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Last active May 20, 2016 00:45
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Object.keys(request) - ashley/ceej


(ooh, just remembered another tip: kill -s USR1 <node pid> will turn the debugger on any node process and you can point node-inspector at it) -chris

ooh another fun debugging tip: dbg = vm.runInDebugContext('Debug'); mirror = dbg.MakeMirror(objectValue); console.log(mirror.referencedBy()) - chris it lists all referencing objects to the object you pass to MakeMirror

turn on browser styles in computed properties in the browser - jeff

git token search aria

maciej when in doubt strace tcpdump dtruss

git bisect + use magic strings and/or really unique tokens "wacky symbols" ryan

ben docker container, just sh into it to debug it

andrew - if you're running enterprise and your ldap is not working making sure replicated has the right ip


  1. start at the wall socket and follow the cables all the way through. methodically start where something starts and follow it all the way through meticulously and pedanticly. don't make the assumption!
  2. log, log profusely, log often, log in a grepable way. you write logs now to save yourself debuging time later. current self needs to guess what might go wrong in the future
  3. name your functions! your stack traces are WAY better.

tl;dr BE DESCRIPTIVE. have pity on yourself.

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  • process._rawDebug — blocking write to stderr that skips all stream machinery
  • Mirrors:
const vm = require('vm')
const Debug = vm.runInDebugContext('Debug')
const mirror = Debug.makeMirror(myObjectValue)

console.log(mirror.referencedBy()) // [ ObjectMirror, ObjectMirror, ObjectMirror ]

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  • kill -s USR1 <node pid>: halt node pid, turn on the debugger (if it's not on already!). You can point node-inspector at localhost:5858 and debug from there!

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  • in combination with referencedByprocess._getActiveHandles() and process._getActiveRequests() — fetch a list of objects representing active libuv handles and requests. These requests are keeping node from exiting. You can get back to what's referring to them using dbg.MakeMirror(process._getActiveHandles()[0]).referencedBy()!

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