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Last active March 16, 2021 06:31
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Tezos User Workflows with ConseilJS


Single script to test common Tezos user workflows. Additionally this sample illustrates the use of ConseilJS for interactions with a Tezos blockchain node.


This tutorial requires nodejs 12.21+ & npm. It's highly recommended to install those via nvm.


Create a new directory for the files included in this gist. Run the following commands and observe the console output.

  • Create an account with Nautilus Cloud and fill in the missing data for tezosNode and conseilServer variables.
  • Get a faucet account save it in the same directory. The file name is expected to be in the format "tz1*.json"
  • nvm use 12.21
  • npm install
  • npm start

Code walk-through

tezosNode & conseilServer variables need to be populated with valid values from Nautilus Cloud. You can of course provide any other instance of a Tezos node or Conseil Indexer.


Operation group hash comes poorly formatted from the node, this function cleans it up for use with Conseil.







deployMichelineContract & deployMichelsonContract




More functionality in ConseilJS

  • dApp interaction with Beacon
  • FA1.2 token deployment & interactions
  • Complex, indexed data extraction
  • FA2 token deployment & interactions
  • Batched blockchain operations
  • Direct & indexed big_map access
  • Multi-baker delegation
  • Improved security for softsigner
  • HD keys in softsigner
  • Ledger operation signing
  • Complex fee estimation
  • dApp interaction Galleon

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Confirmed Environment Configurations

We use precise dependency versions to avoid unintended package upgrades that can lead to broken software.

