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Adam Rosien arosien

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rrdtool create redirector.rrd --step 60 DS:registrations:COUNTER:600:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:3000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797
package asr.nestedsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
h1. Using Norbert for cluster management
h2. What is a cluster?
In Norbert parlance, a cluster is a set of Nodes with a given name. A Node is a host, port and list of partitions for which the node can handle requests. The set of member Nodes in a given cluster is centrally stored in ZooKeeper. Additionally, a Node can advertise that it is available to process requests. In general, a Node can be in one of three states:
[arosien: Most people don't know the word 'parlance'. I'd say 'In Norbert, a cluster...'.]
[arosien: So Nodes have a name, and Nodes with the same name are a Cluster? It may be easier to understand if a Node has a clusterName and all nodes with the same clusterName are the de-facto Cluster.]
[arosien: What are partitions? How are they represented? What's an example of a partition?]
[arosien: I'd use bullet points for the properties of a Node.]
arosien / gist:1249511
Created September 28, 2011 23:05
wierd akka fsm matching problem
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import akka.testkit.TestFSMRef
import org.specs2.specification.Scope
class AkkaFSMEventSpec extends Specification {
case class A(msg: String)
arosien / gist:1515399
Created December 23, 2011 21:27
reader monad with kleisli and tuple/untupling
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
case class Foo(value: String)
case class Bar(value: String)
case class Baz(foo: Foo, bar: Bar)
type E = Map[String, String]
type K[M[_],A,B] = Kleisli[M,A,B]
arosien / gist:1712108
Created January 31, 2012 18:41
scalaz operator cheat sheet
F[A] // A is a Functor
M[A] // A is a Monad
fa: F[A], a: A // variables used below
fa1 |+| fa2 // binary append (SemiGroup)
fa1 >| fa2 // map (Functor)
fa1 >>= fa2 // flatmap (Bind)
fa1 |>| fa2 // foreach (Each)
fa <**> fb { (a, b) => c } // apply, produces F[C]
Monad | effect | sequences the effect as | M[A] | bind: M[A] => (f: A => M[B]) => M[B]
Identity | nothing | continue | Id[A] | f(a)
Option | zero or one value (anonymous exception) | halt if None | Option[A] | if Some(a) f(a)
Either | exception with error type or one value | halt if Left | Either[L, A] | if Right(a) f(a)
List | any # of values (non-determinism) | halt if empty | List[A] | join(each f(a))
Reader | an environment; dependency-injection | function composition | R => A | (r: R) => f(a(r))
Writer | logging | append log value W | Writer[W, A](log: W, value: A) | k = f(a.value); Writer(a.log |+| k.log, k.value)
State | state | new state from old | State[S, A](s: S => (S, A)) |
Responder | continuation-passing
arosien /
Created September 2, 2012 18:07
thinking in types
  • screenshot of eclipse type inference
  • one-to-one principle: one type used per function signature
  • Rather than thinking about how to jam our ideas into the trappings of the language--class hierarchies and such--we "merely" work with the things as types, transforming them with commonly known functions like map, fold, and so on, then adding context and effects to them in a few well-known ways (dependency-injection = Reader, accumulate logging information = Writer/Logger, perform a transformation using the current state and produce a new state = State, etc.).
  • tension between not explicitly typing, because the compiler can properly infer, and being able to inspect the type, via the editor via the compiler
  • adding more types potentially creates N more adapters to that type, so you want to minimize the amount of new methods signatures you will maybe need to adapt, so having a set of reusable (semantically and structurally well-known) methods reduces the cost of new classes, otherwise we'd
arosien / withzk.scala
Created November 26, 2012 19:48
ymmv scala zk dsl for associating domain models with zk paths and serialization formats
case class WithZk(path: String, client: ZooKeeperClient) {
import WithZk._
import scala.util.control.Exception._
lazy val dir = path.split('/').reverse.tail.reverse.mkString("/")
private val catcher = catching(classOf[KeeperException])
def reader[A: Reads] = new Reader[A]
def writer[A: Writes](value: A) = new Writer[A](value)
def deleter = new Deleter
arosien /
Last active December 10, 2015 14:38
Deriving and Demystifying Scala's Cake Pattern

The Basics

We're going to be linking the following traits and classes together:

trait FileSystem {
  def roots: Traversable[File]

class PathWalker(fs: FileSystem) {