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Created February 17, 2014 17:09
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Astropy documentation warnings in nitpicky mode
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: configspec
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: configobj
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.rst:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: module
[u"ConfigurationItem(name, defaultvalue=u'', description=None, cfgtype=None, module=None)", u':module: astropy.config.configuration', u'', u'Bases: :class:`object`', u'', u'', u'', u'A setting and associated value stored in the astropy configuration', u'files.', u'', u'These objects are typically defined at the top of astropy subpackages', u'or affiliated packages, and store values or option settings that can be', u'modified by the user to', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name** : str', u'', u' The (case-sensitive) name of this parameter, as shown in the', u' configuration file.', u'', u' **defaultvalue** : ', u'', u' The default value for this item. If this is a list of strings, this', u" item will be interpreted as an 'options' value - this item must be one", u' of those values, and the first in the list will be taken as the default', u' value.', u'', u' **description** : str or None', u'', u' A description of this item (will be shown as a comment in the', u' configuration file)', u'', u' **cfgtype** : str or None', u'', u' A type specifier like those used as the *values* of a particular key in', u' a `configspec` file of `configobj`. If None, the type will be inferred', u' from the default value.', u'', u' **module** : str or None', u'', u' The full module name that this item is associated with. The first', u" element (e.g. 'astropy' if this is 'astropy.config.configuration')", u' will be used to determine the name of the configuration file, while', u' the remaining items determine the section. If None, the package will be', u" inferred from the package within whiich this object's initializer is", u' called.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **RuntimeError** : ', u'', u' If `module` is None, but the module this item is created from cannot', u' be determined.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u"The following example will create an item 'cfgoption = 42' in the", u"'[configuration]' section of astropy.cfg (located in the directory that", u'`astropy.config.paths.get_config_dir` returns), or if the option is already', u'set, it will take the value from the configuration file::', u'', u' from astropy.config import ConfigurationItem', u'', u" CFG_OPTION = ConfigurationItem('cfgoption',42,module='astropy.configuration')", u'', u'If called as ``CFG_OPTION()``, this will return the value ``42``, or some', u'other integer if the ``astropy.cfg`` file specifies a different value.', u'', u'If this were a file ``astropy/configuration/``, the `module`', u'option would not be necessary, as it would automatically detect the correct', u'module.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ConfigurationItem.reload', u'', u' ~ConfigurationItem.set', u' ~ConfigurationItem.set_temp', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. automethod:: reload', u'.. automethod:: save', u'.. automethod:: set', u'.. automethod:: set_temp']:67: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: module
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: value
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.rst:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: value
[u'get_config(packageormod=None, reload=False)', u':module: astropy.config.configuration', u'', u'', u'', u'Gets the configuration object or section associated with a particular', u'package or module.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **packageormod** : str or None', u'', u' The package for which to retrieve the configuration object. If a', u' string, it must be a valid package name, or if None, the package from', u' which this function is called will be used.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **cfgobj** : `configobj.ConfigObj` or `configobj.Section`', u'', u' If the requested package is a base package, this will be the', u' `configobj.ConfigObj` for that package, or if it is a subpackage or', u' module, it will return the relevant `configobj.Section` object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **RuntimeError** : ', u'', u' If `package` is None, but the package this item is created from cannot', u' be determined.']:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: configobj.ConfigObj
[u'get_config(packageormod=None, reload=False)', u':module: astropy.config.configuration', u'', u'', u'', u'Gets the configuration object or section associated with a particular', u'package or module.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **packageormod** : str or None', u'', u' The package for which to retrieve the configuration object. If a', u' string, it must be a valid package name, or if None, the package from', u' which this function is called will be used.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **cfgobj** : `configobj.ConfigObj` or `configobj.Section`', u'', u' If the requested package is a base package, this will be the', u' `configobj.ConfigObj` for that package, or if it is a subpackage or', u' module, it will return the relevant `configobj.Section` object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **RuntimeError** : ', u'', u' If `package` is None, but the package this item is created from cannot', u' be determined.']:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: configobj.Section
[u'get_config(packageormod=None, reload=False)', u':module: astropy.config.configuration', u'', u'', u'', u'Gets the configuration object or section associated with a particular', u'package or module.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **packageormod** : str or None', u'', u' The package for which to retrieve the configuration object. If a', u' string, it must be a valid package name, or if None, the package from', u' which this function is called will be used.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **cfgobj** : `configobj.ConfigObj` or `configobj.Section`', u'', u' If the requested package is a base package, this will be the', u' `configobj.ConfigObj` for that package, or if it is a subpackage or', u' module, it will return the relevant `configobj.Section` object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **RuntimeError** : ', u'', u' If `package` is None, but the package this item is created from cannot', u' be determined.']:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: configobj.ConfigObj
[u'get_config(packageormod=None, reload=False)', u':module: astropy.config.configuration', u'', u'', u'', u'Gets the configuration object or section associated with a particular', u'package or module.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **packageormod** : str or None', u'', u' The package for which to retrieve the configuration object. If a', u' string, it must be a valid package name, or if None, the package from', u' which this function is called will be used.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **cfgobj** : `configobj.ConfigObj` or `configobj.Section`', u'', u' If the requested package is a base package, this will be the', u' `configobj.ConfigObj` for that package, or if it is a subpackage or', u' module, it will return the relevant `configobj.Section` object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **RuntimeError** : ', u'', u' If `package` is None, but the package this item is created from cannot', u' be determined.']:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: configobj.Section
[u'get_config(packageormod=None, reload=False)', u':module: astropy.config.configuration', u'', u'', u'', u'Gets the configuration object or section associated with a particular', u'package or module.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **packageormod** : str or None', u'', u' The package for which to retrieve the configuration object. If a', u' string, it must be a valid package name, or if None, the package from', u' which this function is called will be used.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **cfgobj** : `configobj.ConfigObj` or `configobj.Section`', u'', u' If the requested package is a base package, this will be the', u' `configobj.ConfigObj` for that package, or if it is a subpackage or', u' module, it will return the relevant `configobj.Section` object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **RuntimeError** : ', u'', u' If `package` is None, but the package this item is created from cannot', u' be determined.']:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: package
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.reload_config.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: packageormod
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.save_config.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: packageormod
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.constants.constant.EMConstant.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: TypeError
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.constants.constant.EMConstant.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: TypeError
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.convolve.convolve.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: NaN
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.convolve.convolve.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: NaNs
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.convolve.convolve.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: NaN
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.convolve.convolve.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: NaN
[u"convolve(array, kernel, boundary=u'fill', fill_value=0.0, normalize_kernel=False)", u':module: astropy.convolution.convolve', u'', u'', u'', u'Convolve an array with a kernel.', u'', u'This routine differs from `scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve` because', u'it includes a special treatment for `NaN` values. Rather than', u'including `NaNs` in the convolution calculation, which causes large', u'`NaN` holes in the convolved image, `NaN` values are replaced with', u'interpolated values using the kernel as an interpolation function.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **array** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' The array to convolve. This should be a 1, 2, or 3-dimensional array', u' or a list or a set of nested lists representing a 1, 2, or', u' 3-dimensional array.', u'', u' **kernel** : `numpy.ndarray` or nddata.convolution.Kernel', u'', u' The convolution kernel. The number of dimensions should match those', u' for the array, and the dimensions should be odd in all directions.', u'', u' **boundary** : str, optional', u'', u' A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:', u' * `None`', u' Set the `result` values to zero where the kernel', u' extends beyond the edge of the array (default).', u" * 'fill'", u' Set values outside the array boundary to `fill_value`.', u" * 'wrap'", u' Periodic boundary that wrap to the other side of `array`.', u" * 'extend'", u' Set values outside the array to the nearest `array`', u' value.', u'', u' **fill_value** : float, optional', u'', u" The value to use outside the array when using boundary='fill'", u'', u' **normalize_kernel** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to normalize the kernel prior to convolving', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **result** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' An array with the same dimensions and as the input array,', u' convolved with kernel. The data type depends on the input', u' array type. If array is a floating point type, then the', u' return array keeps the same data type, otherwise the type', u' is numpy.float.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'Masked arrays are not supported at this time. The convolution', u'is always done at numpy.float precision.']:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: result
[u"convolve(array, kernel, boundary=u'fill', fill_value=0.0, normalize_kernel=False)", u':module: astropy.convolution.convolve', u'', u'', u'', u'Convolve an array with a kernel.', u'', u'This routine differs from `scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve` because', u'it includes a special treatment for `NaN` values. Rather than', u'including `NaNs` in the convolution calculation, which causes large', u'`NaN` holes in the convolved image, `NaN` values are replaced with', u'interpolated values using the kernel as an interpolation function.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **array** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' The array to convolve. This should be a 1, 2, or 3-dimensional array', u' or a list or a set of nested lists representing a 1, 2, or', u' 3-dimensional array.', u'', u' **kernel** : `numpy.ndarray` or nddata.convolution.Kernel', u'', u' The convolution kernel. The number of dimensions should match those', u' for the array, and the dimensions should be odd in all directions.', u'', u' **boundary** : str, optional', u'', u' A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:', u' * `None`', u' Set the `result` values to zero where the kernel', u' extends beyond the edge of the array (default).', u" * 'fill'", u' Set values outside the array boundary to `fill_value`.', u" * 'wrap'", u' Periodic boundary that wrap to the other side of `array`.', u" * 'extend'", u' Set values outside the array to the nearest `array`', u' value.', u'', u' **fill_value** : float, optional', u'', u" The value to use outside the array when using boundary='fill'", u'', u' **normalize_kernel** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to normalize the kernel prior to convolving', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **result** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' An array with the same dimensions and as the input array,', u' convolved with kernel. The data type depends on the input', u' array type. If array is a floating point type, then the', u' return array keeps the same data type, otherwise the type', u' is numpy.float.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'Masked arrays are not supported at this time. The convolution', u'is always done at numpy.float precision.']:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: fill_value
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.convolve.convolve_fft.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: inf
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.convolve.convolve_fft.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: NaN
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.convolve.convolve_fft.rst:17: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: mode
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.convolve.convolve_fft.rst:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: fftn
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.convolve.convolve_fft.rst:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ifftn
[u"convolve_fft(array, kernel, boundary=u'fill', fill_value=0, crop=True, return_fft=False, fft_pad=True, psf_pad=False, interpolate_nan=False, quiet=False, ignore_edge_zeros=False, min_wt=0.0, normalize_kernel=False, fftn=<function fftn at 0x10b06a1b8>, ifftn=<function ifftn at 0x10b06a230>, complex_dtype=<type 'complex'>)", u':module: astropy.convolution.convolve', u'', u'', u'', u'Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel. Returns a convolved image with', u'shape = array.shape. Assumes kernel is centered.', u'', u'`convolve_fft` differs from `scipy.signal.fftconvolve` in a few ways:', u'', u"* It can treat NaN's as zeros or interpolate over them.", u'* `inf` values are treated as `NaN`', u'* (optionally) It pads to the nearest 2^n size to improve FFT speed.', u"* Its only valid `mode` is 'same' (i.e., the same shape array is returned)", u'* It lets you use your own fft, e.g.,', u' `pyFFTW <>`_ or', u' `pyFFTW3 <>`_ , which can lead to', u' performance improvements, depending on your system configuration. pyFFTW3', u' is threaded, and therefore may yield significant performance benefits on', u' multi-core machines at the cost of greater memory requirements. Specify', u' the `fftn` and `ifftn` keywords to override the default, which is', u' `numpy.fft.fft` and `numpy.fft.ifft`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **array** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Array to be convolved with `kernel`', u'', u' **kernel** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Will be normalized if `normalize_kernel` is set. Assumed to be', u' centered (i.e., shifts may result if your kernel is asymmetric)', u'', u" **boundary** : {'fill', 'wrap'}", u'', u' A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:', u' ', u" * 'fill': set values outside the array boundary to fill_value", u' (default)', u" * 'wrap': periodic boundary", u' ', u'', u' **interpolate_nan** : bool', u'', u' The convolution will be re-weighted assuming NAN values are meant to be', u' ignored, not treated as zero. If this is off, all NaN values will be', u' treated as zero.', u'', u' **ignore_edge_zeros** : bool', u'', u' Ignore the zero-pad-created zeros. This will effectively decrease', u' the kernel area on the edges but will not re-normalize the kernel.', u" This parameter may result in 'edge-brightening' effects if you're using", u' a normalized kernel', u'', u' **min_wt** : float', u'', u' If ignoring NANs/zeros, force all grid points with a weight less than', u' this value to NAN (the weight of a grid point with *no* ignored', u' neighbors is 1.0).', u' If `min_wt` == 0.0, then all zero-weight points will be set to zero', u' instead of NAN (which they would be otherwise, because 1/0 = nan).', u' See the examples below', u'', u' **normalize_kernel** : function or boolean', u'', u' If specified, this is the function to divide kernel by to normalize it.', u' e.g., normalize_kernel=np.sum means that kernel will be modified to be:', u' kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel). If True, defaults to', u' normalize_kernel = np.sum', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **default** : ndarray', u'', u' **array** convolved with `kernel`.', u' If `return_fft` is set, returns fft(**array**) * fft(`kernel`).', u' If crop is not set, returns the image, but with the fft-padded size', u' instead of the input size', u'', u':Other Parameters:', u'', u' **fft_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Zero-pad image to the nearest 2^n', u'', u' **psf_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default off. Zero-pad image to be at least the sum of the image sizes', u' (in order to avoid edge-wrapping when smoothing)', u'', u' **crop** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Return an image of the size of the largest input image.', u' If the images are asymmetric in opposite directions, will return the', u' largest image in both directions.', u' For example, if an input image has shape [100,3] but a kernel with shape', u' [6,6] is used, the output will be [100,6].', u'', u' **return_fft** : bool', u'', u' Return the fft(image)*fft(kernel) instead of the convolution (which is', u' ifft(fft(image)*fft(kernel))). Useful for making PSDs.', u'', u' **nthreads** : int', u'', u' if fftw3 is installed, can specify the number of threads to allow FFTs', u' to use. Probably only helpful for large arrays', u'', u' **fftn, ifftn** : functions', u'', u' The fft and inverse fft functions. Can be overridden to use your own', u" ffts, e.g. an fftw3 wrapper or scipy's fftn, e.g.", u' `fftn=scipy.fftpack.fftn`', u'', u' **complex_dtype** : np.complex', u'', u' Which complex dtype to use. `numpy` has a range of options, from 64 to', u' 256.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`convolve`', u' Convolve is a non-fft version of this code.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0])', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 2, 3], [1])', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True)', u'...', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... min_wt=1e-8)', u'array([ 1., nan, 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True)', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> import scipy.fftpack # optional - requires scipy', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True,', u'... fftn=scipy.fftpack.fft, ifftn=scipy.fftpack.ifft)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])']:25: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: kernel
[u"convolve_fft(array, kernel, boundary=u'fill', fill_value=0, crop=True, return_fft=False, fft_pad=True, psf_pad=False, interpolate_nan=False, quiet=False, ignore_edge_zeros=False, min_wt=0.0, normalize_kernel=False, fftn=<function fftn at 0x10b06a1b8>, ifftn=<function ifftn at 0x10b06a230>, complex_dtype=<type 'complex'>)", u':module: astropy.convolution.convolve', u'', u'', u'', u'Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel. Returns a convolved image with', u'shape = array.shape. Assumes kernel is centered.', u'', u'`convolve_fft` differs from `scipy.signal.fftconvolve` in a few ways:', u'', u"* It can treat NaN's as zeros or interpolate over them.", u'* `inf` values are treated as `NaN`', u'* (optionally) It pads to the nearest 2^n size to improve FFT speed.', u"* Its only valid `mode` is 'same' (i.e., the same shape array is returned)", u'* It lets you use your own fft, e.g.,', u' `pyFFTW <>`_ or', u' `pyFFTW3 <>`_ , which can lead to', u' performance improvements, depending on your system configuration. pyFFTW3', u' is threaded, and therefore may yield significant performance benefits on', u' multi-core machines at the cost of greater memory requirements. Specify', u' the `fftn` and `ifftn` keywords to override the default, which is', u' `numpy.fft.fft` and `numpy.fft.ifft`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **array** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Array to be convolved with `kernel`', u'', u' **kernel** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Will be normalized if `normalize_kernel` is set. Assumed to be', u' centered (i.e., shifts may result if your kernel is asymmetric)', u'', u" **boundary** : {'fill', 'wrap'}", u'', u' A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:', u' ', u" * 'fill': set values outside the array boundary to fill_value", u' (default)', u" * 'wrap': periodic boundary", u' ', u'', u' **interpolate_nan** : bool', u'', u' The convolution will be re-weighted assuming NAN values are meant to be', u' ignored, not treated as zero. If this is off, all NaN values will be', u' treated as zero.', u'', u' **ignore_edge_zeros** : bool', u'', u' Ignore the zero-pad-created zeros. This will effectively decrease', u' the kernel area on the edges but will not re-normalize the kernel.', u" This parameter may result in 'edge-brightening' effects if you're using", u' a normalized kernel', u'', u' **min_wt** : float', u'', u' If ignoring NANs/zeros, force all grid points with a weight less than', u' this value to NAN (the weight of a grid point with *no* ignored', u' neighbors is 1.0).', u' If `min_wt` == 0.0, then all zero-weight points will be set to zero', u' instead of NAN (which they would be otherwise, because 1/0 = nan).', u' See the examples below', u'', u' **normalize_kernel** : function or boolean', u'', u' If specified, this is the function to divide kernel by to normalize it.', u' e.g., normalize_kernel=np.sum means that kernel will be modified to be:', u' kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel). If True, defaults to', u' normalize_kernel = np.sum', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **default** : ndarray', u'', u' **array** convolved with `kernel`.', u' If `return_fft` is set, returns fft(**array**) * fft(`kernel`).', u' If crop is not set, returns the image, but with the fft-padded size', u' instead of the input size', u'', u':Other Parameters:', u'', u' **fft_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Zero-pad image to the nearest 2^n', u'', u' **psf_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default off. Zero-pad image to be at least the sum of the image sizes', u' (in order to avoid edge-wrapping when smoothing)', u'', u' **crop** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Return an image of the size of the largest input image.', u' If the images are asymmetric in opposite directions, will return the', u' largest image in both directions.', u' For example, if an input image has shape [100,3] but a kernel with shape', u' [6,6] is used, the output will be [100,6].', u'', u' **return_fft** : bool', u'', u' Return the fft(image)*fft(kernel) instead of the convolution (which is', u' ifft(fft(image)*fft(kernel))). Useful for making PSDs.', u'', u' **nthreads** : int', u'', u' if fftw3 is installed, can specify the number of threads to allow FFTs', u' to use. Probably only helpful for large arrays', u'', u' **fftn, ifftn** : functions', u'', u' The fft and inverse fft functions. Can be overridden to use your own', u" ffts, e.g. an fftw3 wrapper or scipy's fftn, e.g.", u' `fftn=scipy.fftpack.fftn`', u'', u' **complex_dtype** : np.complex', u'', u' Which complex dtype to use. `numpy` has a range of options, from 64 to', u' 256.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`convolve`', u' Convolve is a non-fft version of this code.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0])', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 2, 3], [1])', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True)', u'...', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... min_wt=1e-8)', u'array([ 1., nan, 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True)', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> import scipy.fftpack # optional - requires scipy', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True,', u'... fftn=scipy.fftpack.fft, ifftn=scipy.fftpack.ifft)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])']:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: normalize_kernel
[u"convolve_fft(array, kernel, boundary=u'fill', fill_value=0, crop=True, return_fft=False, fft_pad=True, psf_pad=False, interpolate_nan=False, quiet=False, ignore_edge_zeros=False, min_wt=0.0, normalize_kernel=False, fftn=<function fftn at 0x10b06a1b8>, ifftn=<function ifftn at 0x10b06a230>, complex_dtype=<type 'complex'>)", u':module: astropy.convolution.convolve', u'', u'', u'', u'Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel. Returns a convolved image with', u'shape = array.shape. Assumes kernel is centered.', u'', u'`convolve_fft` differs from `scipy.signal.fftconvolve` in a few ways:', u'', u"* It can treat NaN's as zeros or interpolate over them.", u'* `inf` values are treated as `NaN`', u'* (optionally) It pads to the nearest 2^n size to improve FFT speed.', u"* Its only valid `mode` is 'same' (i.e., the same shape array is returned)", u'* It lets you use your own fft, e.g.,', u' `pyFFTW <>`_ or', u' `pyFFTW3 <>`_ , which can lead to', u' performance improvements, depending on your system configuration. pyFFTW3', u' is threaded, and therefore may yield significant performance benefits on', u' multi-core machines at the cost of greater memory requirements. Specify', u' the `fftn` and `ifftn` keywords to override the default, which is', u' `numpy.fft.fft` and `numpy.fft.ifft`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **array** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Array to be convolved with `kernel`', u'', u' **kernel** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Will be normalized if `normalize_kernel` is set. Assumed to be', u' centered (i.e., shifts may result if your kernel is asymmetric)', u'', u" **boundary** : {'fill', 'wrap'}", u'', u' A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:', u' ', u" * 'fill': set values outside the array boundary to fill_value", u' (default)', u" * 'wrap': periodic boundary", u' ', u'', u' **interpolate_nan** : bool', u'', u' The convolution will be re-weighted assuming NAN values are meant to be', u' ignored, not treated as zero. If this is off, all NaN values will be', u' treated as zero.', u'', u' **ignore_edge_zeros** : bool', u'', u' Ignore the zero-pad-created zeros. This will effectively decrease', u' the kernel area on the edges but will not re-normalize the kernel.', u" This parameter may result in 'edge-brightening' effects if you're using", u' a normalized kernel', u'', u' **min_wt** : float', u'', u' If ignoring NANs/zeros, force all grid points with a weight less than', u' this value to NAN (the weight of a grid point with *no* ignored', u' neighbors is 1.0).', u' If `min_wt` == 0.0, then all zero-weight points will be set to zero', u' instead of NAN (which they would be otherwise, because 1/0 = nan).', u' See the examples below', u'', u' **normalize_kernel** : function or boolean', u'', u' If specified, this is the function to divide kernel by to normalize it.', u' e.g., normalize_kernel=np.sum means that kernel will be modified to be:', u' kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel). If True, defaults to', u' normalize_kernel = np.sum', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **default** : ndarray', u'', u' **array** convolved with `kernel`.', u' If `return_fft` is set, returns fft(**array**) * fft(`kernel`).', u' If crop is not set, returns the image, but with the fft-padded size', u' instead of the input size', u'', u':Other Parameters:', u'', u' **fft_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Zero-pad image to the nearest 2^n', u'', u' **psf_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default off. Zero-pad image to be at least the sum of the image sizes', u' (in order to avoid edge-wrapping when smoothing)', u'', u' **crop** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Return an image of the size of the largest input image.', u' If the images are asymmetric in opposite directions, will return the', u' largest image in both directions.', u' For example, if an input image has shape [100,3] but a kernel with shape', u' [6,6] is used, the output will be [100,6].', u'', u' **return_fft** : bool', u'', u' Return the fft(image)*fft(kernel) instead of the convolution (which is', u' ifft(fft(image)*fft(kernel))). Useful for making PSDs.', u'', u' **nthreads** : int', u'', u' if fftw3 is installed, can specify the number of threads to allow FFTs', u' to use. Probably only helpful for large arrays', u'', u' **fftn, ifftn** : functions', u'', u' The fft and inverse fft functions. Can be overridden to use your own', u" ffts, e.g. an fftw3 wrapper or scipy's fftn, e.g.", u' `fftn=scipy.fftpack.fftn`', u'', u' **complex_dtype** : np.complex', u'', u' Which complex dtype to use. `numpy` has a range of options, from 64 to', u' 256.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`convolve`', u' Convolve is a non-fft version of this code.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0])', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 2, 3], [1])', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True)', u'...', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... min_wt=1e-8)', u'array([ 1., nan, 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True)', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> import scipy.fftpack # optional - requires scipy', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True,', u'... fftn=scipy.fftpack.fft, ifftn=scipy.fftpack.ifft)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])']:55: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: min_wt
[u"convolve_fft(array, kernel, boundary=u'fill', fill_value=0, crop=True, return_fft=False, fft_pad=True, psf_pad=False, interpolate_nan=False, quiet=False, ignore_edge_zeros=False, min_wt=0.0, normalize_kernel=False, fftn=<function fftn at 0x10b06a1b8>, ifftn=<function ifftn at 0x10b06a230>, complex_dtype=<type 'complex'>)", u':module: astropy.convolution.convolve', u'', u'', u'', u'Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel. Returns a convolved image with', u'shape = array.shape. Assumes kernel is centered.', u'', u'`convolve_fft` differs from `scipy.signal.fftconvolve` in a few ways:', u'', u"* It can treat NaN's as zeros or interpolate over them.", u'* `inf` values are treated as `NaN`', u'* (optionally) It pads to the nearest 2^n size to improve FFT speed.', u"* Its only valid `mode` is 'same' (i.e., the same shape array is returned)", u'* It lets you use your own fft, e.g.,', u' `pyFFTW <>`_ or', u' `pyFFTW3 <>`_ , which can lead to', u' performance improvements, depending on your system configuration. pyFFTW3', u' is threaded, and therefore may yield significant performance benefits on', u' multi-core machines at the cost of greater memory requirements. Specify', u' the `fftn` and `ifftn` keywords to override the default, which is', u' `numpy.fft.fft` and `numpy.fft.ifft`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **array** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Array to be convolved with `kernel`', u'', u' **kernel** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Will be normalized if `normalize_kernel` is set. Assumed to be', u' centered (i.e., shifts may result if your kernel is asymmetric)', u'', u" **boundary** : {'fill', 'wrap'}", u'', u' A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:', u' ', u" * 'fill': set values outside the array boundary to fill_value", u' (default)', u" * 'wrap': periodic boundary", u' ', u'', u' **interpolate_nan** : bool', u'', u' The convolution will be re-weighted assuming NAN values are meant to be', u' ignored, not treated as zero. If this is off, all NaN values will be', u' treated as zero.', u'', u' **ignore_edge_zeros** : bool', u'', u' Ignore the zero-pad-created zeros. This will effectively decrease', u' the kernel area on the edges but will not re-normalize the kernel.', u" This parameter may result in 'edge-brightening' effects if you're using", u' a normalized kernel', u'', u' **min_wt** : float', u'', u' If ignoring NANs/zeros, force all grid points with a weight less than', u' this value to NAN (the weight of a grid point with *no* ignored', u' neighbors is 1.0).', u' If `min_wt` == 0.0, then all zero-weight points will be set to zero', u' instead of NAN (which they would be otherwise, because 1/0 = nan).', u' See the examples below', u'', u' **normalize_kernel** : function or boolean', u'', u' If specified, this is the function to divide kernel by to normalize it.', u' e.g., normalize_kernel=np.sum means that kernel will be modified to be:', u' kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel). If True, defaults to', u' normalize_kernel = np.sum', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **default** : ndarray', u'', u' **array** convolved with `kernel`.', u' If `return_fft` is set, returns fft(**array**) * fft(`kernel`).', u' If crop is not set, returns the image, but with the fft-padded size', u' instead of the input size', u'', u':Other Parameters:', u'', u' **fft_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Zero-pad image to the nearest 2^n', u'', u' **psf_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default off. Zero-pad image to be at least the sum of the image sizes', u' (in order to avoid edge-wrapping when smoothing)', u'', u' **crop** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Return an image of the size of the largest input image.', u' If the images are asymmetric in opposite directions, will return the', u' largest image in both directions.', u' For example, if an input image has shape [100,3] but a kernel with shape', u' [6,6] is used, the output will be [100,6].', u'', u' **return_fft** : bool', u'', u' Return the fft(image)*fft(kernel) instead of the convolution (which is', u' ifft(fft(image)*fft(kernel))). Useful for making PSDs.', u'', u' **nthreads** : int', u'', u' if fftw3 is installed, can specify the number of threads to allow FFTs', u' to use. Probably only helpful for large arrays', u'', u' **fftn, ifftn** : functions', u'', u' The fft and inverse fft functions. Can be overridden to use your own', u" ffts, e.g. an fftw3 wrapper or scipy's fftn, e.g.", u' `fftn=scipy.fftpack.fftn`', u'', u' **complex_dtype** : np.complex', u'', u' Which complex dtype to use. `numpy` has a range of options, from 64 to', u' 256.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`convolve`', u' Convolve is a non-fft version of this code.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0])', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 2, 3], [1])', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True)', u'...', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... min_wt=1e-8)', u'array([ 1., nan, 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True)', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> import scipy.fftpack # optional - requires scipy', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True,', u'... fftn=scipy.fftpack.fft, ifftn=scipy.fftpack.ifft)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])']:73: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: kernel
[u"convolve_fft(array, kernel, boundary=u'fill', fill_value=0, crop=True, return_fft=False, fft_pad=True, psf_pad=False, interpolate_nan=False, quiet=False, ignore_edge_zeros=False, min_wt=0.0, normalize_kernel=False, fftn=<function fftn at 0x10b06a1b8>, ifftn=<function ifftn at 0x10b06a230>, complex_dtype=<type 'complex'>)", u':module: astropy.convolution.convolve', u'', u'', u'', u'Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel. Returns a convolved image with', u'shape = array.shape. Assumes kernel is centered.', u'', u'`convolve_fft` differs from `scipy.signal.fftconvolve` in a few ways:', u'', u"* It can treat NaN's as zeros or interpolate over them.", u'* `inf` values are treated as `NaN`', u'* (optionally) It pads to the nearest 2^n size to improve FFT speed.', u"* Its only valid `mode` is 'same' (i.e., the same shape array is returned)", u'* It lets you use your own fft, e.g.,', u' `pyFFTW <>`_ or', u' `pyFFTW3 <>`_ , which can lead to', u' performance improvements, depending on your system configuration. pyFFTW3', u' is threaded, and therefore may yield significant performance benefits on', u' multi-core machines at the cost of greater memory requirements. Specify', u' the `fftn` and `ifftn` keywords to override the default, which is', u' `numpy.fft.fft` and `numpy.fft.ifft`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **array** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Array to be convolved with `kernel`', u'', u' **kernel** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Will be normalized if `normalize_kernel` is set. Assumed to be', u' centered (i.e., shifts may result if your kernel is asymmetric)', u'', u" **boundary** : {'fill', 'wrap'}", u'', u' A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:', u' ', u" * 'fill': set values outside the array boundary to fill_value", u' (default)', u" * 'wrap': periodic boundary", u' ', u'', u' **interpolate_nan** : bool', u'', u' The convolution will be re-weighted assuming NAN values are meant to be', u' ignored, not treated as zero. If this is off, all NaN values will be', u' treated as zero.', u'', u' **ignore_edge_zeros** : bool', u'', u' Ignore the zero-pad-created zeros. This will effectively decrease', u' the kernel area on the edges but will not re-normalize the kernel.', u" This parameter may result in 'edge-brightening' effects if you're using", u' a normalized kernel', u'', u' **min_wt** : float', u'', u' If ignoring NANs/zeros, force all grid points with a weight less than', u' this value to NAN (the weight of a grid point with *no* ignored', u' neighbors is 1.0).', u' If `min_wt` == 0.0, then all zero-weight points will be set to zero', u' instead of NAN (which they would be otherwise, because 1/0 = nan).', u' See the examples below', u'', u' **normalize_kernel** : function or boolean', u'', u' If specified, this is the function to divide kernel by to normalize it.', u' e.g., normalize_kernel=np.sum means that kernel will be modified to be:', u' kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel). If True, defaults to', u' normalize_kernel = np.sum', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **default** : ndarray', u'', u' **array** convolved with `kernel`.', u' If `return_fft` is set, returns fft(**array**) * fft(`kernel`).', u' If crop is not set, returns the image, but with the fft-padded size', u' instead of the input size', u'', u':Other Parameters:', u'', u' **fft_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Zero-pad image to the nearest 2^n', u'', u' **psf_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default off. Zero-pad image to be at least the sum of the image sizes', u' (in order to avoid edge-wrapping when smoothing)', u'', u' **crop** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Return an image of the size of the largest input image.', u' If the images are asymmetric in opposite directions, will return the', u' largest image in both directions.', u' For example, if an input image has shape [100,3] but a kernel with shape', u' [6,6] is used, the output will be [100,6].', u'', u' **return_fft** : bool', u'', u' Return the fft(image)*fft(kernel) instead of the convolution (which is', u' ifft(fft(image)*fft(kernel))). Useful for making PSDs.', u'', u' **nthreads** : int', u'', u' if fftw3 is installed, can specify the number of threads to allow FFTs', u' to use. Probably only helpful for large arrays', u'', u' **fftn, ifftn** : functions', u'', u' The fft and inverse fft functions. Can be overridden to use your own', u" ffts, e.g. an fftw3 wrapper or scipy's fftn, e.g.", u' `fftn=scipy.fftpack.fftn`', u'', u' **complex_dtype** : np.complex', u'', u' Which complex dtype to use. `numpy` has a range of options, from 64 to', u' 256.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`convolve`', u' Convolve is a non-fft version of this code.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0])', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 2, 3], [1])', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True)', u'...', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... min_wt=1e-8)', u'array([ 1., nan, 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True)', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> import scipy.fftpack # optional - requires scipy', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True,', u'... fftn=scipy.fftpack.fft, ifftn=scipy.fftpack.ifft)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])']:73: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: return_fft
[u"convolve_fft(array, kernel, boundary=u'fill', fill_value=0, crop=True, return_fft=False, fft_pad=True, psf_pad=False, interpolate_nan=False, quiet=False, ignore_edge_zeros=False, min_wt=0.0, normalize_kernel=False, fftn=<function fftn at 0x10b06a1b8>, ifftn=<function ifftn at 0x10b06a230>, complex_dtype=<type 'complex'>)", u':module: astropy.convolution.convolve', u'', u'', u'', u'Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel. Returns a convolved image with', u'shape = array.shape. Assumes kernel is centered.', u'', u'`convolve_fft` differs from `scipy.signal.fftconvolve` in a few ways:', u'', u"* It can treat NaN's as zeros or interpolate over them.", u'* `inf` values are treated as `NaN`', u'* (optionally) It pads to the nearest 2^n size to improve FFT speed.', u"* Its only valid `mode` is 'same' (i.e., the same shape array is returned)", u'* It lets you use your own fft, e.g.,', u' `pyFFTW <>`_ or', u' `pyFFTW3 <>`_ , which can lead to', u' performance improvements, depending on your system configuration. pyFFTW3', u' is threaded, and therefore may yield significant performance benefits on', u' multi-core machines at the cost of greater memory requirements. Specify', u' the `fftn` and `ifftn` keywords to override the default, which is', u' `numpy.fft.fft` and `numpy.fft.ifft`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **array** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Array to be convolved with `kernel`', u'', u' **kernel** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Will be normalized if `normalize_kernel` is set. Assumed to be', u' centered (i.e., shifts may result if your kernel is asymmetric)', u'', u" **boundary** : {'fill', 'wrap'}", u'', u' A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:', u' ', u" * 'fill': set values outside the array boundary to fill_value", u' (default)', u" * 'wrap': periodic boundary", u' ', u'', u' **interpolate_nan** : bool', u'', u' The convolution will be re-weighted assuming NAN values are meant to be', u' ignored, not treated as zero. If this is off, all NaN values will be', u' treated as zero.', u'', u' **ignore_edge_zeros** : bool', u'', u' Ignore the zero-pad-created zeros. This will effectively decrease', u' the kernel area on the edges but will not re-normalize the kernel.', u" This parameter may result in 'edge-brightening' effects if you're using", u' a normalized kernel', u'', u' **min_wt** : float', u'', u' If ignoring NANs/zeros, force all grid points with a weight less than', u' this value to NAN (the weight of a grid point with *no* ignored', u' neighbors is 1.0).', u' If `min_wt` == 0.0, then all zero-weight points will be set to zero', u' instead of NAN (which they would be otherwise, because 1/0 = nan).', u' See the examples below', u'', u' **normalize_kernel** : function or boolean', u'', u' If specified, this is the function to divide kernel by to normalize it.', u' e.g., normalize_kernel=np.sum means that kernel will be modified to be:', u' kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel). If True, defaults to', u' normalize_kernel = np.sum', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **default** : ndarray', u'', u' **array** convolved with `kernel`.', u' If `return_fft` is set, returns fft(**array**) * fft(`kernel`).', u' If crop is not set, returns the image, but with the fft-padded size', u' instead of the input size', u'', u':Other Parameters:', u'', u' **fft_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Zero-pad image to the nearest 2^n', u'', u' **psf_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default off. Zero-pad image to be at least the sum of the image sizes', u' (in order to avoid edge-wrapping when smoothing)', u'', u' **crop** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Return an image of the size of the largest input image.', u' If the images are asymmetric in opposite directions, will return the', u' largest image in both directions.', u' For example, if an input image has shape [100,3] but a kernel with shape', u' [6,6] is used, the output will be [100,6].', u'', u' **return_fft** : bool', u'', u' Return the fft(image)*fft(kernel) instead of the convolution (which is', u' ifft(fft(image)*fft(kernel))). Useful for making PSDs.', u'', u' **nthreads** : int', u'', u' if fftw3 is installed, can specify the number of threads to allow FFTs', u' to use. Probably only helpful for large arrays', u'', u' **fftn, ifftn** : functions', u'', u' The fft and inverse fft functions. Can be overridden to use your own', u" ffts, e.g. an fftw3 wrapper or scipy's fftn, e.g.", u' `fftn=scipy.fftpack.fftn`', u'', u' **complex_dtype** : np.complex', u'', u' Which complex dtype to use. `numpy` has a range of options, from 64 to', u' 256.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`convolve`', u' Convolve is a non-fft version of this code.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0])', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 2, 3], [1])', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True)', u'...', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... min_wt=1e-8)', u'array([ 1., nan, 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True)', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> import scipy.fftpack # optional - requires scipy', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True,', u'... fftn=scipy.fftpack.fft, ifftn=scipy.fftpack.ifft)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])']:73: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: kernel
[u"convolve_fft(array, kernel, boundary=u'fill', fill_value=0, crop=True, return_fft=False, fft_pad=True, psf_pad=False, interpolate_nan=False, quiet=False, ignore_edge_zeros=False, min_wt=0.0, normalize_kernel=False, fftn=<function fftn at 0x10b06a1b8>, ifftn=<function ifftn at 0x10b06a230>, complex_dtype=<type 'complex'>)", u':module: astropy.convolution.convolve', u'', u'', u'', u'Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel. Returns a convolved image with', u'shape = array.shape. Assumes kernel is centered.', u'', u'`convolve_fft` differs from `scipy.signal.fftconvolve` in a few ways:', u'', u"* It can treat NaN's as zeros or interpolate over them.", u'* `inf` values are treated as `NaN`', u'* (optionally) It pads to the nearest 2^n size to improve FFT speed.', u"* Its only valid `mode` is 'same' (i.e., the same shape array is returned)", u'* It lets you use your own fft, e.g.,', u' `pyFFTW <>`_ or', u' `pyFFTW3 <>`_ , which can lead to', u' performance improvements, depending on your system configuration. pyFFTW3', u' is threaded, and therefore may yield significant performance benefits on', u' multi-core machines at the cost of greater memory requirements. Specify', u' the `fftn` and `ifftn` keywords to override the default, which is', u' `numpy.fft.fft` and `numpy.fft.ifft`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **array** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Array to be convolved with `kernel`', u'', u' **kernel** : `numpy.ndarray`', u'', u' Will be normalized if `normalize_kernel` is set. Assumed to be', u' centered (i.e., shifts may result if your kernel is asymmetric)', u'', u" **boundary** : {'fill', 'wrap'}", u'', u' A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:', u' ', u" * 'fill': set values outside the array boundary to fill_value", u' (default)', u" * 'wrap': periodic boundary", u' ', u'', u' **interpolate_nan** : bool', u'', u' The convolution will be re-weighted assuming NAN values are meant to be', u' ignored, not treated as zero. If this is off, all NaN values will be', u' treated as zero.', u'', u' **ignore_edge_zeros** : bool', u'', u' Ignore the zero-pad-created zeros. This will effectively decrease', u' the kernel area on the edges but will not re-normalize the kernel.', u" This parameter may result in 'edge-brightening' effects if you're using", u' a normalized kernel', u'', u' **min_wt** : float', u'', u' If ignoring NANs/zeros, force all grid points with a weight less than', u' this value to NAN (the weight of a grid point with *no* ignored', u' neighbors is 1.0).', u' If `min_wt` == 0.0, then all zero-weight points will be set to zero', u' instead of NAN (which they would be otherwise, because 1/0 = nan).', u' See the examples below', u'', u' **normalize_kernel** : function or boolean', u'', u' If specified, this is the function to divide kernel by to normalize it.', u' e.g., normalize_kernel=np.sum means that kernel will be modified to be:', u' kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel). If True, defaults to', u' normalize_kernel = np.sum', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **default** : ndarray', u'', u' **array** convolved with `kernel`.', u' If `return_fft` is set, returns fft(**array**) * fft(`kernel`).', u' If crop is not set, returns the image, but with the fft-padded size', u' instead of the input size', u'', u':Other Parameters:', u'', u' **fft_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Zero-pad image to the nearest 2^n', u'', u' **psf_pad** : bool', u'', u' Default off. Zero-pad image to be at least the sum of the image sizes', u' (in order to avoid edge-wrapping when smoothing)', u'', u' **crop** : bool', u'', u' Default on. Return an image of the size of the largest input image.', u' If the images are asymmetric in opposite directions, will return the', u' largest image in both directions.', u' For example, if an input image has shape [100,3] but a kernel with shape', u' [6,6] is used, the output will be [100,6].', u'', u' **return_fft** : bool', u'', u' Return the fft(image)*fft(kernel) instead of the convolution (which is', u' ifft(fft(image)*fft(kernel))). Useful for making PSDs.', u'', u' **nthreads** : int', u'', u' if fftw3 is installed, can specify the number of threads to allow FFTs', u' to use. Probably only helpful for large arrays', u'', u' **fftn, ifftn** : functions', u'', u' The fft and inverse fft functions. Can be overridden to use your own', u" ffts, e.g. an fftw3 wrapper or scipy's fftn, e.g.", u' `fftn=scipy.fftpack.fftn`', u'', u' **complex_dtype** : np.complex', u'', u' Which complex dtype to use. `numpy` has a range of options, from 64 to', u' 256.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`convolve`', u' Convolve is a non-fft version of this code.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1])', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 0])', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, 2, 3], [1])', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True)', u'...', u'array([ 1., 0., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [0, 1, 0], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... min_wt=1e-8)', u'array([ 1., nan, 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True)', u'array([ 1., 4., 3.])', u'', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])', u'', u'>>> import scipy.fftpack # optional - requires scipy', u'>>> convolve_fft([1, np.nan, 3], [1, 1, 1], interpolate_nan=True,', u'... normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True,', u'... fftn=scipy.fftpack.fft, ifftn=scipy.fftpack.ifft)', u'array([ 1., 2., 3.])']:109: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: fftn=scipy.fftpack.fftn
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.core.Kernel.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.kernels.Box1DKernel.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: linear_interp
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.convolution.kernels.Box2DKernel.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: linear_interp
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:33: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:43: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:50: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: d
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: m
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: s
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: sign
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: '5d'
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:59: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: '5d45m'
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle.rst:60: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: '5d45m32.5s'
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Latitude.rst:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ValueError
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Latitude.rst:27: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Latitude.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Latitude.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Latitude.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Longitude.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Longitude.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Longitude.rst:35: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Longitude.rst:35: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Longitude.rst:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: el
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: el
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: el
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: el
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: el
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: el
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'AltAz(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the altitude/azimuth or "horizontal" system.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `el` and `az` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **az** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `el`.', u'', u' **el** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `az`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `el` and `az` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `az` and `el` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `az` and `el`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **equinox** : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional', u'', u' The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to J2000.', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `AltAz` and used** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~AltAz.alt', u'', u' ~AltAz.equinox', u' ~AltAz.obstime', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: alt', u'.. autoattribute:: az', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime']:61: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: el
[u'AltAz(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the altitude/azimuth or "horizontal" system.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `el` and `az` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **az** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `el`.', u'', u' **el** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `az`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `el` and `az` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `az` and `el` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `az` and `el`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **equinox** : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional', u'', u' The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to J2000.', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `AltAz` and used** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~AltAz.alt', u'', u' ~AltAz.equinox', u' ~AltAz.obstime', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: alt', u'.. autoattribute:: az', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime']:61: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: el
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'AltAz(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the altitude/azimuth or "horizontal" system.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `el` and `az` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **az** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `el`.', u'', u' **el** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `az`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `el` and `az` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `az` and `el` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `az` and `el`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **equinox** : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional', u'', u' The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to J2000.', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `AltAz` and used** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~AltAz.alt', u'', u' ~AltAz.equinox', u' ~AltAz.obstime', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: alt', u'.. autoattribute:: az', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime']:64: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
[u'AltAz(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the altitude/azimuth or "horizontal" system.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `el` and `az` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **az** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `el`.', u'', u' **el** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `az`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `el` and `az` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `az` and `el` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `az` and `el`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **equinox** : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional', u'', u' The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to J2000.', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `AltAz` and used** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~AltAz.alt', u'', u' ~AltAz.equinox', u' ~AltAz.obstime', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: alt', u'.. autoattribute:: az', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime']:64: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
