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Last active January 1, 2016 10:39
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FR #5241
# let's create data huge data.table
N <- 2e7 # size of DT
# generate a character vector of length about 1e5
foo <- function() paste(sample(letters, sample(5:9, 1), TRUE), collapse="")
ch <- replicate(1e5, foo())
ch <- unique(ch)
DT <- data.table(a = as.numeric(sample(c(NA, Inf, -Inf, NaN, rnorm(1e6)*1e6), N, TRUE)),
b = as.numeric(sample(rnorm(1e6), N, TRUE)),
c = sample(c(NA_integer_, 1e5:1e6), N, TRUE),
d = sample(ch, N, TRUE))
# Let's create a key on column 'c'
setkey(DT, c)
# Now, let's say we want to 'sum(b)' grouped by 'c', then:
# we can do it as follows...
system.time(ans1 <- DT[, list(e = sum(b)), by=c])
# user system elapsed
# 1.751 0.019 1.775
# We can alternatively do it as follows:
system.time(ans2 <- DT[J(unique(c)), list(e= sum(b))])
# user system elapsed
# 2.411 0.246 2.684
# HERE'S THE IMPROVEMENT THAT'S ASKED FOR IN FR #5241 (2.684 to 2.03 seconds)
# here the call to 'unique' could be replaced with 'uniqlist' because we know 'c' is sorted!
system.time(ans3 <- DT[J(c[data.table:::uniqlist(list(c))]), list(e=sum(b))])
# user system elapsed
# 1.993 0.029 2.028
identical(ans1, ans2) # [1] TRUE
identical(ans1, ans3) # [1] TRUE
# Note that the same should be done when doing, for ex: 'DT[CJ(unique(.), unique(.)), ...]' as CJ
# here will be using, key columns of DT.
# I see that it's still slower than using 'by=..', but not as much. Probably if we return 'unique values'
# by reference, we could save the step 'c[...]'. Probably it could be implemented as an internal unique
# function to be called only on the 'first' key column... (to replace 'base:::unique' on a vector).
# okay, testing it out...
system.time(uc <- DT$c[data.table:::uniqlist(list(DT$c))])
# user system elapsed
# 0.252 0.046 0.303
system.time(ans4 <- DT[J(uc), list(e=sum(b))])
# user system elapsed
# 1.798 0.016 1.819
# Still doesn't match the speed of using 'by=' here.. why? (probably another FR).
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