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Last active March 23, 2021 23:19
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BSC internal clocking of interface methods
(* always_enabled, always_ready *)
interface Top;
method Bit#(1) led();
method Action btn(Bit#(6) val);
interface Foo;
method Bit#(1) status();
method Action do_something_with_btn_input(Bit#(6) val);
(* synthesize, no_default_clock, no_default_reset *)
module mkTop ((* osc="clk_25mhz" *) Clock clk_25mhz, (* reset="rst" *) Reset rst, Top ifc);
PLL pll <- mkPLL(clocked_by clk_25mhz);
MakeResetIfc init_reset <- mkReset(2, True, pll.clkout0, clocked_by clk_25mhz, reset_by rst);
Foo foo <- mkModuleWithLotsOfLogic(clocked_by pll.clkout0, reset_by init_reset.new_rst);
ReadOnly#(Bit#(1)) status_25mhz <- mkNullCrossingWire(noClock, foo.status);
Wire#(Bit#(6)) btn_25mhz <- mkWire(clocked_by clk25_mhz, reset_by rst);
ReadOnly#(Bit#(6)) btn_100mhz <- mkNullCrossingWire(noClock, btn_25mhz);
rule do_something;
method led = foo.status_25mhz;
method Action btn(Bit#(6) val);
btn_25mhz <= val;
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