[u'AltAz(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the altitude/azimuth or "horizontal" system.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `el` and `az` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **az** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `el`.', u'', u' **el** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `az`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `el` and `az` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `az` and `el` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `az` and `el`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **equinox** : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional', u'', u' The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to J2000.', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `AltAz` and used** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~AltAz.alt', u'', u' ~AltAz.equinox', u' ~AltAz.obstime', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: alt', u'.. autoattribute:: az', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime']:64: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
[u'AltAz(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the altitude/azimuth or "horizontal" system.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `el` and `az` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **az** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `el`.', u'', u' **el** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `az`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `el` and `az` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `az` and `el` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `az` and `el`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **equinox** : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional', u'', u' The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to J2000.', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `AltAz` and used** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~AltAz.alt', u'', u' ~AltAz.equinox', u' ~AltAz.obstime', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: alt', u'.. autoattribute:: az', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime']:64: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'AltAz(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the altitude/azimuth or "horizontal" system.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `el` and `az` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **az** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `el`.', u'', u' **el** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `az`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `el` and `az` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `az` and `el` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `az` and `el`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **equinox** : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional', u'', u' The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to J2000.', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `AltAz` and used** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~AltAz.alt', u'', u' ~AltAz.equinox', u' ~AltAz.obstime', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: alt', u'.. autoattribute:: az', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime']:66: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
[u'AltAz(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the altitude/azimuth or "horizontal" system.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `el` and `az` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **az** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `el`.', u'', u' **el** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `az`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `el` and `az` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `az` or `el` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `az` and `el` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `az` and `el`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **equinox** : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional', u'', u' The equinox for these coordinates. Defaults to J2000.', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `AltAz` and used** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~AltAz.alt', u'', u' ~AltAz.equinox', u' ~AltAz.obstime', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: alt', u'.. autoattribute:: az', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime']:70: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:65: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:70: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:74: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:65: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:70: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:74: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK4NoETerms.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:65: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:70: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:74: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.FK5.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:33: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:45: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:45: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:45: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:50: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:50: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:50: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:55: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:55: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.Galactic.rst:55: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:61: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:72: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:65: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:65: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:65: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Unit
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:65: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:75: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:75: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:75: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:75: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:77: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
[u'Galactic(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in Galactic Coordinates.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' Transformations from Galactic Coordinates to other systems are', u' not well-defined because of ambiguities in the definition of', u' Galactic Coordinates. See', u' `Lie et al. 2011 <>`', u' for more details on this. Here, we use the', u' `Reid & Brunthaler 2004 <>`', u' definition for converting to/from FK5, and assume the IAU', u' definition applies for converting to FK4 *without* e-terms.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `b` and `l` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **l** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `b`.', u'', u' **b** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `l`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `b` and `l` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `l` or `b` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `l` and `b` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `l` and `b`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to `Galactic` and** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **used as this coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Galactic.b', u' ~Galactic.l', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: b', u'.. autoattribute:: l']:79: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: equinox
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:23: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:27: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:33: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:33: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:33: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:33: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:52: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS.rst:59: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'ICRS(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the ICRS.', u'', u'If you\'re looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren\'t sure if you', u'want to use this or `FK5`, you probably want to use ICRS.', u"It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial", u'system.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `dec` and `ra` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **ra** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `dec`.', u'', u' **dec** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `ra`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `dec` and `ra` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `ra` and `dec` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `ra` and `dec`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to ICRS and used as this** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ICRS.dec', u' ~ICRS.equinox', u' ~ICRS.obstime', u' ~ICRS.ra', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: dec', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime', u'.. autoattribute:: ra']:66: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: coordstr
[u'ICRS(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the ICRS.', u'', u'If you\'re looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren\'t sure if you', u'want to use this or `FK5`, you probably want to use ICRS.', u"It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial", u'system.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `dec` and `ra` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **ra** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `dec`.', u'', u' **dec** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `ra`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `dec` and `ra` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `ra` and `dec` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `ra` and `dec`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to ICRS and used as this** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ICRS.dec', u' ~ICRS.equinox', u' ~ICRS.obstime', u' ~ICRS.ra', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: dec', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime', u'.. autoattribute:: ra']:59: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'ICRS(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the ICRS.', u'', u'If you\'re looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren\'t sure if you', u'want to use this or `FK5`, you probably want to use ICRS.', u"It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial", u'system.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `dec` and `ra` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **ra** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `dec`.', u'', u' **dec** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `ra`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `dec` and `ra` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `ra` and `dec` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `ra` and `dec`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to ICRS and used as this** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ICRS.dec', u' ~ICRS.equinox', u' ~ICRS.obstime', u' ~ICRS.ra', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: dec', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime', u'.. autoattribute:: ra']:59: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
[u'ICRS(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the ICRS.', u'', u'If you\'re looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren\'t sure if you', u'want to use this or `FK5`, you probably want to use ICRS.', u"It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial", u'system.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `dec` and `ra` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **ra** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `dec`.', u'', u' **dec** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `ra`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `dec` and `ra` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `ra` and `dec` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `ra` and `dec`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to ICRS and used as this** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ICRS.dec', u' ~ICRS.equinox', u' ~ICRS.obstime', u' ~ICRS.ra', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: dec', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime', u'.. autoattribute:: ra']:59: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Unit
[u'ICRS(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the ICRS.', u'', u'If you\'re looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren\'t sure if you', u'want to use this or `FK5`, you probably want to use ICRS.', u"It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial", u'system.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `dec` and `ra` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **ra** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `dec`.', u'', u' **dec** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `ra`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `dec` and `ra` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `ra` and `dec` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `ra` and `dec`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to ICRS and used as this** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ICRS.dec', u' ~ICRS.equinox', u' ~ICRS.obstime', u' ~ICRS.ra', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: dec', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime', u'.. autoattribute:: ra']:59: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'ICRS(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the ICRS.', u'', u'If you\'re looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren\'t sure if you', u'want to use this or `FK5`, you probably want to use ICRS.', u"It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial", u'system.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `dec` and `ra` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **ra** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `dec`.', u'', u' **dec** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `ra`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `dec` and `ra` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `ra` and `dec` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `ra` and `dec`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to ICRS and used as this** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ICRS.dec', u' ~ICRS.equinox', u' ~ICRS.obstime', u' ~ICRS.ra', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: dec', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime', u'.. autoattribute:: ra']:69: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
[u'ICRS(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the ICRS.', u'', u'If you\'re looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren\'t sure if you', u'want to use this or `FK5`, you probably want to use ICRS.', u"It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial", u'system.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `dec` and `ra` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **ra** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `dec`.', u'', u' **dec** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `ra`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `dec` and `ra` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `ra` and `dec` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `ra` and `dec`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to ICRS and used as this** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ICRS.dec', u' ~ICRS.equinox', u' ~ICRS.obstime', u' ~ICRS.ra', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: dec', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime', u'.. autoattribute:: ra']:69: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
[u'ICRS(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the ICRS.', u'', u'If you\'re looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren\'t sure if you', u'want to use this or `FK5`, you probably want to use ICRS.', u"It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial", u'system.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `dec` and `ra` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **ra** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `dec`.', u'', u' **dec** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `ra`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `dec` and `ra` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `ra` and `dec` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `ra` and `dec`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to ICRS and used as this** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ICRS.dec', u' ~ICRS.equinox', u' ~ICRS.obstime', u' ~ICRS.ra', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: dec', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime', u'.. autoattribute:: ra']:69: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
[u'ICRS(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the ICRS.', u'', u'If you\'re looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren\'t sure if you', u'want to use this or `FK5`, you probably want to use ICRS.', u"It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial", u'system.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `dec` and `ra` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **ra** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `dec`.', u'', u' **dec** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `ra`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `dec` and `ra` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `ra` and `dec` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `ra` and `dec`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to ICRS and used as this** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ICRS.dec', u' ~ICRS.equinox', u' ~ICRS.obstime', u' ~ICRS.ra', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: dec', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime', u'.. autoattribute:: ra']:69: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
[u'ICRS(*args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate in the ICRS.', u'', u'If you\'re looking for "J2000" coordinates, and aren\'t sure if you', u'want to use this or `FK5`, you probably want to use ICRS.', u"It's more well-defined as a catalog coordinate and is an inertial", u'system.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **coordstr** : str', u'', u' A single string with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' `dec` and `ra` nor `x`/`y`/`z`.', u'', u' **ra** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `dec`.', u'', u' **dec** : `~astropy.coordinates.angle.Angle`, float, int, str', u'', u' This must be given with `ra`.', u'', u' **distance** : `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance`, optional', u'', u' This may be given with `dec` and `ra` or `coordstr`', u' and not `x`, `y`, or `z`. If not given, `None` (unit sphere)', u' will be assumed.', u'', u' **x** : number', u'', u' The first cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `y` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **y** : number', u'', u' The second cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `z`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **z** : number', u'', u' The third cartesian coordinate. Must be given with `x` and `y`', u' and not with `ra` or `dec` nor `coordstr`.', u'', u' **cartpoint** : `~astropy.coordinates.distance.CartesianPoints`', u'', u' A cartesian point with the coordinates. Cannot be used with', u' any other arguments.', u'', u' **unit** : ', u'', u" The `unit` parameter's interpretation depends on what other", u' parameters are given:', u' ', u' * If `ra` and `dec` or `coordstr` are given:', u' `unit` must be a length-2 sequence specifying the units of', u' `ra` and `dec`, respectively. They can be either', u' `~astropy.units.UnitBase` objects or strings that will be', u' converted using `~astropy.units.Unit`. They can also be', u' None to attempt to automatically interpret the units (see', u' `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` for details.) If `unit`', u' is just `None`, this will be interpreted the same as', u' ``(None, None)``.', u' ', u' * If `x`, `y`, and `z` are given:', u' `unit` must be a single unit with dimensions of length', u'', u' **obstime** : `~astropy.time.Time` or None', u'', u' The time of observation for this coordinate. If None, it will be taken', u' to be the same as the `equinox`.', u' ', u'', u' **Alternatively, a single argument that is any kind of spherical coordinate** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **can be provided, and will be converted to ICRS and used as this** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u' **coordinate.** : ', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~ICRS.dec', u' ~ICRS.equinox', u' ~ICRS.obstime', u' ~ICRS.ra', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: dec', u'.. autoattribute:: equinox', u'.. autoattribute:: obstime', u'.. autoattribute:: ra']:71: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: __init__
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _initialize_latlon
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: __init__
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.name_resolve
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Galactic.from_name('m42')
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Galactic
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: tosys
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: tosys
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:36: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:36: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.quantity.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:55: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: scipy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:35: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.quantity.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:42: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:42: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:51: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: scipy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: other
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:11: WARNING: py:meth reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Angle.to_string
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:11: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:11: WARNING: py:meth reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Angle.to_string
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:26: WARNING: py:meth reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Angle.to_string
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: tosys
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:33: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.CartesianPoints.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: CartesianPoint
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: value
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: value
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:35: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.cosmology.Cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:51: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:57: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:61: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:61: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:61: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: value
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.cosmology.cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.distances.Distance.rst:23: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.matching.match_coordinates_3d.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.matching.match_coordinates_3d.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.matching.match_coordinates_3d.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.matching.match_coordinates_3d.rst:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.quantity.Angle
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:51: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:51: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:51: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_3d(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest 3-dimensional matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the 3-dimensional closest neighbor, which is only different', u'from the on-sky distance if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:56: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: scipy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.matching.match_coordinates_sky.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.matching.match_coordinates_sky.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.matching.match_coordinates_sky.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.matching.match_coordinates_sky.rst:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalogcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.quantity.Angle
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:51: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:51: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:51: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matchcoord
[u'match_coordinates_sky(matchcoord, catalogcoord, nthneighbor=1, storekdtree=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.matching', u'', u'', u'', u'Finds the nearest on-sky matches of a coordinate or coordinates in', u'a set of catalog coordinates.', u'', u'This finds the on-sky closest neighbor, which is only different from the', u'3-dimensional match if `distance` is set in either `matchcoord`', u'or `catalogcoord`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **matchcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The coordinate(s) to match to the catalog.', u'', u' **catalogcoord** : `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinatesBase`', u'', u' The base catalog in which to search for matches. Typically this will', u' be a coordinate object that is an array (i.e.,', u' ``catalogcoord.isscalar == False``)', u'', u' **nthneighbor** : int, optional', u'', u' Which closest neighbor to search for. Typically ``1`` is desired here,', u' as that is correct for matching one set of coordinates to another.', u' The next likely use case is ``2``, for matching a coordinate catalog', u' against *itself* (``1`` is inappropriate because each point will find', u' itself as the closest match).', u'', u' **storekdtree** : bool or str, optional', u'', u' If True or a string, will store the KD-Tree used for the computation', u' in the `catalogcoord`. This dramatically speeds up subsequent calls', u' with the same catalog. If a str, it specifies the attribute name for', u' `catalogcoord` that should store the KD-tree.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **idx** : integer array', u'', u' Indecies into `catalogcoord` to get the matched points for each', u' `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **sep2d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Angle`', u'', u' The on-sky separation between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u' **dist3d** : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`', u'', u' The 3D distance between the closest match for each `matchcoord` and', u' the `matchcoord`. Shape matches `matchcoord`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function requires `scipy` to be installed or it will fail.']:56: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: scipy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.name_resolve.get_icrs_coordinates.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: name_resolve.SESAME_DATABASE
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.name_resolve.get_icrs_coordinates.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: name_resolve.SESAME_URL
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.name_resolve.get_icrs_coordinates.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: name_resolve.NAME_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT
[u'get_icrs_coordinates(name)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.name_resolve', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieve an ICRS object by using an online name resolving', u'service to retrieve coordinates for the specified name. By default,', u'this will search all available databases until a match is found. If', u'you would like to specify the database, use the configuration item', u'`name_resolve.SESAME_DATABASE` . You can also specify a list of servers', u'to use for querying Sesame using the configuration item', u'`name_resolve.SESAME_URL`. This will try each one in order until a valid', u'response is returned. By default, this list includes the main Sesame', u'host and a mirror at vizier. A final configuration item,', u'`name_resolve.NAME_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT`, is the number of seconds to wait', u'for a response from the server before giving up. By default this is', u'5 seconds.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name** : str', u'', u' The name of the object to get coordinates for, e.g. M42.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **coord** : SphericalCoordinatesBase', u'', u' An `ICRS` instance for the object name specified.']:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ICRS
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.transformations.CompositeStaticMatrixTransform.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: MatrixTransform
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.transformations.CompositeStaticMatrixTransform.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: MatrixTransform
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.transformations.DynamicMatrixTransform.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.transformations.CoordinateTransform
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.transformations.DynamicMatrixTransform.rst:36: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: matrix_func
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.transformations.FunctionTransform.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.transformations.CoordinateTransform
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.transformations.FunctionTransform.rst:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _obstime
[u'FunctionTransform(fromsys, tosys, func, copyobstime=True, priority=1, register=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.transformations', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.transformations.CoordinateTransform`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate transformation defined by a function that simply', u'accepts a coordinate object and returns the transformed coordinate', u'object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fromsys** : class', u'', u' The coordinate system *class* to start from.', u'', u' **tosys** : class', u'', u' The coordinate system *class* to transform into.', u'', u' **func** : callable', u'', u' The transformation function.', u'', u' **copyobstime** : bool', u'', u' If True (default) the value of the `_obstime` attribute will be copied', u' to the newly-produced coordinate.', u' ', u'', u' **priority** : number', u'', u' The priority if this transform when finding the shortest', u' coordinate tranform path - large numbers are lower priorities.', u'', u' **register** : bool', u'', u' Determines if this transformation will be registered in the', u' astropy master transform graph.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **TypeError** : ', u'', u' If `func` is not callable.', u'', u' **ValueError** : ', u'', u' If `func` cannot accept one argument.']:42: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: func
[u'FunctionTransform(fromsys, tosys, func, copyobstime=True, priority=1, register=True)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.transformations', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.coordinates.transformations.CoordinateTransform`', u'', u'', u'', u'A coordinate transformation defined by a function that simply', u'accepts a coordinate object and returns the transformed coordinate', u'object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fromsys** : class', u'', u' The coordinate system *class* to start from.', u'', u' **tosys** : class', u'', u' The coordinate system *class* to transform into.', u'', u' **func** : callable', u'', u' The transformation function.', u'', u' **copyobstime** : bool', u'', u' If True (default) the value of the `_obstime` attribute will be copied', u' to the newly-produced coordinate.', u' ', u'', u' **priority** : number', u'', u' The priority if this transform when finding the shortest', u' coordinate tranform path - large numbers are lower priorities.', u'', u' **register** : bool', u'', u' Determines if this transformation will be registered in the', u' astropy master transform graph.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **TypeError** : ', u'', u' If `func` is not callable.', u'', u' **ValueError** : ', u'', u' If `func` cannot accept one argument.']:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: func
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.transformations.StaticMatrixTransform.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.transformations.CoordinateTransform
[u'transform_function(fromsys, tosys, copyobstime=True, priority=1)', u':module: astropy.coordinates.transformations', u'', u'', u'', u'A function decorator for defining transformations between coordinate', u'systems.', u'', u'.. note::', u' If decorating a static method of a class, ``@staticmethod``', u' should be added *above* this decorator.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fromsys** : class', u'', u' The coordinate system this function starts from.', u'', u' **tosys** : class', u'', u' The coordinate system this function results in.', u'', u' **copyobstime** : bool', u'', u' If True (default) the value of the `_obstime` attribute will be', u' copied to the newly-produced coordinate.', u'', u' **priority** : number', u'', u' The priority if this transform when finding the shortest', u' coordinate tranform path - large numbers are lower priorities.']:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _obstime
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.cosmology.core.Cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:25: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z_at_value
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comoving_distance(z)
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z_at_value
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z_at_value
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z_at_value
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.FLRW.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.LambdaCDM.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.LambdaCDM.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.get_current.rst:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Cosmology
[u'set_current(cosmo)', u':module: astropy.cosmology.core', u'', u'', u'', u'Set the current cosmology.', u'', u"Call this with an empty string ('') to get a list of the strings", u'that map to available pre-defined cosmologies.', u'', u'.. warning::', u' `set_current` is the only way to change the current cosmology at', u' runtime! The current cosmology can also be read from an option', u' in the astropy configuration file when astropy.cosmology is first', u' imported. However, any subsequent changes to the cosmology', u' configuration option using `ConfigurationItem.set', u' <astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.set>` at run-time', u' will not update the current cosmology.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **cosmo** : str or `Cosmology` instance', u'', u' The cosmology to use.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_current`', u' returns the currently-set cosmology']:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.w0waCDM.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.w0waCDM.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.w0wzCDM.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.w0wzCDM.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.wCDM.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.wCDM.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.wpwaCDM.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.core.wpwaCDM.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.H.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.age.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.angular_diameter_distance.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.arcsec_per_kpc_comoving.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.arcsec_per_kpc_proper.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.comoving_distance.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.comoving_volume.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.comoving_volume.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.comoving_volume.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comoving_distance(z)
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.critical_density.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.distmod.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.distmod.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.kpc_proper_per_arcmin.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.lookback_time.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.lookback_time.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.luminosity_distance.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.luminosity_distance.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.scale_factor.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.scale_factor.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: a = 1 / (1 + z)
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.z_at_value.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.z_at_value.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: func(z) = fval
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.z_at_value.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: zmin
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.cosmology.funcs.z_at_value.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: zmax
[u'z_at_value(func, fval, zmin=0, zmax=1000, ztol=1e-05, maxfun=500)', u':module: astropy.cosmology.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Find the redshift `z` at which `func(z) = fval`.', u'', u'This finds the redshift at which one of the cosmology functions or', u'methods (for example Planck13.distmod) is equal to a known value.', u'', u'.. warning::', u' Make sure you understand the behaviour of the function that you', u' are trying to invert! Depending on the cosmology, there may not', u' be a unique solution. For example, in the standard Lambda CDM', u' cosmology, there are two redshifts which give an angular', u' diameter distance of 1500 Mpc, z ~ 0.7 and z ~ 3.8. To force', u' `z_at_value` to find the solution you are interested in, use the', u' `zmin` and `zmax` keywords to limit the search range (see the', u' example below).', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function or method', u'', u' A function that takes a redshift as input.', u'', u' **fval** : astropy.Quantity instance', u'', u' The value of `func(z)`.', u'', u' **zmin** : float, optional', u'', u' The lower search limit for `z` (default 0).', u'', u' **zmax** : float, optional', u'', u' The upper search limit for `z` (default 1000).', u'', u' **ztol** : float, optional', u'', u' The relative error in `z` acceptable for convergence.', u'', u' **maxfun** : int, optional', u'', u' The maximum number of function evaluations allowed in the', u' optimization routine (default 500).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **z** : float', u'', u' The redshift `z` satisfying `zmin < z < zmax` and `func(z) =', u' fval` within `ztol`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This works for any arbitrary input cosmology, but is inefficient', u'if you want to invert a large number of values for the same', u'cosmology. In this case, it is faster to instead generate an array', u'of values at many closely-spaced redshifts that cover the relevant', u'redshift range, and then use interpolation to find the redshift at', u"each value you're interested in. For example, to efficiently find", u'the redshifts corresponding to 10^6 values of the distance modulus', u'in a Planck13 cosmology, you could do the following:', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'# Generate 10^6 distance moduli between 23 and 43 for which we', u'# want to find the corresponding redshifts', u'>>> Dvals = (23 + np.random.rand(1e6) * 20) * u.mag', u'', u'# Make a grid of distance moduli covering the redshift range we', u'# need using 50 equally log-spaced values between zmin and', u'# zmax. We use log spacing to adequately sample the steep part of', u'# the curve at low distance moduli.', u'>>> zmin = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.min())', u'>>> zmax = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.max())', u'>>> zgrid = np.logspace(zmin, zmax)', u'>>> Dgrid = Planck13.distmod(zgrid)', u'', u'# Finally interpolate to find the redshift at each distance modulus.', u'>>> zvals = np.interp(Dvals.value, zgrid, Dgrid.value)', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'The age and lookback time are monotonic with redshift, and so a', u'unique solution can be found:', u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.age, 2 * u.Gyr)', u'3.1981191749374629', u'', u'The angular diameter is not monotonic however, and there are two', u'redshifts that give a value of 1500 Mpc. Use the zmin and zmax keywords', u"to find the one you're interested in:", u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmax=1.5)', u'0.68127769625288614', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmin=2.5)', u'3.7914918534022011', u'', u'Also note that the luminosity distance and distance modulus (two', u'other commonly inverted quantities) are monotonic in flat and open', u'universes, but not in closed universes.']:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: func(z)
[u'z_at_value(func, fval, zmin=0, zmax=1000, ztol=1e-05, maxfun=500)', u':module: astropy.cosmology.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Find the redshift `z` at which `func(z) = fval`.', u'', u'This finds the redshift at which one of the cosmology functions or', u'methods (for example Planck13.distmod) is equal to a known value.', u'', u'.. warning::', u' Make sure you understand the behaviour of the function that you', u' are trying to invert! Depending on the cosmology, there may not', u' be a unique solution. For example, in the standard Lambda CDM', u' cosmology, there are two redshifts which give an angular', u' diameter distance of 1500 Mpc, z ~ 0.7 and z ~ 3.8. To force', u' `z_at_value` to find the solution you are interested in, use the', u' `zmin` and `zmax` keywords to limit the search range (see the', u' example below).', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function or method', u'', u' A function that takes a redshift as input.', u'', u' **fval** : astropy.Quantity instance', u'', u' The value of `func(z)`.', u'', u' **zmin** : float, optional', u'', u' The lower search limit for `z` (default 0).', u'', u' **zmax** : float, optional', u'', u' The upper search limit for `z` (default 1000).', u'', u' **ztol** : float, optional', u'', u' The relative error in `z` acceptable for convergence.', u'', u' **maxfun** : int, optional', u'', u' The maximum number of function evaluations allowed in the', u' optimization routine (default 500).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **z** : float', u'', u' The redshift `z` satisfying `zmin < z < zmax` and `func(z) =', u' fval` within `ztol`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This works for any arbitrary input cosmology, but is inefficient', u'if you want to invert a large number of values for the same', u'cosmology. In this case, it is faster to instead generate an array', u'of values at many closely-spaced redshifts that cover the relevant', u'redshift range, and then use interpolation to find the redshift at', u"each value you're interested in. For example, to efficiently find", u'the redshifts corresponding to 10^6 values of the distance modulus', u'in a Planck13 cosmology, you could do the following:', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'# Generate 10^6 distance moduli between 23 and 43 for which we', u'# want to find the corresponding redshifts', u'>>> Dvals = (23 + np.random.rand(1e6) * 20) * u.mag', u'', u'# Make a grid of distance moduli covering the redshift range we', u'# need using 50 equally log-spaced values between zmin and', u'# zmax. We use log spacing to adequately sample the steep part of', u'# the curve at low distance moduli.', u'>>> zmin = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.min())', u'>>> zmax = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.max())', u'>>> zgrid = np.logspace(zmin, zmax)', u'>>> Dgrid = Planck13.distmod(zgrid)', u'', u'# Finally interpolate to find the redshift at each distance modulus.', u'>>> zvals = np.interp(Dvals.value, zgrid, Dgrid.value)', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'The age and lookback time are monotonic with redshift, and so a', u'unique solution can be found:', u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.age, 2 * u.Gyr)', u'3.1981191749374629', u'', u'The angular diameter is not monotonic however, and there are two', u'redshifts that give a value of 1500 Mpc. Use the zmin and zmax keywords', u"to find the one you're interested in:", u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmax=1.5)', u'0.68127769625288614', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmin=2.5)', u'3.7914918534022011', u'', u'Also note that the luminosity distance and distance modulus (two', u'other commonly inverted quantities) are monotonic in flat and open', u'universes, but not in closed universes.']:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
[u'z_at_value(func, fval, zmin=0, zmax=1000, ztol=1e-05, maxfun=500)', u':module: astropy.cosmology.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Find the redshift `z` at which `func(z) = fval`.', u'', u'This finds the redshift at which one of the cosmology functions or', u'methods (for example Planck13.distmod) is equal to a known value.', u'', u'.. warning::', u' Make sure you understand the behaviour of the function that you', u' are trying to invert! Depending on the cosmology, there may not', u' be a unique solution. For example, in the standard Lambda CDM', u' cosmology, there are two redshifts which give an angular', u' diameter distance of 1500 Mpc, z ~ 0.7 and z ~ 3.8. To force', u' `z_at_value` to find the solution you are interested in, use the', u' `zmin` and `zmax` keywords to limit the search range (see the', u' example below).', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function or method', u'', u' A function that takes a redshift as input.', u'', u' **fval** : astropy.Quantity instance', u'', u' The value of `func(z)`.', u'', u' **zmin** : float, optional', u'', u' The lower search limit for `z` (default 0).', u'', u' **zmax** : float, optional', u'', u' The upper search limit for `z` (default 1000).', u'', u' **ztol** : float, optional', u'', u' The relative error in `z` acceptable for convergence.', u'', u' **maxfun** : int, optional', u'', u' The maximum number of function evaluations allowed in the', u' optimization routine (default 500).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **z** : float', u'', u' The redshift `z` satisfying `zmin < z < zmax` and `func(z) =', u' fval` within `ztol`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This works for any arbitrary input cosmology, but is inefficient', u'if you want to invert a large number of values for the same', u'cosmology. In this case, it is faster to instead generate an array', u'of values at many closely-spaced redshifts that cover the relevant', u'redshift range, and then use interpolation to find the redshift at', u"each value you're interested in. For example, to efficiently find", u'the redshifts corresponding to 10^6 values of the distance modulus', u'in a Planck13 cosmology, you could do the following:', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'# Generate 10^6 distance moduli between 23 and 43 for which we', u'# want to find the corresponding redshifts', u'>>> Dvals = (23 + np.random.rand(1e6) * 20) * u.mag', u'', u'# Make a grid of distance moduli covering the redshift range we', u'# need using 50 equally log-spaced values between zmin and', u'# zmax. We use log spacing to adequately sample the steep part of', u'# the curve at low distance moduli.', u'>>> zmin = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.min())', u'>>> zmax = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.max())', u'>>> zgrid = np.logspace(zmin, zmax)', u'>>> Dgrid = Planck13.distmod(zgrid)', u'', u'# Finally interpolate to find the redshift at each distance modulus.', u'>>> zvals = np.interp(Dvals.value, zgrid, Dgrid.value)', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'The age and lookback time are monotonic with redshift, and so a', u'unique solution can be found:', u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.age, 2 * u.Gyr)', u'3.1981191749374629', u'', u'The angular diameter is not monotonic however, and there are two', u'redshifts that give a value of 1500 Mpc. Use the zmin and zmax keywords', u"to find the one you're interested in:", u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmax=1.5)', u'0.68127769625288614', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmin=2.5)', u'3.7914918534022011', u'', u'Also note that the luminosity distance and distance modulus (two', u'other commonly inverted quantities) are monotonic in flat and open', u'universes, but not in closed universes.']:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
[u'z_at_value(func, fval, zmin=0, zmax=1000, ztol=1e-05, maxfun=500)', u':module: astropy.cosmology.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Find the redshift `z` at which `func(z) = fval`.', u'', u'This finds the redshift at which one of the cosmology functions or', u'methods (for example Planck13.distmod) is equal to a known value.', u'', u'.. warning::', u' Make sure you understand the behaviour of the function that you', u' are trying to invert! Depending on the cosmology, there may not', u' be a unique solution. For example, in the standard Lambda CDM', u' cosmology, there are two redshifts which give an angular', u' diameter distance of 1500 Mpc, z ~ 0.7 and z ~ 3.8. To force', u' `z_at_value` to find the solution you are interested in, use the', u' `zmin` and `zmax` keywords to limit the search range (see the', u' example below).', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function or method', u'', u' A function that takes a redshift as input.', u'', u' **fval** : astropy.Quantity instance', u'', u' The value of `func(z)`.', u'', u' **zmin** : float, optional', u'', u' The lower search limit for `z` (default 0).', u'', u' **zmax** : float, optional', u'', u' The upper search limit for `z` (default 1000).', u'', u' **ztol** : float, optional', u'', u' The relative error in `z` acceptable for convergence.', u'', u' **maxfun** : int, optional', u'', u' The maximum number of function evaluations allowed in the', u' optimization routine (default 500).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **z** : float', u'', u' The redshift `z` satisfying `zmin < z < zmax` and `func(z) =', u' fval` within `ztol`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This works for any arbitrary input cosmology, but is inefficient', u'if you want to invert a large number of values for the same', u'cosmology. In this case, it is faster to instead generate an array', u'of values at many closely-spaced redshifts that cover the relevant', u'redshift range, and then use interpolation to find the redshift at', u"each value you're interested in. For example, to efficiently find", u'the redshifts corresponding to 10^6 values of the distance modulus', u'in a Planck13 cosmology, you could do the following:', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'# Generate 10^6 distance moduli between 23 and 43 for which we', u'# want to find the corresponding redshifts', u'>>> Dvals = (23 + np.random.rand(1e6) * 20) * u.mag', u'', u'# Make a grid of distance moduli covering the redshift range we', u'# need using 50 equally log-spaced values between zmin and', u'# zmax. We use log spacing to adequately sample the steep part of', u'# the curve at low distance moduli.', u'>>> zmin = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.min())', u'>>> zmax = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.max())', u'>>> zgrid = np.logspace(zmin, zmax)', u'>>> Dgrid = Planck13.distmod(zgrid)', u'', u'# Finally interpolate to find the redshift at each distance modulus.', u'>>> zvals = np.interp(Dvals.value, zgrid, Dgrid.value)', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'The age and lookback time are monotonic with redshift, and so a', u'unique solution can be found:', u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.age, 2 * u.Gyr)', u'3.1981191749374629', u'', u'The angular diameter is not monotonic however, and there are two', u'redshifts that give a value of 1500 Mpc. Use the zmin and zmax keywords', u"to find the one you're interested in:", u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmax=1.5)', u'0.68127769625288614', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmin=2.5)', u'3.7914918534022011', u'', u'Also note that the luminosity distance and distance modulus (two', u'other commonly inverted quantities) are monotonic in flat and open', u'universes, but not in closed universes.']:38: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
[u'z_at_value(func, fval, zmin=0, zmax=1000, ztol=1e-05, maxfun=500)', u':module: astropy.cosmology.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Find the redshift `z` at which `func(z) = fval`.', u'', u'This finds the redshift at which one of the cosmology functions or', u'methods (for example Planck13.distmod) is equal to a known value.', u'', u'.. warning::', u' Make sure you understand the behaviour of the function that you', u' are trying to invert! Depending on the cosmology, there may not', u' be a unique solution. For example, in the standard Lambda CDM', u' cosmology, there are two redshifts which give an angular', u' diameter distance of 1500 Mpc, z ~ 0.7 and z ~ 3.8. To force', u' `z_at_value` to find the solution you are interested in, use the', u' `zmin` and `zmax` keywords to limit the search range (see the', u' example below).', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function or method', u'', u' A function that takes a redshift as input.', u'', u' **fval** : astropy.Quantity instance', u'', u' The value of `func(z)`.', u'', u' **zmin** : float, optional', u'', u' The lower search limit for `z` (default 0).', u'', u' **zmax** : float, optional', u'', u' The upper search limit for `z` (default 1000).', u'', u' **ztol** : float, optional', u'', u' The relative error in `z` acceptable for convergence.', u'', u' **maxfun** : int, optional', u'', u' The maximum number of function evaluations allowed in the', u' optimization routine (default 500).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **z** : float', u'', u' The redshift `z` satisfying `zmin < z < zmax` and `func(z) =', u' fval` within `ztol`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This works for any arbitrary input cosmology, but is inefficient', u'if you want to invert a large number of values for the same', u'cosmology. In this case, it is faster to instead generate an array', u'of values at many closely-spaced redshifts that cover the relevant', u'redshift range, and then use interpolation to find the redshift at', u"each value you're interested in. For example, to efficiently find", u'the redshifts corresponding to 10^6 values of the distance modulus', u'in a Planck13 cosmology, you could do the following:', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'# Generate 10^6 distance moduli between 23 and 43 for which we', u'# want to find the corresponding redshifts', u'>>> Dvals = (23 + np.random.rand(1e6) * 20) * u.mag', u'', u'# Make a grid of distance moduli covering the redshift range we', u'# need using 50 equally log-spaced values between zmin and', u'# zmax. We use log spacing to adequately sample the steep part of', u'# the curve at low distance moduli.', u'>>> zmin = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.min())', u'>>> zmax = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.max())', u'>>> zgrid = np.logspace(zmin, zmax)', u'>>> Dgrid = Planck13.distmod(zgrid)', u'', u'# Finally interpolate to find the redshift at each distance modulus.', u'>>> zvals = np.interp(Dvals.value, zgrid, Dgrid.value)', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'The age and lookback time are monotonic with redshift, and so a', u'unique solution can be found:', u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.age, 2 * u.Gyr)', u'3.1981191749374629', u'', u'The angular diameter is not monotonic however, and there are two', u'redshifts that give a value of 1500 Mpc. Use the zmin and zmax keywords', u"to find the one you're interested in:", u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmax=1.5)', u'0.68127769625288614', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmin=2.5)', u'3.7914918534022011', u'', u'Also note that the luminosity distance and distance modulus (two', u'other commonly inverted quantities) are monotonic in flat and open', u'universes, but not in closed universes.']:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
