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Last active May 10, 2022 19:46
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Gist of one of my FHN MakieLayout figures
using Makie, MakieTeX, CairoMakie
# Makie v0.17 and associated packages
using DifferentialEquations, Polynomials
# define the default theme
font = "CMU Serif",
fontsize = 12, # 12,
Axis = (
xticksize = 6,
yticksize = 6,
xtickalign = 1,
ytickalign = 1,
spinewidth = 0.7,
gridwidth = 0.5,
Heatmap = (rasterize = 5,),
Surface = (rasterize = 5,),
# Returns a Vector{Point2f0} of points which define the isocline
function isoclines(xs::AbstractVector{<: Real}, ys::AbstractVector{<: Real}, zs::AbstractMatrix{<: Real}, isoval::Real = 0.0)
return Makie.Contours.contour(xs, ys, zs, eltype(xs)(isoval)) |> Makie.Contours.lines |> x -> map(y -> Point2f.(y.vertices), x) .|> Makie.GeometryBasics.LineString
# extract isoclines from a multivariate function
function isoclines(xs::Makie.IntervalSets.ClosedInterval{<: Real}, ys::Makie.IntervalSets.ClosedInterval{<: Real}, f::Function, isoval::Real = 0.0; samples = 500, ind = 1)
xr = LinRange(xs, samples)
yr = LinRange(ys, samples)
return isoclines(xr, yr, getindex.(f.(Point2f.(xr, yr')), ind), isoval)
function fitzhugh_nagumo(x::Point2{T}; e = 0.08, b = 0.4, g = 0.8, i_ext = 0.2) where T
v, w = x
return Point2{T}(
v - v^3/3 - w + i_ext, # dv₀
e * (v - g * w + b) # dw₀
ode_fhn(u, p, t) = fitzhugh_nagumo(u; e = p[1], b = p[2], g = p[3], i_ext = p[4])
u0 = Point2{Float64}(1.0, -0.51)
p_exc = [#=e=# 0.08, #=b=# 0.4, #=g=# 0.8, #=i_ext=# -0.2]
p_osc = [#=e=# 0.08, #=b=# 0.4, #=g=# 0.8, #=i_ext=# 0.5]
tspan = (0.0, 150.0)
prob_exc = ODEProblem(ode_fhn, u0, tspan, p_exc)
sol_exc = solve(prob_exc, Tsit5(), reltol=1e-8, abstol = 1e-8)
plot_sol_exc = sol_exc(LinRange(tspan..., 1000))
# see solution
lines(plot_sol_exc.u; color = plot_sol_exc.t, colormap = :linear_bgy_10_95_c74_n256, linewidth = 4)
prob_osc = ODEProblem(ode_fhn, u0, tspan, p_osc)
sol_osc = solve(prob_osc, Tsit5(), reltol=1e-8, abstol = 1e-8)
plot_sol_osc = sol_osc(LinRange(tspan..., 1000))
# see solution
lines(plot_sol_osc.u; color = plot_sol_osc.t, colormap = :linear_bgy_10_95_c74_n256, linewidth = 4)
fh_exc = (x...) -> ode_fhn(x, p_exc, 0)
fh_osc = (x...) -> ode_fhn(x, p_osc, 0)
plot_interval = -2..2
iso_vosc = isoclines(plot_interval, plot_interval, fh_osc; ind=1)
iso_wosc = isoclines(plot_interval, plot_interval, fh_osc; ind=2)
iso_vexc = isoclines(plot_interval, plot_interval, fh_exc; ind=1)
iso_wexc = isoclines(plot_interval, plot_interval, fh_exc; ind=2)
fig = Figure(resolution = (6, 6) .* 72, figure_padding = 5) # resolution in points)
axs = [
Axis(fig[1, i];
xlabel = "𝑣",
ylabel = "𝑤",
xlabelpadding = 1,
ylabelpadding = 1,
tellwidth = true,
tellheight = false,
for i in 1:2
rowsize!(fig.layout, 1, Aspect(1, 1))
hidexdecorations!.(axs); hideydecorations!.(axs)
setproperty!.(axs, :xlabelvisible, true)
setproperty!.(axs, :ylabelvisible, true)
axs[2].yaxisposition = :right
# setproperty!.(axs, :titlesize, 12)
# `axs[1]` is the excitatory axis.
axs[1].title = "Excitable mode"
vexc_lines = lines!(axs[1], iso_vexc; linewidth = 1, color = Makie.wong_colors()[1])
wexc_lines = lines!(axs[1], iso_wexc; linewidth = 1, color = Makie.wong_colors()[2])
