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Arfon Smith arfon

View GitHub Profile
  • What would go in to a 'Linux of cities'
  • Idea of a 'code swap' between different cities, where they commit to try out each other's stuff.


  • Note: OSPOs @ the city level often have a 'signature' piece of code they can contribute.

  • Possibly give out awards aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals?

  • What is the role of an OSPO for this? One answer: They're the gateway to resources (e.g., financial and human).

arfon / repo-cleanup.rb
Created May 17, 2020 12:28
GitHub repo cleanup
require 'octokit'
GH_TOKEN = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
GITHUB = => true, :access_token => GH_TOKEN)
repositories = GITHUB.repositories('arfon')
puts "Working with #{repositories.size} repositories"
repositories.each do |r|
arfon / example-joss.yaml
Created February 5, 2020 03:02
Example JOSS metadata
# Complete worked example here:
title: 'Gala: A Python package for galactic dynamics'
- Python
- astronomy
- dynamics
- galactic dynamics
- milky way
arfon / new
Created February 14, 2019 15:10
Adding a new JOSS editor

New JOSS editors

To add you to the JOSS editorial team we need:

  • Your GitHub username
  • Your editorial topic areas/specialisms
  • A picture for the JOSS site
  • A short biography, including your professional affiliation
  • An email address for the JOSS Google group.
  • Your ORCID

Background and Purpose

Over the last four decades, AURA has driven a science model where astronomers and astrophysicists from any University or Institution, through rigorous peer-review, can access forefront facilities without having to be “black-belt” experts in the complex machinery of modern ground or space based telescopes. AURA’s most successful model of this broad engagement has been the Hubble Space Telescope, which, when measured by the metric of number of refereed papers/year integrated over the lifetime of the Observatory, has become the most productive science facility in history. Today, AURA confronts a new challenge: they are building a number of new facilities, which are specifically designed to generate huge data sets, most notably the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). LSST will continuously survey the entire Southern sky every three nights, generating over 15 trillion bytes of raw data per night. The over-arching science goals driving this facility are well known: The Nature of Dark

arfon / repo-cleanup.rb
Created January 17, 2019 15:55
GitHub repo cleanup
require 'octokit'
GITHUB = => true, :access_token => GH_TOKEN)
repositories = GITHUB.repositories('arfon')
puts "Working with #{repositories.size} repositories"
repositories.each do |r|
# Install go
$ sudo apt-get install golang-go
# Download goofys package
$ go get
# Install goofys
$ go install
# Copy the goofys binary to somewhere in your path
arfon /
Last active November 6, 2021 03:42
Query TESS data at MAST
# This script queries MAST for TESS FFI data for a single sector/camera/chip
# combination and downloads the data from the AWS public dataset rather than
# from MAST servers.
# Working with
# Make sure you're running the latest version of Astroquery:
# pip install
from astroquery.mast import Observations
import boto3
arfon / LICENSE
Last active April 16, 2020 01:28
How to make TESS FITS cubes using Astrocut and MAST
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA)
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.