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Last active July 27, 2021 08:50
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Perfectly valid React className from an Array · without falsy values
export const toClassNames = (arr) => arr.filter(Boolean).join(' ');
export const classNames = (arr) => ({ className: toClassNames(arr) });

React className from an Array

Just type to go here

This is a simplified version of npm classnames for projects with a limited list of depencendies (e.g. university homework).

Example with classNames()

Use Spread syntax (...) to make it succinct and simple.

import { classNames } from '../functions/toClassNames';
// logo.jsx
<a {...classNames(['logo', '', isInHeader && 'header__logo'])} onClick={showUnicorns}>

outputs className="logo header__logo"

If you're not satisfied with using spread syntax in such context, your perfect option would be the following:

Example with toClassNames()

Pass anything to the array that generates into a string, without worries about ' ', undefined, false etc. being output:

import { toClassNames } from '../functions/toClassNames';
// link.jsx

const linkClasses = [
  (props.selectedIndex === index) && 'is-selected',

<a className={ toClassNames(linkClasses) } href={pkg.repo}>...</a>

now it doesn't matter how linkStyle was even defined in the first place

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