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Last active September 2, 2019 19:44
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; virtuoso.ini
; Configuration file for the OpenLink Virtuoso VDBMS Server
; To learn more about this product, or any other product in our
; portfolio, please check out our web site at:
; or contact us at:
; If you have any technical questions, please contact our support
; staff at:
; Database setup
DatabaseFile = /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.db
ErrorLogFile = /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.log
LockFile = /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.lck
TransactionFile = /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.trx
xa_persistent_file = /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.pxa
ErrorLogLevel = 7
FileExtend = 200
MaxCheckpointRemap = 2000
Striping = 0
TempStorage = TempDatabase
DatabaseFile = /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso-temp.db
TransactionFile = /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso-temp.trx
MaxCheckpointRemap = 2000
Striping = 0
; Server parameters
ServerPort = 1111
LiteMode = 0
DisableUnixSocket = 1
DisableTcpSocket = 0
;SSLServerPort = 2111
;SSLCertificate = cert.pem
;SSLPrivateKey = pk.pem
;X509ClientVerify = 0
;X509ClientVerifyDepth = 0
;X509ClientVerifyCAFile = ca.pem
MaxClientConnections = 100
CheckpointInterval = 60
CaseMode = 2
MaxStaticCursorRows = 5000
CheckpointAuditTrail = 0
AllowOSCalls = 0
SchedulerInterval = 10
DirsAllowed = ., /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/share/virtuoso/vad, /resources
ThreadCleanupInterval = 10
ThreadThreshold = 10
ResourcesCleanupInterval = 10
FreeTextBatchSize = 100000
SingleCPU = 0
VADInstallDir = /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/share/virtuoso/vad/
PrefixResultNames = 0
RdfFreeTextRulesSize = 100
IndexTreeMaps = 256
MaxMemPoolSize = 200000000
PrefixResultNames = 0
MacSpotlight = 0
IndexTreeMaps = 64
MaxQueryMem = 30G ; memory allocated to query processor
VectorSize = 10000 ; initial parallel query vector (array of query operations) size
MaxVectorSize = 1000000 ; query vector size threshold.
AdjustVectorSize = 1
ThreadsPerQuery = 32
AsyncQueueMaxThreads = 32
;; When running with large data sets, one should configure the Virtuoso
;; process to use between 2/3 to 3/5 of free system memory and to stripe
;; storage on all available disks.
;; Uncomment next two lines if there is 2 GB system memory free
;NumberOfBuffers = 170000
;MaxDirtyBuffers = 130000
;; Uncomment next two lines if there is 4 GB system memory free
;NumberOfBuffers = 340000
; MaxDirtyBuffers = 250000
;; Uncomment next two lines if there is 8 GB system memory free
;NumberOfBuffers = 680000
;MaxDirtyBuffers = 500000
;; Uncomment next two lines if there is 16 GB system memory free
;NumberOfBuffers = 1360000
;MaxDirtyBuffers = 1000000
;; Uncomment next two lines if there is 32 GB system memory free
;NumberOfBuffers = 2720000
;MaxDirtyBuffers = 2000000
;; Uncomment next two lines if there is 48 GB system memory free
;NumberOfBuffers = 4000000
;MaxDirtyBuffers = 3000000
;; Uncomment next two lines if there is 64 GB system memory free
;NumberOfBuffers = 5450000
;MaxDirtyBuffers = 4000000
;; Uncomment next two lines if there is 110 GB system memory free
;;NumberOfBuffers = 10500000
;;MaxDirtyBuffers = 8000000
;;; Uncomment next two lines if there is 256 GB system memory free
NumberOfBuffers = 21800000
MaxDirtyBuffers = 16000000
;; Note the default settings will take very little memory
;; but will not result in very good performance
;;NumberOfBuffers = 10000
;;MaxDirtyBuffers = 6000
ServerPort = 8890
ServerRoot = /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/vsp
MaxClientConnections = 10
DavRoot = DAV
EnabledDavVSP = 0
HTTPProxyEnabled = 0
TempASPXDir = 0
DefaultMailServer = localhost:25
ServerThreads = 100
MaxKeepAlives = 10
KeepAliveTimeout = 10
MaxCachedProxyConnections = 10
ProxyConnectionCacheTimeout = 15
HTTPThreadSize = 280000
HttpPrintWarningsInOutput = 0
Charset = UTF-8
;;HTTPLogFile = http.log
MaintenancePage = atomic.html
EnabledGzipContent = 1
BadParentLinks = 0
ArrayOptimization = 0
NumArrayParameters = 10
VDBDisconnectTimeout = 1000
KeepConnectionOnFixedThread = 0
ServerName = db-D602566B774E
ServerEnable = 1
QueueMax = 50000
; Striping setup
; These parameters have only effect when Striping is set to 1 in the
; [Database] section, in which case the DatabaseFile parameter is ignored.
; With striping, the database is spawned across multiple segments
; where each segment can have multiple stripes.
; Format of the lines below:
; Segment<number> = <size>, <stripe file name> [, <stripe file name> .. ]
; <number> must be ordered from 1 up.
; The <size> is the total size of the segment which is equally divided
; across all stripes forming the segment. Its specification can be in
; gigabytes (g), megabytes (m), kilobytes (k) or in database blocks
; (b, the default)
; Note that the segment size must be a multiple of the database page size
; which is currently 8k. Also, the segment size must be divisible by the
; number of stripe files forming the segment.
; The example below creates a 200 meg database striped on two segments
; with two stripes of 50 meg and one of 100 meg.
; You can always add more segments to the configuration, but once
; added, do not change the setup.
;Segment1 = 100M, db-seg1-1.db, db-seg1-2.db
;Segment2 = 100M, db-seg2-1.db
;Segment1 = 100M, db-seg1-1.db, db-seg1-2.db
;Segment2 = 100M, db-seg2-1.db
;UcmPath = <path>
;Ucm1 = <file>
;Ucm2 = <file>
[Zero Config]
ServerName = virtuoso (D602566B774E)
;ServerDSN = ZDSN
;SSLServerName =
;SSLServerDSN =
;MONO_PATH = <path_here>
;MONO_ROOT = <path_here>
;MONO_CFG_DIR = <path_here>
;virtclr.dll =
DynamicLocal = 0
DefaultHost = localhost:8890
;ExternalQuerySource = 1
;ExternalXsltSource = 1
;DefaultGraph = http://localhost:8890/dataspace
;ImmutableGraphs = http://localhost:8890/dataspace
ResultSetMaxRows = 100000
;MaxQueryCostEstimationTime = 400 ; in seconds
MaxQueryExecutionTime = 3600 ; in seconds
DefaultQuery = select ?s ?p ?o {?s ?p ?o} limit 10 offset 0
DeferInferenceRulesInit = 0 ; controls inference rules loading
;PingService =
LoadPath = /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/lib/virtuoso/hosting
;Load1 = plain, wikiv
;Load2 = plain, mediawiki
;Load3 = plain, creolewiki
;Load4 = plain, im
;Load5 = plain, wbxml2
;Load6 = plain, hslookup
;Load7 = attach,
;Load8 = Hosting,
;Load9 = Hosting,
;Load10 = Hosting,
;Load11 = Hosting,
;Load12 = msdtc,msdtc_sample
HashJoinSpace = 30G
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