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Load 10M international events. This is a tidy version of the events
downloadable from ([King and Lowe, 2003](
Size as a single `.rda` file on disk: *96.5M*
# adjust column names for easier SQL import
names(events) <- c("id", "xid", "sid", "eid", "place",
"eventdate", "eventform", "srcname",
"srcsector", "srclevel", "tgtname",
"tgtsector", "tgtlevel")
Set up a Monet database in a local directory, make events a table,
and create a table front for dplyr
dbdir <- "monet-dplyr-dir"
con1 <- dbConnect(MonetDBLite::MonetDBLite(), dbdir)
dbWriteTable(con1, "events", events, overwrite = TRUE)
ev1 <- tbl(con1, "events")
Size as a folder on disk: *425M*
Set up an SQLite database in a local directory, make events a table and
create a table front for dplyr
dbfile <- "sqlite-dplyr.db"
con2 <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbfile)
dbWriteTable(con2, "events", events, overwrite = TRUE)
ev2 <- tbl(con2, "events")
Size as a single sqlite file on disk: *690M*
Set up an SQLite database in memory and create a table from for dplyr
con3 <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
dbWriteTable(con3, "events", events, overwrite = TRUE)
ev3 <- tbl(con3, "events")
Set up an SQLite database in memory and create a table from for dplyr
con4 <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
copy_to(con4, events, "events",
indexes = list("eventform"))
ev4 <- tbl(con4, "events")
We'll test a single variable tabulation. Here are the test functions:
# Base R's version, using table
timing_r <- function(ev){
# SQL via DBI version
timing_dbi <- function(con){
rr <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT eventform, COUNT(eventform) FROM events GROUP BY eventform")
res <- dbFetch(rr)
# dplyr version
timing_dplyr <- function(ev){
ev %>%
select(eventform) %>%
group_by(eventform) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
Run the test. This takes about 12 minutes on my laptop
res <- microbenchmark(r = timing_r(events),
dbi1 = timing_dbi(con1),
dbi2 = timing_dbi(con2),
dbi3 = timing_dbi(con3),
dbi4 = timing_dbi(con4),
dplyrr = timing_dplyr(events),
dplyr1 = timing_dplyr(ev1),
dplyr2 = timing_dplyr(ev2),
dplyr3 = timing_dplyr(ev3),
dplyr4 = timing_dplyr(ev4),
times = 30)
and close up the connections now we're done.
dbDisconnect(con1, shutdown = TRUE)
dbDisconnect(con2, shutdown = TRUE)
dbDisconnect(con3, shutdown = TRUE)
dbDisconnect(con4, shutdown = TRUE)
tab <- summary(res) %>%
mutate(library = case_when(
grepl("dbi", expr) ~ "DBI",
grepl("dplyr", expr) ~ "dplyr",
expr == "r" ~ "base"),
database = case_when(
grepl("1", expr) ~ "Monet",
grepl("2", expr) ~ "SQLite (disk)",
grepl("3", expr) ~ "SQLite (memory)",
grepl("4", expr) ~ "SQLite (memory+index)",
TRUE ~ ""),
seconds = time / 1000000000,
Condition = paste(library, database))
Speed summaries (in milliseconds)
| min| lq| mean| median| uq| max| neval|library |database |
| 654.82496| 908.8472| 990.2477| 970.7917| 1064.4448| 1526.8617| 30|base | |
| 98.51502| 127.3214| 143.2917| 138.8620| 157.6495| 218.0188| 30|DBI |Monet |
| 5227.39406| 5273.4724| 5315.1499| 5306.2525| 5338.7910| 5485.8420| 30|DBI |SQLite (disk) |
| 5084.73081| 5101.5085| 5136.9485| 5123.0648| 5140.5585| 5326.1279| 30|DBI |SQLite (memory) |
| 882.60921| 890.9514| 907.7341| 897.7100| 909.2202| 1003.5088| 30|DBI |SQLite (memory+index) |
| 413.31117| 429.5574| 473.0778| 436.2304| 445.9132| 1433.8018| 30|dplyr | |
| 113.06272| 150.7392| 165.2783| 164.3106| 187.6424| 237.1465| 30|dplyr |Monet |
| 5127.23870| 5156.3244| 5186.5221| 5178.9403| 5206.6186| 5369.7247| 30|dplyr |SQLite (disk) |
| 4949.46828| 4988.3494| 5016.4259| 5010.3839| 5034.5425| 5235.0919| 30|dplyr |SQLite (memory) |
| 762.09109| 768.8625| 778.1123| 774.8939| 782.2196| 823.0093| 30|dplyr |SQLite (memory+index) |
ggplot(tablong, aes(x = seconds, fill = Condition)) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.9, col = NA) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set3") +
labs(title = "Tabulate a variable in 10M rows of data",
x = "Seconds", y = "Density")
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