[u'z_at_value(func, fval, zmin=0, zmax=1000, ztol=1e-05, maxfun=500)', u':module: astropy.cosmology.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Find the redshift `z` at which `func(z) = fval`.', u'', u'This finds the redshift at which one of the cosmology functions or', u'methods (for example Planck13.distmod) is equal to a known value.', u'', u'.. warning::', u' Make sure you understand the behaviour of the function that you', u' are trying to invert! Depending on the cosmology, there may not', u' be a unique solution. For example, in the standard Lambda CDM', u' cosmology, there are two redshifts which give an angular', u' diameter distance of 1500 Mpc, z ~ 0.7 and z ~ 3.8. To force', u' `z_at_value` to find the solution you are interested in, use the', u' `zmin` and `zmax` keywords to limit the search range (see the', u' example below).', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function or method', u'', u' A function that takes a redshift as input.', u'', u' **fval** : astropy.Quantity instance', u'', u' The value of `func(z)`.', u'', u' **zmin** : float, optional', u'', u' The lower search limit for `z` (default 0).', u'', u' **zmax** : float, optional', u'', u' The upper search limit for `z` (default 1000).', u'', u' **ztol** : float, optional', u'', u' The relative error in `z` acceptable for convergence.', u'', u' **maxfun** : int, optional', u'', u' The maximum number of function evaluations allowed in the', u' optimization routine (default 500).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **z** : float', u'', u' The redshift `z` satisfying `zmin < z < zmax` and `func(z) =', u' fval` within `ztol`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This works for any arbitrary input cosmology, but is inefficient', u'if you want to invert a large number of values for the same', u'cosmology. In this case, it is faster to instead generate an array', u'of values at many closely-spaced redshifts that cover the relevant', u'redshift range, and then use interpolation to find the redshift at', u"each value you're interested in. For example, to efficiently find", u'the redshifts corresponding to 10^6 values of the distance modulus', u'in a Planck13 cosmology, you could do the following:', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'# Generate 10^6 distance moduli between 23 and 43 for which we', u'# want to find the corresponding redshifts', u'>>> Dvals = (23 + np.random.rand(1e6) * 20) * u.mag', u'', u'# Make a grid of distance moduli covering the redshift range we', u'# need using 50 equally log-spaced values between zmin and', u'# zmax. We use log spacing to adequately sample the steep part of', u'# the curve at low distance moduli.', u'>>> zmin = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.min())', u'>>> zmax = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.max())', u'>>> zgrid = np.logspace(zmin, zmax)', u'>>> Dgrid = Planck13.distmod(zgrid)', u'', u'# Finally interpolate to find the redshift at each distance modulus.', u'>>> zvals = np.interp(Dvals.value, zgrid, Dgrid.value)', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'The age and lookback time are monotonic with redshift, and so a', u'unique solution can be found:', u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.age, 2 * u.Gyr)', u'3.1981191749374629', u'', u'The angular diameter is not monotonic however, and there are two', u'redshifts that give a value of 1500 Mpc. Use the zmin and zmax keywords', u"to find the one you're interested in:", u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmax=1.5)', u'0.68127769625288614', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmin=2.5)', u'3.7914918534022011', u'', u'Also note that the luminosity distance and distance modulus (two', u'other commonly inverted quantities) are monotonic in flat and open', u'universes, but not in closed universes.']:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: zmin < z < zmax
[u'z_at_value(func, fval, zmin=0, zmax=1000, ztol=1e-05, maxfun=500)', u':module: astropy.cosmology.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Find the redshift `z` at which `func(z) = fval`.', u'', u'This finds the redshift at which one of the cosmology functions or', u'methods (for example Planck13.distmod) is equal to a known value.', u'', u'.. warning::', u' Make sure you understand the behaviour of the function that you', u' are trying to invert! Depending on the cosmology, there may not', u' be a unique solution. For example, in the standard Lambda CDM', u' cosmology, there are two redshifts which give an angular', u' diameter distance of 1500 Mpc, z ~ 0.7 and z ~ 3.8. To force', u' `z_at_value` to find the solution you are interested in, use the', u' `zmin` and `zmax` keywords to limit the search range (see the', u' example below).', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function or method', u'', u' A function that takes a redshift as input.', u'', u' **fval** : astropy.Quantity instance', u'', u' The value of `func(z)`.', u'', u' **zmin** : float, optional', u'', u' The lower search limit for `z` (default 0).', u'', u' **zmax** : float, optional', u'', u' The upper search limit for `z` (default 1000).', u'', u' **ztol** : float, optional', u'', u' The relative error in `z` acceptable for convergence.', u'', u' **maxfun** : int, optional', u'', u' The maximum number of function evaluations allowed in the', u' optimization routine (default 500).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **z** : float', u'', u' The redshift `z` satisfying `zmin < z < zmax` and `func(z) =', u' fval` within `ztol`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This works for any arbitrary input cosmology, but is inefficient', u'if you want to invert a large number of values for the same', u'cosmology. In this case, it is faster to instead generate an array', u'of values at many closely-spaced redshifts that cover the relevant', u'redshift range, and then use interpolation to find the redshift at', u"each value you're interested in. For example, to efficiently find", u'the redshifts corresponding to 10^6 values of the distance modulus', u'in a Planck13 cosmology, you could do the following:', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'# Generate 10^6 distance moduli between 23 and 43 for which we', u'# want to find the corresponding redshifts', u'>>> Dvals = (23 + np.random.rand(1e6) * 20) * u.mag', u'', u'# Make a grid of distance moduli covering the redshift range we', u'# need using 50 equally log-spaced values between zmin and', u'# zmax. We use log spacing to adequately sample the steep part of', u'# the curve at low distance moduli.', u'>>> zmin = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.min())', u'>>> zmax = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.max())', u'>>> zgrid = np.logspace(zmin, zmax)', u'>>> Dgrid = Planck13.distmod(zgrid)', u'', u'# Finally interpolate to find the redshift at each distance modulus.', u'>>> zvals = np.interp(Dvals.value, zgrid, Dgrid.value)', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'The age and lookback time are monotonic with redshift, and so a', u'unique solution can be found:', u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.age, 2 * u.Gyr)', u'3.1981191749374629', u'', u'The angular diameter is not monotonic however, and there are two', u'redshifts that give a value of 1500 Mpc. Use the zmin and zmax keywords', u"to find the one you're interested in:", u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmax=1.5)', u'0.68127769625288614', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmin=2.5)', u'3.7914918534022011', u'', u'Also note that the luminosity distance and distance modulus (two', u'other commonly inverted quantities) are monotonic in flat and open', u'universes, but not in closed universes.']:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: func(z) =
[u'z_at_value(func, fval, zmin=0, zmax=1000, ztol=1e-05, maxfun=500)', u':module: astropy.cosmology.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Find the redshift `z` at which `func(z) = fval`.', u'', u'This finds the redshift at which one of the cosmology functions or', u'methods (for example Planck13.distmod) is equal to a known value.', u'', u'.. warning::', u' Make sure you understand the behaviour of the function that you', u' are trying to invert! Depending on the cosmology, there may not', u' be a unique solution. For example, in the standard Lambda CDM', u' cosmology, there are two redshifts which give an angular', u' diameter distance of 1500 Mpc, z ~ 0.7 and z ~ 3.8. To force', u' `z_at_value` to find the solution you are interested in, use the', u' `zmin` and `zmax` keywords to limit the search range (see the', u' example below).', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function or method', u'', u' A function that takes a redshift as input.', u'', u' **fval** : astropy.Quantity instance', u'', u' The value of `func(z)`.', u'', u' **zmin** : float, optional', u'', u' The lower search limit for `z` (default 0).', u'', u' **zmax** : float, optional', u'', u' The upper search limit for `z` (default 1000).', u'', u' **ztol** : float, optional', u'', u' The relative error in `z` acceptable for convergence.', u'', u' **maxfun** : int, optional', u'', u' The maximum number of function evaluations allowed in the', u' optimization routine (default 500).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **z** : float', u'', u' The redshift `z` satisfying `zmin < z < zmax` and `func(z) =', u' fval` within `ztol`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This works for any arbitrary input cosmology, but is inefficient', u'if you want to invert a large number of values for the same', u'cosmology. In this case, it is faster to instead generate an array', u'of values at many closely-spaced redshifts that cover the relevant', u'redshift range, and then use interpolation to find the redshift at', u"each value you're interested in. For example, to efficiently find", u'the redshifts corresponding to 10^6 values of the distance modulus', u'in a Planck13 cosmology, you could do the following:', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'# Generate 10^6 distance moduli between 23 and 43 for which we', u'# want to find the corresponding redshifts', u'>>> Dvals = (23 + np.random.rand(1e6) * 20) * u.mag', u'', u'# Make a grid of distance moduli covering the redshift range we', u'# need using 50 equally log-spaced values between zmin and', u'# zmax. We use log spacing to adequately sample the steep part of', u'# the curve at low distance moduli.', u'>>> zmin = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.min())', u'>>> zmax = z_at_value(Planck13.distmod, Dvals.max())', u'>>> zgrid = np.logspace(zmin, zmax)', u'>>> Dgrid = Planck13.distmod(zgrid)', u'', u'# Finally interpolate to find the redshift at each distance modulus.', u'>>> zvals = np.interp(Dvals.value, zgrid, Dgrid.value)', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'>>> import astropy.units as u', u'>>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value', u'', u'The age and lookback time are monotonic with redshift, and so a', u'unique solution can be found:', u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.age, 2 * u.Gyr)', u'3.1981191749374629', u'', u'The angular diameter is not monotonic however, and there are two', u'redshifts that give a value of 1500 Mpc. Use the zmin and zmax keywords', u"to find the one you're interested in:", u'', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmax=1.5)', u'0.68127769625288614', u'>>> z_at_value(Planck13.angular_diameter_distance, 1500 * u.Mpc, zmin=2.5)', u'3.7914918534022011', u'', u'Also note that the luminosity distance and distance modulus (two', u'other commonly inverted quantities) are monotonic in flat and open', u'universes, but not in closed universes.']:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ztol
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io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
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io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
[u"Ipac(definition='ignore', DBMS=False)", u':module:', u'', u'Bases: :class:``', u'', u'', u'', u'Read or write an IPAC format table. See', u'', u'', u' \\name=value', u' \\ Comment', u' | column1 | column2 | column3 | column4 | column5 |', u' | double | double | int | double | char |', u' | unit | unit | unit | unit | unit |', u' | null | null | null | null | null |', u' 2.0978 29.09056 73765 2.06000 B8IVpMnHg', u'', u'Or::', u'', u' |-----ra---|----dec---|---sao---|------v---|----sptype--------|', u' 2.09708 29.09056 73765 2.06000 B8IVpMnHg', u'', u'The comments and keywords defined in the header are available via the output', u'table ``meta`` attribute::', u'', u' >>> import os', u' >>> from import ascii', u" >>> filename = os.path.join(ascii.__path__[0], 'tests/t/ipac.dat')", u' >>> data =', u" >>> print(data.meta['comments'])", u" ['This is an example of a valid comment']", u" >>> for name, keyword in data.meta['keywords'].items():", u" ... print(name, keyword['value'])", u' ...', u' intval 1', u' floatval 2300.0', u' date Wed Sp 20 09:48:36 1995', u' key_continue IPAC keywords can continue across lines', u'', u'Note that there are different conventions for characters occuring below the', u'position of the ``|`` symbol in IPAC tables. By default, any character', u'below a ``|`` will be ignored (since this is the current standard),', u'but if you need to read files that assume characters below the ``|``', u'symbols belong to the column before or after the ``|``, you can specify', u"``definition='left'`` or ``definition='right'`` respectively when reading", u"the table (the default is ``definition='ignore'``). The following examples", u'demonstrate the different conventions:', u'', u"* ``definition='ignore'``::", u'', u' | ra | dec |', u' | float | float |', u' 1.2345 6.7890', u'', u"* ``definition='left'``::", u'', u' | ra | dec |', u' | float | float |', u' 1.2345 6.7890', u'', u"* ``definition='right'``::", u'', u' | ra | dec |', u' | float | float |', u' 1.2345 6.7890', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **definition** : str, optional', u'', u' Specify the convention for characters in the data table that occur', u' directly below the pipe (`|`) symbol in the header column definition:', u' ', u" * 'ignore' - Any character beneath a pipe symbol is ignored (default)", u" * 'right' - Character is associated with the column to the right", u" * 'left' - Character is associated with the column to the left", u' ', u'', u' **DBMS** : bool, optional', u'', u' If true, this varifies that written tables adhere (semantically)', u' to the `IPAC/DBMS <>`_', u" definiton of IPAC tables. If 'False' it only checks for the (less strict)", u' `IPAC <>`_', u' definition.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Ipac.write', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. automethod:: write']:69: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: |
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
[u"Latex(ignore_latex_commands=['hline', 'vspace', 'tableline'], latexdict={}, caption='', col_align=None)", u':module:', u'', u'Bases: :class:``', u'', u'', u'', u'Write and read LaTeX tables.', u'', u'This class implements some LaTeX specific commands. Its main', u'purpose is to write out a table in a form that LaTeX can compile. It', u'is beyond the scope of this class to implement every possible LaTeX', u'command, instead the focus is to generate a syntactically valid', u'LaTeX tables.', u'', u'This class can also read simple LaTeX tables (one line per table', u'row, no ``\\multicolumn`` or similar constructs), specifically, it', u'can read the tables that it writes.', u'', u'Reading a LaTeX table, the following keywords are accepted:', u'', u'**ignore_latex_commands** :', u' Lines starting with these LaTeX commands will be treated as comments (i.e. ignored).', u'', u'When writing a LaTeX table, the some keywords can customize the', u'format. Care has to be taken here, because python interprets ``\\\\``', u'in a string as an escape character. In order to pass this to the', u'output either format your strings as raw strings with the ``r``', u'specifier or use a double ``\\\\\\\\``.', u'', u'Examples::', u'', u" caption = r'My table \\label{mytable}'", u" caption = 'My table \\\\\\\\label{mytable}'", u'', u'**latexdict** : Dictionary of extra parameters for the LaTeX output', u'', u' * tabletype : used for first and last line of table.', u' The default is ``\\\\begin{table}``. The following would generate a table,', u' which spans the whole page in a two-column document::', u'', u' ascii.write(data, sys.stdout, Writer = ascii.Latex,', u" latexdict = {'tabletype': 'table*'})", u'', u' * tablealign : positioning of table in text.', u' The default is not to specifiy a position preference in the text.', u' If, e.g. the alignment is ``ht``, then the LaTeX will be ``\\\\begin{table}[ht]``.', u'', u' * col_align : Alignment of columns', u' If not present all columns will be centered.', u'', u' * caption : Table caption (string or list of strings)', u' This will appear above the table as it is the standard in', u' many scientific publications. If you prefer a caption below', u' the table, just write the full LaTeX command as', u" ``latexdict['tablefoot'] = r'\\caption{My table}'``", u'', u' * preamble, header_start, header_end, data_start, data_end, tablefoot: Pure LaTeX', u' Each one can be a string or a list of strings. These strings', u' will be inserted into the table without any further', u' processing. See the examples below.', u'', u' * units : dictionary of strings', u' Keys in this dictionary should be names of columns. If', u' present, a line in the LaTeX table directly below the column', u' names is added, which contains the values of the', u' dictionary. Example::', u'', u' from import ascii', u" data = {'name': ['bike', 'car'], 'mass': [75,1200], 'speed': [10, 130]}", u' ascii.write(data, Writer=ascii.Latex,', u" latexdict = {'units': {'mass': 'kg', 'speed': 'km/h'}})", u'', u' If the column has no entry in the `units` dictionary, it defaults', u" to `' '`.", u'', u' Run the following code to see where each element of the', u' dictionary is inserted in the LaTeX table::', u'', u' from import ascii', u" data = {'cola': [1,2], 'colb': [3,4]}", u" ascii.write(data, Writer=ascii.Latex, latexdict=ascii.latex.latexdicts['template'])", u'', u' Some table styles are predefined in the dictionary', u' ``ascii.latex.latexdicts``. The following generates in table in', u' style preferred by A&A and some other journals::', u'', u" ascii.write(data, Writer=ascii.Latex, latexdict=ascii.latex.latexdicts['AA'])", u'', u' As an example, this generates a table, which spans all columns', u' and is centered on the page::', u'', u" ascii.write(data, Writer=ascii.Latex, col_align='|lr|',", u" latexdict={'preamble': r'\\begin{center}',", u" 'tablefoot': r'\\end{center}',", u" 'tabletype': 'table*'})", u'', u'**caption** : Set table caption', u' Shorthand for::', u'', u" latexdict['caption'] = caption", u'', u'**col_align** : Set the column alignment.', u' If not present this will be auto-generated for centered', u' columns. Shorthand for::', u'', u" latexdict['col_align'] = col_align", u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Latex.write', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. automethod:: write']:71: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: units
[u"Latex(ignore_latex_commands=['hline', 'vspace', 'tableline'], latexdict={}, caption='', col_align=None)", u':module:', u'', u'Bases: :class:``', u'', u'', u'', u'Write and read LaTeX tables.', u'', u'This class implements some LaTeX specific commands. Its main', u'purpose is to write out a table in a form that LaTeX can compile. It', u'is beyond the scope of this class to implement every possible LaTeX', u'command, instead the focus is to generate a syntactically valid', u'LaTeX tables.', u'', u'This class can also read simple LaTeX tables (one line per table', u'row, no ``\\multicolumn`` or similar constructs), specifically, it', u'can read the tables that it writes.', u'', u'Reading a LaTeX table, the following keywords are accepted:', u'', u'**ignore_latex_commands** :', u' Lines starting with these LaTeX commands will be treated as comments (i.e. ignored).', u'', u'When writing a LaTeX table, the some keywords can customize the', u'format. Care has to be taken here, because python interprets ``\\\\``', u'in a string as an escape character. In order to pass this to the', u'output either format your strings as raw strings with the ``r``', u'specifier or use a double ``\\\\\\\\``.', u'', u'Examples::', u'', u" caption = r'My table \\label{mytable}'", u" caption = 'My table \\\\\\\\label{mytable}'", u'', u'**latexdict** : Dictionary of extra parameters for the LaTeX output', u'', u' * tabletype : used for first and last line of table.', u' The default is ``\\\\begin{table}``. The following would generate a table,', u' which spans the whole page in a two-column document::', u'', u' ascii.write(data, sys.stdout, Writer = ascii.Latex,', u" latexdict = {'tabletype': 'table*'})", u'', u' * tablealign : positioning of table in text.', u' The default is not to specifiy a position preference in the text.', u' If, e.g. the alignment is ``ht``, then the LaTeX will be ``\\\\begin{table}[ht]``.', u'', u' * col_align : Alignment of columns', u' If not present all columns will be centered.', u'', u' * caption : Table caption (string or list of strings)', u' This will appear above the table as it is the standard in', u' many scientific publications. If you prefer a caption below', u' the table, just write the full LaTeX command as', u" ``latexdict['tablefoot'] = r'\\caption{My table}'``", u'', u' * preamble, header_start, header_end, data_start, data_end, tablefoot: Pure LaTeX', u' Each one can be a string or a list of strings. These strings', u' will be inserted into the table without any further', u' processing. See the examples below.', u'', u' * units : dictionary of strings', u' Keys in this dictionary should be names of columns. If', u' present, a line in the LaTeX table directly below the column', u' names is added, which contains the values of the', u' dictionary. Example::', u'', u' from import ascii', u" data = {'name': ['bike', 'car'], 'mass': [75,1200], 'speed': [10, 130]}", u' ascii.write(data, Writer=ascii.Latex,', u" latexdict = {'units': {'mass': 'kg', 'speed': 'km/h'}})", u'', u' If the column has no entry in the `units` dictionary, it defaults', u" to `' '`.", u'', u' Run the following code to see where each element of the', u' dictionary is inserted in the LaTeX table::', u'', u' from import ascii', u" data = {'cola': [1,2], 'colb': [3,4]}", u" ascii.write(data, Writer=ascii.Latex, latexdict=ascii.latex.latexdicts['template'])", u'', u' Some table styles are predefined in the dictionary', u' ``ascii.latex.latexdicts``. The following generates in table in', u' style preferred by A&A and some other journals::', u'', u" ascii.write(data, Writer=ascii.Latex, latexdict=ascii.latex.latexdicts['AA'])", u'', u' As an example, this generates a table, which spans all columns', u' and is centered on the page::', u'', u" ascii.write(data, Writer=ascii.Latex, col_align='|lr|',", u" latexdict={'preamble': r'\\begin{center}',", u" 'tablefoot': r'\\end{center}',", u" 'tabletype': 'table*'})", u'', u'**caption** : Set table caption', u' Shorthand for::', u'', u" latexdict['caption'] = caption", u'', u'**col_align** : Set the column alignment.', u' If not present this will be auto-generated for centered', u' columns. Shorthand for::', u'', u" latexdict['col_align'] = col_align", u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~Latex.write', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. automethod:: write']:71: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ' '
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:class reference target not found: Basic
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: h5py.highlevel.File
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: h5py.highlevel.Group
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: h5py.highlevel.Dataset
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: h5py.highlevel.File
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: h5py.highlevel.Group
[u'fnunpickle(fileorname, number=0, usecPickle=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Unpickle pickled objects from a specified file and return the contents.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileorname** : str or `file`-like', u'', u' The file name or file from which to unpickle objects. If a file object,', u' it should have been opened in binary mode.', u'', u' **number** : int', u'', u' If 0, a single object will be returned (the first in the file). If >0,', u' this specifies the number of objects to be unpickled, and a list will', u' be returned with exactly that many objects. If <0, all objects in the', u' file will be unpickled and returned as a list.', u'', u' **usecPickle** : bool', u'', u' If True, the :mod:`cPickle` module is to be used in place of', u' :mod:`pickle` (cPickle is faster). This only applies for python 2.x.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : obj or list', u'', u' If `number` is 0, this is a individual object - the first one unpickled', u' from the file. Otherwise, it is a list of objects unpickled from the', u' file.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **EOFError** : ', u'', u' If `number` is >0 and there are fewer than `number` objects in the', u' pickled file.']:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: number
[u'fnunpickle(fileorname, number=0, usecPickle=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Unpickle pickled objects from a specified file and return the contents.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileorname** : str or `file`-like', u'', u' The file name or file from which to unpickle objects. If a file object,', u' it should have been opened in binary mode.', u'', u' **number** : int', u'', u' If 0, a single object will be returned (the first in the file). If >0,', u' this specifies the number of objects to be unpickled, and a list will', u' be returned with exactly that many objects. If <0, all objects in the', u' file will be unpickled and returned as a list.', u'', u' **usecPickle** : bool', u'', u' If True, the :mod:`cPickle` module is to be used in place of', u' :mod:`pickle` (cPickle is faster). This only applies for python 2.x.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : obj or list', u'', u' If `number` is 0, this is a individual object - the first one unpickled', u' from the file. Otherwise, it is a list of objects unpickled from the', u' file.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **EOFError** : ', u'', u' If `number` is >0 and there are fewer than `number` objects in the', u' pickled file.']:36: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: number
[u'fnunpickle(fileorname, number=0, usecPickle=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Unpickle pickled objects from a specified file and return the contents.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileorname** : str or `file`-like', u'', u' The file name or file from which to unpickle objects. If a file object,', u' it should have been opened in binary mode.', u'', u' **number** : int', u'', u' If 0, a single object will be returned (the first in the file). If >0,', u' this specifies the number of objects to be unpickled, and a list will', u' be returned with exactly that many objects. If <0, all objects in the', u' file will be unpickled and returned as a list.', u'', u' **usecPickle** : bool', u'', u' If True, the :mod:`cPickle` module is to be used in place of', u' :mod:`pickle` (cPickle is faster). This only applies for python 2.x.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : obj or list', u'', u' If `number` is 0, this is a individual object - the first one unpickled', u' from the file. Otherwise, it is a list of objects unpickled from the', u' file.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **EOFError** : ', u'', u' If `number` is >0 and there are fewer than `number` objects in the', u' pickled file.']:36: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: number
[u'register_identifier(data_format, data_class, identifier, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Associate an identifier function with a specific data type.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_format** : str', u'', u' The data type identifier. This is the string that is used to', u' specify the data type when reading/writing.', u'', u' **data_class** : classobj', u'', u' The class of the object that can be written', u'', u' **identifier** : function', u'', u' A function that checks the argument specified to `read` or `write` to', u' determine whether the input can be interpreted as a table of type', u' `data_format`. This function should take the following arguments:', u' ', u' - `origin`: A string `read` or `write` identifying whether', u' the file is to be opened for reading or writing.', u' - `path`: The path to the file.', u" - `fileobj`: An open file object to read the file's contents, or", u' `None` if the file could not be opened.', u' - `*args`: A list of positional arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' - `**kwargs`: A list of keyword arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' ', u' One or both of `path` or `fileobj` may be `None`. If they are', u' both `None`, the identifier will need to work from `args[0]`.', u' ', u' The function should return True if the input can be identified', u' as being of format `data_format`, and False otherwise.', u'', u' **force** : bool', u'', u' Whether to override any existing function if already present.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'To set the identifier based on extensions, for formats that take a', u'filename as a first argument, you can do for example::', u'', u' >>> def my_identifier(*args, **kwargs):', u' ... return (isinstance(args[0], basestring) and', u" ... args[0].endswith('.tbl'))", u" >>> register_identifier('ipac', Table, my_identifier)"]:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data_format
[u'register_identifier(data_format, data_class, identifier, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Associate an identifier function with a specific data type.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_format** : str', u'', u' The data type identifier. This is the string that is used to', u' specify the data type when reading/writing.', u'', u' **data_class** : classobj', u'', u' The class of the object that can be written', u'', u' **identifier** : function', u'', u' A function that checks the argument specified to `read` or `write` to', u' determine whether the input can be interpreted as a table of type', u' `data_format`. This function should take the following arguments:', u' ', u' - `origin`: A string `read` or `write` identifying whether', u' the file is to be opened for reading or writing.', u' - `path`: The path to the file.', u" - `fileobj`: An open file object to read the file's contents, or", u' `None` if the file could not be opened.', u' - `*args`: A list of positional arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' - `**kwargs`: A list of keyword arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' ', u' One or both of `path` or `fileobj` may be `None`. If they are', u' both `None`, the identifier will need to work from `args[0]`.', u' ', u' The function should return True if the input can be identified', u' as being of format `data_format`, and False otherwise.', u'', u' **force** : bool', u'', u' Whether to override any existing function if already present.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'To set the identifier based on extensions, for formats that take a', u'filename as a first argument, you can do for example::', u'', u' >>> def my_identifier(*args, **kwargs):', u' ... return (isinstance(args[0], basestring) and', u" ... args[0].endswith('.tbl'))", u" >>> register_identifier('ipac', Table, my_identifier)"]:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: origin
[u'register_identifier(data_format, data_class, identifier, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Associate an identifier function with a specific data type.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_format** : str', u'', u' The data type identifier. This is the string that is used to', u' specify the data type when reading/writing.', u'', u' **data_class** : classobj', u'', u' The class of the object that can be written', u'', u' **identifier** : function', u'', u' A function that checks the argument specified to `read` or `write` to', u' determine whether the input can be interpreted as a table of type', u' `data_format`. This function should take the following arguments:', u' ', u' - `origin`: A string `read` or `write` identifying whether', u' the file is to be opened for reading or writing.', u' - `path`: The path to the file.', u" - `fileobj`: An open file object to read the file's contents, or", u' `None` if the file could not be opened.', u' - `*args`: A list of positional arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' - `**kwargs`: A list of keyword arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' ', u' One or both of `path` or `fileobj` may be `None`. If they are', u' both `None`, the identifier will need to work from `args[0]`.', u' ', u' The function should return True if the input can be identified', u' as being of format `data_format`, and False otherwise.', u'', u' **force** : bool', u'', u' Whether to override any existing function if already present.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'To set the identifier based on extensions, for formats that take a', u'filename as a first argument, you can do for example::', u'', u' >>> def my_identifier(*args, **kwargs):', u' ... return (isinstance(args[0], basestring) and', u" ... args[0].endswith('.tbl'))", u" >>> register_identifier('ipac', Table, my_identifier)"]:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: path
[u'register_identifier(data_format, data_class, identifier, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Associate an identifier function with a specific data type.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_format** : str', u'', u' The data type identifier. This is the string that is used to', u' specify the data type when reading/writing.', u'', u' **data_class** : classobj', u'', u' The class of the object that can be written', u'', u' **identifier** : function', u'', u' A function that checks the argument specified to `read` or `write` to', u' determine whether the input can be interpreted as a table of type', u' `data_format`. This function should take the following arguments:', u' ', u' - `origin`: A string `read` or `write` identifying whether', u' the file is to be opened for reading or writing.', u' - `path`: The path to the file.', u" - `fileobj`: An open file object to read the file's contents, or", u' `None` if the file could not be opened.', u' - `*args`: A list of positional arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' - `**kwargs`: A list of keyword arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' ', u' One or both of `path` or `fileobj` may be `None`. If they are', u' both `None`, the identifier will need to work from `args[0]`.', u' ', u' The function should return True if the input can be identified', u' as being of format `data_format`, and False otherwise.', u'', u' **force** : bool', u'', u' Whether to override any existing function if already present.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'To set the identifier based on extensions, for formats that take a', u'filename as a first argument, you can do for example::', u'', u' >>> def my_identifier(*args, **kwargs):', u' ... return (isinstance(args[0], basestring) and', u" ... args[0].endswith('.tbl'))", u" >>> register_identifier('ipac', Table, my_identifier)"]:25: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: fileobj
[u'register_identifier(data_format, data_class, identifier, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Associate an identifier function with a specific data type.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_format** : str', u'', u' The data type identifier. This is the string that is used to', u' specify the data type when reading/writing.', u'', u' **data_class** : classobj', u'', u' The class of the object that can be written', u'', u' **identifier** : function', u'', u' A function that checks the argument specified to `read` or `write` to', u' determine whether the input can be interpreted as a table of type', u' `data_format`. This function should take the following arguments:', u' ', u' - `origin`: A string `read` or `write` identifying whether', u' the file is to be opened for reading or writing.', u' - `path`: The path to the file.', u" - `fileobj`: An open file object to read the file's contents, or", u' `None` if the file could not be opened.', u' - `*args`: A list of positional arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' - `**kwargs`: A list of keyword arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' ', u' One or both of `path` or `fileobj` may be `None`. If they are', u' both `None`, the identifier will need to work from `args[0]`.', u' ', u' The function should return True if the input can be identified', u' as being of format `data_format`, and False otherwise.', u'', u' **force** : bool', u'', u' Whether to override any existing function if already present.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'To set the identifier based on extensions, for formats that take a', u'filename as a first argument, you can do for example::', u'', u' >>> def my_identifier(*args, **kwargs):', u' ... return (isinstance(args[0], basestring) and', u" ... args[0].endswith('.tbl'))", u" >>> register_identifier('ipac', Table, my_identifier)"]:27: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: *args
[u'register_identifier(data_format, data_class, identifier, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Associate an identifier function with a specific data type.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_format** : str', u'', u' The data type identifier. This is the string that is used to', u' specify the data type when reading/writing.', u'', u' **data_class** : classobj', u'', u' The class of the object that can be written', u'', u' **identifier** : function', u'', u' A function that checks the argument specified to `read` or `write` to', u' determine whether the input can be interpreted as a table of type', u' `data_format`. This function should take the following arguments:', u' ', u' - `origin`: A string `read` or `write` identifying whether', u' the file is to be opened for reading or writing.', u' - `path`: The path to the file.', u" - `fileobj`: An open file object to read the file's contents, or", u' `None` if the file could not be opened.', u' - `*args`: A list of positional arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' - `**kwargs`: A list of keyword arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' ', u' One or both of `path` or `fileobj` may be `None`. If they are', u' both `None`, the identifier will need to work from `args[0]`.', u' ', u' The function should return True if the input can be identified', u' as being of format `data_format`, and False otherwise.', u'', u' **force** : bool', u'', u' Whether to override any existing function if already present.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'To set the identifier based on extensions, for formats that take a', u'filename as a first argument, you can do for example::', u'', u' >>> def my_identifier(*args, **kwargs):', u' ... return (isinstance(args[0], basestring) and', u" ... args[0].endswith('.tbl'))", u" >>> register_identifier('ipac', Table, my_identifier)"]:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: **kwargs
[u'register_identifier(data_format, data_class, identifier, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Associate an identifier function with a specific data type.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_format** : str', u'', u' The data type identifier. This is the string that is used to', u' specify the data type when reading/writing.', u'', u' **data_class** : classobj', u'', u' The class of the object that can be written', u'', u' **identifier** : function', u'', u' A function that checks the argument specified to `read` or `write` to', u' determine whether the input can be interpreted as a table of type', u' `data_format`. This function should take the following arguments:', u' ', u' - `origin`: A string `read` or `write` identifying whether', u' the file is to be opened for reading or writing.', u' - `path`: The path to the file.', u" - `fileobj`: An open file object to read the file's contents, or", u' `None` if the file could not be opened.', u' - `*args`: A list of positional arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' - `**kwargs`: A list of keyword arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' ', u' One or both of `path` or `fileobj` may be `None`. If they are', u' both `None`, the identifier will need to work from `args[0]`.', u' ', u' The function should return True if the input can be identified', u' as being of format `data_format`, and False otherwise.', u'', u' **force** : bool', u'', u' Whether to override any existing function if already present.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'To set the identifier based on extensions, for formats that take a', u'filename as a first argument, you can do for example::', u'', u' >>> def my_identifier(*args, **kwargs):', u' ... return (isinstance(args[0], basestring) and', u" ... args[0].endswith('.tbl'))", u" >>> register_identifier('ipac', Table, my_identifier)"]:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: path
[u'register_identifier(data_format, data_class, identifier, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Associate an identifier function with a specific data type.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_format** : str', u'', u' The data type identifier. This is the string that is used to', u' specify the data type when reading/writing.', u'', u' **data_class** : classobj', u'', u' The class of the object that can be written', u'', u' **identifier** : function', u'', u' A function that checks the argument specified to `read` or `write` to', u' determine whether the input can be interpreted as a table of type', u' `data_format`. This function should take the following arguments:', u' ', u' - `origin`: A string `read` or `write` identifying whether', u' the file is to be opened for reading or writing.', u' - `path`: The path to the file.', u" - `fileobj`: An open file object to read the file's contents, or", u' `None` if the file could not be opened.', u' - `*args`: A list of positional arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' - `**kwargs`: A list of keyword arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' ', u' One or both of `path` or `fileobj` may be `None`. If they are', u' both `None`, the identifier will need to work from `args[0]`.', u' ', u' The function should return True if the input can be identified', u' as being of format `data_format`, and False otherwise.', u'', u' **force** : bool', u'', u' Whether to override any existing function if already present.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'To set the identifier based on extensions, for formats that take a', u'filename as a first argument, you can do for example::', u'', u' >>> def my_identifier(*args, **kwargs):', u' ... return (isinstance(args[0], basestring) and', u" ... args[0].endswith('.tbl'))", u" >>> register_identifier('ipac', Table, my_identifier)"]:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: fileobj
[u'register_identifier(data_format, data_class, identifier, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Associate an identifier function with a specific data type.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_format** : str', u'', u' The data type identifier. This is the string that is used to', u' specify the data type when reading/writing.', u'', u' **data_class** : classobj', u'', u' The class of the object that can be written', u'', u' **identifier** : function', u'', u' A function that checks the argument specified to `read` or `write` to', u' determine whether the input can be interpreted as a table of type', u' `data_format`. This function should take the following arguments:', u' ', u' - `origin`: A string `read` or `write` identifying whether', u' the file is to be opened for reading or writing.', u' - `path`: The path to the file.', u" - `fileobj`: An open file object to read the file's contents, or", u' `None` if the file could not be opened.', u' - `*args`: A list of positional arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' - `**kwargs`: A list of keyword arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' ', u' One or both of `path` or `fileobj` may be `None`. If they are', u' both `None`, the identifier will need to work from `args[0]`.', u' ', u' The function should return True if the input can be identified', u' as being of format `data_format`, and False otherwise.', u'', u' **force** : bool', u'', u' Whether to override any existing function if already present.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'To set the identifier based on extensions, for formats that take a', u'filename as a first argument, you can do for example::', u'', u' >>> def my_identifier(*args, **kwargs):', u' ... return (isinstance(args[0], basestring) and', u" ... args[0].endswith('.tbl'))", u" >>> register_identifier('ipac', Table, my_identifier)"]:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: args[0]
[u'register_identifier(data_format, data_class, identifier, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Associate an identifier function with a specific data type.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_format** : str', u'', u' The data type identifier. This is the string that is used to', u' specify the data type when reading/writing.', u'', u' **data_class** : classobj', u'', u' The class of the object that can be written', u'', u' **identifier** : function', u'', u' A function that checks the argument specified to `read` or `write` to', u' determine whether the input can be interpreted as a table of type', u' `data_format`. This function should take the following arguments:', u' ', u' - `origin`: A string `read` or `write` identifying whether', u' the file is to be opened for reading or writing.', u' - `path`: The path to the file.', u" - `fileobj`: An open file object to read the file's contents, or", u' `None` if the file could not be opened.', u' - `*args`: A list of positional arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' - `**kwargs`: A list of keyword arguments to the `read` or', u' `write` function.', u' ', u' One or both of `path` or `fileobj` may be `None`. If they are', u' both `None`, the identifier will need to work from `args[0]`.', u' ', u' The function should return True if the input can be identified', u' as being of format `data_format`, and False otherwise.', u'', u' **force** : bool', u'', u' Whether to override any existing function if already present.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'To set the identifier based on extensions, for formats that take a', u'filename as a first argument, you can do for example::', u'', u' >>> def my_identifier(*args, **kwargs):', u' ... return (isinstance(args[0], basestring) and', u" ... args[0].endswith('.tbl'))", u" >>> register_identifier('ipac', Table, my_identifier)"]:35: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data_format
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
io/votable/references.txt:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Column
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Column
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/votable/references.txt:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/votable/references.txt:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.tree.Table
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
[u"parse(source, columns=None, invalid=u'exception', pedantic=None, chunk_size=256, table_number=None, table_id=None, filename=None, unit_format=None, _debug_python_based_parser=False)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Parses a VOTABLE_ xml file (or file-like object), and returns a', u'`` object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **source** : str or readable file-like object', u'', u' Path or file object containing a VOTABLE_ xml file.', u' ', u'', u' **columns** : sequence of str, optional', u'', u' List of field names to include in the output. The default is', u' to include all fields.', u' ', u'', u' **invalid** : str, optional', u'', u' One of the following values:', u' ', u" - 'exception': throw an exception when an invalid value is", u' encountered (default)', u' ', u" - 'mask': mask out invalid values", u' ', u'', u' **pedantic** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, raise an error when the file violates the spec,', u' otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may be controlled using', u' the standard Python mechanisms. See the `warnings`', u' module in the Python standard library for more information.', u' When not provided, uses the configuration setting', u' ``, which defaults to False.', u' ', u'', u' **chunk_size** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of rows to read before converting to an array.', u' Higher numbers are likely to be faster, but will consume more', u' memory.', u' ', u'', u' **table_number** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of table in the file to read in. If `None`, all', u' tables will be read. If a number, 0 refers to the first table', u' in the file, and only that numbered table will be parsed and', u' read in. Should not be used with `table_id`.', u' ', u'', u' **table_id** : str, optional', u'', u' The ID of the table in the file to read in. Should not be', u' used with `table_number`.', u' ', u'', u' **filename** : str, optional', u'', u' A filename, URL or other identifier to use in error messages.', u' If *filename* is None and *source* is a string (i.e. a path),', u' then *source* will be used as a filename for error messages.', u' Therefore, *filename* is only required when source is a', u' file-like object.', u' ', u'', u' **unit_format** : str, astropy.units.format.Base instance or None, optional', u'', u' The unit format to use when parsing unit attributes. If a', u' string, must be the name of a unit formatter. The built-in', u' formats include ``generic``, ``fits``, ``cds``, and', u' ``vounit``. A custom formatter may be provided by passing a', u' `astropy.units.format.Base` instance. If `None` (default),', u' the unit format to use will be the one specified by the', u' VOTable specification (which is `cds` up to version 1.2 of', u' VOTable, and (probably) `vounit` in future versions of the', u' spec).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **votable** : `` object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:``', u' The exceptions this function may raise.']:43: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: table_id
[u"parse(source, columns=None, invalid=u'exception', pedantic=None, chunk_size=256, table_number=None, table_id=None, filename=None, unit_format=None, _debug_python_based_parser=False)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Parses a VOTABLE_ xml file (or file-like object), and returns a', u'`` object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **source** : str or readable file-like object', u'', u' Path or file object containing a VOTABLE_ xml file.', u' ', u'', u' **columns** : sequence of str, optional', u'', u' List of field names to include in the output. The default is', u' to include all fields.', u' ', u'', u' **invalid** : str, optional', u'', u' One of the following values:', u' ', u" - 'exception': throw an exception when an invalid value is", u' encountered (default)', u' ', u" - 'mask': mask out invalid values", u' ', u'', u' **pedantic** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, raise an error when the file violates the spec,', u' otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may be controlled using', u' the standard Python mechanisms. See the `warnings`', u' module in the Python standard library for more information.', u' When not provided, uses the configuration setting', u' ``, which defaults to False.', u' ', u'', u' **chunk_size** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of rows to read before converting to an array.', u' Higher numbers are likely to be faster, but will consume more', u' memory.', u' ', u'', u' **table_number** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of table in the file to read in. If `None`, all', u' tables will be read. If a number, 0 refers to the first table', u' in the file, and only that numbered table will be parsed and', u' read in. Should not be used with `table_id`.', u' ', u'', u' **table_id** : str, optional', u'', u' The ID of the table in the file to read in. Should not be', u' used with `table_number`.', u' ', u'', u' **filename** : str, optional', u'', u' A filename, URL or other identifier to use in error messages.', u' If *filename* is None and *source* is a string (i.e. a path),', u' then *source* will be used as a filename for error messages.', u' Therefore, *filename* is only required when source is a', u' file-like object.', u' ', u'', u' **unit_format** : str, astropy.units.format.Base instance or None, optional', u'', u' The unit format to use when parsing unit attributes. If a', u' string, must be the name of a unit formatter. The built-in', u' formats include ``generic``, ``fits``, ``cds``, and', u' ``vounit``. A custom formatter may be provided by passing a', u' `astropy.units.format.Base` instance. If `None` (default),', u' the unit format to use will be the one specified by the', u' VOTable specification (which is `cds` up to version 1.2 of', u' VOTable, and (probably) `vounit` in future versions of the', u' spec).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **votable** : `` object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:``', u' The exceptions this function may raise.']:50: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: table_number
[u"parse(source, columns=None, invalid=u'exception', pedantic=None, chunk_size=256, table_number=None, table_id=None, filename=None, unit_format=None, _debug_python_based_parser=False)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Parses a VOTABLE_ xml file (or file-like object), and returns a', u'`` object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **source** : str or readable file-like object', u'', u' Path or file object containing a VOTABLE_ xml file.', u' ', u'', u' **columns** : sequence of str, optional', u'', u' List of field names to include in the output. The default is', u' to include all fields.', u' ', u'', u' **invalid** : str, optional', u'', u' One of the following values:', u' ', u" - 'exception': throw an exception when an invalid value is", u' encountered (default)', u' ', u" - 'mask': mask out invalid values", u' ', u'', u' **pedantic** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, raise an error when the file violates the spec,', u' otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may be controlled using', u' the standard Python mechanisms. See the `warnings`', u' module in the Python standard library for more information.', u' When not provided, uses the configuration setting', u' ``, which defaults to False.', u' ', u'', u' **chunk_size** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of rows to read before converting to an array.', u' Higher numbers are likely to be faster, but will consume more', u' memory.', u' ', u'', u' **table_number** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of table in the file to read in. If `None`, all', u' tables will be read. If a number, 0 refers to the first table', u' in the file, and only that numbered table will be parsed and', u' read in. Should not be used with `table_id`.', u' ', u'', u' **table_id** : str, optional', u'', u' The ID of the table in the file to read in. Should not be', u' used with `table_number`.', u' ', u'', u' **filename** : str, optional', u'', u' A filename, URL or other identifier to use in error messages.', u' If *filename* is None and *source* is a string (i.e. a path),', u' then *source* will be used as a filename for error messages.', u' Therefore, *filename* is only required when source is a', u' file-like object.', u' ', u'', u' **unit_format** : str, astropy.units.format.Base instance or None, optional', u'', u' The unit format to use when parsing unit attributes. If a', u' string, must be the name of a unit formatter. The built-in', u' formats include ``generic``, ``fits``, ``cds``, and', u' ``vounit``. A custom formatter may be provided by passing a', u' `astropy.units.format.Base` instance. If `None` (default),', u' the unit format to use will be the one specified by the', u' VOTable specification (which is `cds` up to version 1.2 of', u' VOTable, and (probably) `vounit` in future versions of the', u' spec).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **votable** : `` object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:``', u' The exceptions this function may raise.']:63: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.format.Base
[u"parse(source, columns=None, invalid=u'exception', pedantic=None, chunk_size=256, table_number=None, table_id=None, filename=None, unit_format=None, _debug_python_based_parser=False)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Parses a VOTABLE_ xml file (or file-like object), and returns a', u'`` object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **source** : str or readable file-like object', u'', u' Path or file object containing a VOTABLE_ xml file.', u' ', u'', u' **columns** : sequence of str, optional', u'', u' List of field names to include in the output. The default is', u' to include all fields.', u' ', u'', u' **invalid** : str, optional', u'', u' One of the following values:', u' ', u" - 'exception': throw an exception when an invalid value is", u' encountered (default)', u' ', u" - 'mask': mask out invalid values", u' ', u'', u' **pedantic** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, raise an error when the file violates the spec,', u' otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may be controlled using', u' the standard Python mechanisms. See the `warnings`', u' module in the Python standard library for more information.', u' When not provided, uses the configuration setting', u' ``, which defaults to False.', u' ', u'', u' **chunk_size** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of rows to read before converting to an array.', u' Higher numbers are likely to be faster, but will consume more', u' memory.', u' ', u'', u' **table_number** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of table in the file to read in. If `None`, all', u' tables will be read. If a number, 0 refers to the first table', u' in the file, and only that numbered table will be parsed and', u' read in. Should not be used with `table_id`.', u' ', u'', u' **table_id** : str, optional', u'', u' The ID of the table in the file to read in. Should not be', u' used with `table_number`.', u' ', u'', u' **filename** : str, optional', u'', u' A filename, URL or other identifier to use in error messages.', u' If *filename* is None and *source* is a string (i.e. a path),', u' then *source* will be used as a filename for error messages.', u' Therefore, *filename* is only required when source is a', u' file-like object.', u' ', u'', u' **unit_format** : str, astropy.units.format.Base instance or None, optional', u'', u' The unit format to use when parsing unit attributes. If a', u' string, must be the name of a unit formatter. The built-in', u' formats include ``generic``, ``fits``, ``cds``, and', u' ``vounit``. A custom formatter may be provided by passing a', u' `astropy.units.format.Base` instance. If `None` (default),', u' the unit format to use will be the one specified by the', u' VOTable specification (which is `cds` up to version 1.2 of', u' VOTable, and (probably) `vounit` in future versions of the', u' spec).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **votable** : `` object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:``', u' The exceptions this function may raise.']:63: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cds
