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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Trajectory tracker
#include <string.h>
#include "trajectories.h"
void trajectory_init(trajectory_t *traj,
float *buffer, int len, int dimension,
uint64_t sampling_time_us)
traj->buffer = buffer;
traj->length = len;
traj->dimension = dimension;
traj->sampling_time_us = sampling_time_us;
traj->read_pointer = 0;
traj->read_time_us = traj->last_defined_time_us = 0;
void trajectory_chunk_init(trajectory_chunk_t *chunk, float *buffer, int length,
int dimension, uint64_t start_time_us,
uint64_t sampling_time_us)
chunk->buffer = buffer;
chunk->length = length;
chunk->dimension = dimension;
chunk->sampling_time_us = sampling_time_us;
chunk->start_time_us = start_time_us;
int trajectory_apply_chunk(trajectory_t *traj, trajectory_chunk_t *chunk)
int start_index, i = 0, write_index;
int64_t start_time_us;
float *src, *dst;
if (chunk->sampling_time_us != traj->sampling_time_us) {
if (chunk->dimension != traj->dimension) {
/* Check if the end of the chunk is past the end of the trajectory. */
if (chunk->start_time_us + chunk->length * chunk->sampling_time_us >=
traj->read_time_us + traj->length * traj->sampling_time_us) {
start_index = (chunk->start_time_us - traj->read_time_us) / (traj->sampling_time_us);
start_index += traj -> read_pointer;
start_time_us = chunk->start_time_us;
/* Do not copy points before the read pointer. */
i = 1 + ((traj->read_time_us - chunk->start_time_us) / traj->sampling_time_us);
while (i < chunk->length) {
write_index = (i + start_index) % traj->length;
memcpy(&traj->buffer[write_index * traj->dimension],
&chunk->buffer[i * traj->dimension],
traj->dimension * sizeof (float));
i ++;
traj->last_defined_time_us = chunk->start_time_us +
(chunk->length - 1) * chunk->sampling_time_us;
return 0;
float* trajectory_read(trajectory_t *traj, int64_t time)
if (time > traj->last_defined_time_us) {
return NULL;
if (time < traj->read_time_us) {
return NULL;
traj->read_pointer += (time - traj->read_time_us) / traj->sampling_time_us;
traj->read_pointer = traj->read_pointer % traj->length;
traj->read_time_us = time;
return &traj->buffer[traj->read_pointer * traj->dimension];
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct {
float *buffer;
int length;
int dimension;
int64_t sampling_time_us;
int read_pointer;
int64_t read_time_us;
int64_t last_defined_time_us;
} trajectory_t;
typedef struct {
float *buffer;
int length;
int dimension;
int64_t sampling_time_us;
int64_t start_time_us;
} trajectory_chunk_t;
/** Inits a trajectory structure.
* @param [in] traj The trajectory to initialize.
* @param [in] buffer The buffer to use for the trajectory.
* @param [in] len The max number of points in the trajectory.
* @param [in] dimension The dimension of a point in the trajectory.
* @param [in] sampling_time_us Time between 2 samples in us.
* @param [in] start_time_us Starting time in us.
void trajectory_init(trajectory_t *traj,
float *buffer, int len, int dimension,
uint64_t sampling_time_us);
/** Inits a trajectory chunk. A chunk is a part of a trajectory that can later
* be merged to a trajectory.
* @param [in] chunk The chunk to initialize.
* @param [in] buffer The buffer to use for the chunk.
* @param [in] len The max number of points in the chunk.
* @param [in] dimension The dimension of a point in the chunk.
* @param [in] sampling_time_us Time between 2 samples in us.
* @param [in] start_time_us Starting time in us.
void trajectory_chunk_init(trajectory_chunk_t *chunk, float *buffer, int length,
int dimension, uint64_t start_time_us,
uint64_t sampling_time_us);
/** Merges the given trajectory with the given chunk.
* @returns 0 if everything was OK.
* @returns TRAJECTORY_ERROR_TIMESTEP_MISMATCH If the timestep from the
* trajectory is not the same as the chunk's one.
* @returns TRAJECTORY_ERROR_CHUNK_TOO_LONG if the chunk is too long or too far
* in the future to be applied.
* @returns TRAJECTORY_ERROR_DIMENSION_MISMATCH if the chunk's points do not
