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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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data.table's sub-assignment by reference feature vs R v3.0.3 and R v3.1 benchmarks

Here's the code for comparing base R (v3.0.3 and 3.1.0 vs data.table's sub-assignment by reference feature):

N <- as.integer(10^(3:7)*2L)
ans = vector("list", length(N))
for (i in seq_along(N)) {
    nreg = N[i]
    df <-,nreg*7L),nrow=nreg,ncol=7))
    df[1e3,] <-  c(1:5,"a","b")
    val = c(1:5, "a", "b")
    t1 = summary(replicate(10, system.time(df[sample(1:nreg,1),] <- val)[3]))

    dt <-
    val = as.list(val)
    t2 = summary(replicate(10L, 
        system.time(set(dt, i=sample(1:nreg, 1L), j=1:length(dt), value=val))[3L]
    ans[[i]] = data.table(type=names(t1), N=nreg, base_303=unname(t1), dt=unname(t2))
ans = rbindlist(ans)

And here's the timing results that's used to generate the plots here on SO.

R v3.0.3 vs data.table:

## R v3.0.3 vs data.table
> ans
       type        N base_303      dt
 1:    Min.     2000  0.00000 0.00000
 2: 1st Qu.     2000  0.00100 0.00000
 3:  Median     2000  0.00100 0.00000
 4:    Mean     2000  0.00080 0.00020
 5: 3rd Qu.     2000  0.00100 0.00000
 6:    Max.     2000  0.00100 0.00100
 7:    Min.    20000  0.00300 0.00000
 8: 1st Qu.    20000  0.00300 0.00000
 9:  Median    20000  0.00300 0.00000
10:    Mean    20000  0.00360 0.00000
11: 3rd Qu.    20000  0.00375 0.00000
12:    Max.    20000  0.00600 0.00000
13:    Min.   200000  0.03700 0.00000
14: 1st Qu.   200000  0.03825 0.00000
15:  Median   200000  0.03900 0.00100
16:    Mean   200000  0.07800 0.00060
17: 3rd Qu.   200000  0.04150 0.00100
18:    Max.   200000  0.42100 0.00100
19:    Min.  2000000  1.00500 0.00400
20: 1st Qu.  2000000  1.04400 0.00400
21:  Median  2000000  1.07000 0.00450
22:    Mean  2000000  1.18100 0.00450
23: 3rd Qu.  2000000  1.09400 0.00500
24:    Max.  2000000  2.13400 0.00500
25:    Min. 20000000 10.05000 0.04200
26: 1st Qu. 20000000 10.27000 0.04225
27:  Median 20000000 10.73000 0.04350
28:    Mean 20000000 11.52000 0.04400
29: 3rd Qu. 20000000 11.14000 0.04400
30:    Max. 20000000 18.51000 0.04900
       type        N base_303      dt

R v3.1.0 vs data.table:

## R v3.1.0 vs data.table
> ans
       type        N base_303      dt
 1:    Min.     2000   0.0010 0.00000
 2: 1st Qu.     2000   0.0010 0.00000
 3:  Median     2000   0.0010 0.00000
 4:    Mean     2000   0.0011 0.00040
 5: 3rd Qu.     2000   0.0010 0.00100
 6:    Max.     2000   0.0020 0.00100
 7:    Min.    20000   0.0010 0.00000
 8: 1st Qu.    20000   0.0010 0.00000
 9:  Median    20000   0.0020 0.00000
10:    Mean    20000   0.0016 0.00010
11: 3rd Qu.    20000   0.0020 0.00000
12:    Max.    20000   0.0020 0.00100
13:    Min.   200000   0.0130 0.00000
14: 1st Qu.   200000   0.0140 0.00000
15:  Median   200000   0.0140 0.00000
16:    Mean   200000   0.0236 0.00020
17: 3rd Qu.   200000   0.0140 0.00000
18:    Max.   200000   0.1120 0.00100
19:    Min.  2000000   0.1530 0.00400
20: 1st Qu.  2000000   0.1652 0.00425
21:  Median  2000000   0.1715 0.00500
22:    Mean  2000000   0.2196 0.00470
23: 3rd Qu.  2000000   0.1773 0.00500
24:    Max.  2000000   0.6620 0.00500
25:    Min. 20000000   1.6720 0.04200
26: 1st Qu. 20000000   1.8780 0.04300
27:  Median 20000000   1.9650 0.04300
28:    Mean 20000000   2.3750 0.04520
29: 3rd Qu. 20000000   2.3310 0.04800
30:    Max. 20000000   5.2010 0.05100
       type        N base_303      dt

Code for plotting:


ans.c1 =, N ~ type, value.var="base_303")
ans.c2 =, N ~ type, value.var="dt")
ans.f = rbindlist(list(ans.c1, ans.c2))[, Mean := NULL]
setnames(ans.f, c("size", "Q25", "Q75", "Max", "Med", "Min"))
ans.f[, type := factor(rep(c("base_310", "dt"), each=5L))] 
## missed this change - legend shows 3.0.3 wrongly for 3.1.0, it's okay.

# remember to name the plots accordingly - 3.0.3 or 3.1.0!!
ggplot(ans.f, aes(x=size, y=Med)) + geom_line(aes(colour=type)) + 
    geom_point(aes(colour=type), size=4) + xlab("size") + 
    ylab("Median time (in seconds)") + 
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 10, by=1L)) + 
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=ans.f$size) + 
    ggtitle("R 3.1.0 vs data.table") + coord_trans(x="log") + 
    theme(text = element_text(size=26)) 
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