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Created August 1, 2022 16:16
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; Network latency injection!
(defn fast!
"Clears all tc rules."
;(info "fast!")
(try+ (c/exec :tc :qdisc :del :dev dev :root)
(catch [:exit 2] e
; Ah, there weren't any rules to clear.
(defn slow-to!
"Slows outbound traffic to the given node via the given device (e.g. eth0)."
[dev node]
(let [ip (cn/ip node)]
;(info "slow" ip)
; Attach a filter to the top-level queue which matches IP traffic to the
; given node, and routes it to flow 1:4, which is our high-latency
; prioqueue.
(c/exec :tc :filter :add :dev dev :protocol :ip :parent "1:0"
:u32 :match :ip :dst ip :flowid "1:4")))
(defn slow-to-all!
"Slows outbound traffic to all given nodes."
[dev nodes mean-delay-ms rate-kbit]
(fast! dev)
; See
(c/su ; Add a new root qdisc to the interface which is a prioqueue. The first
; 3 priorities will be used for standard traffic; the 4th we use as our
; EVIL tier of service.
; prioqueue?
(info "add prioqueue")
(c/exec :tc :qdisc :add :dev dev :root :handle "1:" :prio :bands 4
; This maps combinations of packet TOS flags to priority
; queues; this is the standard mapping for 3 queues.
:priomap 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
; Add another qdisc to that prioqueue--specifically on the fourth
; queue, which is our special target for slow traffic. This TBF node
; performs rate limiting.
(info "add tbf" rate-kbit "kbit")
(c/exec :tc :qdisc :add :dev dev :parent "1:4" :handle "40:"
:tbf :rate (str rate-kbit "kbit")
:buffer 10000 ; How do we tune this?
:limit 20000) ; How do we tune this?
; To THAT we attach a network emulator (netem), introducing some packet
; delay.
(info "add netem")
(c/exec :tc :qdisc :add :dev dev :parent "40:1" :handle "50:"
:netem :delay
(str mean-delay-ms "ms")
"1ms" ; variance
:distribution :normal)
; Apply filters routing those particular nodes to the netem qdisc node
(doseq [node nodes]
(slow-to! dev node))))
(defn net-device
"Returns the network interface that we should set tc queuing disciplines on"
(let [choices (c/su (c/exec :ls "/sys/class/net/"))
iface (->> choices
(remove (fn [iface] (re-find #"^lo" iface)))
(assert iface
(str "Couldn't determine network interface!\n" choices))
(defn slow-net-nemesis
"Slows down the network on all nodes. Operations are either :slow-net, whose
value is an option map passed to net/slow!, or :fast-net, which brings
everything back to as-fast-as-possible."
(reify n/Nemesis
(setup! [this test]
(invoke! [this test op]
(case (:f op)
:slow-net (c/on-nodes test (fn [test node]
(slow-to-all! (net-device)
(remove #{node} (:nodes test))
(:mean (:value op))
(:rate (:value op)))))
:fast-net (c/with-test-nodes test
(fast! (net-device))))
(teardown! [this test]
(c/with-test-nodes test
(fast! (net-device))))
(fs [this]
#{:slow-net :fast-net})))
(defn slow-net-final-gen
"Final generator for slow networks."
(assert (set? (:faults opts)))
(when (:slow-net (:faults opts))
{:type :info, :f :fast-net}))
(defn slow-net-gen
"Normal generator for slow networks."
(when (:slow-net (:faults opts))
; Alternatively: just do a 500ms delay one time.
;[(gen/sleep 10)
; {:type :info, :f :slow-net, :value {:mean 500}}]
(fn gen [test context]
; For every combination of network latency and rate limit:
(->> (for [rate (:net-rates test)
latency (:net-latencies test)]
{:mean latency
:rate rate})
; Endlessly...
(mapcat (fn [slow-params]
[{:type :info, :f :fast-net}
{:type :info, :f :slow-net, :value slow-params}
; sleep a while between changes
(gen/sleep (:interval opts))]))))))
(def slow-net-perf
"Helps the performance graph system understand and render slow-net nemesis
#{{:name "slow-net"
:start #{:slow-net}
:stop #{:fast-net}
:color "#873D9D"}})
(defn slow-net-package
"Constructs a nemesis package for slowing the network."
{:nemesis (slow-net-nemesis)
:generator (slow-net-gen opts)
:final-generator (slow-net-final-gen opts)
:perf slow-net-perf})
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