.1521, 52.9763 ], [ -1.15124, 52.9764 ], [ -1.15029, 52.97621 ], [ -1.15032, 52.97543 ], [ -1.14853, 52.978 ], [ -1.14763, 52.97809 ], [ -1.14741, 52.97769 ], [ -1.14667, 52.97778 ], [ -1.14626, 52.9775 ], [ -1.14557, 52.97764 ], [ -1.1457, 52.97786 ], [ -1.1426, 52.97811 ], [ -1.14235, 52.97841 ], [ -1.14121, 52.97856 ], [ -1.13873, 52.97755 ], [ -1.13714, 52.97883 ], [ -1.13791, 52.97951 ], [ -1.13731, 52.97954 ], [ -1.13688, 52.9791 ], [ -1.13554, 52.97942 ], [ -1.1348, 52.97927 ], [ -1.13468, 52.97867 ], [ -1.13403, 52.9791 ], [ -1.13333, 52.97888 ], [ -1.13422, 52.97848 ], [ -1.13402, 52.97807 ], [ -1.13527, 52.97656 ], [ -1.13352, 52.97619 ], [ -1.13349, 52.97681 ], [ -1.13297, 52.97671 ], [ -1.13234, 52.97703 ], [ -1.13206, 52.97592 ], [ -1.13337, 52.97605 ], [ -1.13404, 52.9758 ], [ -1.13307, 52.97445 ], [ -1.13457, 52.97381 ], [ -1.13524, 52.9738 ], [ -1.13566, 52.97412 ], [ -1.13724, 52.97303 ], [ -1.13697, 52.9725 ], [ -1.13438, 52.97139 ], [ -1.13047, 52.97199 ], [ -1.13074, 52.97132 ], [ -1.131, 52.97091 ], [ -1.13166, 52.97114 ], [ -1.13146, 52.97015 ], [ -1.13067, 52.96984 ], [ -1.13082, 52.96908 ], [ -1.13124, 52.96901 ], [ -1.13098, 52.96771 ], [ -1.13163, 52.96767 ], [ -1.13319, 52.96599 ], [ -1.13343, 52.96583 ], [ -1.13443, 52.9658 ], [ -1.1354, 52.96651 ], [ -1.13788, 52.96493 ], [ -1.13834, 52.96538 ], [ -1.13861, 52.96567 ], [ -1.13946, 52.96657 ], [ -1.14208, 52.9676 ], [ -1.14192, 52.96782 ], [ -1.14257, 52.96812 ], [ -1.14297, 52.96825 ], [ -1.1434, 52.96769 ], [ -1.14374, 52.96685 ], [ -1.14393, 52.96631 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Nottingham", "bua_code": "E35001316", "msoa_code": "E02002883", "population": 7681, "outputarea_code": "E00070310", "lsoa_code": "E01013940", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Nottingham BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham East", "citytownclassification": "Core City (outside London)", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.12654, "latitude": 52.97152, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.11544, 52.96498 ], [ -1.11525, 52.96489 ], [ -1.11819, 52.96341 ], [ -1.12067, 52.96184 ], [ -1.12116, 52.9615 ], [ -1.12153, 52.96195 ], [ -1.12137, 52.96313 ], [ -1.12145, 52.96359 ], [ -1.12203, 52.96372 ], [ -1.1252, 52.9644 ], [ -1.12668, 52.96463 ], [ -1.12752, 52.96475 ], [ -1.13025, 52.96531 ], [ -1.13091, 52.96739 ], [ -1.13098, 52.96771 ], [ -1.13124, 52.96901 ], [ -1.13082, 52.96908 ], [ -1.13067, 52.96984 ], [ -1.13146, 52.97015 ], [ -1.13166, 52.97114 ], [ -1.131, 52.97091 ], [ -1.13074, 52.97132 ], [ -1.13047, 52.97199 ], [ -1.13438, 52.97139 ], [ -1.13697, 52.9725 ], [ -1.13724, 52.97303 ], [ -1.13566, 52.97412 ], [ -1.13524, 52.9738 ], [ -1.13457, 52.97381 ], [ -1.13307, 52.97445 ], [ -1.13404, 52.9758 ], [ -1.13337, 52.97605 ], [ -1.13206, 52.97592 ], [ -1.13234, 52.97703 ], [ -1.13297, 52.97671 ], [ -1.13349, 52.97681 ], [ -1.13352, 52.97619 ], [ -1.13527, 52.97656 ], [ -1.13402, 52.97807 ], [ -1.13422, 52.97848 ], [ -1.13333, 52.97888 ], [ -1.13281, 52.97964 ], [ -1.13176, 52.97988 ], [ -1.13194, 52.98022 ], [ -1.12867, 52.98114 ], [ -1.12853, 52.98096 ], [ -1.1296, 52.98057 ], [ -1.13029, 52.97974 ], [ -1.12955, 52.97882 ], [ -1.12754, 52.97887 ], [ -1.12572, 52.97854 ], [ -1.12432, 52.97869 ], [ -1.12426, 52.97861 ], [ -1.12354, 52.97768 ], [ -1.12283, 52.97676 ], [ -1.12277, 52.97669 ], [ -1.12132, 52.97491 ], [ -1.12125, 52.97488 ], [ -1.1205, 52.97457 ], [ -1.12046, 52.97377 ], [ -1.12001, 52.97186 ], [ -1.11999, 