[u"parse(source, columns=None, invalid=u'exception', pedantic=None, chunk_size=256, table_number=None, table_id=None, filename=None, unit_format=None, _debug_python_based_parser=False)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Parses a VOTABLE_ xml file (or file-like object), and returns a', u'`` object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **source** : str or readable file-like object', u'', u' Path or file object containing a VOTABLE_ xml file.', u' ', u'', u' **columns** : sequence of str, optional', u'', u' List of field names to include in the output. The default is', u' to include all fields.', u' ', u'', u' **invalid** : str, optional', u'', u' One of the following values:', u' ', u" - 'exception': throw an exception when an invalid value is", u' encountered (default)', u' ', u" - 'mask': mask out invalid values", u' ', u'', u' **pedantic** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, raise an error when the file violates the spec,', u' otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may be controlled using', u' the standard Python mechanisms. See the `warnings`', u' module in the Python standard library for more information.', u' When not provided, uses the configuration setting', u' ``, which defaults to False.', u' ', u'', u' **chunk_size** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of rows to read before converting to an array.', u' Higher numbers are likely to be faster, but will consume more', u' memory.', u' ', u'', u' **table_number** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of table in the file to read in. If `None`, all', u' tables will be read. If a number, 0 refers to the first table', u' in the file, and only that numbered table will be parsed and', u' read in. Should not be used with `table_id`.', u' ', u'', u' **table_id** : str, optional', u'', u' The ID of the table in the file to read in. Should not be', u' used with `table_number`.', u' ', u'', u' **filename** : str, optional', u'', u' A filename, URL or other identifier to use in error messages.', u' If *filename* is None and *source* is a string (i.e. a path),', u' then *source* will be used as a filename for error messages.', u' Therefore, *filename* is only required when source is a', u' file-like object.', u' ', u'', u' **unit_format** : str, astropy.units.format.Base instance or None, optional', u'', u' The unit format to use when parsing unit attributes. If a', u' string, must be the name of a unit formatter. The built-in', u' formats include ``generic``, ``fits``, ``cds``, and', u' ``vounit``. A custom formatter may be provided by passing a', u' `astropy.units.format.Base` instance. If `None` (default),', u' the unit format to use will be the one specified by the', u' VOTable specification (which is `cds` up to version 1.2 of', u' VOTable, and (probably) `vounit` in future versions of the', u' spec).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **votable** : `` object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:``', u' The exceptions this function may raise.']:63: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: vounit
io/votable/references.txt:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: xmllint
io/votable/references.txt:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: xmllint
io/votable/references.txt:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: source
io/votable/references.txt:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: xmllint
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: output
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:8: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:8: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Column
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Column
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Column
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Column
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:class reference target not found: PARAMref
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: PARAMref
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: table_number
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: table_number
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/votable/references.txt:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: name
io/votable/references.txt:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/votable/references.txt:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/votable/references.txt:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: write_null_values
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/votable/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: set_reference_frames
io/votable/references.txt:15: WARNING: py:meth reference target not found: write
[u"make_validation_report(urls=None, destdir=u'', multiprocess=True, stilts=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Validates a large collection of web-accessible VOTable files.', u'', u'Generates a report as a directory tree of HTML files.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **urls** : list of strings, optional', u'', u' If provided, is a list of HTTP urls to download VOTable files', u' from. If not provided, a built-in set of ~22,000 urls', u' compiled by HEASARC will be used.', u' ', u'', u' **destdir** : path, optional', u'', u' The directory to write the report to. By default, this is a', u' directory called `` in the', u' current directory. If the directory does not exist, it will', u' be created.', u' ', u'', u' **multiprocess** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True` (default), perform validations in parallel using all', u' of the cores on this machine.', u' ', u'', u' **stilts** : path, optional', u'', u' To perform validation with `votlint` from the the Java-based', u' `STILTS <>`_ VOTable', u' parser, in addition to ``, set this to the', u' path of the `stilts.jar` file. `java` on the system shell', u' path will be used to run it.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'Downloads of each given URL will be performed only once and cached', u'locally in *destdir*. To refresh the cache, remove *destdir*', u'first.']:17: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
[u"make_validation_report(urls=None, destdir=u'', multiprocess=True, stilts=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Validates a large collection of web-accessible VOTable files.', u'', u'Generates a report as a directory tree of HTML files.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **urls** : list of strings, optional', u'', u' If provided, is a list of HTTP urls to download VOTable files', u' from. If not provided, a built-in set of ~22,000 urls', u' compiled by HEASARC will be used.', u' ', u'', u' **destdir** : path, optional', u'', u' The directory to write the report to. By default, this is a', u' directory called `` in the', u' current directory. If the directory does not exist, it will', u' be created.', u' ', u'', u' **multiprocess** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True` (default), perform validations in parallel using all', u' of the cores on this machine.', u' ', u'', u' **stilts** : path, optional', u'', u' To perform validation with `votlint` from the the Java-based', u' `STILTS <>`_ VOTable', u' parser, in addition to ``, set this to the', u' path of the `stilts.jar` file. `java` on the system shell', u' path will be used to run it.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'Downloads of each given URL will be performed only once and cached', u'locally in *destdir*. To refresh the cache, remove *destdir*', u'first.']:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: votlint
[u"make_validation_report(urls=None, destdir=u'', multiprocess=True, stilts=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Validates a large collection of web-accessible VOTable files.', u'', u'Generates a report as a directory tree of HTML files.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **urls** : list of strings, optional', u'', u' If provided, is a list of HTTP urls to download VOTable files', u' from. If not provided, a built-in set of ~22,000 urls', u' compiled by HEASARC will be used.', u' ', u'', u' **destdir** : path, optional', u'', u' The directory to write the report to. By default, this is a', u' directory called `` in the', u' current directory. If the directory does not exist, it will', u' be created.', u' ', u'', u' **multiprocess** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True` (default), perform validations in parallel using all', u' of the cores on this machine.', u' ', u'', u' **stilts** : path, optional', u'', u' To perform validation with `votlint` from the the Java-based', u' `STILTS <>`_ VOTable', u' parser, in addition to ``, set this to the', u' path of the `stilts.jar` file. `java` on the system shell', u' path will be used to run it.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'Downloads of each given URL will be performed only once and cached', u'locally in *destdir*. To refresh the cache, remove *destdir*', u'first.']:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: stilts.jar
[u"make_validation_report(urls=None, destdir=u'', multiprocess=True, stilts=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Validates a large collection of web-accessible VOTable files.', u'', u'Generates a report as a directory tree of HTML files.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **urls** : list of strings, optional', u'', u' If provided, is a list of HTTP urls to download VOTable files', u' from. If not provided, a built-in set of ~22,000 urls', u' compiled by HEASARC will be used.', u' ', u'', u' **destdir** : path, optional', u'', u' The directory to write the report to. By default, this is a', u' directory called `` in the', u' current directory. If the directory does not exist, it will', u' be created.', u' ', u'', u' **multiprocess** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True` (default), perform validations in parallel using all', u' of the cores on this machine.', u' ', u'', u' **stilts** : path, optional', u'', u' To perform validation with `votlint` from the the Java-based', u' `STILTS <>`_ VOTable', u' parser, in addition to ``, set this to the', u' path of the `stilts.jar` file. `java` on the system shell', u' path will be used to run it.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'Downloads of each given URL will be performed only once and cached', u'locally in *destdir*. To refresh the cache, remove *destdir*', u'first.']:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: java
io/votable/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ValueError
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.core.Model.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.core.ParametricModel.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.modeling.fitters.JointFitter
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.core.ParametricModel.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.modeling.fitters.JointFitter
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.core.SerialCompositeModel.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.core._CompositeModel
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.core.SummedCompositeModel.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.core._CompositeModel
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.fitting.JointFitter.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian1D.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: fixed
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian1D.rst:33: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: tied
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian1D.rst:36: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bounds
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian1D.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: eqcons
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian1D.rst:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ineqcons
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian2D.rst:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: fixed
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian2D.rst:52: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: tied
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian2D.rst:55: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bounds
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian2D.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: eqcons
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian2D.rst:60: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ineqcons
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Trapezoid1D.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: fixed
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Trapezoid1D.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: tied
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Trapezoid1D.rst:40: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bounds
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Trapezoid1D.rst:43: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: eqcons
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.Trapezoid1D.rst:45: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ineqcons
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.TrapezoidDisk2D.rst:38: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: fixed
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.TrapezoidDisk2D.rst:41: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: tied
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.TrapezoidDisk2D.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bounds
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.TrapezoidDisk2D.rst:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: eqcons
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.functional_models.TrapezoidDisk2D.rst:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ineqcons
[u'custom_model_1d(func, func_deriv=None)', u':module: astropy.modeling.functional_models', u'', u'', u'', u'Create a one dimensional model from a user defined function. The', u'parameters of the model will be inferred from the arguments of', u'the function.', u'', u'..note ::', u' All model parameters have to be defined as keyword arguments', u' with default values in the model function.', u'', u'If you want to use parameter sets in the model, the parameters should be', u'treated as lists or arrays.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function', u'', u' Function which defines the model. It should take one positional', u' argument (the independent variable in the model), and any number of', u' keyword arguments (the parameters). It must return the value', u' of the model (typically as an array, but can also be a scalar for', u' scalar inputs). This corresponds to the `ParametricModel.eval` method.', u'', u' **func_deriv** : function, optional', u'', u' Function which defines the Jacobian derivative of the model. I.e., the', u' derivive with respect to the *parameters* of the model. It should', u' have the same argument signature as `func`, but should return a', u' sequence where each element of the sequence is the derivative', u' with respect to the correseponding argument. This corresponds to the', u' `ParametricModel.deriv` method.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Define a sinusoidal model function as a custom 1D model:', u'', u' >>> from astropy.modeling.models import custom_model_1d', u' >>> import numpy as np', u' >>> def sine_model(x, amplitude=1., frequency=1.):', u' ... return amplitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)', u' >>> def sine_deriv(x, amplitude=1., frequency=1.):', u' ... return 2 * np.pi * amplitude * np.cos(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)', u' >>> SineModel = custom_model_1d(sine_model, func_deriv=sine_deriv)', u'', u'Create an instance of the custom model and evaluate it:', u'', u' >>> model = SineModel()', u' >>> model(0.25)', u' 1.0', u'', u'This model instance can now be used like a usual astropy model.']:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ParametricModel.eval
[u'custom_model_1d(func, func_deriv=None)', u':module: astropy.modeling.functional_models', u'', u'', u'', u'Create a one dimensional model from a user defined function. The', u'parameters of the model will be inferred from the arguments of', u'the function.', u'', u'..note ::', u' All model parameters have to be defined as keyword arguments', u' with default values in the model function.', u'', u'If you want to use parameter sets in the model, the parameters should be', u'treated as lists or arrays.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function', u'', u' Function which defines the model. It should take one positional', u' argument (the independent variable in the model), and any number of', u' keyword arguments (the parameters). It must return the value', u' of the model (typically as an array, but can also be a scalar for', u' scalar inputs). This corresponds to the `ParametricModel.eval` method.', u'', u' **func_deriv** : function, optional', u'', u' Function which defines the Jacobian derivative of the model. I.e., the', u' derivive with respect to the *parameters* of the model. It should', u' have the same argument signature as `func`, but should return a', u' sequence where each element of the sequence is the derivative', u' with respect to the correseponding argument. This corresponds to the', u' `ParametricModel.deriv` method.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Define a sinusoidal model function as a custom 1D model:', u'', u' >>> from astropy.modeling.models import custom_model_1d', u' >>> import numpy as np', u' >>> def sine_model(x, amplitude=1., frequency=1.):', u' ... return amplitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)', u' >>> def sine_deriv(x, amplitude=1., frequency=1.):', u' ... return 2 * np.pi * amplitude * np.cos(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)', u' >>> SineModel = custom_model_1d(sine_model, func_deriv=sine_deriv)', u'', u'Create an instance of the custom model and evaluate it:', u'', u' >>> model = SineModel()', u' >>> model(0.25)', u' 1.0', u'', u'This model instance can now be used like a usual astropy model.']:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: func
[u'custom_model_1d(func, func_deriv=None)', u':module: astropy.modeling.functional_models', u'', u'', u'', u'Create a one dimensional model from a user defined function. The', u'parameters of the model will be inferred from the arguments of', u'the function.', u'', u'..note ::', u' All model parameters have to be defined as keyword arguments', u' with default values in the model function.', u'', u'If you want to use parameter sets in the model, the parameters should be', u'treated as lists or arrays.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **func** : function', u'', u' Function which defines the model. It should take one positional', u' argument (the independent variable in the model), and any number of', u' keyword arguments (the parameters). It must return the value', u' of the model (typically as an array, but can also be a scalar for', u' scalar inputs). This corresponds to the `ParametricModel.eval` method.', u'', u' **func_deriv** : function, optional', u'', u' Function which defines the Jacobian derivative of the model. I.e., the', u' derivive with respect to the *parameters* of the model. It should', u' have the same argument signature as `func`, but should return a', u' sequence where each element of the sequence is the derivative', u' with respect to the correseponding argument. This corresponds to the', u' `ParametricModel.deriv` method.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Define a sinusoidal model function as a custom 1D model:', u'', u' >>> from astropy.modeling.models import custom_model_1d', u' >>> import numpy as np', u' >>> def sine_model(x, amplitude=1., frequency=1.):', u' ... return amplitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)', u' >>> def sine_deriv(x, amplitude=1., frequency=1.):', u' ... return 2 * np.pi * amplitude * np.cos(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)', u' >>> SineModel = custom_model_1d(sine_model, func_deriv=sine_deriv)', u'', u'Create an instance of the custom model and evaluate it:', u'', u' >>> model = SineModel()', u' >>> model(0.25)', u' 1.0', u'', u'This model instance can now be used like a usual astropy model.']:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ParametricModel.deriv
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.parameters.Parameter.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.polynomial.InverseSIP.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.polynomial._SIPModel
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.polynomial.OrthoPolynomialBase.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.polynomial.PolynomialBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.polynomial.PolynomialModel.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.polynomial.PolynomialBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.polynomial.SIP.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.polynomial._SIPModel
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Pix2Sky_AZP.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Zenithal
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Pix2Sky_CAR.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Cylindrical
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Pix2Sky_CEA.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Cylindrical
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Pix2Sky_CYP.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Cylindrical
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Pix2Sky_MER.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Cylindrical
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Pix2Sky_SIN.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Zenithal
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Pix2Sky_STG.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Zenithal
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Pix2Sky_TAN.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Zenithal
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Sky2Pix_AZP.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Zenithal
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Sky2Pix_CAR.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Cylindrical
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Sky2Pix_CEA.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Cylindrical
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Sky2Pix_CYP.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Cylindrical
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Sky2Pix_MER.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Cylindrical
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Sky2Pix_SIN.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Zenithal
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Sky2Pix_STG.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Zenithal
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.projections.Sky2Pix_TAN.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.projections.Zenithal
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.rotations.RotateCelestial2Native.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.rotations.EulerAngleRotation
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.modeling.rotations.RotateNative2Celestial.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.modeling.rotations.EulerAngleRotation
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.flag_collection.FlagCollection.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.flag_collection.FlagCollection.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: OrderedDict
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:17: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:23: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDUncertainty
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:36: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.FlagCollection
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:38: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.FlagCollection
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:59: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:67: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: operand
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: operand
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: operand
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: operand
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: operand
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: self
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: WARN_UNSUPPORTED_CORRELATED
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:25: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: operand
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: self
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: WARN_UNSUPPORTED_CORRELATED
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: operand
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: self
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: WARN_UNSUPPORTED_CORRELATED
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: operand
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: self
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: WARN_UNSUPPORTED_CORRELATED
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nduncertainty.NDUncertainty.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nduncertainty.NDUncertainty.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nduncertainty.NDUncertainty.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDUncertainty
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.nddata.nduncertainty.NDUncertainty.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.NDData
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.stats.funcs.binned_binom_proportion.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.stats.funcs.binned_binom_proportion.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.stats.funcs.binned_binom_proportion.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: success
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.stats.funcs.binned_binom_proportion.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
[u"binned_binom_proportion(x, success, bins=10, range=None, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion and confidence interval in bins of a continuous', u'variable `x`.', u'', u'Given a set of datapoint pairs where the `x` values are', u'continuously distributed and the `success` values are binomial', u'("success / failure" or "true / false"), place the pairs into', u'bins according to `x` value and calculate the binomial proportion', u'(fraction of successes) and confidence interval in each bin.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **x** : list_like', u'', u' Values.', u'', u' **success** : list_like (bool)', u'', u' Success (True) or failure (False) corresponding to each value', u' in `x`. Must be same length as `x`.', u'', u' **bins** : int or sequence of scalars, optional', u'', u' If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins', u' in the given range (10, by default). If bins is a sequence, it', u' defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing', u" for non-uniform bin widths (in this case, 'range' is ignored).", u'', u' **range** : (float, float), optional', u'', u' The lower and upper range of the bins. If `None` (default),', u' the range is set to (x.min(), x.max()). Values outside the', u' range are ignored.', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content in the confidence', u' interval (p - perr[0], p + perr[1]) in each bin. Default is', u' 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used to calculate confidence interval on the', u' binomial proportion in each bin. See `binom_conf_interval` for', u" definition of the intervals. The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys'", u" intervals generally give similar results. 'wilson' should be", u" somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally superior.", u" The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **bin_ctr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Central value of bins. Bins without any entries are not returned.', u'', u' **bin_halfwidth** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Half-width of each bin such that `bin_ctr - bin_halfwidth` and', u' `bin_ctr + bins_halfwidth` give the left and right side of each bin,', u' respectively.', u'', u' **p** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Efficiency in each bin.', u'', u' **perr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' 2-d array of shape (2, len(p)) representing the upper and lower', u' uncertainty on p in each bin.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`binom_conf_interval`', u' Function used to estimate confidence interval in each bin.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Suppose we wish to estimate the efficiency of a survey in', u'detecting astronomical sources as a function of magnitude (i.e.,', u'the probability of detecting a source given its magnitude). In a', u'realistic case, we might prepare a large number of sources with', u'randomly selected magnitudes, inject them into simulated images,', u'and then record which were detected at the end of the reduction', u'pipeline. As a toy example, we generate 100 data points with', u'randomly selected magnitudes between 20 and 30 and "observe" them', u'with a known detection function (here, the error function, with', u'50% detection probability at magnitude 25):', u'', u'>>> from scipy.special import erf', u'>>> from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u'>>> def true_efficiency(x):', u'... return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u'>>> mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u'>>> detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('Detection efficiency vs magnitude')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'', u'', u'The above example uses the Wilson confidence interval to calculate', u'the uncertainty `perr` in each bin (see the definition of various', u'confidence intervals in `binom_conf_interval`). A commonly used', u'alternative is the Wald interval. However, the Wald interval can', u'give nonsensical uncertainties when the efficiency is near 0 or 1,', u'and is therefore **not** recommended. As an illustration, the', u'following example shows the same data as above but uses the Wald', u'interval rather than the Wilson interval to calculate `perr`:', u'', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u"... interval='wald')", u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u" interval='wald')", u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('The Wald interval can give nonsensical uncertainties')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'']:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
[u"binned_binom_proportion(x, success, bins=10, range=None, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion and confidence interval in bins of a continuous', u'variable `x`.', u'', u'Given a set of datapoint pairs where the `x` values are', u'continuously distributed and the `success` values are binomial', u'("success / failure" or "true / false"), place the pairs into', u'bins according to `x` value and calculate the binomial proportion', u'(fraction of successes) and confidence interval in each bin.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **x** : list_like', u'', u' Values.', u'', u' **success** : list_like (bool)', u'', u' Success (True) or failure (False) corresponding to each value', u' in `x`. Must be same length as `x`.', u'', u' **bins** : int or sequence of scalars, optional', u'', u' If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins', u' in the given range (10, by default). If bins is a sequence, it', u' defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing', u" for non-uniform bin widths (in this case, 'range' is ignored).", u'', u' **range** : (float, float), optional', u'', u' The lower and upper range of the bins. If `None` (default),', u' the range is set to (x.min(), x.max()). Values outside the', u' range are ignored.', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content in the confidence', u' interval (p - perr[0], p + perr[1]) in each bin. Default is', u' 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used to calculate confidence interval on the', u' binomial proportion in each bin. See `binom_conf_interval` for', u" definition of the intervals. The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys'", u" intervals generally give similar results. 'wilson' should be", u" somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally superior.", u" The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **bin_ctr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Central value of bins. Bins without any entries are not returned.', u'', u' **bin_halfwidth** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Half-width of each bin such that `bin_ctr - bin_halfwidth` and', u' `bin_ctr + bins_halfwidth` give the left and right side of each bin,', u' respectively.', u'', u' **p** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Efficiency in each bin.', u'', u' **perr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' 2-d array of shape (2, len(p)) representing the upper and lower', u' uncertainty on p in each bin.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`binom_conf_interval`', u' Function used to estimate confidence interval in each bin.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Suppose we wish to estimate the efficiency of a survey in', u'detecting astronomical sources as a function of magnitude (i.e.,', u'the probability of detecting a source given its magnitude). In a', u'realistic case, we might prepare a large number of sources with', u'randomly selected magnitudes, inject them into simulated images,', u'and then record which were detected at the end of the reduction', u'pipeline. As a toy example, we generate 100 data points with', u'randomly selected magnitudes between 20 and 30 and "observe" them', u'with a known detection function (here, the error function, with', u'50% detection probability at magnitude 25):', u'', u'>>> from scipy.special import erf', u'>>> from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u'>>> def true_efficiency(x):', u'... return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u'>>> mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u'>>> detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('Detection efficiency vs magnitude')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'', u'', u'The above example uses the Wilson confidence interval to calculate', u'the uncertainty `perr` in each bin (see the definition of various', u'confidence intervals in `binom_conf_interval`). A commonly used', u'alternative is the Wald interval. However, the Wald interval can', u'give nonsensical uncertainties when the efficiency is near 0 or 1,', u'and is therefore **not** recommended. As an illustration, the', u'following example shows the same data as above but uses the Wald', u'interval rather than the Wilson interval to calculate `perr`:', u'', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u"... interval='wald')", u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u" interval='wald')", u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('The Wald interval can give nonsensical uncertainties')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'']:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
[u"binned_binom_proportion(x, success, bins=10, range=None, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion and confidence interval in bins of a continuous', u'variable `x`.', u'', u'Given a set of datapoint pairs where the `x` values are', u'continuously distributed and the `success` values are binomial', u'("success / failure" or "true / false"), place the pairs into', u'bins according to `x` value and calculate the binomial proportion', u'(fraction of successes) and confidence interval in each bin.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **x** : list_like', u'', u' Values.', u'', u' **success** : list_like (bool)', u'', u' Success (True) or failure (False) corresponding to each value', u' in `x`. Must be same length as `x`.', u'', u' **bins** : int or sequence of scalars, optional', u'', u' If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins', u' in the given range (10, by default). If bins is a sequence, it', u' defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing', u" for non-uniform bin widths (in this case, 'range' is ignored).", u'', u' **range** : (float, float), optional', u'', u' The lower and upper range of the bins. If `None` (default),', u' the range is set to (x.min(), x.max()). Values outside the', u' range are ignored.', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content in the confidence', u' interval (p - perr[0], p + perr[1]) in each bin. Default is', u' 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used to calculate confidence interval on the', u' binomial proportion in each bin. See `binom_conf_interval` for', u" definition of the intervals. The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys'", u" intervals generally give similar results. 'wilson' should be", u" somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally superior.", u" The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **bin_ctr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Central value of bins. Bins without any entries are not returned.', u'', u' **bin_halfwidth** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Half-width of each bin such that `bin_ctr - bin_halfwidth` and', u' `bin_ctr + bins_halfwidth` give the left and right side of each bin,', u' respectively.', u'', u' **p** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Efficiency in each bin.', u'', u' **perr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' 2-d array of shape (2, len(p)) representing the upper and lower', u' uncertainty on p in each bin.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`binom_conf_interval`', u' Function used to estimate confidence interval in each bin.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Suppose we wish to estimate the efficiency of a survey in', u'detecting astronomical sources as a function of magnitude (i.e.,', u'the probability of detecting a source given its magnitude). In a', u'realistic case, we might prepare a large number of sources with', u'randomly selected magnitudes, inject them into simulated images,', u'and then record which were detected at the end of the reduction', u'pipeline. As a toy example, we generate 100 data points with', u'randomly selected magnitudes between 20 and 30 and "observe" them', u'with a known detection function (here, the error function, with', u'50% detection probability at magnitude 25):', u'', u'>>> from scipy.special import erf', u'>>> from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u'>>> def true_efficiency(x):', u'... return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u'>>> mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u'>>> detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('Detection efficiency vs magnitude')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'', u'', u'The above example uses the Wilson confidence interval to calculate', u'the uncertainty `perr` in each bin (see the definition of various', u'confidence intervals in `binom_conf_interval`). A commonly used', u'alternative is the Wald interval. However, the Wald interval can', u'give nonsensical uncertainties when the efficiency is near 0 or 1,', u'and is therefore **not** recommended. As an illustration, the', u'following example shows the same data as above but uses the Wald', u'interval rather than the Wilson interval to calculate `perr`:', u'', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u"... interval='wald')", u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u" interval='wald')", u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('The Wald interval can give nonsensical uncertainties')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'']:60: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bin_ctr - bin_halfwidth
[u"binned_binom_proportion(x, success, bins=10, range=None, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion and confidence interval in bins of a continuous', u'variable `x`.', u'', u'Given a set of datapoint pairs where the `x` values are', u'continuously distributed and the `success` values are binomial', u'("success / failure" or "true / false"), place the pairs into', u'bins according to `x` value and calculate the binomial proportion', u'(fraction of successes) and confidence interval in each bin.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **x** : list_like', u'', u' Values.', u'', u' **success** : list_like (bool)', u'', u' Success (True) or failure (False) corresponding to each value', u' in `x`. Must be same length as `x`.', u'', u' **bins** : int or sequence of scalars, optional', u'', u' If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins', u' in the given range (10, by default). If bins is a sequence, it', u' defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing', u" for non-uniform bin widths (in this case, 'range' is ignored).", u'', u' **range** : (float, float), optional', u'', u' The lower and upper range of the bins. If `None` (default),', u' the range is set to (x.min(), x.max()). Values outside the', u' range are ignored.', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content in the confidence', u' interval (p - perr[0], p + perr[1]) in each bin. Default is', u' 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used to calculate confidence interval on the', u' binomial proportion in each bin. See `binom_conf_interval` for', u" definition of the intervals. The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys'", u" intervals generally give similar results. 'wilson' should be", u" somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally superior.", u" The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **bin_ctr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Central value of bins. Bins without any entries are not returned.', u'', u' **bin_halfwidth** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Half-width of each bin such that `bin_ctr - bin_halfwidth` and', u' `bin_ctr + bins_halfwidth` give the left and right side of each bin,', u' respectively.', u'', u' **p** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Efficiency in each bin.', u'', u' **perr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' 2-d array of shape (2, len(p)) representing the upper and lower', u' uncertainty on p in each bin.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`binom_conf_interval`', u' Function used to estimate confidence interval in each bin.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Suppose we wish to estimate the efficiency of a survey in', u'detecting astronomical sources as a function of magnitude (i.e.,', u'the probability of detecting a source given its magnitude). In a', u'realistic case, we might prepare a large number of sources with', u'randomly selected magnitudes, inject them into simulated images,', u'and then record which were detected at the end of the reduction', u'pipeline. As a toy example, we generate 100 data points with', u'randomly selected magnitudes between 20 and 30 and "observe" them', u'with a known detection function (here, the error function, with', u'50% detection probability at magnitude 25):', u'', u'>>> from scipy.special import erf', u'>>> from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u'>>> def true_efficiency(x):', u'... return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u'>>> mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u'>>> detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('Detection efficiency vs magnitude')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'', u'', u'The above example uses the Wilson confidence interval to calculate', u'the uncertainty `perr` in each bin (see the definition of various', u'confidence intervals in `binom_conf_interval`). A commonly used', u'alternative is the Wald interval. However, the Wald interval can', u'give nonsensical uncertainties when the efficiency is near 0 or 1,', u'and is therefore **not** recommended. As an illustration, the', u'following example shows the same data as above but uses the Wald', u'interval rather than the Wilson interval to calculate `perr`:', u'', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u"... interval='wald')", u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u" interval='wald')", u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('The Wald interval can give nonsensical uncertainties')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'']:60: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bin_ctr + bins_halfwidth
[u"binned_binom_proportion(x, success, bins=10, range=None, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion and confidence interval in bins of a continuous', u'variable `x`.', u'', u'Given a set of datapoint pairs where the `x` values are', u'continuously distributed and the `success` values are binomial', u'("success / failure" or "true / false"), place the pairs into', u'bins according to `x` value and calculate the binomial proportion', u'(fraction of successes) and confidence interval in each bin.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **x** : list_like', u'', u' Values.', u'', u' **success** : list_like (bool)', u'', u' Success (True) or failure (False) corresponding to each value', u' in `x`. Must be same length as `x`.', u'', u' **bins** : int or sequence of scalars, optional', u'', u' If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins', u' in the given range (10, by default). If bins is a sequence, it', u' defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing', u" for non-uniform bin widths (in this case, 'range' is ignored).", u'', u' **range** : (float, float), optional', u'', u' The lower and upper range of the bins. If `None` (default),', u' the range is set to (x.min(), x.max()). Values outside the', u' range are ignored.', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content in the confidence', u' interval (p - perr[0], p + perr[1]) in each bin. Default is', u' 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used to calculate confidence interval on the', u' binomial proportion in each bin. See `binom_conf_interval` for', u" definition of the intervals. The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys'", u" intervals generally give similar results. 'wilson' should be", u" somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally superior.", u" The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **bin_ctr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Central value of bins. Bins without any entries are not returned.', u'', u' **bin_halfwidth** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Half-width of each bin such that `bin_ctr - bin_halfwidth` and', u' `bin_ctr + bins_halfwidth` give the left and right side of each bin,', u' respectively.', u'', u' **p** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Efficiency in each bin.', u'', u' **perr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' 2-d array of shape (2, len(p)) representing the upper and lower', u' uncertainty on p in each bin.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`binom_conf_interval`', u' Function used to estimate confidence interval in each bin.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Suppose we wish to estimate the efficiency of a survey in', u'detecting astronomical sources as a function of magnitude (i.e.,', u'the probability of detecting a source given its magnitude). In a', u'realistic case, we might prepare a large number of sources with', u'randomly selected magnitudes, inject them into simulated images,', u'and then record which were detected at the end of the reduction', u'pipeline. As a toy example, we generate 100 data points with', u'randomly selected magnitudes between 20 and 30 and "observe" them', u'with a known detection function (here, the error function, with', u'50% detection probability at magnitude 25):', u'', u'>>> from scipy.special import erf', u'>>> from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u'>>> def true_efficiency(x):', u'... return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u'>>> mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u'>>> detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('Detection efficiency vs magnitude')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'', u'', u'The above example uses the Wilson confidence interval to calculate', u'the uncertainty `perr` in each bin (see the definition of various', u'confidence intervals in `binom_conf_interval`). A commonly used', u'alternative is the Wald interval. However, the Wald interval can', u'give nonsensical uncertainties when the efficiency is near 0 or 1,', u'and is therefore **not** recommended. As an illustration, the', u'following example shows the same data as above but uses the Wald', u'interval rather than the Wilson interval to calculate `perr`:', u'', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u"... interval='wald')", u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u" interval='wald')", u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('The Wald interval can give nonsensical uncertainties')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'']:127: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: perr
[u"binned_binom_proportion(x, success, bins=10, range=None, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion and confidence interval in bins of a continuous', u'variable `x`.', u'', u'Given a set of datapoint pairs where the `x` values are', u'continuously distributed and the `success` values are binomial', u'("success / failure" or "true / false"), place the pairs into', u'bins according to `x` value and calculate the binomial proportion', u'(fraction of successes) and confidence interval in each bin.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **x** : list_like', u'', u' Values.', u'', u' **success** : list_like (bool)', u'', u' Success (True) or failure (False) corresponding to each value', u' in `x`. Must be same length as `x`.', u'', u' **bins** : int or sequence of scalars, optional', u'', u' If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins', u' in the given range (10, by default). If bins is a sequence, it', u' defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing', u" for non-uniform bin widths (in this case, 'range' is ignored).", u'', u' **range** : (float, float), optional', u'', u' The lower and upper range of the bins. If `None` (default),', u' the range is set to (x.min(), x.max()). Values outside the', u' range are ignored.', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content in the confidence', u' interval (p - perr[0], p + perr[1]) in each bin. Default is', u' 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used to calculate confidence interval on the', u' binomial proportion in each bin. See `binom_conf_interval` for', u" definition of the intervals. The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys'", u" intervals generally give similar results. 'wilson' should be", u" somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally superior.", u" The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **bin_ctr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Central value of bins. Bins without any entries are not returned.', u'', u' **bin_halfwidth** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Half-width of each bin such that `bin_ctr - bin_halfwidth` and', u' `bin_ctr + bins_halfwidth` give the left and right side of each bin,', u' respectively.', u'', u' **p** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Efficiency in each bin.', u'', u' **perr** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' 2-d array of shape (2, len(p)) representing the upper and lower', u' uncertainty on p in each bin.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`binom_conf_interval`', u' Function used to estimate confidence interval in each bin.', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Suppose we wish to estimate the efficiency of a survey in', u'detecting astronomical sources as a function of magnitude (i.e.,', u'the probability of detecting a source given its magnitude). In a', u'realistic case, we might prepare a large number of sources with', u'randomly selected magnitudes, inject them into simulated images,', u'and then record which were detected at the end of the reduction', u'pipeline. As a toy example, we generate 100 data points with', u'randomly selected magnitudes between 20 and 30 and "observe" them', u'with a known detection function (here, the error function, with', u'50% detection probability at magnitude 25):', u'', u'>>> from scipy.special import erf', u'>>> from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u'>>> def true_efficiency(x):', u'... return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u'>>> mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u'>>> detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)', u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('Detection efficiency vs magnitude')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'', u'', u'The above example uses the Wilson confidence interval to calculate', u'the uncertainty `perr` in each bin (see the definition of various', u'confidence intervals in `binom_conf_interval`). A commonly used', u'alternative is the Wald interval. However, the Wald interval can', u'give nonsensical uncertainties when the efficiency is near 0 or 1,', u'and is therefore **not** recommended. As an illustration, the', u'following example shows the same data as above but uses the Wald', u'interval rather than the Wilson interval to calculate `perr`:', u'', u'>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u"... interval='wald')", u">>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u"... label='estimate')", u'', u'.. plot::', u'', u' import numpy as np', u' from scipy.special import erf', u' from scipy.stats.distributions import binom', u' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', u' from astropy.stats import binned_binom_proportion', u' def true_efficiency(x):', u' return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)', u' np.random.seed(400)', u' mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)', u' np.random.seed(600)', u' detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))', u' bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,', u" interval='wald')", u" plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',", u" label='estimate')", u' X = np.linspace(20., 30., 1000)', u" plt.plot(X, true_efficiency(X), ls='-', color='r',", u" label='true efficiency')", u' plt.ylim(0., 1.)', u" plt.title('The Wald interval can give nonsensical uncertainties')", u" plt.xlabel('Magnitude')", u" plt.ylabel('Detection efficiency')", u' plt.legend()', u'']:127: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: perr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.stats.funcs.binom_conf_interval.rst:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: k
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.stats.funcs.binom_conf_interval.rst:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: n
[u"binom_conf_interval(k, n, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion confidence interval given k successes,', u'n trials.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **k** : int or numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Number of successes (0 <= `k` <= `n`).', u'', u' **n** : int or numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Number of trials (`n` > 0).', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content of interval. Default is 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used for confidence interval. See notes for details.', u" The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys' intervals generally give similar results.", u" 'wilson' should be somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally", u" superior. The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **conf_interval** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' `conf_interval[0]` and `conf_interval[1]` correspond to the lower', u' and upper limits, respectively, for each element in `k`, `n`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'In situations where a probability of success is not known, it can', u'be estimated from a number of trials (N) and number of', u'observed successes (k). For example, this is done in Monte', u'Carlo experiments designed to estimate a detection efficiency. It', u'is simple to take the sample proportion of successes (k/N)', u'as a reasonable best estimate of the true probability', u':math:`\\epsilon`. However, deriving an accurate confidence', u'interval on :math:`\\epsilon` is non-trivial. There are several', u'formulas for this interval (see [R4]_). Three intervals are implemented', u'here:', u'', u'**1. The Wilson Interval.** This interval, attributed to Wilson [R5]_,', u'is given by', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' CI_{\\rm Wilson} = \\frac{k + \\kappa^2/2}{N + \\kappa^2}', u' \\pm \\frac{\\kappa n^{1/2}}{n + \\kappa^2}', u' ((\\hat{\\epsilon}(1 - \\hat{\\epsilon}) + \\kappa^2/(4n))^{1/2}', u'', u'where :math:`\\hat{\\epsilon} = k / N` and :math:`\\kappa` is the', u'number of standard deviations corresponding to the desired', u'confidence interval for a *normal* distribution (for example,', u'1.0 for a confidence interval of 68.269%). For a', u'confidence interval of 100(1 - :math:`\\alpha`)%,', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' \\kappa = \\Phi^{-1}(1-\\alpha/2) = \\sqrt{2}{\\rm erf}^{-1}(1-\\alpha).', u'', u'**2. The Jeffreys Interval.** This interval is derived by applying', u"Bayes' theorem to the binomial distribution with the", u'noninformative Jeffreys prior [R6]_, [R7]_. The noninformative Jeffreys', u'prior is the Beta distribution, Beta(1/2, 1/2), which has the density', u'function', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' f(\\epsilon) = \\pi^{-1} \\epsilon^{-1/2}(1-\\epsilon)^{-1/2}.', u'', u'The posterior density function is also a Beta distribution: Beta(k', u'+ 1/2, N - k + 1/2). The interval is then chosen so that it is', u'*equal-tailed*: Each tail (outside the interval) contains', u':math:`\\alpha`/2 of the posterior probability, and the interval', u'itself contains 1 - :math:`\\alpha`. This interval must be', u'calculated numerically. Additionally, when k = 0 the lower limit', u'is set to 0 and when k = N the upper limit is set to 1, so that in', u'these cases, there is only one tail containing :math:`\\alpha`/2', u'and the interval itself contains 1 - :math:`\\alpha`/2 rather than', u'the nominal 1 - :math:`\\alpha`.', u'', u'**3. The Wald Interval.** This interval is given by', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' CI_{\\rm Wald} = \\hat{\\epsilon} \\pm', u' \\kappa \\sqrt{\\frac{\\hat{\\epsilon}(1-\\hat{\\epsilon})}{N}}', u'', u'The Wald interval gives acceptable results in some limiting', u'cases. Particularly, when N is very large, and the true proportion', u':math:`\\epsilon` is not "too close" to 0 or 1. However, as the', u'later is not verifiable when trying to estimate :math:`\\epsilon`,', u'this is not very helpful. Its use is not recommended, but it is', u'provided here for comparison purposes due to its prevalence in', u'everyday practical statistics.', u'', u'.. rubric:: References', u'', u'.. [R4] Brown, Lawrence D.; Cai, T. Tony; DasGupta, Anirban (2001).', u' "Interval Estimation for a Binomial Proportion". Statistical', u' Science 16 (2): 101-133. doi:10.1214/ss/1009213286', u'', u'.. [R5] Wilson, E. B. (1927). "Probable inference, the law of', u' succession, and statistical inference". Journal of the American', u' Statistical Association 22: 209-212.', u'', u'.. [R6] Jeffreys, Harold (1946). "An Invariant Form for the Prior', u' Probability in Estimation Problems". Proc. R. Soc. Lond.. A 24 186', u' (1007): 453-461. doi:10.1098/rspa.1946.0056', u'', u'.. [R7] Jeffreys, Harold (1998). Theory of Probability. Oxford', u' University Press, 3rd edition. ISBN 978-0198503682', u'', u'.. only:: latex', u'', u' [R4]_, [R5]_, [R6]_, [R7]_', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Integer inputs return an array with shape (2,):', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval(4, 5, interval='wilson')", u'array([ 0.57921724, 0.92078259])', u'', u'Arrays of arbitrary dimension are supported. The Wilson and Jeffreys', u'intervals give similar results, even for small k, N:', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wilson')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.07921741, 0.21597328, 0.83333304],', u' [ 0.16666696, 0.42078276, 0.61736012, 1. ]])', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='jeffreys')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.0842525 , 0.21789949, 0.82788246],', u' [ 0.17211754, 0.42218001, 0.61753691, 1. ]])', u'', u'In contrast, the Wald interval gives poor results for small k, N.', u'For k = 0 or k = N, the interval always has zero length.', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wald')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.02111437, 0.18091075, 1. ],', u' [ 0. , 0.37888563, 0.61908925, 1. ]])', u'', u'For confidence intervals approaching 1, the Wald interval for', u'0 < k < N can give intervals that extend outside [0, 1]:', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wald', conf=0.99)", u'array([[ 0. , -0.26077835, -0.16433593, 1. ],', u' [ 0. , 0.66077835, 0.96433593, 1. ]])']:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: n
