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Forked from MichalZalecki/wtf.js
Last active February 4, 2019 09:25
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/* VT100 terminal reset (<ESC>c) */
/* numbers comparations */
/**/ '2' == 2;
//// true
/**/ '2' === 2;
//// false
/**/ [2] == 2;
//// true
/**/ [] + [];
//// ''
/**/ [] == [];
//// false
/**/ typeof [];
//// 'object'
/**/ [] == ![];
//// true
/**/ +[] == +![];
//// true
/* null comparation */
/**/ 0 > null;
//// false
/**/ 0 >= null;
//// true
/**/ 0 == null;
//// false
/**/ 0 <= null;
//// true
/**/ 0 < null;
//// false
/**/ typeof null;
//// 'object'
/**/ null instanceof Object;
//// false
/* math */
/**/ 999999999999999;
//// 999999999999999
/**/ 9999999999999999;
//// 10000000000000000
/**/ -9999999999999999;
//// -10000000000000000
/**/ 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3;
//// false
/**/ 0.1 + 0.2;
//// 0.30000000000000004
/**/ 3 > 2 > 1;
//// false
/**/ 3 > 2 >= 1;
//// true
/**/ '2' + 1;
//// '21'
/**/ '2' - 1;
//// 1
/**/ '2' - -1;
//// 3
/**/ 1/0;
//// Infinity
/**/ typeof Infinity;
//// 'number'
/**/ 0 === -0;
//// true
/**/ 1/0;
//// Infinity
/**/ 1/-0;
//// -Infinity
/**/ Infinity == -Infinity;
//// false
/**/ Number.MAX_VALUE;
//// 1.7976931348623157e+308
/**/ 0 - 1;
//// -1
/**/ Number.MIN_VALUE < 0;
//// false
/**/ Number.MIN_VALUE;
//// 5e-324>
/**/ Math.max(1,2,3);
//// 3
/**/ Math.min(1,2,3);
//// 1
/**/ Math.max() > Math.min();
//// false
/**/ Math.max();
//// -Infinity
/**/ Math.min();
//// Infinity
/* string */
/**/ 'wtf' instanceof String;
//// false
/**/ typeof 'wtf';
//// 'string'
/**/ typeof String('wtf');
//// 'string'
/**/ String('wtf') === 'wtf';
//// true
/**/ String('wtf') === new String('wtf');
//// false
/**/ String('wtf') == new String('wtf');
//// true
/**/ new String('wtf');
/* { '0': 'w',
'1': 't',
'2': 'f' } */
/**/ new String('wtf').toString();
//// 'wtf'
/**/ 'wft' + 1;
//// 'wft1'
/**/ 'wft' - 1;
//// NaN
/* NaN */
/**/ typeof NaN;
//// 'number'
/**/ typeof 1138;
//// 'number'
/**/ 1138 == 1138;
//// true
/**/ NaN == NaN;
//// false
/**/ isNaN('wft' - 1);
//// true
/* boolean math */
/**/ true + false;
//// 1
/**/ true + true == true;
//// false
/* construct function */
/**/ new 0xff.constructor.constructor('console.error("WTF")')();
//// WTF
/**/ new Function('console.error("WTF")')();
//// WTF
/* typeof/instanceof */
/**/ Array instanceof Array;
//// false
/**/ new Array instanceof Array;
//// true
/**/ Math instanceof Math;
/* TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got #<Object>
at repl:1:18
at REPLServer.self.eval (repl.js:110:21)
at Interface.<anonymous> (repl.js:239:12)
at Interface.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Interface._onLine (readline.js:203:10)
at Interface._line (readline.js:532:8)
at Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:761:14)
at ReadStream.onkeypress (readline.js:100:10)
at ReadStream.emit (events.js:98:17)
at emitKey (readline.js:1096:12) */
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