52.97177 ], [ -1.11993, 52.97129 ], [ -1.1198, 52.97004 ], [ -1.11996, 52.96839 ], [ -1.12079, 52.96777 ], [ -1.12144, 52.96625 ], [ -1.12124, 52.96581 ], [ -1.11986, 52.96556 ], [ -1.11723, 52.96548 ], [ -1.11677, 52.96571 ], [ -1.11544, 52.96498 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Nottingham", "bua_code": "E35001316", "msoa_code": "E02002884", "population": 6672, "outputarea_code": "E00069803", "lsoa_code": "E01013843", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Nottingham BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham East", "citytownclassification": "Core City (outside London)", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.16045, "latitude": 52.97048, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.16718, 52.96808 ], [ -1.16518, 52.96853 ], [ -1.16529, 52.96873 ], [ -1.16656, 52.96841 ], [ -1.16713, 52.96973 ], [ -1.16604, 52.96997 ], [ -1.16616, 52.97016 ], [ -1.16754, 52.96989 ], [ -1.16842, 52.97136 ], [ -1.168, 52.97231 ], [ -1.16754, 52.97228 ], [ -1.16709, 52.97168 ], [ -1.16558, 52.97189 ], [ -1.16552, 52.97216 ], [ -1.1644, 52.97206 ], [ -1.16419, 52.97236 ], [ -1.16531, 52.97317 ], [ -1.16275, 52.97331 ], [ -1.16166, 52.97283 ], [ -1.16131, 52.97255 ], [ -1.16033, 52.97298 ], [ -1.15983, 52.97317 ], [ -1.16, 52.9735 ], [ -1.16068, 52.9733 ], [ -1.16142, 52.97396 ], [ -1.15977, 52.97437 ], [ -1.15696, 52.97507 ], [ -1.15595, 52.97532 ], [ -1.15581, 52.97497 ], [ -1.15472, 52.97305 ], [ -1.15345, 52.97088 ], [ -1.15376, 52.96944 ], [ -1.15377, 52.96923 ], [ -1.15388, 52.9686 ], [ -1.15415, 52.9681 ], [ -1.15524, 52.96824 ], [ -1.15578, 52.96798 ], [ -1.1601, 52.96723 ], [ -1.16393, 52.96655 ], [ -1.166, 52.96618 ], [ -1.16718, 52.96808 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "region_name": "East Midlands", "Town": "Nottingham", "bua_code": "E35001316", "msoa_code": "E02002885", "population": 8973, "outputarea_code": "E00069663", "lsoa_code": "E01013810", "la_name": "Nottingham", "bua_name": "Nottingham BUASD", "constituency_name": "Nottingham East", "citytownclassification": "Core City (outside London)", "urban": "Y", "longitude": -1.17209, "latitude": 52.96755, "pgroup": "100k" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.16972, 52.96296 ], [ -1.16885, 52.96217 ], [ -1.16961, 52.96212 ], [ -1.17064, 52.96152 ], [ -1.17273, 52.96238 ], [ -1.17393, 52.96289 ], [ -1.17444, 52.9631 ], [ -1.17696, 52.96381 ], [ -1.17794, 52.96407 ], [ -1.17972, 52.96454 ], [ -1.17996, 52.96462 ], [ -1.18016, 52.96469 ], [ -1.18083, 52.96505 ], [ -1.18016, 52.96511 ], [ -1.17751, 52.96763 ], [ -1.17662, 52.96817 ], [ -1.17596, 52.96855 ], [ -1.17553, 52.96834 ], [ -1.17473, 52.96878 ], [ -1.17494, 52.96905 ], [ -1.17404, 52.96917 ], [ -1.17362, 52.9694 ], [ -1.17374, 52.96955 ], [ -1.17463, 52.97153 ], [ -1.17406, 52.97383 ], [ -1.17119, 52.97437 ], [ -1.17075, 52.97381 ], [ -1.16964, 52.97365 ], [ -1.16904, 52.97274 ], [ -1.16807, 52.97298 ], [ -1.16754, 52.97228 ], [ -1.168, 52.97231 ], [ -1.16842, 52.97136 ], [ -1.16754, 52.96989 ], [ -1.16616, 52.97016 ], [ -1.16604, 52.96997 ], [ -1.16713, 52.96973 ], [ -1.16656, 52.96841 ], [ -1.16529, 52.96873 ], [ -1.16518, 52.96853 ], [ -1.16718, 52.96808 ], [ -1.166, 52.96618 ], [ -1.16692, 52.96601 ], [ -1.16768, 52.96587 ], [ -1.16672, 52.96418 ], [ -1.16714, 52.96414 ], [ -1.1681, 52.96365 ], [ -1.16888, 52.96377 ], [ -1.16875, 52.9635 ], [ -1.16899, 52.96375 ], [ -1.17007, 52.96352 ], [ -1.16972, 52.96296 ] ] ] } },
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