  • macOS 10.15.7, nodejs v12.21.0, conseiljs 5.0.7-2, typescript 3.8.3
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as glob from 'glob';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import * as log from 'loglevel';
import { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js';
import { registerFetch, registerLogger } from 'conseiljs';
import { TezosConstants, TezosConseilClient, TezosNodeWriter, TezosParameterFormat, KeyStore, TezosNodeReader, TezosContractIntrospector, Signer, TezosMessageUtils } from 'conseiljs';
import { KeyStoreUtils, SoftSigner } from 'conseiljs-softsigner';
const tezosNode = '<tezos-node-url>';
const conseilServer = { url: '<conseil-indexer-url>', apiKey: '<>', network: 'edonet' };
const networkBlockTime = 30 + 1;
function clearRPCOperationGroupHash(hash: string) {
return hash.replace(/\"/g, '').replace(/\n/, '');
function initConseil() {
const logger = log.getLogger('conseiljs');
logger.setLevel('debug', false);
async function initAccount(): Promise<KeyStore> {
console.log('~~ initAccount');
let faucetFiles: string[] = glob.sync('tz1*.json');
if (faucetFiles.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Did not find any faucet files, please go to to get one');
console.log(`loading ${faucetFiles[0]} faucet file`);
let faucetAccount = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(faucetFiles[0], 'utf8'));
let keyStore: KeyStore;
if (faucetAccount['secretKey']) {
keyStore = await KeyStoreUtils.restoreIdentityFromSecretKey(faucetAccount['secretKey']);
} else {
keyStore = await KeyStoreUtils.restoreIdentityFromFundraiser(faucetAccount['mnemonic'].join(' '), faucetAccount['email'], faucetAccount['password'], faucetAccount['pkh']);
faucetAccount['secretKey'] = keyStore.secretKey;
fs.writeFileSync(faucetFiles[0], JSON.stringify(faucetAccount));
console.log(`public key: ${keyStore.publicKey}`);
console.log(`secret key: ${keyStore.secretKey}`);
console.log(`account hash: ${keyStore.publicKeyHash}`);
return keyStore;
async function activateAccount(signer: Signer, keyStore: KeyStore): Promise<string> {
console.log(`~~ activateAccount`);
const accountRecord = await TezosConseilClient.getAccount(conseilServer,, keyStore.publicKeyHash);
if (accountRecord !== undefined) { return accountRecord['account_id']; }
const faucetAccount = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${keyStore.publicKeyHash}.json`, 'utf8'));
const nodeResult = await TezosNodeWriter.sendIdentityActivationOperation(tezosNode, signer, keyStore, faucetAccount['secret']);
const groupid = clearRPCOperationGroupHash(nodeResult.operationGroupID);
console.log(`Injected activation operation with ${groupid}`);
const conseilResult = await TezosConseilClient.awaitOperationConfirmation(conseilServer,, groupid, 5, networkBlockTime);
console.log(`Activated account at ${conseilResult.pkh}`);
return conseilResult.pkh;
async function revealAccount(signer: Signer, keyStore: KeyStore): Promise<string> {
console.log(`~~ revealAccount`);
if (await TezosNodeReader.isManagerKeyRevealedForAccount(tezosNode, keyStore.publicKeyHash)) {
return keyStore.publicKeyHash;
const nodeResult = await TezosNodeWriter.sendKeyRevealOperation(tezosNode, signer, keyStore);
const groupid = clearRPCOperationGroupHash(nodeResult.operationGroupID);
console.log(`Injected reveal operation with ${groupid}`);
const conseilResult = await TezosConseilClient.awaitOperationConfirmation(conseilServer,, groupid, 5, networkBlockTime);
console.log(`Revealed account at ${conseilResult.source}`);
return conseilResult.source;
async function sendTransaction(signer: Signer, keyStore: KeyStore, destination: string, amount: number) {
console.log(`~~ sendTransaction: ${amount}µtz from ${keyStore.publicKeyHash} to ${destination}`);
const nodeResult = await TezosNodeWriter.sendTransactionOperation(tezosNode, signer, keyStore, destination, amount, 100_000, TezosConstants.HeadBranchOffset, true);
const groupid = clearRPCOperationGroupHash(nodeResult.operationGroupID);
console.log(`Injected transaction operation with ${groupid}`);
const conseilResult = await TezosConseilClient.awaitOperationConfirmation(conseilServer,, groupid, 5, networkBlockTime);
console.log(`Completed transfer of ${conseilResult.amount}µtz`);
async function delegateAccount(signer: Signer, keyStore: KeyStore, baker: string) {
console.log(`~~ delegatePrimaryAccount`);
const nodeResult = await TezosNodeWriter.sendDelegationOperation(tezosNode, signer, keyStore, baker, 400, 54, true);
const groupid = clearRPCOperationGroupHash(nodeResult.operationGroupID);
console.log(`Injected delegation operation with ${groupid}`);
await TezosConseilClient.awaitOperationConfirmation(conseilServer,, groupid, 5, networkBlockTime);
async function deployMichelineContract(signer: Signer, keyStore: KeyStore, amount: number, baker: string | undefined): Promise<string> {
console.log(`~~ deployMichelineContract`);
const contract = `[
{ "prim":"parameter", "args":[ { "prim":"string" } ] },
{ "prim":"storage", "args":[ { "prim":"string" } ] },
{ "prim":"CAR" },
{ "prim":"NIL", "args":[ { "prim":"operation" } ] },
{ "prim":"PAIR" }
const storage = '{"string": "Sample"}';
const nodeResult = await TezosNodeWriter.sendContractOriginationOperation(tezosNode, signer, keyStore, amount, baker, 1000, 1000, 100000, contract, storage, TezosParameterFormat.Micheline, 54, true);
