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Created February 16, 2023 12:25
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23w07a: One Meter Cube of Cherry Blossom Update

We thought 1.19.4 will soon come to pre phase, but guess what, we were wrong! From the country of cherry blossom trees, here's the 23w07a weekly snapshot update document.

Fabric Updates

Fabric API 0.74.1 was released. Object Builder API received some breaking changes, related to block settings, sign types, and entity types.

In addition, other parts of the platform code (such as Mixin and Loader) have received some changes, pending release. These will be released when they are ready.

Minecraft Update

Obviously, there's some sniffing mob, the second suspicious thing in the game, and a 1m cube of pink stuff, but hey we're talking about modding stuff!

Block settings

In AbstractBlock.Settings and the Fabric API FabricBlockSettings, offsetType is now specified as an Optional of a callback function, instead of Function<BlockState, AbstractBlock.OffsetType>.

A new material, DECORATED_POT, is also available. It is terracotta red color and destroyed by piston. SignType is renamed to WoodType and takes more parameters; Fabric API's helper function is changed accordingly.

Other Changes

  • TextRenderer methods now take TextLayerType, instead of boolean seeThrough.
  • EntityType no longer specifies whether the entity is untickable. RIP 23w06a-23w06a
  • Resource pack load error no longer causes the infinite loading screen.
  • ServerMetadataS2CPacket now represents the favicon as an optional byte array, not data uri string.
  • MinecraftServer#getServerMetadata now returns nullable.


  • Inventory#canPlayerUse to check if the player can reach the block entity (in BlockEntity#canPlayerUse).
  • SoundEvents#INTENTIONALLY_EMPTY, which is well... empty.
  • NativeImage#read that takes a byte array.
  • ParticleUtil#spawnParticle overload.
  • PacketByteBuf#encodeAsJson and decodeAsJson that serialize the data as JSON.
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