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Created November 6, 2017 04:18
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# Annika Kouhia
# CS76 Artificial Intelligence
# October 2017
# SAT2 class holds the implementation of walkSat and gSat
# along with a lot of useful helper methods to store and access data efficiently
from random import *
from timeit import default_timer as timer
class SAT2:
def __init__(self, cnfFile):
self.cnfFile = cnfFile
# a list of all of our constraints, each stored as a set in the form 111, -112, 113 etc.
self.constraintList = []
# our final answer
#maps from an index to the absolute value of the corresponding sudoku value as in from 1 to 111, 2, to 112, etc.
self.indToSud = {}
#maps from the abosolute value of a sudoku value to the index as in from 111 to 1 and 112 to 2
self.sudToInd = {}
#maps from the absolute value of a sudoku value to a list of indeces of sets the value is referenced in (index in our constraintList of that set)
self.sudToConstraintInd = {}
# if a puzzle with preset values (constraints of size 1) keeps a set of the indeces these are stored at in our assignment
self.setValuesIndeces = set()
# builds indToSud and sudToInd
# sudokuValue will always be positive since we strip off the negative sign
def convertToVariable(self, sudokuValue):
val = int(sudokuValue[2])
col = int(sudokuValue[1])
row = int(sudokuValue[0])
index = 9 * (col - 1) + 81 * (row - 1) + val
self.indToSud[index] = int(sudokuValue)
self.sudToInd[int(sudokuValue)] = index
# builds our random assignment of each spot in our list of assignments
def randomlyFill(self, assignment):
for i in range(1, len(self.indToSud)+1):
#if this is a preset location in the game, set it correctly
if i in self.setValuesIndeces:
# otherwise, ~randomize~
decision = randint(0,1)
if decision == 0:
# checks if our current assignment satisfies all constraints
def accurateSolution(self, assignment):
for constraintSet in self.constraintList:
if not self.checkSatisfaction(assignment, constraintSet):
return False
return True
# creates our list of constraints in the form of sets
# also builds our dictionary of sudoku values to indeces of constraints they are involved with
def createConstraintSets(self, file):
file_object = open(file, "r")
for line in file_object:
line = line.strip()
split_line = line.split(" ")
currSet = set()
# looks at each number on the line
for numberstring in split_line:
# converts to index value and stores the pair in twin dictionaries
if numberstring[0]=="-":
#add the number to the line's set
# add the index of the set we're building to this number's value in our dictionary of variables
# to constraints they are a part of
if abs(int(numberstring)) not in self.sudToConstraintInd:
self.sudToConstraintInd[abs(int(numberstring))] = []
ourList = self.sudToConstraintInd[abs(int(numberstring))]
self.sudToConstraintInd[abs(int(numberstring))] = ourList
# if the set is of size 1, add the index of this set to our set of preset values' indeces
if len(currSet) == 1:
for val in currSet:
# add our full constraint set to our list of constraints
# writes out our solution to our solution file
def write_solution(self, sol_filename):
solution = open(sol_filename, 'w')
for i in range (0, len(self.results)):
if i<len(self.results)-1:
if self.results[i]:
solution.write(str(self.results[i]) + "\n")
solution.write(str(self.results[i]) + "\n")
if self.results[i]<0:
# randomly finds an unsatisfied constraint and returns its index
def chooseUnsatisfiedConstraint(self, assignment):
# uses the Random class' "choice" method
randSet = choice(self.constraintList)
# if satisfied, find another
satisfied = self.checkSatisfaction(assignment, randSet)
while satisfied:
randSet = choice(self.constraintList)
satisfied = self.checkSatisfaction(assignment, randSet)
# return that unsatisifed set
return randSet
# see if the constraint is satisfied
def checkSatisfaction(self, assignment, constraint):
# if its a negative (length 2), one must be false
# so if we find one whose value is equal to that of our constraint (constraint's value is negative)
# return true
if len(constraint) == 2 or len(constraint) == 1:
for sudokuValue in constraint:
if assignment[self.sudToInd[abs(sudokuValue)]] == sudokuValue:
return True
return False
# if its a long list, only one can be true
# so if more than one is true (positive) return false
found = 0
for sudokuValue in constraint:
if assignment[self.sudToInd[abs(sudokuValue)]] == sudokuValue:
found += 1
if found != 1:
return False
return True
# our main walkSat function as described in the write up
def walkSat(self):
#start stopwatch