[u"binom_conf_interval(k, n, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion confidence interval given k successes,', u'n trials.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **k** : int or numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Number of successes (0 <= `k` <= `n`).', u'', u' **n** : int or numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Number of trials (`n` > 0).', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content of interval. Default is 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used for confidence interval. See notes for details.', u" The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys' intervals generally give similar results.", u" 'wilson' should be somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally", u" superior. The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **conf_interval** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' `conf_interval[0]` and `conf_interval[1]` correspond to the lower', u' and upper limits, respectively, for each element in `k`, `n`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'In situations where a probability of success is not known, it can', u'be estimated from a number of trials (N) and number of', u'observed successes (k). For example, this is done in Monte', u'Carlo experiments designed to estimate a detection efficiency. It', u'is simple to take the sample proportion of successes (k/N)', u'as a reasonable best estimate of the true probability', u':math:`\\epsilon`. However, deriving an accurate confidence', u'interval on :math:`\\epsilon` is non-trivial. There are several', u'formulas for this interval (see [R4]_). Three intervals are implemented', u'here:', u'', u'**1. The Wilson Interval.** This interval, attributed to Wilson [R5]_,', u'is given by', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' CI_{\\rm Wilson} = \\frac{k + \\kappa^2/2}{N + \\kappa^2}', u' \\pm \\frac{\\kappa n^{1/2}}{n + \\kappa^2}', u' ((\\hat{\\epsilon}(1 - \\hat{\\epsilon}) + \\kappa^2/(4n))^{1/2}', u'', u'where :math:`\\hat{\\epsilon} = k / N` and :math:`\\kappa` is the', u'number of standard deviations corresponding to the desired', u'confidence interval for a *normal* distribution (for example,', u'1.0 for a confidence interval of 68.269%). For a', u'confidence interval of 100(1 - :math:`\\alpha`)%,', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' \\kappa = \\Phi^{-1}(1-\\alpha/2) = \\sqrt{2}{\\rm erf}^{-1}(1-\\alpha).', u'', u'**2. The Jeffreys Interval.** This interval is derived by applying', u"Bayes' theorem to the binomial distribution with the", u'noninformative Jeffreys prior [R6]_, [R7]_. The noninformative Jeffreys', u'prior is the Beta distribution, Beta(1/2, 1/2), which has the density', u'function', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' f(\\epsilon) = \\pi^{-1} \\epsilon^{-1/2}(1-\\epsilon)^{-1/2}.', u'', u'The posterior density function is also a Beta distribution: Beta(k', u'+ 1/2, N - k + 1/2). The interval is then chosen so that it is', u'*equal-tailed*: Each tail (outside the interval) contains', u':math:`\\alpha`/2 of the posterior probability, and the interval', u'itself contains 1 - :math:`\\alpha`. This interval must be', u'calculated numerically. Additionally, when k = 0 the lower limit', u'is set to 0 and when k = N the upper limit is set to 1, so that in', u'these cases, there is only one tail containing :math:`\\alpha`/2', u'and the interval itself contains 1 - :math:`\\alpha`/2 rather than', u'the nominal 1 - :math:`\\alpha`.', u'', u'**3. The Wald Interval.** This interval is given by', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' CI_{\\rm Wald} = \\hat{\\epsilon} \\pm', u' \\kappa \\sqrt{\\frac{\\hat{\\epsilon}(1-\\hat{\\epsilon})}{N}}', u'', u'The Wald interval gives acceptable results in some limiting', u'cases. Particularly, when N is very large, and the true proportion', u':math:`\\epsilon` is not "too close" to 0 or 1. However, as the', u'later is not verifiable when trying to estimate :math:`\\epsilon`,', u'this is not very helpful. Its use is not recommended, but it is', u'provided here for comparison purposes due to its prevalence in', u'everyday practical statistics.', u'', u'.. rubric:: References', u'', u'.. [R4] Brown, Lawrence D.; Cai, T. Tony; DasGupta, Anirban (2001).', u' "Interval Estimation for a Binomial Proportion". Statistical', u' Science 16 (2): 101-133. doi:10.1214/ss/1009213286', u'', u'.. [R5] Wilson, E. B. (1927). "Probable inference, the law of', u' succession, and statistical inference". Journal of the American', u' Statistical Association 22: 209-212.', u'', u'.. [R6] Jeffreys, Harold (1946). "An Invariant Form for the Prior', u' Probability in Estimation Problems". Proc. R. Soc. Lond.. A 24 186', u' (1007): 453-461. doi:10.1098/rspa.1946.0056', u'', u'.. [R7] Jeffreys, Harold (1998). Theory of Probability. Oxford', u' University Press, 3rd edition. ISBN 978-0198503682', u'', u'.. only:: latex', u'', u' [R4]_, [R5]_, [R6]_, [R7]_', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Integer inputs return an array with shape (2,):', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval(4, 5, interval='wilson')", u'array([ 0.57921724, 0.92078259])', u'', u'Arrays of arbitrary dimension are supported. The Wilson and Jeffreys', u'intervals give similar results, even for small k, N:', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wilson')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.07921741, 0.21597328, 0.83333304],', u' [ 0.16666696, 0.42078276, 0.61736012, 1. ]])', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='jeffreys')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.0842525 , 0.21789949, 0.82788246],', u' [ 0.17211754, 0.42218001, 0.61753691, 1. ]])', u'', u'In contrast, the Wald interval gives poor results for small k, N.', u'For k = 0 or k = N, the interval always has zero length.', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wald')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.02111437, 0.18091075, 1. ],', u' [ 0. , 0.37888563, 0.61908925, 1. ]])', u'', u'For confidence intervals approaching 1, the Wald interval for', u'0 < k < N can give intervals that extend outside [0, 1]:', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wald', conf=0.99)", u'array([[ 0. , -0.26077835, -0.16433593, 1. ],', u' [ 0. , 0.66077835, 0.96433593, 1. ]])']:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: conf_interval[0]
[u"binom_conf_interval(k, n, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion confidence interval given k successes,', u'n trials.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **k** : int or numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Number of successes (0 <= `k` <= `n`).', u'', u' **n** : int or numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Number of trials (`n` > 0).', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content of interval. Default is 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used for confidence interval. See notes for details.', u" The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys' intervals generally give similar results.", u" 'wilson' should be somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally", u" superior. The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **conf_interval** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' `conf_interval[0]` and `conf_interval[1]` correspond to the lower', u' and upper limits, respectively, for each element in `k`, `n`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'In situations where a probability of success is not known, it can', u'be estimated from a number of trials (N) and number of', u'observed successes (k). For example, this is done in Monte', u'Carlo experiments designed to estimate a detection efficiency. It', u'is simple to take the sample proportion of successes (k/N)', u'as a reasonable best estimate of the true probability', u':math:`\\epsilon`. However, deriving an accurate confidence', u'interval on :math:`\\epsilon` is non-trivial. There are several', u'formulas for this interval (see [R4]_). Three intervals are implemented', u'here:', u'', u'**1. The Wilson Interval.** This interval, attributed to Wilson [R5]_,', u'is given by', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' CI_{\\rm Wilson} = \\frac{k + \\kappa^2/2}{N + \\kappa^2}', u' \\pm \\frac{\\kappa n^{1/2}}{n + \\kappa^2}', u' ((\\hat{\\epsilon}(1 - \\hat{\\epsilon}) + \\kappa^2/(4n))^{1/2}', u'', u'where :math:`\\hat{\\epsilon} = k / N` and :math:`\\kappa` is the', u'number of standard deviations corresponding to the desired', u'confidence interval for a *normal* distribution (for example,', u'1.0 for a confidence interval of 68.269%). For a', u'confidence interval of 100(1 - :math:`\\alpha`)%,', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' \\kappa = \\Phi^{-1}(1-\\alpha/2) = \\sqrt{2}{\\rm erf}^{-1}(1-\\alpha).', u'', u'**2. The Jeffreys Interval.** This interval is derived by applying', u"Bayes' theorem to the binomial distribution with the", u'noninformative Jeffreys prior [R6]_, [R7]_. The noninformative Jeffreys', u'prior is the Beta distribution, Beta(1/2, 1/2), which has the density', u'function', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' f(\\epsilon) = \\pi^{-1} \\epsilon^{-1/2}(1-\\epsilon)^{-1/2}.', u'', u'The posterior density function is also a Beta distribution: Beta(k', u'+ 1/2, N - k + 1/2). The interval is then chosen so that it is', u'*equal-tailed*: Each tail (outside the interval) contains', u':math:`\\alpha`/2 of the posterior probability, and the interval', u'itself contains 1 - :math:`\\alpha`. This interval must be', u'calculated numerically. Additionally, when k = 0 the lower limit', u'is set to 0 and when k = N the upper limit is set to 1, so that in', u'these cases, there is only one tail containing :math:`\\alpha`/2', u'and the interval itself contains 1 - :math:`\\alpha`/2 rather than', u'the nominal 1 - :math:`\\alpha`.', u'', u'**3. The Wald Interval.** This interval is given by', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' CI_{\\rm Wald} = \\hat{\\epsilon} \\pm', u' \\kappa \\sqrt{\\frac{\\hat{\\epsilon}(1-\\hat{\\epsilon})}{N}}', u'', u'The Wald interval gives acceptable results in some limiting', u'cases. Particularly, when N is very large, and the true proportion', u':math:`\\epsilon` is not "too close" to 0 or 1. However, as the', u'later is not verifiable when trying to estimate :math:`\\epsilon`,', u'this is not very helpful. Its use is not recommended, but it is', u'provided here for comparison purposes due to its prevalence in', u'everyday practical statistics.', u'', u'.. rubric:: References', u'', u'.. [R4] Brown, Lawrence D.; Cai, T. Tony; DasGupta, Anirban (2001).', u' "Interval Estimation for a Binomial Proportion". Statistical', u' Science 16 (2): 101-133. doi:10.1214/ss/1009213286', u'', u'.. [R5] Wilson, E. B. (1927). "Probable inference, the law of', u' succession, and statistical inference". Journal of the American', u' Statistical Association 22: 209-212.', u'', u'.. [R6] Jeffreys, Harold (1946). "An Invariant Form for the Prior', u' Probability in Estimation Problems". Proc. R. Soc. Lond.. A 24 186', u' (1007): 453-461. doi:10.1098/rspa.1946.0056', u'', u'.. [R7] Jeffreys, Harold (1998). Theory of Probability. Oxford', u' University Press, 3rd edition. ISBN 978-0198503682', u'', u'.. only:: latex', u'', u' [R4]_, [R5]_, [R6]_, [R7]_', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Integer inputs return an array with shape (2,):', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval(4, 5, interval='wilson')", u'array([ 0.57921724, 0.92078259])', u'', u'Arrays of arbitrary dimension are supported. The Wilson and Jeffreys', u'intervals give similar results, even for small k, N:', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wilson')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.07921741, 0.21597328, 0.83333304],', u' [ 0.16666696, 0.42078276, 0.61736012, 1. ]])', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='jeffreys')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.0842525 , 0.21789949, 0.82788246],', u' [ 0.17211754, 0.42218001, 0.61753691, 1. ]])', u'', u'In contrast, the Wald interval gives poor results for small k, N.', u'For k = 0 or k = N, the interval always has zero length.', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wald')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.02111437, 0.18091075, 1. ],', u' [ 0. , 0.37888563, 0.61908925, 1. ]])', u'', u'For confidence intervals approaching 1, the Wald interval for', u'0 < k < N can give intervals that extend outside [0, 1]:', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wald', conf=0.99)", u'array([[ 0. , -0.26077835, -0.16433593, 1. ],', u' [ 0. , 0.66077835, 0.96433593, 1. ]])']:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: conf_interval[1]
[u"binom_conf_interval(k, n, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion confidence interval given k successes,', u'n trials.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **k** : int or numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Number of successes (0 <= `k` <= `n`).', u'', u' **n** : int or numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Number of trials (`n` > 0).', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content of interval. Default is 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used for confidence interval. See notes for details.', u" The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys' intervals generally give similar results.", u" 'wilson' should be somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally", u" superior. The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **conf_interval** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' `conf_interval[0]` and `conf_interval[1]` correspond to the lower', u' and upper limits, respectively, for each element in `k`, `n`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'In situations where a probability of success is not known, it can', u'be estimated from a number of trials (N) and number of', u'observed successes (k). For example, this is done in Monte', u'Carlo experiments designed to estimate a detection efficiency. It', u'is simple to take the sample proportion of successes (k/N)', u'as a reasonable best estimate of the true probability', u':math:`\\epsilon`. However, deriving an accurate confidence', u'interval on :math:`\\epsilon` is non-trivial. There are several', u'formulas for this interval (see [R4]_). Three intervals are implemented', u'here:', u'', u'**1. The Wilson Interval.** This interval, attributed to Wilson [R5]_,', u'is given by', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' CI_{\\rm Wilson} = \\frac{k + \\kappa^2/2}{N + \\kappa^2}', u' \\pm \\frac{\\kappa n^{1/2}}{n + \\kappa^2}', u' ((\\hat{\\epsilon}(1 - \\hat{\\epsilon}) + \\kappa^2/(4n))^{1/2}', u'', u'where :math:`\\hat{\\epsilon} = k / N` and :math:`\\kappa` is the', u'number of standard deviations corresponding to the desired', u'confidence interval for a *normal* distribution (for example,', u'1.0 for a confidence interval of 68.269%). For a', u'confidence interval of 100(1 - :math:`\\alpha`)%,', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' \\kappa = \\Phi^{-1}(1-\\alpha/2) = \\sqrt{2}{\\rm erf}^{-1}(1-\\alpha).', u'', u'**2. The Jeffreys Interval.** This interval is derived by applying', u"Bayes' theorem to the binomial distribution with the", u'noninformative Jeffreys prior [R6]_, [R7]_. The noninformative Jeffreys', u'prior is the Beta distribution, Beta(1/2, 1/2), which has the density', u'function', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' f(\\epsilon) = \\pi^{-1} \\epsilon^{-1/2}(1-\\epsilon)^{-1/2}.', u'', u'The posterior density function is also a Beta distribution: Beta(k', u'+ 1/2, N - k + 1/2). The interval is then chosen so that it is', u'*equal-tailed*: Each tail (outside the interval) contains', u':math:`\\alpha`/2 of the posterior probability, and the interval', u'itself contains 1 - :math:`\\alpha`. This interval must be', u'calculated numerically. Additionally, when k = 0 the lower limit', u'is set to 0 and when k = N the upper limit is set to 1, so that in', u'these cases, there is only one tail containing :math:`\\alpha`/2', u'and the interval itself contains 1 - :math:`\\alpha`/2 rather than', u'the nominal 1 - :math:`\\alpha`.', u'', u'**3. The Wald Interval.** This interval is given by', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' CI_{\\rm Wald} = \\hat{\\epsilon} \\pm', u' \\kappa \\sqrt{\\frac{\\hat{\\epsilon}(1-\\hat{\\epsilon})}{N}}', u'', u'The Wald interval gives acceptable results in some limiting', u'cases. Particularly, when N is very large, and the true proportion', u':math:`\\epsilon` is not "too close" to 0 or 1. However, as the', u'later is not verifiable when trying to estimate :math:`\\epsilon`,', u'this is not very helpful. Its use is not recommended, but it is', u'provided here for comparison purposes due to its prevalence in', u'everyday practical statistics.', u'', u'.. rubric:: References', u'', u'.. [R4] Brown, Lawrence D.; Cai, T. Tony; DasGupta, Anirban (2001).', u' "Interval Estimation for a Binomial Proportion". Statistical', u' Science 16 (2): 101-133. doi:10.1214/ss/1009213286', u'', u'.. [R5] Wilson, E. B. (1927). "Probable inference, the law of', u' succession, and statistical inference". Journal of the American', u' Statistical Association 22: 209-212.', u'', u'.. [R6] Jeffreys, Harold (1946). "An Invariant Form for the Prior', u' Probability in Estimation Problems". Proc. R. Soc. Lond.. A 24 186', u' (1007): 453-461. doi:10.1098/rspa.1946.0056', u'', u'.. [R7] Jeffreys, Harold (1998). Theory of Probability. Oxford', u' University Press, 3rd edition. ISBN 978-0198503682', u'', u'.. only:: latex', u'', u' [R4]_, [R5]_, [R6]_, [R7]_', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Integer inputs return an array with shape (2,):', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval(4, 5, interval='wilson')", u'array([ 0.57921724, 0.92078259])', u'', u'Arrays of arbitrary dimension are supported. The Wilson and Jeffreys', u'intervals give similar results, even for small k, N:', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wilson')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.07921741, 0.21597328, 0.83333304],', u' [ 0.16666696, 0.42078276, 0.61736012, 1. ]])', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='jeffreys')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.0842525 , 0.21789949, 0.82788246],', u' [ 0.17211754, 0.42218001, 0.61753691, 1. ]])', u'', u'In contrast, the Wald interval gives poor results for small k, N.', u'For k = 0 or k = N, the interval always has zero length.', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wald')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.02111437, 0.18091075, 1. ],', u' [ 0. , 0.37888563, 0.61908925, 1. ]])', u'', u'For confidence intervals approaching 1, the Wald interval for', u'0 < k < N can give intervals that extend outside [0, 1]:', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wald', conf=0.99)", u'array([[ 0. , -0.26077835, -0.16433593, 1. ],', u' [ 0. , 0.66077835, 0.96433593, 1. ]])']:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: k
[u"binom_conf_interval(k, n, conf=0.68269, interval=u'wilson')", u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Binomial proportion confidence interval given k successes,', u'n trials.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **k** : int or numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Number of successes (0 <= `k` <= `n`).', u'', u' **n** : int or numpy.ndarray', u'', u' Number of trials (`n` > 0).', u'', u' **conf** : float in [0, 1], optional', u'', u' Desired probability content of interval. Default is 0.68269.', u'', u" **interval** : {'wilson', 'jeffreys', 'wald'}, optional", u'', u' Formula used for confidence interval. See notes for details.', u" The 'wilson' and 'jeffreys' intervals generally give similar results.", u" 'wilson' should be somewhat faster, while 'jeffreys' is marginally", u" superior. The 'wald' interval is generally not recommended.", u" It is provided for comparison purposes. Default is 'wilson'.", u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **conf_interval** : numpy.ndarray', u'', u' `conf_interval[0]` and `conf_interval[1]` correspond to the lower', u' and upper limits, respectively, for each element in `k`, `n`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'In situations where a probability of success is not known, it can', u'be estimated from a number of trials (N) and number of', u'observed successes (k). For example, this is done in Monte', u'Carlo experiments designed to estimate a detection efficiency. It', u'is simple to take the sample proportion of successes (k/N)', u'as a reasonable best estimate of the true probability', u':math:`\\epsilon`. However, deriving an accurate confidence', u'interval on :math:`\\epsilon` is non-trivial. There are several', u'formulas for this interval (see [R4]_). Three intervals are implemented', u'here:', u'', u'**1. The Wilson Interval.** This interval, attributed to Wilson [R5]_,', u'is given by', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' CI_{\\rm Wilson} = \\frac{k + \\kappa^2/2}{N + \\kappa^2}', u' \\pm \\frac{\\kappa n^{1/2}}{n + \\kappa^2}', u' ((\\hat{\\epsilon}(1 - \\hat{\\epsilon}) + \\kappa^2/(4n))^{1/2}', u'', u'where :math:`\\hat{\\epsilon} = k / N` and :math:`\\kappa` is the', u'number of standard deviations corresponding to the desired', u'confidence interval for a *normal* distribution (for example,', u'1.0 for a confidence interval of 68.269%). For a', u'confidence interval of 100(1 - :math:`\\alpha`)%,', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' \\kappa = \\Phi^{-1}(1-\\alpha/2) = \\sqrt{2}{\\rm erf}^{-1}(1-\\alpha).', u'', u'**2. The Jeffreys Interval.** This interval is derived by applying', u"Bayes' theorem to the binomial distribution with the", u'noninformative Jeffreys prior [R6]_, [R7]_. The noninformative Jeffreys', u'prior is the Beta distribution, Beta(1/2, 1/2), which has the density', u'function', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' f(\\epsilon) = \\pi^{-1} \\epsilon^{-1/2}(1-\\epsilon)^{-1/2}.', u'', u'The posterior density function is also a Beta distribution: Beta(k', u'+ 1/2, N - k + 1/2). The interval is then chosen so that it is', u'*equal-tailed*: Each tail (outside the interval) contains', u':math:`\\alpha`/2 of the posterior probability, and the interval', u'itself contains 1 - :math:`\\alpha`. This interval must be', u'calculated numerically. Additionally, when k = 0 the lower limit', u'is set to 0 and when k = N the upper limit is set to 1, so that in', u'these cases, there is only one tail containing :math:`\\alpha`/2', u'and the interval itself contains 1 - :math:`\\alpha`/2 rather than', u'the nominal 1 - :math:`\\alpha`.', u'', u'**3. The Wald Interval.** This interval is given by', u'', u'.. math::', u'', u' CI_{\\rm Wald} = \\hat{\\epsilon} \\pm', u' \\kappa \\sqrt{\\frac{\\hat{\\epsilon}(1-\\hat{\\epsilon})}{N}}', u'', u'The Wald interval gives acceptable results in some limiting', u'cases. Particularly, when N is very large, and the true proportion', u':math:`\\epsilon` is not "too close" to 0 or 1. However, as the', u'later is not verifiable when trying to estimate :math:`\\epsilon`,', u'this is not very helpful. Its use is not recommended, but it is', u'provided here for comparison purposes due to its prevalence in', u'everyday practical statistics.', u'', u'.. rubric:: References', u'', u'.. [R4] Brown, Lawrence D.; Cai, T. Tony; DasGupta, Anirban (2001).', u' "Interval Estimation for a Binomial Proportion". Statistical', u' Science 16 (2): 101-133. doi:10.1214/ss/1009213286', u'', u'.. [R5] Wilson, E. B. (1927). "Probable inference, the law of', u' succession, and statistical inference". Journal of the American', u' Statistical Association 22: 209-212.', u'', u'.. [R6] Jeffreys, Harold (1946). "An Invariant Form for the Prior', u' Probability in Estimation Problems". Proc. R. Soc. Lond.. A 24 186', u' (1007): 453-461. doi:10.1098/rspa.1946.0056', u'', u'.. [R7] Jeffreys, Harold (1998). Theory of Probability. Oxford', u' University Press, 3rd edition. ISBN 978-0198503682', u'', u'.. only:: latex', u'', u' [R4]_, [R5]_, [R6]_, [R7]_', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Integer inputs return an array with shape (2,):', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval(4, 5, interval='wilson')", u'array([ 0.57921724, 0.92078259])', u'', u'Arrays of arbitrary dimension are supported. The Wilson and Jeffreys', u'intervals give similar results, even for small k, N:', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wilson')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.07921741, 0.21597328, 0.83333304],', u' [ 0.16666696, 0.42078276, 0.61736012, 1. ]])', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='jeffreys')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.0842525 , 0.21789949, 0.82788246],', u' [ 0.17211754, 0.42218001, 0.61753691, 1. ]])', u'', u'In contrast, the Wald interval gives poor results for small k, N.', u'For k = 0 or k = N, the interval always has zero length.', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wald')", u'array([[ 0. , 0.02111437, 0.18091075, 1. ],', u' [ 0. , 0.37888563, 0.61908925, 1. ]])', u'', u'For confidence intervals approaching 1, the Wald interval for', u'0 < k < N can give intervals that extend outside [0, 1]:', u'', u">>> binom_conf_interval([0, 1, 2, 5], 5, interval='wald', conf=0.99)", u'array([[ 0. , -0.26077835, -0.16433593, 1. ],', u' [ 0. , 0.66077835, 0.96433593, 1. ]])']:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: n
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.stats.funcs.median_absolute_deviation.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: median( |a - median (a)| )
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.stats.funcs.sigma_clip.rst:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: scipy.stats.sigmaclip
[u'sigma_clip(data, sig=3, iters=1, cenfunc=<function median at 0x10afd9140>, varfunc=<function var at 0x10a61ac80>, axis=None, copy=True)', u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Perform sigma-clipping on the provided data.', u'', u'This performs the sigma clipping algorithm - i.e. the data will be iterated', u'over, each time rejecting points that are more than a specified number of', u'standard deviations discrepant.', u'', u'.. note::', u' `scipy.stats.sigmaclip` provides a subset of the functionality in this', u' function.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data** : array-like', u'', u' The data to be sigma-clipped (any shape).', u'', u' **sig** : float', u'', u' The number of standard deviations (*not* variances) to use as the', u' clipping limit.', u'', u' **iters** : int or None', u'', u' The number of iterations to perform clipping for, or None to clip until', u' convergence is achieved (i.e. continue until the last iteration clips', u' nothing).', u'', u' **cenfunc** : callable', u'', u' The technique to compute the center for the clipping. Must be a', u' callable that takes in a masked array and outputs the central value.', u' Defaults to the median (numpy.median).', u'', u' **varfunc** : callable', u'', u' The technique to compute the standard deviation about the center. Must', u' be a callable that takes in a masked array and outputs a width', u' estimator. Defaults to the standard deviation (numpy.var).', u'', u' **axis** : int or None', u'', u' If not None, clip along the given axis. For this case, axis=int will', u' be passed on to cenfunc and varfunc, which are expected to return an', u' array with the axis dimension removed (like the numpy functions).', u' If None, clip over all values. Defaults to None.', u'', u' **copy** : bool', u'', u' If True, the data array will be copied. If False, the masked array', u' data will contain the same array as `data`. Defaults to True.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **filtered_data** : `numpy.masked.MaskedArray`', u'', u' A masked array with the same shape as `data` input, where the points', u' rejected by the algorithm have been masked.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'1. The routine works by calculating', u'', u' deviation = data - cenfunc(data [,axis=int])', u'', u' and then setting a mask for points outside the range', u'', u' data.mask = deviation**2 > sig**2 * varfunc(deviation)', u'', u' It will iterate a given number of times, or until no further points are', u' rejected.', u'', u'2. Most numpy functions deal well with masked arrays, but if one would', u' like to have an array with just the good (or bad) values, one can use::', u'', u' good_only =[~filtered_data.mask]', u' bad_only =[filtered_data.mask]', u'', u' However, for multidimensional data, this flattens the array, which may', u' not be what one wants (especially is filtering was done along an axis).', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will generate random variates from a Gaussian distribution and return', u'a masked array in which all points that are more than 2 *sample* standard', u'deviation from the median are masked::', u'', u' >>> from astropy.stats import sigma_clip', u' >>> from numpy.random import randn', u' >>> randvar = randn(10000)', u' >>> filtered_data = sigma_clip(randvar, 2, 1)', u'', u'This will clipping on a similar distribution, but for 3 sigma relative to', u'the sample *mean*, will clip until converged, and does not copy the data::', u'', u' >>> from astropy.stats import sigma_clip', u' >>> from numpy.random import randn', u' >>> from numpy import mean', u' >>> randvar = randn(10000)', u' >>> filtered_data = sigma_clip(randvar, 3, None, mean, copy=False)', u'', u'This will clip along one axis on a similar distribution with bad points', u'inserted::', u'', u' >>> from astropy.stats import sigma_clip', u' >>> from numpy.random import normal', u' >>> from numpy import arange, diag, ones', u' >>> data = arange(5)+normal(0.,0.05,(5,5))+diag(ones(5))', u' >>> filtered_data = sigma_clip(data, axis=0, sig=2.3)', u'', u'Note that along the other axis, no points would be masked, as the variance', u'is higher.']:51: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data
[u'sigma_clip(data, sig=3, iters=1, cenfunc=<function median at 0x10afd9140>, varfunc=<function var at 0x10a61ac80>, axis=None, copy=True)', u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Perform sigma-clipping on the provided data.', u'', u'This performs the sigma clipping algorithm - i.e. the data will be iterated', u'over, each time rejecting points that are more than a specified number of', u'standard deviations discrepant.', u'', u'.. note::', u' `scipy.stats.sigmaclip` provides a subset of the functionality in this', u' function.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data** : array-like', u'', u' The data to be sigma-clipped (any shape).', u'', u' **sig** : float', u'', u' The number of standard deviations (*not* variances) to use as the', u' clipping limit.', u'', u' **iters** : int or None', u'', u' The number of iterations to perform clipping for, or None to clip until', u' convergence is achieved (i.e. continue until the last iteration clips', u' nothing).', u'', u' **cenfunc** : callable', u'', u' The technique to compute the center for the clipping. Must be a', u' callable that takes in a masked array and outputs the central value.', u' Defaults to the median (numpy.median).', u'', u' **varfunc** : callable', u'', u' The technique to compute the standard deviation about the center. Must', u' be a callable that takes in a masked array and outputs a width', u' estimator. Defaults to the standard deviation (numpy.var).', u'', u' **axis** : int or None', u'', u' If not None, clip along the given axis. For this case, axis=int will', u' be passed on to cenfunc and varfunc, which are expected to return an', u' array with the axis dimension removed (like the numpy functions).', u' If None, clip over all values. Defaults to None.', u'', u' **copy** : bool', u'', u' If True, the data array will be copied. If False, the masked array', u' data will contain the same array as `data`. Defaults to True.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **filtered_data** : `numpy.masked.MaskedArray`', u'', u' A masked array with the same shape as `data` input, where the points', u' rejected by the algorithm have been masked.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'1. The routine works by calculating', u'', u' deviation = data - cenfunc(data [,axis=int])', u'', u' and then setting a mask for points outside the range', u'', u' data.mask = deviation**2 > sig**2 * varfunc(deviation)', u'', u' It will iterate a given number of times, or until no further points are', u' rejected.', u'', u'2. Most numpy functions deal well with masked arrays, but if one would', u' like to have an array with just the good (or bad) values, one can use::', u'', u' good_only =[~filtered_data.mask]', u' bad_only =[filtered_data.mask]', u'', u' However, for multidimensional data, this flattens the array, which may', u' not be what one wants (especially is filtering was done along an axis).', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will generate random variates from a Gaussian distribution and return', u'a masked array in which all points that are more than 2 *sample* standard', u'deviation from the median are masked::', u'', u' >>> from astropy.stats import sigma_clip', u' >>> from numpy.random import randn', u' >>> randvar = randn(10000)', u' >>> filtered_data = sigma_clip(randvar, 2, 1)', u'', u'This will clipping on a similar distribution, but for 3 sigma relative to', u'the sample *mean*, will clip until converged, and does not copy the data::', u'', u' >>> from astropy.stats import sigma_clip', u' >>> from numpy.random import randn', u' >>> from numpy import mean', u' >>> randvar = randn(10000)', u' >>> filtered_data = sigma_clip(randvar, 3, None, mean, copy=False)', u'', u'This will clip along one axis on a similar distribution with bad points', u'inserted::', u'', u' >>> from astropy.stats import sigma_clip', u' >>> from numpy.random import normal', u' >>> from numpy import arange, diag, ones', u' >>> data = arange(5)+normal(0.,0.05,(5,5))+diag(ones(5))', u' >>> filtered_data = sigma_clip(data, axis=0, sig=2.3)', u'', u'Note that along the other axis, no points would be masked, as the variance', u'is higher.']:56: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: numpy.masked.MaskedArray
[u'sigma_clip(data, sig=3, iters=1, cenfunc=<function median at 0x10afd9140>, varfunc=<function var at 0x10a61ac80>, axis=None, copy=True)', u':module: astropy.stats.funcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Perform sigma-clipping on the provided data.', u'', u'This performs the sigma clipping algorithm - i.e. the data will be iterated', u'over, each time rejecting points that are more than a specified number of', u'standard deviations discrepant.', u'', u'.. note::', u' `scipy.stats.sigmaclip` provides a subset of the functionality in this', u' function.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data** : array-like', u'', u' The data to be sigma-clipped (any shape).', u'', u' **sig** : float', u'', u' The number of standard deviations (*not* variances) to use as the', u' clipping limit.', u'', u' **iters** : int or None', u'', u' The number of iterations to perform clipping for, or None to clip until', u' convergence is achieved (i.e. continue until the last iteration clips', u' nothing).', u'', u' **cenfunc** : callable', u'', u' The technique to compute the center for the clipping. Must be a', u' callable that takes in a masked array and outputs the central value.', u' Defaults to the median (numpy.median).', u'', u' **varfunc** : callable', u'', u' The technique to compute the standard deviation about the center. Must', u' be a callable that takes in a masked array and outputs a width', u' estimator. Defaults to the standard deviation (numpy.var).', u'', u' **axis** : int or None', u'', u' If not None, clip along the given axis. For this case, axis=int will', u' be passed on to cenfunc and varfunc, which are expected to return an', u' array with the axis dimension removed (like the numpy functions).', u' If None, clip over all values. Defaults to None.', u'', u' **copy** : bool', u'', u' If True, the data array will be copied. If False, the masked array', u' data will contain the same array as `data`. Defaults to True.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **filtered_data** : `numpy.masked.MaskedArray`', u'', u' A masked array with the same shape as `data` input, where the points', u' rejected by the algorithm have been masked.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'1. The routine works by calculating', u'', u' deviation = data - cenfunc(data [,axis=int])', u'', u' and then setting a mask for points outside the range', u'', u' data.mask = deviation**2 > sig**2 * varfunc(deviation)', u'', u' It will iterate a given number of times, or until no further points are', u' rejected.', u'', u'2. Most numpy functions deal well with masked arrays, but if one would', u' like to have an array with just the good (or bad) values, one can use::', u'', u' good_only =[~filtered_data.mask]', u' bad_only =[filtered_data.mask]', u'', u' However, for multidimensional data, this flattens the array, which may', u' not be what one wants (especially is filtering was done along an axis).', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will generate random variates from a Gaussian distribution and return', u'a masked array in which all points that are more than 2 *sample* standard', u'deviation from the median are masked::', u'', u' >>> from astropy.stats import sigma_clip', u' >>> from numpy.random import randn', u' >>> randvar = randn(10000)', u' >>> filtered_data = sigma_clip(randvar, 2, 1)', u'', u'This will clipping on a similar distribution, but for 3 sigma relative to', u'the sample *mean*, will clip until converged, and does not copy the data::', u'', u' >>> from astropy.stats import sigma_clip', u' >>> from numpy.random import randn', u' >>> from numpy import mean', u' >>> randvar = randn(10000)', u' >>> filtered_data = sigma_clip(randvar, 3, None, mean, copy=False)', u'', u'This will clip along one axis on a similar distribution with bad points', u'inserted::', u'', u' >>> from astropy.stats import sigma_clip', u' >>> from numpy.random import normal', u' >>> from numpy import arange, diag, ones', u' >>> data = arange(5)+normal(0.,0.05,(5,5))+diag(ones(5))', u' >>> filtered_data = sigma_clip(data, axis=0, sig=2.3)', u'', u'Note that along the other axis, no points would be masked, as the variance', u'is higher.']:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data
table/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.Column
table/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.MaskedColumn
table/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.column.BaseColumn
[u'Column', u':module: astropy.table.column', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.table.column.BaseColumn`', u'', u'', u'', u'Define a data column for use in a Table object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data** : list, ndarray or None', u'', u' Column data values', u'', u' **name** : str', u'', u' Column name and key for reference within Table', u'', u' **dtype** : numpy.dtype compatible value', u'', u' Data type for column', u'', u' **shape** : tuple or ()', u'', u' Dimensions of a single row element in the column data', u'', u' **length** : int or 0', u'', u' Number of row elements in column data', u'', u' **description** : str or None', u'', u' Full description of column', u'', u' **unit** : str or None', u'', u' Physical unit', u'', u' **format** : str or None or function', u'', u' Format string for outputting column values. This can be an', u' "old-style" (``format % value``) or "new-style" (`str.format`)', u' format specification string or a function that accepts a single', u' value and returns a string.', u'', u' **meta** : dict-like or None', u'', u' Meta-data associated with the column', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'A Column can be created in two different ways:', u'', u'- Provide a ``data`` value but not ``shape`` or ``length`` (which are', u' inferred from the data).', u'', u' Examples::', u'', u" col = Column(data=[1, 2], name='name') # shape=(2,)", u" col = Column(data=[[1, 2], [3, 4]], name='name') # shape=(2, 2)", u" col = Column(data=[1, 2], name='name', dtype=float)", u" col = Column(data=np.array([1, 2]), name='name')", u" col = Column(data=['hello', 'world'], name='name')", u'', u' The ``dtype`` argument can be any value which is an acceptable', u' fixed-size data-type initializer for the numpy.dtype() method. See', u' `<>`_.', u' Examples include:', u'', u' - Python non-string type (float, int, bool)', u' - Numpy non-string type (e.g. np.float32, np.int64, np.bool)', u" - Numpy.dtype array-protocol type strings (e.g. 'i4', 'f8', 'S15')", u'', u' If no ``dtype`` value is provide then the type is inferred using', u' ``np.array(data)``.', u'', u'- Provide ``length`` and optionally ``shape``, but not ``data``', u'', u' Examples::', u'', u" col = Column(name='name', length=5)", u" col = Column(name='name', dtype=int, length=10, shape=(3,4))", u'', u' The default ``dtype`` is ``np.float64``. The ``shape`` argument is the', u' array shape of a single cell in the column.', u'', u'.. warning::', u'', u' In the next major release of `astropy` (0.3), the order of function', u' arguments for creating a |Column| will change. Currently the order is', u' ``Column(name, data, ...)``, but in 0.3 and later it will be', u' ``Column(data, name, ...)``. This improves consistency with |Table| and', u' `numpy`.', u'', u' In order to use the same code for Astropy 0.2 and 0.3, column objects', u' should always be created using named keyword arguments for ``data`` and', u" ``name``, for instance ``c = Column(data=[1, 2], name='col')``. When", u' Astropy 0.3 is released then the the keyword identifiers can be dropped,', u" allowing for ``c = Column([1, 2], 'c')``."]:87: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
[u'Column', u':module: astropy.table.column', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.table.column.BaseColumn`', u'', u'', u'', u'Define a data column for use in a Table object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data** : list, ndarray or None', u'', u' Column data values', u'', u' **name** : str', u'', u' Column name and key for reference within Table', u'', u' **dtype** : numpy.dtype compatible value', u'', u' Data type for column', u'', u' **shape** : tuple or ()', u'', u' Dimensions of a single row element in the column data', u'', u' **length** : int or 0', u'', u' Number of row elements in column data', u'', u' **description** : str or None', u'', u' Full description of column', u'', u' **unit** : str or None', u'', u' Physical unit', u'', u' **format** : str or None or function', u'', u' Format string for outputting column values. This can be an', u' "old-style" (``format % value``) or "new-style" (`str.format`)', u' format specification string or a function that accepts a single', u' value and returns a string.', u'', u' **meta** : dict-like or None', u'', u' Meta-data associated with the column', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'A Column can be created in two different ways:', u'', u'- Provide a ``data`` value but not ``shape`` or ``length`` (which are', u' inferred from the data).', u'', u' Examples::', u'', u" col = Column(data=[1, 2], name='name') # shape=(2,)", u" col = Column(data=[[1, 2], [3, 4]], name='name') # shape=(2, 2)", u" col = Column(data=[1, 2], name='name', dtype=float)", u" col = Column(data=np.array([1, 2]), name='name')", u" col = Column(data=['hello', 'world'], name='name')", u'', u' The ``dtype`` argument can be any value which is an acceptable', u' fixed-size data-type initializer for the numpy.dtype() method. See', u' `<>`_.', u' Examples include:', u'', u' - Python non-string type (float, int, bool)', u' - Numpy non-string type (e.g. np.float32, np.int64, np.bool)', u" - Numpy.dtype array-protocol type strings (e.g. 'i4', 'f8', 'S15')", u'', u' If no ``dtype`` value is provide then the type is inferred using', u' ``np.array(data)``.', u'', u'- Provide ``length`` and optionally ``shape``, but not ``data``', u'', u' Examples::', u'', u" col = Column(name='name', length=5)", u" col = Column(name='name', dtype=int, length=10, shape=(3,4))", u'', u' The default ``dtype`` is ``np.float64``. The ``shape`` argument is the', u' array shape of a single cell in the column.', u'', u'.. warning::', u'', u' In the next major release of `astropy` (0.3), the order of function', u' arguments for creating a |Column| will change. Currently the order is', u' ``Column(name, data, ...)``, but in 0.3 and later it will be', u' ``Column(data, name, ...)``. This improves consistency with |Table| and', u' `numpy`.', u'', u' In order to use the same code for Astropy 0.2 and 0.3, column objects', u' should always be created using named keyword arguments for ``data`` and', u" ``name``, for instance ``c = Column(data=[1, 2], name='col')``. When", u' Astropy 0.3 is released then the the keyword identifiers can be dropped,', u" allowing for ``c = Column([1, 2], 'c')``."]:87: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.Column
table/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.Column
table/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.MaskedColumn
table/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
[u'MaskedColumn', u':module: astropy.table.column', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.table.column.Column`, :class:``', u'', u'', u'', u'Define a masked data column for use in a Table object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data** : list, ndarray or None', u'', u' Column data values', u'', u' **name** : str', u'', u' Column name and key for reference within Table', u'', u' **mask** : list, ndarray or None', u'', u' Boolean mask for which True indicates missing or invalid data', u'', u' **fill_value** : float, int, str or None', u'', u' Value used when filling masked column elements', u'', u' **dtype** : numpy.dtype compatible value', u'', u' Data type for column', u'', u' **shape** : tuple or ()', u'', u' Dimensions of a single row element in the column data', u'', u' **length** : int or 0', u'', u' Number of row elements in column data', u'', u' **description** : str or None', u'', u' Full description of column', u'', u' **unit** : str or None', u'', u' Physical unit', u'', u' **format** : str or None or function', u'', u' Format string for outputting column values. This can be an', u' "old-style" (``format % value``) or "new-style" (`str.format`)', u' format specification string or a function that accepts a single', u' value and returns a string.', u'', u' **meta** : dict-like or None', u'', u' Meta-data associated with the column', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'A MaskedColumn is similar to a Column except that it includes ``mask`` and', u'``fill_value`` attributes. It can be created in two different ways:', u'', u'- Provide a ``data`` value but not ``shape`` or ``length`` (which are', u' inferred from the data).', u'', u' Examples::', u'', u" col = MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2], name='name')", u" col = MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2], name='name', mask=[True, False])", u" col = MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2], name='name', dtype=float, fill_value=99)", u'', u' The ``mask`` argument will be cast as a boolean array and specifies', u' which elements are considered to be missing or invalid.', u'', u' The ``dtype`` argument can be any value which is an acceptable', u' fixed-size data-type initializer for the numpy.dtype() method. See', u' `<>`_.', u' Examples include:', u'', u' - Python non-string type (float, int, bool)', u' - Numpy non-string type (e.g. np.float32, np.int64, np.bool)', u" - Numpy.dtype array-protocol type strings (e.g. 'i4', 'f8', 'S15')", u'', u' If no ``dtype`` value is provide then the type is inferred using', u' ``np.array(data)``. When ``data`` is provided then the ``shape``', u' and ``length`` arguments are ignored.', u'', u'- Provide ``length`` and optionally ``shape``, but not ``data``', u'', u' Examples::', u'', u" col = MaskedColumn(name='name', length=5)", u" col = MaskedColumn(name='name', dtype=int, length=10, shape=(3,4))", u'', u' The default ``dtype`` is ``np.float64``. The ``shape`` argument is the', u' array shape of a single cell in the column.', u'', u'.. warning::', u'', u' In the next major release of `astropy` (0.3), the order of function', u' arguments for creating a |MaskedColumn| will change. Currently the order is', u' ``MaskedColumn(name, data, ...)``, but in 0.3 and later it will be', u' ``MaskedColumn(data, name, ...)``. This improves consistency with |Table|', u' and `numpy`.', u'', u' In order to use the same code for Astropy 0.2 and 0.3, column objects', u' should always be created using named keyword arguments for ``data`` and', u" ``name``, for instance ``c = MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2], name='col')``. When", u' Astropy 0.3 is released then the the keyword identifiers can be dropped,', u" allowing for ``c = MaskedColumn([1, 2], 'c')``.", u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u'', u' ~MaskedColumn.fill_value', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~MaskedColumn.filled', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: data', u'.. autoattribute:: fill_value', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. automethod:: filled']:98: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
[u'MaskedColumn', u':module: astropy.table.column', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.table.column.Column`, :class:``', u'', u'', u'', u'Define a masked data column for use in a Table object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data** : list, ndarray or None', u'', u' Column data values', u'', u' **name** : str', u'', u' Column name and key for reference within Table', u'', u' **mask** : list, ndarray or None', u'', u' Boolean mask for which True indicates missing or invalid data', u'', u' **fill_value** : float, int, str or None', u'', u' Value used when filling masked column elements', u'', u' **dtype** : numpy.dtype compatible value', u'', u' Data type for column', u'', u' **shape** : tuple or ()', u'', u' Dimensions of a single row element in the column data', u'', u' **length** : int or 0', u'', u' Number of row elements in column data', u'', u' **description** : str or None', u'', u' Full description of column', u'', u' **unit** : str or None', u'', u' Physical unit', u'', u' **format** : str or None or function', u'', u' Format string for outputting column values. This can be an', u' "old-style" (``format % value``) or "new-style" (`str.format`)', u' format specification string or a function that accepts a single', u' value and returns a string.', u'', u' **meta** : dict-like or None', u'', u' Meta-data associated with the column', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'A MaskedColumn is similar to a Column except that it includes ``mask`` and', u'``fill_value`` attributes. It can be created in two different ways:', u'', u'- Provide a ``data`` value but not ``shape`` or ``length`` (which are', u' inferred from the data).', u'', u' Examples::', u'', u" col = MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2], name='name')", u" col = MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2], name='name', mask=[True, False])", u" col = MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2], name='name', dtype=float, fill_value=99)", u'', u' The ``mask`` argument will be cast as a boolean array and specifies', u' which elements are considered to be missing or invalid.', u'', u' The ``dtype`` argument can be any value which is an acceptable', u' fixed-size data-type initializer for the numpy.dtype() method. See', u' `<>`_.', u' Examples include:', u'', u' - Python non-string type (float, int, bool)', u' - Numpy non-string type (e.g. np.float32, np.int64, np.bool)', u" - Numpy.dtype array-protocol type strings (e.g. 'i4', 'f8', 'S15')", u'', u' If no ``dtype`` value is provide then the type is inferred using', u' ``np.array(data)``. When ``data`` is provided then the ``shape``', u' and ``length`` arguments are ignored.', u'', u'- Provide ``length`` and optionally ``shape``, but not ``data``', u'', u' Examples::', u'', u" col = MaskedColumn(name='name', length=5)", u" col = MaskedColumn(name='name', dtype=int, length=10, shape=(3,4))", u'', u' The default ``dtype`` is ``np.float64``. The ``shape`` argument is the', u' array shape of a single cell in the column.', u'', u'.. warning::', u'', u' In the next major release of `astropy` (0.3), the order of function', u' arguments for creating a |MaskedColumn| will change. Currently the order is', u' ``MaskedColumn(name, data, ...)``, but in 0.3 and later it will be', u' ``MaskedColumn(data, name, ...)``. This improves consistency with |Table|', u' and `numpy`.', u'', u' In order to use the same code for Astropy 0.2 and 0.3, column objects', u' should always be created using named keyword arguments for ``data`` and', u" ``name``, for instance ``c = MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2], name='col')``. When", u' Astropy 0.3 is released then the the keyword identifiers can be dropped,', u" allowing for ``c = MaskedColumn([1, 2], 'c')``.", u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u'', u' ~MaskedColumn.fill_value', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~MaskedColumn.filled', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: data', u'.. autoattribute:: fill_value', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. automethod:: filled']:98: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.MaskedColumn
table/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.Column
table/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.MaskedColumn
table/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.Column
table/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.MaskedColumn
table/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.Column
table/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.MaskedColumn
table/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.Column
table/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.MaskedColumn
table/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.Column
table/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.MaskedColumn
table/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
table/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.Column
table/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.MaskedColumn
table/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.table.table.Table.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: NDData
table/references.txt:6: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: GroupedTable
internal padding after table/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: max_lines
internal padding after table/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: max_lines
internal padding after table/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.pprint.MAX_LINES
internal padding after table/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: max_lines
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.table.table.Table.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.pprint.MAX_WIDTH
table/references.txt:6: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: max_lines
table/references.txt:6: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: max_lines
table/references.txt:6: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.pprint.MAX_LINES
table/references.txt:6: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: max_lines
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.table.table.Table.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.pprint.MAX_WIDTH
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.table.table.Table.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: max_lines
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.table.table.Table.rst:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: JSViewer
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.table.table.Table.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: JSViewer
table/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.Column
table/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.table.MaskedColumn
time/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.utils.iers.IERS
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.utils.iers
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: IndexError
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: return_status`=`True
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.utils.iers.FROM_IERS_B
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.utils.iers.FROM_IERS_A
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.utils.iers.FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.utils.iers.TIME_BEFORE_IERS_RANGE
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.utils.iers.TIME_BEYOND_IERS_RANGE
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:48: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.utils.iers
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: datetime.utcnow
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astro.coordinates.Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Longitude
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: lon
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.Time.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Longitude
time/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.time.core.TimeUnique
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.time.core.TimeDelta.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.TimeDelta
time/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
time/references.txt:2: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.time.core.TimeUnique
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.cds.enable.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Unit.find_equivalent_units
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.cds.enable.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Unit.compose
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.CompositeUnit.rst:12: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Unit(...)
