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Created August 24, 2023 10:19
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Defines the ObjectManager class template for managing objects with activation and deactivation capabilities.
* @file object_manager.h
* @brief Defines the ObjectManager class template for managing objects with activation and deactivation capabilities.
* @author Abdul Rahman Dabbour
* @license MIT
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
* @brief A template class for managing objects with activation and deactivation capabilities.
* @tparam T The type of the object to manage.
* @tparam Args Variadic template arguments for the constructor of the managed object.
template <typename T, typename... Args> class ObjectManager {
bool active_{false}; /**< Stores the activation state of the managed object. */
std::unique_ptr<T> object_; /**< Stores the managed object. */
std::tuple<Args...> constructor_args_; /**< Stores the constructor arguments for the managed object. */
* @brief Constructor for the ObjectManager class.
* @param args Arguments to be forwarded to the constructor of the managed object.
ObjectManager(Args &&...args) : constructor_args_(std::forward<Args>(args)...) { activate(); }
* @brief Checks if the managed object is currently active.
* @return `true` if the object is active, `false` otherwise.
auto isActive() const -> bool { return active_; }
* @brief Activates the managed object if it is not already active.
auto activate() -> void {
if (!isActive()) {
object_ = createObject(std::index_sequence_for<Args...>{});
active_ = true;
* @brief Deactivates the managed object if it is currently active.
auto deactivate() -> void {
if (isActive()) {
active_ = false;
* @brief Toggles the activation state of the managed object.
auto toggle() -> void { isActive() ? deactivate() : activate(); }
* @brief Helper function to create the managed object using the stored constructor arguments.
* @tparam Indices The indices of the constructor arguments.
* @param indices Index sequence of the constructor arguments.
* @return A unique pointer to the created managed object.
template <std::size_t... Indices>
auto createObject(std::index_sequence<Indices...> /* indices */) const -> std::unique_ptr<T> {
return std::make_unique<T>(std::get<Indices>(constructor_args_)...);
* @brief Creates an ObjectManager instance for managing objects of type T.
* @tparam T The type of the object to manage.
* @tparam Args Variadic template arguments for the constructor of the managed object.
* @param args Arguments to be forwarded to the constructor of the managed object.
* @return An instance of ObjectManager managing objects of type T.
template <typename T, typename... Args> auto make_managed(Args &&...args) -> ObjectManager<T, Args...> {
return ObjectManager<T, Args...>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
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