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Created June 22, 2022 15:03
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=> CANCELED [go-build 6/11] RUN go mod download 458.2s
=> ERROR [node-build 10/11] RUN yarn exec webpack 192.7s
> [node-build 10/11] RUN yarn exec webpack:
#34 1.465 yarn exec v1.22.5
#34 5.870 Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
#34 5.870 npx browserslist@latest --update-db
#34 5.870 Why you should do it regularly:
#34 191.1 assets by path *.js 7.95 MiB
#34 191.1 assets by status 3.23 MiB [big] 5 assets
#34 191.1 assets by path js/*.js 5.92 MiB
#34 191.1 assets by status 5.4 MiB [big]
#34 191.1 assets by chunk 1020 KiB (id hint: vendors) 2 assets
#34 191.1 6 assets
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#34 191.1 assets by path /media/_/node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/ 2.79 MiB 15 assets
#34 191.1 assets by path /media/modules/ 349 KiB
#34 191.1 assets by chunk 218 KiB (auxiliary name: sign_in) 8 assets
#34 191.1 assets by path /media/modules/psql_connect/assets/*.webp 72.5 KiB 3 assets
#34 191.1 assets by path /media/modules/console/ 34.5 KiB 3 assets
#34 191.1 asset /media/modules/shared/assets/images/empty_not_found-a98cf159abb0ed0ed32e3ae8e0d26ebb.svg 24.1 KiB [emitted] [from: web/modules/shared/assets/images/empty_not_found.svg] (auxiliary name: app)
#34 191.1 assets by path css/*.css 602 KiB 9 assets
#34 191.1 asset assets-manifest.json 103 KiB [emitted]
#34 191.1 orphan modules 2.74 MiB (javascript) 101 KiB (runtime) [orphan] 1088 modules
#34 191.1 runtime modules 63 KiB 92 modules
#34 191.1 built modules 9.57 MiB (javascript) 478 KiB (css/mini-extract) [built]
#34 191.1 modules by path ./node_modules/ 6 MiB (javascript) 230 KiB (css/mini-extract)
#34 191.1 javascript modules 6 MiB 782 modules
#34 191.1 css modules 230 KiB 8 modules
#34 191.1 ./node_modules/axios/package.json 1.92 KiB [built] [code generated]
#34 191.1 modules by path ./web/modules/ 248 KiB (css/mini-extract) 3.57 MiB (javascript)
#34 191.1 modules by path ./web/modules/shared/ 231 KiB (css/mini-extract) 41.9 KiB (javascript) 72 modules
#34 191.1 modules by path ./web/modules/console/ 10.6 KiB (css/mini-extract) 1.11 MiB (javascript) 32 modules
#34 191.1 modules by path ./web/modules/admin/ 1.56 KiB (css/mini-extract) 898 KiB (javascript) 2 modules
#34 191.1 modules by path ./web/modules/psql_connect/ 614 KiB (javascript) 1.49 KiB (css/mini-extract) 7 modules
#34 191.1 modules by path ./web/modules/auth/ 497 KiB (javascript) 3.53 KiB (css/mini-extract) 3 modules
#34 191.1 ./web/modules/swagger/index.ts + 2 modules 37.8 KiB [built] [code generated]
#34 191.1 ./web/modules/error/index.tsx + 116 modules 436 KiB [built] [code generated]
#34 191.1
#34 191.1 LOG from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js sass-loader ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js!./web/modules/shared/components/Pev2react/style.light.scss
#34 191.1 <w> Deprecation Using / for division outside of calc() is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> Recommendation: math.div(($r * 299) + ($g * 587) + ($b * 114), 1000) or calc((($r * 299) + ($g * 587) + ($b * 114)) / 1000)
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> More info and automated migrator:
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> node_modules/pev2/dist/scss/_base.scss 7:9 color-yiq()
#34 191.1 <w> node_modules/pev2/dist/scss/_base.scss 22:12 @import
#34 191.1 <w> node_modules/pev2/dist/scss/_pev2.scss 1:9 @import
#34 191.1 <w> web/modules/shared/components/Pev2react/style.light.scss 12:9 root stylesheet
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> Deprecation Using / for division outside of calc() is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> Recommendation: math.div($padding-base, 2) or calc($padding-base / 2)
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> More info and automated migrator:
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> node_modules/pev2/dist/scss/_plan-node.scss 52:20 @import
#34 191.1 <w> node_modules/pev2/dist/scss/_pev2.scss 5:9 @import
#34 191.1 <w> web/modules/shared/components/Pev2react/style.light.scss 12:9 root stylesheet
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> Deprecation Using / for division outside of calc() is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> Recommendation: math.div($compact-width, 3) or calc($compact-width / 3)
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> More info and automated migrator:
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1 <w> node_modules/pev2/dist/scss/_plan-node.scss 249:15 @import
#34 191.1 <w> node_modules/pev2/dist/scss/_pev2.scss 5:9 @import
#34 191.1 <w> web/modules/shared/components/Pev2react/style.light.scss 12:9 root stylesheet
#34 191.1 <w>
#34 191.1
#34 191.1 WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
#34 191.1 This can impact web performance.
