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antonyc / chapson quick paste
Created July 8, 2022 06:02
chapson quick paste
could not start the compute node: failed to get basebackup@0/169F070 from pageserver host=neon-stress-ps-2.local port=6400 Caused by: 0: failed to iterate over archive 1: db error: ERROR: Timed out while waiting for WAL record at LSN 0/169F070 to arrive, last_record_lsn 0/16960E8 disk consistent LSN=0/16960E8 2: ERROR: Timed out while waiting for WAL record at LSN 0/169F070 to arrive, last_record_lsn 0/16960E8 disk consistent LSN=0/16960E8
antonyc / chapson quick paste
Created June 24, 2022 14:32
chapson quick paste
antonyc / chapson quick paste
Created June 24, 2022 14:32
chapson quick paste
antonyc / chapson quick paste
Created June 22, 2022 15:03
chapson quick paste
=> CANCELED [go-build 6/11] RUN go mod download 458.2s
=> ERROR [node-build 10/11] RUN yarn exec webpack 192.7s
> [node-build 10/11] RUN yarn exec webpack:
#34 1.465 yarn exec v1.22.5
#34 5.870 Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
#34 5.870 npx browserslist@latest --update-db
#34 5.870 Why you should do it regularly:
#34 191.1 assets by path *.js 7.95 MiB
#34 191.1 assets by status 3.23 MiB [big] 5 assets
antonyc / chapson quick paste
Created June 3, 2022 08:21
chapson quick paste
interface conversion: interface {} is int64, not string","request":"GET /cable HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: upgrade
Cookie: _ga_18NPNJD444=GS1.1.1654084627.42.1.1654084657.0; _ga=GA1.1.1353749678.1650437855; _ga_1N4XQ6V7JN=GS1.1.1654084627.42.1.1654084657.0; _ga_DEJRSHR980=GS1.1.1654243661.29.0.1654243662.0; _ga_C9WQGCS3KL=GS1.1.1654243661.29.0.1654243662.0; _gorilla_csrf=MTY1NDE3NzMwNXxJa3BrV0dWT1JrUlhhVUp6T1N0alRUbEthM1p6ZWxoTE5VNVNVVVZ0U0drd1RrdFhjMDFoV1hScmFrMDlJZ289fNShpDqaxJsFG4nLCYqbsuP7dOiPavatoP2B7MSb0oVB; zenith=MTY1MzA0MzgyNHxEdi1CQkFFQ180SUFBUkFCRUFBQWZfLUNBQU1HYzNSeWFXNW5EQWNBQlhOMFlYUmxCbk4wY21sdVp3d2FBQmhDY20xdmRHNTBabGhFU0hGRmRESnRaak51UzJOUlBUMEdjM1J5YVc1bkRBZ0FCbWx1ZG1sMFpRWnpkSEpwYm1jTUVBQU9lbVZ1YVhSb0xYUmxZVzB0TkRJR2MzUnlhVzVuREFrQUIzVnpaWEpmYVdRRmFXNTBOalFFQkFELUFRbz18DRTTm4OoZGV3xR7pImkYdK2lgSkvCftGYzj9jv2CMR8=
Dnt: 1
antonyc / chapson quick paste
Created May 31, 2022 15:49
chapson quick paste
m ~/D/z/c/h/zenith-console git:(feature/1244_statefulset_1_replica) ✗ helm diff upgrade zenith-console ./ --values values-stage.yaml # --atomic --wait --timeout 10m0s
default, zenith-console, Deployment (apps) has been removed:
- # Source: zenith-console/templates/deployment.yaml
- apiVersion: apps/v1
- kind: Deployment
- metadata:
- name: zenith-console
- labels:
- zenith-console-0.1.1
- zenith-console
antonyc / chapson quick paste
Created May 20, 2022 17:05
chapson quick paste
2022-05-20T19:36:01.698+0300 DEBUG cloudbench Will execute PGPASSWORD=mn4KaXIbZcj2 pgbench --no-vacuum --initialize --scale 1 --host --port 5432 --username antonyc main {"unit": 0}
2022-05-20T19:36:10.990+0300 INFO cloudbench pgbench finished successfully {"unit": 0}
2022-05-20T19:36:10.990+0300 DEBUG cloudbench pgbench output: "dropping old tables...\nNOTICE: table \"pgbench_accounts\" does not exist, skipping\nNOTICE: table \"pgbench_branches\" does not exist, skipping\nNOTICE: table \"pgbench_history\" does not exist, skipping\nNOTICE: table \"pgbench_tellers\" does not exist, skipping\ncreating tables...\ngenerating data (client-side)...\n100000 of 100000 tuples (100%) done (elapsed 1.49 s, remaining 0.00 s)\ncreating primary keys...\ndone in 7.94 s (drop tables 0.16 s, create tables 0.76 s, client-side generate 6.25 s, primary keys 0.77 s).\n" {"unit": 0}
2022-05-20T19:36:10.990+0300 INFO cloudbench finished unit {"unit": 0}
2022-05-20T19:36:44.467+0300 DE
antonyc / chapson quick paste
Created May 14, 2022 09:56
chapson quick paste
admin@zenith-us-stage-ps-2:~$ journalctl -u pageserver.service --since "2022-05-13 19:53:29" | grep -m1 "f36b7783b92cc5b06e9f76963526cea7" -A 40
May 13 19:53:29 zenith-us-stage-ps-2.local pageserver[12668]: 2022-05-13T19:53:29.714258Z INFO load tenantconf from /storage/pageserver/data/tenants/f36b7783b92cc5b06e9f76963526cea7/config
May 13 19:53:29 zenith-us-stage-ps-2.local pageserver[12668]: 2022-05-13T19:53:29.714354Z INFO saving tenantconf: save tenantconf to /storage/pageserver/data/tenants/f36b7783b92cc5b06e9f76963526cea7/config
May 13 19:53:29 zenith-us-stage-ps-2.local pageserver[12668]: 2022-05-13T19:53:29.715372Z WARN loading local timeline: unrecognized filename in timeline dir: 000000067F000040020000800A00000089EF-XXX__000000008007E8C1-00000000B4940549.temp
May 13 19:53:29 zenith-us-stage-ps-2.local pageserver[12668]: 2022-05-13T19:53:29.715530Z WARN loading local timeline: unrecognized filename in timeline dir: 000000067F000032AC000040040000000000-XXX__000000008007E8C1-00000000B4940549.temp
antonyc / chapson quick paste
Created May 6, 2022 15:44
chapson quick paste
m ~/D/z/c/h/zenith-console git:(release) ✗ helm diff upgrade zenith-console ./ --values values-release.yaml
default, zenith-console, Deployment (apps) has changed:
# Source: zenith-console/templates/deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: zenith-console
labels: zenith-console-0.1.1 zenith-console
antonyc / chapson quick paste
Created May 3, 2022 14:41
chapson quick paste
m ~/D/z/c/h/zenith-console git:(main) ✗ helm diff --debug upgrade zenith-console ./ --values values-stage.yaml
Executing helm version
Executing helm get manifest zenith-console --namespace default
Executing helm template zenith-console ./ --namespace default --values values-stage.yaml --validate --is-upgrade
Executing helm get hooks zenith-console --namespace default
default, zenith-console, Deployment (apps) has changed:
# Source: zenith-console/templates/deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment