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Created December 8, 2019 18:06
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import numpy as np
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi import BaseLowLevelWCS
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation
from astropy import units as u
# The following dictionary maps axis names to UCD1+ terms from
'Right Ascension': 'pos.eq.ra',
'Declination': 'pos.eq.dec',
'Longitude': 'pos.galactic.lon',
'Latitude': '',
'Frequency': 'em.freq', # Frequency
class CASAWCS(BaseLowLevelWCS):
APE-14 compliant WCS interface to CASA coordsys objects.
cs : `casatools.coordsys.coordsys`
The CASA coordsys object
def __init__(self, coordsys):
self._coordsys = coordsys
def pixel_n_dim(self):
return self._coordsys.naxes()
def world_n_dim(self):
return self._coordsys.naxes()
def world_axis_physical_types(self):
return [NAMES_TO_UCD.get(name) for name in self._coordsys.names()]
def world_axis_names(self):
return self._coordsys.names()
def world_axis_units(self):
return self._coordsys.units()
def pixel_to_world_values(self, *pixel_arrays):
return list(self._coordsys.toworldmany(np.array(pixel_arrays))['numeric'])
def array_index_to_world_values(self, *index_arrays):
return list(self._coordsys.toworldmany(np.array(index_arrays)[::-1])['numeric'])
def world_to_pixel_values(self, *world_arrays):
return list(self._coordsys.topixelmany(np.array(world_arrays))['numeric'])
def world_to_array_index_values(self, *world_arrays):
pixel_arrays = list(self._coordsys.topixelmany(np.array(world_arrays))['numeric'])
array_indices = tuple(np.asarray(np.floor(pixel + 0.5), dtype=np.int_) for pixel in pixel_arrays)
return array_indices
def world_axis_object_components(self):
return self._get_components_and_classes()[0]
def world_axis_object_classes(self):
return self._get_components_and_classes()[1]
def _get_components_and_classes(self):
# The aim of this function is to return whatever is needed for
# world_axis_object_components and world_axis_object_classes. It's easier
# to figure it out in one go and then return the values and let the
# properties return part of it.
components = [None] * self.world_n_dim
classes = {}
# Let's start off by checking whether the WCS has a pair of celestial
# components
coordinate_type = self._coordsys.coordinatetype()
names = self._coordsys.names()
units = self._coordsys.units()
if 'Direction' in coordinate_type:
refcode = self._coordsys.referencecode('Direction')[0]
if refcode == 'J2000':
frame = 'fk5'
lng = names.index('Right Ascension')
lat = names.index('Declination')
raise NotImplementedError(f"Did not recognize refcode={refcode}")
kwargs = {}
kwargs['frame'] = frame
kwargs['unit'] = (units[lng], units[lat])
classes['celestial'] = (SkyCoord, (), kwargs)
components[lng] = ('celestial', 0, 'spherical.lon.' + units[lng])
components[lat] = ('celestial', 1, '' + units[lng])
# Fallback: for any remaining components that haven't been identified, just
# return Quantity as the class to use
for i in range(self.world_n_dim):
if components[i] is None:
name = names[i].lower()
if name == '':
name = 'world'
while name in classes:
name += "_"
classes[name] = (u.Quantity, (), {'unit': units[i]})
components[i] = (name, 0, 'value')
return components, classes
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