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.PrefixUnit.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: mm
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.Unit.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: parse_strict
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.UnitBase.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.UnitBase.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: self
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.UnitBase.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: other
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.UnitBase.rst:40: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: u
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.UnitBase.rst:40: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: EquivalentUnitsList
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.UnitBase.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: self
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.UnitBase.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: other
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.core.UnitBase.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.format.Base
[u'add_enabled_equivalencies(equivalencies)', u':module: astropy.units.core', u'', u'', u'', u'Adds to the equivalencies enabled in the unit registry.', u'', u'These equivalencies are used if no explicit equivalencies are given,', u'both in unit conversion and in finding equivalent units.', u'', u'This is meant in particular for allowing angles to be dimensionless.', u'Since no equivalencies are enabled by default, generally it is recommended', u'to use `set_enabled_equivalencies`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **equivalencies** : list of equivalent pairs', u'', u' E.g., as returned by `astropy.units.angles_dimensionless`.']:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.angles_dimensionless
[u'def_unit(s, represents=None, register=None, doc=None, format=None, prefixes=False, exclude_prefixes=[], namespace=None)', u':module: astropy.units.core', u'', u'', u'', u'Factory function for defining new units.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **names** : str or list of str', u'', u' The name of the unit. If a list, the first element is the', u' canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements are', u' aliases.', u' ', u'', u' **represents** : UnitBase instance, optional', u'', u' The unit that this named unit represents. If not provided,', u' a new `IrreducibleUnit` is created.', u' ', u'', u' **doc** : str, optional', u'', u' A docstring describing the unit.', u' ', u'', u' **format** : dict, optional', u'', u' A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit.', u' For example, for the ``Ohm`` unit, it might be nice to', u' have it displayed as ``\\Omega`` by the ``latex``', u' formatter. In that case, `format` argument should be set', u' to::', u' ', u" {'latex': r'\\Omega'}", u' ', u'', u' **prefixes** : bool or list, optional', u'', u' When `True`, generate all of the SI prefixed versions of the', u' unit as well. For example, for a given unit `m`, will', u' generate `mm`, `cm`, `km`, etc. When a list, it is a list of', u' prefix definitions of the form:', u' ', u' (short_names, long_tables, factor)', u' ', u' Default is `False`. This function always returns the base', u' unit object, even if multiple scaled versions of the unit were', u' created.', u' ', u'', u' **exclude_prefixes** : list of str, optional', u'', u' If any of the SI prefixes need to be excluded, they may be', u' listed here. For example, `Pa` can be interpreted either as', u' "petaannum" or "Pascal". Therefore, when defining the', u' prefixes for `a`, `exclude_prefixes` should be set to', u' ``["P"]``.', u' ', u'', u' **namespace** : dict, optional', u'', u' When provided, inject the unit (and all of its aliases and', u' prefixes), into the given namespace dictionary.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **unit** : `UnitBase` object', u'', u' The newly-defined unit, or a matching unit that was already', u' defined.']:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: m
[u'def_unit(s, represents=None, register=None, doc=None, format=None, prefixes=False, exclude_prefixes=[], namespace=None)', u':module: astropy.units.core', u'', u'', u'', u'Factory function for defining new units.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **names** : str or list of str', u'', u' The name of the unit. If a list, the first element is the', u' canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements are', u' aliases.', u' ', u'', u' **represents** : UnitBase instance, optional', u'', u' The unit that this named unit represents. If not provided,', u' a new `IrreducibleUnit` is created.', u' ', u'', u' **doc** : str, optional', u'', u' A docstring describing the unit.', u' ', u'', u' **format** : dict, optional', u'', u' A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit.', u' For example, for the ``Ohm`` unit, it might be nice to', u' have it displayed as ``\\Omega`` by the ``latex``', u' formatter. In that case, `format` argument should be set', u' to::', u' ', u" {'latex': r'\\Omega'}", u' ', u'', u' **prefixes** : bool or list, optional', u'', u' When `True`, generate all of the SI prefixed versions of the', u' unit as well. For example, for a given unit `m`, will', u' generate `mm`, `cm`, `km`, etc. When a list, it is a list of', u' prefix definitions of the form:', u' ', u' (short_names, long_tables, factor)', u' ', u' Default is `False`. This function always returns the base', u' unit object, even if multiple scaled versions of the unit were', u' created.', u' ', u'', u' **exclude_prefixes** : list of str, optional', u'', u' If any of the SI prefixes need to be excluded, they may be', u' listed here. For example, `Pa` can be interpreted either as', u' "petaannum" or "Pascal". Therefore, when defining the', u' prefixes for `a`, `exclude_prefixes` should be set to', u' ``["P"]``.', u' ', u'', u' **namespace** : dict, optional', u'', u' When provided, inject the unit (and all of its aliases and', u' prefixes), into the given namespace dictionary.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **unit** : `UnitBase` object', u'', u' The newly-defined unit, or a matching unit that was already', u' defined.']:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: mm
[u'def_unit(s, represents=None, register=None, doc=None, format=None, prefixes=False, exclude_prefixes=[], namespace=None)', u':module: astropy.units.core', u'', u'', u'', u'Factory function for defining new units.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **names** : str or list of str', u'', u' The name of the unit. If a list, the first element is the', u' canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements are', u' aliases.', u' ', u'', u' **represents** : UnitBase instance, optional', u'', u' The unit that this named unit represents. If not provided,', u' a new `IrreducibleUnit` is created.', u' ', u'', u' **doc** : str, optional', u'', u' A docstring describing the unit.', u' ', u'', u' **format** : dict, optional', u'', u' A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit.', u' For example, for the ``Ohm`` unit, it might be nice to', u' have it displayed as ``\\Omega`` by the ``latex``', u' formatter. In that case, `format` argument should be set', u' to::', u' ', u" {'latex': r'\\Omega'}", u' ', u'', u' **prefixes** : bool or list, optional', u'', u' When `True`, generate all of the SI prefixed versions of the', u' unit as well. For example, for a given unit `m`, will', u' generate `mm`, `cm`, `km`, etc. When a list, it is a list of', u' prefix definitions of the form:', u' ', u' (short_names, long_tables, factor)', u' ', u' Default is `False`. This function always returns the base', u' unit object, even if multiple scaled versions of the unit were', u' created.', u' ', u'', u' **exclude_prefixes** : list of str, optional', u'', u' If any of the SI prefixes need to be excluded, they may be', u' listed here. For example, `Pa` can be interpreted either as', u' "petaannum" or "Pascal". Therefore, when defining the', u' prefixes for `a`, `exclude_prefixes` should be set to', u' ``["P"]``.', u' ', u'', u' **namespace** : dict, optional', u'', u' When provided, inject the unit (and all of its aliases and', u' prefixes), into the given namespace dictionary.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **unit** : `UnitBase` object', u'', u' The newly-defined unit, or a matching unit that was already', u' defined.']:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cm
[u'def_unit(s, represents=None, register=None, doc=None, format=None, prefixes=False, exclude_prefixes=[], namespace=None)', u':module: astropy.units.core', u'', u'', u'', u'Factory function for defining new units.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **names** : str or list of str', u'', u' The name of the unit. If a list, the first element is the', u' canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements are', u' aliases.', u' ', u'', u' **represents** : UnitBase instance, optional', u'', u' The unit that this named unit represents. If not provided,', u' a new `IrreducibleUnit` is created.', u' ', u'', u' **doc** : str, optional', u'', u' A docstring describing the unit.', u' ', u'', u' **format** : dict, optional', u'', u' A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit.', u' For example, for the ``Ohm`` unit, it might be nice to', u' have it displayed as ``\\Omega`` by the ``latex``', u' formatter. In that case, `format` argument should be set', u' to::', u' ', u" {'latex': r'\\Omega'}", u' ', u'', u' **prefixes** : bool or list, optional', u'', u' When `True`, generate all of the SI prefixed versions of the', u' unit as well. For example, for a given unit `m`, will', u' generate `mm`, `cm`, `km`, etc. When a list, it is a list of', u' prefix definitions of the form:', u' ', u' (short_names, long_tables, factor)', u' ', u' Default is `False`. This function always returns the base', u' unit object, even if multiple scaled versions of the unit were', u' created.', u' ', u'', u' **exclude_prefixes** : list of str, optional', u'', u' If any of the SI prefixes need to be excluded, they may be', u' listed here. For example, `Pa` can be interpreted either as', u' "petaannum" or "Pascal". Therefore, when defining the', u' prefixes for `a`, `exclude_prefixes` should be set to', u' ``["P"]``.', u' ', u'', u' **namespace** : dict, optional', u'', u' When provided, inject the unit (and all of its aliases and', u' prefixes), into the given namespace dictionary.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **unit** : `UnitBase` object', u'', u' The newly-defined unit, or a matching unit that was already', u' defined.']:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: km
[u'def_unit(s, represents=None, register=None, doc=None, format=None, prefixes=False, exclude_prefixes=[], namespace=None)', u':module: astropy.units.core', u'', u'', u'', u'Factory function for defining new units.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **names** : str or list of str', u'', u' The name of the unit. If a list, the first element is the', u' canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements are', u' aliases.', u' ', u'', u' **represents** : UnitBase instance, optional', u'', u' The unit that this named unit represents. If not provided,', u' a new `IrreducibleUnit` is created.', u' ', u'', u' **doc** : str, optional', u'', u' A docstring describing the unit.', u' ', u'', u' **format** : dict, optional', u'', u' A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit.', u' For example, for the ``Ohm`` unit, it might be nice to', u' have it displayed as ``\\Omega`` by the ``latex``', u' formatter. In that case, `format` argument should be set', u' to::', u' ', u" {'latex': r'\\Omega'}", u' ', u'', u' **prefixes** : bool or list, optional', u'', u' When `True`, generate all of the SI prefixed versions of the', u' unit as well. For example, for a given unit `m`, will', u' generate `mm`, `cm`, `km`, etc. When a list, it is a list of', u' prefix definitions of the form:', u' ', u' (short_names, long_tables, factor)', u' ', u' Default is `False`. This function always returns the base', u' unit object, even if multiple scaled versions of the unit were', u' created.', u' ', u'', u' **exclude_prefixes** : list of str, optional', u'', u' If any of the SI prefixes need to be excluded, they may be', u' listed here. For example, `Pa` can be interpreted either as', u' "petaannum" or "Pascal". Therefore, when defining the', u' prefixes for `a`, `exclude_prefixes` should be set to', u' ``["P"]``.', u' ', u'', u' **namespace** : dict, optional', u'', u' When provided, inject the unit (and all of its aliases and', u' prefixes), into the given namespace dictionary.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **unit** : `UnitBase` object', u'', u' The newly-defined unit, or a matching unit that was already', u' defined.']:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Pa
[u'def_unit(s, represents=None, register=None, doc=None, format=None, prefixes=False, exclude_prefixes=[], namespace=None)', u':module: astropy.units.core', u'', u'', u'', u'Factory function for defining new units.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **names** : str or list of str', u'', u' The name of the unit. If a list, the first element is the', u' canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements are', u' aliases.', u' ', u'', u' **represents** : UnitBase instance, optional', u'', u' The unit that this named unit represents. If not provided,', u' a new `IrreducibleUnit` is created.', u' ', u'', u' **doc** : str, optional', u'', u' A docstring describing the unit.', u' ', u'', u' **format** : dict, optional', u'', u' A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit.', u' For example, for the ``Ohm`` unit, it might be nice to', u' have it displayed as ``\\Omega`` by the ``latex``', u' formatter. In that case, `format` argument should be set', u' to::', u' ', u" {'latex': r'\\Omega'}", u' ', u'', u' **prefixes** : bool or list, optional', u'', u' When `True`, generate all of the SI prefixed versions of the', u' unit as well. For example, for a given unit `m`, will', u' generate `mm`, `cm`, `km`, etc. When a list, it is a list of', u' prefix definitions of the form:', u' ', u' (short_names, long_tables, factor)', u' ', u' Default is `False`. This function always returns the base', u' unit object, even if multiple scaled versions of the unit were', u' created.', u' ', u'', u' **exclude_prefixes** : list of str, optional', u'', u' If any of the SI prefixes need to be excluded, they may be', u' listed here. For example, `Pa` can be interpreted either as', u' "petaannum" or "Pascal". Therefore, when defining the', u' prefixes for `a`, `exclude_prefixes` should be set to', u' ``["P"]``.', u' ', u'', u' **namespace** : dict, optional', u'', u' When provided, inject the unit (and all of its aliases and', u' prefixes), into the given namespace dictionary.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **unit** : `UnitBase` object', u'', u' The newly-defined unit, or a matching unit that was already', u' defined.']:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: a
[u'def_unit(s, represents=None, register=None, doc=None, format=None, prefixes=False, exclude_prefixes=[], namespace=None)', u':module: astropy.units.core', u'', u'', u'', u'Factory function for defining new units.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **names** : str or list of str', u'', u' The name of the unit. If a list, the first element is the', u' canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements are', u' aliases.', u' ', u'', u' **represents** : UnitBase instance, optional', u'', u' The unit that this named unit represents. If not provided,', u' a new `IrreducibleUnit` is created.', u' ', u'', u' **doc** : str, optional', u'', u' A docstring describing the unit.', u' ', u'', u' **format** : dict, optional', u'', u' A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit.', u' For example, for the ``Ohm`` unit, it might be nice to', u' have it displayed as ``\\Omega`` by the ``latex``', u' formatter. In that case, `format` argument should be set', u' to::', u' ', u" {'latex': r'\\Omega'}", u' ', u'', u' **prefixes** : bool or list, optional', u'', u' When `True`, generate all of the SI prefixed versions of the', u' unit as well. For example, for a given unit `m`, will', u' generate `mm`, `cm`, `km`, etc. When a list, it is a list of', u' prefix definitions of the form:', u' ', u' (short_names, long_tables, factor)', u' ', u' Default is `False`. This function always returns the base', u' unit object, even if multiple scaled versions of the unit were', u' created.', u' ', u'', u' **exclude_prefixes** : list of str, optional', u'', u' If any of the SI prefixes need to be excluded, they may be', u' listed here. For example, `Pa` can be interpreted either as', u' "petaannum" or "Pascal". Therefore, when defining the', u' prefixes for `a`, `exclude_prefixes` should be set to', u' ``["P"]``.', u' ', u'', u' **namespace** : dict, optional', u'', u' When provided, inject the unit (and all of its aliases and', u' prefixes), into the given namespace dictionary.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **unit** : `UnitBase` object', u'', u' The newly-defined unit, or a matching unit that was already', u' defined.']:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: exclude_prefixes
[u'set_enabled_equivalencies(equivalencies)', u':module: astropy.units.core', u'', u'', u'', u'Sets the equivalencies enabled in the unit registry.', u'', u'These equivalencies are used if no explicit equivalencies are given,', u'both in unit conversion and in finding equivalent units.', u'', u'This is meant in particular for allowing angles to be dimensionless.', u'Use with care.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **equivalencies** : list of equivalent pairs', u'', u' E.g., as returned by `astropy.units.angles_dimensionless`.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Exponentiation normally requires dimensionless quantities. To avoid', u'problems with complex phases::', u'', u' >>> from astropy import units as u', u' >>> with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()):', u' ... phase = 0.5 * u.cycle', u' ... np.exp(1j*phase) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS', u' <Quantity (-1+...j)>']:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.angles_dimensionless
[u'brightness_temperature(beam_area, disp)', u':module: astropy.units.equivalencies', u'', u'', u'', u'"Antenna Gain" or "sensitivity" equivalency: Defines the conversion between', u'Jy/beam and "brightness temperature", :math:`T_B`, in Kelvins. This is a', u'unit very commonly used in radio astronomy. Typically, the gain refers to', u'the conversion between corrected antenna temperature :math:`T_A^*` and flux', u'density. See, e.g., "Tools of Radio Astronomy" (Wilson 2009) eqn 8.16 and', u'eqn 8.19 (these pages are available on `google books', u'<>`__).', u'', u':math:`T_B \\equiv S_\\nu / \\left(2 k \\nu^2 / c^2 \\right)`', u'', u'However, the beam area is essential for this computation: the brighntess', u'temperature is inversely proportional to the beam area', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **beam_area** : Beam Area equivalent', u'', u' Beam area in angular units, i.e. steradian equivalent', u'', u' **disp** : `Quantity` with spectral units', u'', u' The observed `spectral` equivalent `Unit` (e.g., frequency or', u' wavelength)', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Arecibo C-band beam gain ~ 7 K/Jy::', u'', u' >>> import numpy as np', u' >>> from astropy import units as u', u' >>> beam_area = np.pi*(50*u.arcsec)**2', u' >>> freq = 5*u.GHz', u' >>>, equivalencies=u.brightness_temperature(beam_area,freq))', u' 7.052588858...', u' >>> (1*u.Jy).to(u.K, equivalencies=u.brightness_temperature(beam_area,freq))', u' <Quantity 7.05258...', u'', u'VLA synthetic beam::', u'', u' >>> beam_area = np.pi*(15*u.arcsec)**2', u' >>> freq = 5*u.GHz', u' >>>, equivalencies=u.brightness_temperature(beam_area,freq))', u' 78.36209843...']:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Quantity
[u'brightness_temperature(beam_area, disp)', u':module: astropy.units.equivalencies', u'', u'', u'', u'"Antenna Gain" or "sensitivity" equivalency: Defines the conversion between', u'Jy/beam and "brightness temperature", :math:`T_B`, in Kelvins. This is a', u'unit very commonly used in radio astronomy. Typically, the gain refers to', u'the conversion between corrected antenna temperature :math:`T_A^*` and flux', u'density. See, e.g., "Tools of Radio Astronomy" (Wilson 2009) eqn 8.16 and', u'eqn 8.19 (these pages are available on `google books', u'<>`__).', u'', u':math:`T_B \\equiv S_\\nu / \\left(2 k \\nu^2 / c^2 \\right)`', u'', u'However, the beam area is essential for this computation: the brighntess', u'temperature is inversely proportional to the beam area', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **beam_area** : Beam Area equivalent', u'', u' Beam area in angular units, i.e. steradian equivalent', u'', u' **disp** : `Quantity` with spectral units', u'', u' The observed `spectral` equivalent `Unit` (e.g., frequency or', u' wavelength)', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'Arecibo C-band beam gain ~ 7 K/Jy::', u'', u' >>> import numpy as np', u' >>> from astropy import units as u', u' >>> beam_area = np.pi*(50*u.arcsec)**2', u' >>> freq = 5*u.GHz', u' >>>, equivalencies=u.brightness_temperature(beam_area,freq))', u' 7.052588858...', u' >>> (1*u.Jy).to(u.K, equivalencies=u.brightness_temperature(beam_area,freq))', u' <Quantity 7.05258...', u'', u'VLA synthetic beam::', u'', u' >>> beam_area = np.pi*(15*u.arcsec)**2', u' >>> freq = 5*u.GHz', u' >>>, equivalencies=u.brightness_temperature(beam_area,freq))', u' 78.36209843...']:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.format.cds.CDS.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.units.format.base.Base
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.format.console.Console.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.units.format.base.Base
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.format.generic.Generic.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.units.format.base.Base
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.format.get_format.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.format.Base
[u'get_format(format=None)', u':module: astropy.units.format', u'', u'', u'', u'Get a formatter by name.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **format** : str or `astropy.units.format.Base` instance or subclass', u'', u' The name of the format, or the format instance or subclass', u' itself.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **format** : `astropy.units.format.Base` instance', u'', u' The requested formatter.']:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.format.Base
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.format.latex.Latex.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.units.format.base.Base
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.imperial.enable.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Unit.find_equivalent_units
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.imperial.enable.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Unit.compose
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.physical.def_physical_type.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.physical.get_physical_type.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: units
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: __array__
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: dtype
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase.decompose
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:17: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: UnitsError
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.UnitBase
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: units
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: []
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.units.quantity.Quantity.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.collections.HomogeneousList.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: list
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.collections.HomogeneousList.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: TypeError
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.console.ProgressBar.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.extern.six.Iterator
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.console.ProgressBar.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: with
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.console.ProgressBar.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: items
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.console.ProgressBarOrSpinner.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.console.ProgressBarOrSpinner.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: with
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.console.Spinner.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.console.Spinner.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: with
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.console.print_code_line.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: width
[u'print_code_line(line, col=None, file=None, tabwidth=8, width=70)', u':module: astropy.utils.console', u'', u'', u'', u'Prints a line of source code, highlighting a particular character', u'position in the line. Useful for displaying the context of error', u'messages.', u'', u'If the line is more than `width` characters, the line is truncated', u"accordingly and '\u2026' characters are inserted at the front and/or", u'end.', u'', u'It looks like this::', u'', u' there_is_a_syntax_error_here :', u' ^', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **line** : unicode', u'', u' The line of code to display', u' ', u'', u' **col** : int, optional', u'', u' The character in the line to highlight. `col` must be less', u' than `len(line)`.', u' ', u'', u' **file** : writeable file-like object, optional', u'', u' Where to write to. Defaults to `sys.stdout`.', u' ', u'', u' **tabwidth** : int, optional', u'', u" The number of spaces per tab (``'\\t'``) character. Default", u' is 8. All tabs will be converted to spaces to ensure that the', u' caret lines up with the correct column.', u' ', u'', u' **width** : int, optional', u'', u' The width of the display, beyond which the line will be', u' truncated. Defaults to 70 (this matches the default in the', u" standard library's `textwrap` module)."]:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: col
[u'print_code_line(line, col=None, file=None, tabwidth=8, width=70)', u':module: astropy.utils.console', u'', u'', u'', u'Prints a line of source code, highlighting a particular character', u'position in the line. Useful for displaying the context of error', u'messages.', u'', u'If the line is more than `width` characters, the line is truncated', u"accordingly and '\u2026' characters are inserted at the front and/or", u'end.', u'', u'It looks like this::', u'', u' there_is_a_syntax_error_here :', u' ^', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **line** : unicode', u'', u' The line of code to display', u' ', u'', u' **col** : int, optional', u'', u' The character in the line to highlight. `col` must be less', u' than `len(line)`.', u' ', u'', u' **file** : writeable file-like object, optional', u'', u' Where to write to. Defaults to `sys.stdout`.', u' ', u'', u' **tabwidth** : int, optional', u'', u" The number of spaces per tab (``'\\t'``) character. Default", u' is 8. All tabs will be converted to spaces to ensure that the', u' caret lines up with the correct column.', u' ', u'', u' **width** : int, optional', u'', u' The width of the display, beyond which the line will be', u' truncated. Defaults to 70 (this matches the default in the', u" standard library's `textwrap` module)."]:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: len(line)
[u'compute_hash(localfn)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Computes the MD5 hash for a file.', u'', u'The hash for a data file is used for looking up data files in a unique', u'fashion. This is of particular use for tests; a test may require a', u'particular version of a particular file, in which case it can be accessed', u'via hash to get the appropriate version.', u'', u'Typically, if you wish to write a test that requires a particular data', u'file, you will want to submit that file to the astropy data servers, and', u"use e.g. ``get_pkg_data_filename('hash/a725fa6ba642587436612c2df0451956')``,", u'but with the hash for your file in place of the hash in the example.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **localfn** : str', u'', u' The path to the file for which the hash should be generated.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **md5hash** : str', u'', u' The hex digest of the MD5 hash for the contents of the `localfn` file.']:25: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: localfn
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: encoding
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.pkname
[u'get_pkg_data_contents(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations and returns its', u'contents as a bytes object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' * A URL to some other file.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : bytes', u'', u' The complete contents of the file as a bytes object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data']:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u'get_pkg_data_contents(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations and returns its', u'contents as a bytes object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' * A URL to some other file.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : bytes', u'', u' The complete contents of the file as a bytes object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data']:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
[u'get_pkg_data_contents(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations and returns its', u'contents as a bytes object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' * A URL to some other file.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : bytes', u'', u' The complete contents of the file as a bytes object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data']:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: locale.getpreferredencoding()
[u'get_pkg_data_contents(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations and returns its', u'contents as a bytes object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' * A URL to some other file.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : bytes', u'', u' The complete contents of the file as a bytes object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data']:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: mode
[u'get_pkg_data_contents(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations and returns its', u'contents as a bytes object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' * A URL to some other file.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : bytes', u'', u' The complete contents of the file as a bytes object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 'binary'
[u'get_pkg_data_contents(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations and returns its', u'contents as a bytes object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' * A URL to some other file.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : bytes', u'', u' The complete contents of the file as a bytes object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u'get_pkg_data_contents(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations and returns its', u'contents as a bytes object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' * A URL to some other file.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : bytes', u'', u' The complete contents of the file as a bytes object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
[u'get_pkg_data_contents(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations and returns its', u'contents as a bytes object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' * A URL to some other file.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : bytes', u'', u' The complete contents of the file as a bytes object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data']:40: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u'get_pkg_data_contents(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations and returns its', u'contents as a bytes object.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' * A URL to some other file.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **contents** : bytes', u'', u' The complete contents of the file as a bytes object.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data']:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: urllib.request.urlopen
[u'get_pkg_data_filename(data_name, show_progress=True, remote_timeout=None)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides a local filename for the data.', u'', u'This function is similar to `get_pkg_data_fileobj` but returns the', u'file *name* instead of a readable file-like object. This means', u'that this function must always cache remote files locally, unlike', u'`get_pkg_data_fileobj`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **show_progress** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to display a progress bar if the file is downloaded', u' from a remote server. Default is `True`.', u' ', u'', u' **timeout** : float', u'', u' Timeout for the requests in seconds (default is the configurable', u' REMOTE_TIMEOUT, which is 3s by default)', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **filename** : str', u'', u' A file path on the local file system corresponding to the data', u' requested in `data_name`.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve the contents of the data file for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filename', u'', u" fn = get_pkg_data_filename('data/3d_cd.hdr')", u' with open(fn) as f:', u' fcontents =', u'', u'This retrieves a data file by hash either locally or from the astropy data', u'server::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filename', u'', u" fn = get_pkg_data_filename('hash/da34a7b07ef153eede67387bf950bb32')", u' with open(fn) as f:', u' fcontents =']:17: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.pkname
[u'get_pkg_data_filename(data_name, show_progress=True, remote_timeout=None)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides a local filename for the data.', u'', u'This function is similar to `get_pkg_data_fileobj` but returns the', u'file *name* instead of a readable file-like object. This means', u'that this function must always cache remote files locally, unlike', u'`get_pkg_data_fileobj`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **show_progress** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to display a progress bar if the file is downloaded', u' from a remote server. Default is `True`.', u' ', u'', u' **timeout** : float', u'', u' Timeout for the requests in seconds (default is the configurable', u' REMOTE_TIMEOUT, which is 3s by default)', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **filename** : str', u'', u' A file path on the local file system corresponding to the data', u' requested in `data_name`.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_fileobj`', u' returns a file-like object with the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve the contents of the data file for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filename', u'', u" fn = get_pkg_data_filename('data/3d_cd.hdr')", u' with open(fn) as f:', u' fcontents =', u'', u'This retrieves a data file by hash either locally or from the astropy data', u'server::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filename', u'', u" fn = get_pkg_data_filename('hash/da34a7b07ef153eede67387bf950bb32')", u' with open(fn) as f:', u' fcontents =']:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data_name
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.pkname
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.pkname
[u'get_pkg_data_fileobj(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides the file as a file-like object that reads bytes.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file-like', u'', u' An object with the contents of the data file available via', u' :func:`read`. Can be used as part of a ``with`` statement,', u' automatically closing itself after the ``with`` block.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve a data file and its contents for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('data/3d_cd.hdr') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This would download a data file from the astropy data server', u'because the ``standards/vega.fits`` file is not present in the', u'source distribution. It will also save the file locally so the', u"next time it is accessed it won't need to be downloaded.::", u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This does the same thing but does *not* cache it locally::', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits', cache=False) as fobj:", u' fcontents =']:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u'get_pkg_data_fileobj(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides the file as a file-like object that reads bytes.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file-like', u'', u' An object with the contents of the data file available via', u' :func:`read`. Can be used as part of a ``with`` statement,', u' automatically closing itself after the ``with`` block.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve a data file and its contents for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('data/3d_cd.hdr') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This would download a data file from the astropy data server', u'because the ``standards/vega.fits`` file is not present in the', u'source distribution. It will also save the file locally so the', u"next time it is accessed it won't need to be downloaded.::", u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This does the same thing but does *not* cache it locally::', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits', cache=False) as fobj:", u' fcontents =']:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
[u'get_pkg_data_fileobj(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides the file as a file-like object that reads bytes.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file-like', u'', u' An object with the contents of the data file available via', u' :func:`read`. Can be used as part of a ``with`` statement,', u' automatically closing itself after the ``with`` block.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve a data file and its contents for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('data/3d_cd.hdr') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This would download a data file from the astropy data server', u'because the ``standards/vega.fits`` file is not present in the', u'source distribution. It will also save the file locally so the', u"next time it is accessed it won't need to be downloaded.::", u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This does the same thing but does *not* cache it locally::', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits', cache=False) as fobj:", u' fcontents =']:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: locale.getpreferredencoding()
[u'get_pkg_data_fileobj(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides the file as a file-like object that reads bytes.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file-like', u'', u' An object with the contents of the data file available via', u' :func:`read`. Can be used as part of a ``with`` statement,', u' automatically closing itself after the ``with`` block.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve a data file and its contents for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('data/3d_cd.hdr') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This would download a data file from the astropy data server', u'because the ``standards/vega.fits`` file is not present in the', u'source distribution. It will also save the file locally so the', u"next time it is accessed it won't need to be downloaded.::", u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This does the same thing but does *not* cache it locally::', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits', cache=False) as fobj:", u' fcontents =']:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: mode
[u'get_pkg_data_fileobj(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides the file as a file-like object that reads bytes.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file-like', u'', u' An object with the contents of the data file available via', u' :func:`read`. Can be used as part of a ``with`` statement,', u' automatically closing itself after the ``with`` block.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve a data file and its contents for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('data/3d_cd.hdr') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This would download a data file from the astropy data server', u'because the ``standards/vega.fits`` file is not present in the', u'source distribution. It will also save the file locally so the', u"next time it is accessed it won't need to be downloaded.::", u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This does the same thing but does *not* cache it locally::', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits', cache=False) as fobj:", u' fcontents =']:36: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 'binary'
[u'get_pkg_data_fileobj(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides the file as a file-like object that reads bytes.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file-like', u'', u' An object with the contents of the data file available via', u' :func:`read`. Can be used as part of a ``with`` statement,', u' automatically closing itself after the ``with`` block.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve a data file and its contents for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('data/3d_cd.hdr') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This would download a data file from the astropy data server', u'because the ``standards/vega.fits`` file is not present in the', u'source distribution. It will also save the file locally so the', u"next time it is accessed it won't need to be downloaded.::", u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This does the same thing but does *not* cache it locally::', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits', cache=False) as fobj:", u' fcontents =']:36: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u'get_pkg_data_fileobj(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides the file as a file-like object that reads bytes.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file-like', u'', u' An object with the contents of the data file available via', u' :func:`read`. Can be used as part of a ``with`` statement,', u' automatically closing itself after the ``with`` block.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve a data file and its contents for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('data/3d_cd.hdr') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This would download a data file from the astropy data server', u'because the ``standards/vega.fits`` file is not present in the', u'source distribution. It will also save the file locally so the', u"next time it is accessed it won't need to be downloaded.::", u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This does the same thing but does *not* cache it locally::', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits', cache=False) as fobj:", u' fcontents =']:36: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
[u'get_pkg_data_fileobj(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides the file as a file-like object that reads bytes.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file-like', u'', u' An object with the contents of the data file available via', u' :func:`read`. Can be used as part of a ``with`` statement,', u' automatically closing itself after the ``with`` block.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve a data file and its contents for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('data/3d_cd.hdr') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This would download a data file from the astropy data server', u'because the ``standards/vega.fits`` file is not present in the', u'source distribution. It will also save the file locally so the', u"next time it is accessed it won't need to be downloaded.::", u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This does the same thing but does *not* cache it locally::', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits', cache=False) as fobj:", u' fcontents =']:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u'get_pkg_data_fileobj(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides the file as a file-like object that reads bytes.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file-like', u'', u' An object with the contents of the data file available via', u' :func:`read`. Can be used as part of a ``with`` statement,', u' automatically closing itself after the ``with`` block.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve a data file and its contents for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('data/3d_cd.hdr') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This would download a data file from the astropy data server', u'because the ``standards/vega.fits`` file is not present in the', u'source distribution. It will also save the file locally so the', u"next time it is accessed it won't need to be downloaded.::", u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This does the same thing but does *not* cache it locally::', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits', cache=False) as fobj:", u' fcontents =']:45: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: urllib.request.urlopen
[u'get_pkg_data_fileobj(data_name, encoding=None, cache=True)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Retrieves a data file from the standard locations for the package and', u'provides the file as a file-like object that reads bytes.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data_name** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data file. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a data file included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data/file.dat'`` to get the", u' file in ``astropy/pkgname/data/file.dat``. Double-dots', u' can be used to go up a level. In the same example, use', u" ``'../data/file.dat'`` to get ``astropy/data/file.dat``.", u' * If a matching local file does not exist, the Astropy', u' data server will be queried for the file.', u' * A hash like that produced by `compute_hash` can be', u" requested, prefixed by 'hash/'", u" e.g. 'hash/395dd6493cc584df1e78b474fb150840'. The hash", u' will first be searched for locally, and if not found,', u' the Astropy data server will be queried.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' If True, the file will be downloaded and saved locally or the', u' already-cached local copy will be accessed. If False, the', u' file-like object will directly access the resource (e.g. if a', u' remote URL is accessed, an object like that from', u' `urllib2.urlopen` on Python 2 or `urllib.request.urlopen` on', u' Python 3 is returned).', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file-like', u'', u' An object with the contents of the data file available via', u' :func:`read`. Can be used as part of a ``with`` statement,', u' automatically closing itself after the ``with`` block.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **urllib2.URLError, urllib.error.URLError** : ', u'', u' If a remote file cannot be found.', u'', u' **IOError** : ', u'', u' If problems occur writing or reading a local file.', u'', u'.. seealso::', u'', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_contents`', u' returns the contents of a file or url as a bytes object', u' ', u' :obj:`get_pkg_data_filename`', u' returns a local name for a file containing the data', u' ', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve a data file and its contents for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('data/3d_cd.hdr') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This would download a data file from the astropy data server', u'because the ``standards/vega.fits`` file is not present in the', u'source distribution. It will also save the file locally so the', u"next time it is accessed it won't need to be downloaded.::", u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_fileobj', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits') as fobj:", u' fcontents =', u'', u'This does the same thing but does *not* cache it locally::', u'', u" with get_pkg_data_fileobj('standards/vega.fits', cache=False) as fobj:", u' fcontents =']:56: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: read
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/ WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.pkname
[u"get_pkg_data_fileobjs(datadir, pattern=u'*', encoding=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Returns readable file objects for all of the data files in a given', u'directory that match a given glob pattern.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **datadir** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data files. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a directory included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data'`` to get the", u' files in ``astropy/pkgname/data``', u' * Remote URLs are not currently supported', u' ', u'', u' **pattern** : str, optional', u'', u' A UNIX-style filename glob pattern to match files. See the', u' `glob` module in the standard library for more information.', u' By default, matches all files.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobjs** : iterator of file objects', u'', u' File objects for each of the files on the local filesystem in', u' *datadir* matching *pattern*.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve the contents of the data file for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filenames', u'', u" for fd in get_pkg_data_filename('maps', '*.hdr'):", u' fcontents =']:27: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u"get_pkg_data_fileobjs(datadir, pattern=u'*', encoding=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Returns readable file objects for all of the data files in a given', u'directory that match a given glob pattern.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **datadir** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data files. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a directory included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data'`` to get the", u' files in ``astropy/pkgname/data``', u' * Remote URLs are not currently supported', u' ', u'', u' **pattern** : str, optional', u'', u' A UNIX-style filename glob pattern to match files. See the', u' `glob` module in the standard library for more information.', u' By default, matches all files.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobjs** : iterator of file objects', u'', u' File objects for each of the files on the local filesystem in', u' *datadir* matching *pattern*.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve the contents of the data file for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filenames', u'', u" for fd in get_pkg_data_filename('maps', '*.hdr'):", u' fcontents =']:27: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
[u"get_pkg_data_fileobjs(datadir, pattern=u'*', encoding=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Returns readable file objects for all of the data files in a given', u'directory that match a given glob pattern.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **datadir** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data files. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a directory included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data'`` to get the", u' files in ``astropy/pkgname/data``', u' * Remote URLs are not currently supported', u' ', u'', u' **pattern** : str, optional', u'', u' A UNIX-style filename glob pattern to match files. See the', u' `glob` module in the standard library for more information.', u' By default, matches all files.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobjs** : iterator of file objects', u'', u' File objects for each of the files on the local filesystem in', u' *datadir* matching *pattern*.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve the contents of the data file for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filenames', u'', u" for fd in get_pkg_data_filename('maps', '*.hdr'):", u' fcontents =']:27: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: locale.getpreferredencoding()
[u"get_pkg_data_fileobjs(datadir, pattern=u'*', encoding=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Returns readable file objects for all of the data files in a given', u'directory that match a given glob pattern.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **datadir** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data files. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a directory included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data'`` to get the", u' files in ``astropy/pkgname/data``', u' * Remote URLs are not currently supported', u' ', u'', u' **pattern** : str, optional', u'', u' A UNIX-style filename glob pattern to match files. See the', u' `glob` module in the standard library for more information.', u' By default, matches all files.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobjs** : iterator of file objects', u'', u' File objects for each of the files on the local filesystem in', u' *datadir* matching *pattern*.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve the contents of the data file for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filenames', u'', u" for fd in get_pkg_data_filename('maps', '*.hdr'):", u' fcontents =']:27: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: mode
[u"get_pkg_data_fileobjs(datadir, pattern=u'*', encoding=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Returns readable file objects for all of the data files in a given', u'directory that match a given glob pattern.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **datadir** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data files. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a directory included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data'`` to get the", u' files in ``astropy/pkgname/data``', u' * Remote URLs are not currently supported', u' ', u'', u' **pattern** : str, optional', u'', u' A UNIX-style filename glob pattern to match files. See the', u' `glob` module in the standard library for more information.', u' By default, matches all files.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobjs** : iterator of file objects', u'', u' File objects for each of the files on the local filesystem in', u' *datadir* matching *pattern*.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve the contents of the data file for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filenames', u'', u" for fd in get_pkg_data_filename('maps', '*.hdr'):", u' fcontents =']:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 'binary'
[u"get_pkg_data_fileobjs(datadir, pattern=u'*', encoding=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Returns readable file objects for all of the data files in a given', u'directory that match a given glob pattern.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **datadir** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data files. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a directory included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data'`` to get the", u' files in ``astropy/pkgname/data``', u' * Remote URLs are not currently supported', u' ', u'', u' **pattern** : str, optional', u'', u' A UNIX-style filename glob pattern to match files. See the', u' `glob` module in the standard library for more information.', u' By default, matches all files.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobjs** : iterator of file objects', u'', u' File objects for each of the files on the local filesystem in', u' *datadir* matching *pattern*.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve the contents of the data file for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filenames', u'', u" for fd in get_pkg_data_filename('maps', '*.hdr'):", u' fcontents =']:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u"get_pkg_data_fileobjs(datadir, pattern=u'*', encoding=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Returns readable file objects for all of the data files in a given', u'directory that match a given glob pattern.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **datadir** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data files. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a directory included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data'`` to get the", u' files in ``astropy/pkgname/data``', u' * Remote URLs are not currently supported', u' ', u'', u' **pattern** : str, optional', u'', u' A UNIX-style filename glob pattern to match files. See the', u' `glob` module in the standard library for more information.', u' By default, matches all files.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobjs** : iterator of file objects', u'', u' File objects for each of the files on the local filesystem in', u' *datadir* matching *pattern*.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve the contents of the data file for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filenames', u'', u" for fd in get_pkg_data_filename('maps', '*.hdr'):", u' fcontents =']:34: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
[u"get_pkg_data_fileobjs(datadir, pattern=u'*', encoding=None)", u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Returns readable file objects for all of the data files in a given', u'directory that match a given glob pattern.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **datadir** : str', u'', u' Name/location of the desired data files. One of the following:', u' ', u' * The name of a directory included in the source', u' distribution. The path is relative to the module', u' calling this function. For example, if calling from', u" `astropy.pkname`, use ``'data'`` to get the", u' files in ``astropy/pkgname/data``', u' * Remote URLs are not currently supported', u' ', u'', u' **pattern** : str, optional', u'', u' A UNIX-style filename glob pattern to match files. See the', u' `glob` module in the standard library for more information.', u' By default, matches all files.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **fileobjs** : iterator of file objects', u'', u' File objects for each of the files on the local filesystem in', u' *datadir* matching *pattern*.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'This will retrieve the contents of the data file for the `astropy.wcs`', u'tests::', u'', u' from import get_pkg_data_filenames', u'', u" for fd in get_pkg_data_filename('maps', '*.hdr'):", u' fcontents =']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u'get_readable_fileobj(*args, **kwds)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Given a filename or a readable file-like object, return a context', u'manager that yields a readable file-like object.', u'', u'This supports passing filenames, URLs, and readable file-like', u'objects, any of which can be compressed in gzip or bzip2.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name_or_obj** : str or file-like object', u'', u' The filename of the file to access (if given as a string), or', u' the file-like object to access.', u' ', u' If a file-like object, it must be opened in binary mode.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to cache the contents of remote URLs.', u' ', u'', u' **show_progress** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to display a progress bar if the file is downloaded', u' from a remote server. Default is `True`.', u' ', u'', u' **remote_timeout** : float', u'', u' Timeout for remote requests in seconds (default is the configurable', u' REMOTE_TIMEOUT, which is 3s by default)', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **file** : readable file-like object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function is a context manager, and should be used for example', u'as::', u'', u" with get_readable_fileobj('file.dat') as f:", u' contents =']:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u'get_readable_fileobj(*args, **kwds)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Given a filename or a readable file-like object, return a context', u'manager that yields a readable file-like object.', u'', u'This supports passing filenames, URLs, and readable file-like', u'objects, any of which can be compressed in gzip or bzip2.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name_or_obj** : str or file-like object', u'', u' The filename of the file to access (if given as a string), or', u' the file-like object to access.', u' ', u' If a file-like object, it must be opened in binary mode.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to cache the contents of remote URLs.', u' ', u'', u' **show_progress** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to display a progress bar if the file is downloaded', u' from a remote server. Default is `True`.', u' ', u'', u' **remote_timeout** : float', u'', u' Timeout for remote requests in seconds (default is the configurable', u' REMOTE_TIMEOUT, which is 3s by default)', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **file** : readable file-like object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function is a context manager, and should be used for example', u'as::', u'', u" with get_readable_fileobj('file.dat') as f:", u' contents =']:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
[u'get_readable_fileobj(*args, **kwds)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Given a filename or a readable file-like object, return a context', u'manager that yields a readable file-like object.', u'', u'This supports passing filenames, URLs, and readable file-like', u'objects, any of which can be compressed in gzip or bzip2.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name_or_obj** : str or file-like object', u'', u' The filename of the file to access (if given as a string), or', u' the file-like object to access.', u' ', u' If a file-like object, it must be opened in binary mode.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to cache the contents of remote URLs.', u' ', u'', u' **show_progress** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to display a progress bar if the file is downloaded', u' from a remote server. Default is `True`.', u' ', u'', u' **remote_timeout** : float', u'', u' Timeout for remote requests in seconds (default is the configurable', u' REMOTE_TIMEOUT, which is 3s by default)', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **file** : readable file-like object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function is a context manager, and should be used for example', u'as::', u'', u" with get_readable_fileobj('file.dat') as f:", u' contents =']:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: locale.getpreferredencoding()
[u'get_readable_fileobj(*args, **kwds)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Given a filename or a readable file-like object, return a context', u'manager that yields a readable file-like object.', u'', u'This supports passing filenames, URLs, and readable file-like', u'objects, any of which can be compressed in gzip or bzip2.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name_or_obj** : str or file-like object', u'', u' The filename of the file to access (if given as a string), or', u' the file-like object to access.', u' ', u' If a file-like object, it must be opened in binary mode.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to cache the contents of remote URLs.', u' ', u'', u' **show_progress** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to display a progress bar if the file is downloaded', u' from a remote server. Default is `True`.', u' ', u'', u' **remote_timeout** : float', u'', u' Timeout for remote requests in seconds (default is the configurable', u' REMOTE_TIMEOUT, which is 3s by default)', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **file** : readable file-like object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function is a context manager, and should be used for example', u'as::', u'', u" with get_readable_fileobj('file.dat') as f:", u' contents =']:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: mode
[u'get_readable_fileobj(*args, **kwds)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Given a filename or a readable file-like object, return a context', u'manager that yields a readable file-like object.', u'', u'This supports passing filenames, URLs, and readable file-like', u'objects, any of which can be compressed in gzip or bzip2.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name_or_obj** : str or file-like object', u'', u' The filename of the file to access (if given as a string), or', u' the file-like object to access.', u' ', u' If a file-like object, it must be opened in binary mode.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to cache the contents of remote URLs.', u' ', u'', u' **show_progress** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to display a progress bar if the file is downloaded', u' from a remote server. Default is `True`.', u' ', u'', u' **remote_timeout** : float', u'', u' Timeout for remote requests in seconds (default is the configurable', u' REMOTE_TIMEOUT, which is 3s by default)', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **file** : readable file-like object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function is a context manager, and should be used for example', u'as::', u'', u" with get_readable_fileobj('file.dat') as f:", u' contents =']:27: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 'binary'
[u'get_readable_fileobj(*args, **kwds)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Given a filename or a readable file-like object, return a context', u'manager that yields a readable file-like object.', u'', u'This supports passing filenames, URLs, and readable file-like', u'objects, any of which can be compressed in gzip or bzip2.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name_or_obj** : str or file-like object', u'', u' The filename of the file to access (if given as a string), or', u' the file-like object to access.', u' ', u' If a file-like object, it must be opened in binary mode.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to cache the contents of remote URLs.', u' ', u'', u' **show_progress** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to display a progress bar if the file is downloaded', u' from a remote server. Default is `True`.', u' ', u'', u' **remote_timeout** : float', u'', u' Timeout for remote requests in seconds (default is the configurable', u' REMOTE_TIMEOUT, which is 3s by default)', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **file** : readable file-like object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function is a context manager, and should be used for example', u'as::', u'', u" with get_readable_fileobj('file.dat') as f:", u' contents =']:27: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
[u'get_readable_fileobj(*args, **kwds)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Given a filename or a readable file-like object, return a context', u'manager that yields a readable file-like object.', u'', u'This supports passing filenames, URLs, and readable file-like', u'objects, any of which can be compressed in gzip or bzip2.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name_or_obj** : str or file-like object', u'', u' The filename of the file to access (if given as a string), or', u' the file-like object to access.', u' ', u' If a file-like object, it must be opened in binary mode.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to cache the contents of remote URLs.', u' ', u'', u' **show_progress** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to display a progress bar if the file is downloaded', u' from a remote server. Default is `True`.', u' ', u'', u' **remote_timeout** : float', u'', u' Timeout for remote requests in seconds (default is the configurable', u' REMOTE_TIMEOUT, which is 3s by default)', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **file** : readable file-like object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function is a context manager, and should be used for example', u'as::', u'', u" with get_readable_fileobj('file.dat') as f:", u' contents =']:27: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
[u'get_readable_fileobj(*args, **kwds)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Given a filename or a readable file-like object, return a context', u'manager that yields a readable file-like object.', u'', u'This supports passing filenames, URLs, and readable file-like', u'objects, any of which can be compressed in gzip or bzip2.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name_or_obj** : str or file-like object', u'', u' The filename of the file to access (if given as a string), or', u' the file-like object to access.', u' ', u' If a file-like object, it must be opened in binary mode.', u' ', u'', u' **encoding** : str, optional', u'', u' When `None` (default), returns a file-like object with a', u' `read` method that on Python 2.x returns `bytes` objects and', u' on Python 3.x returns `str` (`unicode`) objects, using', u' `locale.getpreferredencoding()` as an encoding. This matches', u' the default behavior of the built-in `open` when no `mode`', u' argument is provided.', u' ', u" When `'binary'`, returns a file-like object where its `read`", u' method returns `bytes` objects.', u' ', u' When another string, it is the name of an encoding, and the', u" file-like object's `read` method will return `str` (`unicode`)", u' objects, decoded from binary using the given encoding.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to cache the contents of remote URLs.', u' ', u'', u' **show_progress** : bool, optional', u'', u' Whether to display a progress bar if the file is downloaded', u' from a remote server. Default is `True`.', u' ', u'', u' **remote_timeout** : float', u'', u' Timeout for remote requests in seconds (default is the configurable', u' REMOTE_TIMEOUT, which is 3s by default)', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **file** : readable file-like object', u'', u' ', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'This function is a context manager, and should be used for example', u'as::', u'', u" with get_readable_fileobj('file.dat') as f:", u' contents =']:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: read
