Save antirez/11126283 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<? | |
require("redis.php"); | |
require("json.php"); | |
$term = $_GET['term']; | |
$r = new Redis("","6379"); | |
$r->connect(); | |
$items = $r->zrangebylex("kernel","[$term","[$term\xff",Array("LIMIT","0","10")); | |
$t = Array(); | |
$id = 0; | |
foreach($items as $item) { | |
$t[] = Array("id" => $id++, "label" => $item); | |
} | |
$json = new Services_JSON(); | |
$output = $json->encode($t); | |
echo($output); | |
?> |
could you share the source of redis.php?
every redis-php library i find, dont support "zrangebylex"
Warning: fsockopen() [For instance many configuration options can be modified without any kind of restart using the function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /var/virtual/autocomplete.redis.io/httpdocs/redis.php on line 29
Fatal error: Cannot open socket to, error 111. in /var/virtual/autocomplete.redis.io/httpdocs/redis.php on line 37
I am unsure how this works as I cannot find support for zrangebylex with PHP anywhere.
Seems like demo script doesn't work for several years :-(
You can use predis library and call ZSetRangeByLex
By any chance has anyone an example project on how to store the data, index it and the UI for autocomplete?
Thank you in advance.
I wrote something for nodejs if anyone is interested. It uses the same jquery UI autocomplete widget as http://autocomplete.redis.io/ but it executes a function as the
value.edit: oh and btw I'm a novice so idk how good this code is, but it works.
On the server it uses socket.io and the [redis](https://www.npmjs.org/package /redis) npm module.