start = timer()
# creates our list of constraints in the form of sets
# also calls a method within which creates our dictionaries from sudvalues to indeces and from indeces back to sudvalues
# creates and randomly fills our assignment
assignments = [0]
# while assignment is incorrect
while not self.accurateSolution(assignments):
#counting iteratinos
#randomize and see if it makes the cut
randomizer = randint(1,10)
if randomizer<=7:
#if made the cut off, choose a random unsatisfied set
currSet = self.chooseUnsatisfiedConstraint(assignments)
# find highest scoring value and flip it
flipSudValue = self.highestScoringSud(assignments, currSet)
flipSudValueIndex = self.sudToInd[abs(flipSudValue)]
assignments[flipSudValueIndex] = -1*assignments[flipSudValueIndex]
# otherwise, flip a random variable that isn't set (from the beginning)
flipSudValueIndex = randint(1,len(assignments)-1)
while flipSudValueIndex in self.setValuesIndeces:
flipSudValueIndex = randint(1,len(assignments)-1)
assignments[flipSudValueIndex] = -1 * assignments[flipSudValueIndex]
# set results equal to valid assignments for writing out
self.results = assignments[1:]
#stop our stopwatch
end = timer()
print("The following solution was brought to you by walkSAT after " + str(i) + " iterations and time: " + str(
end - start) + " seconds")
return True
def gsat(self):
# start Stopwatch
start = timer()
# creates our list of constraints in the form of sets
# also calls a method within which creates our dictionaries from sudvalues to indeces and from indeces back to sudvalues
# creates and randomly fills our assignment
assignments = [0]
i = 0
# while assignment is incorrect
while not self.accurateSolution(assignments):
i += 1
randomizer = randint(1,10)
#if our randomizer meets the cut off
if randomizer<=7:
#find the highest scoring variable and flip
flipSudValue = self.highestScoringSudGSAT(assignments)
flipSudValueIndex = self.sudToInd[abs(flipSudValue)]
assignments[flipSudValueIndex] = -1*assignments[flipSudValueIndex]
# otherwise, flip a random variable that isn't set (from the beginning)
flipSudValueIndex = randint(1,len(assignments)-1)
while flipSudValueIndex in self.setValuesIndeces:
flipSudValueIndex = randint(1,len(assignments)-1)
assignments[flipSudValueIndex] = -1 * assignments[flipSudValueIndex]
# set results equal to valid assignments for writing out
self.results = assignments[1:]
#stop our stopwatch
end = timer()
print("The following solution was brought to you by GSAT after " + str(i) + " iterations and time: " + str(end - start) + " seconds" )
return True
# find the highest scoring variable--the one whose flip will create the most satisifed constraints
def highestScoringSud(self, assignment, constraint):
#base values that will change
maxSudValue = 111
maxSatisfied = -1
#loop through values in specified constraint
for sudValue in constraint:
#if not a set value
if self.sudToInd[abs(sudValue)] not in self.setValuesIndeces:
index = self.sudToInd[abs(sudValue)]
satisfied = 0
#flip assignment for a second
assignment[index] = -1 * assignment[index]
# check each constraint it is involved with and see if the flipped assignment would
# make that constraint satisfied, if so increment satisfied
for involvedConstraintIndex in self.sudToConstraintInd[abs(sudValue)]:
if self.checkSatisfaction(assignment, self.constraintList[involvedConstraintIndex]):
satisfied += 1
#flip assignment back now that testing is done
assignment[index] = -1 * assignment[index]
# update max values as necessary
if satisfied>maxSatisfied:
maxSudValue = sudValue
maxSatisfied = satisfied
return maxSudValue
# find the highest scoring variable--the one whose flip will create the most satisifed constraints
# the only difference is that this goes through ALL variables instead of just the ones in a specified constraint
def highestScoringSudGSAT(self, assignment):
#base values that will change
maxSudValue = 111
maxSatisfied = -1
# loop through all variables
for sudValue in assignment:
# if not 0 (fake news, not an assignment, just a placeholder) and not a set value
if sudValue!=0 and self.sudToInd[abs(sudValue)] not in self.setValuesIndeces:
index = self.sudToInd[abs(sudValue)]
satisfied = 0
#flip assignment and do testing
assignment[index] = -1 * assignment[index]
for constraint in self.constraintList:
if self.checkSatisfaction(assignment, constraint):
satisfied += 1
#flip back!
assignment[index] = -1 * assignment[index]
# if more satisfaction, update appropriately
if satisfied>maxSatisfied:
maxSudValue = sudValue
maxSatisfied = satisfied
return maxSudValue
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