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.misc.JsonCustomEncoder.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: json.encoder.JSONEncoder
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.misc.NumpyRNGContext.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
[u"deprecated(since, message=u'', name=u'', alternative=u'', pending=False, obj_type=u'function')", u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Used to mark a function as deprecated.', u'', u'To mark an attribute as deprecated, use `deprecated_attribute`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **since** : str', u'', u' The release at which this API became deprecated. This is', u' required.', u' ', u'', u' **message** : str, optional', u'', u' Override the default deprecation message. The format', u' specifier `%(func)s` may be used for the name of the function,', u' and `%(alternative)s` may be used in the deprecation message', u' to insert the name of an alternative to the deprecated', u' function. `%(obj_type)` may be used to insert a friendly name', u' for the type of object being deprecated.', u' ', u'', u' **name** : str, optional', u'', u' The name of the deprecated function; if not provided the name', u' is automatically determined from the passed in function,', u' though this is useful in the case of renamed functions, where', u' the new function is just assigned to the name of the', u' deprecated function. For example::', u' ', u' def new_function():', u' ...', u' oldFunction = new_function', u' ', u'', u' **alternative** : str, optional', u'', u' An alternative function that the user may use in place of the', u' deprecated function. The deprecation warning will tell the user about', u' this alternative if provided.', u' ', u'', u' **pending** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True, uses a AstropyPendingDeprecationWarning instead of a', u' AstropyDeprecationWarning.']:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: %(func)s
[u"deprecated(since, message=u'', name=u'', alternative=u'', pending=False, obj_type=u'function')", u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Used to mark a function as deprecated.', u'', u'To mark an attribute as deprecated, use `deprecated_attribute`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **since** : str', u'', u' The release at which this API became deprecated. This is', u' required.', u' ', u'', u' **message** : str, optional', u'', u' Override the default deprecation message. The format', u' specifier `%(func)s` may be used for the name of the function,', u' and `%(alternative)s` may be used in the deprecation message', u' to insert the name of an alternative to the deprecated', u' function. `%(obj_type)` may be used to insert a friendly name', u' for the type of object being deprecated.', u' ', u'', u' **name** : str, optional', u'', u' The name of the deprecated function; if not provided the name', u' is automatically determined from the passed in function,', u' though this is useful in the case of renamed functions, where', u' the new function is just assigned to the name of the', u' deprecated function. For example::', u' ', u' def new_function():', u' ...', u' oldFunction = new_function', u' ', u'', u' **alternative** : str, optional', u'', u' An alternative function that the user may use in place of the', u' deprecated function. The deprecation warning will tell the user about', u' this alternative if provided.', u' ', u'', u' **pending** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True, uses a AstropyPendingDeprecationWarning instead of a', u' AstropyDeprecationWarning.']:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: %(alternative)s
[u"deprecated(since, message=u'', name=u'', alternative=u'', pending=False, obj_type=u'function')", u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Used to mark a function as deprecated.', u'', u'To mark an attribute as deprecated, use `deprecated_attribute`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **since** : str', u'', u' The release at which this API became deprecated. This is', u' required.', u' ', u'', u' **message** : str, optional', u'', u' Override the default deprecation message. The format', u' specifier `%(func)s` may be used for the name of the function,', u' and `%(alternative)s` may be used in the deprecation message', u' to insert the name of an alternative to the deprecated', u' function. `%(obj_type)` may be used to insert a friendly name', u' for the type of object being deprecated.', u' ', u'', u' **name** : str, optional', u'', u' The name of the deprecated function; if not provided the name', u' is automatically determined from the passed in function,', u' though this is useful in the case of renamed functions, where', u' the new function is just assigned to the name of the', u' deprecated function. For example::', u' ', u' def new_function():', u' ...', u' oldFunction = new_function', u' ', u'', u' **alternative** : str, optional', u'', u' An alternative function that the user may use in place of the', u' deprecated function. The deprecation warning will tell the user about', u' this alternative if provided.', u' ', u'', u' **pending** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True, uses a AstropyPendingDeprecationWarning instead of a', u' AstropyDeprecationWarning.']:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: %(obj_type)
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.misc.deprecated_attribute.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: self._name
[u'deprecated_attribute(name, since, message=None, alternative=None, pending=False)', u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Used to mark a public attribute as deprecated. This creates a', u'property that will warn when the given attribute name is accessed.', u'To prevent the warning (i.e. for internal code), use the private', u'name for the attribute by prepending an underscore', u'(i.e. `self._name`).', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name** : str', u'', u' The name of the deprecated attribute.', u' ', u'', u' **since** : str', u'', u' The release at which this API became deprecated. This is', u' required.', u' ', u'', u' **message** : str, optional', u'', u' Override the default deprecation message. The format', u' specifier `%(name)s` may be used for the name of the attribute,', u' and `%(alternative)s` may be used in the deprecation message', u' to insert the name of an alternative to the deprecated', u' function.', u' ', u'', u' **alternative** : str, optional', u'', u' An alternative attribute that the user may use in place of the', u' deprecated attribute. The deprecation warning will tell the', u' user about this alternative if provided.', u' ', u'', u' **pending** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True, uses a AstropyPendingDeprecationWarning instead of a', u' AstropyDeprecationWarning.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'::', u'', u' class MyClass:', u' # Mark the old_name as deprecated', u" old_name = misc.deprecated_attribute('old_name', '0.1')", u'', u' def method(self):', u' self._old_name = 42']:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: %(name)s
[u'deprecated_attribute(name, since, message=None, alternative=None, pending=False)', u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Used to mark a public attribute as deprecated. This creates a', u'property that will warn when the given attribute name is accessed.', u'To prevent the warning (i.e. for internal code), use the private', u'name for the attribute by prepending an underscore', u'(i.e. `self._name`).', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **name** : str', u'', u' The name of the deprecated attribute.', u' ', u'', u' **since** : str', u'', u' The release at which this API became deprecated. This is', u' required.', u' ', u'', u' **message** : str, optional', u'', u' Override the default deprecation message. The format', u' specifier `%(name)s` may be used for the name of the attribute,', u' and `%(alternative)s` may be used in the deprecation message', u' to insert the name of an alternative to the deprecated', u' function.', u' ', u'', u' **alternative** : str, optional', u'', u' An alternative attribute that the user may use in place of the', u' deprecated attribute. The deprecation warning will tell the', u' user about this alternative if provided.', u' ', u'', u' **pending** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True, uses a AstropyPendingDeprecationWarning instead of a', u' AstropyDeprecationWarning.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'::', u'', u' class MyClass:', u' # Mark the old_name as deprecated', u" old_name = misc.deprecated_attribute('old_name', '0.1')", u'', u' def method(self):', u' self._old_name = 42']:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: %(alternative)s
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.misc.find_api_page.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: openinbrowser
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.misc.find_api_page.rst:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: version
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.misc.find_current_module.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: finddiff
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.misc.find_current_module.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: finddiff
[u'find_current_module(depth=1, finddiff=False)', u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Determines the module/package from which this function is called.', u'', u'This function has two modes, determined by the `finddiff` option. it', u'will either simply go the requested number of frames up the call', u'stack (if `finddiff` is False), or it will go up the call stack until', u'it reaches a module that is *not* in a specified set.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **depth** : int', u'', u' Specifies how far back to go in the call stack (0-indexed, so that', u' passing in 0 gives back `astropy.utils.misc`).', u'', u' **finddiff** : bool or list', u'', u' If False, the returned `mod` will just be `depth` frames up from', u' the current frame. Otherwise, the function will start at a frame', u' `depth` up from current, and continue up the call stack to the', u' first module that is *different* from those in the provided list.', u' In this case, `finddiff` can be a list of modules or modules', u' names. Alternatively, it can be True, which will use the module', u' `depth` call stack frames up as the module the returned module', u' most be different from.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **mod** : module or None', u'', u' The module object or None if the package cannot be found. The name of', u' the module is available as the ``__name__`` attribute of the returned', u" object (if it isn't None).", u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **ValueError** : ', u'', u' If `finddiff` is a list with an invalid entry.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'The examples below assume that there are two modules in a package named', u'`pkg`. ````::', u'', u' def find1():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(1).__name__', u' def find2():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' cmod = find_current_module(2)', u' if cmod is None:', u" print 'None'", u' else:', u' print cmod.__name__', u' def find_diff():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(0,True).__name__', u'', u'````::', u'', u' def find():', u' from .mod1 import find2', u' find2()', u'', u'With these modules in place, the following occurs::', u'', u' >>> from pkg import mod1, mod2', u' >>> from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' >>> mod1.find1()', u' pkg.mod1', u' >>> mod1.find2()', u' None', u' >>> mod2.find()', u' pkg.mod2', u' >>> find_current_module(0)', u" <module 'astropy.utils.misc' from 'astropy/utils/'>", u' >>> mod1.find_diff()', u' pkg.mod1']:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: mod
[u'find_current_module(depth=1, finddiff=False)', u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Determines the module/package from which this function is called.', u'', u'This function has two modes, determined by the `finddiff` option. it', u'will either simply go the requested number of frames up the call', u'stack (if `finddiff` is False), or it will go up the call stack until', u'it reaches a module that is *not* in a specified set.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **depth** : int', u'', u' Specifies how far back to go in the call stack (0-indexed, so that', u' passing in 0 gives back `astropy.utils.misc`).', u'', u' **finddiff** : bool or list', u'', u' If False, the returned `mod` will just be `depth` frames up from', u' the current frame. Otherwise, the function will start at a frame', u' `depth` up from current, and continue up the call stack to the', u' first module that is *different* from those in the provided list.', u' In this case, `finddiff` can be a list of modules or modules', u' names. Alternatively, it can be True, which will use the module', u' `depth` call stack frames up as the module the returned module', u' most be different from.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **mod** : module or None', u'', u' The module object or None if the package cannot be found. The name of', u' the module is available as the ``__name__`` attribute of the returned', u" object (if it isn't None).", u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **ValueError** : ', u'', u' If `finddiff` is a list with an invalid entry.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'The examples below assume that there are two modules in a package named', u'`pkg`. ````::', u'', u' def find1():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(1).__name__', u' def find2():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' cmod = find_current_module(2)', u' if cmod is None:', u" print 'None'", u' else:', u' print cmod.__name__', u' def find_diff():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(0,True).__name__', u'', u'````::', u'', u' def find():', u' from .mod1 import find2', u' find2()', u'', u'With these modules in place, the following occurs::', u'', u' >>> from pkg import mod1, mod2', u' >>> from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' >>> mod1.find1()', u' pkg.mod1', u' >>> mod1.find2()', u' None', u' >>> mod2.find()', u' pkg.mod2', u' >>> find_current_module(0)', u" <module 'astropy.utils.misc' from 'astropy/utils/'>", u' >>> mod1.find_diff()', u' pkg.mod1']:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: depth
[u'find_current_module(depth=1, finddiff=False)', u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Determines the module/package from which this function is called.', u'', u'This function has two modes, determined by the `finddiff` option. it', u'will either simply go the requested number of frames up the call', u'stack (if `finddiff` is False), or it will go up the call stack until', u'it reaches a module that is *not* in a specified set.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **depth** : int', u'', u' Specifies how far back to go in the call stack (0-indexed, so that', u' passing in 0 gives back `astropy.utils.misc`).', u'', u' **finddiff** : bool or list', u'', u' If False, the returned `mod` will just be `depth` frames up from', u' the current frame. Otherwise, the function will start at a frame', u' `depth` up from current, and continue up the call stack to the', u' first module that is *different* from those in the provided list.', u' In this case, `finddiff` can be a list of modules or modules', u' names. Alternatively, it can be True, which will use the module', u' `depth` call stack frames up as the module the returned module', u' most be different from.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **mod** : module or None', u'', u' The module object or None if the package cannot be found. The name of', u' the module is available as the ``__name__`` attribute of the returned', u" object (if it isn't None).", u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **ValueError** : ', u'', u' If `finddiff` is a list with an invalid entry.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'The examples below assume that there are two modules in a package named', u'`pkg`. ````::', u'', u' def find1():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(1).__name__', u' def find2():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' cmod = find_current_module(2)', u' if cmod is None:', u" print 'None'", u' else:', u' print cmod.__name__', u' def find_diff():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(0,True).__name__', u'', u'````::', u'', u' def find():', u' from .mod1 import find2', u' find2()', u'', u'With these modules in place, the following occurs::', u'', u' >>> from pkg import mod1, mod2', u' >>> from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' >>> mod1.find1()', u' pkg.mod1', u' >>> mod1.find2()', u' None', u' >>> mod2.find()', u' pkg.mod2', u' >>> find_current_module(0)', u" <module 'astropy.utils.misc' from 'astropy/utils/'>", u' >>> mod1.find_diff()', u' pkg.mod1']:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: depth
[u'find_current_module(depth=1, finddiff=False)', u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Determines the module/package from which this function is called.', u'', u'This function has two modes, determined by the `finddiff` option. it', u'will either simply go the requested number of frames up the call', u'stack (if `finddiff` is False), or it will go up the call stack until', u'it reaches a module that is *not* in a specified set.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **depth** : int', u'', u' Specifies how far back to go in the call stack (0-indexed, so that', u' passing in 0 gives back `astropy.utils.misc`).', u'', u' **finddiff** : bool or list', u'', u' If False, the returned `mod` will just be `depth` frames up from', u' the current frame. Otherwise, the function will start at a frame', u' `depth` up from current, and continue up the call stack to the', u' first module that is *different* from those in the provided list.', u' In this case, `finddiff` can be a list of modules or modules', u' names. Alternatively, it can be True, which will use the module', u' `depth` call stack frames up as the module the returned module', u' most be different from.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **mod** : module or None', u'', u' The module object or None if the package cannot be found. The name of', u' the module is available as the ``__name__`` attribute of the returned', u" object (if it isn't None).", u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **ValueError** : ', u'', u' If `finddiff` is a list with an invalid entry.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'The examples below assume that there are two modules in a package named', u'`pkg`. ````::', u'', u' def find1():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(1).__name__', u' def find2():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' cmod = find_current_module(2)', u' if cmod is None:', u" print 'None'", u' else:', u' print cmod.__name__', u' def find_diff():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(0,True).__name__', u'', u'````::', u'', u' def find():', u' from .mod1 import find2', u' find2()', u'', u'With these modules in place, the following occurs::', u'', u' >>> from pkg import mod1, mod2', u' >>> from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' >>> mod1.find1()', u' pkg.mod1', u' >>> mod1.find2()', u' None', u' >>> mod2.find()', u' pkg.mod2', u' >>> find_current_module(0)', u" <module 'astropy.utils.misc' from 'astropy/utils/'>", u' >>> mod1.find_diff()', u' pkg.mod1']:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: finddiff
[u'find_current_module(depth=1, finddiff=False)', u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Determines the module/package from which this function is called.', u'', u'This function has two modes, determined by the `finddiff` option. it', u'will either simply go the requested number of frames up the call', u'stack (if `finddiff` is False), or it will go up the call stack until', u'it reaches a module that is *not* in a specified set.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **depth** : int', u'', u' Specifies how far back to go in the call stack (0-indexed, so that', u' passing in 0 gives back `astropy.utils.misc`).', u'', u' **finddiff** : bool or list', u'', u' If False, the returned `mod` will just be `depth` frames up from', u' the current frame. Otherwise, the function will start at a frame', u' `depth` up from current, and continue up the call stack to the', u' first module that is *different* from those in the provided list.', u' In this case, `finddiff` can be a list of modules or modules', u' names. Alternatively, it can be True, which will use the module', u' `depth` call stack frames up as the module the returned module', u' most be different from.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **mod** : module or None', u'', u' The module object or None if the package cannot be found. The name of', u' the module is available as the ``__name__`` attribute of the returned', u" object (if it isn't None).", u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **ValueError** : ', u'', u' If `finddiff` is a list with an invalid entry.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'The examples below assume that there are two modules in a package named', u'`pkg`. ````::', u'', u' def find1():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(1).__name__', u' def find2():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' cmod = find_current_module(2)', u' if cmod is None:', u" print 'None'", u' else:', u' print cmod.__name__', u' def find_diff():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(0,True).__name__', u'', u'````::', u'', u' def find():', u' from .mod1 import find2', u' find2()', u'', u'With these modules in place, the following occurs::', u'', u' >>> from pkg import mod1, mod2', u' >>> from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' >>> mod1.find1()', u' pkg.mod1', u' >>> mod1.find2()', u' None', u' >>> mod2.find()', u' pkg.mod2', u' >>> find_current_module(0)', u" <module 'astropy.utils.misc' from 'astropy/utils/'>", u' >>> mod1.find_diff()', u' pkg.mod1']:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: depth
[u'find_current_module(depth=1, finddiff=False)', u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Determines the module/package from which this function is called.', u'', u'This function has two modes, determined by the `finddiff` option. it', u'will either simply go the requested number of frames up the call', u'stack (if `finddiff` is False), or it will go up the call stack until', u'it reaches a module that is *not* in a specified set.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **depth** : int', u'', u' Specifies how far back to go in the call stack (0-indexed, so that', u' passing in 0 gives back `astropy.utils.misc`).', u'', u' **finddiff** : bool or list', u'', u' If False, the returned `mod` will just be `depth` frames up from', u' the current frame. Otherwise, the function will start at a frame', u' `depth` up from current, and continue up the call stack to the', u' first module that is *different* from those in the provided list.', u' In this case, `finddiff` can be a list of modules or modules', u' names. Alternatively, it can be True, which will use the module', u' `depth` call stack frames up as the module the returned module', u' most be different from.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **mod** : module or None', u'', u' The module object or None if the package cannot be found. The name of', u' the module is available as the ``__name__`` attribute of the returned', u" object (if it isn't None).", u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **ValueError** : ', u'', u' If `finddiff` is a list with an invalid entry.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'The examples below assume that there are two modules in a package named', u'`pkg`. ````::', u'', u' def find1():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(1).__name__', u' def find2():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' cmod = find_current_module(2)', u' if cmod is None:', u" print 'None'", u' else:', u' print cmod.__name__', u' def find_diff():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(0,True).__name__', u'', u'````::', u'', u' def find():', u' from .mod1 import find2', u' find2()', u'', u'With these modules in place, the following occurs::', u'', u' >>> from pkg import mod1, mod2', u' >>> from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' >>> mod1.find1()', u' pkg.mod1', u' >>> mod1.find2()', u' None', u' >>> mod2.find()', u' pkg.mod2', u' >>> find_current_module(0)', u" <module 'astropy.utils.misc' from 'astropy/utils/'>", u' >>> mod1.find_diff()', u' pkg.mod1']:40: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: finddiff
[u'find_current_module(depth=1, finddiff=False)', u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Determines the module/package from which this function is called.', u'', u'This function has two modes, determined by the `finddiff` option. it', u'will either simply go the requested number of frames up the call', u'stack (if `finddiff` is False), or it will go up the call stack until', u'it reaches a module that is *not* in a specified set.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **depth** : int', u'', u' Specifies how far back to go in the call stack (0-indexed, so that', u' passing in 0 gives back `astropy.utils.misc`).', u'', u' **finddiff** : bool or list', u'', u' If False, the returned `mod` will just be `depth` frames up from', u' the current frame. Otherwise, the function will start at a frame', u' `depth` up from current, and continue up the call stack to the', u' first module that is *different* from those in the provided list.', u' In this case, `finddiff` can be a list of modules or modules', u' names. Alternatively, it can be True, which will use the module', u' `depth` call stack frames up as the module the returned module', u' most be different from.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **mod** : module or None', u'', u' The module object or None if the package cannot be found. The name of', u' the module is available as the ``__name__`` attribute of the returned', u" object (if it isn't None).", u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **ValueError** : ', u'', u' If `finddiff` is a list with an invalid entry.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Examples', u'', u'', u'The examples below assume that there are two modules in a package named', u'`pkg`. ````::', u'', u' def find1():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(1).__name__', u' def find2():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' cmod = find_current_module(2)', u' if cmod is None:', u" print 'None'", u' else:', u' print cmod.__name__', u' def find_diff():', u' from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' print find_current_module(0,True).__name__', u'', u'````::', u'', u' def find():', u' from .mod1 import find2', u' find2()', u'', u'With these modules in place, the following occurs::', u'', u' >>> from pkg import mod1, mod2', u' >>> from astropy.utils import find_current_module', u' >>> mod1.find1()', u' pkg.mod1', u' >>> mod1.find2()', u' None', u' >>> mod2.find()', u' pkg.mod2', u' >>> find_current_module(0)', u" <module 'astropy.utils.misc' from 'astropy/utils/'>", u' >>> mod1.find_diff()', u' pkg.mod1']:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: pkg
[u'format_exception(msg, *args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.utils.misc', u'', u'', u'', u'Given an exception message string, uses new-style formatting arguments', u'``{filename}``, ``{lineno}``, ``{func}`` and/or ``{text}`` to fill in', u'information about the exception that occurred. For example:', u'', u' try:', u' 1/0', u' except:', u' raise ZeroDivisionError(', u" format_except('A divide by zero occurred in {filename} at '", u" 'line {lineno} of function {func}.'))", u'', u'Any additional positional or keyword arguments passed to this function are', u'also used to format the message.', u'', u'.. note::', u' This uses `sys.exc_info` to gather up the information needed to', u' fill in the formatting arguments. Python 2.x and 3.x have slightly', u' different behavior regarding `sys.exc_info` (the latter will not carry', u" it outside a handled exception), so it's not wise to use this outside of", u" an `except` clause - if it is, this will substitute '<unkown>' for the 4", u' formatting arguments.']:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: except
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.misc.lazyproperty.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.misc.walk_skip_hidden.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: topdown
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.timer.RunTimePredictor.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.timer.RunTimePredictor.rst:11: WARNING: py:mod reference target not found: matplotlib
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.xml.iterparser.get_xml_iterator.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cElementTree
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.xml.writer.XMLWriter.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: with
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.xml.writer.XMLWriter.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: text
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.xml.writer.XMLWriter.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: obj.attr
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.utils.xml.writer.XMLWriter.rst:9: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: with
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.vo.client.async.AsyncBase.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.vo.client.async.AsyncBase.rst:9: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.vo.client.async.AsyncBase.rst:36: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.vo.client.async.AsyncBase.rst:39: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: concurrent.futures.Future
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.vo.client.async.AsyncBase.rst:29: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: concurrent.futures.Future
[u'conesearch(center, radius, verb=1, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.vo.client.conesearch', u'', u'', u'', u'Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the', u'first successful query.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **center** : tuple of float or :ref:`astropy-coordinates`', u'', u' Right-ascension and declination for the position of', u' the center of the cone to search:', u' ', u' - If tuple of float is given, it is assumed to be', u' ``(RA, DEC)`` in the ICRS coordinate system,', u' given in decimal degrees.', u' - If astropy coordinates object is given, it will', u' be converted internally to', u' `~astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.ICRS`.', u' ', u'', u' **radius** : float or `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` object', u'', u' Radius of the cone to search:', u' ', u' - If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.', u' - If astropy angle object or angular quantity is given,', u' it is internally converted to degrees.', u' ', u'', u' **verb** : {1, 2, 3}', u'', u' Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned', u' in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by', u' a Cone Search service implementation is optional. If the', u' service supports the parameter:', u' ', u' 1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that', u' the provider considers useful in describing the', u' returned objects.', u' 2. Return a medium number of columns between the', u' minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are', u' considered by the provider to most typically', u' useful to the user.', u' 3. Return all of the columns that are available for', u' describing the objects.', u' ', u' If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter', u' and always return the same columns for every request.', u' ', u'', u' **catalog_db** : ', u'', u' May be one of the following, in order from easiest to', u' use to most control:', u' ', u' - `None`: A database of', u' ``astropy.vo.client.conesearch.CONESEARCH_DBNAME``', u' catalogs is downloaded from', u' ``astropy.vo.client.vos_catalog.BASEURL``. The first', u' catalog in the database to successfully return a result is used.', u' ', u' - *catalog name*: A name in the database of', u' ``astropy.vo.client.conesearch.CONESEARCH_DBNAME``', u' catalogs at ``astropy.vo.client.vos_catalog.BASEURL`` is used.', u' For a list of acceptable names, use :func:`list_catalogs`.', u' ', u' - *url*: The prefix of a URL to a IVOA Service for', u' ``astropy.vo.client.conesearch.CONESEARCH_DBNAME``.', u" Must end in either '?' or '&'.", u' ', u' - `VOSCatalog` object: A specific catalog manually downloaded and', u' selected from the database (see :ref:`vo-sec-client-vos`).', u' ', u' - Any of the above 3 options combined in a list, in which case', u' they are tried in order.', u' ', u'', u' **pedantic** : bool or `None`', u'', u' When `True`, raise an error when the file violates the spec,', u' otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may be controlled using', u' :py:mod:`warnings` module.', u' When not provided, uses the configuration setting', u' ````, which defaults to `False`.', u' ', u'', u' **verbose** : bool', u'', u' Verbose output.', u' ', u'', u' **cache** : bool', u'', u' Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO', u' websites referenced by the database still needs internet', u' connection.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **obj** : `` object', u'', u' First table from first successful VO service request.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **ConeSearchError** : ', u'', u' When invalid inputs are passed into Cone Search.', u' ', u'', u' **VOSError** : ', u'', u' If VO service request fails.']:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: VOSCatalog
[u'predict_search(url, *args, **kwargs)', u':module: astropy.vo.client.conesearch', u'', u'', u'', u'Predict the run time needed and the number of objects', u'for a Cone Search for the given access URL, position, and', u'radius.', u'', u'Run time prediction uses `astropy.utils.timer.RunTimePredictor`.', u'Baseline searches are done with starting and ending radii at', u'0.05 and 0.5 of the given radius, respectively.', u'', u'Extrapolation on good data uses least-square straight line fitting,', u'assuming linear increase of search time and number of objects', u'with radius, which might not be accurate for some cases. If', u'there are less than 3 data points in the fit, it fails.', u'', u'Warnings (controlled by :py:mod:`warnings`) are given when:', u'', u' #. Fitted slope is negative.', u' #. Any of the estimated results is negative.', u' #. Estimated run time exceeds ````.', u'', u'.. note::', u'', u' If ``verbose=True``, extra log info will be provided.', u' But unlike :func:`conesearch_timer`, timer info is suppressed.', u'', u' If ``plot=True``, plot will be displayed.', u' Plotting uses :mod:`matplotlib`.', u'', u' The predicted results are just *rough* estimates.', u'', u' Prediction is done using :func:`conesearch`. Prediction for', u' `AsyncConeSearch` is not supported.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **url** : str', u'', u' Cone Search access URL to use.', u' ', u'', u' **args, kwargs** : see :func:`conesearch`', u'', u' Extra keyword ``plot`` is allowed and only used by this', u' function and not :func:`conesearch`.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **t_est** : float', u'', u' Estimated time in seconds needed for the search.', u' ', u'', u' **n_est** : int', u'', u' Estimated number of objects the search will yield.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **AssertionError** : ', u'', u' If prediction fails.', u' ', u'', u' **ConeSearchError** : ', u'', u' If input parameters are invalid.', u' ', u'', u' **VOSError** : ', u'', u' If VO service request fails.']:27: WARNING: py:mod reference target not found: matplotlib
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.vo.client.vos_catalog.VOSCatalog.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.vo.samp.client.SAMPClient.rst:15: WARNING: py:meth reference target not found: astropy.vo.samp.hub_proxySAMPHubProxy.declare_subscriptions
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[u"SAMPHubServer(secret=None, addr=None, port=0, lockfile=None, timeout=0, client_timeout=0, mode=u'single', label=u'', https=False, key_file=None, cert_file=None, cert_reqs=0, ca_certs=None, ssl_version=None, web_profile=True, web_profile_dialog=None, web_port=21012, pool_size=20)", u':module: astropy.vo.samp.hub', u'', u'Bases: :class:`object`', u'', u'', u'', u'SAMP Hub Server.', u'', u'The SSL parameters are usable only if Python has been compiled with SSL', u'support and/or `ssl <>`_ module', u'is installed (available by default since Python 2.6).', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **secret** : str, optional', u'', u' The secret code to use for the SAMP lockfile. If none is is specified,', u' the :func:`uuid.uuid1` function is used to generate one.', u' ', u'', u' **addr** : str, optional', u'', u' Listening address (or IP). This defaults to if the internet', u' is not reachable, otherwise it defaults to the host name.', u' ', u'', u' **port** : int, optional', u'', u' Listening XML-RPC server socket port. If left set to 0 (the default),', u' the operating system will select a free port.', u' ', u'', u' **lockfile** : str, optional', u'', u' Custom lockfile name.', u' ', u'', u' **timeout** : int, optional', u'', u' Hub inactivity timeout. If ``timeout > 0`` then the Hub automatically', u' stops after an inactivity period longer than ``timeout`` seconds. By', u' default ``timeout`` is set to 0 (Hub never expires).', u' ', u'', u' **client_timeout** : int, optional', u'', u' Client inactivity timeout. If ``client_timeout > 0`` then the Hub', u' automatically unregisters the clients which result inactive for a', u' period longer than ``client_timeout`` seconds. By default', u' ``client_timeout`` is set to 0 (clients never expire).', u' ', u'', u' **mode** : str, optional', u'', u" Defines the Hub running mode. If ``mode`` is ``'single'`` then the Hub", u' runs using the standard ``.samp`` lock-file, having a single instance', u" for user desktop session. Otherwise, if ``mode`` is ``'multiple'``,", u' then the Hub runs using a non-standard lock-file, placed in', u' ``.samp-1`` directory, of the form ``samp-hub-<UUID>``, where', u' ``<UUID>`` is a unique UUID assigned to the hub.', u' ', u'', u' **label** : str, optional', u'', u' A string used to label the Hub with a human readable name. This string', u' is written in the lock-file assigned to the ``hub.label`` token.', u' ', u'', u' **owner** : str, optional', u'', u' General purpose Hub owner name. This value is written in the lock-file', u' and assigned to the ```` token.', u' ', u'', u' **owner_group** : str, optional', u'', u' General purpose Hub owner group name. This value is written in the', u' lock-file and assigned to the ```` token.', u' ', u'', u' **https** : bool, optional', u'', u' Set the Hub running on a Secure Sockets Layer connection (HTTPS). By', u' default SSL is disabled.', u' ', u'', u' **key_file** : str, optional', u'', u' The path to a file containing the private key for SSL connections. If', u' the certificate file (``cert_file``) contains the private key, then', u' ``key_file`` can be omitted.', u' ', u'', u' **cert_file** : str, optional', u'', u' The path to a file containing a certificate to be used to identify the', u' local side of the secure connection.', u' ', u'', u' **cert_reqs** : int, optional', u'', u' The parameter ``cert_reqs`` specifies whether a certificate is', u' required from the client side of the connection, and whether it will', u' be validated if provided. It must be one of the three values', u' `ssl.CERT_NONE` (certificates ignored), `ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL` (not', u' required, but validated if provided), or `ssl.CERT_REQUIRED` (required', u' and validated). If the value of this parameter is not `ssl.CERT_NONE`,', u' then the ``ca_certs`` parameter must point to a file of CA', u' certificates.', u' ', u'', u' **ca_certs** : str, optional', u'', u' The path to a file containing a set of concatenated "Certification', u' Authority" certificates, which are used to validate the certificate', u' passed from the Hub end of the connection.', u' ', u'', u' **ssl_version** : int, optional', u'', u' The ``ssl_version`` option specifies which version of the SSL protocol', u' to use. Typically, the server chooses a particular protocol version,', u" and the client must adapt to the server's choice. Most of the versions", u' are not interoperable with the other versions. If not specified the', u' default SSL version is `ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23`. This version provides', u' the most compatibility with other versions client side. Other SSL', u' protocol versions are: `ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv2`, `ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3` and', u' `ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1`.', u' ', u'', u' **web_profile** : bool, optional', u'', u' Enables or disables the Web Profile support.', u' ', u'', u' **web_profile_dialog** : class, optional', u'', u' Allows a class instance to be specified using ``web_profile_dialog``', u' to replace the terminal-based message with e.g. a GUI pop-up. Two', u' `queue.Queue` instances will be added to the instance as attributes', u' ``queue_request`` and ``queue_result``. When a request is received via', u' the ``queue_request`` queue, the pop-up should be displayed, and a', u' value of `True` or `False` should be added to ``queue_result``', u' depending on whether the user accepted or refused the connection.', u' ', u'', u' **web_port** : int, optional', u'', u' The port to use for web SAMP. This should not be changed except for', u' testing purposes, since web SAMP should always use port 21012.', u' ', u'', u' **pool_size** : int, optional', u'', u' The number of socket connections opened to communicate with the', u' clients.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u'', u' ~SAMPHubServer.is_running', u' ~SAMPHubServer.params', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes', u' ~SAMPHubServer.start', u' ~SAMPHubServer.stop', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: id', u'.. autoattribute:: is_running', u'.. autoattribute:: params', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. automethod:: get_mtype_subtypes', u'.. automethod:: start', u'.. automethod:: stop']:119: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: queue.Queue
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.vo.samp.integrated_client.SAMPIntegratedClient.rst:15: WARNING: py:meth reference target not found: astropy.vo.samp.hub_proxySAMPHubProxy.declare_subscriptions
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.vo.validator.inspect.ConeSearchResults.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.Tabprm.rst:5: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs._astropy.wcs.Tabprm.p0
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.UnitConverter.rst:8: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.UnitConverter.convert
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: PSi_ma
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.rst:5: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ValueError
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wcs/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.rst:96: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: axes
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.WCS
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:82: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs._wcs.Wcsprm.fix
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:115: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ValueError
[u"WCS(header=None, fobj=None, key=u' ', minerr=0.0, relax=True, naxis=None, keysel=None, colsel=None, fix=True, translate_units=u'', _do_set=True)", u':module: astropy.wcs.wcs', u'', u'Bases: :class:`astropy.wcs.WCSBase`', u'', u'', u'', u'WCS objects perform standard WCS transformations, and correct for', u'`SIP`_ and `Paper IV`_ table-lookup distortions, based on the WCS', u'keywords and supplementary data read from a FITS file.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **header** : header object, string, dict-like, or None, optional', u'', u' If *header* is not provided or None, the object will be', u' initialized to default values.', u' ', u'', u' **fobj** : An file (hdulist) object, optional', u'', u' It is needed when header keywords point to a `Paper IV`_', u' Lookup table distortion stored in a different extension.', u' ', u'', u' **key** : str, optional', u'', u' The name of a particular WCS transform to use. This may be', u" either ``' '`` or ``'A'``-``'Z'`` and corresponds to the", u' ``"a"`` part of the ``CTYPEia`` cards. *key* may only be', u' provided if *header* is also provided.', u' ', u'', u' **minerr** : float, optional', u'', u' The minimum value a distortion correction must have in order', u' to be applied. If the value of ``CQERRja`` is smaller than', u' *minerr*, the corresponding distortion is not applied.', u' ', u'', u' **relax** : bool or int, optional', u'', u' Degree of permissiveness:', u' ', u' - `True` (default): Admit all recognized informal extensions', u' of the WCS standard.', u' ', u' - `False`: Recognize only FITS keywords defined by the', u' published WCS standard.', u' ', u' - `int`: a bit field selecting specific extensions to accept.', u' See :ref:`relaxread` for details.', u' ', u'', u' **naxis** : int or sequence, optional', u'', u' Extracts specific coordinate axes using', u' :meth:`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.sub`. If a header is provided, and', u' *naxis* is not ``None``, *naxis* will be passed to', u' :meth:`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.sub` in order to select specific', u' axes from the header. See :meth:`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.sub` for', u' more details about this parameter.', u' ', u'', u' **keysel** : sequence of flags, optional', u'', u' A sequence of flags used to select the keyword types', u' considered by wcslib. When ``None``, only the standard image', u' header keywords are considered (and the underlying wcspih() C', u' function is called). To use binary table image array or pixel', u' list keywords, *keysel* must be set.', u' ', u' Each element in the list should be one of the following', u' strings:', u' ', u" - 'image': Image header keywords", u' ', u" - 'binary': Binary table image array keywords", u' ', u" - 'pixel': Pixel list keywords", u' ', u' Keywords such as ``EQUIna`` or ``RFRQna`` that are common to', u' binary table image arrays and pixel lists (including', u" ``WCSNna`` and ``TWCSna``) are selected by both 'binary' and", u" 'pixel'.", u' ', u'', u' **colsel** : sequence of int, optional', u'', u' A sequence of table column numbers used to restrict the WCS', u' transformations considered to only those pertaining to the', u' specified columns. If `None`, there is no restriction.', u' ', u'', u' **fix** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True` (default), call `~astropy.wcs._wcs.Wcsprm.fix` on', u' the resulting object to fix any non-standard uses in the', u' header. `FITSFixedWarning` Warnings will be emitted if any', u' changes were made.', u' ', u'', u' **translate_units** : str, optional', u'', u' Specify which potentially unsafe translations of non-standard', u' unit strings to perform. By default, performs none. See', u' `WCS.fix` for more information about this parameter. Only', u' effective when `fix` is `True`.', u'', u':Raises:', u'', u' **MemoryError** : ', u'', u' Memory allocation failed.', u' ', u'', u' **ValueError** : ', u'', u' Invalid key.', u' ', u'', u' **KeyError** : ', u'', u' Key not found in FITS header.', u' ', u'', u' **AssertionError** : ', u'', u' Lookup table distortion present in the header but *fobj* was', u' not provided.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'', u'1. astropy.wcs supports arbitrary *n* dimensions for the core WCS', u' (the transformations handled by WCSLIB). However, the Paper IV', u' lookup table and SIP distortions must be two dimensional.', u' Therefore, if you try to create a WCS object where the core WCS', u' has a different number of dimensions than 2 and that object', u' also contains a Paper IV lookup table or SIP distortion, a', u' `ValueError` exception will be raised. To avoid this, consider', u' using the *naxis* kwarg to select two dimensions from the core', u' WCS.', u'', u'2. The number of coordinate axes in the transformation is not', u' determined directly from the ``NAXIS`` keyword but instead from', u' the highest of:', u'', u' - ``NAXIS`` keyword', u'', u' - ``WCSAXESa`` keyword', u'', u' - The highest axis number in any parameterized WCS keyword.', u' The keyvalue, as well as the keyword, must be', u' syntactically valid otherwise it will not be considered.', u'', u' If none of these keyword types is present, i.e. if the header', u' only contains auxiliary WCS keywords for a particular', u' coordinate representation, then no coordinate description is', u' constructed for it.', u'', u' The number of axes, which is set as the `naxis` member, may', u' differ for different coordinate representations of the same', u' image.', u'', u'3. When the header includes duplicate keywords, in most cases the', u' last encountered is used.', u'', u'4. `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.set` is called immediately after', u' construction, so any invalid keywords or transformations will', u' be raised by the constructor, not when subsequently calling a', u' transformation method.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~WCS.naxis1', u' ~WCS.naxis2', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Summary', u'', u'.. autosummary::', u'', u' ~WCS.all_pix2sky', u' ~WCS.all_pix2world', u' ~WCS.all_world2pix', u' ~WCS.calcFootprint', u' ~WCS.copy', u' ~WCS.deepcopy', u' ~WCS.det2im', u' ~WCS.fix', u' ~WCS.footprint_to_file', u' ~WCS.get_axis_types', u' ~WCS.get_naxis', u' ~WCS.p4_pix2foc', u' ~WCS.pix2foc', u' ~WCS.printwcs', u' ~WCS.rotateCD', u' ~WCS.sip_foc2pix', u' ~WCS.sip_pix2foc', u' ~WCS.sub', u' ~WCS.to_fits', u' ~WCS.to_header', u' ~WCS.to_header_string', u' ~WCS.wcs_pix2sky', u' ~WCS.wcs_pix2world', u' ~WCS.wcs_sky2pix', u' ~WCS.wcs_world2pix', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Attributes Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. autoattribute:: naxis1', u'.. autoattribute:: naxis2', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'.. rubric:: Methods Documentation', u'', u'', u'.. automethod:: all_pix2sky', u'.. automethod:: all_pix2world', u'.. automethod:: all_world2pix', u'.. automethod:: calcFootprint', u'.. automethod:: copy', u'.. automethod:: deepcopy', u'.. automethod:: det2im', u'.. automethod:: fix', u'.. automethod:: footprint_to_file', u'.. automethod:: get_axis_types', u'.. automethod:: get_naxis', u'.. automethod:: p4_pix2foc', u'.. automethod:: pix2foc', u'.. automethod:: printwcs', u'.. automethod:: rotateCD', u'.. automethod:: sip_foc2pix', u'.. automethod:: sip_pix2foc', u'.. automethod:: sub', u'.. automethod:: to_fits', u'.. automethod:: to_header', u'.. automethod:: to_header_string', u'.. automethod:: wcs_pix2sky', u'.. automethod:: wcs_pix2world', u'.. automethod:: wcs_sky2pix', u'.. automethod:: wcs_world2pix']:146: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: naxis
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.all_pix2world
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _wcs.Wcsprm.axis_types
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:84: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: CTYPEia
wcs/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.all_pix2world
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:84: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: CTYPEia
wcs/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _wcs.Wcsprm.axis_types
internal padding after wcs/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS
internal padding after wcs/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS
internal padding after wcs/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.pix2foc
internal padding after wcs/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.p4_pix2foc
wcs/references.txt:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:90: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: axes
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:96: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: axes
internal padding after wcs/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.all_pix2world
internal padding after wcs/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.sip_pix2foc
internal padding after wcs/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.p4_pix2foc
internal padding after wcs/references.txt:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.pix2foc
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:81: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: CTYPEia
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS.rst:76: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: CTYPEia
[u"find_all_wcs(header, relax=True, keysel=None, fix=True, translate_units=u'', _do_set=True)", u':module: astropy.wcs.wcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Find all the WCS transformations in the given header.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **header** : str or header object.', u'', u' ', u'', u' **relax** : bool or int, optional', u'', u' Degree of permissiveness:', u' ', u' - `True` (default): Admit all recognized informal extensions of the', u' WCS standard.', u' ', u' - `False`: Recognize only FITS keywords defined by the', u' published WCS standard.', u' ', u' - `int`: a bit field selecting specific extensions to accept.', u' See :ref:`relaxread` for details.', u' ', u'', u' **keysel** : sequence of flags, optional', u'', u' A list of flags used to select the keyword types considered by', u' wcslib. When ``None``, only the standard image header', u' keywords are considered (and the underlying wcspih() C', u' function is called). To use binary table image array or pixel', u' list keywords, *keysel* must be set.', u' ', u' Each element in the list should be one of the following strings:', u' ', u" - 'image': Image header keywords", u' ', u" - 'binary': Binary table image array keywords", u' ', u" - 'pixel': Pixel list keywords", u' ', u' Keywords such as ``EQUIna`` or ``RFRQna`` that are common to', u' binary table image arrays and pixel lists (including', u" ``WCSNna`` and ``TWCSna``) are selected by both 'binary' and", u" 'pixel'.", u' ', u'', u' **fix** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True` (default), call `~astropy.wcs._wcs.Wcsprm.fix` on', u' the resulting objects to fix any non-standard uses in the', u' header. `FITSFixedWarning` warnings will be emitted if any', u' changes were made.', u' ', u'', u' **translate_units** : str, optional', u'', u' Specify which potentially unsafe translations of non-standard', u' unit strings to perform. By default, performs none. See', u' `WCS.fix` for more information about this parameter. Only', u' effective when `fix` is `True`.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **wcses** : list of `WCS` objects']:45: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs._wcs.Wcsprm.fix
[u"find_all_wcs(header, relax=True, keysel=None, fix=True, translate_units=u'', _do_set=True)", u':module: astropy.wcs.wcs', u'', u'', u'', u'Find all the WCS transformations in the given header.', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **header** : str or header object.', u'', u' ', u'', u' **relax** : bool or int, optional', u'', u' Degree of permissiveness:', u' ', u' - `True` (default): Admit all recognized informal extensions of the', u' WCS standard.', u' ', u' - `False`: Recognize only FITS keywords defined by the', u' published WCS standard.', u' ', u' - `int`: a bit field selecting specific extensions to accept.', u' See :ref:`relaxread` for details.', u' ', u'', u' **keysel** : sequence of flags, optional', u'', u' A list of flags used to select the keyword types considered by', u' wcslib. When ``None``, only the standard image header', u' keywords are considered (and the underlying wcspih() C', u' function is called). To use binary table image array or pixel', u' list keywords, *keysel* must be set.', u' ', u' Each element in the list should be one of the following strings:', u' ', u" - 'image': Image header keywords", u' ', u" - 'binary': Binary table image array keywords", u' ', u" - 'pixel': Pixel list keywords", u' ', u' Keywords such as ``EQUIna`` or ``RFRQna`` that are common to', u' binary table image arrays and pixel lists (including', u" ``WCSNna`` and ``TWCSna``) are selected by both 'binary' and", u" 'pixel'.", u' ', u'', u' **fix** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True` (default), call `~astropy.wcs._wcs.Wcsprm.fix` on', u' the resulting objects to fix any non-standard uses in the', u' header. `FITSFixedWarning` warnings will be emitted if any', u' changes were made.', u' ', u'', u' **translate_units** : str, optional', u'', u' Specify which potentially unsafe translations of non-standard', u' unit strings to perform. By default, performs none. See', u' `WCS.fix` for more information about this parameter. Only', u' effective when `fix` is `True`.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **wcses** : list of `WCS` objects']:52: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: fix
../CHANGES.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle.dms
../CHANGES.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle.hms
../CHANGES.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: namedtuple`s instead of
regular tuples, and added `Angle.signed_dms
../CHANGES.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: d
../CHANGES.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: m
../CHANGES.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: s
../CHANGES.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: age
../CHANGES.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comoving_volume
../CHANGES.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.cosmology.z_at_value
../CHANGES.rst:60: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodapi
../CHANGES.rst:60: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodsumm
../CHANGES.rst:60: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automidapi
../CHANGES.rst:60: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodsumm
../CHANGES.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: sidereal_time
../CHANGES.rst:81: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: one
../CHANGES.rst:81: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: dimensionless_unscaled
../CHANGES.rst:205: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.to_header
../CHANGES.rst:209: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ImportError
../CHANGES.rst:245: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: len()
../CHANGES.rst:245: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: shape
../CHANGES.rst:259: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: sep
../CHANGES.rst:259: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle.to_string
../CHANGES.rst:283: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: write_null_values
../CHANGES.rst:283: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: VOTable.to_xml
../CHANGES.rst:283: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: char
../CHANGES.rst:283: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: double
../CHANGES.rst:291: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: VOTable
../CHANGES.rst:298: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: LinearLSQFitter
../CHANGES.rst:300: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: NotImplementedError
../CHANGES.rst:321: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: from __future__ import unicode_literals
../CHANGES.rst:335: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unix
../CHANGES.rst:335: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cxcsec
../CHANGES.rst:335: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: gps
../CHANGES.rst:335: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: plot_date
../CHANGES.rst:335: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: UT1
../CHANGES.rst:335: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: TDB
../CHANGES.rst:335: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: TCB
../CHANGES.rst:359: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bar
../CHANGES.rst:359: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 1e5
../CHANGES.rst:359: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 100 Pascal
../CHANGES.rst:378: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: AttributeError
../CHANGES.rst:385: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.utils.compat.argparse
../CHANGES.rst:391: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS
../CHANGES.rst:391: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.fix
../CHANGES.rst:391: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.find_all_wcs
../CHANGES.rst:391: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: translate_units
../CHANGES.rst:406: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.fix
../CHANGES.rst:410: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.Wcs.printwcs
../CHANGES.rst:410: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cdelt
../CHANGES.rst:416: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS
../CHANGES.rst:421: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.Wcs.sub
../CHANGES.rst:421: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL
../CHANGES.rst:424: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS.footprint_to_file
../CHANGES.rst:427: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: astropy.wcs.validate
../CHANGES.rst:427: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: wcslint
../CHANGES.rst:430: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: astropy.wcs.validate
../CHANGES.rst:430: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: wcslint
../CHANGES.rst:436: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
../CHANGES.rst:491: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Longitude
../CHANGES.rst:491: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Latitude
../CHANGES.rst:491: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle
../CHANGES.rst:491: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Longitude
../CHANGES.rst:491: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Latitude
../CHANGES.rst:497: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Distance
../CHANGES.rst:500: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.SphericalCoordinateBase
../CHANGES.rst:685: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: def_unit
../CHANGES.rst:775: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Angle
../CHANGES.rst:775: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
../CHANGES.rst:779: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Distance
../CHANGES.rst:779: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
../CHANGES.rst:783: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: radian
../CHANGES.rst:783: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: degree
../CHANGES.rst:783: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: hour
../CHANGES.rst:783: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: arcsecond
../CHANGES.rst:783: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: arcminute
../CHANGES.rst:783: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: to_string()
../CHANGES.rst:789: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle
../CHANGES.rst:791: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: units.Unit
../CHANGES.rst:791: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle.format
../CHANGES.rst:791: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle.to_string
../CHANGES.rst:794: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Angle
../CHANGES.rst:802: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle
../CHANGES.rst:802: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: NotImplementedError
../CHANGES.rst:802: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: TypeError
../CHANGES.rst:805: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Angle
../CHANGES.rst:810: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.RA`and `astropy.coordinates.Dec
../CHANGES.rst:810: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Longitude
../CHANGES.rst:810: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Latitude
../CHANGES.rst:810: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle
../CHANGES.rst:816: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angles.rotation_matrix
../CHANGES.rst:816: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angles.angle_axis
../CHANGES.rst:816: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
../CHANGES.rst:816: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: degrees
../CHANGES.rst:816: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: rotation_matrix
../CHANGES.rst:816: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle
../CHANGES.rst:822: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: separation()
../CHANGES.rst:822: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.Angle
../CHANGES.rst:826: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ICRSCoordinates
../CHANGES.rst:826: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ICRS
../CHANGES.rst:830: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: HorizontalCoordinates
../CHANGES.rst:830: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: AltAz
../CHANGES.rst:935: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.nddata.convolution
../CHANGES.rst:935: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: make_kernel
../CHANGES.rst:1293: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.Wcs.all_pix2world
../CHANGES.rst:1702: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: WCS.all_world2pix
../CHANGES.rst:1877: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.wcs.WCS
../CHANGES.rst:1922: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
../CHANGES.rst:1922: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: get_readable_fileobj
../CHANGES.rst:1929: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: SphericalCoordinatesBase
../CHANGES.rst:2047: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Table
../CHANGES.rst:2054: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:29: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: XDG_CONFIG_HOME
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:45: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: XDG_CONFIG_HOME
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:45: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: XDG_CACHE_HOME
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: config
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:84: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ConfigurationItem
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:176: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ConfigurationItem
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:203: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ConfigurationItem
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:203: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: defaultvalue
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:212: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: defaultvalue
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:223: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cfgtype
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:229: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cfgtype
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:229: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ConfigurationItem
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:234: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cfgtype
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:234: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ConfigurationItem
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:246: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cfgtype
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:280: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ConfigurationItem
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:284: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ConfigurationItem
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/config/index.rst:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/convolution/index.rst:66: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: boundary
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/convolution/index.rst:66: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: boundary='extend'
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/convolution/index.rst:119: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: convolve
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/convolution/kernels.rst:35: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.convolution.kernels.Gaussian1D
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/angles.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/angles.rst:160: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ValueError