#34 191.1 Assets:
#34 191.1 37afa466cdb7fa8fc2e043164d48f29e.js (463 KiB)
#34 191.1 04770a551c5b6daa744be9b180a8d0fe.js (467 KiB)
#34 191.1 b7b7be8216519adf62d75f123f9c6423.js (320 KiB)
#34 191.1 03371bf1d5cbb1eab58e3a0130d1e9c2.js (496 KiB)
#34 191.1 63b15fb6fc8f897b22a4bf72b7e8452a.js (1.53 MiB)
#34 191.1 /media/_/node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/fa-brands-400-2f517e09eb2ca6650ff5bec5a95157ab.svg (730 KiB)
#34 191.1 /media/_/node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/fa-solid-900-7a8b4f130182d19a2d7c67d80c090397.svg (897 KiB)
#34 191.1 js/app-0b52ec8dfa283b169eb2.js (794 KiB)
#34 191.1 js/sign_in-7e70cebbd7d0b725a491.js (513 KiB)
#34 191.1 js/admin-f1059a5c27e3113630f3.js (1.08 MiB)
#34 191.1 js/swagger-ce73199cb9cec1c1cb7e.js (1.1 MiB)
#34 191.1 js/error-6228d38ccf0b45330545.js (434 KiB)
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#34 191.1 js/app-0b52ec8dfa283b169eb2.js.gz (249 KiB)
#34 191.1 js/admin-f1059a5c27e3113630f3.js.gz (305 KiB)
#34 191.1 js/swagger-ce73199cb9cec1c1cb7e.js.gz (349 KiB)
#34 191.1 63b15fb6fc8f897b22a4bf72b7e8452a.js.gz (252 KiB)
#34 191.1
#34 191.1 WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
#34 191.1 Entrypoints:
#34 191.1 app (859 KiB)
#34 191.1 css/app-ad566d0e.css
#34 191.1 js/app-0b52ec8dfa283b169eb2.js
#34 191.1 sign_in (553 KiB)
#34 191.1 css/sign_in-54d4d094.css
#34 191.1 js/sign_in-7e70cebbd7d0b725a491.js
#34 191.1 admin (1.14 MiB)
#34 191.1 css/admin-44fb821f.css
#34 191.1 js/admin-f1059a5c27e3113630f3.js
#34 191.1 swagger (1.24 MiB)
#34 191.1 css/swagger-55f93f7e.css
#34 191.1 js/swagger-ce73199cb9cec1c1cb7e.js
#34 191.1 error (449 KiB)
#34 191.1 css/error-33570f2e.css
#34 191.1 js/error-6228d38ccf0b45330545.js
#34 191.1 psql_connect (554 KiB)
#34 191.1 css/psql_connect-3fc30558.css
#34 191.1 js/psql_connect-b4515b86cd93e0e9729d.js
#34 191.1
#34 191.1 ERROR in Sentry CLI Plugin: Command failed: /build/node_modules/@sentry/cli/sentry-cli releases new dev
#34 191.1 error: API request failed
#34 191.1 caused by: sentry reported an error: Authentication credentials were not provided. (http status: 401)
#34 191.1
#34 191.1 Add --log-level=[info|debug] or export SENTRY_LOG_LEVEL=[info|debug] to see more output.
#34 191.1 Please attach the full debug log to all bug reports.
#34 191.1
#34 191.1 webpack 5.65.0 compiled with 1 error and 2 warnings in 182110 ms
#34 192.5 error Command failed.
#34 192.5 Exit code: 1
#34 192.5 Command: webpack
#34 192.5 Arguments:
#34 192.5 Directory: /build
#34 192.5 Output:
#34 192.5
#34 192.5 info Visit for documentation about this command.
executor failed running [/bin/sh -c yarn exec webpack]: exit code: 1
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