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Antwan R. Wimberly armw4

  • Stay tuned...
  • Atlanta, GA, USA
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armw4 /
Last active February 2, 2020 12:51
GraphQL doesn't make sense for our domain (vehicle sells)
armw4 /
Last active April 13, 2021 09:30
Why I think next.js is overkill in most cases

by Antwan Wimberly

25 June, 2019

Why I Did Not Recommend next.js for our Front-End/UI Team

I think next.js is overkill for several reasons and should not be adopted unless your team is either inexperienced or uncomfortable working with nodejs and babel:

1. crawl bots like Google (the primary target for apps that have a search engine/advertising/marketing need) are now equipped with JavaScript engines and can parse/render react.js SPAs
  • if your initial render is fast enough there will be no difference end what an end user sees and what the crawl bot sees
armw4 /
Last active March 7, 2021 13:09
The Current State of Software - 2019

Easier is not Always Better in Engineering (Client Side and Server Side Alike) ⚠️

by Antwan Wimberly

26 August, 2019

A Note to Junior Developers

It is wishful thinking to assume that just because an application is "easier to write" that it is more maintanable and will result in a stable product being deployed to production. The overall architecture, maintainability, stability, and testability of a given library or framework should always be taken into account.

For example, you're building a new large scale web application. You could ⚠️ take a more native approach like document.getElementById and routine DOM manipulation. In my experience however, leveraging a more structured framework like Marionette is an objectively better choice for building large scale applications in contrast to traditional DOM API. The same can be said when comparing [`j

armw4 /
Last active December 17, 2020 17:14
How I Browse Source Files Organically and Isolate Them to Complete a Task or Debug an Issue

by Antwan Wimberly

19 September, 2019

On Debugging Sanely And Conciously

When I debug front end issues or need to apply styling/markup/content based changes for front end UI code (we’ll stick to React.js based apps for the purposes of this article), I identify a static piece of text that is the same (constant) each time the particular route (most all front end frameworks have routing functionality included) in question is visited (e.g. a piece of text that it is not the result of a JSX expression). Once I identify that piece of text, I feed it into git from the command line prompt. For example, say the homepage has a bug. It also has a heading that reads:

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality

To quickly determine which source files contain the bug for our ensuing patch (assuming the bug report is correct and it’s not a “user error”), I could:

armw4 /
Last active March 15, 2020 15:15
My Empirical Formula for Stability to Code to Refactor...a Ratio if you Will

by Antwan Wimberly

25 June, 2019

Time for Red, Green, Refactor Must Present Itself (When in Doubt, Do as the Romans Do)

If production code already works (conforms to requirements and is deemed fast enough for end users...which makes it stable) and does not have code coverage, leave it be until the opportunity presents itself to add code coverage and change the code (System Under Test) at will, or a bug occurs related to that code, or it is deemed not performant enough at a later date. ☝🏽

armw4 /
Last active February 5, 2021 04:34
The DuckDuckGo Search Engine is Objectively Better Than Google Search

by Antwan Wimberly

21 September, 2019

Dear Google, Just be Honest for ONCE!!!!

I discovered recently (beyond a doubt about 20 mintues ago) that DuckDuckGo’s search results are far purer and more organic than Google’s. Google tries to lure and coerce you into spending money to keep their ad and tracking behemoth fed, while also giving you a false sense of success for using its products (e.g. Advanced Mobile Pages, Google Analytics, Blogspot, YouTube, etc.). There’s no reason my name should drop in rank because I “haven’t published content for X amount of days”. And why in the world would my most relevant website - the very blog you're linked to now be completely omitted from Google’s search results for the past 10 freaking years or whenever I first published content?!?!). This plays right into Google’s favor (reverse psychology). DuckDuckGo on the other hand serves up all the content from by blogs gracefully (the Facebook account

armw4 /
Last active December 21, 2020 19:32
My roots date b@ck to The Arab Republic of Egypt 🇪🇬 which was built on war, violence, karma, love, drama, and a keen sense of awareness (IQ)

by Antwan Wimberly

29 November, 2019

Am I Actually Religious? That is Irrelevant

For the sake of argument, clarity, and brevity, I am writing to you today to explain Why as opposed to Who, What, When, Where, etc. Also, please ignore my hash tags this post was originally intenteded to be published to my LinkedIn account.

Let Us Begin ⚜️⚖️💯📜🔐

armw4 /
Last active January 22, 2021 21:50
How I ended my Lifelong Battle w/ ACNE, Dandruff, Dry Skin, Fatigue, & Night Terrors

TLDR; #mindfulness, hobbies, no sugar, balance and clean dieting, exercise, a consistent sleep schedule with an early wake up time, cycling 🚴🏻‍♀️ 🚵🏾‍♀️ 🚴🏾

  • Sports (once you’re older and realize you’re not going pro you can play pickup games or practice solo or with family/friends)
  • Going for long walks (you can accomplish this by taking public transit to work or walking daily to relax your mind and get some fresh oxygen plus you’ll develop your Lowe extremities and improve your balance — when I was in my 20s I couldn’t stand on my feet for longer than 30-minutes or so and when I’d jog I’d experience soreness — I’ve always been athletic but once you stop stretching and working out you will be human again and feel pain— keep the routine going gang— you’ll love yourself for it)
  • Conditioning (working out without air conditioning year round to improve your heart rate, stamina, and endurance— don’t try this for an extended period of time out of the gate cuz you’ll pass out — do a gradual build up over t
armw4 /
Created October 13, 2020 14:51
Reverses a string w/o being to fancy or clever or asinine af in #js

My approach

Something basic. For me it's nice to enumerate the string as I've seen other do since it is an array of characters adjacent to one another as a solid, contiguous block of memory in most all if not every programming language known to mankind. So from there,, we can logically use the current index of the loop to set the baseline for the output string since we have to have full parity from a length and character account perspective. The two strings should be indentical in length we know for sure. They should also be identical from a composistion perspective as well. That is to say if,, we treated the string and its reverse as sets and we performed the intersection (e.g. A∩B),,,then it should be identical to A and B once we eliminate ordering. At that point we would be validating the set of characters in each string as opposed to ensuring the original order was preserved which is a more exact and stricter approach.

function reverse(input) {