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/creating.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: unit
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/creating.rst:26: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Angle
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/designing.rst:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _initialize_latlong
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/designing.rst:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _init_docstring_param_templ
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: x
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: y
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:42: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: distance
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/distances.rst:81: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: CartesianPoints
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:67: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: transform_to
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:116: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: from_name()
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:162: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.tests.test_api
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: MatrixTransform
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:233: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.old_builtin_systems_names.ICRSCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:233: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.old_builtin_systems_names.GalacticCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:233: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.old_builtin_systems_names.FK5Coordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:233: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.transformations.CoordinateTransform
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:233: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.old_builtin_systems_names.FK4NoETermCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:233: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.old_builtin_systems_names.HorizontalCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/index.rst:233: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.old_builtin_systems_names.FK4Coordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/matching.rst:6: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ra1
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/matching.rst:6: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: dec1
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/matching.rst:6: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ra2
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/matching.rst:6: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: dec2
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/matching.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: idx
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/matching.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: catalog
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/matching.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: c
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/matching.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: d2d
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/matching.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: d3d
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/matching.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: idx
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/separations.rst:4: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: separation
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Lambda
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Beta
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: SgrCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:42: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: __doc__
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:42: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: format()
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:42: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: params
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:42: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: params
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:42: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase._init_docstring_param_templ
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 'Lambda'
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:58: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 'Beta'
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: __init__()
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: __init__()
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: SgrCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _initialize_latlon()
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:94: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Lambda
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:94: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Beta
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:119: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: SgrCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:125: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: SgrCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:125: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.coordinates.angles.rotation_matrix
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:176: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: @transformations.transform_function(coord.Galactic, SgrCoordinates)
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:176: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Coordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:176: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:213: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: SgrCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:213: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: SgrCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst:213: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: SgrCoordinates
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/transforming.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: transform_to
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/transforming.rst:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.time.Time
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/coordinates/transforming.rst:66: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: obstime
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: H0
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:64: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Om
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:70: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:97: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: H0
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:97: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Tcmb0
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:145: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.units.Quantity
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:176: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:176: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cosmo
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:183: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z_at_value
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:193: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: zmin
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:193: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: zmax
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:252: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cosmology.parameters.available
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:274: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:277: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:320: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Tcmb0
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:320: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Neff
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:320: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: m_nu
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:320: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Tcmb0
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:320: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: m_nu
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:320: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Neff
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:353: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Tcmb0
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:362: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Neff
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:370: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Neff
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:370: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: Neff
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:412: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.cosmology.tests.test_cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: z
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:1: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: func(z) = fval
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/cosmology/index.rst:467: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.cosmology.core.Cosmology
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:5: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: distribute
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:33: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: get_package_data
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:30: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:38: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: get_extensions
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:54: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: get_build_options
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:44: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: setup.cfg
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: build --help
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:53: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.setup_helpers.get_distutils_build_option
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:65: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: get_external_libraries
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:57: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: --use-system-X
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:57: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.setup_helpers.use_system_library
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:57: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: get_extensions
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:72: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: requires_2to3
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 2to3
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 2to3
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: six
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:74: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.setup_helpers
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/building.rst:74: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: update_package_files
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:7: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: get_extensions
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:15: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: get_extensions
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:15: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: get_extensions
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:15: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: get_extensions
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: name
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:28: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: get_extensions
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:28: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: source
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: include
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:42: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: get_package_data
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:42: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:52: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _ASTROPY_SETUP_
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:52: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _ASTROPY_SETUP_
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:52: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/ccython.rst:61: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: _ASTROPY_SETUP_
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:17: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 2to3
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:69: WARNING: py:mod reference target not found: packagename.utils
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:69: WARNING: py:mod reference target not found: packagename.utils
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:97: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:109: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.config.ConfigurationItem
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:179: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:221: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.UNICODE_OUTPUT
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:229: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:243: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.UNICODE_OUTPUT
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:243: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.UNICODE_OUTPUT
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:248: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.UNICODE_OUTPUT
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:248: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.UNICODE_OUTPUT
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:298: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.test.helper.assert_follows_unicode_guidelines
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:358: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: py
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:366: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: six
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:366: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: six
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:372: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.extern
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:372: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: six
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:372: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: six
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:382: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 2to3
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:382: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: six
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:382: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 2to3
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:382: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: 2to3
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:382: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: six
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:390: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: six.moves
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:401: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: six
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:419: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: str()
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:429: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: pytest.mark.skipif
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:441: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: six
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:441: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: dict.items()
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:467: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: from __future__ import unicode_literals
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:467: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: b
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:470: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: u
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:470: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: u20af
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:522: WARNING: py:mod reference target not found: astropy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:522: WARNING: py:mod reference target not found: packagename
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:522: WARNING: py:mod reference target not found: awastropy.packagename
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:542: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: Star
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:715: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: foo
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:715: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: AClass
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:715: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: numpy.array
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide.rst:738: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: TypeError
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide_emacs.rst:16: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: python-mode
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide_emacs.rst:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: easy_install
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide_emacs.rst:19: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: pip
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide_emacs.rst:120: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: pep8
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide_emacs.rst:120: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: pyflakes
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide_emacs.rst:120: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: pychecker
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide_emacs.rst:168: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: C-t C-w
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide_emacs.rst:173: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: M-SPC
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide_emacs.rst:173: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: M-SPC
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/codeguide_emacs.rst:177: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: C-x C-o
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:61: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:68: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:74: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: html_theme
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:74: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: package-name/docs/
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:74: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: package-name
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:79: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: package-name/docs/_themes
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:79: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: '_themes'
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:79: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: html_theme_path
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:87: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy/astropy/sphinx/themes
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:87: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy/astropy/sphinx/
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:8: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodapi
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodsumm
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automod-diagram
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:49: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodapi_toctreedirnm
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:56: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodapi_writereprocessed
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:52: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodapi
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:7: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodapi
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodsumm
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: sphinx.ext.autosummary
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: autosummary
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: autosummary
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: autosummary
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: sphinx.ext.autosummary
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:51: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodsumm_writereprocessed
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:46: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automodsumm
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: automod-diagram
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:57: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:15: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: edit_on_github_project
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: edit_on_github_branch
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:25: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: edit_on_github_source_root
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:31: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: edit_on_github_doc_root
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:35: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: edit_on_github_docstring_message
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: edit_on_github_page_message
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:43: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: edit_on_github_help_message
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:48: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: edit_on_github_skip_regex
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:120: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: docrules
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docguide.rst:131: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.spinx.ext
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docrules.rst:510: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ndarray
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/docrules.rst:510: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: array_like
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/releasing.rst:178: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy-website
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: py.test
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:99: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: py.test
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:99: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: py.test
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:142: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: py.test
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:142: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: py.test
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:201: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: tests
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:283: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:283: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:497: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.tests.helper.catch_warnings
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:515: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.tests.helper.catch_warnings
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:526: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:535: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: bytes
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:729: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.test
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:729: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy/tests/coveragerc
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:744: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:773: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: pytest-xdist
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:773: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: pip
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:778: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: --parallel
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/testguide.rst:783: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: --parallel
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/workflow/development_workflow.rst:500: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: env_name
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/workflow/development_workflow.rst:506: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: env_name
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/workflow/development_workflow.rst:506: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: lsvirtualenv
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/workflow/maintainer_workflow.rst:154: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: release
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/development/workflow/maintainer_workflow.rst:158: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: backport-*
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/getting_started.rst:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/index.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/index.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/install.rst:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: pip
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/install.rst:35: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: pip
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/install.rst:100: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: astropy.test
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/install.rst:209: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: --use-system-X
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/install.rst:209: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: build
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/install.rst:215: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: libexpat
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/install.rst:227: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: setup.cfg
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/install.rst:227: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/install.rst:227: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: libexpat
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/install.rst:227: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: setup.cfg
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/extension_classes.rst:8: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/extension_classes.rst:8: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/extension_classes.rst:8: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/extension_classes.rst:14: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: deluxetable
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/extension_classes.rst:23: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: tabular
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/fixed_width_gallery.rst:18: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/fixed_width_gallery.rst:18: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/fixed_width_gallery.rst:18: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/index.rst:23: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: tabular
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/index.rst:151: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: io.ascii
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/read.rst:24: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/read.rst:116: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/read.rst:229: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/read.rst:272: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
io/ascii/references.txt:3: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:47: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:47: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:56: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:80: WARNING: py:mod reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:80: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:104: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:104: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:104: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: names
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:143: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:149: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:149: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:161: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: astropy.table.Table
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:174: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/ascii/write.rst:174: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/cards.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/cards.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: list
[u'CardList.insert(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.1', u' Use :meth:`Header.insert` instead.', u'', u'Insert a `Card` to the `CardList`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **pos** : int', u'', u' The position (index, keyword name will not be allowed) to', u' insert. The new card will be inserted before it.', u'', u' **card** : `Card` object', u'', u' The card to be inserted.', u'', u' **useblanks** : bool, optional', u'', u' If ``useblanks`` is `True`, and if there are blank cards directly', u' before ``END``, it will use this space first, instead of appending', u' after these blank cards, so the total space will not increase.', u' When `useblanks` is `False`, the card will be appended at the end,', u' even if there are blank cards in front of ``END``.']:21: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: useblanks
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/diff.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/diff.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/diff.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/diff.rst:32: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: diff_duplicate_keywords
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/diff.rst:39: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ignore_keywords
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/diff.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/diff.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/diff.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/files.rst:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: name
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/files.rst:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: mode
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/files.rst:43: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: int16
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/files.rst:43: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: uint16
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/files.rst:24: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/files.rst:11: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: data
[u'getdata(filename, *args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Get the data from an extension of a FITS file (and optionally the', u'header).', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **filename** : file path, file object, or file like object', u'', u' File to get data from. If opened, mode must be one of the', u' following rb, rb+, or ab+.', u' ', u'', u' **ext** : ', u'', u' The rest of the arguments are for extension specification.', u' They are flexible and are best illustrated by examples.', u' ', u' No extra arguments implies the primary header::', u' ', u" getdata('in.fits')", u' ', u' By extension number::', u' ', u" getdata('in.fits', 0) # the primary header", u" getdata('in.fits', 2) # the second extension", u" getdata('in.fits', ext=2) # the second extension", u' ', u' By name, i.e., ``EXTNAME`` value (if unique)::', u' ', u" getdata('in.fits', 'sci')", u" getdata('in.fits', extname='sci') # equivalent", u' ', u' Note ``EXTNAME`` values are not case sensitive', u' ', u' By combination of ``EXTNAME`` and EXTVER`` as separate', u' arguments or as a tuple::', u' ', u" getdata('in.fits', 'sci', 2) # EXTNAME='SCI' & EXTVER=2", u" getdata('in.fits', extname='sci', extver=2) # equivalent", u" getdata('in.fits', ('sci', 2)) # equivalent", u' ', u' Ambiguous or conflicting specifications will raise an exception::', u' ', u" getdata('in.fits', ext=('sci',1), extname='err', extver=2)", u' ', u'', u' **header** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True`, return the data and the header of the specified HDU as a', u' tuple.', u' ', u'', u' **lower, upper** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `lower` or `upper` are `True`, the field names in the', u' returned data object will be converted to lower or upper case,', u' respectively.', u' ', u'', u' **view** : ndarray, optional', u'', u' When given, the data will be returned wrapped in the given ndarray', u' subclass by calling::', u' ', u' data.view(view)', u' ', u'', u' **kwargs** : ', u'', u' Any additional keyword arguments to be passed to', u' ``.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **array** : array, record array or groups data object', u'', u' Type depends on the type of the extension being referenced.', u' ', u' If the optional keyword ``header`` is set to `True`, this', u' function will return a (``data``, ``header``) tuple.']:53: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: lower
[u'getdata(filename, *args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'', u'', u'Get the data from an extension of a FITS file (and optionally the', u'header).', u'', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **filename** : file path, file object, or file like object', u'', u' File to get data from. If opened, mode must be one of the', u' following rb, rb+, or ab+.', u' ', u'', u' **ext** : ', u'', u' The rest of the arguments are for extension specification.', u' They are flexible and are best illustrated by examples.', u' ', u' No extra arguments implies the primary header::', u' ', u" getdata('in.fits')", u' ', u' By extension number::', u' ', u" getdata('in.fits', 0) # the primary header", u" getdata('in.fits', 2) # the second extension", u" getdata('in.fits', ext=2) # the second extension", u' ', u' By name, i.e., ``EXTNAME`` value (if unique)::', u' ', u" getdata('in.fits', 'sci')", u" getdata('in.fits', extname='sci') # equivalent", u' ', u' Note ``EXTNAME`` values are not case sensitive', u' ', u' By combination of ``EXTNAME`` and EXTVER`` as separate', u' arguments or as a tuple::', u' ', u" getdata('in.fits', 'sci', 2) # EXTNAME='SCI' & EXTVER=2", u" getdata('in.fits', extname='sci', extver=2) # equivalent", u" getdata('in.fits', ('sci', 2)) # equivalent", u' ', u' Ambiguous or conflicting specifications will raise an exception::', u' ', u" getdata('in.fits', ext=('sci',1), extname='err', extver=2)", u' ', u'', u' **header** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True`, return the data and the header of the specified HDU as a', u' tuple.', u' ', u'', u' **lower, upper** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `lower` or `upper` are `True`, the field names in the', u' returned data object will be converted to lower or upper case,', u' respectively.', u' ', u'', u' **view** : ndarray, optional', u'', u' When given, the data will be returned wrapped in the given ndarray', u' subclass by calling::', u' ', u' data.view(view)', u' ', u'', u' **kwargs** : ', u'', u' Any additional keyword arguments to be passed to', u' ``.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **array** : array, record array or groups data object', u'', u' Type depends on the type of the extension being referenced.', u' ', u' If the optional keyword ``header`` is set to `True`, this', u' function will return a (``data``, ``header``) tuple.']:53: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: upper
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/hdulists.rst:25: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/hdulists.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: list
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/hdulists.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
[u'HDUList.fromfile(fileobj, mode=None, memmap=False, save_backup=False, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'Creates an `HDUList` instance from a file-like object.', u'', u"The actual implementation of :func:`fitsopen`, and generally shouldn't", u'be used directly. Use :func:`open` instead (and see its', u'documentation for details of the parameters accepted by this method).']:5: WARNING: py:func reference target not found: fitsopen
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/hdus.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
[u'PrimaryHDU.readfrom(fileobj, checksum=False, ignore_missing_end=False, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'Read the HDU from a file. Normally an HDU should be opened with', u'`` which reads the entire HDU list in a FITS file. But this', u'method is still provided for symmetry with `writeto`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file object or file-like object', u'', u" Input FITS file. The file's seek pointer is assumed to be at the", u' beginning of the HDU.', u'', u' **checksum** : bool', u'', u' If `True`, verifies that both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` card', u' values (when present in the HDU header) match the header and data', u" of all HDU's in the file.", u'', u' **ignore_missing_end** : bool', u'', u' Do not issue an exception when opening a file that is missing an', u' ``END`` card in the last header.']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
[u'PrimaryHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
[u'PrimaryHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'PrimaryHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'PrimaryHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
[u'PrimaryHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'PrimaryHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/hdus.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/hdus.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
[u'GroupsHDU.readfrom(fileobj, checksum=False, ignore_missing_end=False, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'Read the HDU from a file. Normally an HDU should be opened with', u'`` which reads the entire HDU list in a FITS file. But this', u'method is still provided for symmetry with `writeto`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file object or file-like object', u'', u" Input FITS file. The file's seek pointer is assumed to be at the", u' beginning of the HDU.', u'', u' **checksum** : bool', u'', u' If `True`, verifies that both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` card', u' values (when present in the HDU header) match the header and data', u" of all HDU's in the file.", u'', u' **ignore_missing_end** : bool', u'', u' Do not issue an exception when opening a file that is missing an', u' ``END`` card in the last header.']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
[u'GroupsHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
[u'GroupsHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'GroupsHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'GroupsHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
[u'GroupsHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'GroupsHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/hdus.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/hdus.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/hdus.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
[u'StreamingHDU.write(data)', u':module:', u'', u'Write the given data to the stream.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data** : ndarray', u'', u' Data to stream to the file.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **writecomplete** : int', u'', u' Flag that when `True` indicates that all of the required', u' data has been written to the stream.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'Only the amount of data specified in the header provided to the class', u'constructor may be written to the stream. If the provided data would', u'cause the stream to overflow, an `IOError` exception is raised and the', u'data is not written. Once sufficient data has been written to the', u'stream to satisfy the amount specified in the header, the stream is', u'padded to fill a complete FITS block and no more data will be accepted.', u'An attempt to write more data after the stream has been filled will', u'raise an `IOError` exception. If the dtype of the input data does not', u'match what is expected by the header, a `TypeError` exception is', u'raised.']:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: IOError
[u'StreamingHDU.write(data)', u':module:', u'', u'Write the given data to the stream.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data** : ndarray', u'', u' Data to stream to the file.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **writecomplete** : int', u'', u' Flag that when `True` indicates that all of the required', u' data has been written to the stream.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'Only the amount of data specified in the header provided to the class', u'constructor may be written to the stream. If the provided data would', u'cause the stream to overflow, an `IOError` exception is raised and the', u'data is not written. Once sufficient data has been written to the', u'stream to satisfy the amount specified in the header, the stream is', u'padded to fill a complete FITS block and no more data will be accepted.', u'An attempt to write more data after the stream has been filled will', u'raise an `IOError` exception. If the dtype of the input data does not', u'match what is expected by the header, a `TypeError` exception is', u'raised.']:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: IOError
[u'StreamingHDU.write(data)', u':module:', u'', u'Write the given data to the stream.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **data** : ndarray', u'', u' Data to stream to the file.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **writecomplete** : int', u'', u' Flag that when `True` indicates that all of the required', u' data has been written to the stream.', u'', u'.. rubric:: Notes', u'', u'Only the amount of data specified in the header provided to the class', u'constructor may be written to the stream. If the provided data would', u'cause the stream to overflow, an `IOError` exception is raised and the', u'data is not written. Once sufficient data has been written to the', u'stream to satisfy the amount specified in the header, the stream is', u'padded to fill a complete FITS block and no more data will be accepted.', u'An attempt to write more data after the stream has been filled will', u'raise an `IOError` exception. If the dtype of the input data does not', u'match what is expected by the header, a `TypeError` exception is', u'raised.']:20: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: TypeError
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/headers.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
[u'Header.append(card=None, useblanks=True, bottom=False, end=False)', u':module:', u'', u'Appends a new keyword+value card to the end of the Header, similar', u'to `list.append`.', u'', u'By default if the last cards in the Header have commentary keywords,', u'this will append the new keyword before the commentary (unless the new', u'keyword is also commentary).', u'', u'Also differs from `list.append` in that it can be called with no', u'arguments: In this case a blank card is appended to the end of the', u'Header. In the case all the keyword arguments are ignored.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **card** : str, tuple', u'', u' A keyword or a (keyword, value, [comment]) tuple representing a', u' single header card; the comment is optional in which case a', u' 2-tuple may be used', u'', u' **useblanks** : bool, optional', u'', u' If there are blank cards at the end of the Header, replace the', u' first blank card so that the total number of cards in the Header', u' does not increase. Otherwise preserve the number of blank cards.', u'', u' **bottom** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True, instead of appending after the last non-commentary card,', u' append after the last non-blank card.', u'', u' **end** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True, ignore the useblanks and bottom options, and append at the', u' very end of the Header.']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: list.append
[u'Header.append(card=None, useblanks=True, bottom=False, end=False)', u':module:', u'', u'Appends a new keyword+value card to the end of the Header, similar', u'to `list.append`.', u'', u'By default if the last cards in the Header have commentary keywords,', u'this will append the new keyword before the commentary (unless the new', u'keyword is also commentary).', u'', u'Also differs from `list.append` in that it can be called with no', u'arguments: In this case a blank card is appended to the end of the', u'Header. In the case all the keyword arguments are ignored.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **card** : str, tuple', u'', u' A keyword or a (keyword, value, [comment]) tuple representing a', u' single header card; the comment is optional in which case a', u' 2-tuple may be used', u'', u' **useblanks** : bool, optional', u'', u' If there are blank cards at the end of the Header, replace the', u' first blank card so that the total number of cards in the Header', u' does not increase. Otherwise preserve the number of blank cards.', u'', u' **bottom** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True, instead of appending after the last non-commentary card,', u' append after the last non-blank card.', u'', u' **end** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True, ignore the useblanks and bottom options, and append at the', u' very end of the Header.']:10: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: list.append
[u'Header.count(keyword)', u':module:', u'', u'Returns the count of the given keyword in the header, similar to', u'`list.count` if the Header object is treated as a list of keywords.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **keyword** : str', u'', u' The keyword to count instances of in the header']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: list.count
[u'Header.extend(cards, strip=True, unique=False, update=False, update_first=False, useblanks=True, bottom=False, end=False)', u':module:', u'', u'Appends multiple keyword+value cards to the end of the header, similar', u'to `list.extend`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **cards** : iterable', u'', u' An iterable of (keyword, value, [comment]) tuples; see', u' `Header.append`.', u'', u' **strip** : bool, optional', u'', u' Remove any keywords that have meaning only to specific types of', u' HDUs, so that only more general keywords are added from extension', u' Header or Card list (default: `True`).', u'', u' **unique** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True`, ensures that no duplicate keywords are appended;', u' keywords already in this header are simply discarded. The', u' exception is commentary keywords (COMMENT, HISTORY, etc.): they are', u' only treated as duplicates if their values match.', u'', u' **update** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True`, update the current header with the values and comments', u' from duplicate keywords in the input header. This supercedes the', u' ``unique`` argument. Commentary keywords are treated the same as', u' if ``unique=True``.', u'', u' **update_first** : bool, optional', u'', u" If the first keyword in the header is 'SIMPLE', and the first", u" keyword in the input header is 'XTENSION', the 'SIMPLE' keyword is", u" replaced by the 'XTENSION' keyword. Likewise if the first keyword", u" in the header is 'XTENSION' and the first keyword in the input", u" header is 'SIMPLE', the 'XTENSION' keyword is replaced by the", u" 'SIMPLE' keyword. This behavior is otherwise dumb as to whether or", u' not the resulting header is a valid primary or extension header.', u' This is mostly provided to support backwards compatibility with the', u' old :meth:`Header.fromTxtFile` method, and only applies if', u' ``update=True``.', u'', u' **useblanks, bottom, end** : bool, optional', u'', u' These arguments are passed to :meth:`Header.append` while appending', u' new cards to the header.']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: list.extend
[u"Header.fromfile(fileobj, sep='', endcard=True, padding=True)", u':module:', u'', u'Similar to :meth:`Header.fromstring`, but reads the header string from', u'a given file-like object or filename.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileobj** : str, file-like', u'', u' A filename or an open file-like object from which a FITS header is', u' to be read. For open file handles the file pointer must be at the', u' beginning of the header.', u'', u' **sep** : str, optional', u'', u' The string separating cards from each other, such as a newline. By', u' default there is no card separator (as is the case in a raw FITS', u' file).', u'', u' **endcard** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True (the default) the header must end with an END card in order', u' to be considered valid. If an END card is not found an `IOError`', u' is raised.', u'', u' **padding** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True (the default) the header will be required to be padded out', u' to a multiple of 2880, the FITS header block size. Otherwise any', u' padding, or lack thereof, is ignored.', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **header** : ', u'', u' A new `Header` instance.']:22: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: IOError
[u'Header.index(keyword, start=None, stop=None)', u':module:', u'', u'Returns the index if the first instance of the given keyword in the', u'header, similar to `list.index` if the Header object is treated as a', u'list of keywords.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **keyword** : str', u'', u' The keyword to look up in the list of all keywords in the header', u'', u' **start** : int, optional', u'', u' The lower bound for the index', u'', u' **stop** : int, optional', u'', u' The upper bound for the index']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: list.index
[u'Header.insert(key, card, useblanks=True, after=False)', u':module:', u'', u'Inserts a new keyword+value card into the Header at a given location,', u'similar to `list.insert`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **key** : int, str, or tuple', u'', u' The index into the the list of header keywords before which the', u' new keyword should be inserted, or the name of a keyword before', u' which the new keyword should be inserted. Can also accept a', u' (keyword, index) tuple for inserting around duplicate keywords.', u'', u' **card** : str, tuple', u'', u' A keyword or a (keyword, value, [comment]) tuple; see', u' `Header.append`', u'', u' **useblanks** : bool, optional', u'', u' If there are blank cards at the end of the Header, replace the', u' first blank card so that the total number of cards in the Header', u' does not increase. Otherwise preserve the number of blank cards.', u'', u' **after** : bool, optional', u'', u' If set to `True`, insert *after* the specified index or keyword,', u' rather than before it. Defaults to `False`.']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: list.insert
[u'Header.pop(*args)', u':module:', u'', u'Works like :meth:`list.pop` if no arguments or an index argument are', u'supplied; otherwise works like :meth:`dict.pop`.']:3: WARNING: py:meth reference target not found: list.pop
[u'Header.remove(keyword)', u':module:', u'', u'Removes the first instance of the given keyword from the header similar', u'to `list.remove` if the Header object is treated as a list of keywords.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' The keyword of which to remove the first instance in the header']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: list.remove
[u'Header.rename_keyword(oldkeyword, newkeyword, force=False)', u':module:', u'', u"Rename a card's keyword in the header.", u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **oldkeyword** : str or int', u'', u' Old keyword or card index', u'', u' **newkeyword** : str', u'', u' New keyword', u'', u' **force** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, if the new keyword already exists in the header, force', u' the creation of a duplicate keyword. Otherwise a `ValueError` is', u' raised.']:17: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: ValueError
[u'Header.setdefault(key, default=None)', u':module:', u'', u'Similar to :meth:`dict.setitem`.']:3: WARNING: py:meth reference target not found: dict.setitem
[u"Header.tofile(fileobj, sep='', endcard=True, padding=True, clobber=False)", u':module:', u'', u'Writes the header to file or file-like object.', u'', u'By default this writes the header exactly as it would be written to a', u'FITS file, with the END card included and padding to the next multiple', u'of 2880 bytes. However, aspects of this may be controlled.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileobj** : str, file, optional', u'', u' Either the pathname of a file, or an open file handle or file-like', u' object', u'', u' **sep** : str, optional', u'', u' The character or string with which to separate cards. By default', u" there is no separator, but one could use `'\\\\n'`, for example, to", u' separate each card with a new line', u'', u' **endcard** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True` (default) adds the END card to the end of the header', u' string', u'', u' **padding** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True` (default) pads the string with spaces out to the next', u' multiple of 2880 characters', u'', u' **clobber** : bool, optional', u'', u' If `True`, overwrites the output file if it already exists']:18: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: '\n'
[u"Header.tostring(sep='', endcard=True, padding=True)", u':module:', u'', u'Returns a string representation of the header.', u'', u'By default this uses no separator between cards, adds the END card, and', u'pads the string with spaces to the next multiple of 2880 bytes. That', u'is, it returns the header exactly as it would appear in a FITS file.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **sep** : str, optional', u'', u' The character or string with which to separate cards. By default', u" there is no separator, but one could use `'\\\\n'`, for example, to", u' separate each card with a new line', u'', u' **endcard** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True (default) adds the END card to the end of the header', u' string', u'', u' **padding** : bool, optional', u'', u' If True (default) pads the string with spaces out to the next', u' multiple of 2880 characters', u'', u':Returns:', u'', u' **s** : str', u'', u' A string representing a FITS header.']:13: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: '\n'
[u'Header.update(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'Update the Header with new keyword values, updating the values of', u'existing keywords and appending new keywords otherwise; similar to', u'`dict.update`.', u'', u'`update` accepts either a dict-like object or an iterable. In the', u'former case the keys must be header keywords and the values may be', u'either scalar values or (value, comment) tuples. In the case of an', u'iterable the items must be (keyword, value) tuples or (keyword, value,', u'comment) tuples.', u'', u'Arbitrary arguments are also accepted, in which case the update() is', u'called again with the kwargs dict as its only argument. That is,', u'', u'::', u'', u' >>> header.update(NAXIS1=100, NAXIS2=100)', u'', u'is equivalent to::', u'', u" header.update({'NAXIS1': 100, 'NAXIS2': 100})", u'', u'.. warning::', u' As this method works similarly to `dict.update` it is very', u' different from the ``Header.update()`` method in PyFITS versions', u' prior to 3.1.0. However, support for the old API is also', u' maintained for backwards compatibility. If update() is called with', u' at least two positional arguments then it can be assumed that the', u' old API is being used. Use of the old API should be considered', u' **deprecated**. Most uses of the old API can be replaced as', u' follows:', u'', u' * Replace ::', u'', u' header.update(keyword, value)', u'', u' with ::', u'', u' header[keyword] = value', u'', u' * Replace ::', u'', u' header.update(keyword, value, comment=comment)', u'', u' with ::', u'', u' header[keyword] = (value, comment)', u'', u' * Replace ::', u'', u' header.update(keyword, value, before=before_keyword)', u'', u' with ::', u'', u' header.insert(before_keyword, (keyword, value))', u'', u' * Replace ::', u'', u' header.update(keyword, value, after=after_keyword)', u'', u' with ::', u'', u' header.insert(after_keyword, (keyword, value),', u' after=True)', u'', u' See also :meth:`Header.set` which is a new method that provides an', u' interface similar to the old ``Header.update()`` and may help make', u' transition a little easier.', u'', u' For reference, the old documentation for the old', u' ``Header.update()`` is provided below:', u'', u'Update one header card.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists, it's value and/or comment will be", u'updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created and it will', u'be placed before or after the specified location. If no ``before`` or', u'``after`` is specified, it will be appended at the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **key** : str', u'', u' keyword', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' value to be used for updating', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' to be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str, int, optional', u'', u' name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which', u' the new card will be placed. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both specified.', u'', u' **after** : str, int, optional', u'', u' name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' ``comment`` if both specified. If ``comment`` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:108: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/images.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/images.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
[u'ImageHDU.readfrom(fileobj, checksum=False, ignore_missing_end=False, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'Read the HDU from a file. Normally an HDU should be opened with', u'`` which reads the entire HDU list in a FITS file. But this', u'method is still provided for symmetry with `writeto`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file object or file-like object', u'', u" Input FITS file. The file's seek pointer is assumed to be at the", u' beginning of the HDU.', u'', u' **checksum** : bool', u'', u' If `True`, verifies that both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` card', u' values (when present in the HDU header) match the header and data', u" of all HDU's in the file.", u'', u' **ignore_missing_end** : bool', u'', u' Do not issue an exception when opening a file that is missing an', u' ``END`` card in the last header.']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
[u'ImageHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
[u'ImageHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'ImageHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'ImageHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
[u'ImageHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'ImageHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/images.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
[u'CompImageHDU.compData', u':module:', u':annotation: None', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the `.compressed_data attribute` instead.', u'', u'\\ ']:5: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: compressed_data attribute
[u'CompImageHDU.readfrom(fileobj, checksum=False, ignore_missing_end=False, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'Read the HDU from a file. Normally an HDU should be opened with', u'`` which reads the entire HDU list in a FITS file. But this', u'method is still provided for symmetry with `writeto`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file object or file-like object', u'', u" Input FITS file. The file's seek pointer is assumed to be at the", u' beginning of the HDU.', u'', u' **checksum** : bool', u'', u' If `True`, verifies that both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` card', u' values (when present in the HDU header) match the header and data', u" of all HDU's in the file.", u'', u' **ignore_missing_end** : bool', u'', u' Do not issue an exception when opening a file that is missing an', u' ``END`` card in the last header.']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
[u"CompImageHDU.scale(type=None, option='old', bscale=1, bzero=0)", u':module:', u'', u'Scale image data by using ``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO``.', u'', u'Calling this method will scale `` and update the keywords of', u'``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO`` in `self._header` and `self._image_header`.', u'This method should only be used right before writing to the output', u'file, as the data will be scaled and is therefore not very usable after', u'the call.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **type** : str, optional', u'', u' destination data type, use a string representing a numpy dtype', u" name, (e.g. ``'uint8'``, ``'int16'``, ``'float32'`` etc.). If is", u' `None`, use the current data type.', u'', u' **option** : str, optional', u'', u' how to scale the data: if ``"old"``, use the original ``BSCALE``', u' and ``BZERO`` values when the data was read/created. If', u' ``"minmax"``, use the minimum and maximum of the data to scale.', u' The option will be overwritten by any user-specified bscale/bzero', u' values.', u'', u' **bscale, bzero** : int, optional', u'', u' user specified ``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO`` values.']:5: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
[u"CompImageHDU.scale(type=None, option='old', bscale=1, bzero=0)", u':module:', u'', u'Scale image data by using ``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO``.', u'', u'Calling this method will scale `` and update the keywords of', u'``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO`` in `self._header` and `self._image_header`.', u'This method should only be used right before writing to the output', u'file, as the data will be scaled and is therefore not very usable after', u'the call.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **type** : str, optional', u'', u' destination data type, use a string representing a numpy dtype', u" name, (e.g. ``'uint8'``, ``'int16'``, ``'float32'`` etc.). If is", u' `None`, use the current data type.', u'', u' **option** : str, optional', u'', u' how to scale the data: if ``"old"``, use the original ``BSCALE``', u' and ``BZERO`` values when the data was read/created. If', u' ``"minmax"``, use the minimum and maximum of the data to scale.', u' The option will be overwritten by any user-specified bscale/bzero', u' values.', u'', u' **bscale, bzero** : int, optional', u'', u' user specified ``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO`` values.']:5: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: self._header
[u"CompImageHDU.scale(type=None, option='old', bscale=1, bzero=0)", u':module:', u'', u'Scale image data by using ``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO``.', u'', u'Calling this method will scale `` and update the keywords of', u'``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO`` in `self._header` and `self._image_header`.', u'This method should only be used right before writing to the output', u'file, as the data will be scaled and is therefore not very usable after', u'the call.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **type** : str, optional', u'', u' destination data type, use a string representing a numpy dtype', u" name, (e.g. ``'uint8'``, ``'int16'``, ``'float32'`` etc.). If is", u' `None`, use the current data type.', u'', u' **option** : str, optional', u'', u' how to scale the data: if ``"old"``, use the original ``BSCALE``', u' and ``BZERO`` values when the data was read/created. If', u' ``"minmax"``, use the minimum and maximum of the data to scale.', u' The option will be overwritten by any user-specified bscale/bzero', u' values.', u'', u' **bscale, bzero** : int, optional', u'', u' user specified ``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO`` values.']:5: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: self._image_header
[u'CompImageHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
[u'CompImageHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'CompImageHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'CompImageHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
[u'CompImageHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'CompImageHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/images.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/tables.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
[u'BinTableHDU.readfrom(fileobj, checksum=False, ignore_missing_end=False, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'Read the HDU from a file. Normally an HDU should be opened with', u'`` which reads the entire HDU list in a FITS file. But this', u'method is still provided for symmetry with `writeto`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file object or file-like object', u'', u" Input FITS file. The file's seek pointer is assumed to be at the", u' beginning of the HDU.', u'', u' **checksum** : bool', u'', u' If `True`, verifies that both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` card', u' values (when present in the HDU header) match the header and data', u" of all HDU's in the file.", u'', u' **ignore_missing_end** : bool', u'', u' Do not issue an exception when opening a file that is missing an', u' ``END`` card in the last header.']:3: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found:
[u'BinTableHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
[u'BinTableHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'BinTableHDU.update_ext_name(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.name`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension name associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension name', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating, default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'BinTableHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: savecomment
[u'BinTableHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
[u'BinTableHDU.update_ext_version(*args, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'.. deprecated:: 0.3', u' Use the ``.ver`` attribute or `Header.set` instead.', u'', u'Update the extension version associated with the HDU.', u'', u"If the keyword already exists in the Header, it's value and/or comment", u'will be updated. If it does not exist, a new card will be created', u'and it will be placed before or after the specified location.', u'If no ``before`` or ``after`` is specified, it will be appended at', u'the end.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **value** : str', u'', u' Value to be used for the new extension version', u'', u' **comment** : str, optional', u'', u' To be used for updating; default=None.', u'', u' **before** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` before which the new', u' card will be placed in the Header. The argument ``before`` takes', u' precedence over ``after`` if both are specified.', u'', u' **after** : str or int, optional', u'', u' Name of the keyword, or index of the `Card` after which', u' the new card will be placed in the Header.', u'', u' **savecomment** : bool, optional', u'', u' When `True`, preserve the current comment for an existing', u' keyword. The argument `savecomment` takes precedence over', u' `comment` if both specified. If `comment` is not', u' specified then the current comment will automatically be', u' preserved.']:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: comment
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/io/fits/api/tables.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found:
[u'TableHDU.readfrom(fileobj, checksum=False, ignore_missing_end=False, **kwargs)', u':module:', u'', u'Read the HDU from a file. Normally an HDU should be opened with', u'`` which reads the entire HDU list in a FITS file. But this', u'method is still provided for symmetry with `writeto`.', u'', u':Parameters:', u'', u' **fileobj** : file object or file-like object', u'', u" Input FITS file. The file's seek pointer is assumed to be at the", u' beginning of the HDU.', u'', u' **checksum** : bool
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