const groupid = clearRPCOperationGroupHash(nodeResult['operationGroupID']);
console.log(`Injected origination operation with ${groupid}`);
const conseilResult = await TezosConseilClient.awaitOperationConfirmation(conseilServer,, groupid, 5, networkBlockTime);
console.log(`Originated contract at ${conseilResult.originated_contracts}`);
return conseilResult.originated_contracts;
async function deployMichelsonContract(signer: Signer, keyStore: KeyStore, amount: number, baker: string | undefined): Promise<string> {
console.log(`~~ deployMichelsonContract`);
const contract = `parameter string;
storage string;
code { DUP;
DIP { CDR ; NIL string ; SWAP ; CONS } ;
NIL operation; PAIR}`;
const storage = '"Sample"';
const nodeResult = await TezosNodeWriter.sendContractOriginationOperation(tezosNode, signer, keyStore, amount, baker, 1000, 1000, 100000, contract, storage, TezosParameterFormat.Michelson, 54, true);
const groupid = clearRPCOperationGroupHash(nodeResult['operationGroupID']);
console.log(`Injected origination operation with ${groupid}`);
const conseilResult = await TezosConseilClient.awaitOperationConfirmation(conseilServer,, groupid, 5, networkBlockTime);
console.log(`Originated contract at ${conseilResult.originated_contracts}`);
return conseilResult.originated_contracts;
async function invokeContract(signer: Signer, keyStore: KeyStore, address: string, amount: number, parameter: string, entrypoint: string = '') {
console.log(`~~ invokeContract`);
let storageResult = await TezosNodeReader.getContractStorage(tezosNode, address);
console.log(`initial storage: ${JSON.stringify(storageResult)}`);
const { gas, storageCost: freight, estimatedFee, } = await TezosNodeWriter.testContractInvocationOperation(tezosNode, 'main', keyStore, address, amount, 0, 1000, 100000, entrypoint, parameter, TezosParameterFormat.Michelson);
const nodeResult = await TezosNodeWriter.sendContractInvocationOperation(tezosNode, signer, keyStore, address, amount, estimatedFee, freight, gas, entrypoint, parameter, TezosParameterFormat.Michelson);
const groupid = clearRPCOperationGroupHash(nodeResult.operationGroupID);
console.log(`Injected transaction(invocation) operation with ${groupid}`);
const conseilResult = await TezosConseilClient.awaitOperationConfirmation(conseilServer,, groupid, 5, networkBlockTime);
console.log(`Completed invocation of ${conseilResult.destination}`);
storageResult = await TezosNodeReader.getContractStorage(tezosNode, address);
console.log(`modified storage: ${JSON.stringify(storageResult)}`);
async function parseContract(address: string) {
const entryPoints = await TezosContractIntrospector.generateEntryPointsFromAddress(conseilServer,, address);
for (const entryPoint of entryPoints) {
console.log(`${}(${ => ( ? + ': ' : '') + p.type + (p.optional ? '?' : '')).join(', ')})`)
async function dumpMempool(account: string) {
const rr = await TezosNodeReader.getMempoolOperationsForAccount(tezosNode, account);
await Promise.all( (r) => {
const ttl = await TezosNodeReader.estimateBranchTimeout(tezosNode, r['branch']);
const t = r['contents'][0];
console.log(`operation ${r['hash']} for ${new BigNumber(t.amount || 0).toNumber()}xtz expires in ${ttl} blocks`)
async function run() {
// Account initialization
const keyStore = await initAccount();
const signer = await SoftSigner.createSigner(TezosMessageUtils.writeKeyWithHint(keyStore.secretKey, 'edsk'));
await activateAccount(signer, keyStore);
await revealAccount(signer, keyStore);
// Basic operations
const baker = 'tz1VpvtSaSxKvykrqajFJTZqCXgoVJ5cKaM1'; // random baker from
const recipient = 'tz1aWXP237BLwNHJcCD4b3DutCevhqq2T1Z9' // random account from
await sendTransaction(signer, keyStore, recipient, 500_000);
await delegateAccount(signer, keyStore, baker);
// Basic contract operations
// const contractAddress = await deployMichelineContract(signer, keyStore, 0, undefined);
const contractAddress = await deployMichelsonContract(signer, keyStore, 0, undefined);
await invokeContract(signer, keyStore, contractAddress, 0, '"new text"');
await parseContract(contractAddress);
await dumpMempool(keyStore.publicKeyHash);
"name": "tezos-workflow-test",
"version": "8.0.0",
"description": "Integrated Tezos Workflow Test",
"main": "index.ts",
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "npm run build",
"build": "tsc index.ts",
"start": "node index.js"
"author": "anonymoussprocket",
"license": "Apache2",
"engines": {
"node": "12.21.0",
"npm": "6.14.11"
"homepage": "",
"dependencies": {
"@types/node": "14.14.35",
"bignumber.js": "9.0.1",
"conseiljs": "5.0.7-2",
"conseiljs-ledgersigner": "5.0.4",
"conseiljs-softsigner": "5.0.4-1",
"glob": "7.1.6",
"loglevel": "1.7.1",
"node-fetch": "2.6.1"
"devDependencies": {
"typescript": "3.8.3"
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2016",
"module": "commonjs",
"declaration": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"outDir": "dist",
"removeComments": true,
"strict": true,
"noImplicitAny": false,
"baseUrl": ".",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true
"exclude": [ "node_modules" ],
"include": [ "." ]
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If you're getting error 404 not found, then try changing your Tezos Bablylonnet Node address from to in index.ts

