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Last active August 15, 2016 23:02
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(defrecord Retry [bindings])
(defmacro with-retry
"It's really inconvenient not being able to recur from within (catch)
expressions. This macro wraps its body in a (loop [bindings] (try ...)).
Provides a (retry & new bindings) form which is usable within (catch) blocks:
when this form is returned by the body, the body will be retried with the new
[initial-bindings & body]
(assert (vector? initial-bindings))
(assert (even? (count initial-bindings)))
(let [bindings-count (/ (count initial-bindings) 2)
body (walk/prewalk (fn [form]
(if (and (seq? form)
(= 'retry (first form)))
(do (assert (= bindings-count
(count (rest form))))
`(Retry. [~@(rest form)]))
retval (gensym 'retval)]
`(loop [~@initial-bindings]
(let [~retval (try ~@body)]
(if (instance? Retry ~retval)
(recur ~@(->> (range bindings-count)
(map (fn [i] `(nth (.bindings ~retval) ~i)))))
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