download to ~/Downloads
view checksum of binary
cd ~/Downloads
shasum -a 256 mac_1.7.17_MyCrypto.dmg
// ==UserScript== | |
// @name Recaptcha Solver (Automatically solves Recaptcha in browser) | |
// @namespace Recaptcha Solver | |
// @version 2.1 | |
// @description Recaptcha Solver in Browser | Automatically solves Recaptcha in browser | |
// @author engageub | |
// @match *://*/recaptcha/* | |
// @connect engageub.pythonanywhere.com | |
// @connect engageub1.pythonanywhere.com | |
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest |
download to ~/Downloads
view checksum of binary
cd ~/Downloads
shasum -a 256 mac_1.7.17_MyCrypto.dmg
docker exec -w /multix/squid --user=root -it multix-ui-dev /bin/sh
apk add --update tmux
# new Tmux session and window
# references:
# * https://gist.github.com/michaellihs/b6d46fa460fa5e429ea7ee5ff8794b96
# * https://dev.to/iggredible/useful-tmux-configuration-examples-k3g
# commands
find . -size +200M -exec du -hs {} ;
I am using an Apple macOS with M1 processor when following the steps here https://docs.substrate.io/tutorials/v3/cumulus/start-relay/ I am using the versions specified here https://docs.substrate.io/tutorials/v3/cumulus/start-relay/#software-versioning (i.e. polkadot v0.9.16, substrate-parachain-template polkadot-v0.9.16 and Polkadot-JS Apps v0.103.2-8 from https://github.com/polkadot-js/apps/commit/0b6e52733181392e823f7c37e833f4f5fd6b16ef)
First I installed Substrate and Rust:
curl https://getsubstrate.io -sSf | bash -s -- --fast
wget -O - https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y
I am using an Apple macOS with M1 processor when following the steps here https://docs.substrate.io/tutorials/v3/cumulus/start-relay/ I am using the versions specified here https://docs.substrate.io/tutorials/v3/cumulus/start-relay/#software-versioning (i.e. polkadot v0.9.16, substrate-parachain-template polkadot-v0.9.16)
First I installed Substrate and Rust:
curl https://getsubstrate.io -sSf | bash -s -- --fast
wget -O - https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y
rustup update stable
{ | |
"name": "DataHighway Westlake Mainnet", | |
"id": "westlake", | |
"chainType": "Live", | |
"bootNodes": [ | |
"/ip4/", | |
"/ip4/", | |
"/ip4/", | |
"/ip4/", | |
"/ip4/", |
use std::str; | |
fn main() { | |
// -- FROM: vec of chars -- | |
let src1: Vec<char> = vec!['j','{','"','i','m','m','y','"','}']; | |
// to String | |
let string1: String = src1.iter().collect::<String>(); | |
// to str | |
let str1: &str = &src1.iter().collect::<String>(); | |
// to vec of byte |
The following are steps taken to verify the checksum of the Rotki installer on macOS:
cat rotki-darwin-v1.6.2.dmg.sha512
f1be8965f206fb0ae5f745575c0e4da12a302e237188bb5cd41d73a19705965fc409da72508253f8908626ccbfb43990bf0e801f3cfa0ff9e29000c7d177a074 rotki-darwin-v1.6.2.dmg