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Created May 3, 2015 01:24
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# gdal to wavefront obj
from osgeo import gdal
except ImportError:
import gdal
import sys
import numpy as Numeric
except ImportError:
import Numeric
# =============================================================================
def Usage():
print('Usage: [-skip factor] [-srcwin xoff yoff width height]')
print(' [-band b] [-csv] srcfile [dstfile]')
sys.exit( 1 )
# =============================================================================
# Program mainline.
if __name__ == '__main__':
srcwin = None
skip = 1
srcfile = None
dstfile = None
band_nums = []
delim = ' '
argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor( sys.argv )
if argv is None:
sys.exit( 0 )
# Parse command line arguments.
i = 1
while i < len(argv):
arg = argv[i]
if arg == '-srcwin':
srcwin = (int(argv[i+1]),int(argv[i+2]),
i = i + 4
elif arg == '-skip':
skip = int(argv[i+1])
i = i + 1
elif arg == '-band':
band_nums.append( int(argv[i+1]) )
i = i + 1
elif arg == '-csv':
delim = ','
elif arg[0] == '-':
elif srcfile is None:
srcfile = arg
elif dstfile is None:
dstfile = arg
i = i + 1
if srcfile is None:
if band_nums == []: band_nums = [1]
# Open source file.
srcds = gdal.Open( srcfile )
if srcds is None:
print('Could not open %s.' % srcfile)
sys.exit( 1 )
bands = []
for band_num in band_nums:
band = srcds.GetRasterBand(band_num)
if band is None:
print('Could not get band %d' % band_num)
sys.exit( 1 )
gt = srcds.GetGeoTransform()
# Collect information on all the source files.
if srcwin is None:
srcwin = (0,0,srcds.RasterXSize,srcds.RasterYSize)
# Open the output file.
if dstfile is not None:
dst_fh = open(dstfile,'wt')
dst_fh = sys.stdout
dst_fh.write("# ANSELM\n");
dst_fh.write("mtllib untitled.mtl\n");
dst_fh.write("o SRTM\n");
band_format = (("%g" + delim) * len(bands)).rstrip(delim) + '\n'
# Setup an appropriate print format.
if abs(gt[0]) < 180 and abs(gt[3]) < 180 \
and abs(srcds.RasterXSize * gt[1]) < 180 \
and abs(srcds.RasterYSize * gt[5]) < 180:
format = 'v %.10g' + delim + '%.10g' + delim + '%s' + '\n'
format = 'v %.3f' + delim + '%.3f' + delim + '%s' + '\n'
# Loop emitting data.
vertices = []
tallest = 0
for y in range(srcwin[1],srcwin[1]+srcwin[3],skip):
data = []
for band in bands:
band_data = band.ReadAsArray( srcwin[0], y, srcwin[2], 1 )
band_data = Numeric.reshape( band_data, (srcwin[2],) )
previous = 0
for x_i in range(0,srcwin[2],skip):
x = x_i + srcwin[0]
geo_x = gt[0] + (x+0.5) * gt[1] + (y+0.5) * gt[2]
geo_y = gt[3] + (x+0.5) * gt[4] + (y+0.5) * gt[5]
x_i_data = []
for i in range(len(bands)):
band_str = band_format % tuple(x_i_data)
geo_z = float(band_str)
# just for debugging
if geo_z > tallest:
tallest = geo_z
# try eliminate spikes around edges
if geo_z > previous + 1200:
sys.stdout.write("removed vertex " + str(geo_z) + "\n")
previous = geo_z
geo_z = -1
previous = geo_z
# there is some random noise outlier stuff i am trying to remove
if geo_z > 16400:
geo_z = -1
previous = 0
if geo_z < 0:
geo_z = -1
previous = 0
# mark these vertices as do not use because they are sea level or below
if geo_z <= 0:
# fiddle with scale a bit
geo_z = geo_z/100000*5
# save it
line = format % (float(geo_x),float(geo_y), float(geo_z) )
dst_fh.write( line )
for y in range(srcwin[1],srcwin[1]+srcwin[3]-1,skip):
for x_i in range(0,srcwin[2]-1,skip):
x = x_i + y * srcwin[2]
x2 = x+srcwin[2]
if vertices[x] == 0 or vertices[x+1] == 0 or vertices[x2] == 0 or vertices[x2+1] == 0:
line = "f %d %d %d\n" % (x+2,x+1,x2+1)
dst_fh.write( line )
line = "f %d %d %d\n" % (x+2,x2+1,x2+2)
dst_fh.write( line )
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anselm commented May 3, 2015

Cleaned up SRTM data can be obtained from here. The resolution is greater than you would need for viewing state sized data segments on a screen.

Here’s one way to merge them together - using gdalwarp

Here is another way - using gdal_merge

/opt/local/share/examples/py27-gdal/scripts/ srtm_12_04.tif srtm_12_05.tif srtm_12_06.tif srtm_13_05.tif srtm_13_06.tif srtm_14_06.tif -o big.tif

Here are shape file outlines that you can use to cut an image against in order to get only a single state:

Here is how a shape file can cut a tiff

gdalwarp -cutline test.shp -crop_to_cutline -dstalpha big.tif clipped.tif

And here is how to lower their resolution

gdalwarp -ts 1600 0 -r cubic -co "TFW=YES" srtm_12_05.tif test.tif

I have a small program that converts them to obj files in blender. It also removes spikes.

From there you might want to assign a UV, remove any unused vertices, smooth and decimate as desired.

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