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annikakouhia / September 23, 2019: 9:00am
Last active September 24, 2019 15:28
Professor Sneddon, Professor Pierson, Madison
# Need Finding Interviews
## Interview 1:
* name: Annika Kouhia / Morgan Sorbaro
* date: 09/23/2019
* occupation: Dartmouth Professor
* location: Fairchild
* interview partner: Professor Sneddon
annikakouhia / Tim
Created September 20, 2019 14:47
Interview with Tim
# Need Finding Interviews
## Interview 1:
* name: Annika Kouhia
* date: 09/20/2019
* occupation: Professor
* location: Sudikoff
* interview partner: Tim Pierson
annikakouhia / In Class Interview Text
Last active September 20, 2019 00:17
In Class Interview
# Need Finding Interviews
## Interview 1:
* name: Annika Kouhia
* date: 09/19/2019
* occupation: Student
* location: Dartmouth College
* interview partner: Madison Hazard
/*This was a lab I completed with my friend Morgan for our CS10 course this past quarter at Dartmouth
* Brown University mapped out a huge document made up of tons of sentences from books, magazines, newspapers, etc.
* and then made a second document where each entry was the part of speech for the corresponding entry in the first
* document.
* For this lab, we were given the first and second document from Brown, and then used the Viterbi algorithm to basically
* "teach" our program how to take in another document (we were given test documents with solutions for class) or user input.
* and output the corresponding part of speech.
* To deduce what each word (from the user input or from a document you put in) was in terms of parts of speech, the computer
* relied on two things. First, was the probability that the word was as certain POS based on what POS the word before it was,
* and second was the probability that the word was a certain POS based on what the word actually was (like the probability that
# Annika Kouhia
# CS76 Artificial Intelligence
# October 2017
# SAT2 class holds the implementation of walkSat and gSat
# along with a lot of useful helper methods to store and access data efficiently
from random import *
from timeit import default_timer as timer
class SAT2: