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Created November 16, 2020 05:55
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// Name : KinectTouch.cpp
// Author :
// Version : 0.something
// Description : recognizes touch points on arbitrary surfaces using kinect
// and maps them to TUIO cursors
// (turns any surface into a touchpad)
* 1. point your kinect from a higher place down to your table
* 2. start the program (keep your hands off the table for the beginning)
* 3. use your table as a giant touchpad
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
// openCV
#include <opencv/highgui.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
using namespace cv;
// openNI
#include <XnOpenNI.h>
#include <XnCppWrapper.h>
using namespace xn;
#define CHECK_RC(rc, what) \
if (rc != XN_STATUS_OK) \
{ \
printf("%s failed: %s\n", what, xnGetStatusString(rc)); \
return rc; \
#include "TuioServer.h"
using namespace TUIO;
// TODO smoothing using kalman filter
// Globals
// OpenNI
xn::Context xnContext;//实例
xn::DepthGenerator xnDepthGenerator;//深度数据
xn::ImageGenerator xnImgeGenertor;//色彩数据
bool mousePressed = false;
// Functions
int initOpenNI(const XnChar* fname) {
XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK;
ScriptNode scriptNode;
// initialize context
nRetVal = xnContext.InitFromXmlFile(fname, scriptNode);//初始化 配置文件
CHECK_RC(nRetVal, "InitFromXmlFile");//打印日志
// initialize depth generator
nRetVal = xnContext.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH, xnDepthGenerator);//初始化 深度摄像头 xnDepthGenerator深度数据
CHECK_RC(nRetVal, "FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH)");//打印日志
// initialize image generator
nRetVal = xnContext.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_IMAGE, xnImgeGenertor);//初始化 图像摄像头 xnImgeGenertor图像数据
CHECK_RC(nRetVal, "FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_IMAGE)");//打印日志
return 0;
void average(vector<Mat1s>& frames, Mat1s& mean) {
Mat1d acc(mean.size());
Mat1d frame(mean.size());
for (unsigned int i=0; i<frames.size(); i++) {
frames[i].convertTo(frame, CV_64FC1);
acc = acc + frame;
acc = acc / frames.size();
acc.convertTo(mean, CV_16SC1);
int main() {
const unsigned int nBackgroundTrain = 30;
const unsigned short touchDepthMin = 10;
const unsigned short touchDepthMax = 20;
const unsigned int touchMinArea = 50;
const bool localClientMode = true; // connect to a local client
const double debugFrameMaxDepth = 4000; // maximal distance (in millimeters) for 8 bit debug depth frame quantization 8位调试深度帧量化的最大距离(毫米)
const char* windowName = "Debug";
const Scalar debugColor0(0,0,128);
const Scalar debugColor1(255,0,0);
const Scalar debugColor2(255,255,255);
int xMin = 110;
int xMax = 560;
int yMin = 120;
int yMax = 320;
Mat1s depth(480, 640); // 16 bit depth (in millimeters)
Mat1b depth8(480, 640); // 8 bit depth
Mat3b rgb(480, 640); // 8 bit depth
Mat3b debug(480, 640); // debug visualization
Mat1s foreground(640, 480);
Mat1b foreground8(640, 480);
Mat1b touch(640, 480); // touch mask
Mat1s background(480, 640);
vector<Mat1s> buffer(nBackgroundTrain);
// TUIO server object
TuioServer* tuio;
if (localClientMode) {
tuio = new TuioServer();
} else {
tuio = new TuioServer("",3333,false);
TuioTime time;
// create some sliders
createTrackbar("xMin", windowName, &xMin, 640);
createTrackbar("xMax", windowName, &xMax, 640);
createTrackbar("yMin", windowName, &yMin, 480);
createTrackbar("yMax", windowName, &yMax, 480);
// create background model (average depth) //头一帧 深度数据 作为模型帧。
for (unsigned int i=0; i<nBackgroundTrain; i++) {
xnContext.WaitAndUpdateAll();//刷新 = (uchar*) xnDepthGenerator.GetDepthMap();//获取深度数据
buffer[i] = depth;
average(buffer, background);
while ( (char) waitKey(1) != (char) 27 ) {//ESC 按键 退出
// read available data
// update 16 bit depth matrix = (uchar*) xnDepthGenerator.GetDepthMap();
// update rgb image
// = (uchar*) xnImgeGenertor.GetRGB24ImageMap(); // segmentation fault here
//cvtColor(rgb, rgb, CV_RGB2BGR);
// extract foreground by simple subtraction of very basic background model
foreground = background - depth;//计算深度差值
// find touch mask by thresholding (points that are close to background = touch points)
touch = (foreground > touchDepthMin) & (foreground < touchDepthMax);//判断深度差在指定阀值内 Mask遮罩
// extract ROI
Rect roi(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
Mat touchRoi = touch(roi);//画框Rect
// find touch points
vector< vector<Point2i> > contours;
vector<Point2f> touchPoints;//touchPoints 存储 点位
findContours(touchRoi, contours, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point2i(xMin, yMin));//轮廓检测,自动画框findContours
for (unsigned int i=0; i<contours.size(); i++) {//轮询检测结果
Mat contourMat(contours[i]);
// find touch points by area thresholding 按区域阈值查找接触点
if ( contourArea(contourMat) > touchMinArea ) {//contourArea 计算图像轮廓的面积
Scalar center = mean(contourMat);
Point2i touchPoint(center[0], center[1]);
// send TUIO cursors
time = TuioTime::getSessionTime();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<touchPoints.size(); i++) { // touch points
float cursorX = (touchPoints[i].x - xMin) / (xMax - xMin);
float cursorY = 1 - (touchPoints[i].y - yMin)/(yMax - yMin);
TuioCursor* cursor = tuio->getClosestTuioCursor(cursorX,cursorY);
// TODO improve tracking (don't move cursors away, that might be closer to another touch point)
if (cursor == NULL || cursor->getTuioTime() == time) {
} else {
tuio->updateTuioCursor(cursor, cursorX, cursorY);
// draw debug frame
depth.convertTo(depth8, CV_8U, 255 / debugFrameMaxDepth); // render depth to debug frame 转颜色
cvtColor(depth8, debug, CV_GRAY2BGR);
debug.setTo(debugColor0, touch); // touch mask
rectangle(debug, roi, debugColor1, 2); // surface boundaries
for (unsigned int i=0; i<touchPoints.size(); i++) { // touch points 绘画框/圆
circle(debug, touchPoints[i], 5, debugColor2, CV_FILLED);
// render debug frame (with sliders)
imshow(windowName, debug);//显示
//imshow("image", rgb);
return 0;
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