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Swalbe.jl: A lattice Boltzmann solver for thin film hydrodynamics
lattice Boltzmann method
thin liquid films
computational fluid dynamics
name orcid affiliation
Stefan Zitz^[corresponding author]
1, 2, 3
name affiliation
Manuel Zellhöfer
name orcid affiliation
Andrea Scagliarini
4, 5
name orcid affiliation
Jens Harting
1, 3
name index
Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy, Erlangen, Germany
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Department of Science and Environment, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark
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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany
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Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Roma, Italy
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INFN, sezione Roma "Tor Vergata", Roma, Italy
15 August 2022


Small amounts of liquid deposited on a substrate are an everyday phenomenon. From a theoretical point of view this represents a modelling challenge, due to the multiple scales involved: from the molecular interactions among the three phases (solid substrate, liquid film and surrounding vapor) to the hydrodynamic flows. An efficient way to deal with this multiscale problem is the thin-film equation: \begin{equation}\label{eq:thin_film} \partial_t h = \nabla\cdot(M(h)\nabla p), \end{equation} where $h$ is the film thickness, $M(h)$ is a thickness dependent mobility and $p$ is the pressure at the liquid-vapor interface. Solving the thin film equation directly is a difficult task, because it is a fourth order degenerate PDE [@becker2003complex]. Swalbe.jl approaches this problem from a different angle. Instead of directly solving the thin film equation we use a novel method based on a class lattice Boltzmann models [@krueger2017], originally developed to simulate shallow water flows [@Salmon:1999:0022-2402:503]. This approach serves two benefits, on the one hand the ease of implementation where the lattice Boltzmann method essentially comprises of two steps: collision and streaming. On the other hand due to the simple algorithm a straightforward approach to parallelize the code and run it on accelerator devices. Choosing appropriate forces it is possible to simulate complex problems. Among them is the dewetting of a patterned substrates as shown in Figure \ref{fig:logo}. Beyond films, low contact angle droplets can be studied and compared to relaxation experiments, e.g. the Cox-Voinov or Tanner's law [@RevModPhys.81.739]. Due to a disjoining pressure model for the three phase contact line droplets can not only relax towards their equilibrium they can slide as well [@PhysRevE.100.033313]. All of this can be coupled with thermal fluctuations to study the stochastic thin film equation [@shah_van_steijn_kleijn_kreutzer_2019; @PhysRevE.104.034801].

Dewetting simulation on a patterned substrate, letters have a higher wettability than the rest of the substrate.\label{fig:logo}

Statement of need

Swalbe is written in Julia [@doi:10.1137/141000671] and developed for a script your experiment workflow. For that reason an experiment is composed of three steps. First, the initial problem is defined by setting the system size and other input parameters, stored in a custom type. Followed by the lattice Boltzmann time loop where different force terms allow for different dynamics. Some forces, however, are mandatory for every experiment. This is, on the one hand, the friction with the substrate that helps regularizing the contact line (slippage) and, on the other hand, the capillary- or filmpressure that accounts for the correct wetting behavior (contact angle).

After the time loop has ended an IO step can be included to write data to files or create plots. The package is written in pure Julia, therefore it can be easily coupled with other packages from the Julia ecosystem such as Plots.jl [@tom_breloff_2021] to visualize data and JLD2.jl [@JLD2.jl] to store data in HDF5 format. One future development goal is to interact with the SciML environment to pair modelling with machine learning.
Swalbe.jl is designed to approach two problems, first being the modelling itself and second the applicability to large scale simulations.

Ideas can be implemented and tested quickly with a two dimensional system, which is discretized in a single horizontal direction and offers a second computed dimension for the thickness. The hardware requirements to run these two dimensional simulations are comparably low and depending on the number of lattice Boltzmann iterations ranging from seconds to at most an hour on a single core of a modern CPU. After testing it is possible to scale up and simulate the same or other problems in three dimensions with a slightly more complex discretization. Keeping the simulation time low is archived by using a Nvidia GPU. Most functions are written in a generic style and can be executed both on a CPU or GPU. For the GPU usage the high-level API of CUDA.jl [@besard2018juliagpu; @besard2019prototyping] is used.

An older version of the numerical model (written in C++) has been tested and used for thin film simulations in previous publications [@PhysRevE.100.033313; @PhysRevE.104.034801]. While there is a small performance decrease when moving from C++ with OpenACC to Julia, the benefits of usability, straightforward documentation and automated testing outweighs this issue. In the future to authors plan to study switchable substrate coupled to a dewetting thin film, or thermal fluctuations in coalescing droplets using Swalbe.jl.

State of the field

In the context of computational fluid dynamics, low Reynolds number flows and especially thin film flows are a comparably small subsection. Therefore numerical tools that deal exclusively with the thin film problem are sparse. Two packages for simulations of thin film hydrodynamics are ThinViscoelasticFilms and stochastic_thin_films [@ThinViscoelasticFilms; @stochastic_thin_films]. The core components are written in Fortran and at least the later package can be used according to BSD-2 license. Documentation however is only available through code comments and a short readme, leaving the user little guidance.

