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/* VT100 terminal reset (<ESC>c) */ | |
console.log('\033c'); | |
/* numbers comparations */ | |
> '2' == 2 | |
true | |
> '2' === 2 | |
false | |
> [2] == 2 | |
true | |
> [] + [] | |
'' | |
> [] == [] | |
false | |
> typeof [] | |
'object' | |
> [] == ![] | |
true | |
> +[] == +![] | |
true | |
/* null comparation */ | |
> 0 > null | |
false | |
> 0 >= null | |
true | |
> 0 == null | |
false | |
> 0 <= null | |
true | |
> 0 < null | |
false | |
> typeof null | |
'object' | |
> null instanceof Object | |
false | |
/* checking array type */ | |
> {}.toString.call([]) | |
'[object Array]' | |
> function FooBar() {} | |
undefined | |
> {}.toString.call(new FooBar) | |
'[object Object]' | |
> (new FooBar).constructor == Foo | |
false | |
> [] instanceof Array | |
true | |
> Array.isArray([]) | |
true | |
/* math */ | |
> 999999999999999 | |
999999999999999 | |
> 9999999999999999 | |
10000000000000000 | |
> -9999999999999999 | |
-10000000000000000 | |
> 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 | |
false | |
> 0.1 + 0.2 | |
0.30000000000000004 | |
> 3 > 2 > 1 | |
false | |
> 3 > 2 >= 1 | |
true | |
> '2' + 1 | |
'21' | |
> '2' - 1 | |
1 | |
> '2' - -1 | |
3 | |
> 1/0 | |
Infinity | |
> typeof Infinity | |
'number' | |
> 0 === -0 | |
true | |
> 1/0 | |
Infinity | |
> 1/-0 | |
-Infinity | |
> Infinity == -Infinity | |
false | |
Number.MAX_VALUE | |
1.7976931348623157e+308 | |
> 0 - 1 | |
-1 | |
> Number.MIN_VALUE < 0 | |
false | |
> Number.MIN_VALUE | |
5e-324> | |
> Math.max(1,2,3) | |
3 | |
> Math.min(1,2,3) | |
1 | |
> Math.max() > Math.min() | |
false | |
> Math.max() | |
-Infinity | |
> Math.min() | |
Infinity | |
/* string */ | |
> 'wtf' instanceof String | |
false | |
> typeof 'wtf' | |
'string' | |
> typeof String('wtf') | |
'string' | |
> String('wtf') === 'wtf' | |
true | |
> String('wtf') === new String('wtf') | |
false | |
> String('wtf') == new String('wtf') | |
true | |
> new String('wtf') | |
{ '0': 'w', | |
'1': 't', | |
'2': 'f' } | |
> new String('wtf').toString() | |
'wtf' | |
> 'wft' + 1 | |
'wft1' | |
> 'wft' - 1 | |
NaN | |
/* NaN */ | |
> typeof NaN | |
'number' | |
> typeof 1138 | |
'number' | |
> 1138 == 1138 | |
true | |
> NaN == NaN | |
false | |
> isNaN('wft' - 1) | |
true | |
/* boolean math */ | |
> true + false | |
1 | |
> true + true == true | |
false | |
/* construct function */ | |
> new 0xff.constructor.constructor('console.error("WTF")')() | |
WTF | |
> new Function('console.error("WTF")')() | |
WTF | |
/* typeof/instanceof */ | |
> Array instanceof Array | |
false | |
> new Array instanceof Array | |
true | |
> Math instanceof Math | |
TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got #<Object> | |
at repl:1:18 | |
at REPLServer.self.eval (repl.js:110:21) | |
at Interface.<anonymous> (repl.js:239:12) | |
at Interface.emit (events.js:95:17) | |
at Interface._onLine (readline.js:203:10) | |
at Interface._line (readline.js:532:8) | |
at Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:761:14) | |
at ReadStream.onkeypress (readline.js:100:10) | |
at ReadStream.emit (events.js:98:17) | |
at emitKey (readline.js:1096:12) | |
> |
> [10, 9, 8, 3, 2, 1, 0].sort()
[ 0, 1, 10, 2, 3, 8, 9 ]
> '1' / '1'
> '1' * '1'
> '1' + '1'
>[1,2,3,4].map(foo => {bar: foo * 10})
[undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]
>[1,2,3,4].map(foo => {bar: foo * 10, baz: foo})
Syntax error!