* have the same dimesnion as the trajectory's ones.
* @note If an error occurs, the trajectory is left unchanged.
int trajectory_apply_chunk(trajectory_t *traj, trajectory_chunk_t *chunk);
/** Reads the current point of the trajectory.
* @returns A pointer to the first field of the current point.
* @note This updates the trajectory, settting the read pointer and read time.
float* trajectory_read(trajectory_t *traj, int64_t time);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <iostream>
#include "trajectories.h"
#include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h"
float buffer[3][2];
TEST(TrajectoryInitTestGroup, CanInitTraj)
trajectory_t traj;
trajectory_init(&traj, (float *)buffer, 3, 2, 1000);
POINTERS_EQUAL((float *)buffer, traj.buffer);
CHECK_EQUAL(3, traj.length);
CHECK_EQUAL(2, traj.dimension);
CHECK_EQUAL(1000, (int)traj.sampling_time_us);
CHECK_EQUAL(0, (int)traj.read_pointer);
TEST(TrajectoryInitTestGroup, CanInitChunk)
trajectory_chunk_t chunk;
trajectory_chunk_init(&chunk, (float *)buffer, 3, 2, 100, 10);
POINTERS_EQUAL((float *)buffer, chunk.buffer);
CHECK_EQUAL(3, chunk.length);
CHECK_EQUAL(2, chunk.dimension);
CHECK_EQUAL(100, (int)chunk.start_time_us);
CHECK_EQUAL(10, (int)chunk.sampling_time_us);
trajectory_t traj;
float traj_buffer[100];
trajectory_chunk_t chunk;
float chunk_buffer[10];
const uint64_t dt = 100;
void setup(void)
memset(traj_buffer, 0, sizeof traj_buffer);
memset(chunk_buffer, 0, sizeof chunk_buffer);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
chunk_buffer[i] = (float)i + 1;
trajectory_init(&traj, (float *)traj_buffer, 100, 1, dt);
trajectory_chunk_init(&chunk, (float *)chunk_buffer, 10, 1, 0, dt);
TEST(TrajectoriesMergingTestGroup, SimpleMerge)
chunk.start_time_us = 20 * dt;
trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
CHECK_EQUAL(traj_buffer[20], 1.);
CHECK_EQUAL(traj_buffer[21], 2.);
CHECK_EQUAL(traj_buffer[29], 10.);
TEST(TrajectoriesMergingTestGroup, ReturnCode)
int ret;
chunk.start_time_us = 20 * dt;
ret = trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
CHECK_EQUAL(0, ret);
TEST(TrajectoriesMergingTestGroup, MergeWrapAround)
// Leave enough room to wrap around
traj.read_pointer = 50;
traj.read_time_us = 50 * dt;
// The chunk arrives at the end of the buffer
chunk.start_time_us = 95 * dt;
trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
CHECK_EQUAL(1., traj_buffer[95])
CHECK_EQUAL(5., traj_buffer[99])
CHECK_EQUAL(6., traj_buffer[0])
CHECK_EQUAL(7., traj_buffer[1])
TEST(TrajectoriesMergingTestGroup, MergeWithNonZeroStartTime)
traj.read_time_us = 100;
chunk.start_time_us = 100 + 2 * dt;
trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
CHECK_EQUAL(1., traj_buffer[2]);
TEST(TrajectoriesMergingTestGroup, MergeWithNonZeroReadPointer)
traj.read_pointer = 4;
traj.read_time_us = 100;
chunk.start_time_us = 100 + 2 * dt;
trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
CHECK_EQUAL(1., traj_buffer[2 + 4]);
TEST(TrajectoriesMergingTestGroup, MergeFromPast)
traj.read_time_us = 100;
traj.read_pointer = 10;
chunk.start_time_us = 100 - 2 * dt;
trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
CHECK_EQUAL(4., traj_buffer[11]);
// Check that we did not touch the points before the read pointer
CHECK_EQUAL(0., traj_buffer[10]);
trajectory_t traj;
const uint64_t dt = 100;
void setup()
trajectory_init(&traj, NULL, 100, 1, dt);
TEST(TrajectoriesReadTestGroup, ReadChangesTheReadPointer)
int64_t time = traj.read_time_us + 4 * dt;
// Trajectory is defined up to this point
traj.last_defined_time_us = time;
CHECK_EQUAL(0, traj.read_pointer);
trajectory_read(&traj, time);
CHECK_EQUAL(4, traj.read_pointer);
LONGS_EQUAL(time, traj.read_time_us);
TEST(TrajectoriesReadTestGroup, ReadWrapsAround)
// Wrap around 3 times
int64_t time = traj.read_time_us + 4 * dt + 3 * 100 * dt;
// Trajectory is defined up to this point
traj.last_defined_time_us = time;
trajectory_read(&traj, time);
CHECK_EQUAL(4, traj.read_pointer);
LONGS_EQUAL(time, traj.read_time_us);
