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Last active November 3, 2017 16:32
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import numpy as np
import timeit
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
# define a dot product function used for the rotate operation
def v_dot(a):return lambda b:,b)
class lattice_SAW:
def __init__(self,N,l0):
self.N = N
self.l0 = l0
# initial configuration. Usually we just use a straight chain as inital configuration
self.init_state = np.dstack((np.arange(N),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N)))[0]
self.state = self.init_state.copy()
# define a rotation matrix
# 9 possible rotations: 3 axes * 3 possible rotate angles(90,180,270)
self.rotate_matrix = np.array([[[1,0,0],[0,0,-1],[0,1,0]],[[1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[0,0,-1]]
# define pivot algorithm process where t is the number of successful steps
def walk(self,t):
acpt = 0
# while loop until the number of successful step up to t
while acpt <= t:
pick_pivot = np.random.randint(1,self.N-1) # pick a pivot site
pick_side = np.random.choice([-1,1]) # pick a side
if pick_side == 1:
old_chain = self.state[0:pick_pivot+1]
temp_chain = self.state[pick_pivot+1:]
old_chain = self.state[pick_pivot:]
temp_chain = self.state[0:pick_pivot]
# pick a symmetry operator
symtry_oprtr = self.rotate_matrix[np.random.randint(len(self.rotate_matrix))]
# new chain after symmetry operator
new_chain = np.apply_along_axis(v_dot(symtry_oprtr),1,temp_chain - self.state[pick_pivot]) + self.state[pick_pivot]
# use cdist function of scipy package to calculate the pair-pair distance between old_chain and new_chain
overlap = cdist(new_chain,old_chain)
overlap = overlap.flatten()
# determinte whether the new state is accepted or rejected
if len(np.nonzero(overlap)[0]) != len(overlap):
if pick_side == 1:
self.state = np.concatenate((old_chain,new_chain),axis=0)
elif pick_side == -1:
self.state = np.concatenate((new_chain,old_chain),axis=0)
acpt += 1
# place the center of mass of the chain on the origin
self.state = self.l0*(self.state - np.int_(np.mean(self.state,axis=0)))
N = 100 # number of monomers(number of steps)
l0 = 1 # bond length(step length)
t = 1000 # number of pivot steps
chain = lattice_SAW(N,l0)
%timeit chain.walk(t)
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