# `axs[2]` is the oscillatory axis.
axs[2].title = "Oscillatory mode"
vosc_lines = lines!(axs[2], iso_vosc; linewidth = 1, color = Makie.wong_colors()[1])
wosc_lines = lines!(axs[2], iso_wosc; linewidth = 1, color = Makie.wong_colors()[2])
labels = [Label(fig[1, i, TopLeft()], string('A'-1+i); font = "CMU Serif Bold") for i in 1:2]
sp1 = streamplot!(axs[1], fh_exc, plot_interval, plot_interval; linewidth = 0.5, arrow_size = 4, colormap = :linear_bmy_10_95_c71_n256, figure = (resolution = (4, 4) .* 72, figure_padding = 0), rasterize = 15)
sp2 = streamplot!(axs[2], fh_osc, plot_interval, plot_interval; linewidth = 0.5, arrow_size = 4, colormap = :linear_bmy_10_95_c71_n256, figure = (resolution = (4, 4) .* 72, figure_padding = 0), rasterize = 15)
sp1.density = 0.9
sp2.density = 0.9
sc1 = scatter!(axs[1], [u0]; markersize = 5, markerspace = :pixel, markercolor = :blue)
sc2 = scatter!(axs[2], [u0]; markersize = 5, markerspace = :pixel, markercolor = :blue)
ts_axs = [Axis(fig[2, i]; xlabel = L"t", width = @lift(Fixed($(pixelarea(axs[i].scene)).widths[1]))) for i in 1:2]
setproperty!.(ts_axs, :xlabelpadding, 0)
hidexdecorations!.(ts_axs; ticks = true, ticklabels = false, label = false)
hideydecorations!.(ts_axs; ticks = true, ticklabels = true, label = true)
line_traj_exc = lines!(axs[1], plot_sol_exc.u; color = plot_sol_exc.t, colormap = :linear_bgy_10_95_c74_n256)
line_traj_osc = lines!(axs[2], plot_sol_osc.u; color = plot_sol_osc.t, colormap = :linear_bgy_10_95_c74_n256)
ts_exc_1 = lines!(ts_axs[1], plot_sol_exc.t, first.(plot_sol_exc.u); color = Makie.wong_colors()[3], linewidth = 1.2)
ts_exc_2 = lines!(ts_axs[1], plot_sol_exc.t, last.(plot_sol_exc.u); color = Makie.wong_colors()[4], linewidth = 1.2)
ts_osc_1 = lines!(ts_axs[2], plot_sol_osc.t, first.(plot_sol_osc.u); color = Makie.wong_colors()[3], linewidth = 1.2)
ts_osc_2 = lines!(ts_axs[2], plot_sol_osc.t, last.(plot_sol_osc.u); color = Makie.wong_colors()[4], linewidth = 1.2)
# Now, we create the legend.
leg_elements = [
vexc_lines, ts_osc_1, [LineElement(points = Point2f.(LinRange(0, 1, 100), 0.5), color = 2:101, colormap = :linear_bmy_10_95_c71_n256), MarkerElement(markersize = 4, points = Point2f[(0.5, 0.5)], marker = '▶')], LineElement(points = Point2f.(LinRange(0, 1, 100), 0.5), color = 1:100, colormap = Reverse(:viridis)),
wexc_lines, ts_osc_2, sc1,
leg = Legend(
fig[3, 1:2],
fill("", length(leg_elements));
tellwidth = false,
tellheight = true,
rowgap = 0,
framewidth = 0.25,
padding = (0, 0, 0, 0),
framevisible = false,
nbanks = 4,
orientation = :vertical,
leg.nbanks = 4
leg.orientation = :vertical
leg.blockscene.children[1].plots[end-3].colormap = :linear_bgy_10_95_c74_n256
leg.blockscene.children[1].plots[end-5].colormap = :linear_bmy_10_95_c71_n256
# The legend doesn't need much space...80 points should be enough.
rowgap!(fig.layout, 1, 4)
rowgap!(fig.layout, 2, 4)
# Now comes the shady hacking section. We add layouted TeX to the legend's internal gridlayout.
ltexs = LTeX.(
Ref(fig), [
L"dv = 0", L"v", "Trajectories", "Trajectory from \$(v_0, w_0)\$",
L"dw = 0", L"w", "Initial point"
halign = :left,
translate!.(getproperty.(ltexs, :blockscene), 0, 0, 100)
grid_indices = vcat(CartesianIndex.(1, 2:2:8), CartesianIndex.(2, 2:2:6))
for (ind, ltex) in zip(grid_indices, ltexs)
leg.grid[1, 1][ind[1], ind[2]] = ltex
rowsize!(fig.layout, 2, Aspect(2, 0.2))
save("../model/dynamics/FHN_nullclines_exc_and_osc.pdf", fig; pt_per_unit = 1)
save("fhn_null_show.png", fig; px_per_unit = 3)
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