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Created May 12, 2016 20:20
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My expanded CV
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\def\name {Armin Pašalić}
\def\doc {Curriculum Vitae}
\def\address {Rathausstraße 19}
\def\keywords {Developer, Software, Engineer, Ruby, Rails, Javascript, jQuery}
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\cfoot{\footnotesize\color{gray} Last updated: \today \\ Built using \LaTeX}
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{ll} Mobile: & \href{tel:+4915753079004}{+49 (0)157 53 079 004}\\
Github: & \href{}{}\\
Email: & \href{}{}
{ll} Xing: & \href{}{}\\
LinkedIn: & \href{}{}\\
Keybase: & \href{}{}
\it{I am an experienced and passionate software engineer with proven ability to realize expectation into reality. I have also, on occasion, filled the roles of project manager, systems architect, system admin or support engineer. I was also a successful freelancer and a little bit less successful entrepreneur. In recent years, responsibilities I was given naturally increased and I have been successfully guiding other programmers as ``hands on'' technical manager.\\}
I work diligently, leading by example, in order to produce smart, tested, well-designed and, since computers are not the only ones to read it, easy readable code. I pay close attention to detail and try to reduce code complexity whenever possible. Since, in software development, we encounter interesting problems on a daily basis, it is important to point out that, while the experience foundation present helps a lot, I am also still able to learn and adapt quickly.
\hspace{8.5mm}\href{}{\bfseries Promptus Partners GmbH}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Software Development Lead }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Spree, Ruby (on Rails), Sinatra, Javascript, ElasticSearch, React, Scrum }}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}Promptus Partners employs a diverse range of teams working on a several products for itself and it's clients. Besides the coding itself, my responsibilities here include mentoring and leading a team of three (remote) programmers, code review, feature and time planning, implementing monitoring capabilities, servers configuration, performance optimization...\\
As we have recently started a process of time and cost optimization where native mobile clients are replaced with modern Javascript implementations (\href{}{React Native}) coupled with rewriting dated web platform to conform optimally to the client facing requirements, I am also responsible for system architecture, technology evaluation and knowledge dissemination.\\
\href{}{\bfseries LX e-commerce solutions GmbH} \& \href{}{Yipiii B2B}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Lead Software Developer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Ruby (on Rails), Sinatra, Capistrano, PostgreSQL, nginx, Git, Chrome Plugin Development, Kanban }}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}LX is a small company working on B2B gamification solutions for e-commerce using experiences of Yipiii. I was given a responsibility of partially creating and managing a small development team. In this short period we have managed to reach important milestones and make product production ready.\\
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries LiquidM GmbH}} \& {\href{}{madvertise Mobile Advertising GmbH}}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Senior Software Developer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{jRuby (on Rails), MySQL, zeromq, Hadoop, Kafka, Druid, Chef, Javascript, CoffeeScript, Git, Kanban...}}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}LiquidM (which used to be known as Madvertise) is a mobile advertising management platform. I have started here as Senior Ruby on Rails developer. However, since company philosophy is that everyone should be able to do everything, shortly after I was rewriting and decoupling parts of ad server, playing with Chef, doing regular shifts monitoring and always exploring ways to make servers faster and rock solid while reducing memory and CPU usage.\\
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Personal Inc.}}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Senior Software Engineer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{jRuby (on Rails), OAuth, REST, Hadoop, HBase, Elasticsearch, Javascript, CoffeeScript, Git, Scrum...}}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}Personal is startup whose main focus is ability to efficiently store and share sensitive data (secure digital locker). As newly hired senior engineer, I was given task of helping define and implement a REST API. After we have completed it, I spent part of the time helping on the front-end part in order to make it possible for company to reach goals ahead. My last couple of months here, I have envisioned and demonstrated MVP of \href{}{FillIt -} after which I have been assigned a team in order to make it into a working product.\\
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries DevLogic d.o.o.}}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Senior Developer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{jRuby (on Rails), php, Yii, Memcached, Redis, Javascript, CoffeeScript, Git, SVN, AWS, Waterfall...}}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}Devlogic is an outsorcing company where I started as (first of two) Ruby on Rails developer. Since at the time there was shortage of RoR projects (and company had way more php developers), I also played a role of php (Yii framework) developer and, eventually, team lead (2--5 developers per team) for php and Rails projects I was working on. Also did requirements analysis and, together with business analyst, project documentation, requirements definition and development as well as time assesment.\\
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Verk d.o.o.}}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Senior PHP Developer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{php, Zend Framework, Drupal, Memcached, Javascript, SVN, Scrum...}}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}Worked as a part of the small but awesome team creating fantastic solutions for company clients. Tools of the trade were Zend Framework and Drupal.\\
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries KJP ,,Sarajevo - šume'' d.o.o. Sarajevo}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{Information Technology Coordinator}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{php, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Javascript, Joomla!, ftp, hardware, MS Office, GIS}}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}Managing information technology procurement, maintenance, assistance and knowledge transfer. Was also in charge of designing and developing software solutions.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries Teacher Education and Professional Development}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{CIO \& Web Designer/Developer}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{HTML, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop, ftp, hardware, MS Office}}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}Responsible for information technology solutions within HQ and trough all outposts. Also developed, deployed and maintained project's website.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{Web Designer/Developer}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{HTML, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop, ftp}}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}Was hired on temporary basis in order to build a website while working on location. After website crafting, remained for a few more months in order to provide a smooth knowledge transfer.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Sayber d.o.o.}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{Web Designer/Developer}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{HTML, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop, ftp}}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}At the time worked as only web designer and web developer in this web design/development company.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries ISV Radio Sarajevo}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{Radio host \& DJ}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Rock\&Rool, Radio DJ Console}}}
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}Fun job at local radio station. Had my own show and shifts as DJ.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries Joker - youth centre}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}Multimedia instructor}\\
\begin{addmargin}[19mm]{1pt}Had a class, teaching youth how to use computer in order to create multimedia (that used to be a word combining photo, video and sound). Mostly consisted in teaching young people on how to use Photoshop.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries Chip d.o.o.}\\
\it\indent{\hspace{19mm}Trainee in electronic shack}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Soldering iron, Voltmeter, C++}}}
Last two years of high school I have spent as trainee in electronic shack. Started learning a bit of C++.
\item{{\footnotesize{2007-- . . . }} Attended B.S. Information Technologies, Faculty of information technology Mostar}
\item{{\footnotesize{1993--1997}} Željeznički školski centar Sarajevo}
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