> '10' - 3
> '10' + 3
> ""*""
> ""**""
@JoeReid @dhiraj161298 @Mechazawa @cheezypoofs learn type conversion, it's well defined and none of this is uneypected behaviour. @fletom The sort function operates on strings, of course it sorts it like that. This whole list is made by someone, who clearly doesn't understand the language. Especially the 0.2 + 0.1 part. It works with bits, of course it isn't exact.
@mcdorli Well, indeed 0.2 + 0.1
works as IEEE 754 says, but you know what?
$ echo | awk '{ print 0.1 + 0.2 }'
Where is your god now lol?
And please stop being a "you just don't appreciate the good parts ™" type of jerk. These are bugs caused by messed up type conversion rules. Instead of learning this crap, you could have spent your time improving the world or something, you know.
@mcdorli perfect! this is a good reference for someone who doesn't understand the language. You clearly doesn't understand something yourself... the language of humans -- the sarcasm, that someone can title a file "wtf" without being genuinely baffled by it.
// This, display: true, 1 => so the condition is TRUE and the object is FOUND.
// So that's true
True and found but can't execute this VERY COMPLEX instruction (a show(), oh my fucking god impossible !!!!).... Nice job.
[1,2,3,4].map(foo => {bar: foo * 10})
[undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]
[1,2,3,4].map(foo => {bar: foo * 10, baz: foo})
Syntax error!
that's because js is interpreting it as a function body, not a literal object. It thinks you're passing in the callback
bar: foo*10, baz: foo
//no return
> parseInt('1')
> parseInt('2')
> parseInt('3')
> ['1', '2', '3'].map(parseInt)
[1, NaN, NaN]
> ['3', '2', '1'].map(parseInt)
[3, NaN, 1]
> ['1', '2', '3'].map(v => parseInt(v))
[1, 2, 3]
why those thing are not changing?
and why this problems are in all java-script engines out there?
is this on purpose?
['a','b','c'][3,2,1] === 'b'
//same as
['a','b','c'][(3,2,1)] === 'b'
//same as
const idx = 3,2,1;
['a','b','c'][idx] === 'b'
//that is same as
const idx = 1;
['a','b','c'][idx] === 'b'
@renatorib parseInt
recibes a second parameter called base
, and map send two params, the value and the index, so it's correct
> [] + {}
'[object Object]'
> {} + []
Math.ceil(1.0000000000000001) // output = 1
Math.ceil(1.000000000000001) // output = 2
> '1' + '1' - '1' + '1' - '1' + '1' - '1'
Few things could be explained and they are not at all WTFs. For example, 0.1 + 0.2
is not a WTF. You would get similar results in most of the language. And similarly, { } + [ ]
Please watch this video on YouTube ( https://youtu.be/2pL28CcEijU ) before commenting anything here :)
3 > 2 > 1
false3 > 2 >= 1
Interpreting from left to right, 3 > 2 evaluates to true.
The whole expression is false because (3 > 2) == true == 1 and hence 1 > 1 is false, but 1 >= 1 is true.
var count = 0;
var foo = () => {
try { return 999; }
finally { return ++count; }
console.log(foo(), count);
1 1
function sum(a, b) {
a + b; }
console.log(sum(1, 3));
+1 @thisisabdus
But if you want a hotfix , pass it toFixed method
Ex , to compare 0.1 and 0.2 so you need something like this : parseFloat(Number(0.1+0.2).toFixed(1)) === 0.3 -> true
> [10, 9, 8, 3, 2, 1, 0].sort() [ 0, 1, 10, 2, 3, 8, 9 ]
[10, 9, 8, 3, 2, 1, 0].sort((a,b) => a - b)
>[1,2,3,4].map(foo => {bar: foo * 10}) [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined] >[1,2,3,4].map(foo => {bar: foo * 10, baz: foo}) Syntax error!
This is correct. Because the curly brackets are not recognized as object but as function scope. If the curly brackets would be surrounded with normal brackets, it would work
> 3 > 2 > 1
> 3 > 2 >= 1
Those two are correct. You'd get the same result in c++. In 3 > 2 > 1
we have 2 operators, so firstly we calculate 3 > 2
and since it returns true, next operation is true > 1
. Since when comparing bool and int, we convert bool to int, we get 1 > 1
, which is false.
['a','b','c'][3,2,1] === 'b'