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Created January 16, 2012 13:50
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ClassLoader for PSR-0 using closure.
* SPL Class Loader for NameSpace classes using closure.
* ex: spl_autoload_register( ClassLoader() );
* copied from
* @param $path
* @param array $option
* @return closure
spl_autoload_register( My_ClassLoader() );
function My_ClassLoader( $path=FALSE )
if( $path === FALSE ) $path = __DIR__;
$args = func_get_args();
$args = array_slice( $args, 1 );
$default = array(
'ext' => '.php',
'sep' => '\\',
'tip' => FALSE,
$args = $args + $default;
if( !$args[ 'tip' ] ) {
$args[ 'tip' ] = substr( $path, strripos( $path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) + 1 );
$path = substr( $path, 0, strripos( $path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) );
$args[ 'path' ] = $path;
return function( $className ) use ( $args ) {
$tip = $args[ 'tip' ];
if( !$tip ) return;
$sep = $args[ 'sep' ];
$ext = $args[ 'ext' ];
$path = $args[ 'path' ];
$className = ltrim( $className, '\\' );
if( substr( $className, 0, strlen( $tip.$sep ) ) === $tip.$sep ) {
$fileName = '';
if( FALSE !== ( $lastNsPos = strripos( $className, $sep ) ) ) {
$namespace = substr( $className, 0, $lastNsPos );
$className = substr( $className, $lastNsPos + 1 );
$fileName = str_replace( $sep, $ds, $namespace ) . $ds;
$fileName .= str_replace( '_', $ds, $className) . $ext;
$inc = ( $path !== null ? $path . $ds : '' ) . $fileName;
require( $inc );
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