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Created July 3, 2023 17:21
Uno.css Bootstrap Preset (unfinished)
import { Preset, Rule } from 'unocss'
const displayRules: Rule[] =
.map(display => [`d-${display}`, { display }]);
const flexDirectionRules: Rule[] =
.map(direction => [`flex-${direction}`, { 'flex-direction': direction }]);
const textAlignRules: Rule[] =
['left','right','center'].map(alignment => [`text-${alignment}`, { 'text-align': alignment }]);
const textTransformRules: Rule[] =
['lowercase','uppercase','capitalize'].map(transform => [`text-${transform}`, { 'text-transform': transform }]);
const borderRules: Rule[] =
.map(property => [property, { [property]: `var(--border-size, 1px) var(--border-type, solid) var(--border-color, #ccc)` }]);
const overflowValues = ['auto','hidden','visible','scroll'];
const overflowRules: Rule[] = => [`overflow-${value}`, { 'overflow': value }]);
const overflowXRules: Rule[] = => [`overflow-x-${value}`, { 'overflow': value }]);
const overflowYRules: Rule[] = => [`overflow-y-${value}`, { 'overflow': value }]);
const justifyContentRules: Rule[] =
{ c: 'start', v: 'flex-start' },
{ c: 'end', v: 'flex-end' },
{ c: 'center', v: 'center' },
{ c: 'between', v: 'space-between' },
{ c: 'around', v: 'space-around' },
{ c: 'evenly', v: 'space-evenly' },
].map(({c, v}) => [`justify-content-${c}`, { 'justify-content': v }]);
const spacingRules: Rule[] =
{ c: 'p', v: 'padding' },
{ c: 'm', v: 'margin' },
{ c: 'px', v: 'padding-inline' },
{ c: 'mx', v: 'margin-inline' },
{ c: 'py', v: 'padding-block' },
{ c: 'my', v: 'margin-block' },
{ c: 'pt', v: 'padding-top' },
{ c: 'mt', v: 'margin-top' },
{ c: 'pr', v: 'padding-right' },
{ c: 'mr', v: 'margin-right' },
{ c: 'pb', v: 'padding-bottom' },
{ c: 'mb', v: 'margin-bottom' },
{ c: 'pl', v: 'padding-left' },
{ c: 'ml', v: 'margin-left' },
].map(({ c, v }) => [
new RegExp(`^${c}-(\\d)$`),
([, size]) => ({ [v]: `${ parseInt(size) * 0.5 }rem` })
export default function (): Preset {
return {
name: 'bootstrap-preset',
rules: [
...displayRules, ...flexDirectionRules, ...justifyContentRules,
...textAlignRules, ...textTransformRules,
...overflowRules, ...overflowXRules, ...overflowYRules,
[/^opacity\-(\d+)$/, ([, opacity]) => ({ opacity: `${parseInt(opacity) / 100}`})],
[/^fs\-(\d+)$/, ([, value], { theme }) => ({ 'font-size': `${theme['fontSizes'][value]}rem` })],
[/^fw\-(\d+)$/, ([, value], { theme }) => ({ 'font-weight': `${theme['fontWeights'][value]}` })],
[/^border\-([a-z-]+)$/, ([,color], { theme }) => ({ '--border-color': theme['colors'][color] })],
[/^border\-(\d+)$/, ([, size]) => ({ '--border-size': `${size}px` })],
theme: {
colors: {
'black': '#111',
'dark-gray': '#333',
"mid-gray": '#555',
'gray': '#777',
'silver': '#999',
'light-silver': '#AAA',
'moon-gray': '#ccc',
'light-gray': '#eee',
'near-white': '#f4f4f4',
fontSizes: {
1: 1,
2: 1.25,
3: 1.5,
4: 1.75,
5: 2,
6: 2.5,
fontWeights: {
lighter: 'lighter',
light: 300,
normal: 400,
medium: 500,
semibold: 600,
bold: 700,
bolder: 'bolder',
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