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  1. Copy addresses from they are provided with trailing slash /.
  2. Put these adresses in and
  3. run npm install or npm run build
  4. npm start
    You'll get
ConseilDataClient.executeEntityQuery request:, {"fields":[],"predicates":[{"field":"account_id","operation":"eq","set":["tz1SKm3uu43HL1jqnedWtxsbzvwq4UGZ9JF5"],"inverse":false}],"orderBy":[],"aggregation":[],"limit":1}
ConseilDataClient.executeEntityQuery request:, {"fields":[],"predicates":[{"field":"account_id","operation":"eq","set":["tz1SKm3uu43HL1jqnedWtxsbzvwq4UGZ9JF5"],"inverse":false}],"orderBy":[],"aggregation":[],"limit":1}, failed with Not Found(404)
(node:6233) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error
    at /home/tripleight/code/practice/tezos_workshop/node_modules/conseiljs/dist/reporting/ConseilDataClient.js:34:27
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:94:5)
(node:6233) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:6233) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Which fails simply because of the double slash in the address.

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@TriplEight, see my previous comment, add :443 to the end too

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@TriplEight, see my previous comment, add :443 to the end too

cheers, posted my report and then saw yours.

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lijianl commented Mar 29, 2020

faucetAccount activate failed? why
Injected activation operation with [{kind:temporary,id:failure,msg:Error while applying operation onyhAXdQsbnHqu4Q7S4mUi3nGLZxGWKS7b2HzWEiFZXV3cijLzY:\nrefused (Error:\n Invalid activation. The public key tz1SamNpDf5WU6cXs8zWhAWzkWn9omqyJM2z does not match any commitment.\n)}]

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lijianl commented Mar 29, 2020

where could I find a activate code for an empty Tezos account?

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lijianl commented Mar 29, 2020

async function createAccount() {
const mnemonic = conseiljs.TezosWalletUtil.generateMnemonic();
console.log(mnemonic: ${mnemonic});
const keystore = await conseiljs.TezosWalletUtil.unlockIdentityWithMnemonic(mnemonic, '');
console.log(account id: ${keystore.publicKeyHash});
console.log(public key: ${keystore.publicKey});
console.log(secret key: ${keystore.privateKey});

how to activate a new empty account, what is the activate code?

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get a faucet file from

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lijianl commented Mar 30, 2020

where to get a fundraiser account on the main net, send a transaction from a Mnemonic account is always failed??
could you help with this

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Please join our developer room on Riot

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lijianl commented Mar 30, 2020

i use TezosWalletUtil.getKeysFromMnemonicAndPassphrase to get a fundraiser account, but how to get an activate code

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lijianl commented Mar 30, 2020

developer room on Riot has an error, "Invalid homeserver discovery response" could you help to solve above issue

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lijianl commented Mar 30, 2020

Please join our developer room on Riot

the URL is ERROR:Invalid homeserver discovery response

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lijianl commented Mar 30, 2020

Please join our developer room on Riot

the URL is ERROR:Invalid homeserver discovery response

could you give me any help with this?

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