TEST(TrajectoriesReadTestGroup, ReadReturnsPointerToCorrectZone)
int64_t time = traj.read_time_us + 4 * dt;
// Trajectory is defined at this point
traj.last_defined_time_us = time;
float *res;
res = trajectory_read(&traj, time);
POINTERS_EQUAL(res, &traj.buffer[4]);
const uint64_t dt = 100;
trajectory_t traj;
float traj_buffer[100][3];
trajectory_chunk_t chunk;
float chunk_buffer[10][3];
void setup()
memset(traj_buffer, 0, sizeof traj_buffer);
trajectory_init(&traj, (float *)traj_buffer, 100, 3, dt);
memset(chunk_buffer, 0, sizeof chunk_buffer);
trajectory_chunk_init(&chunk, (float *)chunk_buffer, 10, 3, 0, dt);
TEST(TrajectoriesMultipleDimensionTestGroup, CanMerge)
chunk.start_time_us = 20 * dt;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
chunk_buffer[i][0] = (float)i;
chunk_buffer[i][1] = (float)10 * i;
chunk_buffer[i][2] = (float)100 * i;
trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
CHECK_EQUAL(1., traj_buffer[21][0]);
CHECK_EQUAL(10., traj_buffer[21][1]);
CHECK_EQUAL(100., traj_buffer[21][2]);
CHECK_EQUAL(2., traj_buffer[22][0]);
CHECK_EQUAL(20., traj_buffer[22][1]);
CHECK_EQUAL(200., traj_buffer[22][2]);
CHECK_EQUAL(9., traj_buffer[29][0]);
CHECK_EQUAL(90., traj_buffer[29][1]);
CHECK_EQUAL(900., traj_buffer[29][2]);
TEST(TrajectoriesMultipleDimensionTestGroup, CanRead)
traj.last_defined_time_us = traj.read_time_us + 2 * dt;
float *res = trajectory_read(&traj, traj.read_time_us + 2 * dt);
POINTERS_EQUAL(&traj_buffer[2][0], res);
trajectory_t traj;
float traj_buffer[100];
trajectory_chunk_t chunk;
float chunk_buffer[10];
const uint64_t dt = 100;
int ret;
void setup(void)
memset(traj_buffer, 0, sizeof traj_buffer);
memset(chunk_buffer, 0, sizeof chunk_buffer);
trajectory_init(&traj, (float *)traj_buffer, 100, 1, dt);
trajectory_chunk_init(&chunk, (float *)chunk_buffer, 10, 1, 0, dt);
TEST(TrajectoriesErrorTestGroup, CheckSampleRate)
// Sample rates don't match
chunk.sampling_time_us = traj.sampling_time_us + 10;
ret = trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
TEST(TrajectoriesErrorTestGroup, CheckTooFarInTheFuture)
// Last point of chunk will override the trajectory
chunk.start_time_us = 90 * dt;
ret = trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
TEST(TrajectoriesErrorTestGroup, CheckDimension)
chunk.dimension = traj.dimension - 1;
ret = trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
TEST(TrajectoriesErrorTestGroup, ReadAfterBufferEnd)
float *res;
chunk.start_time_us = 20 * dt;
trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
res = trajectory_read(&traj, 30 * dt);
TEST(TrajectoriesErrorTestGroup, ReadBeforeReadPointer)
// Reading before read pointer is undefined, as data may have been
// overwritten
float *res;
chunk.start_time_us = 20 * dt;
trajectory_apply_chunk(&traj, &chunk);
res = trajectory_read(&traj, 10 * dt);
// Now check before the read pointer
res = trajectory_read(&traj, 5 * dt);
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31415us commented Apr 29, 2015

in void trajectory_apply_chunk(trajectory_t *traj, trajectory_chunk_t *chunk) what should be the desired/correct behaviour when traj and chunk don't have the same sampling time?

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  • the read function should find the closest or only allow multiples of the sample time (TBD)
  • the while loops should be replaced by an explicit computation which is easier to understand and faster.
  • use memcpy to copy memory
  • A few checks are needed:
    • verify the sampling time is the same when merging
    • the read function should return an error (NULL) when the requested sample doesn't exist
    • the merge function should check that the chunk isn't too long

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Fixed everything, except for

the read function should find the closest or only allow multiples of the sample time (TBD)

Should I mod it to find the closest ? Or do we stay with the current "find next point" behavior ?

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