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Created July 8, 2013 05:10
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Save apokalyptik/5946350 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Email me when it's more than 30% likely to rain soon... Pop it into cron once daily and forget. A simple and practical example of working with NOAA/ DWML feeds in PHP
$email = "";
// To find your weather feed....
// * Go here:
// * Search for your location (upper left side of the page as of 7/7/2013)
// * Click the orange "XML" button/link (on the right hand side, beneath the first map as of the same date)
$feed = '';
// Times are relative so it doesn't matter what you put here...
// this is mainly in case you get warnings about TZ settings
// Ugly hack to give me a more or less simple native data structure to work with. Because I wanted something
// now more than something perfect... For this kind of toy one hour project...
$data = json_decode( json_encode( simplexml_load_file( $feed ) ) );
$time_layouts = array();
foreach( $data->data[0]->{"time-layout"} as &$layout )
$time_layouts[$layout->{"layout-key"}] = $layout;
$pop = $data->data[0]->{"parameters"}->{"probability-of-precipitation"};
$pop_time_layout = $pop->{"@attributes"}->{"time-layout"};
$likely = 0;
$report = "";
foreach( $pop->{"value"} as $idx => $val ) {
$ts = strtotime( $time_layouts[$pop_time_layout]->{"start-valid-time"}[$idx] );
if ( ( intval( date( "H", $ts ) ) - 12 ) < 0 )
$tod = "AM";
$tod = "PM";
if ( !is_string( $val ) )
$this_pop = 0;
$this_pop = intval( $val );
if ( $this_pop > 30 )
$report .= sprintf(
"%10s %s, %s %2d %3d%%\n",
date( "l", $ts ),
date( "M", $ts ),
date( "j", $ts ),
if ( $likely ) {
'Looks like rain...',
"<a href='%s'>Details</a><br/><pre>%s</pre>",
"Content-type: text/html; charset=utf8"
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