That said, the thin film equation is a fourth-order parabolic equation and can of course be solved with appropriate numerical schemes. Some of these schemes can be found in [@PhysRevFluids.1.073901; @PhysRevE.63.011208; @becker2003complex; @Peschka9275]. Upon contacting the authors it should be possible to have access to a working version of the described approach.

Wilczek et al. used DUNE to study the dynamics of an ensemble of sliding drops in ref. [@PhysRevLett.119.204501]. DUNE is a software suite written in C++ that solves partial differential equations with a grid based approach [@sander2020dune]. Therefore DUNE is not limited to the problem of thin film flows, interested readers may visit the project's home page.

Another open source package with similar functionality that is used to solve thin film problems is oomph-lib. oomph-lib uses both Fortran as well C components to solve differential equations. The library's emphasis however are fluid dynamic problems as can be seen from refs. [@heil2015flow; @pihler2015displacement; @pihler2013modelling]. Of course, similar to DUNE, its capabilities are not limited to thin film problems.

Given the nature of the thin film problem one can, as well, use classical Navier-Stokes solvers with appropriate initial and boundary conditions. What comes to mind here is for example OpenFOAM a widely used open source CFD software with an active community. Another example utilizing a Navier-Stokes solver would be the basilisk software library, which is written in C and is the successor of GERRIS.

Lattice Boltzmann solvers offer another category to approximate the Navier-Stokes equation. This mesoscopic approach is build on the Boltzmann equation. Using the Chapman-Enskog expansion [@Chapman; @Enskog], it can be shown that the resulting system of equations recovers to the Navier-Stokes equation. The method is straightforward to implement and several small to large projects can be found with OSI-approved license. To name just a few examples: waLBerla, openLB, PALABOS or some smaller projects STLBM, TLBfind (explicitly written for GPU use).

Proprietary software, e.g. COMSOL can as well be used to simulate thin film dynamics. Wedershoven et al. used COMSOL to study the rupture of a thin film due to laser irradiation [@doi:10.1063/1.4863318]. Berendsen et al. from the same group simulated the dynamics an impinging air jet has on a thin film using COMSOL [@doi:10.1021/la301353f].

With the exclusion of ThinViscoelasticFilms every above mentioned project has a much wider purpose than just solving the thin film equation. Setting up a simulation for a thin film problem can therefore become fairly complex due to the generality these solvers offer. Especially concerning the Navier-Stokes solvers one uses a sledge hammer to crack a nut.

Use Case

In the domain of thin liquid films coalescence of sessile droplets is a broadly studied problem, see references [@eggers1999coalescence; @PhysRevLett.111.144502; @PhysRevLett.109.184502; @PhysRevLett.95.164503]. Two barely touching droplets on a hydrophilic substrate will coalesce into a single droplet to minimize their surface energy. From theoretical arguments we know that the bridge height, the point of minimal thickness between the two droplets, follows a power law. We now show how to perform that simulation with the help of Swalbe.jl.

The goal of this is to observe a growth of the bridge height $h_0$ given by \begin{equation}\label{eq:powerlaw} h_0(t) = k t^{\alpha}, \end{equation} where the exponent $\alpha$ should be $2/3$ [@doi:10.1063/1.5119014; @doi:10.1063/1.4824108]. This experiment has been performed using the Pluto notebook Drop_coal.jl.

Just to outline the most important steps towards the simulation:

  1. Define the initial conditions of the simulation: Swalbe.two_droplets
  2. Define a function that performs the experiment: run_drop_coal()
  3. Run the experiment with varying parameters:
for γ in enumerate(γs)
		# System parameter, δ=50 can still considered small to medium slippage (δ ≈ max(height))
		sys = Swalbe.SysConst_1D(L=1024, Tmax=2000000, δ=50.0, γ=γ[2])
		# The experiment
		data_merge[:,:,γ[1]] = run_drop_coal(sys, r₁=sphere_rad, r₂=sphere_rad)
  1. Display the results:

Coalescenc of sessile droplets on a partially wetting substrate. The upper panel shows the time evolution for a single experiment (lowest surface tension). In the lower left panel we plot the evolution of the bridge height for the four different surface tensions. To the right we normalize the data with characteristic quantities and show that the bridge height grows as $\propto t^{2/3}$. \label{fig:coalesence}

Author Contribution Statement

The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: S. Z. wrote the code, performed the simulations and set up the package. M. Z. contributed to the continuous integration as well as the documentation. A. S. derived the mathematical approximations on which the packages is based on and J. H. served in an advisory role in the design and the execution of the research.


S. Zitz, M.Zellhöfer and J. Harting acknowledge financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the priority program SPP2171 ``Dynamic Wetting of Flexible, Adaptive, and Switchable Substrates'', under the project HA-4382/11.


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